=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell [09:22] bregma, fginther, Mirv: Hi :) I know it is Sunday, but this fixes the calculation of the top-left corner in Grid and needs approval: https://code.launchpad.net/~mc-return/compiz/compiz.merge-fix1139835-grid-wrong-top-left-corner-calculation/+merge/151358 [09:22] So, if you have a minute... [15:07] I created a .desktop file and added it to the unity launcher.. When I click the icon the first time, it loads just fine.. I click it again, and the app starts a 2nd time. Is there a way to make it work like any other (say firefox) where if you click it the second time, you are taken to the app, instead of opening a second one? [15:32] cjohnston_: Probably a window matching problem. Try setting a StartupWMClass: http://askubuntu.com/q/36434 [15:34] jjed: I already have: StartupWMClass=Terminal Velocity [15:34] tho I'm guessing maybe the space is illegal? [15:35] cjohnston_: WM_CLASSes usually aren't two words... did you check with xprop? [15:41] awesomeness jjed.. thanks much [16:15] jjed: you still around by chance? [16:15] yes [16:15] jjed: it works now.. I just ran it through the desktop-file-validator, and got an error. im not exactly sure how to handle [16:16] mind trying to assist me? [16:16] paste it to pastebin? [16:16] file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5582590/ [16:17] error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5582594/ [16:19] cjohnston_: Just replace your ' quotes with " quotes in the exec line [16:20] sweet.. other than that, how does the file look? [16:24] cjohnston_: everything looks fine [16:24] thanks jjed