
Unit193Doesn't work.04:57
Unit193It done broke.04:57
eliezer40Lol thanks. Just making sure i set it up correctly04:58
=== Cheri703_ is now known as Cheri703
eliezer40How's everyone doing?18:49
paultageliezer40: chilln'. How are you?18:58
* skellat notes that Burning Circle 103 is now up here: http://ohio.ubuntu-us.org/node/13619:08
paultagearly, eh, skellat? :)19:09
skellatAs noted at the beginning, we're violating our release schedule since all sorts of things in the Ubuntu ecosphere have been violated over the past week :-)19:10
skellatHappy Camper I am not19:11
paultagI don't disagree, really.19:11
skellatYou saw my blueprint last night for "contingencies"19:12
Unit193KDE isn't working right now?  Why fix it when we can drop it??   :P19:13
skellatDesktop isn't working right now?  Why fix it when we can move toward "convergence"?19:13
Unit193It's great, they aren't saying what's going on, so you don't know if you should work on raring or not.19:13
skellatIt does appear that 13.04 is going bye-bye according to the video I linked in the show post19:14
Unit193Yeah, way too soon.19:14
skellatOf course, I only got through 20 minutes of it before my TWC connection crapped out19:14
skellatUnit193: Make sure you sign on to this: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/xubuntu-desktop/+spec/contingencies19:16
eliezer40Why would raring be going bye bye?19:19
skellateliezer40: That's what is unclear.  I should be learning more at the virtual Ubuntu Developer Summit later this week.  There is talk of abandoning the 6 month release cadence but implementation is unclear.  Will it happen after raring releases or will 13.04 never be released?  Riddell from Kubuntu has been questioning that as have others.19:21
eliezer40Hmm. Very interesting. Reading the link you put up.19:22
skellatYeah, this is the video I have to get back to finishing watching: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z04ndWaVfJs&feature=youtu.be19:24
eliezer40Thanks for the info. I was looking forward to raring.19:26
skellatIt may still happen19:26
skellatIt might not19:26
skellatWe'll know for sure by Wednesday night19:26
skellatUnit193: Go to 39 minutes into the video as they talk about flavors finally19:49
skellatFinally finished the video of the Rolling Release Proposal.  I hope *something* concrete turns up during UDS-1303 as there were way too many points where there were no answers especially for the flavors.20:11

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