
basiclaserActionParsnip, ERROR: z.sh is meant to be sourced, not directly executed.00:00
ActionParsnipsrpx: if you run: service vsftpd status  is it running?00:00
SrPxActionParsnip: no. Status: stop/waiting. O.o00:00
bekksSrPx: sudo lsof -i00:01
ntzrmtthihu777#cpp is empty, anyone here can help me out with a problem?00:01
ActionParsnipbasiclaser: where did you get the file from?00:01
SrPxbekks: want the full output00:02
ActionParsnipbasiclaser: i'd contact the author00:03
bekksSrPx: Just look whats running on your ftp port :)00:03
LJSeinfeldtrying to get a command to run @reboot via cron (as root) -- did sudo crontab -e and put my command in there -but it doesn't seem to be working00:03
basiclaserActionParsnip, ok thanks for your help :)00:03
SrPxbekks: but it doesn't show the port :(00:03
bekksSrPx: Then pastebin the entire output please.00:04
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit00:04
ActionParsnipljseinfeld: do you have a desktop OS or is it CLI only?00:04
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LJSeinfelddestktop os00:05
sjuxaxHello. I have an Ubuntu machine here which is LVM on LUKS. I have a boot line like kernel /vmlinuz_x.x root=/dev/mapper/ubuntu-root ro. When I boot, I get dropped to busybox where I must use cryptsetup to manually unlock my partition, and then continue booting normally. What is the line I need for cryptsetup to prompt me for a password while booting, instead of making me invoke a full line?00:05
LJSeinfeldmember:identifier:actionparsnip desktop os00:05
LJSeinfeldcommand works fine --but has to be run as sudo00:06
ActionParsnipljseinfeld: install gnome-schedule and then run: gksudo gnome-schedule00:06
azizLIGHTSif im running ubuntu 12.04 from live usb (livecd from usb flash drive) is it possible to remove the flash drive after im into the livecd?00:06
SrPx_bekks: http://pastebin.com/Tu6Pic4Y00:06
ActionParsnipaxizlights: i dont believe so00:07
bekksSrPx_: And how exactly are you trying to connect to your server?00:07
kiarespondis there a channel for RoboCode?00:07
SrPx_bekks: using ExpanDrive (OSX app), connecting to it's ip using root / password ...00:08
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azizLIGHTSActionParsnip: why not? isnt the livecd loaded into ram00:08
bekksSrPx_: USe an FTP client :)00:08
SrPx_bekks: it is an ftp client00:08
bekksSrPx_: Then configure it to use ftp instead of sftp and it will fail to connect.00:09
ActionParsnipazizlights: not fully00:09
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sebsebsebhi ActionParsnip00:09
SrPx_bekks: sure... but why sftp works?00:10
SrPx_bekks: and how do you know?00:10
bekksSrPx_: Because sftp uses ssh, and not ftp. :P00:10
SrPx_bekks: u_u00:10
SrPx_bekks: and ssh is built in on ubuntu, I guess?00:10
bekksSrPx_: In fact, thats what you want. sftp is encrypted, ftp isnt.00:10
bekksSrPx_: At least it is up and running on your server.00:11
ActionParsnipsrpx: it can be added. its not enabled by default00:11
SrPx_bekks: but can I configure sftp, the build in, to allow me to access files outside /home? That's the problem to begin with. I was configuring vsftpd and nothing changed, now that's why u_u00:12
bekksSrPx_: You have to grant permissions for the user that is supposed to change files outside /home/user/00:13
SrPx_bekks: I'm using root!00:13
SrPx_bekks: but I can only see files after /root/00:13
SrPx_bekks: not after the actual root folder /00:13
ActionParsnipsrpx: the file access is the same as local access. you can navigate all over the OS00:13
bekksSrPx_: You should immediately disable your root account again, and use you user account.00:14
SrPx_bekks: why?00:14
SrPx_bekks: I'm the only user00:14
ActionParsnipsecurity for one00:14
SrPx_but nobody else will use it00:14
SrPx_only me..00:14
ntzrmtthihu777still, possiblity of screwing yourself royally, SrPx_00:14
LJSeinfeldActionParsnip -- I think I misunderstood your first question00:14
bekksSrPx_: And no one on the internet has the ability to attack your server? :)00:15
LJSeinfeldI'm currently accessing the machine via the CLI00:15
SrPx_I won't dude00:15
SrPx_bekks: but that's becoming complicated. I have no idea on how to disable the root and make a new user. I just wanted to install apache and paste my site there.00:16
LJSeinfeldso gksudo gnome-schedule sputterers out about not being able to open display...00:16
YcareneTrying to install samba4 but it says "ERROR: Invalid smb.conf", but there is not smb.conf00:16
ActionParsnipsrpx: do you access the server via ssh from outside your lan?00:16
nintetso i installed lighthttpd and it is working, now when i try to play my daughter's cartoons, the tablet just tries to download them00:17
nintetwhat do you have to do to get it to stream ?00:17
ActionParsnipycarene: what is the output of: file /etc/samba/smb.conf00:17
Ycarenecat: /etc/samba/smb.conf: No such file or directory00:18
ActionParsnipycarene: thats why then. a default ubuntu comes with an smb.conf00:19
packetfrogI am running xubuntu with xfce/compiz and my top panel keeps disappearing when I go to switch work spaces    my icons   everything  like xfce-panel is shutting down.   Anyone know how to fix this? It happened after i installed frostwire/java700:21
awayI thought the panels are per-workspace?00:22
packetfrogIf i switch workspaces everything goes away and even if I go back to the same first work space its still gone00:23
FIBBYA little help needed I am using 12.10 and my wifi is on eth100:23
FIBBYrather than a wlan iface00:23
packetfrogI cant even get a terminal open aside from ctrl alt f1 2 3 ...00:23
ActionParsnipljseinfeld: are you connecting via ssh?00:23
FIBBYwifi is working fine, however its not as i want it to be00:23
FIBBYany help with this would be great00:24
ActionParsnipfibby: install wicd and uninstall network-manager. reboot and you can set the interface00:24
LJSeinfeld(sorry for late response -- someone was at the door)00:24
LJSeinfeldbut they brought me lasagna --so that's cool00:24
FIBBYdirections for the uninstall ?00:24
ActionParsnipljseinfeld: connect with: ssh -X user@servername    and you will be able to run GUI apps00:25
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packetfrogFIBBY sudo apt-get remove network-manager     sudo apt-get install wicd00:25
machicolawhere would I go if I wanted to get help for the make command to compile games or programs00:25
ActionParsnipfibby: use software centre.......00:25
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ntzrmtthihu777how do I cause a program to start with a certain pid?00:26
FIBBYi like cli  but will use it lol00:26
FIBBYinstalling wicd via cli now00:26
bekksntzrmtthihu777: You cannot enforce that.00:26
ActionParsnipfibby: wicd has wicd-curses for CLI interaction00:27
ntzrmtthihu777FIBBY: idk, but wicd always gave me shit over wep networkds on my backtrack install00:28
FIBBYi cant get bt5 to installon this mini00:28
ActionParsnipntzrmtthihu777: thats backtrack though....00:28
bekksntzrmtthihu777: Are you using backtrack currently?00:28
ntzrmtthihu777not at this very moment, its on a second partition on my laptop00:29
FIBBYam i uninstalling network-manager-gnome ?00:29
FIBBYunder Other cat00:29
LJSeinfeldActionParsnip - mind blown…00:29
ActionParsnipfibby: yes as well as network-manager00:29
FIBBYi searched for Network-Manager00:30
FIBBYnothing found in the soft cent00:30
ActionParsnipljseinfeld: works like citrix :-)00:30
packetfrogI am running xubuntu with xfce/compiz and my top panel keeps disappearing when I go to switch work spaces    my icons   everything  like xfce-panel is shutting down.   Anyone know how to fix this? It happened after i installed frostwire/java700:30
LJSeinfeldit's showing my command in the gui already00:30
ActionParsnipljseinfeld: the X server is just another layer in the OS the system doesnt care if that is on the same PC or a remote one00:31
YcareneUgh, well, it says the smb.conf that's installed is invalid and when I remove and and try to let it autogenerate it like it asks me to do it says THAT is invalid.00:31
ActionParsnipfibby: use a wired connection to get packages and such00:32
SonikkuAmericantzrmtthihu777: What would be the point of asking a process to start with a certain ID # anyway?00:32
LJSeinfeldpretty cool --00:32
FIBBYoh found it00:32
nellWhy doesn't desktop cube work in dual monitor?00:32
FIBBYit was hidden00:32
FIBBYok thanks00:32
FloodBot1FIBBY: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:32
YcareneAhh, I think I got it, tmp is noexec, I think.00:33
wadAnyone know of a good package for turning squid logs into HTML?00:33
FIBBYwill be back if further issues00:33
LJSeinfeldI'm on a mac - so it kicked it over to x11, but it works00:33
LJSeinfeldbut the command doesn't appear to work -- trying to get it to connect my VPN provider (via openVPN) and fire a script once the connection is up00:35
LJSeinfeldActionParsnip -- the command is in there -- and it works if I fire it manually...00:39
LJSeinfeldwonder why it's not working at restart....00:39
LJSeinfeldmaybe it tries to run too soon?  Is it possible it's trying before the network comes up?00:39
ntzrmtthihu777SonikkuAmerica: I am trying to set up an irssi-in-screen launcher. If I can force a pid I can make it work00:40
YcareneUgh, I've got a smb.conf and it still give me errors in postinstall00:40
ntzrmtthihu777basically it should work like this: gnome-terminal -e 'screen -r PID' || gnome-terminal -e 'screen force-PID'00:41
bekksntzrmtthihu777: No. Totally not. -r reconnects to a pid, it does not set any pid.00:42
bekksntzrmtthihu777: There is no way to enforce a distinct pid.00:43
SonikkuAmericantzrmtthihu777, bekks: Is it possible to attach another program to  "%screen"  using the CLI?00:44
FIBBYstill shows as eth000:44
packetfrogntzrmtthihu777,   You could write a script that did something like ps -ef|grep appname    and pull the pid that way?00:45
FIBBYwhats cli cmd to show all ifaces00:45
ntzrmtthihu777I know that, dude, you just told me thatt. the first half will reconnect (I had hoped) to the forced pid, but if it cannot it starts a new screen with that pid.00:45
bekksntzrmtthihu777: Yes, because reconnecting is something different than creating a new session.00:46
ntzrmtthihu777I know how to use screen manually, I am just trying to set up a nifty automatic version00:47
ntzrmtthihu777not a clue, SonikkuAmerica , that's why I'm here asking00:47
ntzrmtthihu777gotta go, brb. hold that thought.00:47
FIBBYyeah its still eth1 not showing as a wlan iface00:47
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YcareneI get http://pastebin.com/H79XvbAK whenever I try to install samba4, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba4/+bug/992820 says it's fixed but it's giving me the same error.00:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 988509 in samba4 (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #992820 setoption.pl is not executable" [High,Triaged]00:48
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FIBBYoh found where i can change it00:49
FIBBYummmm   what is a default wlan iface00:49
Justin__installation hangs at cd install logo. manual compatibility mode installation, qnyone?00:49
FIBBYwlan1 ?00:49
FIBBYor what00:49
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FIBBYon wicd when i change it to wlan1 i get a badpassword responce when trying to connect00:51
Justin__really having trouble installing if anyone can help. could use the compatibility mode command to install distro.00:52
selena2013install what and why00:57
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Allardhey did the black screen issue get fixed yet01:02
AllardI have it working but I have to click the backlight buttons01:02
SrPx_Just wondering, is not setting a 20+ long password as safe as disabling the root at all?01:03
ejvjust disable root, re-enable root when you need it01:04
Allarddo I have an answer to my query01:05
Allardthe black screen01:05
ejvif nobody knows the answer, nobody will answer you Allard01:05
AllardI am just checking if I am understood about what I say01:05
packetfrogSrPx_,  http://howsecureismypassword.net/01:05
ejvin the mean time, check askubuntu.com the ubuntu forums, mailing lists, and LaunchPad01:06
AllardI have it says I have to use: " acpi_osi=Linux"01:06
Allardbut that is halfway because upon start I still have to use the backlight buttons01:06
Allardto light up the screen01:06
Allardotherwise it works regularly01:07
SrPx_packetfrog: interesting site, it's yours? BTW, "It would take a desktop PC about 290 undecillion years to crack your password" - so, if someone could explain me why disabling root is necessary that would be nice01:07
jc_freak24hey guys, i got a question about my integrated graphics card driver. im in ubuntu 12.0401:07
packetfrogSrPx_,    notice how it says regular desktop computer...01:07
packetfrogSrPx_,  If someone wanted to crack your root password they would use multicore gpu's01:08
Allardjc_freak24 is it the blackscreen01:08
jc_freak24Allard: no, just wondering if theres a way to see what it is and update its drivers01:08
SrPx_packetfrog: lets be honest, nobody is cracking a 20+ characters long in full-printable-ascii-range password by brute force. I'm specifially asking, is there a reason other than this to disable root?01:09
jali_fhow do you change window size in wine? or make a running instance full screen?01:09
computerHi there all, I am a bit stuck with trying to add a couple of directories to my system path01:11
computerI have searched and searched online but nothing I try seems to work01:12
E_SiniHey all. I've been at this all day and tried every single help forum and support page possible. nothing worked. i have ubuntu on an external harddrive and am tryin to download it and dualboot with win8. is there anyone willing to help me through this?01:12
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ntzrmtthihu777back bekks01:14
ntzrmtthihu777SrPx_: because most accidents occur at home.01:15
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FIBBYSo, wicd only will accept my wifi as eth1 i tried to change it to wlan0 and nothing works01:15
FIBBYanyone got any idea how to fix01:15
jc_freak24Allard: any advice?01:15
FIBBYiwconfig shows eth1 as my wifi01:15
AllardI am no specialist01:15
ntzrmtthihu777the biggest security risk in any system is between the pc and the chair, SrPx_01:16
computerI have found posts that say to put extra paths in the .profile file in my home dir and posts that say put them in the  .bashrc file and I think I have now seen three different formats on how to enter them into which ever file01:16
FIBBYlol ntz01:16
jc_freak24thanks anyways01:16
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, and that is what you should use, FIBBY . my wifi is eth2 or ra0, depending on which card I use01:16
computerE_Sini, Have you made a ubuntu USB boot stick with something like xboot?01:16
FIBBYhowever wireshark doesnt see it01:17
FIBBYis a valid iface01:17
FIBBYnor does airmon01:17
E_Sinicomputer if you could help me get this working i will give you my first born01:17
computerE_Sini, Or with YUMI or Universal USB Installer01:18
E_Sinicomputer i downloaded ubuntu 12.10 onto the external hard drive. it shows on the computer as f:01:18
FIBBYany clue on that ntz ?01:19
E_Sinii downloaded it strsight from the site, then tried to install it from there but it didnt work01:19
FIBBYwhy wireshark or airmon wont work. =(01:19
E_Sinitried to install it directly from the site and it had installed but wouldn't boot at all01:20
computerE_Sini, Okay what you have downloaded it not bootable it is just an image the fine people at Canonical have made for your computer enjoymenting goodness.01:20
ntzrmtthihu777wireshark? what are you trying to do, exactly?01:20
FIBBYjust monitor my network01:20
FIBBYlearning about wireless security01:21
E_Sinicomputer, ok, so how do i do this lol. i'm usually pretty good with this stuff but i cant get this one01:21
E_Sinican i pm you? alot goin on here and i'm getting a bit lost01:22
computerE_Sini, You CAN NOT install from the ISO directly01:22
computerE_Sini, Okay, the first thing needed is the os iso that you what to install/boot, and you already have that so you have passed step 101:23
robotnutyou can track a cell phone01:23
computerE_Sini, Okay pm me01:23
robotnutthree towers - or if it has gps01:23
robotnutthats it01:23
DrunkYhello :)01:25
DrunkYhow do I get rid of those products from amazon "I guess?" when I do a search?01:26
jrib!adlens | DrunkY01:26
ubottuDrunkY: If you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu 12.10, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ01:26
DrunkYI just wanna find the program I need, not some funny books..01:26
DrunkYthanks jrib01:26
packetfrogor just get rid of unity01:26
DrunkYI'll probably do that..01:26
calugoshi good night01:27
dmorrisonanyone hear when Ubuntu will have a rom for the Galaxy Nexus Toro?01:27
HelloWorld321If I'm running Ubuntu, what's the best way to read a EXPORT.PST file from MS Outllok?  Import it into T-Bird?01:27
bekksHelloWorld321: I dont think thats possible at all.01:29
LJSeinfeldTrying to call this script at boot via crontab … it works in the command line, but when it tries to run at reboot, it doesn't work ….. any ideas as to why?      openvpn --script-security 2 --up /home/dave/VPNcred/VPN-up.sh --down /home/dave/VPNcred/VPN-down.sh --config /home/dave/VPNcred/21-USA-Dallas-1.ovpn01:29
LJSeinfeldactually calling a command, not script01:30
LJSeinfeldno idea why it won't work from cron01:30
Left_Turnhey how can i open firefox from the terminal01:32
harrisrtype firefox01:32
sebsebseband hit enter01:32
Left_Turnno such file or direcotory01:33
sebsebsebLeft_Turn: maybe it's mozilla-firefox instead01:33
Left_Turnbut it still opened01:33
robotnutfirefox works01:33
robotnutubuntu 12.04 at least01:33
Left_Turnit gave an error then opened01:33
Left_Turni should have tried that myself. sorry:(01:33
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BuboAny idea what would be the best way to broadcast/stream my desktop/screen to a friend of mine?01:36
sebsebseb!vnc | Bubo01:37
ubottuBubo: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX01:37
sebsebsebBubo: your welcome01:37
Left_Turnoh closing the terminal that opened firefox closes firefox too .. is that correct behaviour?01:39
Left_Turnoh ok just making sure.. thnx01:40
LJSeinfeldtrying to share a folder via samba -- OS X can't connect to it… it always rejects my user/pass  … why is that?01:40
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bravisWhat is the best backup to use?01:42
sebsebseb!backup | bravis01:44
ubottubravis: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning01:44
ntzrmtthihu777another question: is therea a way to reattach to a screen session based on its window name?01:44
freq47i am trying to clean my boot partition and i have a bunch of initrd that are taking up the space01:45
freq47what is the safest thing to do01:45
ntzrmtthihu777apt-get autoremove should help, freq4701:45
freq47yeah i did that01:46
ntzrmtthihu777if not that ubuntu-tweak has a cleaner that will do it01:46
Jordan_Ufreq47: Are there old kernels as well? When an old kernel package is removed, its kernel and initrd files should be removed as well, so all you should need to do is remove the old kernel packages.01:46
freq47auto remove took care of the old kernels01:46
Jordan_Ufreq47: But id did not remove the old initrds?01:47
ikillcypherHi can someone here help me out ?01:47
freq47maybe i will try to reboot01:48
freq47then autoremove again01:48
freq47well i will apt-get upgrade frist01:48
Jordan_Ufreq47: Rebooting shouldn't make any difference.01:48
Jordan_Ufreq47: Please pastebin the output of "dpkg -l | grep linux-image" and "ls -l /boot/".01:48
sebsebsebikillcypher: make sure what your trying to install, is actualy called that01:50
sebsebsebikillcypher: or use a graphical program instead such as the Software Centre or Synaptic01:50
freq47it just upgarded to -38, and i rebooted01:50
sebsebsebikillcypher: and then as long as your repos are also ok, everything you want, should install :)01:50
ntzrmtthihu777does haveing a separate /boot partition really help? I usually just have a 16gb / and however much swap I feel is needed, and set the rest to /home01:50
Jordan_Untzrmtthihu777: A separate /boot/ is only needed if you have a buggy BIOS.01:51
Jordan_Untzrmtthihu777: Other than that, there is little to no benefit and many drawbacks.01:51
ikillcyphermeaning ?01:52
sebsebsebikillcypher: you mean repos or ?01:52
ntzrmtthihu777Jordan_U: thank you, I always was curious about that.01:52
Jordan_Untzrmtthihu777: You're welcome.01:53
highnzHello, if I try to run ubuntu mobile example in qtcreator I only get "... MainView is not a type " message. I think I miss the  MainView.qml please help01:55
freq47its letting me apt-get purge the older ones now01:56
highnzin /opt/qt5/imports/Ubuntu/Components/ dont exist  MainView.qml )-:01:56
highnzcan someone give me the "MainView.qml" from ubuntu mobile sdk?01:58
ikillcypherE: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?01:58
ikillcypherwhat wrong with 12.04 LTS :(01:59
LJSeinfeldhow can I run a command as root at login / boot?02:01
LJSeinfeldtrying to accomplish via crontab, but not working (although command works if run from the terminal)02:01
LJSeinfeld::: pulling hair out :::02:02
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freq47all cleaned02:04
FloodBot1freq47: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:04
holsteinLJSeinfeld: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9683357/ubuntu-run-command-on-startup02:06
sebsebsebsilvercord: hi02:07
silvercordis there a way to login to unity without showing the default flash of pink?02:07
sebsebsebsilvercord: you mean after the password is put in,  or no password since auto log in?02:09
silvercordwhat i mean is ubuntu default background is pink, ive changed the colors to grey, when i login, the default pink background flashes.02:10
silvercordlogin and logout02:10
braaaainshello everyone! I was curious if anyone would be kind enough to advise me of a nice FTP client/file manager (similar to Midnight Commander, which is great!) that can handle SFTP/TLSFTP ? I can't for the life of me get Midnight Commander to make a secure FTP connection.02:10
sebsebsebsilvercord: no don't think you can change that at the moment02:10
SaMOOraiare you using unbuntu live?02:10
silvercordoh ok02:10
holsteinbraaaains: filezilla, gigolo02:10
sebsebseb!ftp | braaaains02:10
ubottubraaaains: FTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd02:11
braaaainsI should have mentioned this needs to be for a server installation (so it can run via the terminal).02:11
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP02:11
ikillcypherDependency is not satisfiable : gcc - 4.7 - base (= 4.7.2-2ubuntu1) ?02:13
ikillcypherwhat the f is this02:13
QuenIs there anyone here that can direct me to an individual or group capable of informing me on how to set up a virtual machine capable of running games with decent latency times?02:13
LJSeinfeldtrying rc.local --02:13
braaaainsthank you kindly! does filezilla have a terminal interface ? I should have asked my question more clearly I need an FTP client that can be run via the terminal not a GUI02:13
sebsebseb!gcc ! ikillcypher02:13
ubottusebsebseb: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:13
LJSeinfeldtried once before, but I think I see an error that I may have made02:14
sebsebsebikillcypher: GNU C Compiler or something like that, your program needs that02:14
ikillcypheryes I need gcc-4.7-multilib02:14
mikestewartbraaaains, read the reply more clearly.  there was a terminal (aka cli) option02:14
sebsebsebikillcypher: yep and the repo doesn't have the  needed version it seems02:14
LJSeinfeldholstein with my command run as root (needs to )02:14
ikillcypheryes I do02:14
ikillcypherit is using 4.602:14
sebsebsebikillcypher: ok, but the one in the Ubuntu repo is later then by the looks of it, hence your issue?02:15
ikillcypherit is ?02:15
LJSeinfeldholy crap -- it worked. :D02:15
sebsebseb!info gcc02:15
holsteinLJSeinfeld: in the link i gave "You can add the command in the /etc/rc.local script that is executed at the end of startup"02:15
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.117ubuntu2)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.7.2-1ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 5 kB, installed size 41 kB02:15
sebsebsebikillcypher: 4.7.2 is in the repos according to that02:16
=== Karbowiak is now known as zz_Karbowiak
ikillcypherikillcypher@ikillcypher-linux:~$ g++ --version02:16
ikillcypherg++ (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu5) 4.6.302:16
LJSeinfeldI think I put it in after the return 0 before… which borked it02:16
LJSeinfeldseems to work now02:16
sebsebsebikillcypher: Ubuntu Linaro?  ARM ?02:16
LJSeinfeldweird that crontab couldn't execute the same command02:16
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP02:17
sebsebsebikillcypher: Ubuntu ARM?  been away from Ubuntu for quite some time :d, well except for news and such.  Are you on the normal Ubuntu Desktop version or something else?02:17
ikillcyphernormal Ubuntu Desktop x6402:18
mikestewart!ftp | braaaains02:18
ubottubraaaains: FTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd02:18
LJSeinfeldVNC is very slow on this machine (running ubuntu 12.04), it's not very powerful, but VNC was really snappy under xubuntu… am I just that much more utilized, or is something maybe wrong ?02:18
sebsebsebikillcypher: ok, but what you showed me  was differnet from what I got it to show.  Check what version of GCC is installed02:18
mikestewartbraaaains, think you're looking for: lftp (for !cli)02:18
sebsebseb!info gcc02:19
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.117ubuntu2)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.7.2-1ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 5 kB, installed size 41 kB02:19
=== growingpains08 is now known as growingpains09
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sebsebsebikillcypher: so according to that you should have 4:4.7.2-1  look in the Software Centre for example search for it, what version is installed?02:19
braaaainsthank you mikestewart , i'll begin researching that now02:19
holsteinLJSeinfeld: ive never used "snappy" to descibe VNC.. try adding xfce and test02:19
braaaainsit's a shame it has not been implemented into Midnight Commander, mc sure makes things easy!02:20
LJSeinfeldwell, lets call this -extra sluggish… running the built in screen sharing on ubuntu02:20
LJSeinfeldvino I think02:20
sebsebsebikillcypher: the dependancies so what other programs are also needed to be installed, it needs to be right,  and with versions of them to, or your other program won't install simple as that02:21
ikillcypherso what should I do02:21
LJSeinfeld(excuse newbishness --- how does one add xfce?)02:21
LJSeinfeldwait.. typo…02:21
holsteinLJSeinfeld: thats VNC. try xfce if you think that was what made it "snappy".. sudo apt-get install xfce402:21
sebsebsebLJSeinfeld: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop02:21
ikillcyphershould I update Ubuntu ?02:22
ikillcypherto 12.1002:22
sebsebsebikillcypher: which version are you on 12.04 ?02:22
LJSeinfeldsudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop02:22
sebsebsebikillcypher: ok I see  I didn't know that02:22
sebsebsebikillcypher: so when I was doing this02:22
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)02:22
holsteinLJSeinfeld: i dont.. i just add xfce.. but do what you like02:22
sebsebsebikillcypher: no when I was doing the !info gcc it was showing what quantel has so 12.1002:23
ikillcypher!info gcc02:23
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.117ubuntu2)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.7.2-1ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 5 kB, installed size 41 kB02:23
LJSeinfeldhow do you just add it?02:23
holsteinLJSeinfeld: "sudo apt-get install xfce4" as stated above02:23
ikillcypherso how do I get 4.7 working here02:23
sebsebsebikillcypher: which will be a later version than 12.0402:23
LJSeinfeld(sorry if i missed it)02:23
holsteinLJSeinfeld: http://askubuntu.com/questions/223536/how-can-i-install-xfce-along-side-unity02:23
sebsebsebikillcypher: no GCC is usauly the kind of program, you don't really touch or upgrade yourself, unless you really need to and such and know what your doing :d,  otherwise you just let the distro upgrade it for you really02:24
tkeithI need a minimalistic auto-login display manager for running Selenium on a server, any suggestions?02:24
sebsebsebikillcypher: if you upgrade to 12.10 you will have later versions of packages/programs sure, but you were trying to install the Android thing or something in Ubuntu wasn't it ?02:25
LJSeinfeldthanks holstein02:25
ikillcypherisnt 12.10 support ending april02:25
=== Karbowiak is now known as zz_Karbowiak
LJSeinfeldalready did sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop… (missed your other instruction…) we'll see what happens02:25
sebsebsebikillcypher: nope 12.10 has over a year left of support02:25
sebsebsebikillcypher: just check what dependancies other programs it says it needs for whaty our trying to install,  then check to see if  they are in 12.04 or 12.1002:26
ikillcypherwhy is it 12.04 get LTS ?>02:26
sebsebsebikillcypher: should be fine to upgrade to 12.10 and then try again though02:26
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)02:27
pvl1would i be better of making a live microsd instead of a bootable microsd02:27
sebsebsebikillcypher: since it's been like every three releases for quite some time.  so 10.04 was LTS.  10.10 no.  11.04 no 11.10 no.  12.04 yes.  12.10 no,  you see?02:28
ikillcypherNEXT WILL be 15 ?02:28
holsteinshould be 14.04.. every 2 yeras.. unless it changes02:28
QuenIs there anyone here that can direct me to an individual or group capable of informing me on how to set up a virtual machine capable of running games with decently low latency times?02:29
sebsebsebikillcypher: yep what holstein put02:29
MaccerCan some one under Ubuntu 12.10 run 'python -V' and tell me what version they get?02:29
jc_freak24can anyone help me install the latest lwjgl system wide on ubuntu 12.04?02:30
holsteinQuen: what games? why vm? latency will likely be due to the network02:30
QuenGame called "Vindictus".02:31
QuenVM because hackshield confliction with Wine.02:31
holsteinjc_freak24: i would start with "sudo apt-get install liblwjgl-java"02:31
QuenUnless there's another way to run Windows applications on Linux.02:31
pvl1anyone ever make a bootable microsd02:32
holsteinQuen: i would just fire it up in virtualbox and test.. the latency should be the same there02:32
litropyPretty sure UFW is blocking VNC when I try to get into my server. How can I open it up for just the local network?02:32
jc_freak24holstein: the version i get when i do that is over a year old02:32
iIlL10Oo/dev/sda7        16G  8.0G  6.5G   56% /02:32
litropyUFW on the server I'm trying to VNC into, that is.02:32
jc_freak24its 2.7.4 and im wanting 2.8.502:33
pvl1litropy, what makes u so sure, have u tried a netstat02:33
iIlL10Oomy / is 16G , but 8.0G + 6.5G < 16G  ;;; /dev/sda7        16G  8.0G  6.5G   56% /02:33
pvl1litropy, telnet not netstat may b02:33
litropydmesg shows UFW blocking this computer every time I try to VNC02:33
pvl1*my b02:33
growingpains08I'm trying to look for all files with the name "*list*.  when i type   " find . -name *list* ", it doesn't work.  Why is this?  However if I type "find . -name *list\*" it does work.  What is the "\" for?02:33
holsteinjc_freak24: that will install it system wide.. what version are you looking for? and why?02:33
pvl1litropy, your computer specifically or any? is the port open? ufw open port_number02:34
jc_freak24holstein: looking for the most recent, 2.8.5, and to see if it fixes a issue im having in minecraft02:34
pvl1litropy, might be ufw open tcp portnum02:34
litropypv11, I can ssh into it.02:34
litropypv11, but wouldn't that open the port to the world, and not just the internal network?02:35
pvl1litropy, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW02:35
pvl1litropy, correct. u need iptables02:35
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holsteinjc_freak24: i would search for a PPA, or just add it manually02:35
jc_freak24holstein: what directory would i add it too? searching through them and having trouble finding where they're at02:36
pvl1litropy, actually at the bottom of the link it seems u can be more specific02:36
LJSeinfeldso how do I switch to xfce from unity?02:37
LJSeinfeld(account is set to login automatically right now)02:37
holsteinLJSeinfeld: logout.. select xfce or xubuntu from the login screen02:37
holsteinLJSeinfeld: disable auto login02:38
LJSeinfeldWill VNC still be running, or will I get booted?02:38
=== jack is now known as Guest48760
=== fox_wilson is now known as fwilson
wadHey, does anyone know why there is a /usr/share/samba folder on my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 32-bit desktop install?02:41
wadI was about to install samba, but it seems to be almost here.02:41
wadIs this usable?02:41
pvl1wad run samba from terminal02:41
* wad tries02:42
DaemonicApathywad: I have that directory too, and have never had samba installed. Seems to be in the default Ubuntu install, in case it's needed.02:42
wadHmm. It wants me to install "samba4".02:42
wadWell, I guess it does no harm, as there doesn't seem to be a smbd daemon running.02:43
pvl1wad,  ;)02:43
acovrighow do I setup bind9/named so that I can type in a word into the url bar and it will resolve to a local ip?02:45
Pie_Mageacovrig: you need to setup a local search domain02:46
acovrigwhere would I do that?02:46
Aquais94May I ask a permission to use the ubuntu source code and upload into my server, because alot of my employees wanted to make a Custom ubuntu OS.02:48
cjfsAquais94, http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/licensing02:50
acovrigPie_Mage: is it possible to have 'remote' redirect to '<ip>/remote'?02:51
cjfsand https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/appendix-gpl.html02:51
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd02:51
nitinHi guys, there's no indicator-messages support for Pidgin in the current 12.10 I am using, which as per this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-messages/+bug/1040259, the support might be added in quantal. Also the bug was fixed in the pidgin release: 1:2.10.7-0ubuntu3 uploaded to 'main' some 3 days ago, but I can't see that version available in synaptic; does it mean that I can get this particular package right now ?02:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1040259 in skype-wrapper "FFE: libmessaging-menu transitions for quantal" [High,In progress]02:53
Aquais94Thanks, but I wanted to ask Mark Shuttleworth that I can Make an OS, that has more features, and Use more unique and also, I can charge people for $19.99, for a copy, but If I made that version, I will gladly to use the modified source and offer ubuntu users to upgrade.02:53
Aquais94if not $19.99, there is any free alternatives that I can make ubuntu users to upgrade for a long time ubuntu users.02:54
MysticalBurrito[Does anyone know what filetype has the maximum compression ratio?02:56
MysticalBurrito[I'm trying to compress a 116.9mb file02:56
RokkrossI'm not sure, but I've heard good things about 7zip's format.02:56
Pie_Magei have a server running 10.04, whenever I wake it up with wakeonlan, when I shut it down afterwards, it seems to halt for a few seconds then reboots... the second time it halts properly (using shutdown -h now in both circumstances)02:59
trismnitin: the fix would be in the pidgin-libnotify package, but it isn't in quantal yet, only in raring (though that pidgin version is only in raring as well)03:01
nitinthanks trism03:01
alexander_yo hablo español algún canal que lo hable?03:03
Nothing_MuchIs there a way to re enable Unity 3D from LLVMPIPE?03:04
braaaainsThanks for the help/advice/information everyone. I was unsuccessful :( but I learned a lot! Have a great weekend.03:06
holsteinbraaaains: you tried gigolo?03:07
braaaainsno I did not see that one...03:07
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd03:07
holstein!info gigolo03:08
ubottugigolo (source: gigolo): frontend to manage connections to remote filesystems using GIO/GVfs. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1-3 (quantal), package size 140 kB, installed size 856 kB03:08
acovrigPie_Mage: I'm getting myself confused, I just want to redirect 'remote' to <ip>.  I have the DNS on my router pointed to my bind9 server and see it as SERVER: from dig.03:09
Black_DaemonHi, I am trying to install a wireless mouse (HP) with WINE. It installed OK, but I need to pair the mouse with my laptop. I try to do so and it said "SoftAP" is not available. Apparently this is some sort of windows module. Anyone know a way to get this working? Thanks!03:09
=== alejandro is now known as Guest64586
coldpizza72ii can use a live cd to install grub right?03:13
braaaainsIt looks like gigolo uses a GUI, darn. I can only remote into the HTPC through SSH. Server has no GUI. Thanks though.03:13
holsteinbraaaains: what are you tring to do?03:15
=== PoPppiLLs is now known as PoPpiLLs
sp00kywhen using Spotify I am frequently running into an issue where I am unable to use the mouse to control or click on anything.  when the screen starts I see a message saying something to the extent of the pointer already being grabbed.  does anyone know how I can resolve this issue without rebooting machine?03:17
braaaainsI'm trying to download files from a remote ftp server with ftp-tls encryption to a home ubuntu server, and was looking for something similar to midnight commander.03:17
braaaainsmidnight commander is AMAZING, it just doesn't seem to support the encryption that work requires :(03:18
braaaainsholstein I have also tried to mount the ftp server as a disk on my server, but didn't have much luck with that either. Any other ideas ?03:20
holsteinhttp://linuxservertutorials.blogspot.com/2008/11/ubuntu-linux-ftp-command-line.html braaaains03:22
braaaainshttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man1/curlftpfs.1.html    this looks like it could be good03:22
Quen2nd reboot, Ubuntu display drivers failed; now it's trying to display 1366x866@60Hz on 600x400@60Hz, can't even access the button that applies screen treatment changes.03:23
braaaainsholstein ftp itself is easy peasy, it's just getting this darn TLS encryption to work @ the same time03:23
trollboyHow does one set the directory GLSlideshow (or any other preferred Ubuntu slide-show screen-saver).03:23
MissyKoneKoumm how do I change my name?03:24
braaaainsThank you again for your time, but I've got a honey-do list to take care of. :( Take care everybody.03:24
trollboyMissyKoneKo, type /nick AnythingYouWant03:24
trollboywhere AnythingYouWant is your new name03:24
MissyKoneKoI did but it sayts I dont have permition03:25
=== MissyKoneKo is now known as Bitch
trollboyYou probably have to leave this channel first, type /part to leave, change your nick and rejoin03:25
coldpizza72i\window page_up03:25
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acovrigHow do I do "address=/remote/" (dnsmasq config) in bind903:26
=== ferret__ is now known as ferret_
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:30
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Left_Turnthat bot's name:)03:33
Pilif12pis there any reason xorg is using an unusually high part of the CPU?03:35
Pilif12pit's going between 50 and 70% right now...03:35
Pilif12pweird, went down after I killed minecraft.03:36
=== King is now known as Guest61523
lb27WilsonB: howdy03:46
c2tarunin windows when we type IP addresss of a machine on Local network we see the files share by the machine, where should we type IP address in ubuntu for same feature?03:47
Nothing_MuchI can't figure out how to re enable Unity 3D from LLVMPIPE, anybody have any ideas?03:48
holsteinNothing_Much: i need more information03:48
=== tarun_ is now known as c2tarun
c2tarunin windows when we type IP addresss of a machine on Local network we see the files share by the machine, where should we type IP address in ubuntu for same feature?03:49
Rokkrossc2tarun: http://www.7tutorials.com/how-access-windows-7-shared-folders-ubuntu03:50
lb27c2tarun: gigolo might help you out03:50
Nothing_Muchoh, well I just put the command "UNITY_LOW_GFX_MODE=1 unity" and it stayed there ever since, not even a restart worked03:50
RokkrossPlease use google before asking a question.03:50
trollboyAnyone got an answer to my screen saver question?03:51
holsteintrollboy: http://www.makeuseof.com/answers/ubuntu-screensaver-custom-pictures-folder/ may help03:53
cagrijosthello guys, i just installed ubuntu with a fresh install, but my pc wont boot up. im on using the "try ubuntu" option now. can anyone help me with configuring the bootloader so it works?03:55
=== Fudge is now known as Guest94515
myndzii've got an ubuntu server install and a site running php, what do i need to do to enable me to send mail from a domain specified by the php mail() call?03:57
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DarkAceLaptophi Fudge!03:58
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DarkAceLaptopthat's not fudge04:00
=== Guest88931 is now known as Fudge
Fudgehi sorry botu nick changing04:02
cagrijostokay, let me try again. can anyone help me configuring a bootloader? my ubuntu wont boot up04:07
Fudgecagrijost  what is the error?04:07
cagrijostfudge: i just installed ubuntu 12.10 as a fresh install on my laptop. when i boot up it says "no bootable device"04:07
psryncagrijost : did you change your boot order?04:08
Fudgedo you have uefi?04:08
cagrijostfudge: yes04:08
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cagrijostpsryn: no, i even checked up on that. and my hdd isnt even on that list anymore04:09
Fudgecagrijost  I dont have the instructions at hand but suggest you google uefi ubuntu, it has to do with secure boot04:09
FudgeI hope that helps04:10
cagrijostfudge: you think it will work if i turn uefi off?04:10
psryncagrijost : what laptop do you have?04:10
cagrijostasus a95V04:11
caffineif i'm trying to use mplayer to play a video via a capture device and i'm getting an error that my computer is too slow, how do i find the bottleneck that i need to upgrade? in top, i still have 0.5GB memory free and neither CPU gets below 50% util.04:11
ghostx562looks slow tonight04:13
Fudgenice change hey04:13
psryncagrijost : it came with win 8 right?04:14
RZAFCAnyone know what this means? SYSLINUX 4.06  EDD 4.06-pre-7 Copyright (C) 1994-2010 H. Peter Anvin et al04:14
cagrijostpsryn: no, it came with win7, but i installed win8 later on04:14
RZAFCAnyone know what this means? SYSLINUX 4.06  EDD 4.06-pre-7 Copyright (C) 1994-2010 H. Peter Anvin et al04:15
psryncagrijost : did u have any troubles with ubuntu when you had win7?04:15
cagrijostpsryn i didnt have it there04:16
ghostx562i have a question, i recently installed windows 8 on my pc, now im trying to go back to ubuntu, but i get an error when i am trying to install the OS04:16
nixbagi'm using ubuntu server 12.04, installed alsa (worked great), and now i want pulseaudio. but everytime i've ever installed it i get no sound. is there anything i'm missing other than installing it via apt, and then giving my user pulse and pulse-access groups?04:17
psryncagrijost : and u are dual booting it right?04:17
cagrijostpsryn nope04:17
holsteinnixbag: i always just install it, in lubuntu for example.. never tried with no GUI04:17
RZAFCI'm trying to boot 12.10 desktop on a hp pavillion dm3 fom usb drive can someone help?04:17
holstein!nomodeset | RZAFC04:18
ubottuRZAFC: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:18
psryncagrijost : so u removed win 8?04:18
ghostx562rzafc, enter bios and make it boot from the usb04:18
ghostx562then follow onscreen prompts, you getting an eroor or something?04:18
iqradevy r u guys epxiercing technical difficulties?04:18
iqradevy r u guys epxiercing technical difficulties?04:18
RZAFCghostx562: already tied that04:19
ghostx562iqradev, experiencing*04:19
=== iqradev is now known as Rusky
holsteinRZAFC: already tried nomodeset?04:19
ghostx562Rzafc, what happens?04:19
cagrijostpsryn: yes04:19
Ruskyghost64, i no like grammar nazis04:19
ghostx562any error?04:19
Ruskyghost64, what happened to ur server?04:19
ghostx562rusky, super sad face.04:19
nixbagholstein: i've only had pulseaudio work when it comes with a gui, but i've never gotten it working when i start from scratch (like debian minimum install)04:19
=== benjamino is now known as benjamo
psryncagrijost : do u have ur win 7 restore dvds?04:19
RZAFCholstein: I'm reading how to do it now04:20
ghostx562rusky, i didn't have a server, i had a desktop version, installed win8 over ubuntu, now i can't install ubuntu again.04:20
Ruskyghost64, nothing personal im just flipping between lots of code windows in codeblocks right meow and i dnt have time to have my grammar corrected04:20
Ruskyghost64, no i mean the ubuntu server04:20
Ruskyghost64, ubuntu irc server i mean04:20
Ruskyit says its experiencing tech dif and i wanna know y04:20
ghostx562oh ok, im using irc via my tablet, maybe thats why?04:21
cagrijostpsryn: i can easily get one, but why?04:21
RZAFCholstein: how do i do nomodset04:21
ghostx562ill try switching apps?04:21
psryncagrijost : ok. i suggest you format everything and then reinstall win 7. then try to install ubuntu and see if it works.04:22
holsteinRZAFC: the link i gave lays it out pretty well http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313204:22
ghostx562Im back jack.04:22
braaaainsSo I used sudo curlftpfs -v USERNAME:PASSWORD@SERVER:PORT/ /MOUNT/DIR and it accepts the connection just fine, but it keeps telling me permission denied whenever I try to open the folder. Any insight ?04:22
cagrijostpsryn: but i dont want win7, i want ubuntu, and only ubuntu04:23
holsteinbraaaains: make you the user has permission.. try locally04:23
holsteinmake sure*04:23
holsteincagrijost: and the installer fails?04:23
braaaainsI attempted to chmod the file but it also denied me permission. I think because I do not have the permission to do that kind of thing on the FTP server.04:24
psryncagrijost : i understand. what i mean is format and reinstall win7 and then erase it to install ubuntu04:24
holsteinbraaaains: try locally... make certain the user has permission04:24
psrynhey guys, which is the best terminal based chat client for ubuntu?04:24
cagrijostholstein: the installer worked. i installed it, and etc. but when i restart without the live usb. it comes with a msg saying "no bootable device etc"04:25
holsteinpsryn: "best" is a matter of opinion.. irssi and weechat are popular04:25
braaaainsholstein: it's weird, even locally with sudo, it won't allow me to edit the permissions04:25
ghostx562cagrijost, maybe you didn't install, maybe only using from usb drive.04:25
holstein!grub | cagrijost i would just recover grub from a live CD04:25
ubottucagrijost i would just recover grub from a live CD: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub204:25
holsteinbraaaains: if locally you cant, you know you wont be able to via FTP04:26
cagrijostholstein: i tried that, didnt work. i got that boot repair tool04:27
cagrijostghostx562: im pretty sure i installed,04:27
ghostx562cagrijost, try re-installing?04:28
cagrijosti did.. 3 times.04:29
RZAFCholstein: I have no OS on the machine. I have no access to grub. All I have access to is BIOS?04:29
psryncagrijost : format everything and then reinstall win 7. then try to install ubuntu and see if it works.04:29
psrynerase win7 after that04:29
holsteincagrijost: i would be *sure* you installed.. and recover using the live CD.. i never used any tool.. just the cli04:29
ghostx562rzafc, what exactly are you trying to do?04:29
RZAFCholstein: When I try to boot with the 12.10 usb drive this message comes up: SYSLINUX 4.06  EDD 4.06-pre-7 Copyright (C) 1994-2010 H. Peter Anvin et al04:30
holsteinRZAFC: you boot the CD.. when the CD is loading *after* the bios.. you tap shift.. then at the botton of the screen, you see "f6" thats where you select nomodeset04:30
ghostx562rzafc, try hitting enter>04:30
holsteinRZAFC: you could have a bad download..or a bad cd/usb stick04:31
ghostx562never mind, its shift.04:31
RZAFC<ghostx562> tried that04:31
cagrijostholstein: how can i check that?04:31
RZAFCholstein: it's not that, it works on another machine just fine04:31
holsteincagrijost: i would load up a live CD, and see whats on the drive.. if its nothing, then format and reinstall04:32
cagrijostholstein im on a live usb now. and there are partitions04:32
cagrijostlet me load them up04:32
holsteinRZAFC: does the machin boot anything? mayb e its broken04:32
cagrijostholstein: what are the commands again?04:32
RZAFCholstein: the laptop I have doesn't have cd/dvd drive. Just USB04:32
holsteincagrijost: just click on the filemanager and look around04:32
cagrijostthere is stuff installed. even a boot section(that doesnt work)04:33
ghostx562format the drive?04:33
wadI just did "apt-get install samba", but there is no /etc/samba/smb.conf .... why not? Where is this supposed to be?04:34
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.04:34
RZAFCholstein: It reads the usb drive in bios04:35
Dr_Willis!find smb.conf04:35
RZAFCjust doesn't boot it04:35
ubottuFile smb.conf found in fusesmb, ledgersmb, manpages-zh, mythbuntu-common, nautilus-share, sadms, samba-common, samba-common-bin, samba-doc, smbldap-tools (and 2 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=smb.conf&mode=&suite=quantal&arch=any04:35
Dr_Willissamba-common has the config files i   belive04:35
joshumaxhello again04:35
ghostx562hey dr_willis :D04:35
zilginEnter text here...anyone online? I have some legal questions04:35
holsteinRZAFC: does "it" ever boot any usb?04:35
wadI'll try samba-common04:36
ghostx562zilgin, type away.04:36
Dr_Willis1000+ people here04:36
RZAFCholstein: I just bought the machine off ebay without a harddrive and power cord so I don't know04:36
RZAFCfor 80 bucks04:36
ghostx562legally, if she is 18, and im 17 and a half, is it rape?04:36
holsteinRZAFC: i would try other usb sticks/distros.. maybe its not going to boot usb.. maybe you need plop?04:37
holstein!ot | zilgin04:37
ubottuzilgin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:37
zilginMy wife was caught mis-scanning items at a local Meijer store-what can we expect? 1st time ever in her life and she holds a very high position at Hospital and is worried about them finding out and losing all she has worked for04:37
holstein!ot | ghostx56204:37
ubottughostx562: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:37
joshumaxhooray ubottu is here04:38
Dr_Willistrolling gets the death penalty.04:38
ghostx562sorry :(04:38
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe04:39
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com04:40
grahamsavagei'm looking for some download mangement software that integrates with vimeo/youtube etc04:40
grahamsavageand can do queing and resuming04:40
grahamsavageany suggestions?04:40
joshumaxtry wget :P, no not really but you could try DAP under wine04:41
holsteingrahamsavage: i would ask the content creators for a legal copy... otherwise, searching around should get you there04:41
grahamsavagewget doesn't do url parsing04:41
joshumaxOr best just check sourceforge04:41
ghostx562google helps also.04:41
joshumaxshhh i think he uses AOL04:42
grahamsavageholstein: as if i could be bothered04:42
sankeyhow can i easily tell if a package comes with the default install of ubuntu?04:42
ghostx562joshumax, LMAO!04:42
sankeygoogling "does X come with ubuntu 12.04 liveCD" is not very useful04:42
sankeyin particular, i would like to know if gpg comes with the ubuntu 12.04 liveCD04:42
holsteingrahamsavage: ? its no bother.. i would provide any content i have up.. that would be a "legal" way to obtain what you are trying to obtain04:42
Degruum... get the livecd and open package manager?04:42
holstein!info gpg04:43
ubottuPackage gpg does not exist in quantal04:43
sankeyDegru: "easily"04:43
joshumax!info coreutils04:43
ubottucoreutils (source: coreutils): GNU core utilities. In component main, is required. Version 8.13-3.2ubuntu2.1 (quantal), package size 2144 kB, installed size 5576 kB04:43
Degrudoes anybody know how to enable autocomplete for apt?04:43
sankeyDegru: apt-get install bash-completion ?04:44
ghostx562im at the unetbootin menu, how do i set nomodeset?04:44
grahamsavageholstein: yeah but back in the real world, i've got work to do so i choose the easiest method of obtaining the content i need/want.  Also the likely hood of getting extradited to a foreign country about videos i'd downloaded for publicly accessible websites stored on encrypted media is not even worth considering as a "risk"04:44
ghostx562never mind got it , i think04:44
holstein!ot | grahamsavage maybe you can get information in an offtopic channel04:45
ubottugrahamsavage maybe you can get information in an offtopic channel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:45
grahamsavageholstein: haha pot kettle black.. OT yourself04:45
ghostx562ata04 failed command features drdy error, abort, help. trying to install 12.1004:45
grahamsavagemy original question, good download managers for ubuntu04:45
joshumaxtry good download manager for linux04:45
Degruwhat sort of download managers04:45
Dr_Williswget. and curl.  common download managers04:45
holsteingrahamsavage: i like wget04:45
joshumaxit will probably get more relevent results04:46
grahamsavageDegru: yeah i use wget myself.. i'd love something with URL parsing and fancy checking04:46
joshumaxgrahmsavage: i like wget too04:46
holsteinhttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/list-of-download-managers-available-in-ubuntu.html grahamsavage04:46
grahamsavageohhhhh jdownloader works in ubuntu!04:46
grahamsavagejdownloader is excellent.. it's what i used on osx.. ok problem solved :D04:46
Degruhow do I enable colors in terminal? (ls output is colorcoded)04:47
joshumaxooh good question04:47
joshumaxyou need to compile bash with color support04:47
joshumaxwhich it should already be04:47
Degrurunning kubuntu 12.10; how would I do that?04:48
joshumaxhmm, well colors should already be enabled04:48
Degruwell they're not04:48
holsteinDegru: maybe just try another terminal.. terminator for example04:48
joshumaxtry this04:49
joshumax[ "$TERM" != "dumb" ] && eval "`dircolors -b`" && alias ls='ls --color=auto'04:49
Degruit doesn't work if I do ctrl-alt-f1 either04:49
Degrujoshumax: ok04:49
joshumaxit works for me04:49
Degrujoshumax: yay it works now04:50
Degrujoshumax: will it be persistent?04:50
joshumaxok now add it to ur bash profile so it doesnt go away on reboot04:50
joshumaxthere should be a ~./bash_profile04:50
Degruoh ok lemme see04:50
joshumaxjust add that line to it04:51
magn3ts_Lol. I got banned from /r/ubuntu for trying to help someone who was lying and spewing BS about UEFI and SecureBoot.04:51
magn3ts_I typed out 12 paragraphs of stuff trying to help him and wake up to a ban04:51
gauravhey how to install a software in .tar.gz format???04:51
gauravi downloaded it04:51
gauravunable to install04:51
ejvmagn3ts_: sorry to hear that, but still offtopic, please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic04:51
Degrunope only .bash_history04:51
joshumaxopen /etc/profile.d/dircolors.sh and tell me what it says04:52
magn3ts_ejv: of course, my bad!04:52
Degruits nonexistent04:53
ejvDegru / joshumax : stop making this so complicated; source /etc/skel/.bashrc04:53
joshumaxi was going to tell him to add it04:53
ejvyou don't need to "add" anything, use the template that Ubuntu has readily provided for you04:54
joshumax# uncomment for a colored prompt, if the terminal has the capability; turned04:54
joshumax# off by default to not distract the user: the focus in a terminal window04:54
joshumax# should be on the output of commands, not on the prompt04:54
FloodBot1joshumax: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:54
selena2013guys ubuntu 12.10 freezes like 4 -5 times a day on me04:54
selena2013it hangs and i have to reboot04:54
ejvselena2013: sorry to hear that, what's your question?04:55
joshumaxoops: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5581273/04:55
Degruok got it04:55
selena2013well today it froze on me like 5 times04:55
Degrunow i should reboot?04:55
selena2013and i try the magic key R E I S U B  nothing04:55
ejvDegru: using source, immediatley reads the changes, rebooting is unnecessary04:55
joshumaxno just start a new bash prompt04:55
selena2013when it freezes nothing works no keyboard no mouse04:56
Degrunope not working04:56
joshumaxdid u uncomment the line?04:56
Degruuncommented the line using nano, and saved the file04:56
Degrudoesn't work04:56
ejvno line commenting from .bashrc is necessary, it's ready-to-go as is04:57
joshumaxodd it works for me04:57
selena2013in fact if i dont answer is because my ubuntu froze again04:57
zimzum_got a prob my friends, i did sudo apt-get install nvidia xconfig, now my screen is froze a 4:#04:57
joshumaxalthough im using debian wheezy04:57
gauravanybody there to help me???04:57
joshumaxgaurav: whats the problem?04:58
Degruwhat do you mean04:58
Degruno line commenting04:58
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gauravi downloaded a software in .tar.gz04:58
gauravhow do i install it???04:59
ejvselena2013: It's impossible to support your issue with such vague descriptions and lack of any details. Start over. Are you using a desktop or laptop. What brand? What model? OK it's Ubuntu. 32bit or 64bit? What kernel are you using? Paste your logs/dmesg/anything relevant to a Pastebin service. Good luck.04:59
joshumaxwekk is it source?04:59
joshumaxgaurav: is it source?04:59
selena201364bits amd  hp 2000 laptop\04:59
Degruguarav: open it in the default program and extract it to a folder04:59
gauravmmm... i think so05:00
joshumaxokay whats the file tree look like?05:00
ejvgaurav: This process is thoroughly documented here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware05:00
zimzum_got a prob my friends, i did sudo apt-get install nvidia xconfig, now my screen is froze a 4:#05:01
joshumaxejv that wiki scares new users05:01
zimzum_I'm running ubuntu 12.0405:01
ejvjoshumax: please start getting in the habit of directing new users to the documentation; it cuts down on the noise here.05:01
gauravgot it... EJV05:02
gauravthanks man05:02
joshumaxejv ive done that several times but usually it just makes them angry05:02
Degruif anyone has problems with amd graphics in 12.04 try installing 12.10; much better amd support05:02
ejvjoshumax: not your problem ;)05:02
zimzum_ya but will everything stay the same i mean graphic, or will it be fresh new??05:03
Degruok lemme try rebooting to see if colors are fixed05:03
Degruzimzum: it will be the same05:03
joshumaxok also check this if it doesnt: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=139027205:03
selena2013what does unity --reset does ?05:03
ejvIf you're compiling stuff under Ubuntu, outside of the package managers and/or PPAs, you should already be somewhat intelligent.05:03
joshumaxbut i doubt it will05:04
Degruselena2013: running kubuntu so can't say05:04
DegruOK I'll reboot and see if this fixes the colors05:04
joshumaxi know this is an odd question but why do you even want colors, theyre distracting05:05
zimzum_so how do i get it bck to 16:905:05
zimzum_i should have just let it be, but wanted to use my accellerator05:06
zimzum_i go into display and all there is 4:3 option no more05:07
zimzum_ERR wth05:07
joshumaxhmm slow day05:08
acidrainhow do i see what user runs a certain process. which is ices2 we are talking about05:08
joshumaxSo, what would happen if someone were to be able kill init?05:09
joshumaxlike sending SIGKILL to it and it actually worked05:10
HelloWorld321If I tpyed this into the terminal, and this is what I meant to do, but I did it in the wrong directory, and interupted it with ctrl-c ... has it partially renamed some of the files, or does it know to roll back, or is it continuing somewhere?05:11
HelloWorld321find . -type f ! -iname '*.eml' -exec rename 's/([0-9]+)$/$1.eml/' {} \;05:11
joshumaxit doesnt know how to roll back so you have partially renamed files05:12
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HelloWorld321and there's not really any way to know the new .eml files from any original .eml files, right?  -atime, -mtime, -ctime don't seem to have been changed on any of the .eml files?05:13
yownHow does one get shred to shred all files in a folder?05:14
joshumaxoops gtg bye all05:14
Lynxxhow do i connet to a open-ssh daemon it keeps saying my password is wrong, and i know its not?05:18
zimzum_i still can't get to 16:905:19
zimzum_i got a little more resolution05:19
zimzum_and my blue dash is gone05:19
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RZAFCSo I formatted the usb drive to fat and it got passed the syslinux screen and went to a ubuntu screem but then it went to a screen where the cursor just blinks05:23
HelloWorld321Should all my firefox cache files be eml files?05:24
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter05:25
RZAFCDr_Willis: that link didn't teach me anything. maybe you can explain nomodeset a little better05:26
ghostx56212.10, is giving install problems, is lucid lynx still up on ubuntu site?05:26
Dr_Willisits a kernel option to try05:26
HelloWorld321Can any firefox user type this at their home directory, and tell if the files are .eml files?05:26
HelloWorld321find ./.mozilla/firefox/wxmfiul1.default/Cache/ -type f05:26
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit05:27
RZAFCDr_Willis: I can't type anything when I load it up. it shows like a white square thing, a dash and a circle with a guy in it and then it goes to a black screen05:28
Cannabishey guys05:28
HelloWorld321Can any firefox user type this at their home directory, and tell if the Cache* files are .eml files?05:28
HelloWorld321find ./.mozilla/firefox/wxmfiul1.default/Cache/ -type f05:28
Dr_Willisyou use the nomodeset at teh GRUB menu.. befor you see that flashing cursor05:28
Dr_Willisat the grub menu - hit e for edit.. put nomodeset between the 'quiet splash' words05:28
jmcantrelli've created a launcher that runs a program in a terminal, but it only has 8 colors. normal gnome-terminal has 256. anyone know what i can do?05:29
Cannabishey guys question does anyone know how to setup apache when the server is using plesk i need to setup 3 listening ports but i see the httpd file in the /etc/apache2/conf/ folder05:29
crackthwhat's are you taking about?05:31
Degruoh finally05:31
Dr_Willisthis is the ubuntu support channel05:31
Cannabisya ubuntu05:31
crackthi know05:31
Degrudidn't realize that i had to copy /etc/skel/.bashrc to my home for it to work...05:31
Dr_Willisnormally when you make a user. it does that automatcally Degru05:32
Dr_Willisdepends on how you made the user05:32
Degrui made it with the installer05:33
=== crackth is now known as crack
Degrui'm the only user05:33
alexhairymannight all05:33
Degruyay now i have apt-get autocomplete as well.05:33
Dr_Willisthats not exactly true.. linux uses sevveral users.. :) you are the only real person user.05:33
Degruyeah, but apparently the kubuntu installer didn't copy .bashrc into my folder.05:34
niparSo I'm just too tired of windows, and I'm constantly trying to swtich to ubuntu05:35
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niparhowever, never having used any linux system before, I tire really easily05:35
niparA lot of stuff is just too confusing, it makes me very unproductive05:35
DegruIf you're used to Windows, try Kubuntu.05:35
Degruit's pretty easy to understand.05:36
DonPelufenucciwhat is mode +n?05:36
Lynxxnipar, keep using it you'll get better05:36
DonPelufenucciand mode +s?05:36
Lynxxwindows is confusing to a new user as well at first05:36
niparSure, but, any nice resource for simply learning most tricks to get by quickly?05:36
number-7i loaded apache on my ubuntu...05:36
number-7but if i go to it with the url <ip address>/~john  ....05:36
number-7it doesnt seem to look in my public_html ...05:36
number-7am i missing a setting?05:36
Degrunipar, not sure about resources. My first OS was linux, so I kinda learned as I went along...05:37
Lynxxthere are many Ubuntu and plain Linux related help websites online, plus really you learn by using it and asking questions when you don't understand, nipar.05:37
niparSame for me with windows/mac, it's just that im an adult now and I need to stay somewhat productive when using a PC :)05:38
Degruyeah nipar, just use it and if you don't know how to do something then look it up05:38
Degrualso, the built-in help on most programs is very useful05:38
niparSo far I've just had tons of issues with the operating system in general05:39
Degrunipar: what kinds of issues05:39
niparI had to say goodbye to bluetooth headset after half a day of trying to fix them05:39
niparalso, downloading sublime text and installing it when it doesnt come packaged was confusing05:40
Degrunipar: yeah, that can be kinda confusing05:40
Degrunipar: i usually stick to the repositories for programs05:41
Dr_Willisi really dont see the need for sublime...05:41
niparalso, I really wanted to make SB2 the default editor, rather than gedit05:41
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niparbut im still not sure how to change the defaults list05:41
niparDr_Willis, it's just a matter of being somewhat productive and having familiar surroundings still05:42
Dr_Willisbeen using vi for years.. ;)05:42
ceverettI have a problem installing Quantal05:42
niparA lot of editors/IDE's are good, but as a windows user, SB2 has been one of the "only options"05:42
ceverettI hope someone here can help05:42
niparI just took the step to change operating system, I don't want to re-learn editors quite yet :)05:43
Dr_Willisi use geany and vim on windows....05:43
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sahilhii good morning people05:43
matt_Im having a problem with my Video playback. Not on outube or anything. just like DVD and downloaded videos05:45
ceverettIt looks like Xwindows is crashing when the live cd image is booting on my DEll E641005:45
matt_Any Fixes?05:45
ceverettany ideas on how to diagnose?05:46
RZAFCDr_Willis: I hit e and nothing happened05:50
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metheris there a way to get the split out patches from http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/raring/subtitleripper  this diff http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/s/subtitleripper/subtitleripper_0.3.4-0.5ubuntu2.diff.gz seems to have all the patches together05:52
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Dr_Willisi would guess you are doing it wrong RZAFC  there should be some videos on nomodeset on youtube and the !nomodeset guide had screenshots last i looked,.05:53
Dr_Willisyou see the grub menu,.. it says at the bottom 'e' for editor.. and you hit e..05:53
=== Tribaal_ is now known as Tribaal
ghostx562i have a question, trying to install lucid lynx on a pc, when installing i get an error, says no root filesystem is defined, please correct this from partitoning menu, help?05:58
Dr_Willistell it what filesystem to use for /     ' the root of the filesystem is /'   the term root gets used a lot..05:59
ambarishhiii.i am having pinguy linux-64 bit and i want to install oracle db in it.what are the procedures for it.06:00
sahil_its beter to set it ext406:00
ghostx562dr_willis, it gives an option for /, /boot, /home, /tmp,/usr,/var, /srv, /opt, /usr/local, what do i pick?06:00
ghostx562i have it set as ext4 journaling file system, but its asking for a mount point.06:01
ghostx562do i just set it as /?06:02
sahil_what you are actually trying to do?06:02
ghostx562format the drive to use for ubuntu06:02
sahil_ok you can set it06:02
ambarishwhat are the steps for installing oracle 10g db in linux-64bit06:02
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Degruambarish: it'd be better to just go on google and look up a guide06:03
ghostx562sahil_: i am at the create partition menu, i selected the partition as primary, used all space, location for new partition is beginning, use as ext4, and mount point what should i pick06:03
ghostx562just the /06:03
sahil__ghostx562 just use "/"06:04
sahil_and check the option "format",06:04
Dr_Willis check the oracvle homepage.. their ubvuntu dirctions should work,..  penguy isent really syooirted here06:04
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Dr_Willistell it what filesystem to use for /     ' the root of the filesystem is /'   the term root gets used a lot..06:04
Dr_Willisive said  '/'  several times now. ;)06:04
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, its just a manner of speaking.06:05
ghostx562sahil, it says, "you have not selected any partitions for use as swap space" ok to skip?06:05
c2tarunI installed Ubuntu 12.04 as my primary partition, I installed 12.10 on other partition for testing, I don't like it. Now I wan't to remove it. The problem is now default partition with boot is the one with ubuntu 12.10, if I format the partition my machine will not be able to boot into 12.04. Can anyone please tell me how to change default boot partition?06:05
ghostx562dr_willis: sorry didn't see it.06:05
Dr_Willisyou want to define a swap partition most likely.06:05
sahil_If you have limited memory you should use a swap though i recommand having it even if you have ample amount of memory06:06
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, same here sahil_ . I always go for 16gb swap even if its overkill.06:06
Degrufor what kind of ram06:06
Degruyou really only need as much swap as you have ram06:06
sahil__ghost562 if you dont have a swap partion create an 1 gb partion and use it as swap06:06
Dr_Willisram+ a little more if you use suslpend06:07
ntzrmtthihu777Degru: I know but its just my way. I have 4&6 gb on my pc&laptop respectively06:07
Degrui have 2gb and 2.5gb swap06:07
ghostx562sahil_: how would i go upon making a swap partition?06:07
sahil__dr_williis suspend ? ;)06:07
MoPacc2tarun: sound like you eneed to edit your grub file in the 12.10 boot partition to point it to the 12.04 partition06:07
ntzrmtthihu777ghostx562: easy. you should boot a live cd, run gparted, and go at it :D06:08
MoPacc2tarun: and maybe stick the right kernel in there06:08
c2tarunMoPac, what? if I edit boot file in partition of 12.10 then of formating the partition it'll be deleted.06:08
MoPacc2tarun: Yeah, or if you work from a live CD, you just delete 12.10 and reinstall grub06:08
MoPacc2tarun: you don't have a separate boot partition, just a file in the root partition?06:08
Degruwhy delete 12.10? i find it more stable06:08
c2tarunMoPac, yup, no separate boot partition06:09
ntzrmtthihu777how do I create a "recovery partition"? I have a small 2gb partition between my /home and swap, I was told unetbootin could do it but it does not give me that option. how would I do it manually?06:09
ghostx562ntzr: im am trying to install ubuntu, once i have it setup ill go for the swap.06:09
ghostx562i can still do after right>06:09
MoPacc2tarun: Then maybe the easiest thing is to *make* a boot partition, pointed at 12.0406:09
c2tarunDegru, where to start, Unity-2D is missing, ATI driver is not supported, system heating too much with open source driver06:09
Dr_Willisyou really wan tto make a swap PARTITION now.06:09
Degruntzrmtthihu777: what do you mean by recovery partition06:09
sahil__ghost562 if you have some free space(i mean fully free,not asign to any partition) you can create a swap partition right away,however if you dont have a free space you can change size of a partition ,which will create some free space then use the freespace as swap06:09
Dr_Willisone partition for /  of type ext4   one for swap of type swap06:09
bcbc2c2tarun: just boot the 12.04 install and run: sudo grub-install /dev/sda  (or whatever drive you boot from)06:09
=== gruber is now known as jsjgruber-x-q
ntzrmtthihu777as in like how some win7 machines come with, something I can re-install from if I mess up too horrifically06:10
c2tarunbcbc2, I am in 12.04 right now, so just running grub-install /dev/sda will fix?06:10
Degruc2tarun: Oh, so your amd driver is not supported? Mine actually works better than in 12.04. I don't like unity. kubuntu is way better.06:10
bcbc2c2tarun: yes06:10
c2tarunDegru, yeah, kubuntu is better, but I am kind of liking Unity-2D + conky. Its good :)06:11
darkhelmet46hey all06:11
Degrudarkhelmet46: hello06:12
c2tarunbcbc2, I just got this message: "Installation finished. No error reported" Do I have to run grub-update or something like that?06:12
ntzrmtthihu777lol. I stick with my gnome-fallback06:12
bcbc2c2tarun: no. it's not necessary06:12
c2tarunbcbc2, ok, I am rebooting now.06:12
bcbc2darkhelmet46: hi06:12
Degruntzrmtthihu777: I usually stick with either some light-weight wm like windowmaker, xfce, or lxde, or I go with kubuntu06:13
Degrudoes anyone know of a windowmaker-based ubuntu flavor?06:13
ghostx562after installing 11.10, how do i upgrade to the newest os thing-a-ma-bob06:13
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, but I cut my linux teeth on lucid and I liked the basic look and feel06:14
ntzrmtthihu777ghostx562: I have never had a good experience doing the in-system update06:14
zorbamaHello! Can someone here help me create a script to configure my wacom tablet?06:14
sahil_what a mess, unable to log in via x after installing lamp-server with ethernet plugged in  :/ how ever i can log in via x  if i do restart and remove the ethernet plug. any idea fellas?06:14
Degrughostx562: why install 11.10? Download the 12.10 cd and install that.06:14
c2tarunbcbc2, lolzz... :) I directly booted in 12.04 :) its like 12.10 automatically removed, I just have to format the partition.06:14
Degrughostx562: and don't mess around with the update manager upgrade thing; it breaks your system06:15
ghostx562degru, i couldn't get 12.10 to install from usb.06:15
ghostx562so i got 11.10, and i will try to see if i can install it from there, if not i will keep 11.1006:15
ntzrmtthihu777then do a cd; the iso is so small you don't even need a dvd to do it06:15
bcbc2c2tarun: good. if you had run 'update-grub' it would have picked up the 12.10, but no point since you're removing it06:15
sahil__ghostx562 why cant u install? use unetbootin06:15
c2tarunbcbc2, yup, thanks :)06:15
bcbc2c2tarun: np06:15
ghostx562ntzr, i don't have a cd/dvd drive, it broke06:15
Degrughostx562: try using "sudo dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/[your usb drive]"06:16
ghostx562well, i broke it06:16
ntzrmtthihu777xD must suck. how old is the machine? it may not be able to boot a usb06:16
Degrughostx562: it'll wipe your drive though06:16
sahil__ghost562 distro upgrade iswill be hack of a download + time sonsuming + the output wont be as classy as a fresh install06:16
ghostx562ntzr, its a 2006 pc, it does boot from usb, installng 11.10 using usb06:16
Degrughostx562: use the same method you used for putting 11.10 on USB for 12.1006:17
Dr_Willisthe it shgould be able to boot a 12.x usb if the ussb is made rifght06:17
ntzrmtthihu777you ~could~ edit your grub to boot from your usb if you're feeling adventurous06:17
ghostx562sahil_, i only installed this to see if it was soemthing with windows 8 not letting 12.10 install06:17
Dr_Willisthe pendrivelinux site has several alternative tools for making a live-usb06:17
DegruDr_Willis: I like using dd for simplicity06:17
ghostx562will try again.06:17
sahil__ghostx662 use unetbootin  to install any linux os via usb06:17
Dr_Willisive defainatly had Unetbootin fail.06:18
goodtimeme too06:18
ghostx562sahil, i will try it, let me get on the other pc06:18
Dr_Willisdd normally works.. but only newer ubuntu reelases support the dd method06:18
ghostx562and install it.06:18
DegruDr_Willis: I like YUMI; you can put many different systems on one USB06:18
Dr_Willistheres dozens of ways to do iot06:18
sahil__d willis i am kinda new with dd is there a proper wiki?06:18
Dr_Willissahil_:  i suggest using the other tools if dd is new to you. ;)06:19
Dr_Willisive never needed a dd wiki page06:19
Degrusahil_: It's basically "dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/sdX"06:19
goodtimeme neither06:19
darkhelmet46Yumi works well.06:19
ntzrmtthihu777holy shit, that easy?06:19
bcbc2sahil_: I think dd means 'destroy drive'. most of the time you don't need it06:19
darkhelmet46I have burned ISOs to CDs that didn't boot, but they booted with Yumi. Go figure.06:20
Degrusahil_: it's easy and useful, though.06:20
ntzrmtthihu777so should the partition in question be mounted, Dr_Willis ?06:20
Degrudarkhelmet46: yes, i like YUMI. I have a USB with various repair/recovery distros on it06:20
IdleOnentzrmtthihu777: Please keep the language clean06:20
ntzrmtthihu777sorry, lo06:20
sahil__bcb2 well i gota raspberry pi kit yday so here no unetbootin will work i gota need dd here :)06:20
coldpizza72isahil_: what school do you goto?06:20
goodtimei go to borders and get the carbon copies in linux mag lol :)06:20
bcbc2sahil_: I use it too. Type carefully ;)06:21
Degruyep; once wiped my drive like that06:21
sahil_bcb2 okey lol06:21
Degrusometimes i use dd for putting cd's on usb06:22
Degru"dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/dev/sdX"06:22
darkhelmet46So, I have an app that complains it cannot communicate withe the audio device driver.  Think it's possible to fix it?06:23
ntzrmtthihu777Dr_Willis: erm, not to pester, but using dd in that manner, do I need to mount the partition?06:23
Degruntzrmtthihu777: no. it's accessing the device, not the mounted partition06:23
ghostx562im going to download 12.10  again, do i jeed 12.10 desktop or dvd?06:24
ntzrmtthihu777k, so I should unmount the partition?06:24
Degruntzrmtthihu777: unless you want to copy one partition; then use of=/dev/sdxX06:24
Degruntzrmtthihu777: you should unmount the usb drive and then run it06:24
Degruntzrmtthihu777: this will destroy all other data on the drive.06:25
sahil_well i have have a issue i am not able to boot my masine via x if i have ethernet plug plugge in  however if i remove the plug and restrat i can log in via x.yes i do have lamp-server^ installled any idea guys?06:25
goodtimelo Haxxa06:25
ntzrmtthihu777Degru: no, I'm looking to use a small partition on my hdd. ok, thank you06:25
sahil_machine * sorry06:25
Degrughostx562: use the desktop iso06:25
ntzrmtthihu777so dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/sdax right?06:25
ghostx562degru: thanks06:26
dr_willisIF sda is the right device.... do NOT get it wrong06:26
dr_willisand use a bs=4M option06:26
Degruntzrmtthihu777: no, you must use the entire drive06:26
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Degruntzrmtthihu777: if you want to use part of the drive then use a different method06:27
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, I get that. its sda, just on my hdd. so I can't target a certain partition, Degru ?06:27
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ghostx562using netbootin, for distro version do i use 12.10 live, hdmedia, or net install?06:27
Degruntzrmtthihu777: no, it will probably break something.06:27
Degruntzrmtthihu777: never tried targetting a partition06:27
Degruntzrmtthihu777: dd is very simple it doesn't care about partitions or anything06:27
goodtimeghostx562:  id do a net install06:27
ntzrmtthihu777:/ then how would I achieve the same for a particular partition of sda?06:28
Degruntzrmtthihu777: it will just dump if onto of and won't care if there's a partition there or anything.06:28
ghostx562ok, copying files to usb06:28
Degruntzrmtthihu777: idk, google?06:28
ntzrmtthihu777xD lol.06:29
ntzrmtthihu777google landed me in the ubuntu wiki suggesting unetbootin, and the linux unetbootin does not give you the install to hdd option06:29
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C0R3O5IVEI am looking for help06:30
ntzrmtthihu777ask away, C0R3O5IVE06:30
Degruntzrmtthihu777: You'd have to have a bootloader that can tell the computer to boot from that partition, so an OS would have to already be installed there, not just an ISO.06:30
C0R3O5IVEI just need a really quick documentation tip [01:28] <C0R3O5IVE> You know how you can view C header files through terminal [01:28] <C0R3O5IVE> is it possible to specify a header file and list all syntax associated with it?06:30
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, I figure grub will handle that06:30
C0R3O5IVEAs i asked on #ubuntu forums06:30
C0R3O5IVEIf i chose defs.h06:31
Degruntzrmtthihu777: not sure if it'll work with iso's though06:31
C0R3O5IVEand I wanted to use QWORD and DWORD06:31
ntzrmtthihu777more of a cpp/c specific connection.06:31
C0R3O5IVEis this possible06:31
ntzrmtthihu777Degru: you can boot from iso using grub, this is no problem, but I am hoping for a fallback06:31
Degruntzrmtthihu777: can't help you there06:31
ntzrmtthihu777well thanks for trying anyways :D06:32
Degruanyone know how to disable the "XXX has joined #ubuntu" messages?06:32
C0R3O5IVEYou know how in terminal you can view all header files associated with 'C/C++'? Is it possible to view the syntax for a selected file in terminal so like if i wanted to view fcntl.h for example. what would I enter to view it?06:32
DegruC0R3O5IVE: You mean "cat fcntl.h | less"?06:33
ntzrmtthihu777not a clue. use nano to read them if you want, or cat | more , but I suppose the syntax would be dependent on the way it was written06:33
ghostx562no idea06:35
Degruhow do i disable the "xxx joined #ubuntu" messages?06:35
ntzrmtthihu777depends on your client06:35
ghostx562no idea, but it is annoying06:36
Degruusing irssi at the moment06:36
ntzrmtthihu777there should be an irssi script for that, check their site06:36
bcbc2 /ignore #ubuntu JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS06:36
dr_willisirssi faq ;)06:36
ntzrmtthihu777thankies, bcbc206:37
ntzrmtthihu777will have to add that to the irssi config file :D06:37
bcbc2ntzrmtthihu777: np. this channel can be quite noisy ;)06:37
dr_willisi thought you did it once.. then saved your settings06:38
Degru /ignore -channels #mwsf * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS06:38
ntzrmtthihu777not that I am aware of, I believe you have to add it to the dotfile for irssi06:38
dr_williswith weechat its just add it... then /save06:39
bcbc2ntzrmtthihu777: yes just /save06:39
VectorXhi, where can i get info on putting the ubuntu phone OS or what ever it is, on a galaxy s3 or htc one(one,x,x+) ?06:39
bcbc2ntzrmtthihu777: see /help ignore for other options06:39
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch06:40
ntzrmtthihu777yup, showed up in the freenode server thingus06:40
anunnaki    /ignore * JOINS QUITS PARTS NICKS06:41
Degruok there06:41
Degruthat's better06:41
dr_willisweechat has smart filters. ;)06:42
yoidhi how a i add a new ssh user (open_ssh)06:42
ntzrmtthihu777dr_willis: would that same channel and wiki be of use for the dell inspiron one2205 touch screen all in one?06:42
Degrui prefer terminal clients06:42
ntzrmtthihu777as do I, Degru06:42
Degruyoid: idk, create a new system user?06:42
ubottuARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.06:42
ubottuARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.06:43
yoidumm, i think that will work, what if i have like 100 users do i have to make new accounts for wach06:43
XDS2010evernote has been hacked !!!!!!!!!!!06:43
Degruyoid: i think so...06:43
yoidDegru : guess thats the only way..Thanks06:44
sheromehey guys I'm getting a force close with a lot of my programs like autokey and compiz manager: I have an incompatible locale --assuming that means my time,date, and location were messed up, I changed them and rebooted, but still no solution. Any ideas?06:45
Haxxa-Is it possible to get ubuntu to run comands when the cpu hits a certain temp06:45
ntzrmtthihu777I guess if your cpu has a temp meter, you could get the output with sensors and have a cron job that checks every so often06:47
nellwhenever I open terminal it's default logged in root06:47
nellmy system wants to run everything as root today06:47
nelland so I can't run chromium right now06:47
Haxxanell what happens when you type exit in terminal06:48
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Guest75149hi all06:48
HaxxaHow would I go about setting up cron and lmsensors06:48
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto06:48
=== Guest75149 is now known as Dragokan
ero-jijihaving some problems getting chrome to install on 12.04LTS, install log here: “Errors were encountered while processing:06:49
ero-jijigah link didnt do right http://pastebin.com/83S5ukRq06:49
ntzrmtthihu777just had the same issue, dns issue is what I heard06:50
ntzrmtthihu777nvm, different thing. way you pasted it made it look like my issue06:50
Haxxa xdg-utils is missing06:50
Haxxaits dependacy06:51
ero-jijijust apt-get it?06:51
ntzrmtthihu777apt-get install -f gets missign dependencies, right?06:51
ero-jijior is it part of another package i need?06:51
ntzrmtthihu777package I need = dependency06:51
ero-jijii did sudo apt-get install -f already06:51
ntzrmtthihu777well just try that apt-get install xdg-utils then06:52
ero-jijisec lemme tab over to the x2go window06:52
ntzrmtthihu777man it takes a bit for partition manipulation06:53
sheromeHi. I need to remap my function keys but compiz force closes due to an incompatible locale. Is there any way to do this please?06:54
HaxxaIf xdg-utils is already installed I might have an idea of why it gave error - first try and install06:54
sheromeremap I mean assign a function (brightness)06:54
ero-jijione sec, it gave me another error06:54
ntzrmtthihu777well I just found a project I should like to try :D lol.06:55
captinehi all.  need some help.  just spend cash on yeti blue mic.  plugged it in and it worked.  tried switching back to internal mic to compare sound, now neither works.  did the windows reboot.  see dmesg http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5581428/06:56
ntzrmtthihu777wine, captine ?06:56
ero-jijiive already run apt-get install -f06:56
captinentzrmtthihu777, nope, ubuntu 12.0406:56
Haxxarun sudo apt-get -f install again06:57
silv3r_m00nwhen I put in the usb drive, it is put up at /media/fc474ef9-60b7-4cf8-b42a-7feb63eeb64c/  the fc47.... thing is the uuid I guess, does it stay constant per device basis ? like the same uuid for /dev/sdb1 always  ?06:57
ero-jijikk one sec, the remote desktop is laggy as hell ><06:57
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)06:57
captinentzrmtthihu777, the yeti acts as usb audio out and that works, but the mic is not working --- which is kind of the whole point. lol06:57
dr_willissilv3r_m00n:  it can change if you do things to the filesystem. but it should stay the ssame for most peoplke06:57
ntzrmtthihu777you can set a new one, but in general uuid always stays the same unless you make some sort of big change to the devices06:57
tux_jockey is crashing at startup...WHat should I do ?06:58
silv3r_m00ndr_willis: can I assign fixed uuid to a device like for /dev/sdb1 for example ? some file or somewhere ?06:58
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dr_willissilv3r_m00n:  its part of the FS. tune2fs can change the uuid06:59
ntzrmtthihu777gparted has a utility for that, should run from live cd. or that06:59
ero-jijiok ran it again , same results as last time: http://pastebin.com/sUHTeazv06:59
ero-jijiits says its removing something that didnt install lol07:00
ntzrmtthihu777!spam | ruangguruma207:00
ntzrmtthihu777dang, lol.07:00
ruangguruma2apa itu spam07:01
ruangguruma2what is lol07:01
captinethink i fixed it.  was being a fdu07:03
ero-jijitrying to install it again now07:03
ero-jijiexact same error when processing man-db07:05
ero-jijiso theres gotta be something else missing it needs07:05
ntzrmtthihu777is there an #arch channel?07:06
somsip!alis | ntzrmtthihu77707:08
ubottuntzrmtthihu777: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*07:08
ero-jijidoing apt-get -f : apt-get update again07:08
oppressed1new map for available female sex tourist to india http://safecity.in/07:08
dr_willisnow thats an original spam......07:08
ntzrmtthihu777omg lol!07:08
kroq-gar78ntzrmttihu777: it's #archlinux07:09
kroq-gar78lolwut o_O07:09
ntzrmtthihu777thankies, lol.07:09
ero-jijiok weird, apt-get update says “duplicate sources list entry for google07:09
nellis it crypt or ccrypt?07:09
nellcuz neither are found and I can't install them but I have the man pages07:10
chroothi, I got a computer, it's process is AMD Athlon II X2 250 dual core, which kind of ubuntu server should i use?07:10
kroq-gar78 /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER kroq-gar78 rgjltnbhcxmv07:11
kroq-gar78oops o_O07:11
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest7305
ntzrmtthihu777hahaha, that sucks07:12
ero-jijilet me run the updater just to make sure everythings up to date07:12
ntzrmtthihu777oh well, at least it did not have sensitive info, kroq-gar7807:12
kroq-gar78ntzmtthihu: lol yeah don't worry. I just registered it after failing at copy-pasting :P07:13
number-7<number-7> if i add UserDir public_html to httpd.conf the server doesnt start up07:13
number-7<number-7> anyone know apache?07:13
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ero-jiji@number-7 a bit, what do you need to know?07:13
number-7if i add UserDir public_html to httpd.conf the server doesnt start up07:14
ntzrmtthihu777!patience | number-707:14
ubottunumber-7: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:14
number-7he said what do you need to know?07:15
ero-jijiwhat apache setup are you using? mod?07:15
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number-7i just installed apache207:15
macbookblackhi there, how do I give the the default user "ubuntu" an overwrite permission for the files under www? I made this user owner of www already and I can upload files but cannot overwrite.07:15
macbookblackPlease help, I badly need this now... I am on the verge of turning on root acces :(07:16
AcidRain__number-7, what error does it give?07:16
number-7it doent start, where do i find the errors?07:17
AcidRain__how do you know it doesnt start?07:17
number-7yes, usually i can telnet localhost 80, and i get it07:17
ero-jijidid you add the “enable” line for it?07:17
number-7i tried that too07:18
AcidRain__number-7, so your saying you havent attempted to start the service?07:18
AcidRain__thats why u cant connect07:18
ero-jijithats the only thing i can think of that wouldnt let it start, bad syntax or forgot to enable07:18
number-7it started fine untill i changed the httpd.conf07:18
AcidRain__number-7, /var/log/07:19
ero-jijiwait, what program did you use to edit the .conf file in?07:19
AcidRain__but u giving me the exact error when trying to start the service would be the best thing07:19
ntzrmtthihu777gedit should have left a backup unless you messed with the settings, number-707:19
ero-jiji@ntzr was just gonna suggest that ^^07:20
number-7the original was empty, so i emptied it out and now it starts07:20
fatis any1 here good with HTML / CSS07:21
ntzrmtthihu777having hell opening booting this phone into the bootloader, lol.07:21
ntzrmtthihu777depends on what you want, fat07:22
ero-jijibtw, my issue is semi on hold, did a full update, and rebooted the server with a fschk, so gonna be a bit for it to do all 9tb lol07:22
ntzrmtthihu777lol. where are you at, ero-jiji ? your name and emoting style suggest japan, am I right?07:22
fatntzrmtthihu777: um... i need to integrate 2 html files together07:23
ero-jijiim american though07:23
ntzrmtthihu777ah, interesting ero-jiji . how you mean integrate, fat ?07:23
fatntzrmtthihu777: its a presentation page needs a drawing tool in it. i downloaded it and i just need to integrate it..but i dont know how07:23
fatntzrmtthihu777: DO you want the details..can i pm u07:24
ero-jijii figure its going to take at least an hour to do the fschk ><07:24
ntzrmtthihu777hmm, you mean a canvas element with javascript, fat ?07:24
ntzrmtthihu777sure, I suppose07:24
ero-jijiim kicking myself for the way i set up the partitions on the server before i filled it up lol07:25
fatntzrmtthihu777:  i have to integrate this http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js/ with http://www.websanova.com/plugins/paint07:25
ntzrmtthihu777ooo, I like it07:26
fatntzrmtthihu777: the first link is a presentation  thing and the 2nd one is a paint tool . i want the paint tool to appear in my slides.07:26
ero-jijiallocated almost all the free space to /data (the server is a backup target for several other servers we have at work)07:26
ntzrmtthihu777so, you want it on that page?07:26
fatntzrmtthihu777:  yes.....07:27
ero-jijiit currently has 8.2tb used07:27
ero-jijiand now i need to add users that can access the backup files07:27
ntzrmtthihu777it shoule be pretty easy, fat . are you running ubunt/othe linux distro?07:27
ero-jijibut /home has almost no free space lol07:28
fatntzrmtthihu777: yes ubuntu 12.1007:28
fatntzrmtthihu777:  i also have windows07:28
fatntzrmtthihu777: when i tried integrating it, the color picker and other tools didn't work (if u click it) but the clear button works. the painting itself works but its not accurate.07:29
fatntzrmtthihu777: if i draw a line down, it will draw the line down too but not at my cursor (a little to the left)07:29
ntzrmtthihu777blech. anywho, what you want to do is wget -pk http://www.websanova.com/plugins/paint#.UTL7B1G7Omo to make a totally local copy of the app, and then you can pull the code you need from that07:29
fatntzrmtthihu777: i use netbeans.07:30
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ntzrmtthihu777no clue about that, I am a manual/cli guy07:30
fatntzrmtthihu777:  i downloaded the code from both of them manually from the site07:30
fatntzrmtthihu777: the code is in my downloads folder07:30
fatntzrmtthihu777:  in nautilus07:31
fatntzrmtthihu777:  i just dont know how to integrate it07:31
bazhang!enter | fat07:31
ubottufat: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:31
ntzrmtthihu777open the html source of your page, and add in what you need with a text editor07:32
fatntzrmtthihu777: i already tried that...i told u. "the color picker and other tools didn't work (if u click it) but the clear button works. the painting itself works but its not accurate. "07:32
=== joel is now known as Guest92605
fatntzrmtthihu777: i added all the stuff in the head from the paint and the body and put it in my presentation.07:33
ntzrmtthihu777then you have not got it exactly the same. its a simple copypasta job it that is all you are doing07:33
=== macbookblack is now known as cyberjorge
fatntzrmtthihu777: its nooot working!!!!!07:33
ntzrmtthihu777don't shout at me, you asked for help and I am giving it.07:34
fatntzrmtthihu777: im not shouring?07:34
fatntzrmtthihu777: shouting* i have no anger on me07:34
cyberjorgeyes you are07:34
ntzrmtthihu777quote: its nooot working!!!!!. sounds like shouting to me07:34
fatits not.07:34
ntzrmtthihu777show of hands, who thinks that was shouting?07:34
ntzrmtthihu777anywho, I am not standing for it. if you're gonna be an ass, ask someone else for help.07:35
fatntzmtthihu777: how am i an ass?07:35
DegruShouting out of frustration07:35
fatntzmtthihu777: im not shoutin.07:35
bazhangntzrmtthihu777, no cursing please, fat lets move on07:36
ntzrmtthihu777bazhang: not using it as a swear, but ok.07:36
DegruIRC is hard to do with an android phone07:36
ntzrmtthihu777fat: I can no longer see your posts, may as well ask someone else.07:36
fatntzmtthihu777: nevermind ill fix it myself07:37
ntzrmtthihu777hello nnn07:38
iosonaany way to make Unity recognise urxvt? currently I am launching it with ctrl+f2.07:38
iosonamake that alt+f2*07:38
ntzrmtthihu777not a clue, I'm a gnome man07:38
YcareneI'm trying to go to a link from steam but it's opening up the "links" browser, it does this from other apps too.07:39
bazhangntzrmtthihu777, unity is a gnome shell07:39
Ycarenexchat does it too.07:39
iosonait is set in a config file somewhere, most likely Ycarene07:39
ntzrmtthihu777bazhang: no need to be techical, everyone knows what I mean07:39
LoneTrooperHi, Does anyone knows any ASCII art editor? Preferably in GUI mode.07:39
Ycareneiosona - I think that's obvious, but I can't figure out where.07:40
bazhangLoneTrooper, apt-cache search ascii and see07:40
ntzrmtthihu777there is an image2ascii package, but its cli. it works rather well07:40
LoneTrooperk k thx bazhang07:40
DegruThere are programs that convert images and video to ascii, not sure about ascii art editors07:40
robotnutblah why did i unstall ubuntu desktop on ubuntu server07:41
YcareneAhh, fixed it, used update-alternatives07:41
iosonawhat is the name of the GUI program that recommends and fetches drivers you select?07:41
dr_willisi irc most of the day on android07:41
bazhangiosona, jockey-gtk ?07:42
DegruIm on android right no07:42
iosonayes, that's it. Thanks. Does it have many dependencies?07:42
bazhangDegru, did you have a support issue with that?07:42
dr_willisin 12.10+ its been moved to a tab in the software-sources tool07:42
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bazhangDegru, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please07:43
bazhang!tet | everdoia07:45
doomlordwindow preview plugin is removed ?07:45
bazhangeverdoia, try #test07:45
bazhangdoomlord, from nautilus?07:45
doomlordcompiz / unity / ccsm /07:45
doomlordwindow thumbnails from the launcher07:46
dr_willisdont think it ever worked with unitys launcher07:46
doomlordi think it was disabled by default.. maybe it didn't work well so they removed it07:46
ripthejackerhow do i import python modules thats inside /usr/share ?07:53
xMopxShellHi, would anyone be able to help me with setting memory limits in lxc containers?07:53
kkkkjjjhsal all07:54
ripthejackerive started the python shell from my home folder07:54
=== Kurza_ is now known as Kurza
ripthejackerthe hp printer config is giving an error08:00
ripthejackerits written in python08:00
ripthejackerso how do i debug it?08:00
robotnutcarefully ?08:00
ripthejackeri meant whats the procedure08:01
ntzrmtthihu777later all08:05
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
WizekHow safe a procedure is it to migrate a wubi install to it's own partition?08:12
dr_willisive heard it works.. ive  seen a few in here with issues..08:13
dr_williswhen in doubt. make backups08:13
WizekWell, I have backup, but it would be still inconvinient if I had to do a full reinstall :)08:14
dr_willisi find it faster to do reinstalls most of the time08:15
iosonawubi is... bad, in my opinion, period. I would just reinstall08:15
WizekWhy is it so bad?08:16
ero-jijinight all08:17
iosonaIt installs on NTFS, which is a bad filesystem, firstoff. It installs within Windows. I mean, you get a lot of drawbacks, only real positive is that you can see what the OS is like08:17
ripthejackeri have a python module in /usr/share08:18
ripthejackerthe module is hplip08:18
WizekSorry, back.08:18
ripthejackerhow can i import this in a shell08:18
WizekSo, why is wubi so bad?08:18
chicagobitcoinsprivate messages are key.  it has been a while since I've used IRC.  I am now authenticated.08:19
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest54798
cylobmy usb wifi keeps disconnecting every several minuts. this didnt happen with windows xp in the same location.08:20
=== Motoservo_ is now known as Motoservo
pje335hi all, I have Ubuntu 12.10 instalt with wuby alongside windows on my compaq mini 100. then i needted to install --reinstall install bcmwl-kernel-source but since then the updater freezes after seaching for updates08:23
ripthejackerhow do i copy the bug report?08:24
pje335does anyone have an idea how to make i working again?08:24
pje335hi all, I have Ubuntu 12.10 instalt with wuby alongside windows on my compaq mini 100. then i needted to install --reinstall install bcmwl-kernel-source but since then the updater freezes after seaching for updates. does any one know how to fix it??08:32
dr_willisuse the command line apt update tools and look for error messages08:33
=== socrates__ is now known as bettyboop
thomaspro/dev/sdb1            118169876   3042988 109124204   3% /mnt/sdb08:38
thomaspro118169876-3042988= ?08:38
dr_willisuse the -h for human readable numbers perhaps..08:38
dr_williswhat FS is that useing?08:38
=== reeed_ is now known as reeed
thomaspro/dev/sdb1             113G  3,0G  105G   3% /mnt/sdb08:39
thomasproDoesn't look any more mathematical" ?:-(08:39
dr_williswhat do you mean08:39
SwedeMikethomaspro: certain percentage is reserved for root only.08:40
dr_willis5% is also reserved for root access on ext2/3/408:40
thomasproThe numbers don't fit ?08:40
thomasproand not shown with df" ?08:40
thomasprothe 5 GB root reserve I mean08:41
dr_willisi never really noticed.  i tend to set the reserve to 0 ;)08:41
dr_willison data drives08:41
thomasproHow can I check this ?08:41
dr_willistune2fs command sets the settings. 5% is the default08:41
dr_willisi never worry about it. ;)08:42
thomasproSo did I - just noticed that ...08:42
=== XenGi is now known as XenGi_
thomasprotune2fs without options doesn't show ?08:43
thomasproDon't want to make any changes yet ...08:43
thomasproNo option to "just show" all the drive usage ?08:44
dr_willisnever noticed. check the df man pages perhaps08:45
thomaspro-a, --all08:48
thomaspro              include dummy file systems08:48
thomasproDoesn't show more than df08:48
thomaspro              produce a grand total08:49
thomasproonly makes a summary of all drives08:49
thomasproDon't see how to gather more info on the missing bytes :-(08:49
gryhttp://codepad.org/81PF4CCD help with sources.list and apt-get update please? "W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/claudiocn/slm/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found"08:51
dr_willisthe ppa is down, no longer active. or dosent support precise08:52
pje335dr_willis: what do you mean with : use the command line apt update tools and look for error messages08:52
dr_willispje335:  apt-get update, apt-get upgrade  are the 2 core commands to update your system08:52
dr_willisall the gui tools are basically front ends to the apt tools08:53
goodtimein your terminal pje335 as root08:53
pje335yes sudo08:53
thomasprogry: It's only for oneiric I suppose ....08:53
pje335but wen i do that the upodates aren't installt08:53
talsamondoes anybody know why iceweasel and firefox doesn't play html508:54
goodtimejust apt-get update then08:54
goodtimeas root08:54
pje335I so sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get upgrade but the updates aren't instalt08:55
pje335furst it workt fine but sins i have installt  --reinstall install bcmwl-kernel-source it doesn't work anymore08:56
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dr_willispastebin the error messages08:57
pje335wel it is in dutch08:58
pje335but i wil do08:58
pje335dr_willis: http://pastebin.com/Qv8DQnDX09:02
poopieJust fired up a headless ubuntu. A few things a little different about this distro. Looks like sudo is installed. I was kind of wondering how the wheels is set up. Aptitude ie "# aptitude search emacs" What really tossed my wig is there does not seem to be a root user? Did I mess something up ???09:04
dr_willisnow try an apt-get dist-upgrade pje33509:04
dr_williswheels? sudo grip is not wheels09:04
dr_willisyou use sudo as needed09:04
poopieNo, normal I install sudo09:04
dr_willisthe admin/sudo group is not 'wheel' in ubuntu09:04
dr_willissudo is installed by default on ubuntu09:05
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo09:05
poopieso so I should run with gksudo and not gksu then.09:05
poopieIf I put a front end on this.09:05
pje335dr_willis: it is doing somethning what looks like a update :)09:06
dr_willisit should allready have gksudo/gksu which i think are the same app on ubuntu poopie09:07
poopiewait dr_willis are you saying there is NO root account? Wow I have been using *nix for the past 20 year?09:07
dr_willispoopie:  you do not directly login to root on ubuntu09:07
dr_willistheres no root password. you dont login straight as root.09:07
grythomaspro: what do i do now?09:09
kumarat9pmMy ubuntu system is too slow at booting time..09:10
kumarat9pmany suggested solutions?09:11
bebojanyone use hd44780 LCD with lcd2usb on ubuntu ??09:11
thomasprogry: You might contact the maintainer, this Claudio SN, if you know him ...09:12
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
poopieNot sure how close this is to Debian but I am not seeing any Xen stubs built into the kernel? I was going to make bare metal slices (DomU) and use Ubuntu as Dom0. Digging around /proc and modules etc ...09:12
poopieIn short is Xen part of Ubuntu?09:13
kgalahassaI have configured my backup on my ubuntu 12.10, but when it 's high time to up, it fails : not a directory. Is someone there  for help? I can precise that my backup point is on my /media/kgalahassa/Data (/dev/sda3),  my backup software is : Déjà Dup09:13
auronandace!xen | poopie09:13
ubottupoopie: XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen09:13
dr_willis   09:14
poopieauronandace yes I know. I use it all the time. It is my thin hypervisor of choice. It is built into the Debian kernel in large so I took for granted that it was in Ubuntu too.09:15
grythomaspro: i would be happy to stop using something if need be.. what exactly is the problem, i don't see 'claudiocn' in sources.list?09:17
marunI get following error while trying to start snmp on my server $ /etc/init.d/snmpd status snmpd dead but subsys locked09:18
bonzarcan any body help me in configuring my wifi09:18
poopieReason I am trying Ubuntu is that the freeze on Debian the kernel a bit dated. Wanted to try the 3.5 kernel and test it for ios etc in VT-d (IOMMU) mode.09:18
pje335dr_willis: and you all  it think is has workt thank you fore helping me out  :) bye09:20
thomasproAs mentioned above: This ppa has not a branch for precise09:20
thomasprogry:As mentioned above: This ppa has not a branch for precise09:20
dr_willispje335:  you dident have to do a dist-upgrade.. thats just a more intensive upgrade of the packages.. updateing anything thats been held.09:20
poopiewhat is a ppa? Like ports that you find in FreeBSD? Stuff you don't find in the repos that is???09:21
burrowsKev's Phone? Is this some type of linux malware I've picked up.09:21
burrowsI see someone mentioned it yesterday as well http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/01/03/%23ubuntu.html09:21
=== Luftwafer_ is now known as Luftwafer
dr_willisnot heard any mention of it in here burrows09:22
burrowsdr_willis, I see. I load my file browser and one of my places is "Kev's Phone". Weird as fuck.09:23
burrowsMy name not being Kev and such.09:23
dr_willisnever heard of it.. seen extensions open up their own homepages on update.09:24
poopieThink you for your incredibly vast wealth of information. All the same I think I am going to install a "normal" GNU/Linux that does not have blobs in kernel (sry Arch) and larger developer base.09:25
burrowsI should be able to figure out where it's atleast getting the phrase "Kev's phone" from.09:25
thomasproSeems I grilled the 2.6.38-16 kernel09:27
thomasproAny easy workaround to get the system running soon ?09:27
grythomaspro: which line ... ? pastebin lines have numbers, I am having trouble realizing what exactly it's referring to09:27
tutysracan we install jdk6 for an user and jdk 7 for others in ubuntu?09:27
SyriaIs  there an equivalent for inSSIDer for ubuntu please? I need a wireless signal scanner.09:27
thomasprogry: I didn't look into your paste - I just checked out the PPA09:28
grythomaspro: would you mind reading it lease, I suspect I'm not seeing where t nuke it from or what ppa it is09:28
thomasproAs I said: If you're refferring to the PPA mentioned in your first post --> There's NOTHING in it for PRECISE !09:30
dr_willisppas are defined via the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ files  normally09:30
thomasproAny manipulations on your system won't help that ...09:30
dr_willisremove that ppa.. it dosent apply to you09:30
grydr_willis: I don't see which line it's defined in09:30
thomasprodr +109:30
dr_willisline? look in that directory and grep the files.. or use the source manager gui tools09:31
dr_willisgry:  where exactly are you looking?09:31
grydr_willis: sources.list09:31
thomasprogry: Mustn't be in sources list09:31
thomasprolook at sources.d09:31
thomasproor so ?09:31
dr_willisand ive said several times... /etc/apt/sources.list.d/09:31
gryah, that's way better.. looking into the directore now.. first time I'm seeing it09:31
gry.d sounds like a daemon or something, didn't know this thing has a dir like that09:32
dr_willistheres dozens of whatever.d directories...09:32
dr_willislook in /etc/09:32
grysafe to remove /etc/apt/sources.list/claudiocn-slm-precise.list and /etc/apt/sources.list/claudiocn-slm-precise.list.save ?09:33
thomasprosure !09:33
dr_willisgry:  we have NO idea of knowing what those are for or why you added them.09:33
dr_willisso rename/move them...09:33
dr_willisif you want. ;)09:33
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html09:33
bebojanyone use hd44780 LCD with lcd2usb on ubuntu ??09:33
SyriaSo can you guys help me with finding an equivalent for inSSIDer for ubuntu please? I need a wireless signal scanner.09:33
SyriaI have installed inSSIDer but when I try to start it nothing happens!09:34
dr_willisSyria:  id suggest checking askubuntu.com  and see if anyone has asked a similer question09:34
dr_willisno idea what inssider does..09:34
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thomasproNo idea how to easily get my "grilled" kernel back ?09:35
dr_willisno idea what grilled means...09:35
Syriadr_willis:  I have searched in google is that enough ? Searched a lot actually.09:35
dr_willisSyria:  i hit askubuntu,com FIRST09:35
llutz!info kismet | Syria09:35
ubottuSyria: kismet (source: kismet): Wireless 802.11b monitoring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 2008-05-R1-4.3build2 (quantal), package size 899 kB, installed size 2180 kB09:35
thomasproSorry, I'm german, don't know how you guys call a messed up kernel image ...09:35
grydr_willis: ah, clicking http://ppa.launchpad.net/claudiocn/slm/ubuntu  and looking theough to http://ppa.launchpad.net/claudiocn/slm/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/binary-i386/Packages helped me to see what it is - is apt's ad ppa thing not trained to check for os version or something when adding a ppa?09:36
Syriadr_willis:  llutz thank you guys.09:36
thomasprollutz: Doesn't "bite" the network manager ?09:37
llutzthomaspro: ?09:38
thomasproThe nm that comes with ubuntu show all available wireless lans for me ?09:39
thomasproBut I read, it reacts very agressive on other apps for the same purpose ...09:39
rigvedhi everyone.09:41
thomasprokernel panic09:41
thomasprogzip image found at block 009:41
rigvedmy friend has a macbook pro. i am trying to install ubuntu using a pendrive. can anyone tell me how to boot into the pendrive?09:42
=== phenom_ is now known as phenom
thomasproList of all partitions09:42
thomasprolist merely sda 1 2 and 509:42
thomasproNo filesystem could mount root09:42
thomasproWhat now ?09:42
llutz!details | thomaspro09:43
ubottuthomaspro: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:43
thomasproproblem with the last installed kernel09:43
thomasproUbuntu 11.0409:43
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:43
thomaspropower on NO filesystem could mount root09:44
thomasproI can boot with the 2.6.38-15 kernel09:45
thomasproThe actual was 2.6.38-16#6709:45
thomasproHow to get it back running ?09:45
fuorviatoshello there09:50
dr_willisid check the bug reports  - see if theres a known issue with that kernel.09:50
shakiiown file type -rs. Maybe you need to install the Perl or Python plugin?09:51
fuorviatosDoes Ubuntu use any demon for monitoring hdd performance by default, so an user is notified when the disk is in prefail state?09:51
dr_willisnot that ive noticed fuorviatos09:54
dr_willisthere might be some in the repos.09:54
red_ciao a tutti09:55
ubottured_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:55
=== Mayazcherquoi is now known as Mayzie
fuorviatosdr_willis: sure, there's smartmontools where a smartd can be set up09:56
AngrySpam98Would anybody like to do me a huge favor?09:59
AngrySpam98My friend has asked me to get him "ten clicks on his page"   so now Im here trying to do so.  He only needs two people to go to "his page"09:59
AngrySpam98Just click this link: http://riotpointsgenerator.org/index.php?id=19917110:00
AngrySpam98and I will shut up :P10:00
AngrySpam98if anybody clicked it, thanks.  It worked :P10:00
dr_willisi advise spamming elsewhere...10:01
=== rperier_ is now known as rperier
bsbxprblmUbuntu LTS, I'm taken to Busybox when booting and it just says (initramfs). Problem started after doing an update. Kernel was updated.10:04
nyuszika7hbsbxprblm: does it say anything about mounting the root file system?10:04
nyuszika7hhow can I prevent Alt+Space from bringing up the system menu in the terminal (or globally, if that's the only possible way)?10:04
bsbxprblmnyuszika7h nothing like that10:05
icerootnyuszika7h: i am using the option "dont show the menu" in gnome-terminal10:05
bsbxprblmAfter grub I just end up in Busybox10:05
icerootnyuszika7h: right click in the terminal and disable the menu option there10:06
nyuszika7hiceroot: that doesn't help10:06
nyuszika7hI mean, the window menu (when you right click the window) is shown on Alt+Space10:06
ktosiekHi! How stable is raring so far? I want to try linux 3.8, and don't know if I should go with raring or build it10:06
red_ciao a tutti10:06
icerootnyuszika7h: ah we are talking about HUD and not the gnome-terminal menu10:06
icerootnyuszika7h: ah ok, that is another menu you are talking about10:07
nyuszika7hI mean the right click menu of the terminal window, I want to prevent that from bringing up the menu with "Minimize", "Maximize", "Close" etc.10:07
icerootnyuszika7h: maybe have a look at the shortcut-settings in the gnome-control-center to disable that shortcut10:07
iceroot!shortcuts | nyuszika7h10:08
ubottunyuszika7h: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net/ - See !Keyboard for changing layouts. A list of keyboard shortcuts for Unity is available at http://ubottu.com/y/shortcuts10:08
nyuszika7hiceroot: ah, found it, thanks10:08
bsbxprblmJust tried selecting a previous kernel in Grub and that worked, but why is the newest kernel sending me to Busybox?10:09
dr_willisboot it with the noquiet nosplash text   options and look for error messages10:10
Lynxxis there a way i can make a command so on open-ssh it gives an option for someone to create a new account by typing something like 'new' for login?10:10
Xtremeguys, can i play my audio simultaneously on bluetooth as well as internal spreakers?10:10
nyuszika7hLynxx: adduser?10:11
icerootXtreme: have a look in the audio-settings (click the speaker in the right top menu) there you will find all sound devices, enable the devices you want10:11
dr_willislynxx  i imagine its possible.. but that would be a huge security hole10:11
nyuszika7hyou should not use adduser for letting anyone create an account on your server though, you should write a script that calls useradd, and only allows some things like the name to be specified10:11
Lynxxyeah was thinking the same10:11
nyuszika7hthat's not the best idea either, but some shell providers do that.10:12
Xtremeiceroot, yes, but i can either enable bluetooth headset or speaker10:12
Xtremenot borh10:12
nyuszika7hthe funny thing is that they block Tor connections for the user registration, but they don't block it for normal login10:12
Lynxxnyuszika7h,  any place i can learn how to write such a script?10:12
nyuszika7hLynxx: you should look into learning Bourne shell / bash scripting, and read the manual page of useradd (man useradd)10:13
Lynxxone more question thank you so far10:13
nyuszika7hsure, sup?10:13
dr_williswhy you would want such a script... ;)10:13
icerootXtreme: http://forums.opensuse.org/english/get-technical-help-here/multimedia/461219-sound-multiple-output-devices-pulse.html10:13
Lynxxwhen i'm trying to connect to open-sshd ... it gives me login prompt which is fine, is there any way i can get it to display something  else other than just login?10:14
icerootLynxx: its the welcome message10:14
LynxxLike a welcome title or something, this is for a friend of mine i'm trying to alow her some access to my machine so she can learn10:14
Lynxxokay where would i set this?10:14
icerootLynxx: which is enabled by default on ubuntu10:14
nyuszika7hLynxx: /etc/motd10:14
nyuszika7hLynxx: you could just create her account with 'sudo useradd', it's pretty easy to use10:15
Lynxxokay let me check it out because so far all it does is go righ to the Login10:15
Lynxxand that can be confusing for a total newbie like her10:15
Lynxxokay yeah i was going to do that10:15
nyuszika7hLynxx: oh, you mean _before_ login?10:15
nyuszika7hcreate a file, something like /etc/ssh/sshd_banner, and add the line "Banner /etc/ssh/sshd_banner" to /etc/ssh/sshd_config10:16
nyuszika7halso, if you want to suppress the notice about Ubuntu and stuff after login (the things in /etc/motd), you can use "ShowMOTD no" in the config or per-user, "touch ~/.hushlogin"10:17
LynxxIs it safe for me to change the contents of MOTD10:17
Lynxxor does it automatically update on it's own10:17
Xtremeiceroot: thanks mate, but i dont have the simultaneous option... :(10:17
Lynxxi notice it says 0 files for update etc.. seems like it writes to it .. but idk10:17
nyuszika7hLynxx: it's safe to edit it, the dynamic MOTD is auto-generated and appended to the end of /etc/motd10:18
Lynxxok cool10:18
nyuszika7hactually, it's appended to the output by sshd on connecting, not directly to /etc/motd afaik10:18
nyuszika7h(the dynamic MOTD consists of one line containing kernel information and stuff)10:18
uppfinnarnif you want a custom motd, it's usually a better idea to edit /etc/motd.tail; that'll append your stuff to the end of the motd10:19
Lynxxokay ... was just wondering because i did edit that banner part and then it got all mixed up next to the Login: field10:19
Lynxxinstead of t here being a break inbetween10:19
nyuszika7hLynxx: mixed up? how do you mean?10:19
nyuszika7hcan you screenshot?10:19
nyuszika7hyou could try adding a newline at the end of the file10:20
LynxxI could it was basiccally like this10:20
nyuszika7hempty line10:20
Lynxxblah blah blah blah blah blahlogin:10:20
Lynxxinstead of blah blah blah blah blah <break> login:10:20
nyuszika7hah, that means your editor didn't add a line break at the end10:20
nyuszika7hjust press Enter to make sure you have an empty line in the file10:20
Lynxxokay lets play with this a bit and figure it out10:20
Lynxxi still gotta figure out why the only file in my new user is 'show.desktop'10:21
nyuszika7hbecause you haven't logged in as that user from the GUI, I guess10:21
nyuszika7hit will create Documents, Downloads etc. if you log in from the GUI, I think10:21
nyuszika7hbut it should be safe to do it manually10:21
Lynxxi should make a script to do all that lol would be easier i think10:22
uppfinnarnif you do it manually, you'll have to assign the manually created directories as Music, Pictures, etc., or some scripts won't work properly; it's safer to let the GUI do it10:22
Lynxxok then10:23
uppfinnarnsee: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xdg_user_directories10:24
dr_willisLynxx:  are  you useing encrypted home directoriues?10:25
dr_willis how did you add the user?10:25
nyuszika7hI think (s)he used 'sudo adduser' as I suggested10:26
dr_willisadduser  copies everything from /etc/skel to the new users home10:26
nyuszika7hdr_willis: aren't most of the things dotfiles there?10:27
nyuszika7hon quantal, .bash_logout  .bashrc  examples.desktop.profile10:27
nyuszika7herr, examples.desktop and .profile are two different files10:28
nyuszika7hstupid tabs10:28
nyuszika7hthis is why I prefer to use spaces even for aligning things :P10:28
nyuszika7h(when using fixed-width, that is)10:28
nyuszika7huhh, I think my sound is broken10:29
nyuszika7hterminal bell isn't working10:29
nyuszika7hthe sound test works10:29
emxnyuszika7h, be van-e minden kapcsolva?10:30
Lynxxi added the user from the system settings dialogue dr_willis10:30
ntzrmtthihu777very interesting. I have managed to dd an iso to a 2gb partition, several times, I might add, but it always ends up with a bad magic number10:31
JaySwizzleBit of a noob question here but, how do I update wine?10:31
JaySwizzlesudo apt-get update wine isnt working10:31
ntzrmtthihu777sudo apt-get upgrade10:31
JaySwizzleoh its upgrade10:31
nibblerntzrmtthihu777: you dd if=file.iso of=/dev/sdb2?10:31
nyuszika7hemx: alsamixer-ben megtalaltam, a "Beep" volt lenemitva (for the others, it was muted - since you asked in Hungarian :P)10:31
dr_willisthe old speaker-beep from years past is broken./disabled on many distros these days10:31
uppfinnarnupdate updates the package list, upgrade upgrades outdated packages10:32
JaySwizzleim a dimwit10:32
ntzrmtthihu777nibbler: yup, exactly10:32
dr_willisnibbler:  you mean sdb  most likely...10:32
uppfinnarnso you need to use update first, or apt-get won't know there is a newer version10:32
nibblerdr_willis: ntzrmtthihu777 talked of partitions...10:32
ntzrmtthihu777actually I did it to /dev/sda310:32
dr_willisnot sure why you would dd an iso to a sda310:32
nibblerme neither ;-)10:33
ntzrmtthihu777well it is actully the second partition, the numbering got scragged10:33
nyuszika7hJaySwizzle: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade10:33
nyuszika7hit will upgrade all packages10:33
dr_willisso its NOT an ISO file.. just a hd image file?10:33
nyuszika7hif there is a new version available10:33
ntzrmtthihu777it is an iso file10:33
dr_willisso its a cd/dvd image then?10:34
nibblerntzrmtthihu777: and you can mount the iso, but not the partition/copy of it? strange.10:34
ntzrmtthihu777wait a minute -- I think I got it. yeah, just like you get from releases.ubuntu.com10:34
nyuszika7hJaySwizzle: you will need to find a PPA if you're looking for a newer version than the one in the repo, because packages aren't updated after release just because there is a newer version available10:34
ntzrmtthihu777I think I need to mount the iso first, and *then* dd the contents.\10:34
nibblerntzrmtthihu777: but this does not have any purpose or such, right?10:34
nyuszika7hntzrmtthihu777: if you use dd to write the image, sudo aptitude install syslinux10:35
nyuszika7hthen isohybrid foo.iso10:35
nibblerntzrmtthihu777: use cp forthat, if you want to make usefulls tuff ;-)10:35
nyuszika7hthen  dd if=foo.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4M  or something like that10:35
ntzrmtthihu777grub-install to sda3 gives an error message about it being a a iso9660 filesystem10:35
dr_willisyou wouldent install grub to a iso filesystem10:36
emxnyuszika7h, may i pm you? it's off topic.10:36
sqrrli want to install some packages on inernetless xubuntu; i want it to play mp3s/avis/mkvs (mplayer with some gui possibly?). i've got a windows computer with internet here. how do i do that?10:36
nyuszika7hemx: sure10:36
dr_willisisolinux is normally used for that10:36
glenwhere can i get latest stable for chromium 25?10:37
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, lol. I'm kinda just goofin around, but I got this idear in my head, lol10:37
dr_willis!ppa | glen10:37
ubottuglen: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge10:37
nyuszika7hsqrrl: find the packages on http://packages.ubuntu.com, download the .deb files (make sure to download the dependencies too), transfer them to the other computer (via USB or something), then sudo dpkg -i *.deb10:38
glennyuszika7h: but this ppa has no 25: https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/stable10:38
glennyuszika7h: it's like abandoned, last pkg is from 18.x branch10:39
glenntzrmtthihu777: sorry, wanted to reply to you :)10:39
FlowRisersqrrl, what nyuszika7h said :D You can also get the .deb file by sudo apt-get source <<package-name>>10:39
nyuszika7hFlowRiser: rather aptitude download10:40
nyuszika7hand sudo isn't needed for apt-get source / aptitude download afaik10:40
sqrrlnyuszika7h: um uh. how do i make sure i download the dependancies too? like, i want some mp3 and video players like smplayer or amarok, and when i search for smplayer it lists like 20 dependancies, do i download them too?10:40
sqrrlis there any easier way?10:40
ntzrmtthihu777glen: about what?10:41
Viking667can someone do a lookup for me on libmaven-shade-plugin-java  ?10:41
glenntzrmtthihu777: but this ppa has no 25: https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/stable. it's like abandoned, last pkg is from 18.x branch10:41
jribsqrrl: you should be using software center or apt-get if you prefer the command line.  They handle dependencies automatically for you10:41
jrib!software | sqrrl10:41
ubottusqrrl: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents10:41
Viking667I've got 1.2.1-4  yet apache tells me that the latest version is 2.010:41
FlowRiserQuick question if a build of a program interrupts because of power-surges, pc crashes, etc ... Does the 'make' process resume itself?10:41
FlowRiserI have a large source, and my kernel crashed when i plugged in a usb dongle10:41
glendr_willis: : but this ppa has no 25: https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/stable. it's like abandoned, last pkg is from 18.x branch10:41
glenntzrmtthihu777: blah, drwillis replied me instead10:41
=== Dmnchild_ is now known as Dmnchild
sqrrljrib: is there apt-get for windows?10:42
uppfinnarnFlowRiser: it should, yeah, at least as far as I know10:42
dr_willisfind a diferent ppa ;)10:42
jribsqrrl: why do you want that?10:42
dr_willissqrrl:  seen some similer projects to a package manager for windows.. with open sourced software. ages ago10:42
glendr_willis: but i'm rather asking where's the official chromium team pkgs, or why there are no updates10:42
sqrrljrib: i'm not planning to install linux on other computers any time soon10:42
jrib!offline | sqrrl10:42
ubottusqrrl: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD10:42
dr_willisglen:  no idea. ;)10:43
sqrrljrib: that looks promising, thanks!10:43
FlowRiseruppfinnarn, thanks for the answer :)10:43
ntzrmtthihu777rawr, what a pain this is becomming, lol10:43
FlowRisersqrrl, if you manage to find a way to solve your problem, can you please put it up here ? :D10:45
sqrrlwell, i'll try10:45
sqrrlbut i am a linux idiot and hence not very useful10:45
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)10:46
sqrrlhow do i find my disgtribution :|10:46
FlowRisersqrrl, what ubuntu version you have ?10:46
ubottuGuest61801: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:47
sqrrlFlowRiser: xubuntu10:47
noxomhello, anybody worked with plc and etc? I don't can to install drivers for rs-485(converter usb to rs-485) :( Light comes on, but in dev/usb not visible and update(and additional drivers) do not help.10:48
ktosieknoxom: are you should you need drivers for rs-485 converter?10:48
FlowRisersqrrl, lsb_release -a10:49
ktosieknormally you should just plug it in, and look for /dev/ttyUSB*10:50
FlowRisersqrrl, you want to see the distribution codename there10:50
ktosiekor /dev/ttyACM*10:50
ktosiek(I only used cheap USB<->RS232 converter with not much better RS-232<->RS-485, so maybe the industrial strenght stuff is different)10:51
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nibblerdoes ubuntu 12.10 desktop support full disk encryption, or do i still need the alternate installer for that?10:55
ntzrmtthihu777I think I figured out how to do it10:57
noxomktosiek, i dont know where get drivers and not understand about  /dev/ttyUSB*10:58
noxomrs232 it is com?10:58
ktosieknoxom: COM is just a name for serial devices on windows11:00
ktosieknoxom: ls /dev/ttyUSB* /dev/ttyACM*11:01
ktosiekI've got to go, bye11:02
=== pranav is now known as trap24
trap24putty not connecting to my ubuntu system11:02
trap24what could be the possible causes11:02
yoidtrap24: probably your firewall11:02
llutztrap24: ssh listening at all? "sudo lsof -i :22"11:02
trap24llutz: only root with ipv4 and ipv6 seperately11:03
llutztrap24: what?11:04
ntzrmtthihu777anyone know a one-liner to format /dev/sda3 to iso9660?11:05
noxomttyUSB0 appeared, and then what to do with it?11:05
noxomcom is a http://electronics-diy.com/schematics/1006/usb_rs232_adapter.jpg entrance motherboard11:05
dr_williswhy would  you format a HD to iso9660?11:05
dr_willisits not a writeable fs...11:05
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crizisntzrmtthihu777: ehm.. that's cdrom format11:05
ntzrmtthihu777an idea, lol. just playin a bit11:05
ntzrmtthihu777I know what it is.11:06
trap24llutz: yoid thanks guys, it was the firewall11:07
trap24works now :)11:07
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, sudo ufw allow 2211:07
noxomsize is 0 bytes D:11:07
ntzrmtthihu777so, anyone have an insight or do I gotta do some more google failing?11:08
dr_willisi done know what the CORE problem was ntzrmtthihu77711:10
ntzrmtthihu777just how to format sda3 to iso9660. got an inkling of a nifty thing.11:10
dr_willissee the wodim/geniso docs i guess11:11
gsnedmorning all.  i'm trying to remove a disk from lvm but not having much success - is anyone able to help?11:11
dr_willisno idea why you would want to make an iso fs on a hd...11:11
dr_willisyou can set up grub2 to boot an iso FILE if needed11:12
ntzrmtthihu777well, I am thinking to boot from it, and I just like trying things out. linux made me experimental, lol.11:12
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, I've done that before dr_willis, just like to look at other angles, lol.11:12
dr_willisyou can DD a ubuntu.iso to a HD.. thats not the same as formating it in iso966011:13
dr_willissince 9660 is a read ONLY format. as far as i know11:13
dr_willisthe idea of a blank iso is a little useless. ;)11:13
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, I get that. that's what the problem is, lol.11:13
dr_willisive never seen you state the actual proble,m,11:13
ntzrmtthihu777I've dd'd the iso to the partition in various manners, but it always ends up with a bad magic number, lol.11:14
llutz!lol | ntzrmtthihu77711:14
ntzrmtthihu777like I said, not exactly a problem, more like a puzzle11:14
ubottuntzrmtthihu777: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.11:14
Cagrijostdoes anyone have experience with installing ubuntu on a gpt hdd?11:15
ntzrmtthihu777its read-only, but it had to have been written in the first place, at least once.11:15
ntzrmtthihu777gpt hdd? whazzat Cagrijost ?11:15
Cagrijostntzrmtthihu77 what?11:16
Cagrijostntzrmtthihu777 what?11:16
llutzntzrmtthihu777: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GUID_Partition_Table11:16
bekksntzrmtthihu777: Thats a HDD that uses GPT instead of MSDOS for the disk label.11:17
Cagrijostbekks: you know how to install ubuntu on that? because my grub wont work when i do11:17
ntzrmtthihu777a handfull of letters don't answer the question, bekks . I am still at the same lack of info11:18
Cagrijostntzrmtthihu777 : a harddisk can just be formated in diffrent ways. if you got a hdd over 2,2tb, then you need a gpt format on it11:19
ntzrmtthihu777thank you. Cagrijost11:20
Cagrijostcan anyone help me with it? google wont :-(11:20
ntzrmtthihu777have you tried "just doing it"?11:22
dr_willisi thought it could use gpt with no issues.. or are you also on a UEFI system?11:22
Cagrijostdr_willis yes:11:26
Cagrijostntzrmtthihu777 : i have yes, but it wont boot later. as i told before11:27
DebianUsrhey all11:27
ntzrmtthihu777strange. hello DebianUsr11:28
TheGrey_o/ Does sudo apt-get update, update the Nvidia driver? I ask because, I fear a recent sudo apt-get upgate, has updated this driver. And now programs that rely on this driver as all screwed up. How can I revert to the old nvidia driver and then prevent it from updating?11:28
DebianUsri kinda have a question and its gonna sound like an insult but its really not an insult. what is the difference between ubuntu and debian? I read that ubuntu is not that stable as debian is although its on the same path. so i don't understand that, but. any ideas?11:29
DebianUsrhello ntzrmtthihu77711:29
FlowRiserTheGrey_, find the version of the package and modprobe it11:31
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FlowRiserTheGrey_, but i'm really not sure if it'll work11:31
FlowRiserTheGrey_, i do this with my wireless driver11:31
FlowRiserTheGrey_, and i still have to reinstall everytime it updates it and modprobe the newer version11:32
bekksTheGrey_: Which Ubuntu are you on, and which version of the nvidia driver is installed? And what exactly is the problem?11:33
TheGrey_how can I find out the latest version of the nvidia driver I am using?11:34
zAo^What is the best flash player on chromium?11:34
TheGrey_bekks: I installed it manually11:35
bekksTheGrey_: Thats the problem.11:35
bekksTheGrey_: Why didnt you install the version from the repos?11:35
TheGrey_bekks: because...i though I needed the "fastest" stuff. What can I do now!11:36
bekksTheGrey_: You can uninstall the version you install, by following the uninstall instructions in the readme, and then, install the latest version from the repos.11:39
Kroachis it possible to play RTSP streams in Totem?11:41
yoidwhats the best way to restrict ssh users to only their home directory?11:42
dr_willislook into rbash and chroot jails11:43
dr_willisor just dont worry about it. ;)11:43
yoiddr_wills: thanks i was reading up on rbash, seems its a good option11:43
yoidmy initial though was to just change the /home/user permissions, seems rbash is better ..11:44
dr_willisive never really seen it as being worth the effort. ;)11:44
yoidlol...guess ill have to go through the effort and see if its worth it lol, learn something new everyday..11:45
janisoza1rhi, is there already zopfli-enabled png crunching tool?11:45
fish47Hi everyone, I can't boot 32bit ubuntu live-usb, any ideas? My computer has 8G ram, no discrete graphics, Intel CPU. BTW, booting via grub4dos using boot.ini doesn't work. Thanks for your help.11:45
dr_willishow are you making the live usb fish47 ?11:46
ubottuInterested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment11:47
fish47dr_willis: Universal-USB-Installer11:47
dr_willistry some of the other tools at the pendrivelinux site11:47
fish47dr_willis: When I boot from the usb, cursor on my computer start blinking and that's all. It's strange.11:49
ntzrmtthihu777back. hadda go get somethin to eat11:49
fish47dr_willis: I'm trying. Hope that may be helpful. Thanks.11:49
=== DebianUsr is now known as ishtao
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter11:50
paramhow to launch vm using qemu ?11:50
ubottuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo11:51
Mojojojohello please help me someone: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5581958/11:53
dr_willisbetter if you give a small summary. not just a paste url11:53
MojojojoI get errors when I do sudo apt-get update11:53
Mojojojoyou didn't let me explain myself there buddy11:54
gazzwi86So I've installed ubuntu server 12.04 on my server and its running pretty slow (its not got much ram).  Is there anything I could do that might speed it up?11:54
Mojojojoanyone help please?11:55
sqrrli went to the (internetless) linux pc and: 1) symantic doesn't find smplayer or amarok or even mplayer, only some related packages 2) i can see that there are some /suggested/ dependencies for the current audio player which are in cursive and probably not available 3) the player, when i try playing mp3s, says that some plugins are missing and doesn't offer anything else 4) when i search synaptics11:56
sqrrlwith “mp3” or “mpeg-1 layer 3” nothing useful comes up11:56
dr_willisyoiu got bad ppas enabled.. remove them11:56
sqrrlis there anything i can do?11:56
Mojojojowhich ones do i need to remove?11:56
dr_willisthose are warnings.. not really errors,,, they shouldent stop apt from working11:56
DylanClHello, when trying to stream to twitch.tv, I can't get sound working. I got a script from a friend, I can link it if you want11:56
dr_willisMojojojo:  the ones with the warning messages11:56
MojojojoI can't find the same exact ones though11:56
dr_willisyou may want to clean out the ppas you dont really need.. you have loads of them it seems11:56
dr_willisuse the software-center gui tool  or look in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ for them11:57
Mojojojohow do i clean out the ones not needed? I'm  new to ubuntu11:57
Mojojojohow do i know which ones i need?11:57
dr_willisyou added them,. I have no idea what ones you need.. or why you added them11:58
Mojojojohehe ok11:58
Mojojojothanks anyways11:58
chmacBit of an odd situation, I've got Revelation password manager open, I had entered some data, left the dialog window open without having saved it. Now when I alt-tab back to evolution I'm taken to the parent window and I can't find the dialog.11:58
chmacBut the parent window is locked because the dialog is open.11:58
chmacIf I kill revelation, then I lose the password I just created for a service, not a nightmare, but best avoided if possible...11:59
ishtaohello is anyone there?11:59
chmacAny suggestions?11:59
chmacishtao: If you have a question, just ask it.11:59
chmacUnity dash shows 2 dots, which I think means 2 windows open, but I can't get it to show me the two windows to select the dialog...12:00
chmacNever mind, killed it...12:00
ronalds_mhow to make nautilus manage my desktop12:01
ronalds_mif I'm using xfce12:01
* eaglewing Is there a way to use windows' VIA drivers for windows games run with wine?12:01
ishtaoi wanted to know if ubuntu would be a good choice to run as a web server on my vps. im looking for stability. but never worked with ubuntu before. ive been reading on the net back and forth and theres such much who go with debian vs ubuntu even though they are similiar perhaps?12:02
qwdSome sites are blocked on my desktop and I can't figure out why. At first I thought it was the ad-blocking script on my router but I removed it and the problem remains, also I can reach the sites on my phone using wifi so the problem is definitely on my desktop. Same thing with Firefox and Chromium. Checked /etc/hosts and didn't see anything unusual there. Any ideas on what else I could look for?12:02
bekksqwd: Disable all browse extensions/add-ons.12:03
chiku|dchi when I wake up my computer after sleep mode, there is no sound anymore till I reboot it12:03
chiku|dcI try to restart pulseaudio, no sound12:03
qwdbekks: It's the same in Chromium and that doesn't have any extensions12:03
bekksqwd: Did you try to use another DNS server?12:04
qwdFor example tomshardware.com is unreachable with the browsers. But I just noticed I can ping it from the terminal.12:04
qwdbekks: haven't tried that12:04
fish47dr_willis: I burn the iso to usb using dd. It doesn't help also :-(12:04
sqrrlso.. if i can't do anything. probably i'll intall windows12:05
bekksfish47: dd doesnt burn anything, it just copies.12:05
ishtaoso anyone ?12:06
bekksishtao: Do you have a specific support question besides "whats better, debian opr ubuntu?"?12:07
ronalds_mhow to make nautilus manage my desktop-if I'm using xfce, I'm on ubuntu 12.0412:07
fish47bekks: Any good ideas? Thanks.12:07
ronalds_mspecific question for you12:07
Lynxxhey back again where do i find the user folders in ubuntu 12.10?.... trying to copy over a folder from my account to my friends?12:08
ntzrmtthihu777does unpartitioned space have a /dev node/name/whatever?12:09
ishtaobekks well i needed some input on uptime stability. i cant be having ubuntu shut down and fault every so often.12:09
bekksishtao: It doesnt fault for me.12:10
qwdishtao: just pick one, both ubuntu lts and debian stable are good choices and I doubt you'll notice any difference.12:10
ishtaothanks bekks, qwd :)12:11
zAo^How can I use the Pepper plugin in Chromium?12:12
AlabastardI want to batch rename a bunch of files by removing a common word in each of them. I do I pipe sed to the mv command to do this?12:12
ntzrmtthihu777I got this12:12
AlabastardMy sed command is sed "s/removethis//"12:12
zAo^Alabastard: I'd just loop it with ls12:13
zAo^Morning Organik12:13
OrganikI made up some udev rule to automount optical media cd-dvd etc on boot and on media change12:13
ntzrmtthihu777it should be pretty easy, but I can gui it for you really easily, gprename will remove that word simply12:14
Organikthis works as expected http://pastebin.com/LTXWefEU12:14
llutzAlabastard: rename 's/removethis//' *.foo12:14
Alabastardthanks, that worked12:14
Organikhowever I wanted it to use the actual label but when I add retrieve label code it makes boot take 3 times longer12:14
ntzrmtthihu777I love cli as much as the next geek, but sometimes its more efficient to just gui it12:15
bekksAlabastard: Use mmv. And "sed" is no valid command for renaming files.12:15
Organikso this rule is slowing thinsg down http://pastebin.com/azS9yTTX12:15
Alabastardsure it is, it worked12:15
silv3r_m00ncan ubuntu be installed on any of the current tablets ? like samsung galaxy ?12:15
bekksAlabastard: No. rename was the command you used for renaming.12:16
bekksAlabastard: You just passed sed as an option.12:16
AlabastardDo you have aspergers12:16
johnjacobjingerummmm what?12:17
AlabastardThanks again llutz. I shall be using sed to rename files in future!12:17
Organikany insights on the udev rules12:17
johnjacobjingerwhat kind of fucked up question was "Do you have aspergers?"12:17
thomasproGood night Australia :-(12:17
johnjacobjingeranyways... ubuntu on ARM? does it work?12:18
Organikok no takers on udev rules12:20
ntzrmtthihu777silv3r_m00n: yeah, check out #ubuntu-touch12:22
ntzrmtthihu777Organik: what are you trying to do, again?12:23
Organikautomount cd/dvd ofrom boot and on media change12:23
ntzrmtthihu777hmm. could you modify the fstab to do it?12:24
ShapeShifter499morning all12:24
OrganikI dont want fstab entries for removable media12:25
ntzrmtthihu777not a clue if you don't wanna use that, sorry.12:25
xuserhow can i recover a deleted folder from a usb memory stick in ubuntu?12:26
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel12:26
dr_willisxuser:  what fs was it using? theres also photorec12:26
dr_willismay want to try photorec then12:26
ShapeShifter499I'm getting this issue with openvpn and network manager....  The keyring doesn't unlock when I login making me have to retype my system password before it auto-logs into to my vpn, how do I fix that?12:26
dr_williswindows  channel may know of some other ways12:26
ShapeShifter499I'm using the openvpn addon for network-manager in unity/gnome12:27
hublaoHello, I want to format my pendrive.In disk utility, I should select 'format drive' or 'format volume' option ?12:27
Organikntzrmtthihu777: thats ok, udev-rules requires a little more finessing12:28
ntzrmtthihu777lol. outside of my knowledge atm, Organik12:29
Organikntzrmtthihu777: I just wonder why my second udev rule that reads and mounts lables influemnce boot times12:29
Kroachhublao: you can just right-click the pendrive icon on the unity panel and select "format"12:29
Organikntzrmtthihu777:  yea its not just outside your knwledge, or ppl who do know are playing it close to their chest12:30
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hublaoyes! Thanks Kroach12:30
Organikntzrmtthihu777:  thanks for reply anyway12:30
webushi to all!12:33
webushow can i enter to "hardware drivers" menu from xfce ?12:33
grytry looking for it in system and settings menus12:34
Kroachwebus: on 12.10 or newer it's in "Software Sources"12:34
webusgry: nothing12:34
webusKroach: cool!12:35
belgianguyanyone know in which package the ubuntu notifications are included?12:35
belgianguyI'm getting all grey ones, not the default red ones12:36
belgianguymight have to do with my (now gone) Lubuntu DE when Compiz misbehaved12:36
bekksbelgianguy: Mine arent red, too.12:37
belgianguybekks: and your volume indicator, how does that look12:38
Kroachbelgianguy: the package is notify-osd, the color adjusts to your wallpaper, change it to default and see if they're red again12:38
belgianguythat used to be a bar in the top right, grey stripe on red background, but now it's a centered speaker12:38
belgianguyKroach: it's both different in shape as in color12:39
Kroachbelgianguy: can you provide a screenshot?12:39
fish47Hi everyone, what does "Multiple active partitions" means? How to solve? I'm trying to install ubuntu using live-usb. Thanks.12:40
belgianguyKroach: http://imgur.com/LwX1uu5,UxeDfgC12:43
shapeHello, can someone please tell me how to find out for how long Ubuntu has been running (i.e. when I logged in) In windows I can do this by checking the uptime on the network connection. What are some ways of doing this in ubuntu?12:43
Kroachbelgianguy: that looks like a GNOME Shell notification12:44
belgianguyshape: htop12:44
shapebelgianguy: it's not installed :(12:44
belgianguyKroach: how do I switch them back to 'Unity'?12:44
belgianguyshape: sudo apt-get install htop12:44
shapebelgianguy: yeah but shouldnt the program be installed first to check THIS login session or it doesnt matter12:44
zAo^shape: `w`12:44
shapezAo^: what is that "w" ?12:45
zAo^shape: run it in console12:45
zAo^shape: or 'who'12:45
Kroachbelgianguy: see if the notification-daemon package is installed, if you're not using GNOME Shell it's safe to remove it12:45
streulmabelgianguy: you speak Dutch?12:46
shapezAo^: I see, I get a time, is that the time I logged in?12:46
Kroachbelgianguy: and if notify-osd is not installed, install it12:46
belgianguystreulma: yes :)12:46
zAo^shape: yes12:46
streulmabelgianguy: ik ook, ben van Gent :)12:46
shapezAo^: W works better actually, gives more info12:46
shapezAo^: Thanks a lot, that saved me from installing htop as the other user recommended.12:47
shapebelgianguy: Thanks for the info, apparently I can find that out with the command "12:47
shapebelgianguy: "w" :)12:47
streulmahtop is good12:47
streulmainstalling it by default :)12:47
streulmaand also nmap ;)12:47
shapezAo^: may I pm you? I have a quick question12:48
shapestreulma: Thanks!12:48
zAo^shape: sure12:48
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hublaoOk.So due to incompatibility between macros in MS Excel files and LibreOffice, I can't introduce my dad to Ubuntu:(12:50
bekkshublao: Thats because LibreOffice does not support VBA.12:50
py_canhello, I was wondering how to install a gnome-shell-extension like this: https://github.com/hedayaty/NetSpeed .. I downloaded it as a .zip. What must I do?12:50
Abhijithublao, exactly same like incompatibility between indian ruppee and whatever currency of your country you can never ever in your life travel to india.12:50
tux_m regretting buying a laptop with AMD grfx chip, their drivers are sh!t12:51
streulmapy_can: sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool12:51
streulmapy_can: and then you can import it12:51
hublaoAbhijit, read what bekks said.He is correct.12:51
belgianguytux_: yeah, they are bad, I'm running Catalyst 13.2 beta atm12:52
Kroachpy_can: or install from here https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/104/netspeed/12:52
py_canstreulma: yes, I have that tool.. But when I go to the tab 'shell extensions' it is totally empty12:52
belgianguyfrom the ATI site12:52
py_canKroach: I got the github link from that extensions.gnome.org link12:52
tux_belgianguy, i did a test running Team Fortress 2 a la steam, linux couldn't run it at all12:52
py_canKroach: i dont see any other way to install12:52
tux_ran same game under windows 7 and it was quite playable :/12:52
streulmafor ATI use http://wiki.cchtml.com12:52
belgianguytux_: you need the latest and greatest driver or steam won't work12:52
tux_belgianguy, well it ran under steam but so slow and unbearable12:53
belgianguytux_: what fglrx are you running?12:53
Kroachpy_can: there should be a switch to enable the extension on that page12:53
belgianguyI played it before on the 12.11 Catalyst beta, and it ran quite smooth12:53
ntzrmtthihu777ok, sidelining the iso thing for a bit, think I got it.12:53
py_canstreulma: http://i.imgur.com/r3jiHZF.png12:54
tux_i've an acer 725, with Radeon (I think its a 7290)12:54
tux_could be mistaken12:54
ntzrmtthihu777you know how you can set a custom icon for a file through the properties tab? can you do that via cli, I ma looking to do a large batch with for looping12:54
py_canKroach: http://i.imgur.com/eq3FSKU.png12:55
tux_belgianguy, im using the 'xserver-xorg'video-ati' driver12:55
kimirHow can I make ubuntu run some commands every time I open specific app? (For exmaple I need VGL_SAMPLES=16 optirun when I run 0ad)12:56
py_canKroach: i dont see any link12:56
kimir(I want it to happen when I click icon in dash)12:56
py_canstreulma: as you can see in my last picture, the menu doesnt show me 'shell extensions'12:56
cagrijostguys i really need help on instaling ubuntu on a 3tb harddrive12:56
Kroachpy_can: are you on GNOME Shell right now, what browser are you using?12:56
tux_i have too other options, thre fglrx (proprietary) and fglrx-updates (proprietary)12:56
py_canKroach: yes, version 3.2 ubuntu 12.04 firefox with the plugin enabled12:57
belgianguytux_: even those two are not up to the task12:57
belgianguytux_: to get STeam going, you'll pretty much need the 13.2 beta12:57
streulmatux_: follow http://wiki.cchtml.com !12:57
tux_belgianguy, best to download latest catalyst from amd ?12:57
streulmatux_: there is a guide12:58
belgianguytux_: that's what I did12:58
streulmatux_: choose distribution http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Category:Distributions12:58
Kroachpy_can: how came you have GS 3.2 when the version in 12.04 is 3.4?12:58
tux_belgianguy, http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Quantal_Installation_Guide12:58
py_canKroach: I downloaded 12.04.. it came with Unity. Then tried to install KDE I think, stuff went wrong. Then got gnome-classic which was 3.213:00
py_canKroach: I'm a beginner and its all very confusing for me13:00
belgianguyKroach: I installed notify-osd, but what does it do?13:00
py_canseeing as there is not a simple 'apt-get upgrade gnome'13:00
Kroachbelgianguy: it's the 'Unity' notifications package, log out and back in to check if the notifications change13:01
belgianguyKroach: ah ok, thanks brb13:02
Kroachpy-can: when using 'apt-get upgrade' are any packages held back?13:02
py_canKroach: no13:02
ishtaobekks you there13:02
py_canKroach: nvm, its fine as it is!13:03
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belgianguyKroach: hmm, not yet working13:04
belgianguyKroach: I do see this running: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/xfce4/notifyd/xfce4-notifyd13:04
bekksishtao: As you can seemy name in the nicklist, I am here, yes. :)13:05
cagrijostbekks, you helped me before. can you help me installing ubuntu on a 3 tb harddisk?13:06
streulmacagrijost: I have 6TB disk with Ubuntu running :)13:07
Kroachbelgianguy: do you have Xfce installed as well?13:07
cagrijoststreulma: how??? my pc wont boot up :-(((13:07
cagrijoststreulma: did you do anything special when installing?13:09
belgianguyKroach: I had lubuntu installed s frontend13:09
belgianguybut removed it as I didn't really got used to it13:09
belgianguybut it's notifications daemon stayed behind it seems13:09
bekkscagrijost: Which specific problem are you facing?13:09
streulmacagrijost: no, only booting from usb for installing13:10
cagrijostbekks: for some reason, my hdd isnt showing up in the boot order after installing ubuntu13:10
streulmacagrijost: note, it was Ubuntu Server 10.0413:10
cagrijostim running a uefi supporting motherboard, and the 3tb hdd is running in gpt format13:11
bekkscagrijost: In which boot order, where?13:11
cagrijostbekks: bios boot order, my harddrive isnt showing up there13:11
bekkscagrijost: Why are you in BIOS at all?13:12
streulmacagrijost: aha! disable uefi boot and use legacy boot13:12
cagrijoststreulma: i tried that, didnt work13:12
cagrijostbekks: to see if there was anything weird there, i didnt edit anything13:12
Kroachbelgianguy: if use don't  use the other desktop environments you can simply remove all notification daemons except notify-osd13:13
belgianguyKroach: removing the xfce notifications daemon did the trick, thanks!13:17
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bekkscagrijost: So what happens when you just turn on your computer?13:18
zAo^In which log can I read events from before a crash?13:18
cagrijostit says that i need to insert a bootable media and reboot13:18
DebianUsrany ideas why aptitude won't retrieve 'tofrodos' 'apt-get -y install tofrodos' i thought it was possible13:19
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Guest16316Hello all Travis Here13:19
belgianguycagrijost: do you have a Ubunty Live CD?13:20
belgianguyyou can boot your pc with that (or Live USB) and backup your files13:20
belgianguyTHEN attempt a repair13:20
cagrijostbelgianguy: i did that, many times and still the same resut13:21
bekkscagrijost: You did what exactly for repairing?13:22
cagrijoststreulma: im booting on a live usb, and i tried removing and reinstalling grub,13:22
cagrijostbekks: i tried a boot repair tool13:22
bekkscagrijost: Is the harddisk detected at all?13:22
cagrijostbekks: and i tried "purging" or whatever13:22
bekkscagrijost: "tried a boot repair tool" could mean everything.13:22
bekkscagrijost: Is the harddisk detected at all?13:22
cagrijostbekks: yeah, i can install onto it etc13:22
bekkscagrijost: And what exactly did you do to repair your grub?13:23
cagrijosti actually took a pic of a log that the boot repair tool made. some forum member called yannubuntus tool13:23
Colin_Hello i shut down last night no issue rebooted linux this morning and my grpahics cant be detected and i cant get it too boot13:23
bekkscagrijost: Thats is pretty worthless.13:24
bekkscagrijost: Did you follow the wiki on how to repair your grub installation?13:24
cagrijostbekks: i tried many wikis, i even tried fresh reinstalled13:24
zAo^Colin_: grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log13:24
bekks!grub2 > cagrijost13:25
ubottucagrijost, please see my private message13:25
cagrijostubottu: how?13:25
ubottucagrijost: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:25
bekkscagrijost: Did you follow that wiki and where all steps shown there successfully caried out?13:25
Colin_zAo^: i need to get the log?13:26
zAo^Colin_: It will display the Xorg errors13:26
Colin_zAo^: ok i will have look in there i did try resotring old config still same which is odd brb going to try something13:26
sealmanwhat is the meaning of this :you must to the source of Unity from Ubuntu 11.10 and re-compile it with the newer libraries in 12.04.13:27
streulmaubottu: do you know everything about ubuntu?13:27
ubottustreulma: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:27
cagrijostbekks: i dont see where to do anything on that site, i thought it just came with ubuntu 12.1013:27
sealmanwhat is the meaning of this :you must to grab the source of Unity from Ubuntu 11.10 and re-compile it with the newer libraries in 12.04.13:27
sealmanwhat is the meaning of this :you must to grab the source of Unity from Ubuntu 11.10 and re-compile it with the newer libraries in 12.04. http://askubuntu.com/questions/150080/install-unity-4-0-in-12-0413:28
peter_any one there13:29
peter_ben u there13:29
DoxinI'm trying to use jockey gtk to install proprietary drivers, but it's not installed. installing it using apt tells me it is installed. see log: http://paste.pound-python.org/show/30936/ . what gives?13:30
ntzrmtthihu777Doxin: what version?13:30
Doxinntzrmtthihu777: what version of what?13:30
ntzrmtthihu777of ubuntu13:30
Doxinntzrmtthihu777: 1413:31
ntzrmtthihu777no such thing unless you are a time traveler13:31
Doxinlol. lemme look it up then :P13:32
cagrijostbekks: im not sure, but do you think installing through "do something else" will help?13:32
Doxinntzrmtthihu777: uname -a gives "Linux doxin-desktop 3.5.0-17-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 9 19:31:23 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux"13:32
llutzDoxin: lsb_release -sc13:33
ntzrmtthihu777easier way to do that. gnome-system-monitor, check the first tab13:33
Doxinntzrmtthihu777: nadia13:33
ntzrmtthihu777ah, then its mint13:33
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llutz!mint | Doxin13:33
ubottuDoxin: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org13:33
ntzrmtthihu777it should be in your software center, Doxin13:34
Doxinntzrmtthihu777: what should be? jockey-gtk? it's installed, that's the point.13:35
ntzrmtthihu777nadia is based of quantal, and in quantal jockey got merged into software center13:35
llutzDoxin: Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org13:35
Doxinllutz: am doin13:35
ntzrmtthihu777you can find what you are looking for (the drivers) in software center13:36
Doxinntzrmtthihu777: where though?13:36
ntzrmtthihu777not sure, been a bit since I messed with quantal.13:37
Doxinthanks a bundle!13:37
ntzrmtthihu777would not take too long to find it, check the software sources tab13:38
ntzrmtthihu777no prob. I try to help all, ubuntu or not13:38
BluesKajHiyas all13:38
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=== ben___ is now known as nddddd
vmhello the, im need some help, I'm trying to install Ubuntu 12.10 x64 on a pre-installed windows 8 laptop Toshiba c850-1jw. I install the ubuntu normally everything goes well, after the first retart I do the updates and then I do the second restart. There is when my problems start, the screen gets some vertical lines and starts blinking/glitching (dont really know which one is the most accurate) like hell and then I tried to use the vga to show image on13:42
vm another screen, but when I do the ubuntu appears normally at login screen then when I enter the desktop the images freezes (cant enter any program neither any options) and I can only move my mouse nothing else. I really think this as something to do with the updates cause at first login nothing happens ... its really fustrating because even if its a driver that is doing this i cant change it because I cant do anything after the restart!!! please help13:42
ntzrmtthihu777ok, at the login screen choose unity-2d instead of full unity13:43
ntzrmtthihu777assuming that is available, been a while since I messed with unity13:43
vmbut at second restart im unable to login cause the screen problem13:44
vmonly throw a external monitor and its freezes13:44
BluesKajvm do you know the name of your graphics cpu ?13:45
vmi know the graphic card13:45
vmbut the cpu not really13:45
ntzrmtthihu777I find this pure ubuntu elitism to be pretty facist. I could start with vanilla ubuntu and add/remove packages and end up with a duplicate of linux mint, do I get stuck out because of that?13:46
BluesKajthe graphics card/gpu , we need to knoe which graphics driver to use , vm13:46
vmAMD radeon HD 7610M13:46
ntzrmtthihu777now here is a question: I recently purchased a dlink dwa160 b, compiled the rt5572sta drivers and added it to dkms. problem is, it freezes my pc when I use it now. It worked fine before.13:49
vmAny idea?13:52
ntzrmtthihu777you're going to have to login with some sort of low-graphics mode and install the drivers you need13:53
sdfgcharge system13:53
vmbut then ur saying that is a graphic prob?13:53
ntzrmtthihu777I had a similar issue with ubuntu 12.04 on my hp dv7000. I logged in in low-graphics mode, and installed the needed drivers13:55
vmhow did u do that?13:56
vmsince i cant see the login screen?13:56
ntzrmtthihu777at the login screen there should be an ubuntu log... ah that would be aproblem.13:56
ntzrmtthihu777let me see13:56
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vmi cant see login screen ...13:57
vmi only can see the grub13:57
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vmthen after that all goes blinking13:57
vmto choose the OS to start13:57
ntzrmtthihu777mebbe it was just installed wrong, if it goes wonk right after grub13:58
vmI tried twice13:58
vma full install its happened both times13:58
Wikygrub can't find the kernel image, or kermel image is  broken13:58
ntzrmtthihu777vm: what version of ubuntu?13:59
vm12.10 x6413:59
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ntzrmtthihu777:S I never had a good experience with quantal; I went back to precise shortly after14:00
vmi forgot to tell that i tried with 12.04 x6414:01
vmsame happened14:01
=== Willis_ is now known as Willis
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:01
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ntzrmtthihu777not to mention precise has 5 year support14:02
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mlcBonjour à tous14:02
vmbut precise inst the 12.04?14:03
ntzrmtthihu777yes, precise is 12.04.2, I'm just stating my opinion14:05
vmyeah i know but the same problem happens with that version14:05
probyis there any girls here ?14:06
bekksproby: How is that related to a specific Ubuntu support issue?14:06
probyis there any girls using ubuntu here ? bekks14:07
probynow this is related :p14:07
bekksproby: It gets even more offtopic now.14:07
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rajrajrajhi all14:07
belgianguyproby: #ubuntu-offtopic is a place to try FOSS related pickup lines14:08
probyhi rajrajraj14:08
rajrajrajHi proby14:08
rajrajrajI am new here14:08
probyrajrajraj, don't worry we all were new one14:09
rajrajrajI am facing problem to understand the thing which is going on here14:09
rajrajrajthankns proby to encourage me14:09
probyrajrajraj, what is your problem ?14:09
rajrajrajI want to learn new things in cyber world14:10
boot13Q: About to install Ubuntu desktop; which version: 32 or 64 bit?14:10
rajrajrajI am Software Developer by profession14:10
theadminrajrajraj: This is an Ubuntu support channel. Are you facing any problem with Ubuntu? If no, then go to #ubuntu-offtopic instead.14:10
SolarisBoyboot13: choose the one which your hardware supports14:10
theadminboot13: If your hardware supports 64-bit, then 64-bit. If not, then 32.14:10
SolarisBoyboot13: and you can only answer that by checking your hardware14:10
boot13Okay, thanks.14:11
rajrajrajI want to learn ethical hacking14:11
ntzrmtthihu777rajrajraj: try #aircrack-ng14:11
theadminrajrajraj: This isn't the place.14:12
theadminntzrmtthihu777: That's not what hacking is. :/ That's called cracking.14:12
belgianguyesp not ethical14:12
SolarisBoylol at ethical aircrack-ng14:12
rajrajrajthen let me know where I can learn things14:12
SolarisBoy"going to steal your signal...for your own good..."14:12
rajrajrajI am bignner14:12
probyrajrajraj, https://www.nmap.com14:13
theadminrajrajraj: The internet is full of manuals, books, etcetera. If you want to code for Ubuntu, learning Python is a good place to start, because it's one of the languages Ubuntu supports best.14:13
SolarisBoyhow about - you need to learn at your own pace.. no nmap doc, aircrack-ng doc or anything will help you become a "hacker"14:13
ntzrmtthihu777theadmin: all depends on what you are doing. testing your own networks security is not a bad thing14:13
probyrajrajraj, see sectools , maybe you will choose what to do :p14:13
SolarisBoymaybe - reading the source code would make you less pointless14:13
belgianguyjust understanding source is hard14:14
belgianguynot to mention to find the flaws14:14
belgianguyand exploit them14:14
SolarisBoynice try at hacking then14:14
belgianguythat takes years14:14
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:14
rajrajrajthanks proby14:14
akashj87Hi ..I was trying to install 12.10 inside VirtualBox (In osx 10.7.3).14:14
akashj87The installer crashed, and i just noticed a typo in the message14:14
rajrajrajthere is any tutorial side14:15
rajrajrajwith example I can learn14:15
theadminakashj87: If you want to install Ubuntu 12.10 and up in Virtualbox, you'll need 3D acceleration enabled. Also make sure the VM has at least 512M of RAM, as well as enough HD space (5GB or more)14:15
rajrajrajI think it will help me to exlore myself in the field of security14:15
ntzrmtthihu777Look, quit bs-ing. you wanna crack, admit it.14:16
akashj87"The sytem log from your installation contains an error. The specific error commonly occurs when there is an issue with the disk to which you are trying to install Ubuntu. .....................................Measures you might take include cehcking (Should be "checking")14:16
probyrajrajraj, start with this http://www.blackhatlibrary.net/Category:Web_exploitation14:16
SolarisBoyrajrajraj: they had an ubuntu based  VM image that you can point nmap/nessus or whatever sec tool at - if your looking to play around14:16
SolarisBoyrajrajraj: it would allow you to test finding sec issues on an ubuntu system14:17
SolarisBoyrajrajraj: google "metasploitable"14:17
theadminPlease, people, enough with the offtopic. Illegal stuff like cracking isn't supported anywhere on Freenode at all.14:17
BluesKajvm, there is a proprietary driver avilable for you notebook here altho using ubuntu recommended drivers is always the best practice but if you've exhausted all ther options , http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx14:17
SolarisBoywhat im talking about isn't illegal and it's ubuntu based - it's how CVS and such are discovered - but ill stop14:17
ntzrmtthihu777cracking is no more illegal than locksmithing or knowing how to handle a firearm. its the application that makes anything illegal14:17
angelaREGISTER  mur@l!123 pallavikumarijha@gmail.com14:18
ntzrmtthihu777xD that's twice now14:18
belgianguyangela: that better isn't your real pw, or change it now14:18
theadminangela: Fail. You should do that in a nickserv query.14:18
SolarisBoychange pwords ASAP!14:18
ntzrmtthihu777yup, especially since we have a wannabe cracker in da channel14:18
akashj87theadmin : issue occured when i started another VM ..looks like more of a virtualbox issue14:19
SolarisBoylol - test case 114:19
theadminEh guys, she was trying to *register*, not identify, there's no password yet14:19
angelaoh ya. wasnt real anyhow14:19
akashj87theadmin : just wanted to report that typo error (Very minor one)14:19
vmblueskaj but how can i install its if i cant enter the desktop after login14:19
theadminakashj87: Ah, well, that should be submitted as a bug to launchpad.14:19
vmbecause its freezes ..14:19
theadminakashj87: ubuntu-bug ubiquity14:19
=== nmgsc is now known as NewUbu
NewUbuHello you all14:19
akashj87theadmin : sure ..thanks14:20
llutzntzrmtthihu777: "its the application that makes anything illegal" thats nonsense. its people making illegal things, the tools are neutral (sry for OT)14:20
NewUbuI learning how to ubunutu but looks like I got a longway togo14:20
helpywelpyhi guys, i just installed ubuntu 12.10, but it made my harddisk unbootable can anyone help? i triet installing it with and without uefi, and tried repairing grub14:20
ntzrmtthihu777I locked myself outside of my vbox ubuntu server, just after creating it :/14:20
NewUbuNeed to run my applications as root any help on how please14:21
ntzrmtthihu777and entering a root prompt via grub and issuing passwd user did not do it.14:21
llutz!sudo | NewUbu14:21
ubottuNewUbu: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo14:21
ntzrmtthihu777NewUbu: sudo or gksudo14:21
belgianguyntzrmtthihu777: call tech support, firewalls don't respond to "please"14:21
ntzrmtthihu777belgianguy: no, lol. its a local one and I could just re-install, its just being an ass14:22
NewUbuntzrmtthihu777 i did use gksudo in the terminal14:22
BluesKajvm, you drop to a TTY , which is a shell and you can enter coomands like the terminal , your just not running a desktop14:22
NewUbubut no go14:22
ntzrmtthihu777what program, NewUbu14:22
belgianguyntzrmtthihu777: ssh ?14:22
vmyes but how i i download and then run that proprietary driver14:22
ntzrmtthihu777belgianguy: I have a pc. it has virtualbox. I installed ubuntu-server in it. I messed up my password.14:23
NewUbuIm trying to make a partition in my Hdrive ntzrmtthihu777 KDE partition manager14:23
ntzrmtthihu777belgianguy: I used the recovery option in grub to drop to a root shell14:23
ntzrmtthihu777how do you run the program from command line?14:23
ntzrmtthihu777what is the command14:23
helpywelpydoes anyone know where i can look?14:24
zimzum_ewht up guys, any oe know how to change my screen res.  i install nvidia drivers and now it doesn't recongnize any other res14:24
ntzrmtthihu777NewUbu: you paying attention?14:25
llutzntzrmtthihu777: you got logged in in the recovery mode? "passwd <username>" then14:25
NewUbuntzrmtthihu777 I get a lil windows after I type this ----> ndro-HP-Compaq-dc7700-Small-Form-Factor-AAQ:~$ gksudo14:25
zimzum_I'm trying not to delete the partition and starting over14:25
ntzrmtthihu777ah, that it. you need to type gksudo <the-command>14:25
NewUbuin that little window ntzrmtthihu77714:26
ntzrmtthihu777zimzum_: I had the same issue with an install of backtrack some time ago, forgot what the solution was, sorry14:26
ntzrmtthihu777no, in the command line all at once14:26
ntzrmtthihu777in the little window you type your password14:26
ntzrmtthihu777so for instance, to use gedit as root you would type:14:27
zimzum_or can i unistall nvidia driver and go back to normal14:27
NewUbuße Right ßack ntzrmtthihu77714:27
ntzrmtthihu777gksudo gedit14:27
ntzrmtthihu777zimzum_: likely.14:27
zimzum_now the big Q, how ?14:27
ntzrmtthihu777how did you install them?14:28
zimzum_sudo apt-get nvidia, then it told could not, cause of dependincies,. so then i sudo apt-get depend14:29
ntzrmtthihu777are you for real? is there even a depend package? anyways, get rid of it just how you got it. sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia14:29
zimzum_purge, then it will wipe all??14:30
zimzum_haha i should be using ubuntu right now...14:31
streulmait's spooky here, backups from my virtual servers come in to my Nas with ssh and rsync :)14:31
streulmaat home14:31
zimzum_is someone always in here to talk to??14:32
streulmazimzum_: we are not zombies, we sleep also :)14:33
zimzum_haha!! love it14:33
ntzrmtthihu777streulma: speak for yourself14:34
zimzum_i gunna log in to other pc and try to purge hopefully will go back to normal, what if i upgrade to 12.10. will it be clean new install, or will ll my setting stay?14:34
ntzrmtthihu777never do an in-install upgrade. it scrags everyting up14:35
zimzum_ok good to know, there has to be a solution, to my resolution14:35
eduwhy has 12.10 less support than 12.04?14:35
ntzrmtthihu777because 12.04 is a lts14:35
llutz!lts | edu14:36
ubottuedu: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)14:36
ntzrmtthihu777all the .04 releases, if I rememeber right, are lts and supported longer14:36
BluesKajvm, have you tried the recovery option in the grub menu , that would be my first suggestion14:36
llutzedu ntzrmtthihu777 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS14:37
eduThanks, but my question is about, why that way? A newer version would have more support... common sense i think.14:37
vmi tried but im going to try one thing14:38
vmi will install14:38
vmthen without doing the updates i will install the driver14:38
vmthat u sent me14:38
ntzrmtthihu777edu: not really, the newer something is the less people know about it14:38
vmand then i will restart and after do the ubuntu updates14:38
DarsVaeda1how do I install a package without dependencies? I want to purge a package but it wants to remove linux-headers and other crucial packages too -.-14:38
DarsVaeda1I mean uninstall sorry14:38
vmbut tello me something if i install the proprietary wehn i do the ubuntu update manager it will not install another one right?14:39
ErfIs there a French server ? :)14:39
eduntzrmtthihu777: but every 2 years people will have same problem. Less pople will know about it.14:40
BluesKajvm. drop to a tty at the login page , ctrl+alt+f1 , then login and sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade14:40
yeahuyenubuntu is killing me14:40
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=== someone is now known as Guest30573
BluesKajvm thne install the driver if you have figured how14:41
BluesKajvm , or may not need to install that driver , if there were updates/upgrades that may have fixed your problem14:42
ntzrmtthihu777not true, edu . I find that errors tend to be immortalized14:43
soap_I had installed ubuntu10.04 ultimate edition2.4 but I had a bad experience!!!!14:43
VinceThePrincechange terminal emulator in yakuake?14:43
VinceThePrincehow to change your terminal emulator preferences to allow login shell in Yakuake?14:44
ntzrmtthihu777ultimate edition? what do you even mean?14:44
NewUBuntzrmtthihu777 when you said input comand where do i do it in terminal or in the lilwindow14:45
zimzum_so i tried sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia, and says unabl to locate paackage14:45
NewUBuwitch command?/14:45
ntzrmtthihu777zimzum_: then that is not how you installed it, that simple14:45
ntzrmtthihu777NewUBu: whatever the command for the kde partitioner is.14:46
prefquanVendo drogas sinteticas legales contacto skype14:46
prefquanAlfa PVP, TMA,TMA2, DOB, DOI, DOM, 2c-*, MXE, MDPV, PCP, DMT,5-MeO-DALTbk-MDMA, Muchas variedades de THC sintetico y mucho mucho mas!14:46
ntzrmtthihu777what version are you useing, NewUBu14:46
ntzrmtthihu777spammer, gettim!14:46
ntzrmtthihu777what desktop14:46
m4rtinsdoes anyone know if there´s a way to get airplay to work in Ubuntu 12.10?14:46
ntzrmtthihu777m4rtins: just install backtrack, geeze14:46
NewUBuI have no idea what the command is for the KDE application - where do i find it14:47
BluesKajzimzum_, the nvidia driver is most likely the default listed in " additional drivers "14:47
NewUBuall I want is run it as admin14:47
ntzrmtthihu777does kde have a menu?14:47
zimzum_when i click the nvidia app, window pops and says, i need to just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root14:48
ntzrmtthihu777i don't see the issue. when I open gparted, whether from command line or from the menu, it asks for my password14:48
NewUBulooking for KDE menu please14:48
zimzum_blueskaj_  no nvidia driver for default14:49
ubottuGuest55053: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:49
BluesKajzimzum_, sudo nvidia-xconfig14:49
ntzrmtthihu777holy crap, are ppl really looking for warez here?14:49
ntzrmtthihu777BluesKaj: unless its a gui program. then its gksudo14:50
NewUBuntzrmtthihu777 sorry I just load up ubunt in this HP desktop trying to get learn how to run it -- In windows I can go to the programs files here I have no Idea how to even get to the programs files {{ £åügHîñg Øüt £öüÐ }}14:50
NewUBuI can open the KDE program but not as admin14:51
ntzrmtthihu777yeah. you think you are missing out at first, but once you get used to it you see how much more awesome ubuntu is than any windows feature can give you.14:51
NewUBuso I dont have all the options14:51
ntzrmtthihu777what is the program name14:51
BluesKajntzrmtthihu777, no it's a config text file14:51
NewUBuKDE Partition manager 1.0.314:52
zimzum_it says  new x-config file written to `/ect/x11/xorg.conf`14:52
ntzrmtthihu777ok, but you do realize that you cannot manipulate mounted partitions, right?14:53
zimzum_is it cause i didn't run as root??14:54
llutzNewUBu: if you don't know how to use ubuntu (which is ok), why do you want to do things as root (admin)? there is mostly no need to do daily things as root, use your user14:54
BluesKajNewUBu, be careful with the partiton manager on kubuntu , it failed a couple time and caused me a long wait til I got gparted livecd to repair the damage14:54
=== maxx is now known as Guest88001
NewUBullutz is the only way to learn it14:54
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llutzNewUBu: wrong14:54
NewUBuI need to load up Windows8 to do a dual boot Mr llutz14:55
ntzrmtthihu777kdesudo partitionmanager14:55
NewUBuIm not afraid of making mistake14:55
NewUBui will learn the hard way14:55
NewUBubut I will learn14:55
soap_NewUBu: Very Good best of luck14:56
llutzNewUBu: you already installed windows8?14:56
ntzrmtthihu777I just hate that gparted, nautilus, and conky cannot agree on my partition sizes14:56
zimzum_still no action14:56
NewUBuThe program 'kdesudo' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:14:57
NewUBusudo apt-get install kdesudo14:57
ntzrmtthihu777then install it, lol.14:57
=== LarrySteeze is now known as LarrySteeze|Away
zimzum_what am i doing wrong, im newb, so wth14:57
ntzrmtthihu777zimzum_: what kinda machine you using again?14:58
zimzum_the pc??14:58
zimzum_alienware m11x14:58
ntzrmtthihu777and what version of ubuntu?14:59
rabbithole12ntzrmtthihu777: windows 714:59
zimzum_it like it didn't get all the prts of the puzzle14:59
zimzum_i click the nvidia icon and say need to config xorg as root15:00
ntzrmtthihu777zimzum_: proprietary drivers, and nvidia did not plan to support it. but I have your answer15:00
zimzum_ok i need help15:00
zimzum_wipe it?? lol15:00
rabbithole12the solution to all ur problem is windows 715:00
fossterI have seen an option " Remote Login" while I was logging into my ubuntu 12.10... Now I want to access my remote machine. How can I do that... I gooogled much but couldnt find the solution other than ssh.15:00
rabbithole12linux isn't for home or business15:01
DJonesrabbithole12: This is Ubuntu support, not Windows15:01
ntzrmtthihu777rabbithole12: get out of her15:01
rabbithole12DJones: i know15:01
ntzrmtthihu777can someone kick this fool?15:01
edurabbithole12: then linux is for?15:01
BluesKajzimzum_, open a terminal . sudo nvidia-xconfig15:01
soap_rabbithole12: what the hell are u doin here?15:01
rabbithole12why kick me?15:01
zimzum_i did that15:02
ntzrmtthihu777may as well have walked into a synagogue and start heiling hitler, railsraider15:02
BluesKaj!who | zimzum_15:02
ubottuzimzum_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:02
ntzrmtthihu777nvm, someone got him15:02
fossterping ping ping!15:03
soap_I had installed ubuntu10.04 ultimate edition2.4 but I had frequent Xserver crash15:03
ntzrmtthihu777zimzum_: what is the graphics card called15:03
auronandacesoap_: ultimate edition is not a supported ubuntu version15:03
zimzum_nvidia geforce gt 335m15:03
railsraiderntzrmtthihu777: what's your problem?15:03
ntzrmtthihu777my bad, it was a missed tab completeion15:04
soap_auronandace: What should I do?15:04
bekkssoap_: You have to get a supported Ubuntu version in first instance.15:04
auronandacesoap_: to get help here you need to be using a supported ubuntu15:04
ntzrmtthihu777railsraider: some windows groupie was in here bashing, had a name like yours, I messed up. my bad15:04
soap_auronandace: i have 9.10 will it do?15:05
auronandacesoap_: no15:05
auronandace!topic | soap_15:05
ubottusoap_: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic15:05
bekkssoap_: 11.10, 12.04 and 12.10 are supported versions.15:06
zimzum_ntzrmtthihu777_ geforce gt 335m15:06
soap_thanks :-)15:06
ntzrmtthihu777zimzum_: try this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1396552&p=8770166#post877016615:06
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
ntzrmtthihu777and this one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=191356715:08
code-ph0yhey guys can someone tell me if you can use mac OS within ubuntu?15:08
somsipcode-ph0y: it is possible to setup a virtualbox machine that runs OSX under Ubuntu15:08
sebsebsebcode-ph0y: not easily, but in the correct virtual machine software, probably15:08
prefquanDrogas de diseño legales SKYPE : sevdrugs15:08
prefquanAlfa PVP, TMA,TMA2, DOB, DOI, DOM, 2c-*, MXE, MDPV, PCP, DMT,5-MeO-DALTbk-MDMA, Muchas variedades de THC sintetico y mucho mucho mas!15:08
sebsebsebcode-ph0y: as long as you got right stuff for that15:09
ntzrmtthihu777this dude is sellign "legal" drugs, kick him15:09
bekkscode-ph0y: Yes, I can tell you it. No, it is not possible, it is illegal, and neither supported in here nor in #vbox as long as you dont have Apple hardware.15:09
prefquanThe are realy legal)15:09
ntzrmtthihu777and we don't want them15:09
llutzprefquan: stop spamming15:09
ntzrmtthihu777go to a warez channel or something15:10
mifritschergot this trying 32 bit apps on a 64 bit host using Ubuntu with quantal kernel+xorg: libGL error: dlopen /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/dri/i965_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/dri/i965_dri.so: undefined symbol: drm_intel_gem_bo_map_unsynchronized)15:10
prefquanelse case?15:10
somsipcode-ph0y: it is possible. I also believed it was legal if using a paid-for and licenced version of OSX but i could be wrong15:10
code-ph0ythe problem is using a ASUS universal docking station with ubuntu but there isn't any drivers for it :(15:10
mifritscher*12.04.2,  sorry15:10
sebsebsebntzrmtthihu777: I don't know what they are saying, do !ops if it gets bad15:10
ntzrmtthihu777sebsebseb: what do you mean? never done that before15:11
NewUBuntzrmtthihu777 it open the editor but wont let me do new partition :(15:11
m3powhello ! I want to share an internet connection via WiFi from laptop to an AP, then via ETHN to a PC is that possible ?15:11
ntzrmtthihu777NewUBu: because you cannot edit a partition in use.15:11
sebsebsebntzrmtthihu777: notices people who run the channel so they can kick/ban possbily15:11
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!15:11
ntzrmtthihu777you will have to boot a live cd to do that, NewUBu15:12
ntzrmtthihu777so ops | user?15:12
bekksntzrmtthihu777: Yes.15:12
sebsebsebntzrmtthihu777: no need now, already been done by guest hmm15:12
ntzrmtthihu777cool. never done that in irc before.15:12
whhhhhhwat's the ipconfig command for ubuntu15:12
sebsebsebonly meant to be in emergencies to15:12
bekkswhhhhhh: "ifconfig"15:13
ntzrmtthihu777sudo ipconfig15:13
NewUBuI got windows8 on a usb stick but when it loads up it wont let me create a new partition15:13
llutzwhhhhhh: "ip" or "ifconfig"15:13
ntzrmtthihu777erp, ifconfig15:13
sebsebsebGuest30573: if you want to see what a command is you can do this by the way so for example !ops > Guest30573  the bot should send it to ou in private message that way,  or open up a message with the bot and put in the command  with ubottu15:13
m3powis that networking situation possible, anyone :)15:13
ntzrmtthihu777NewUBu: download a normal ubuntu iso, preferably something still using gnome, and burn it to disc/usb. boot that, then use gparted15:14
hubahubam3pow: almost all networking is possible15:14
m3powhello hubahuba15:14
m3powwhat i want to do is this15:14
hubahubam3pow: whats our final gateway15:14
m3powI want to share an internet connection via WiFi from laptop to an AP, then from the AP through cable a PC, is that possible ?15:14
NewUBuSo relaod a later ubuntu ISO ?¿15:14
bekksm3pow: Only when all components support that setup - and I strongly doubt the AP wull support it.15:15
bekksNewUBu: That will not help.15:15
m3powbekks is a Zyxel G570S15:15
NewUBuwhat version bud :}15:15
m3powwhat should it support ?15:15
ntzrmtthihu777an earlier one, you don't need flashy stuff just to manipulate partitions. I would use lucid (10.04)15:15
bekksm3pow: Sharing the incomingt wifi network with the ETHN.15:16
hubahubam3pow: AP needs to support something else than the wired port as default gw, not obvious15:16
NewUBu10.04 you got a link for it :}15:16
BluesKajntzrmtthihu777, gparted live cd is also available , you don't need a whole OS just use gparted15:16
bekksNewUBu: Use 12.0415:16
NewUBuI got 12.0415:16
m3powok guys, thanks a lot for all your help!15:16
konamsometimes the icons on the system tray from apps that i have enabled to appear on it using the regular system tray after whitelisting (not using the app indicator specs) disappear15:16
ntzrmtthihu777bekks: he is just editing partitions from a live cd, unity would just eat resources better used to just getting the job done15:16
BluesKajaltho technically gpartedlivecd is an small OS by itself15:16
konamusually after watching something full screen15:17
ntzrmtthihu777BluesKaj: also true.15:17
konamdoes this happen to someone else?15:17
ntzrmtthihu777never had that problem, konam15:17
bekksntzrmtthihu777: Resource usage is the most irrelevantr aspect at that point.15:17
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ntzrmtthihu777NewUBu: releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/15:18
zimzum_still notta change, i run remove xorg and can't find it15:18
bekksNewUBu: I'd not use 10.04 anymore, since it will be end of support life in about a month.15:18
ntzrmtthihu777NewUBu: you don't even need a dvd, a plain cd would do the trick.15:18
bekksNewUBu: After that, only the server edition will have support.15:19
ntzrmtthihu777bekks: he isn't gonna use it as his os, just a tool15:19
NewUBuntzrmtthihu777 you the man :} -- I remmber my freetoair days hacking Di$h-15:19
bekksntzrmtthihu777: Then gparted live would be even better. And even smaller than 10.0415:19
zimzum_i'm gonna try and chnge it in the  bios, and that should only boot off my chipset right??15:19
NewUBuße ßack £ater thanks ntzrmtthihu77715:19
ntzrmtthihu777again, also true.15:19
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ntzrmtthihu777zimzum_: I can't say. that's what I have read, but I never had anything as nice as alienware15:20
devishi need some help related to site deployment in apache, can anyone help here15:20
zimzum_it ok i got one hell of a deal15:20
ntzrmtthihu777devish: I know little about it.15:20
BluesKajzimzum_, who are you talking to , why do you refuse to use pl's nicks ?15:20
zimzum_i don't know how15:21
ntzrmtthihu777he was talking to me, context says so15:21
ntzrmtthihu777zimzum_: type the firs few letters then hit tab15:21
zimzum_ntzrmtthihu777:  nice15:21
ntzrmtthihu777zimzum_: if its the wrong name, hit tab again and it will cycle15:21
devishntzrmtthihu777: i want to have a similar structure as we have for repositories in ubuntu or so people can browse it and dowload via web15:22
zimzum_ntzrmtthihu777: right on15:22
ntzrmtthihu777devish: I said I know little, not I know a little. sorry, but not my cup of tea15:22
konamntzrmtthihu777 it's weird and i don't seem to find someone else with the exact same problem on the net15:22
Guest10319ho used winehq with unity15:22
zimzum_ntzrmtthihu777:  you gunna be on for a bit?? i'm gonna try and turn off in bios screen15:23
ntzrmtthihu777zimzum_: likely, at 10 I will be headed to church for 1.5 hours, but will be back.15:23
zimzum_ntzrmtthihu777: cool i be right back thx15:24
squigledoes ubuntu have a folder like redhats /etc/sysconfig ?15:24
bekkssquigle: What exactly are you looking for?15:24
histosquigle: linux has directories not folders15:24
konamntzrmtthihu777 and if for example i fire up the dash you can see the blurry icons of the apps on the tray, it's like they're there but once the dash is gone they're invisible again (and clicking over the area where they should be doesn't produce any reaction)15:24
histosquigle: there are a bunch of conifig files in the /etc directory15:25
ntzrmtthihu777histo: no need to get technical. for all intents and purposes directory == folder15:25
Guest10319ho use winehq15:25
squiglebekks, im trying to debug an issue with network managers vpn client, I want to increase the logging.I found the config, but It can be overridden on the cmd line start up. I can just jump into the startup scripts I guess15:25
ntzrmtthihu777konam: not a clue, I got off of that horrible machine unity long ago15:25
squiglehisto, yes, sorry folder->directory15:25
konamntzrmtthihu777 well, thanks for the help15:26
sgo11hi, how to check if my memory is ddr2 or ddr3? I used hardinfo and lshw, none of the output makes sense to me. thanks.15:26
histontzrmtthihu777: folder is a windows term.15:26
ntzrmtthihu777sgo11: open your machine, easier15:26
dr_willisalias cf=cd    ;-)15:26
bekkssquigle: Basically, the filesystem structure of Ubuntus /etc differs from RHEL /etc.15:26
sgo11ntzrmtthihu777, :) other than that, how to do that in ubuntu? thanks.15:27
ntzrmtthihu777histo: and it makes not a lick of difference in practical usage.15:27
histontzrmtthihu777: Just pointing it out. Chill out please15:27
squiglebekks, I know, i was using debian like and work has been redhatish for the last few years,15:27
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sgo11lshw gives me "2GiB DIMM Synchronous 800 MHz (1.2 ns)". is this ddr2 or ddr3 ram? thanks.15:30
ntzrmtthihu777sgo11: not a clue, but thank you for the new cl trick15:30
zimzum_ntzrmtthihu777:  i got it lookig purrty again15:31
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Daraelsgo11: Use more -v flags to get more info?15:31
ntzrmtthihu777zimzum_: good! just a bios switch?15:31
escottsgo11, dmidecode will be able to tell you15:31
axtransgoll: it sounds like DDR215:31
zimzum_but now i can't utulize my accelorator  : (15:31
sgo11escott, I did run dmidecode. but didn't get any useful information. which line should I look at? thanks.15:32
ntzrmtthihu777ah, I actually know about that one15:32
zimzum_DONT care tho15:32
DaraelWhy does Compiz support both workspaces and desktops, but only provide ways to *switch* workspaces?  Surely having more than one desktop is pretty much pointless without the ability to change?15:32
OerHekssgo11, try "  sudo lshw -short -C memory  "15:32
axtransgoll: Did you run 'dmidecode --type memory'15:32
ntzrmtthihu777zimzum_: bumblebee should be able to do it15:32
cheueeeguys need some help here i downloaded the lasst ati driver for my device but when i run the .run files it sasys "One or more tools required for installation cannot be found on the systerm. Install the required tools before installing the fglrx driver."15:32
sgo11OerHeks, I did that. the output is just "2GiB DIMM Synchronous 800 MHz (1.2 ns)"15:32
zimzum_ntzrmtthihu777:  ok i'll try that and that is good program15:33
ntzrmtthihu777cheueee: run the command from terminal, it should tell you more15:33
Daraelcheueee: fglrx is best installed from the repositories, rather than a direct download from the manufacturer.15:33
ntzrmtthihu777zimzum_: you got my links, right? I can post them again15:33
axtransgoll: I have DDR3, and it is coming up at 1333MHz, I think DDR2 800MHz is valid15:33
escottsgo11, sudo dmidecode | grep DDR15:34
zimzum_ntzrmtthihu777: no i should have bookmarked them, if you still got, i'll take um15:34
sgo11axtran, I did run that. the output is unclear. no DDR info at all.15:34
escottsgo11, alternately open the case and look at it15:34
Daraelaxtran: Doesn't work like that, I'm afraid.  There's overlap in the possible frequencies.15:34
sgo11axtran, http://www.pasteall.org/4018215:35
ntzrmtthihu777zimzum_: gotcha, one sec15:35
histocheueee: is there a reason you aren't installing from the repos?15:35
sgo11.... this is so hard. why is so hard to check memory type in linux?15:36
histo!ati | cheueee15:36
ubottucheueee: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto15:36
axtransgoll: Yeah, I think 800MHz indicates DDR2.15:36
histosgo11: really how do you check it in other OS's?15:36
histoaxtran: clock speed does not indicate type15:36
ntzrmtthihu777zimzum_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1913567&p=11635534#post1163553415:36
artreiso i'm trying to install an app using ./configure, make, and make install. but it got an error and failed. and it doesn't have uninstall file. how do i undo this?15:36
Bill_GatesSomeone uses Windows15:36
sgo11histo, there are lots of apps in windows to do this.15:36
ntzrmtthihu777!ops | Bill_Gates15:36
ubottuBill_Gates: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!15:36
histosgo11: Is there a reason you can't open the case and look?15:37
MyrttiBill_Gates: plenty of people do, what Ubuntu support question did you have?15:37
sgo11axtran, but, i think mine is ddr3.15:37
Myrttintzrmtthihu777: yes?15:37
escottsgo11, why is it useful to know from userspace?15:37
llutzartrei: check the "Install" part of the makefile and remove all the files manually. next time use checkinstall15:37
sgo11histo, because I am using this PC right now. so I can't open it. and I want to find out the memory type now without a reboot.15:37
ntzrmtthihu777Myrtti: obvious troll is obvious. I bet its the same fella from earlier15:37
axtransgoll: What processor are you using?15:37
escottsgo11, but why?15:37
ntzrmtthihu777sgo11: you can usaually safely open it.15:38
histosgo11: You are being silly.15:38
ntzrmtthihu777is it a pc or laptop?15:38
Myrttintzrmtthihu777: and you can try to defuse the situation yourself, as it did right now, without ops actually needing to do anything.15:38
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ntzrmtthihu777Myrtti: my bad then, I apologize.15:38
zimzum_ntzrmtthihu777: Thx dude much15:39
histoHe didn't even do anything15:39
ntzrmtthihu777Myrtti: I'm here to help and be helped, and folks coming in here and bashing and such detract fromt that15:39
sgo11anyway. I will open the case later then. I just do not want to shut it down now, and I have to tell somebody else the memory type. this is just a valid situation. I don't know why I am silly. I have web services running here. and somebody asked me to tell him my memory type. that's it.15:39
Myrttintzrmtthihu777: he  might have had a valid question relating Windows dualboot or something :-) anyway, moving on.15:40
ntzrmtthihu777sgo11: you could just google your pc/laptop, you could likely get your answer there.15:40
histosgo11: I wouldn't trust a userspace tool over my own two eyes but good luck with it.15:41
sgo11ntzrmtthihu777, histo thanks. I will open the case later then. thanks.15:41
ntzrmtthihu777Myrtti: like bill gates would dual bood lol. again, my bad. already had one windows jerk (not that all windows users are) in here and I'm a bit agitated15:42
axtranI left a job in Windows Administration and am so happy I don't even have to do any of it anymore.15:42
ntzrmtthihu777zimzum_: gotta go. I'll be on more or less constantly if you need another thing. later all15:42
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zimzum_ntzrmtthihu777: cool man, i'll be here all day, working on the nvidiz thing15:44
ntzrmtthihu777I am now officially windows free. not microsoft free because there are some things that linux does not offer yet, lol. glad for it, though15:44
QuantumElectroDySo I'm running Lucid Lynx 10.04, is it worth it to upgrade to 12. My friend has it on his laptop, and I absoultely hate it, the terminal is hidden, it looks like shitty mac, and I have so many compiled little programs on here I fear will fail if I upgraded to 1215:44
yeatsQuantumElectroDy: try xubuntu or gnome shell15:44
ntzrmtthihu777QuantumElectroDy: try Pinguy OS15:45
yeatsQuantumElectroDy: but yes, you'll need to upgrade15:45
axtranntzrmtthihu777: I'm just trying to live life away from Microsoft stuff :)15:45
QuantumElectroDyI don't need a new OS, I have freeBSD the master OS. It's just on this ubuntu, it keeps telling me to update to 12, for secutity patches bla bla15:45
ntzrmtthihu777axtran: yeah, but there is no linux port of rpg maker xp yet, so wine I must do15:45
yeatsQuantumElectroDy: 10.04 goes out of support next month, so yeah15:45
prefquanAlfa PVP, TMA,TMA2, DOB, DOI, DOM, 2c-*, MXE, MDPV, PCP, DMT,5-MeO-DALTbk-MDMA15:46
prefquanDrogas de diseño legales SKYPE : sevdrugs15:46
BluesKajQuantumElectroDy, calm your fears , yoiur pc and your friend's aren't the same and the look depends on your theme settings etc , upgrading to 12.04LTS should be painless15:46
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QuantumElectroDyLast time I upgraded from 9 to 10, so many of my programs stopped working15:46
DJonesprefquan: Stop that, this is Ubuntu support15:46
ntzrmtthihu777QuantumElectroDy: for one, I have never had a good update experience. fresh is always better.15:47
yeatsQuantumElectroDy: yeah - upgrades aren't fun, but your programs will *really* stop working if you're on an EOL release15:47
bopquestion, i've dl-ed and unziped jdk 7, added the bin path to the .profile, but upon running say, javac, i get the standard ubuntu thingie that says that javac is present in the following packages etc.15:47
bekksyeats: Technically, thats not true.15:47
yeatsbekks: yeah - I understand that15:47
BluesKajQuantumElectroDy, then you should have come here for help and it's time to upgrade since your OS is at EOL15:47
bopcan someone help me that i could actually run the javac that came with the jdk 7?15:47
Myrttibop: I personally find the webupd8 method of installing Oracle Java a bit easier than the downloading the binaries15:48
yeatsQuantumElectroDy: I'll rephrase - upgrading from EOL releases can get complicated - better to upgrade now (or do a fresh install as suggested)15:48
bopMyrtti: mind sharing how to do that?15:48
Myrttibop: if I'm not entirely mistaken, it even takes care of setting the preferred java version for you15:48
Myrtti!java > bop15:48
ubottubop, please see my private message15:48
axtranHas anyone run into the splicing error (input/output) when copying data to a USB HDD?15:49
QuantumElectroDyApart from some security patches I don't see a big deal of upgrading to 12, I hardly use the internet on ubuntu. This is my C programming OS, with everything I need on here. My main OS's are WIN7 and freeBSD, so I just don't see  amassive point in upgrading to 12 even though I won;'t get OS updates, but program via apt will still get updates I guess15:49
bopMyrtti: i guess you're opposed to a pm or two eh?15:49
ntzrmtthihu777bop: kinkeh :P15:50
yeatsQuantumElectroDy: programs will no longer get updates via apt, no15:50
Myrttibop: if you read the Wiki/support page the bot offered, IIRC it has the webupd8 method listed in it15:50
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, use that. I use their ppa on all my machines for java15:50
bopMyrtti, the thing is, i have some java-related questions that dont directly concern ubuntu, just partly15:51
SAngeliis it possible in ubuntu server to it setup to install the most updated phpmyadmin package? So far it is installing when isteas the most recent and stable version is 3.5.715:51
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SAngeliperhaps to change is sources.list for repository?15:51
Myrttibop: well in java questions I'm absolutely no help at all, I just need it to do Internet banking.15:51
bekksSAngeli: No. You have to install it manually when in dire need of the latest version.15:51
bopMyrtti, ah ok, thanks for the link15:51
SAngeliok, bekks thanks for the clarification15:52
bopah one more thing, where to get the password to login as root? doing sudo all the time is kinda annoying?15:54
bekks!root | bop15:54
ubottubop: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:54
bopwth :/15:55
compdocbop, you can change the sudoers file so you dont have to enter the password each time you have to use sudo. bad idea to enable the root account15:55
Daraelbop: There are reasons we don't enable the root password.  It can be done, but it's strongly advised not to.15:55
khennyzwould anyone help me with phpbttracker?15:55
bopyeah, as long as someone from ubuntu/canonical doesnt have the root pw, I guess Im fine with that15:55
AlanBellor do sudo -i to become root temporarily15:56
bopman, stuff has changed since my slackware days15:56
Daraelbop: There really *isn't* a root password.  Root's entry in /etc/shadow is an impossible hash.15:56
khennyzwould anyone help me with phpbttracker?15:56
bekksbop: There is no root pw.15:56
bekksbop: So no one can have it.15:56
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Daraelbekks: There's a root password *hash*, though.  The fact that no password can possibly hash to it is beside the point.15:57
llutzcompdoc: generally enabling "NOPASSWD"  is even more stupid than to activate the root account15:57
bekksDarael: There isnt.15:57
bekksDarael: There is no password, so there is no hash, so no hash can matc.15:57
Daraelbekks: Of course there is.  That's how the "no root password" thing is implemented:  the hash consists of a character that can't appear in a legitimate hash.15:57
zimzum_so if i use bumblebee, that will utilize my nvidia card right??15:58
Daraelbekks: Specifically, a "!".  It's the second field for root's line in /etc/shadow.15:58
bekksDarael: Which is the same as I just told you - the must be some character in that file, for the hash, to not break parsing.15:58
Daraelbekks: And the same as what I said.  There's a root password hash, as far as the machine is concerned, it's just an impossible one.15:59
MixitI am wondering if somebody has any idea how to install WLAN drivers for a MacBook Pro 2012, with Ubuntu as OS.16:00
khennyzwould anyone help me with phpbttracker?16:00
MixitI looked it up on the forums but they are abit out of date. Some packages that's in the guide does not exist.16:00
SolarisBoyMixit: i would imagine the same as any other hardware - defining what type of card you have16:00
SolarisBoyMixit: do you know the type of card which ships with your Mac? if not you should be able to use lspci or lshw to get it - and then you can look further into what drivers are needed additionally16:01
cagrijosthi, i just installed ubuntu, but i encountered a problem. my android phone cant connect to my pc for file sharing16:02
mikestewart cagrijost you enable usb on your android phone?16:03
escottcagrijost, android 4+?16:03
Daraelcagrijost: In my experience, those Android phones that don't get autodetected have connected in MTP mode, and will often work with gmtp even if they don't otherwise.16:03
histocagrijost: android removed mass storage option16:03
mediamaschineHi! I'm still newbie, trying to learn the most basic stuff. Not sure this is the right forum though. I've built a HTPC and installed Ubuntu. Now I'm trying to get XBMC to list winrar files. I came so far that I've added a PPA, but I have no idea of how to go on from here :(16:03
mikestewartandroid didnt remove mass stoarge option16:04
mikestewartI have 4.2.216:04
histomediamaschine: ask in #xbmc16:04
SolarisBoyi thought i was going crazy - i have mass storage option as well on 4+16:04
histomikestewart: removed on my galaxy gs316:04
escottmikestewart, it removed usb mass storage in favor of mtp16:04
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DaraelOn some phones, the mass storage option doesn't allow access to... various things.  My San diego, for example, although that's only running ICS.  Either way, gmtp can generally handle the phone in MTP mode, because it ignores the libmtp "argh I don't recognise this" if it determines the phone is running Android and uses some generic... thingy.16:06
DaraelWhy does Compiz support both workspaces and desktops, but only provide ways to *switch* workspaces?  Surely having more than one desktop is pretty much pointless without the ability to change?16:06
cagrijostsorry, im back. exott: its a sg2 with jellybean16:07
cagrijostsorry, im back. escott: its a sg2 with jellybean16:07
cagrijostdarael: i dont understand that, can you explain please?16:07
cagrijostmikestewart: i think so16:07
cagrijosthisto: ????16:07
cagrijosthisto: it worked on windows though16:07
* mikestewart is wrong. hadn't connected my phone in a couple months. been two updates since I connected with USB. sure enough. can connect with either MTP or PTP16:08
* mikestewart has been using cloud services to sync16:08
Daraelcagrijost: Which Ubuntu release art using?16:09
StevenRDarael: what do you mean by "workspaces" and "desktops" ?16:09
escottcagrijost, i believe that is an MTP device. it doesn't support USB Mass Storage16:09
escott!find mtp16:09
ubottuFound: libesmtp-dev, libesmtp6, libmtp-common, libmtp-dbg, libmtp-dev, libmtp-doc, libmtp-runtime, libmtp9, clamsmtp, dovecot-lmtpd (and 29 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=mtp&searchon=names&suite=quantal&section=all16:09
escott!info libmtp-common16:09
ubottulibmtp-common (source: libmtp): Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) common files. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.4-1 (quantal), package size 25 kB, installed size 844 kB16:09
escottcagrijost, ^^^ is what you want16:09
cagrijostescott thanks, i guess :b but what do i do now??16:10
mikestewartescott, me too apparently.  just common enough/16:10
mikestewartsudo apt-get install libmtp-common16:10
DaraelStevenR: They're *functionally* the same, but they are implemented differently.  Historically, Compiz has used workspaces, but things like metacity used desktops.  Desktops can have names, workspaces can't.  I understand the distinction dates back to fvwm.16:10
ronalds_mhello, can somebody give me what is in file gnome-control-center, and this file is in usr/bin16:10
Daraelronalds_m: If it's in /bin, it's an executable.16:10
mikestewartcagrijost, ^^16:10
Daraelronalds_m: In this case, it's the application that is launched from the top-right menu->system settings16:11
ronalds_mlook it up, and give contents16:11
ronalds_mI don't have settings16:11
Daraelronalds_m: It's an executable!16:11
ronalds_mcause I don't have the file16:11
escottcagrijost, see if http://askubuntu.com/questions/236779/how-to-mount-an-android-jelly-bean-phone-if-theres-no-option provides any helpful instructions16:11
ronalds_mcode pls16:11
Daraelronalds_m: Run `file /bin/gnome-control-center`.  It'll confirm what I say.  It's a binary.16:11
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ronalds_mand where can I get binary?16:12
ronalds_mgive binary then16:12
StevenRronalds_m: reinstall the packae16:12
Daraelronalds_m: If it's *missing*, we can help with that, but it would be clearer to say so in the first place.16:12
ronalds_mdid it16:12
DarkSimRecommendation for CD/DVD burning software?16:12
eduronalds_m: the file is a binari file, don't has imprimible characters16:12
StevenRDarkSim: brasero16:13
Daraelronalds_m: `sudo apt-get --reinstall install gnome-control-center` should restore the file.16:13
Darael!best | DarkSim: there are several options.  Brasero is installed by default, but:16:14
ubottuDarkSim: there are several options.  Brasero is installed by default, but:: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:14
bilou23hi, firefox crashed, all the ubuntu menus disappeared, no top menu, no side menu, I've tried to install "unity-reset" as explained in some forum threads, no success, I'm on ubuntu 12.10 quantal, what can I do?16:16
Daraelronalds_m: If the file is still missing, try downloading the package from packages.ubuntu.com, opening it with `file-roller` (the Archive Manager), and replacing it with the copy therein.  Don't just ask for it in IRC; people could give all sorts of dodgy modified versions and there'd be no way to check.16:16
Tux_aka_DJ_Seb_What is you favourite copy-past in Ubuntu ?16:16
rndbituhm anyone knows where could i change text colors used on shell? i messed something up at some point heh :|16:16
tux__i want to use more up to date open source drivers for my AMD grfx card16:17
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Daraelrndbit: Depends.  Are we talking just in gnome-terminal (the terminal app), or in TTYs as well?16:17
tux__however thre ubuntu-x-swat repos don't seem to show an ATI compatible driver16:17
Daraelrndbit: If the former, it's under edit->profile preferences.16:17
rndbitbasically text in focused software center window is white, can see it only due to shadows16:17
Daraelrndbit: Ah, not just the terminal.  Ouch.  Um, from memory, System Settings (from the top right), Appearance, and change the theme in the bottom-left of the window.16:18
bilou23how can ubuntu menu disappear after browsing a web page, firefox crashed and no menu anymore (even after reboot), I don't understand how it's even possible...16:20
rndbityeah changing theme helps.. i wonder why adwaita theme got messed up16:20
rndbitstrage things..16:20
bilou23on ubuntu 12.10 quantal16:20
Phryqhmmm, I cannot download Skype because I live in Kuwait and it's forbidden16:20
Phryqany way around this?16:20
rndbitPhryq use tor?16:20
Daraelrndbit: adwaita's been nonfunctional for me for some time.  Which is a pity.16:21
* sebsebseb leaves the channel16:21
sebsebsebbye bye16:21
rndbiteh... know any other dark and well balanced theme?16:22
rndbitso far all better ones i have seen so far have problems with text colors in some apps..16:22
ExtremeHi, I've been trying to delete/revoke the secret OpenPGP keys I created using "gpg --gen-key" (I can see them listed when I search with my email on Seahorse application). But when I try to do: " gpg --output revoke.asc --gen-revoke MYKEYHERE" it says  gpg: secret key MYKEYHERE not found: eof. Any idea what's wrong?16:22
Daraelrndbit: I *liked* adwaita.  Not off the top of my head.  Judging by the themes I've seen, something about the way a lot of the system is done makes it *really* hard to create one that works.  The people who write the GUIs quite clearly assume a light theme.  Annoying, isn't it?16:23
rndbitdefinitely... they make our eyes to suffer =|16:23
DaraelExtreme: Check the key ID using gpg --list-secret-keys in case Seahorse is doing something odd.16:24
ExtremeDarael: I have already tried that command. But it doesn't return _any_ outputs. :(16:24
DaraelExtreme: That suggests that gpg isn't aware of the key at all, which is... pretty odd.  See if gpg --list-keys shows anything?  It's possible that the private key is in fact missing?16:25
ExtremeDarael: yes. This is the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5582627/16:27
DaraelExtreme: And do those match the key ID as shown in Seahorse?16:28
escottExtreme, is your private key in your keyring?16:28
DaraelExtreme: That suggests to me that the secret key is missing.16:28
c2tarunanyone has google-chrome installed on their machine?16:28
Daraelc2tarun: A great many.  Dunno who they are, though.16:29
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.16:29
c2tarunDarael, :) actually I was about to ask how to disable the keyring16:29
mifritschergot this trying 32 bit apps on a 64 bit host using Ubuntu 12.04.2 with quantal kernel+xorg: libGL error: dlopen /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/dri/i965_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/dri/i965_dri.so: undefined symbol: drm_intel_gem_bo_map_unsynchronized) I reported the problem under https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/1142305 as well. Any ideas? ;-)16:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1142305 in xserver-xorg-video-intel-lts-backport-quantal (Ubuntu) "Running 32 bit software in 64 bit 12.04.2 with quantal xorg+kernel doesn't work with i965" [Undecided,New]16:29
c2tarunwhen I start laptop I get a keyring which asks for a password. Is there any way to disable it?16:29
ExtremeDarael: yes; one of them matches the key in Seahorse. (I have two keys listed in Seahorse but the command which you gave me above shows only one key)16:30
Extremeescott: my keyring is something different.16:30
escottExtreme, the gnupg keyring?16:30
belgianguyhmm, what's the default size of Dash icons?16:31
Extremeescott: sorry. what do you mean?16:31
belgianguyI've added one that was quite oversize, but Dash didn't resize it16:31
belgianguyso it's a huge icon now16:31
Daraelc2tarun: Assuming th'art running Ubuntu, that message has nothing to do with Chrome.  If ChromeOS, then this is not really the right channel (though someone may know anyway).16:31
c2tarunDarael, I am using ubuntu, and I get that msg after installing chrome only, and if I cancel it without entering password then, chrome will not able to open any website, but firefox and opera opens16:32
c2tarunDarael, also, if I use chrome with more than 5 tabs for a while, then it starts getting slow and takes almost 100% of my CPU :( whole system gets slow :(16:33
Daraelc2tarun: That would be to do with Chrome storing passwords in one of the GNOME keyrings.  These can be managed with Seahorse (the Passwords & Keys tool):  Find the relevant keyring, and check the box to have it unlock at login.16:33
Extremec2tarun: what Ubuntu version?16:33
c2tarunExtreme, 12.04.216:33
d1zzYLuLzhas anybody had issues with their laptops not waking up from suspend in 13.04?16:33
Daraeld1zzYLuLz: Thou'lt get a better answer in #ubuntu+116:34
c2tarund1zzYLuLz, o/16:34
c2tarunohh.. sorry :P I replied for 12.0416:34
Extremec2tarun: open "Seahorse", search for "password" or similar, and right click on the item. Choose Change Password and type the current password and leave the new one blank. (Like: http://goo.gl/F6DlN )16:35
Daraeld1zzYLuLz: It's not a problem, but we focus on supported releases in here.  #ubuntu+1 is focused on the current development release, so it is likely to provide better answers for Raring.  At least for the next month or so.16:35
superdohi,  how to play mp3s in browsers?16:36
d1zzYLuLzright on...was just wondering if anybody found a fix and if not, where to file a bug report and what to include w/ it16:36
d1zzYLuLz12.10 worked fine...the only install media i had though was 13.04 so im' stuck for the day and figured i could try to help out while i was stuck with it16:37
Daraelsuperdo: It depends on the browser.  Some, at least, should support it out of the box.16:37
d1zzYLuLzis there an easy way i could downgrade my 13.04 system to 12.10?16:37
superdoDarael, hm firefox not by default16:37
icerootd1zzYLuLz: no16:37
icerootd1zzYLuLz: only with a reinstall16:37
iceroot!bug | d1zzYLuLz16:38
ubottud1zzYLuLz: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.16:38
Lobosquehello. I'm getting this crash when I try to install ubuntu 12.10 64bit from USB: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1062625 Someone can please help me to fix it?16:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1062625 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubuquity partitioning fails to find /dev/sda" [High,Expired]16:39
Lobosquesorry, this is the right url: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/105841516:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1058415 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity crashed with TypeError in partman_dialog(): argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable" [Medium,Expired]16:40
superdoah mp3 isnt exists on that page, grrr16:40
c2tarunExtreme, I have two passwords, which one should I change? second one? http://imagebin.org/24881116:41
Extremec2tarun: try changing them both.16:42
eduhow could I show my CPU temp in gnome-panel? sensor-applet does'nt exist on 12.0416:42
c2tarunExtreme, I am already on auto-login, I'll try changing second one first.16:42
Sashmohey guys, if I set a static ip from the command line in /etc/network/interfaces will that overide the settings that I had set in nm-connnection-editor ?? (thats the gui)16:43
Extremec2tarun: okay.16:43
ExtremeDarael: how can I revoke the keys using terminal?16:43
GyhyI need to buy a laptop but I'm planning to use Linux on it, what model should I buy??16:43
DaraelExtreme: without the private keys, it's not doable.\16:44
ExtremeDarael: how do I check if I have the private keys?16:44
DaraelExtreme: gpg, at least, seems convinced thou dostn't.16:45
JulienPIve git a pb with double screen:  when i unset same picture for the both screen, it say : size for CRTC 147 is up to autorize limit.  Max 1680 1680.  What need i to do plz ?16:45
ExtremeDarael: Oops. Is there anything wrong with leaving those keys like this?16:45
DaraelIf they were anywhere, I'd expect them to be in thy private keyring... and according to GPG, they aren't.16:45
llutzSashmo: if you configure an iface in /etc/network/interfaces, networkmanager should ignore that iface16:45
DaraelExtreme: If th'art not going to use them, and especially if they've never been uploaded to a keyserver, nope.  Just delete the public keys and have done.16:45
GyhyI hope I'm not interrupting something but can anyone help me??16:46
ExtremeDarael: the problem is, i uploaded them to Ubuntu keyserver. :/16:46
Extreme!ask | Gyhy16:46
ubottuGyhy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:46
GyhyThanks. (Gyhy) I need to buy a laptop but I'm planning to use Linux on it, what model should I buy??16:47
llutz!ot | Gyhy:16:47
ubottuGyhy:: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:47
DaraelExtreme: With a new keypair, it's easy enough to get people to sign them so that they are considered more trustworthy than the old pair.  Also one can just give out the key IDs for the correct keys, or if using no keys, point out to anyone that asks about them that th'art using no PGP keys, and the old ones are out of use.16:47
vendegHi guys! I have installed freebasic on my ubuntu 12.04 64 bit. But it requires 32 bit libs: libx11, libxext, libxrandr, libxrender, libxpm. I want to install them, the system want to remove many other 64 bit files. How can i install 32 bit libs without remove the other files?16:47
GyhyOk, sorry for being in the wrong channel. Have a nice day..16:47
Sashmollutz: thanks man, are you 100%?  becuase the machine is remote, and I dont want to lock my self out16:47
DaraelExtreme: These are just precautions against someone managing to forge signatures down the line, which is pretty unlikely, but possible.16:48
llutzSashmo: check /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf16:49
Sashmollutz: checking....16:49
JulienPNobody for my pb plz ?16:50
Sashmollutz: shows some things, but the line that probably make sense is the no-auto-default=(my mac 1),(my mac2)16:51
Sashmollutz: I guess that means that both have static ip's ?16:51
Darael!patience | JulienP16:51
ubottuJulienP: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:51
llutzSashmo: does the conf contain a part "[ifupdown]"?16:51
Sashmollutz: yes, managed=false16:52
JulienPThe famous friendly RTFM :)16:52
ikonia_JulienP: n-one said that16:52
ikonia_JulienP: please don't make things up, someone just asked you to be patient16:52
llutzSashmo: so it should work, "ifupdown" are the /etc/network/interfaces managed ifaces16:52
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
DaraelJulienP: I'm sure someone will have an answer, it's just that nobody has one immediately.  Do stick around, and do keep asking (if not too fast), but please don't be offended if it takes a while.16:53
JulienPOk thx :) i can wait naturely16:53
ExtremeDarael: hi, mind a PM?16:53
tux__anyone use the xorg-edgers ppa?16:54
DaraelExtreme: We try to keep things in channel so other people can watch and learn, but if it's sensitive or something, sure.16:54
DaraelExtreme: Also so people can correct me if I say something stupid.16:54
Sashmollutz: I dont get it?  there are two connections there, and I need to fix eth1, but I can leave eth0 as is, is there not a place that I can go and change it?  All I need to do is change one digit in the ip address, and the machine I do have access to dosnt have X server, so I cant run the nm-connection-editor16:55
llutzSashmo: there is nmcli16:55
JulienP(JulienP) Ive git a pb with double screen:  when i unset same picture for the both screen, it say : size for CRTC 147 is up to autorize limit.  Max 1680 1680.  What need i to do plz ?16:56
llutzSashmo: also check /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/      you might do your changes there16:56
Sashmollutz: thanks, hmmn, I'll check that..... is there anything else I can use to get x server running on windows with SSH?  putty is not working for me16:56
llutzSashmo: you'll need a windows xserver like xming16:57
Sashmolloks like that site is down....16:57
llutzSashmo: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xming/16:57
Sashmollutz: yeah got it16:58
Tux_aka_DJ_Seb_What is your favorite software for copy-paste in Gnome 3 ?16:59
eduhow could I show my CPU temp in gnome-panel? sensor-applet does'nt exist on 12.0417:00
Sashmollutz: I see wired connection 1 and wired connectino 2 in system connections, but I cant do anything with them17:01
selena2013the system did not freeze today17:01
Daraelselena2013: Well, that's good news, but most of us in here lack the context to understand :)17:02
Sashmollutz: I think I made some headway.... if I edit those, is that all I need to change?17:02
selena2013i am using ubuntu 12.10 hp 2000 64 bits17:02
selena2013and it freezes constantly17:02
llutzSashmo: i'd guess, those are the connections networkmanager uses.17:03
selena2013Darel which ubuntu you use ?17:03
Sashmollutz: but no other special things that I need to change??  like a 3rd file for something stupid....17:03
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llutzSashmo: 3rd file? you should make sure that you configure your network _either_ in networkmanager (those files from /etc/NetWorkManager....) or /etc/network/interfaces.17:04
Sashmollutz: thanks Ill try17:05
Daraelselena2013: Right now, I'm on a university system running a customised version of 12.04.1 (Precise).  I use Quantal on my own machine, but I'm having hardware problems right now.17:05
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=== Guest82757 is now known as Don__
threex5forgive me if i get booted off, but I'm having a hard time staying online. this only happens on my wife's parents' wi-fi and when i boot into windows, my connection is fine.17:09
threex5i tried installing wicd and it didn't help. any advice? i disabled ipv6 for the connection and this also didn't help.17:09
vespakoenHey guys, I've been tweaking my UI a bit lately, and have installed the FlatStudio theme (pretty damn sweet) however, I have, quite a while ago, changed the selection_color to blue, in gconf-editor, and even after changing it to a new color now, the blue still persists (also after a reboot) I have also snapped a screenshot of the color, and searched my entire filesystem for it, but it doesn't pop up anywhere, so it seems it has bee17:10
vespakoenn "binaryfied" / caced somewhere, but I have no clue where17:10
vespakoendoes anyone know how I can change this color?17:10
Ronalds_M Depends: libkde3support4 but it is not going to be installed17:10
Ronalds_M Depends: libqt4-qt3support but it is not going to be installed17:10
Ronalds_M Recommends: kde-runtime but it is not going to be installed17:10
FloodBot1Ronalds_M: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:10
Ronalds_MRecommends: kde-runtime but it is not going to be installed17:11
vespakoenThe "new" color does work in gnome-panel, just not in the dropdown menu's of windows17:11
Ronalds_Mremoved kubuntu backport17:11
Ronalds_Mand whole kde17:11
Ronalds_Mcan't install kde apps, because dependecy17:11
steve_fihey guys, I have an issue with pulseaudio or alsa (not really managed to nail it down yet), where it won't pass through audio using HDMI, it's using the Intel HDA driver and they jacks are not appearing under the sound settings17:15
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steve_fiit worked perfectly yesterday and has only happened since what seem to be updates. I've been googling this for hours now and can't find anything ;'(17:16
Ronalds_M can't install kde apps, because dependecy17:16
Ronalds_Msomething is broken there17:16
Sashmollutz: thanks I edited the wired connection 1 file, and its working for me.... Thanks again!17:16
=== Controlsfreek__ is now known as Controlsfreek
Ronalds_M Depends: kde-runtime but it is not going to be installed17:17
Ronalds_Mhow to fix this problem?17:18
Ronalds_MI removed kde 4.10 repo and apps, now can't install any of stuff I want from kde17:19
introzenHello. I have a problem. I'm running ubuntu 12.10 with xfce4. Everytime I try to logout the user account, the screen goes terminal and stucks at STARTING..... Anyone knows why?17:20
Ronalds_Mxubuntu or xfce session?17:20
Ronalds_Mthere is login screen left?17:21
introzenno. just a black terminal17:21
Ronalds_Mat begining17:21
Ronalds_Mwhen you start pc17:21
introzenno I have no user password17:21
introzenso it's autologin17:21
Ronalds_Mprobably something with xdm or lightdm17:22
Ronalds_Mhaven't removed any of them?17:22
introzendont know how17:22
Ronalds_Mtry getting lightdm as default17:22
Ronalds_Myou are stuck at terminal, or terminal also is stuck?17:22
introzenstuck at terminal. I can still write, but it's just empty text, no commandline17:23
Ronalds_Mstartx for example starts default session17:23
Ronalds_Mstartxfce4 starts xfce17:23
introzenlemme try17:23
davi324ubuntu usb-installed on sdb can't mount sda1 (hardrive) because it thinks its already mounted, which it isn't - how to fix?17:24
introzendidn't work.17:25
introzenstuck at an empty terminal where no commands work17:25
introzenjust a black empty screen where i can write anything17:25
Daraelintrozen: Use ctl+alt+f1 to get to a working TTY?17:25
introzenthere is no commandline17:25
introzenjust black screen17:25
FloodBot1introzen: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:25
introzenLet me try darael17:25
Ronalds_Mcrtl alt f1 yes17:25
c2tarunthis may not be the right place to share it, but I still wan't to share. If you are not interested in Google-Chrome plugins, please try Opera once. Among firefox, chrome and opera, opera is the best. Chrome eats up my CPU and increase its temperature to 80C, but with more number of tabs(11) and video playing in 3 tabs opera is smooth like butter and also not eating my CPU :) its at 60 degree Celsius :)17:26
c2tarunanyone facing heated CPU can try this^^17:26
Darael!best | c2tarun17:27
ubottuc2tarun: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:27
Ronalds_ME: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.17:27
Ronalds_Mhow to fix this one?17:27
bekksRonalds_M: Whats the entire output of the command producing that message?17:27
introzenOkey Ctrl+alt+f1 worked. I was able to startup a xfce4 session17:27
Ronalds_MThis may mean that you have17:27
Ronalds_Mrequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable17:27
Ronalds_Mdistribution that some required packages have not yet been created17:27
Ronalds_Mor been moved out of Incoming.17:27
FloodBot1Ronalds_M: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:28
introzenhowever, it started without my preferences17:28
gantonhi, can someone help me compile some .tex? the make command doesn't work on my machine17:29
Ronalds_Myou have to download 2012 tex live17:30
=== jeff is now known as Guest13679
gantoni did17:30
=== LaserShark|dead is now known as LaserShark
c2tarunDarael, well #ubuntu-bot is great channel :) thanks for sharing17:30
gantonit says permission denied17:30
SonikkuAmericaganton: Why doesn't the make command work? Do you have GCC installed?17:30
=== daniel is now known as Guest23942
Daraelganton: Whereabouts are the files in question located?17:30
SonikkuAmericaganton:  sudo make <whatever>17:30
qwwebCan somebody help me figure out how zeitgeist-daemon is started?  It's not in /etc/xdf and it's not an init ot upstart script but the ppid is init. any ideas?17:30
Ronalds_Mthere is xelatex for compiling tex17:30
gantonDidn't work17:30
llutzyou don't use sudo for make17:31
gantoni did sudo make install17:31
SonikkuAmericallutz: For some things root permissions are required to execute the make command17:31
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!17:31
Daraelllutz: Sometimes one does, if one wants to make as another user (eg the one owning the directory).  I agree, though, that sudo is more often used for make install.17:31
gantoni don't know... i'm new at linux command line17:33
qwwebCan somebody help me figure out how zeitgeist-daemon is started?  It's not in /etc/xdg and it's not an init ot upstart script but the ppid is init. any ideas?   edited17:33
Ronalds_Mwhat should I do about http://paste.ubuntu.com/5582805/17:33
gantoni just need that pdf compiled17:33
gantonso if anyone wants to help me please message me to give you the link to the archive with .tex files. thanks17:33
bekksganton: You have to install texlive, and no, you do not "compile a .tex" using make, but using pdflatex17:34
SonikkuAmericaRonalds_M: tiks instalēta <<< Does that mean "it is not going to be installed" or "it is not installable"?17:35
bekksRonalds_M: "A or B" - "yes" :P17:36
llutzRonalds_M: sudo apt-get -f install17:36
Ronalds_Mit is not going to be installed17:36
Ronalds_MSome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have17:37
Ronalds_Mrequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable17:37
Ronalds_Mdistribution that some required packages have not yet been created17:37
Ronalds_Mor been moved out of Incoming.17:37
FloodBot1Ronalds_M: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:37
SonikkuAmericaRonalds_M: Yeah, the kdenlive in the official repos is deprecated.17:37
qwwebCan somebody help me figure out how zeitgeist-daemon is started?  It's not in /etc/xdg and it's not an init ot upstart script but the ppid is init. any ideas?17:37
SonikkuAmericaRonalds_M: For the latest version,  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sunab/kdenlive-release17:38
Ronalds_MI need stable kde apps17:38
trismqwweb: via dbus: /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.gnome.zeitgeist.service17:39
SonikkuAmericaRonalds_M: The kdenlive version in that repo is supported, but I can't guarantee its stability due to the fact that I don't use KDE.17:39
qwwebtrism: thanks didn't know dbus could start things17:39
Ronalds_Mso what you prefer for video editing?17:40
Ronalds_Mdoesn't work17:40
SonikkuAmericaRonalds_M: If you're looking for something stable, I'd try OpenShot for video editing.17:40
Ronalds_Meven after adding ppa17:40
qwwebtrism: how did you know that, is there a way to track it17:40
Ronalds_MOk I added kubuntu backports17:42
Ronalds_Mand now it works17:42
Ronalds_MI'm dependent on kubuntu backports cause removing kde and those repo made kde things won't install17:43
compdocare you compiling it yourself?17:43
Ronalds_Mno compiling synaptic17:44
=== debiantoruser is now known as Guest10770
Erik76i'm a question17:44
trismqwweb: it's how many desktop services start, talk to dbus, dbus sees the service isn't running, starts it. you can always dpkg -L on the packages to see what sorts of files they have if you aren't sure (plus dpkg -S zeitgeist-daemon; to find the package)17:44
Erik76where is the irc chat for the freeradius or daloradius thank you very mutchhh17:44
DJones!alis | Erik7617:46
ubottuErik76: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*17:46
Erik76tank you17:47
Erik76thank you17:47
coolroothi is there a way in ubuntu 12.04 that when i'll close my firestarter firewall the icon while stay on the panel above? seems icon tray ain't working :(17:48
qwwebtrism: thanks.  I wonder why the ppid is not the process of dbus instead of init17:48
Ronalds_M13.04 will be LTS?17:49
SonikkuAmericaRonalds_M: Nope.17:49
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)17:49
Ronalds_Mso 13.04 won't show up17:49
SonikkuAmericaAnd the next will be 14.04 if Mark Shuttleworth doesn't mess with the release schedule17:49
Ronalds_Mthat's ok , 12.04 is good, if not better that 12.1017:50
SonikkuAmericaRonalds_M: Not in Update Manager, if that's what you mean, unless you upgrade to 12.10 first.17:50
LaogeodrittSo an LTS release every two years is the (regular) schedule?17:50
SonikkuAmericaLaogeodritt: Yep17:51
SonikkuAmericaIt's been the case since 6.0617:51
Ronalds_MI remmber drapper or feisty or how it was called back in the day17:51
Ronalds_Mnever could fully switch without steam..17:52
SonikkuAmericaRonalds_M: Dapper was 6.06, Hardy is 8.04, Lucid is 10.04, Precise is 12.04 and T is 14.0417:52
Ronalds_Mcame back when 12.04 was released and new laptop bought..17:53
sarger001Is this OS as slow as people say it is?17:54
sarger001Say compared to mint17:54
SonikkuAmericasarger001: slow depends on so many things17:55
OkitainHey, does anyone here know anything about v4l?17:55
HelloWorld321is it normal for firefox cache files to be eml ?  I renamed them by accident, but I don't know if they were eml before.17:57
steve_fidoes anyone know if there's been a regression or update which has caused HDMI output devices to no longer appear in the sound options (even though something is connected to them) ?17:57
MawahebHello everyone, i need some advice please17:58
sarger001Sonikku, a fresh boot17:58
Darael!ask | Mawaheb17:58
ubottuMawaheb: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:58
Mawahebok ubottu thanks for the tip17:59
DaraelMawaheb: It's a bot, but I'm sure it appreciates the thanks :P17:59
DJones!manual | megabraker This is probably what you're looking for18:00
ubottumegabraker This is probably what you're looking for: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/18:00
SonikkuAmericasarger001: On my machine (Fujitsu T-Series Lifebook) the boot-time difference is minimal between the two, but because I use Ubuntu Studio I can't compare that easily because we Studio users use a completely different kernel.18:00
Mawaheboh Thanks Darael, i hope that you are not a bot as well :D18:00
DaraelMawaheb: Not so far as I know, although I *have* failed the Turing Test a number of times...18:00
Mawahebfor example, if empathy is running, and the window is hidden behind other window, when i press on the empathy icon, it doesn't come to focus !! how can i change this !18:01
sarger001I anyone kind enough to send me a free Ubuntu install disk in mail :P18:01
SonikkuAmericaDarael: XD18:01
Pinkamen1_DHI, can anyone recommend a bluetooth mouse that work work well with internal bluetooth?18:01
SonikkuAmericasarger001: You don't have a way of installing Ubuntu?18:01
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate18:01
=== LarrySteeze|Away is now known as LarrySteeze
ntzrmtthihu777sarger001: its pretty simple, what do you have on hand?18:02
Mawahebif any application is running, and the window is hidden behind other window, when i press on the application icon again , it doesn't come to focus !! how can i change this !18:02
sarger001No disks at all18:02
sarger001no CD/DVD R's or RW's18:02
SonikkuAmericasarger001: USB stick?18:02
ntzrmtthihu777do you have a usb stick?18:02
plaisndo you have a usb dick?18:02
Okitainsarger001: usb?18:02
SonikkuAmericaplaisn: Not here.18:02
SonikkuAmericaplaisn: Auto correct... :\18:03
sarger001Yeah but i use USB ports for my mouse and keyboard and only have 2 ports18:03
Okitainoh boy howdy.18:03
sarger001it's a old PC18:03
Pinkamen1_Dthen take out the mouse lol18:03
=== LarrySteeze is now known as LarrySteeze|Away
plaisnYeah, I do have autocorrect, it's embarrassing sometimes.18:03
sarger001I can't use my PC without a mouse18:03
OkitainOr you could borrow a hub.18:03
ntzrmtthihu777well you can use one or the other. I hardly use the mouse most times18:03
OkitainA USB hub.18:03
Daraelsarger001: Consider a USB hub.  It'll cost about the same, I should think, and provide more USB ports.18:03
Pinkamen1_Dyou would just put it back after the install18:03
SonikkuAmericaOr there's the Unetbootin install partition option...18:04
ntzrmtthihu777sarger001: hub: like a powerstrip for usb ports18:04
Mawahebif any application is running, and the window is hidden behind other window, when i press on the application icon again , it doesn't come to focus !! how can i change this ! please anyone ?!18:04
ntzrmtthihu777SonikkuAmerica: an excellent point18:04
ntzrmtthihu777!patience Mawaheb18:04
ntzrmtthihu777!patience | Mawaheb18:04
ubottuMawaheb: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:04
quick-sarger001: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB_hub18:04
Mawahebntzrmtthihu777 okay !18:04
DaraelMawaheb: I suspect (but I make no guarantees!) that the relevant setting is somewhere in CCSM under the Unity plugin.18:05
ntzrmtthihu777Mawaheb: you may have set the window on top to always on top18:05
MawahebDarael am new to linux i don't know what is that18:05
Mawahebntzrmtthihu777 no, that is not what i am after , but thanks for the tip any way18:06
ntzrmtthihu777Mawaheb: right click the window that stays on top and see if the option is checked18:06
Mawahebntzrmtthihu777 you got my question wrong18:06
OkitainMawaheb: he means the Compiz settings manager.18:07
ntzrmtthihu777Mawaheb: try pressing alt+tab and see if you can bring it up18:07
Mawahebwhat i mean is, if any application is running and the window in the background(not visible), if i click on the app icon, it won't come to the frong18:07
quick-Mawaheb: Did you use Always on Top option by mistake ??18:07
SonikkuAmericaMawaheb: If you don't have CCSM:  sudo apt-get install compizcomfig-settings-manager18:07
introzenHello. Does anyone know what XChat starts automatically with xubuntu? I've checked the autostart options but it isn't there.18:08
ntzrmtthihu777try the alt+tab, Mawaheb . it will cycle through all your windows18:08
Mawahebyeah i know that about the alt+tab, but pressing the icon is faster18:08
ntzrmtthihu777Mawaheb: does not work != faster18:09
Mawahebcorrect ntzrmtthihu777 that's why am trying to fix it !! lol !18:09
ntzrmtthihu777now, what window is always on top?18:10
Mawahebi got compizconfig installed now, what options should i be looking for ?18:10
quick-Mawaheb:  the fastest can be pressing the Super logo and the number corresponding to that app but that's limited. Just an advice :)18:10
Mawahebntzrmtthihu777 there is NO window on top !!! you did not understand my quesion !!18:10
ntzrmtthihu777Mawaheb: no need to shout18:11
Mawahebntzrmtthihu777 i am not :D18:11
ntzrmtthihu777caps and ! == shouting in my book18:11
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Mawahebntzrmtthihu777 come on !! your book is not mine ! :D18:11
DaraelMawaheb: In CCSM, try poking about the Unity plugin.18:11
introzenIs there anyone who knows why XChat starts on boot? It's not in autostart...18:12
quick-Mawaheb:  Send a screenshot and maybe people can understand better18:12
Pinkamen1_DHello, i had a dual boot wiht ubuntu and windows and ubuntu was the default. I had to swap the motherboard because water was spilled on it. Now windows bluescreens (lol) What is the safest way to reinstall windows so i dont mess up grub or anything18:12
MawahebOk Darael , i found it18:12
ntzrmtthihu777not a clue, introzen . its not in startup applications, right?18:12
introzenNo. Not there.18:12
ntzrmtthihu777maybe there is a setting inside of xchat itself18:12
introzenAlso, there is no preferences in XChat where to enable/disable it18:13
introzenI was thinking that maybe there is an old session stored with xchat ontop which launches everytime i boot?18:13
introzenin that case, how to erase that session18:13
MawahebDarael what option should i be looking for ?18:14
webushi! i'm xubuntu user. how can i back to system state before install updates ?18:15
quick-Pinkamen1_D: If you install windows it ;; overwrite the MBR and you ll have to install ubuntu again18:15
Extreme!xubuntu | webus18:15
ubottuwebus: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels18:15
ntzrmtthihu777sorry, wrong key combo18:15
llutzPinkamen1_D: make sure to have a live-cd or supergrub-cd, then install windows and repair grub after. you DON'T have to reinstall ubuntu18:15
webusjoin #xubuntu18:16
DJones!grub | Pinkamen1_D If you reinstall Windows, you can use a grub boot disk to reinstall grub, see the following links for info,18:16
ubottuPinkamen1_D If you reinstall Windows, you can use a grub boot disk to reinstall grub, see the following links for info,: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:16
Extreme/join #xubuntu << webus18:16
ntzrmtthihu777don't forget the / in front of join18:16
introzenI solved the problem by erasing all stored sessions.18:16
=== nameless1 is now known as nameless`
ntzrmtthihu777ah, very good introzen18:16
ntzrmtthihu777introzen: I don't know xchat, I use irssi18:17
Moose__Can anyone point me to a definitive guide on how to install AMD's Catalyst driver? I'm finding conflicting stuff online. The default driver and the others in "Additional Drivers" don't work well at all.18:17
introzenOh, Okey.18:17
ntzrmtthihu777Moose__: both of my machines use ccc, the drivers in jockey worked fine for me.18:19
introzenNow to my other problem, I still can't logout my user. I then get stuck at a black terminal. In that case if I press Ctrl+Alt+F1, I enter the terminal and I can write "startxfce4", however, my session then starts without my user properties (interface options and so on)18:19
introzenno user properties18:20
ntzrmtthihu777what is the xubuntu desktop manager?18:20
nameless`hi there18:20
introzeni'm on xfce418:20
SonikkuAmericantzrmtthihu777: Xfce on top of lightdm18:20
ntzrmtthihu777SonikkuAmerica: I mean like lightdm for vanilla precise or .. ahh18:21
ntzrmtthihu777dpgk-reconfigure lightdm18:21
ntzrmtthihu777erm dpkg18:21
bilou23unity is broken for me aparently, I can't see any ubuntu menu, I have an nvidia graphic card, I've followed a lot of tutorials, they all failed, I've tried to remove / reinstall nvidia-current and some other things.18:21
nameless`i need help to make wicd-client works on ubuntu oneiric with unity. Even though i set the systray-whitelist to "all" or add 'Wicd' in the list, it still doesn't show up18:21
Moose__I'm using an A10 5800K with Radeon HD 7660D. I had to do the "nomodeset" thing to get it to work at all. After that, the default driver restricts resolution and the other two available in Additional Drivers kill Unity.18:21
introzenthat command returned nothing18:21
nameless`the only way to make wicd-client works if with the '-n' parameter which disable systray but that's not what i want :)18:22
introzenbut maybe that's supposed to happen?18:22
ntzrmtthihu777apt-get install lightdm18:22
HelloWorld321in the terminal, how can I see the atime, ctime & mtime?18:22
llutzHelloWorld321: stat file18:22
ntzrmtthihu777HelloWorld321: love the nick18:23
Daraelnameless`: I seem to recall having that trouble before, and that it got fixed in Precise.  I could be wrong, but on the other hand, Oneiric won't be supported *that* much longer anyway...18:23
HelloWorld321tx llutz, ntzrmtthihu77718:23
SonikkuAmericabilou23: What hardware (Be a bit more specific about the nVidia card)?18:23
ntzrmtthihu777in win$ when I held a spot on my touchscreen it would left-click, can I do something similar in ubuntu?18:24
introzenI ran "sudo apt-get install lightdm" and it told me to run "dpkg --configure -a" so I did, and it returned this:18:24
introzendpkg: error: unable to write status database record about 'libtext-wrapi18n-perl "to" / var / lib / dpkg / status': The device is full18:24
HelloWorld321if I rename a file, then I stat it and see that it's change time was just now, why doesn't it show up in: find . -ctime 5 ?18:24
SonikkuAmericaintrozen: Did you run out of memory?18:24
introzenHow do I know?18:24
nameless`Darael: mok, is there standart procedure to update to precise or should iu just modify my sources.list and then update & upgrade ? (it's been a while i didn't use ubuntu)18:25
llutzHelloWorld321: because renaming doesn't affect ctime18:25
windofthestormI am a minecraft mod maker! (look me up on GitHub)18:25
azizLIGHTSi did "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc" to /dev/sdc becasue i wanted to wipe it. after it finished, i disconnected it and then realized theres no partition on it. now i reconnected it and my computer wont stop saying buffer i/o error. how do i fix this? what do i need to do to get a working sdc with ext4 partition18:25
ntzrmtthihu777right-click on your filesystem in nautilus or whatever filemanager you use and check18:25
introzenoh no, i got 200gb left18:25
ntzrmtthihu777azizLIGHTS: I literally lol'd at your name18:26
nameless`azizLIGHTS: use fdisk to create a partition and then mkfs.ext4 to create the filesystem18:26
OkitainAnyone got experience with v4l flipping?18:26
HelloWorld321llutz: I disagree?  I'm PST, and stat shows the file to be Change: 2013-03-03 10:21:43.694204097 -080018:26
azizLIGHTSnameless`: thanks18:26
azizLIGHTSntzrmtthihu777: lol :D leelo dallas mooltipass18:26
TaneltHello, does all VLC versions for Ubuntu consider using libdvdcss?18:26
OkitainTanelt: should, at least.18:26
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petermlmHello. My "see" command used to open pdf files with evince. But it stoped doing that after I installed okular. How can I make the see command open pdf files with evince?18:26
nameless`Tanelt: it depends if you want to read dvd18:26
Okitainpetermlm: rightclick on any saved pdf, settings-you got it.18:27
introzenSo, any ideas?18:27
azizLIGHTSnameless`: what are treh buffer i/o errors about? should i run some kind of disk checking before proceeding with fdisk and mkfs?18:27
petermlmOkitain, I tryed that. It didn't work18:27
ntzrmtthihu777introzen: try installing gdm18:28
OkitainYou sure?18:28
nameless`azizLIGHTS: i don't know, how did you get these errors ?18:28
bilou23SonikkuAmerica: it's an nvidia geforce GT.18:28
introzenI can't use apt-get18:28
Atlantic777What's happening with rt3290sta wireless driver? There's some hack which works, I made several notebooks work with it but it's too much hassle for a beginner to compile a kernel module, blacklist other modules and stuff. It would be nice to see it work out of the box at least on LTS versions...18:28
introzensays I have to manually configure dpkg18:28
introzenwith "dpkg --configure -a"18:28
introzenand thats when i get the error.18:28
ntzrmtthihu777what did you do to break it? anything funky?18:29
llutzHelloWorld321: -ctime 5   ~ changed 5*24hrs back18:29
SonikkuAmericabilou23: There are about 1000 types of GT, specific model number?18:29
introzennah don't think so18:29
Okitainintrozen: post the error.18:29
azizLIGHTSnameless`: i just did the dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb command, and then disconnected the hdd when it finished, rebooted, and had the drive conencted and powered on and these messages started coming up18:29
HelloWorld321are .eml files binary, or are they pretty text-y?  I've got a clearly binary file with an .eml extension, and I think that's wrong18:29
ntzrmtthihu777Atlantic777: I have had bad issue with rt*sta stuff18:29
introzendpkg: fel: kunde inte skriva status-databaspost om "libtext-wrapi18n-perl" till "/var/lib/dpkg/status": Enheten är full18:29
introzendpkg: error: unable to write status database record about 'libtext-wrapi18n-perl "to" / var / lib / dpkg / status': The device is full18:29
Taneltnameless`, Okitain ok Thanks! .. because I read that it is the only way to force the  encryption key.18:29
ntzrmtthihu777apt-get autoclean && apt-get autoremove18:30
HelloWorld321llutz: tx18:30
nameless`azizLIGHTS: you have multiple disk and your OS is on another one ?18:30
llutzHelloWorld321: you might want to use -cmin18:30
introzenCan use any apt commands, get the same error18:30
azizLIGHTSnameless`: i have sda where the os is, sdb where my dada is, and sdc is this disk18:30
azizLIGHTSsdc is empty18:30
ntzrmtthihu777azizLIGHTS: just use gparted to fix it18:30
Atlantic777ntzrmtthihu777: I'm lucky to not need it but I had to go to the dark side and back to make it work on friends' notebooks. -.-18:30
nameless`azizLIGHTS: ok so there is no need for reboot18:31
azizLIGHTSnameless`: nope i dont think so. because its nonessential drive18:31
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, I'm fighting tooth and nail with my dlink dwa-16018:31
nameless`azizLIGHTS: try cfdisk /dev/sdc (root)18:31
nameless`azizLIGHTS: try juyst create a partition using the ncurse interface18:31
azizLIGHTSalright :)18:32
ntzrmtthihu777introzen: man you're boned. I could not imagine a world without18:32
ntzrmtthihu777introzen: man you're boned. I could not imagine a world without apt-get18:32
introzenwhat does the command "sudo dkpg --configure -a" do?18:32
introzenis it possible to do it manually?18:32
amicrawleroh by the way guys  i was able to get the old ubuntu list working on 10.1018:33
ntzrmtthihu777check man dpkg18:33
amicrawlerwork good now18:33
amicrawlerbut flash is a problem18:33
carliewolf08Wondering if I can get some help on installing ubutu on a computer I had just unfortunately reformated my harddrive.  I'd like to install ubuntu but not sure what to download and burn from the computer I am currently on.  I guess I'd have to make sure that the cd I burn will also be bootable?18:33
amicrawlerwhat is your cpu18:33
ntzrmtthihu777carliewolf08: what os are you burning from?18:33
amicrawleramd or ppc or intel18:33
carliewolf08I am on a computer with windows 8 which I hate and need to get a system on a ibmthinkpad T6018:34
bilou23SonikkuAmerica: unfortunately I can't find it, I've been able to get into system info thx to a terminal "gnome-control-center", but then when I go to system info > graphical card section, the driver is unknown, I can't see any info about the extact model.18:34
nameless`carliewolf08: make sure that secureboot is not enabled on your Bios18:34
SonikkuAmericabilou23: Uh-oh/18:35
amicrawlerok   is prob a intel chip set18:35
amicrawleri have a ibm18:35
carliewolf08hummm not sure I even know what secure boot is!18:35
ntzrmtthihu777carliewolf08: I am not sure about win$8, but burncdcc in win$7 is good for burning isos18:35
amicrawlerubunut 12 would do you ok18:35
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carliewolf08I thought I had set bios to but from cd rom but it looks like it's still not accepting that18:35
ntzrmtthihu777carliewolf08: secure boot = windows trying to keep us out18:35
llutzuefi/secure-boot on an old T60 ~ very doubtful18:36
amicrawlergo to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI18:36
carliewolf08but I think that windows is no longer on that system as I had tried to install win 98 on it and I think it already formatted the whole drive18:36
amicrawler1st for winbloz 818:36
introzenntzrmtthihu777, so u think i'm fucked?18:37
amicrawlerand is it winbloz 32bit or 64bit18:37
llutzcarliewolf08: what cpu does the T60 have (64bit capable?)?18:37
nameless`carliewolf08: ok, because you had windows8 i assumed it was a recent computer with secure boot but if it's an old one it's ok18:37
sarger001My friend said he's going to force a windows install on my PC18:37
carliewolf08yes I believe it was 65 bit because it had had windows xp on it before I had gotten the rootkit virus on it18:37
ntzrmtthihu777introzen: you are in an unenviable postion, but you may be able to fix it18:37
sarger001Thing is, i'm going to install ubuntu on his PC18:37
SonikkuAmericabilou23: That doesn't sound good at all.18:37
sarger001And then back onto mine18:38
sarger001victory will be mine18:38
nameless`carliewolf08: secure boot is a feature in the bios that prevent unauthorized OS to boot (using cryptographic key)18:38
sarger001and i shall trash his install disk18:38
carliewolf08 I got the impression that as a result of the rootkit virus somethng took over the system since I could no longer do admin stuff or recovery stuff on it18:38
sarger001and a week later, he will thank me for installing ubuntu.18:38
amicrawlerok your t60 is a 64bit18:38
amicrawlerjust looked18:39
introzenokey screw it i'm reinstalling this shit ;P18:39
llutzcarliewolf08: then get http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/questions?distro=desktop&bits=64&release=latest   copy it to CD/usb and install18:39
amicrawlerso you will need a 64bit system18:39
carliewolf08So I was trying to figure out a way to wipe the system and then reinstall something.  But I may have made an error that it won't accept my cd's now18:39
AurigaHi, Did 10.04 get extended support in the end & for how long is it intended if so?18:39
SonikkuAmerica!10.04 | Auriga18:39
ubottuAuriga: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 - Supported until April 2013 (Desktop), April 2015 (Server)18:39
sarger001Umm guys i need some help here18:39
ugurtürk varmı türk18:40
carliewolf08llutz which ubutu is that the one that is supported only 18 mnths or the lt one18:40
ntzrmtthihu777sarger001: what is youre issue, again?18:40
Art_brand new to Ubuntu and need some help please18:40
llutzcarliewolf08: the latest, not the lts one18:40
ugurTURK VARMI18:40
sarger001my friend threatens to install Windows XP on my machine. I'm going to install Ubuntu on his and back on mine, but he hides his CD drive. I have no way to convert him.18:40
AurigaDamn... April...18:40
ntzrmtthihu777!lts | carliewolf0818:40
ubottucarliewolf08: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)18:40
bilou23SonikkuAmerica: the issue appeared when using firefox, suddenly it froze out, I couldn't do force quit because the mouse was frozen too, so I pressed the shutdown button, and since then, I can only see the desktop background.18:40
Daraelnameless`: Sorry for the delay:  On the desktop, run the update-manager and it should offer the new version.  On the server, ensure the update-manager-core package is installed, and do a sudo do-release-upgrade18:40
llutzcarliewolf08: just make sure your cpu really supports 64bit... get 32bit to be on the safe side18:40
amicrawleri had that befor18:40
amicrawlerit was a xfree86 issue18:41
ntzrmtthihu777sarger001: neither you nor him have the right to install another os on your respective machines.18:41
sarger001Heh. It was a dare by both of us NT. We both dared. We both do it.18:41
ntzrmtthihu777ugur: turkish?18:41
carliewolf08ok I will try that then.  when I download it will it automatically make it a bootable disk or is there something special I have to do?18:41
HelloWorld321llutz: "man find" says "File's status was last changed n*24 hours ago." ... does it mean: before, after, or exactly?18:41
basiclaserugur, +118:41
Darael!tr | ugur18:41
ubottuugur: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.18:41
amicrawlerjust make usb bootable18:41
llutzcarliewolf08: for 32bit lts http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/questions?distro=desktop&bits=32&release=lts18:42
Art_installed using wubi last night.  ran update and after reboot I get a black screen.  thought I might be impatient or something so left it while I went and caught some sleep.  came back and still same black screen18:42
HelloWorld321llutz: oic, it says above18:42
sarger001He won't accept Ubuntu as a good OS. He thinks windows is right.18:42
llutzHelloWorld321: x*24++18:42
sarger001amicrawler: Was that sent to me?18:42
ntzrmtthihu777Art_: wubi == fail18:42
Art_can't get a terminal or anything, don't know what I did wrong18:42
HelloWorld321I can specify with either +/-18:42
ntzrmtthihu777ugur: /join #ubuntu-tr18:42
basiclaser% &&&18:43
llutzHelloWorld321: correct18:43
SonikkuAmericabilou23: I've never heard of that happening... not too sure how to help...18:43
sarger001My friend was open to ubuntu about 3 weeks ago but somehow he's now gone fully against it.18:43
carliewolf08thank you guys!!18:43
sarger001I must convert him!18:43
sarger001I must save the world of windows machines!18:43
ntzrmtthihu777bilou23: alt+f2 gnome panel18:43
ntzrmtthihu777bilou23: alt+f2 gnome-panel18:43
Art_install with wubi had no problems18:43
goodtimeArt_: what?18:43
Okitainsarger001: pleeease, give people a break.18:43
ntzrmtthihu777sarger001: actually win$7 is pretty huge18:43
llutz!en | ugur18:44
ubottuugur: Certain Ubuntu IRC channels are English only.  For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList18:44
ugurYES ?18:44
llutz!tr | ugur18:44
ubottuugur: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.18:44
ntzrmtthihu777at times like this I wish turkish was one of the languages I know some of18:44
nisiogoogle translator18:45
ntzrmtthihu777if he was japanese, german, or spanish I could help.18:45
ntzrmtthihu777nisio: tranny programs suck18:45
Daraelntzrmtthihu777: Puny is not mutually exclusive with huge.  A thing can be huge, yet without oooomph.  And that is all I have to say on the Windows/Ubuntu war.18:46
llutzugur kes şunu18:46
ntzrmtthihu777Darael: true.18:46
DaraelIdleOne: <gratitude>18:46
SonikkuAmericaThe last this ugur said was "Fine, don't help me."18:46
ntzrmtthihu777Darael: what did he do, exactly?18:46
aster_restaHello, I'm trying to get append some url to a config file in a bash script with no success http://pastie.org/6372799 help is welcomed, all the line returns are fucked up, I guess, it's the ">>" operator18:46
SonikkuAmerica*The last thing18:47
Daraelntzrmtthihu777: Got ugur out of the channel.18:47
IdleOneaster_resta: No swearing please18:47
ntzrmtthihu777aster_resta: is it a root config file?18:47
meetI have installed some packages on one computer and want to install the same on other. How can use the downloaded packages in /var/cache/apt/archives to prevent downloading of the same packages18:47
SonikkuAmericaaster_resta: Can't access, site contains !malware18:48
aster_restantzrmtthihu777: just a screenrc, I'm trying to manipulate the system one (the paste script is just pasting it in current directory, same problem occures)18:48
aster_restantzrmtthihu777: just a screenrc, I'm trying to manipulate the system one (the paste script is just pasting it in current directory, same problem occurs)18:48
aster_restaSonikkuAmerica: paste is safe as far as I know18:48
SonikkuAmericaaster_resta: College proxy blaocked it18:49
Daraelmeet: If they're on the same network, try squid-deb-proxy (on the machine that's downloaded them) and squid-deb-proxy-client (on the other(s)).  Should then be automatic.  Otherwise, just copy /var/cache/apt/archives between the machines (but sudo will be necessary to place them on the second, of course).18:49
ntzrmtthihu777aster_resta: no need to repost over a tiny typo. hmm, try using tee instead, like echo "foo://bar.com/" | tee .screenrc18:49
SonikkuAmerica*BLOCKED (Grr)18:49
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, from 12.10 an up install the "ubuntu-gnome-desktop" package. From 11.04 to 12.04, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:49
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'ryt',  'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.18:49
bilou23SonikkuAmerica: apparently now menus are back again, I've uninstalled "nvidia-current" package IIRC and rebooted, in system info the graphical card is still set to unknown, so the driver is, I think this can cause issues later?18:49
meetDarael: I put the packages in that folder using sudo. But on giving the sudo apt-get install chromium-browser command at it starts downloading the whole pacakge again.18:50
llutzmeet: sudo dpkg -i *.deb  not apt-get18:50
bastidrazorugur_: we speak the same language.18:50
SonikkuAmericabilou23: OK, if Ubuntu says it can't detect your card, don't use prop drivers for a card it can't detec.t18:50
ugur_TURKEY :S18:51
aster_restantzrmtthihu777: why using tee there ?18:51
aster_restaSonikkuAmerica: bad college proxy !18:51
DJones!tr | ugur_18:51
ntzrmtthihu777tee is like >> but you can see what it does18:51
ubottuugur_: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.18:51
Daraelbastidrazor: That's useful.  Canst get ugur to take it to #ubuntu-tr?18:51
meetthanks llutz18:51
DaraelDJones: That's been tried a number of times.  ugur has ignored it.  Good attempt, though.18:51
SonikkuAmericaUbuntu için Türkçe desteği kanalı vardır: # ubuntu-tr. Bu İngilizce kanal olduğunu.18:51
OkitainWho's got the op powers?18:52
bastidrazorOkitain: we all have op powers.18:52
aster_restantzrmtthihu777: seems like same problem, I'll try to replace curl with wget18:53
ntzrmtthihu777aster_resta: what exactly are you trying to do?18:53
SonikkuAmericabastidrazor: Ummm... no we dont'18:53
ugur_UBUNTU DA18:54
bilou23SonikkuAmerica: what I don't understand is, if it doesn't detect my graphical card, why can I even see things on the screen?18:54
osseHow can I generate a list of installed packages that match a patterns? I'd like just the package names. but apt-cache search and dpkg -l give a lot of extra information meant for humans. For the sake of argument, I'm not human :)18:54
aster_restantzrmtthihu777: I'm tired of changing every time the same things on my virtual machine I'm making a script to setup everythin18:54
llutzaster_resta: wget -a ~/screenrc https://raw.github.com/nojhan/dotfiles/master/.screenrc18:54
SonikkuAmericaugur_: Tüm kapaklar kullanarak değil misin?18:54
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ntzrmtthihu777ugur_: we don't speek turkish18:54
IdleOneugur_: Please stop.18:55
ntzrmtthihu777ugur_: sprechen sie deutsch?18:55
HelloWorld321this one will be a little obscure: does anybody know if ~/.rstudio-desktop/sdb is supposed to have any .eml files in it?  I ran an unfortunate find script last night, and I'm trying to unwind it.18:55
ntzrmtthihu777HelloWorld321: ouch.18:56
IdleOnentzrmtthihu777: be helpful or be quiet please.18:56
ugur_YARDIM OF OF OF18:56
HelloWorld321ntzrmtthihu777: tx18:56
ntzrmtthihu777IdleOne: I am attempting. maybe he speaks a language i know and I can help18:56
SonikkuAmericaHelloWorld321: Good question... check #ubuntustudio18:56
aster_restallutz: thanks18:56
meetllutz: i am getting some broken package error18:56
aster_restallutz: it add the return of wget to the file ...18:57
aster_restanot good ;)18:57
klrrdo i need to add a repo to install flash player if i installed the minimal mini.iso?18:58
c|onemanhi, someone put in a custom rootkit that tells jokes when I login as root. how do I delete it?18:58
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klrrdo i need to add a repo to install flash player if i installed the minimal mini.iso?18:58
compdocc|oneman, you sure its not just MOTD?18:59
SolarisBoyc|oneman: did you by chance check if there are any interesting . files in roots home?18:59
SolarisBoylike compdoc is saying it may just be an MOTD -18:59
yeatsc|oneman: could be something added to root's bashrc too18:59
SolarisBoyor anything interesting in roots . files in that case18:59
llutzaster_resta: ? maybe i got you wrong, didn't you want to get the file-content from the URL being added to your screenrc file?19:00
Daraelklrr: Check if the Partner repo is enabled.  I think that's all.  It should be in /etc/apt/sources.list, but possibly commented out.19:00
aster_restaindeed yes19:00
llutzaster_resta: thats what the wget does19:00
c|onemanits just meant a joke but im tired of asking him to remove it, it asks you a riddle when you login19:01
ntzrmtthihu777could I get a bit of assistance sharing internet by ethernet cable?19:01
aster_restaon my machine I see the log append to the file (seems said in the man)19:01
SolarisBoyc|oneman: again - check the /root/.* files19:01
klrrDarael: ty19:02
aster_restallutz: I've just curl $url >> output file … seems to work19:03
SolarisBoyi think wget may put the html output to stderr or something19:04
dr_willisc|oneman: if its the motd file   use  "touch .hushlogin"  to make the shell not show it19:04
c|onemanwell it doesnm19:04
c|onemandoesn't let me continue if I asnwer wrong, so its not just a message, its a script19:04
SolarisBoythats because if you have to answer a riddle its probably not a motd19:04
SolarisBoyits probably a script19:04
ntzrmtthihu777wget yadayada -o- | tee - file should do it, or tee file -19:04
SolarisBoyand in the SAME way - you need to check the .* files19:04
streulmawhat size of partition linux minimal need?19:05
SolarisBoyc|oneman: if it's starting at login it's in the users directory somewhere - if you wnt it stopped you need to look for it - thats all19:05
ntzrmtthihu777I think I took care of ugur, I had a tranny chat with im in /q19:05
SolarisBoyits not like it would be hard to find - look in the users /root/.* files and look for  the script being called and remove it from there - that simple19:05
c|onemanokay i found the script19:05
compdocc|oneman, that sucks19:05
compdocwhat runs it?19:06
bilou23SonikkuAmerica: FYI, this is because my nvidia card has ptimus support, and this is currently not supported by ubuntu, apparently I have to install Bumblebee.19:06
SolarisBoyyou can do a grep -r in your home and may fine whats calling the script19:06
SolarisBoygrep -r <script_name> ~/19:06
ntzrmtthihu777bilou23: I just read something about that19:06
Daraelstreulma: Depends.  Do Linux From Scratch?  100MB-ish, but it's likely not to be very useful.  Ubuntu minimal?  Well, that depends exactly *how* minimal.19:06
SonikkuAmericabilou23: OK, that's what I was missing.19:07
ntzrmtthihu777the last thing he said to me was "I understand" and "do turkish"19:07
streulmaDarael: well, I have a 128GB SSD, for use with Mac, I would also install Ubuntu19:07
Okitainstreulma: if you're talking about a usable desktop, I'd say 2gb.19:08
Darael!requirements | streulma19:08
ubottustreulma: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu19:08
Okitainstreulma: but 10gb would be beter.19:08
DataoriginalI watch the prirate bay movie19:08
DataoriginalI watch the pirate bay movie19:08
ntzrmtthihu777streulma: yeah, like Okitain said. I have a 16gb / and that does the trick for me19:08
DaraelDataoriginal: Good for thee.  What does it have to do with Ubuntu?19:09
ntzrmtthihu777Dataoriginal: and what does that have to ubuntu?19:09
maxygascan you help me to install backtrack 5 tools and progs on ubuntu 12.10 ?? please19:09
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ntzrmtthihu777maxygas: if you want to use backtrack use backtrack. I have it on a second partition on my laptop19:09
SolarisBoymaxygas: backtrack actually has a listing of the packages on their site - you can search on their site -19:09
Okitainmaxygas: it's better if you just use backtrack.19:09
Daraelstreulma, Okitain: The community help recommends at least 5GB, but more allows for adding more... stuff.  Don't forget to make room for user data, either with a larger partition or cunning mounts.19:10
ntzrmtthihu777maxygas: because most of the programs must be used as root19:10
c|onemanSolarisBoy: okay looks like that found the custom mail script that spies on me too19:10
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SolarisBoyc|oneman: dude - whats the deal with your box?19:10
maxygasi know but i cant setup my external wireless device but with ubuntu works perfeckt19:10
OkitainDarael: I don't have problems, dedicated disk and everything.19:10
ntzrmtthihu777SolarisBoy: how bad is it?19:10
ntzrmtthihu777maxygas: dual boot19:10
SolarisBoybad is what? ntzrmtthihu777 ?19:10
c|onemanSolarisBoy: it doesn't have important purposes, my friend thinks its funny19:11
HelloWorld321k: tx, llutz.  The cmin was exactly what I needed to pinpoint all the files that I accidentally renamed with that unfortunate find script.  I think I've backed it all out.19:11
ntzrmtthihu777SolarisBoy: with his box19:11
DaraelOkitain: Yeah, the bit I was pointing at thee was the community docs suggesting 5+GB.  The rest was more for streulma.19:11
SolarisBoyc|oneman: sounds annoying19:11
maxygasubuntu first and bt?19:11
thebishopanyone running 12.10 on an ASUS Zenbook?  I'm thinking about buying one for my wife19:11
SolarisBoyntzrmtthihu777: nothing - seems he has a friend that likes to complicate life - thats all - answering riddles to login (script) - sends data via mail (script)?19:11
HelloWorld321Is there a handy utility that checks system integrity to try to make sure that all files look like they should be?19:11
ntzrmtthihu777yeah. I have a 16gb root for ubuntu and 32 gb for backtrack, the rest is swap or /home19:11
DaraelHelloWorld321: cunning use of debsums.19:12
Okitainhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/AsusZenbook for thebishop !19:12
ntzrmtthihu777SolarisBoy: sounds pretty cool, lol.19:12
thebishopOkitain, yeah i saw that.  was wondering about personal experiences19:12
steve_fiis there anyone that knows much about alsa/pulseaudio and hdmi with intel-snd-hda ?19:12
DaraelHelloWorld321: Which is to say, debsums.  It won't pick up files that have been added, though, of course, or custom packages installed with dpkg, so there are still other things to check.19:12
SolarisBoyntzrmtthihu777: i remember we used to put exit 0 in peoples .bashrc's - now that was cool!19:12
ntzrmtthihu777SolarisBoy: lol, right?19:13
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, seems ugur got the message.19:13
Daraelc|oneman: for future reference, this is why we don't allow even our friends root access (most of the time) :P19:13
metalshi... is there anyone here who works with Conky?... How can one run weather application?19:13
c|onemanwow, he even regexed so I can enter my name in 2 different ways19:13
SolarisBoyDarael: true statement -19:14
c|onemanDarael: I tend to reimage the moment I don't understand something so :/19:14
codrusIs this a bug? I made a script to disable my touchpad, made it executable to all, added it to 'Startup Applications', but sometimes on boots it gets run and other times it does't.19:14
c|onemanim being more patient this time19:14
dr_willismetals:  find some conky weather configs. theres quite a few out19:14
Dataoriginalhow can change the ubuntu server to graphic interface?19:14
ntzrmtthihu777metals: sounds interesting; are you using a premade script or your own concoction?19:14
SolarisBoyDataoriginal: install ubuntu-desktop19:14
metalsI am on Pinguy now19:15
metalsand I am a noob :)19:15
Okitainmetals: elaborate?19:15
c|onemanSolarisBoy: http://pastebin.com/kmHkyksQ19:15
DataoriginalIs the same to secure the ubuntu desktop19:15
SolarisBoyi think it's like a penguin + guy?19:15
ntzrmtthihu777metals: brother! *handshake* look in the .conkyrc and uncomment the weather section19:15
dr_willismetals: see the pinguy forums and support ares. they got a conky forum19:15
DaraelOkitain: Thus quoth expositionDalek?19:15
metalsThanks, dr_willis19:16
HelloWorld321Darael: tx.  It's running now.  Looks like everything is OK.  When it's done, I'll try a grep for what's not OK19:16
dr_willismetals: i suggest sticking with normal ubuntu19:16
ntzrmtthihu777SolarisBoy: holy crap that's funny19:16
OkitainDarael: that's some reference I can't get.19:16
DaraelHelloWorld321: I wrote a script to auto-reinstall things that had been damaged using debsums, once upon a time.  I can try to dig it out for thee, if thou'dst like.19:16
c|onemanSolarisBoy: as per that pastebin , lookslike its bashrc19:17
metalsokitain: Conky shows my CPU usage, and everything... But no weather report19:17
DaraelOkitain: Ah.  I can explain by PM, if thou wilt, but I'll not bother the channel with it.19:17
ntzrmtthihu777metals: in ~/.conkyrc there is already a premade weather setup.19:17
SolarisBoyc|oneman: yea - thats whats sourcing it.19:17
dr_willismetals:  check out the "conky colors" theme/setup19:17
ntzrmtthihu777metals: its just "commented out"; you can enable it by deleting the #'s on certain lines19:17
zimzum_and as i sit and lurk, i learn19:18
c|onemanSolarisBoy: what is viminfo>?19:18
HelloWorld321Avast Dareal: that should not be necessary.  Looks like everythign is OK.  Tx, tho.19:18
SolarisBoyc|oneman: it's a datafile used by vim to tell things like last position you were in while editing a file and restore it etc -19:18
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SolarisBoyc|oneman: he seems to have used vim to make that file lol19:18
ntzrmtthihu777metals: yeah, starting at about line 128 in .conkyrc19:18
Darael!tab | HelloWorld321 That "ea" tells me th'art not using tab-completion.  Here19:18
ubottuHelloWorld321 That "ea" tells me th'art not using tab-completion.  Here: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:18
c|onemanSolarisBoy: can I tell which user he used to su so I don't have to change all the passwords?19:19
metalsit is already set on some city in U.K.... but Conky doesn't show that city, either19:19
SolarisBoyc|oneman: yes19:19
ntzrmtthihu777tab-completion == a programmer's gift to programmers19:19
ntzrmtthihu777metals: you just need to find out the right location code for your city19:20
SolarisBoyc|oneman: check your auth.log - however you shouldn't be letting everyone have access to ssh - there is a way within the ssh config to permit login to a user or list of users - that alone would help you19:20
Daraelc|oneman: If he can drop things in /root, then he must have been acting as root.  Which means either a root password was set (bad idea) or he used sudo, rather than su, in which case it's a question of having a look at /var/log/auth.log.19:20
c|onemanyeah he had access to sudoers19:20
SolarisBoyc|oneman: another thing - be careful with "changing all users pwrods" because some users are system users and dont have passwords and shouldn't19:20
metalsI have that.... but the problem is with showing Weather in Conky... it doesn't show that part in Conky19:21
SolarisBoyc|oneman: thats likely after he did a su - but regardless sudoers as well allows control of who can run what - to a user granularity19:21
ntzrmtthihu777ok, look in .conkyrc and uncomment the lines19:21
threex5i'm at a friend's place and whenever i'm here on the wi-fi, pages will only load half the time. This is in linux. on windows pages load fine. I have installed wicd, I have disabled ipv6 in firefox, and it doesn't help. Does anyone have any ideas?19:21
HelloWorld321should I be worried about "missing file" or "no md5sums for" messages from debsums?  http://pastebin.com/L9cVmHtW19:22
c|onemanthey load completely half the time, or they always half load :P19:22
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Daraelc|oneman: Or they spend half of the time it takes them to load actually making progress, and the other half stalled? :P19:23
ntzrmtthihu777Darael: what if your internet is actually really fast and this is actually a gif/19:23
DaraelHelloWorld321: No md5sums is annoying, but there's nothing to be done.  Blame the packager.  Missing files, though, would (I suggest) be a good reason for a package reinstall.19:24
ntzrmtthihu777I have seen two troll gifs that make you think your net is slow19:24
OkitainDarael, go ahead. Make my day.19:24
ntzrmtthihu777metals: pastbin your .conkrc, lemme see it19:25
ghost562hello fellers19:25
zimzum_how are you guys copy'ing ur terminal pges, i seen the pastie19:25
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ntzrmtthihu777ghost562: fello hellers19:25
ghost562hey ntzr, i got ubuntu 12.04 lts running :D19:25
ntzrmtthihu777copy and paste into pastebin.19:25
HelloWorld321Tx Darael.  I'll disregard your suggestion because I *just* installed debsums just now.19:26
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ntzrmtthihu777ghost562: cool! do I know you lol ?19:26
zimzum_what i can't copy command line with a simple click??19:26
KI4ROghost562, Congrats19:26
DaraelHelloWorld321: I meant a reinstall of the package with missing files!  In this case, acroread.19:26
ntzrmtthihu777zimzum_: what do you mean19:26
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HelloWorld321oic.  Good point, then.  Tx again Darael19:26
ghost562ps, how would i make my second hard drive auto mount at start up? i remember something about the guid of the hard drive, but no idea how to again.19:26
ntzrmtthihu777ghost562: easy19:27
ghost562ntzrmtthihu777: you were helping me out yesterday?19:27
zimzum_it don't let me highlight-left click-copy-paste19:27
ntzrmtthihu777ghost562: do you have gparted installed?19:27
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount19:27
ntzrmtthihu777it lets me do that19:27
ghost562i've no idea, let me see19:27
zimzum_in ur terminal?/19:27
ntzrmtthihu777savio: that would be overkill, just fix up the fstab19:27
metalsntzrmtthihu777: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5583117/19:27
ntzrmtthihu777zimzum_: yeah, its easily done if its not moving19:28
saviothis might help19:28
ntzrmtthihu777metals: delete the # at the start of lines 128-14619:28
emin_I have a problem19:29
emin_Can you help me ?19:29
ntzrmtthihu777ghost562: query me19:29
ntzrmtthihu777emin_: shoot, what is the problem19:29
emin_ubunto one is not logging19:29
jm-ntzrmtthihu777: nigger.19:29
ntzrmtthihu777an, no problem19:29
emin_email not sendinding19:29
metals128 to 146?19:29
ntzrmtthihu777ah, no idea19:29
metalsor 128 and 146?19:30
ntzrmtthihu777yup, all between19:30
ntzrmtthihu777thank you IdleOne19:30
HelloWorld321Darael: my debsums is still running, and I have two actual FAILED so far, but they aren't files that I messed with: /var/lib/nvidia-common/last_gfx_boot & /usr/share/phpmyadmin/libraries/.htaccess19:30
ghost562ntzrmtthihu777: query?19:30
HelloWorld321should I be worried?  Should I do something?19:30
DaraelHelloWorld321: I'd check out the .htaccess, just in case, but /var/lib/nvidia-common/last_gfx_boot looks like something that's *meant* to change and shouldn't have been in the list of files to be checksummed.19:31
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zimzum_what is debsum19:32
ntzrmtthihu777zimzum_: its a way of checking if a set of files has been changed by calculating the md5sum hash19:32
streulmado a dualboot, but can I run virtualbox vm's on my Ubuntu on a hfs+ disk?19:32
HelloWorld321zimzum_: I'm running it because I messed up some files, and I'm trying to find the ones I messed up.19:33
c|onemanah good, I found that porn that overites my index.html19:33
Daraelstreulma: I see no reason why not.  The VM won't know what filesystem its disk image is on, after all.19:33
Daraelc|oneman: I suggest it's more important to find the script that's *doing* that.19:33
someone235Hey. I try to access my mysql server remotely, so I do "GRANT ALL ON database.* TO user@'my_ip' IDENTIFIED BY 'my_password'". but when I try to connect it says: "ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'my_mysql_server_ip' (111)". anyone knows how I can handle with this?19:33
zimzum_ok so that might be some thing i want to do to figure out my nvidia??19:33
c|onemanDarael: meh, its tasteful and I dont run an important website19:33
Daraelc|oneman: Nevertheless, might as well, while th'art hunting.19:34
metalsntzrmtthihu777: Done! The weather part is added! But now it doesn't show the weather and stuff19:34
c|onemanim pretty tired of seeing those boobs now. He also put in a file called ls.exe on my windows machine, knowing that I eventually would type that19:34
Daraelzimzum_: What ntzrmtthihu777 said.  Specifically, it's for checking files installed with the package manager.  And I *think* it can do SHA1 hashes as well, these days.19:34
c|onemanpretty cleaver timebomb19:34
threeseasI need multiple long difficult to follow suggestions to get eric4 and soundblacter audigy 2zs working in ubunti 12.04.... after a update....19:35
Daraelc|oneman: work around it by using dir on Ubuntu as well as windows?  It's not the same as ls, but it works.19:35
Daraelc|oneman: Or, y'know, just remove ls.exe.19:35
DaraelOne or t'other.19:35
streulmaoh cloneman19:35
c|onemanyeah. but its clever because It would take a couple of weeks for me to type that on my laptop19:36
Daraelc|oneman: Gotta say, though, this person is sounding less and less friendly.19:36
streulmaI want always type ls by mistake on Windows :)19:36
streulmais there a way to do ls ?19:36
c|onemanI created ls.bat that runs dir, probably wouldnt accept paramaters though.19:36
ntzrmtthihu777streulma: you can always make a batch file named ls that executes dir19:36
Daraelstreulma: Probably the most overengineered solution would be to install Cygwin... :P19:36
\\Mr_C\\what font for linux is the same as the fixedsys in windows?19:36
streulmaDarael: oh, I installed GIT :)19:37
streulmathen I have bash :) and a shell19:37
ari-_-ehey guys, a friend of mine just tried installing Ubuntu from a USB stick, and the installer tried to install Ubuntu on the USB stick19:37
threeseasCome on guys, I know you can do this -  I need multiple long difficult to follow suggestions to get eric4 and soundblacter audigy 2zs working in ubunti 12.04.... after a update....19:38
ari-_-eis that a thing?19:38
Daraelari-_-e: It should have given an option for the hard drive as well...19:38
Okitainari-_-e: it can happen.19:38
ari-_-eDarael: so it should be asking him where to install?19:38
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, make sure it installs to sda, I bet19:38
c|onemanDarael: hes still butthurt about when I used lpr.exe in highschool19:39
Daraelari-_-e: It usually does, yes.  At the same screen where it would allow going into the custom partitioner.19:39
ari-_-eI don't think picking by the device name is very robust, because it depends on the discovery order19:39
ari-_-eDarael: so you have to do the "advanced mode" thing just to pick which drive to install to?19:40
HelloWorld321about the .htaccess for my phpadmin ... I can open https://localhost/phpmyadmin from firefox in ubuntu no problem; but my other computer is running Internet Explorer, and refuses to go there because there's no security certificate.  I think that's a whole 'nother thang.19:40
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lickalottgents, trying to install server on a rig that doesn't currently have an OS.  When i download it from my computer it automatically gives me the AMD64.iso version.  The machine I'm putting it on is a 32bit architecture.  Will the install auto detect the bit type to use?19:40
yeatslickalott: you have to download a 32-bit iso19:40
metalsntzrmtthihu777: Done! The weather part is added! But now it doesn't show the weather and stuff19:40
Daraellickalott: No, it won't.  But there should have been a dropdown on the download page to change the architecture...19:41
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Daraelari-_-e: Nononono.  It should give a page where it gives options like "use entire disk", or "replace <BLAH> with Ubuntu", &c.19:41
Daraelari-_-e: this assumes using the graphical installer.19:42
lickalottfound it.  it wasn't "BAM" right in my face.19:42
ntzrmtthihu777metals: ok, good. you need to figure out your weather code and such19:42
DaraelHelloWorld321: Yeah, that's unrelated to the .htaccess.  As long as its contents don't have anything *crazy*, just ignore it.19:42
SonikkuAmerica metals: Is this indicator-weather we're talking?19:42
metalsit is IRXX001519:42
ntzrmtthihu777SonikkuAmerica: conky19:43
SonikkuAmericantzrmtthihu777, metals: OK19:43
knappadorI want to install ubuntu without screwing with the existing system's bootloader.19:43
Daraelknappador: Whether or not that's possible, and how much work it'll be, depends on the existing system.19:44
knappadorIn fact, no GRUB etc is even needed.  Just vmlinuz and initramfs19:44
HelloWorld321Darael: tx then.  My (your) work here is done, then.19:44
HelloWorld321I'ma reboot19:44
ntzrmtthihu777knappador: besides, grub2 beats the crap out of other bootloaders19:44
c|onemanhow do I get a recent version with apt-get instead of installing from source?19:44
c|onemanrecent version of whatever.19:44
knappadorDarael:   Is it possible to get the current graphical installer not to touch the MBR/bios_boot ?19:44
Daraelknappador: *that* is easy.  Use the alternate (or minimal) CD, and just skip the bootloader-installation steps.  Don't think it can be done with the graphical one, though...19:44
Daraelknappador: It *used* to be possible with the graphical installer, but I think that feature disappeared in the Great Ubiquity Rewrite.19:45
knappadoralright, i'm totally up for advanced bullshit like customizing the installer and maintaining it myself19:46
knappadori need a solution that lets a user who has just started an ubuntu system configure their language, user etc19:46
knappadoris there a pre-installed ubuntu workflow out there?19:46
ari-_-ehmm so the error that my friend actually got was "ran out of space", presumably on the USB stick he was using19:46
knappadorimagine i'm selling computers19:46
ari-_-ecould it be that the installer was downloading stuff onto the USB stick?19:47
SonikkuAmericaknappador: That can (sort of) be done smack at the start of the GUI installer19:47
Daraelknappador: Yup.  Best (though not only) bet is once again the Alternate CD.  Choose to do an OEM install.19:47
bekksknappador: Install it once, deploy it on thousands of computers.19:47
zimzum_i just ran sudo apt-get install system info,  well now it brought my control panel for my vid card, so now i go to bios screen and turn on my card and see wht happens19:47
Daraelknappador: The same option is available on the Graphical CD, but it doesn't provide as many shiny knobs to twiddle.19:47
knappadorDarael:   The OEM install by default will let the user configure their schuff?19:48
streulmaubiquity ?19:48
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knappadorWhat is ubiquity anyway?   I've been out of the Ubuntu loop for quite a bit19:48
Daraelknappador: Yup.  User accounts, language, keyboard, et cetera.19:48
SonikkuAmericaNuts, that needs registering19:48
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SonikkuAmericaknappador: Ubiquity is the GUI installer for Ubuntu.19:49
knappadorSuite.     Alternative image.  OEM install.19:49
knappadorAre there any tools for quickly converting an Ubuntu installation to a Xubuntu installation etc?  It's confusing to users IMHO to have "distributions" that just amount to default packages19:50
SonikkuAmericaknappador: There is no easy way to do that.19:50
knappadoreg Dream Linux, Lubuntu etc.19:50
M1DLGAnyone expirenced a live disk working but an actual installation not booting?19:51
Daraelknappador: install (eg) xubuntu-desktop, remove ubuntu-desktop, sudo apt-get --purge autoremove19:51
knappadoryeah...  that's something I had considered attacking, but I don't want to do it in an distro-specific way19:51
Daraelknappador: That's the best I can think of...19:51
bekksknappador: apt-get install xubuntu-desktop19:51
Hwkillerautoremove does not clean metapackages well19:52
knappadorTutorials on switching desktop managers might be a better way.    Is there documentation in the Ubuntu stuff aimed at making new users aware of what their options are?19:52
ntzrmtthihu777autoclean should help19:52
lesshasteI am in lubuntu.. how do I get which desktop environment I am using?19:52
Hwkilleryes, it should. it does not.19:52
ntzrmtthihu777knappador: are you actually trying to promote ubuntu?19:53
SonikkuAmericalesshaste: What do you mean by that?19:53
Hwkillerapt-get install kubuntu-desktop. apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop. apt-get autoremove --purge = nothing marked for removal19:53
knappadorlesshaste:   Lubuntu uses LXDE by default.  You can install all DE/WM's.   Usually only one will run at a time.19:53
bekkslesshaste: In lubuntu, you are using LXDE.19:53
DaraelHwkiller: It's suboptimal, I concede, but it's the best I can come up with.19:53
lesshastethanks.. is there some way to get it to tell me it is lxde?19:53
HwkillerDarael: you can remove it if you find the correct a-get remove command. there is a webpage of them all19:54
knappadorntzrmtthihu777:     Nah.  I'm an elitist other-linux-user.   I want new users to figure out that their DE is not their OS.19:54
Hwkilleror actually list the deps of the matapckages and remove them all yourself19:54
knappadorlesshaste:   Your Desktop Environment and Window Manager are just programs that run on your OS, which is Linux.19:54
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Daraelknappador: The *kernel* is Linux.  The OS, well, that's a bit more complicated.19:55
knappadorlesshaste:   pstree  will show you which programs launched which19:55
knappadorDarael:   holy war19:55
lesshasteknappador, I see lightdm-+-Xor19:56
DaraelHwkiller: So there is.  If only I could recall where it lived.19:56
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MysticalBurrito[This ending is sad....19:56
lesshasteknappador, and      |-xfce4-power-man19:56
lesshaste     |-xfconfd19:56
simpleuserHello there.19:56
knappadorlesshaste:   I don't know it.  You can google it.19:56
lesshasteknappador, maybe it is xfce?19:56
ntzrmtthihu777knappador: gotcha, unity is *not* the only option19:56
knappadorlesshaste:    A lot of the default ubuntu setups will use some programs from other DE's19:56
simpleuserWhen i try downloading a video on dailymotion through cclive, i've got this error : Checking ... ........ ..... libquvi: error: ...sr/share/libquvi-scripts/lua/website/dailymotion.lua:111: no match: sequence19:57
knappadorlesshaste:   they're not very coupled in a lot of cases, so it's not a bad idea.19:57
Daraelknappador: I'm not about to take sides, I'm just pointing out that it's not quite that simple.  In this case, I'd be inclined to say the OS was either Ubuntu or whichever-specific-ubuntu-variant-has-all-its-packages-installed.19:57
MysticalBurrito[I just go into Opera:Cache and download from my cache when downloading from Dailymotion19:57
lesshasteknappador, ok.. seems tricky to get it to admit it is lxde :)19:57
simpleuser(cclive v.0.7.9, libquvi v0.4.1, libquvi-scripts v0.4.8)19:58
ntzrmtthihu777would a ntfs have a different sort of uuid than ext4?19:58
Daraelntzrmtthihu777: Yes.  Much shorter, prints in all-caps.19:58
knappadorlesshaste:   init launched a program probably called XDM or LXDM.  This is your graphical login screen.  That program launched something like LXWM or XFWM or whatever they're called19:58
lesshasteknappador, /usr/bin/lxsession -s Lubuntu -e LXDE  I see it19:59
SonikkuAmericaXfce uses lightdm like all the others now19:59
ntzrmtthihu777Darael: I never knew about such things untill I started using linux, and since I always use ext4 I thought they were all the same format19:59
JulienP(JulienP) Ive git a pb with double screen:  when i unset same picture for the both screen, it say : size for CRTC 147 is up to autorize limit.  Max 1680 1680.  What need i to do plz ?19:59
lesshasteSonikkuAmerica, is lxde using xfce?20:00
knappadorSonikkuAmerica:   lightdm has gained the momentum?20:00
SonikkuAmericalesshaste: No.20:00
freefoxhow can I set refresh rate in tty?20:00
SonikkuAmericaknappador: Unity, KDE and XFCE all use it20:00
Daraelknappador: Incidentally, I recalled which site it is that provides commands for removing all packages from other Ubuntu derivatives than... whichever one is using.20:00
ntzrmtthihu777knappador: I rather like the look of lightdm, I even use it on Pinguy os, which comes with gdm by default20:00
knappadorlesshaste:   if you pastebin your pstree, we can pick it apart and tell you what you're running20:00
SonikkuAmericaknappador: Each lightdm screen is different, though, and I don't think LXDE uses it.20:01
lesshasteI want to set my web proxy using a pac-file-url20:01
lesshasteI thought I would follow http://askubuntu.com/questions/150210/how-do-i-set-systemwide-proxy-servers-in-xubuntu-lubuntu-or-ubuntu-studio20:01
M1DLGI have installed ubuntu to a PC after testing with live disk. the live disk worked great - even ran CS:S no issues. I can't however boot to desktop from the installation from he same disk.20:01
ntzrmtthihu777Darael: yeah, psychocats has them20:01
lesshastehow can I actually list the option that /etc/environment accepts and in any case is that right thing for lxde?20:01
Daraelntzrmtthihu777: Yeah. They were brought up, but I couldn't recall the site in question at the time.20:01
lesshasteknappador, thanks but I have another problem which I would rather see fixed.. :)20:01
Daraelntzrmtthihu777: Something about the name keeps evading me.20:01
freefoxhow can I set refresh rate in tty?20:01
bekksfreefox: You cant.20:02
ntzrmtthihu777well I just walked a n00b through editing his fstab for automounting an extra hdd20:02
MysticalBurrito[Downloading music :320:02
freefoxbekks: why not?20:02
Daraelbekks, freefox: But *he* can!  *points at random channel denizen*20:02
ntzrmtthihu777MysticalBurrito[: whatcha mean?20:02
freefoxwhat? :)20:03
Ienpw_IIII'm having trouble installing grub - I'm not sure where to install it and google isn't being much help20:03
bekksfreefox: Because a tty doesnt even know what a refresh rate might be.20:03
Daraelfreefox: Sorry.  Had a moment of silly.20:03
freefoxbut I can set the resolution20:03
ntzrmtthihu777MysticalBurrito[: I automatically like you *handshake*20:03
g0tchahey guys, whenever i install something using apt-get i get an error once done and asks me to run apt-get -f install, when i run it, i get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5583225/20:03
g0tchaany ideas by any chance?20:03
freefoxmaybe there is a way to set the ref rate too20:03
bekksfreefox: But you cant set the refresh rate. Even if you want it.20:03
bekksfreefox: There is no such way.20:04
filipecaixetaHello guys, I really liked those little eyes in the bar of ubuntu, and other things like monitor memory and processor that had versions before Unity. Anyone know how I can use it on ubuntu 12.04 ?20:04
ubottuFranktiell: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:04
freefoxwhat if my monitor won't support the current rate?20:04
ntzrmtthihu777g0tcha: do apt-get autoremove first20:04
MysticalBurrito[Burg is a polished version of Grub20:04
MysticalBurrito[looks nicer20:05
MysticalBurrito[but you probably only want to install it if you want a pretty looking bootloader20:05
Ienpw_IIII just want /a/ bootloader :P20:05
ntzrmtthihu777filipecaixeta: you can do it, I forget the exact method for unity, but alt+right click on the bar should give you some options20:05
MysticalBurrito[holy shit.... 54 tabs just opened in opera.... O_O20:05
Daraelfilipecaixeta: Basically?  Can't.  They're a GNOME2 thing, and everything's GNOME3 now.  From memory there's a mode in Quantal that would work with them.20:05
Darael!ohmy | MysticalBurrito[20:06
ubottuMysticalBurrito[: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.20:06
waraqaHi, I want to get to get authorization to sell ubuntu, Who I should talk to?20:06
g0tchantzrmtthihu777, if i run apt-get -f install then run apt-get autoremove the same error appears20:06
ntzrmtthihu777waraqa: not gonna happen20:06
MysticalBurrito[Oh sorry, wrong chat. Xchat seems to open this every time I start it20:06
waraqaM1DLG: Yes, I want to sell ubuntu CDs20:06
waraqantzrmtthihu777: Is it forbidden?20:06
ntzrmtthihu777g0tcha: don't do the -f install first, do autoremove first20:06
Daraelwaraqa: And why would people buy it when they can download it for free?20:07
filipecaixetathanks for the help20:07
ntzrmtthihu777waraqa: is selling free things a dumb business move?20:07
Daraelwaraqa: No authorisation is required, but I see no reason they'd sell when people can get it for free.20:07
waraqaDarael: I want to sell in a student fair to introduce linux20:07
M1DLGOk to sell the medium not the data on it though20:07
waraqaM1DLG: That's true20:08
M1DLGthen give it away.studens arnt rich20:08
M1DLGand 100 cd's arn't going to break the bank20:08
KI4ROWho will pay for the CDs?20:08
waraqaKI4RO: me20:08
ntzrmtthihu777waraqa: one of the major pulls of linux is its *free*20:08
waraqaM1DLG: I will sell it on flash disks too20:08
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Daraelwaraqa: That's generally considered fine, although M1DLG makes a good point.  At most, thou shouldst be charging ~£0.50.  CDs won't cost more than that.  And if it's got anything to do with the local SU, there's probably a society that'd fund media so it can be given away free.20:09
OerHekswaraqa, buy them http://shop.canonical.com/index.php?cPath=1720:09
ntzrmtthihu777anyone wanna buy some air?20:09
Arvindhi All i am not abile to install wifi driver on my laptop20:09
Clerk89hello, newbie question on RDP setup. How do I find the server name of the Windows 7 machine?20:09
ntzrmtthihu777Arvind: what kind of card do you have?20:09
SonikkuAmericaDarael: Thou shouldst? Imma give away my old 32-bit U/Kbuntu CDS20:09
Daraelwaraqa: OerHeks also makes a good point.  Bought CDs will look far better than burned ones.20:09
waraqaDarael: Right20:10
ntzrmtthihu777Darael: I made a very nice cd with lightscribe, winxp20:10
waraqahttp://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy this page says that I need to have formal license20:10
g0tchantzrmtthihu777, yes, thats what i did, apt-get autoremove and then i run apt-get -f install .. still the same happens20:10
Daraelntzrmtthihu777: Nevertheless, in the general case, point stands.20:10
Arvindbroadcom wireless card BCM431120:10
DaraelSonikkuAmerica: Yes, "thou shouldst".  Singular/plural distinction in the second person is useful.  The T-V distinction is not.20:10
ntzrmtthihu777g0tcha: good, now paste the outcome without all the bs, k?20:10
SonikkuAmericawaraqa: So what you might do is burn Ubuntu for free, but sell DVDs on the side.20:10
DaraelSonikkuAmerica: Ooh, that's a good one.20:11
serp_of course it's ok to sell an ubuntu disc?20:11
ntzrmtthihu777ok is relative20:11
Clerk89RDP Question... anyone?20:11
ntzrmtthihu777I would be sorely irritated to find someone selling ubuntu. I would be sure to point out it can be gained free online to all who approach.20:12
ntzrmtthihu777Clerk89: wish I could help you20:12
serp_ntzrmtthihu777: why would you be irritated? it's in their right to do so20:12
SonikkuAmericaWhy I switched from Windows, for one20:12
g0tchantzrmtthihu777, what do you mean without all the bs? which part are you concidering to be bs?20:12
ghost562ntzrmtthihu777: it worked! thanks for the help20:12
Okitainwaraqa: there is a contact link right there.20:12
ntzrmtthihu777g0tcha: all the packages that could be cleaned.20:12
OkitainClerk89: probably you should ask MSDN.20:13
nameless`Arvind: this one is well supported http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43 http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers20:13
ntzrmtthihu777ghost562: np man, lol. I did this to my home partition when I installed pinguy over my precise, in order to preserve my files20:13
ghost562ah, got it.20:13
ghost562yeah i booted up and saw it on the bar, so it works20:14
Daraelwaraqa: The Trademark Policy says that the trademarks can be used for community advocacy so long as there is no commercial intent.  What that *means* is that as long as the price is a reasonable one for the *medium*, and not the *software*, it's OK.  It's the usual way in the FOSS world.  Covering the cost of distribution is acceptable.  Making profit is not.20:14
Clerk89isn't there a terminal command to list the server names on my private network?20:14
nameless`Clerk89: server names ?20:14
nameless`Clerk89: you can browse the bonjour announce with avahi-discover20:14
nameless`as for a command line interface hmm20:15
waraqaDarael: I need an authorization because I will participate in a competiton which require that20:15
Ienpw_IIIcan someone help me figure out where to install grub with this setup? http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=TGB8Td8y20:15
waraqaDarael: On of the regulations is: It is not permitted to sell counterfeit or fake products, or those bearing a registered trademark without the prior consent of the trademark owner20:15
g0tchantzrmtthihu777, like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/5583261/ ?20:15
Okitainwaraqa: https://forms.canonical.com/trademark/20:16
waraqaOkitain: Thanks20:16
Arvindhello every one i need help regarding wifi driver as Ubuntu 12.10 is not detecting my card20:16
lesshastecan someone explain /etc/environment please? what exactly is it for?20:16
Arvindand i have installed my driver20:17
Clerk89Avahi does not show windows machines20:17
SonikkuAmericalesshaste: Let me guess: flashplugin-installer won't get the latest version?20:17
atdiehmis there an appropriate channel for trying to fsck an xp drive from an ubuntu live cd to fix a bad superblock?  I'm aware this won't the the appropriate channel...20:17
Arvindi need help as i am new to Ubuntu swap from win 720:17
nameless`Arvind: download the latest tarball of linuxwireless, extract, scripts/select-driver b43, make, scripts/unload, make install, modprobe b4320:17
Clerk89anyone using Remmina?20:17
Riktol2hi I was wondering how to change the display properties on ubuntu 12.04, specifically the contrast and brightness settings20:17
SonikkuAmericaArvind: What Wi-Fi card is it?20:17
nameless`Arvind: compat-wireless20:18
lesshasteSonikkuAmerica, ? is that for me?20:18
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ghost562riktol2, go to the settings menui20:18
ghost562riktol2, then there will be an option for brightness and so on20:18
OkitainRiktol2: most likely it is all in the monitor itself.20:18
ntzrmtthihu777g0tcha: you are using ruby?20:18
SonikkuAmericalesshaste: There's a bug report that says the flashplugin-installer is broken because of problems involving sudo and /etc/environment.20:18
nameless`Arvind: the project has been renamed compat-drivers20:18
lesshasteSonikkuAmerica, oh.. no not me20:19
DaraelRiktol2: Top-right, system settings, Brightness/contrast (on a laptop); use the monitor's builtin settings (on a desktop)20:19
g0tchantzrmtthihu777, yes, i use ruby to run redmine project manager.. its installed from ports20:19
Arvindi am using lenovo 3000N10020:19
g0tchai mean from the repos20:19
SonikkuAmerica<lesshaste> can someone explain /etc/environment please? what exactly is it for? <<< I beg to differ20:19
lesshaste? what are you disagreeing about?20:20
ntzrmtthihu777g0tcha: would it be too much of a problem to remove it and re-install?20:20
Daraelg0tcha: Longtime bsd-user, by any chance?20:20
SonikkuAmericalesshaste: /etc/environment has all the global environment variables in it.20:20
g0tchantzrmtthihu777, hmm i guess i can do that as long as all dependencies are installed again20:20
ghost562how can i hide the xxx has joined ubuntu messages on xchat?20:21
lesshasteSonikkuAmerica, ok20:21
g0tchaDarael, i started with freebsd a long time ago heheh20:21
SonikkuAmericalesshaste: I had wondered if you'd read that bug report20:21
g0tchathe word "ports" sounds more familiar to me then "repositories"20:21
Riktol2Darael: I have a brightness and lock setting there, but it only has settings for locking and turning off the screen20:21
lesshasteSonikkuAmerica, right.. no not me20:21
DaraelRiktol2: 's odd.  Mine definitely has a brightness setting.  Well, it does on my laptop.20:22
SonikkuAmericalesshaste: oh20:22
mkgyreI have two separate issues that are driving me nuts!20:22
mkgyreOne is my laptop which keeps dropping wifi20:22
ghost562how can i hide the xxx has joined ubuntu messages on xchat?20:22
ntzrmtthihu777g0tcha: seems so20:22
mkgyrethe other is my bluetooth keyboard which keeps dropping on my desktop20:23
g0tchantzrmtthihu777, so you want me to uninstall ruby and then reinstall it again?20:23
Clerk89is anyone familiar with using Remminia Remote Desktop on 12.10?20:23
ntzrmtthihu777ruby bundler, all da stuff that gave you greif20:23
mkgyreI am a noob to ubuntu and am desprate for help20:23
ntzrmtthihu777g0tcha: and I would reccomend using rvm to keep things clean from now on20:23
Riktol2Darael: I thought so as well, the closest I have is a thing for colour settings which looks way too complicated20:24
mkgyrecan anyone point me in the right direciton?20:24
mkgyreBluetooth is disconnecting on ubuntu 12.04 - any ideas?20:25
ntzrmtthihu777mkgyre: remona, right?20:25
ntzrmtthihu777my badd, wrong person20:25
mkgyrenoob needing help!  Have wifi and bluetooth issues20:26
Darael!patience | mkgyre20:26
ubottumkgyre: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:26
mkgyrewill do...thanks ubottu20:27
mkgyreMy Rocketfish bluetooth keyboard keeps dropping off and I cannot get it back without a restart of the PC.  Ideas?20:27
Daraelmkgyre: Helpful though it may be, ubottu is only a bot and probably does not properly appreciate thy gratitude.20:27
ntzrmtthihu777mkgyre: lets deal with wifi first.20:28
mkgyreHA!  Told you I was a noob!20:28
mkgyreok.  That one I have battled for a while20:28
ntzrmtthihu777wrong command20:28
Daraelntzrmtthihu777: For reference: 20:28:21 < mkgyre> ok.  That one I have battled for a while20:28
ntzrmtthihu777Darael: huh?20:29
Daraelntzrmtthihu777: That was while thou wert gone.  Since thou hadst just engaged with mkgyre, I thought it might be useful.20:29
oldude67mkgyre, try putting the name of the person you are talking to first, it will highlight the message for them.20:29
firecan i convert my existing ubuntu machine into a live cd with all of the systemwide configration as it is ?20:30
Darael!tab | mkgyre - this will make oldude67's suggestion easier:20:30
ubottumkgyre - this will make oldude67's suggestion easier:: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:30
ntzrmtthihu777Darael: thank ye, kind sir20:30
Clerk89okay, easier question here... what command to list the ip addresses for items on a lan?20:30
mkgyrentzrmtthihu777: better?20:30
mkgyreperfect...thanks for the noob help!20:30
SonikkuAmericaClerk89:  infconfig -a20:30
mkgyrentzrmtthihu777: learning quickly!20:30
ntzrmtthihu777mkgyre: what kind of wifi card do you have20:30
DaraelClerk89: ifconfig -a, or (more recently), ip addr20:30
SonikkuAmericaClerk89: * ifconfig -a20:31
mkgyrerealtek I believe20:31
ntzrmtthihu777sudo ifconfig20:31
mkgyrentzrmtthihu777: sorry...realtek I believe20:31
DaraelSonikkuAmerica: I thought we were supposed to be using `ip` these days :P20:31
ntzrmtthihu777tell me the output20:31
Almaciracan any one here help to how video file with ffmpeg and ffserver under ubuntu ?20:31
firecan i convert my existing ubuntu machine into a live cd with all of the systemwide configration as it is ?20:31
Darael!anyone | Almacira20:31
mkgyrentzrmtthihu777: any way to check for sure using terminal?20:31
ubottuAlmacira: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:31
mkgyrentzrmtthihu777: I have you pulled up in a private chat...would that be more productive?20:31
ntzrmtthihu777mkgyre: sudo ifconfig should give some info, as well as lspci20:31
Daraelfire: From memory, that's a right pain to do.  What's the actual objective?20:32
Almacirasorry :(20:32
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:32
ubottuAre you sure your question allows us to help you? Please read http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html to understand how to ask a 'better' question.20:32
Daraelmkgyre: We like to do things in-channel here, where possible (though for large pastes, see !pastebin) so that other people can chime in if someone says something ridiculous.  And also so other people can learn from what happens.20:32
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:32
Almacira i need help to stream a recoreded events i filmed with my canon t4i with ffmpeg and ffserver20:33
Almacirai m in Windows 8 as host machine and ffserver is installed in my ec2 ubuntu server20:33
DaraelOkitain: I'm not clear if th'art telling someone something, or just playing with the bot, but in case of the latter, it responds to PM as well.20:33
fireDarael: currently i have installed and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I have configured according to my needs. Now i have to implement the same exact machines on multiple machines. This is for training of school childrens regarding linux/Ubuntu20:33
OkitainDarael: ooh, I see.20:34
OkitainThought it responded to pm if with no arguments.20:34
ntzrmtthihu777Darael: very true, very true.20:34
Daraelfire: Ah.  Now, that's different.  If all the machines are the same, just image the disk.  That's easily the most elegant way.20:34
fireDarael: i don't want to setup up each of the machine and install all the aplications and configure it from scratch.20:34
Clerk89ntzrmtthihu777: ifconfig shows my ip... i'm looking for a way to find the ip of a device showing up in a workgroup/lan20:34
ntzrmtthihu777Darael: I am usually a better one on one teacher, though20:35
fireDarael: no all the machines are not same..20:35
ntzrmtthihu777Clerk89: I was not speaking to you, sorry bout that20:35
fireDarael: so i want to convert my existing installation into live cd and install it over other machines.20:35
ntzrmtthihu777fire: remastersys20:37
Okitainremastersys, fire?20:37
Darael!info remastersys | fire20:37
ubottufire: Package remastersys does not exist in quantal20:37
OkitainNice nick, by the way.20:37
Daraelfire: I had forgotten remastersys.  Okitain and ntzrmtthihu777 are correct.  http://www.remastersys.com/ is what th'art looking for (though a CD is likely to be too small.  Think DVD instead, or large USB key).20:38
OkitainDarael: it's got its own repo.20:38
firewill remastersys will save all my configration and packages that i have installed correct ?20:39
DaraelOkitain: Fair enough.  Haven't really used it in a *long* time.20:39
firewill* sorry for the typo20:39
Daraelfire: That's the idea, yes.20:39
fireDarael: cool :)20:40
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dgtfeargrGreetings from the Greek Ubuntu Community20:41
Okitainfire, you could also use dpkg -l >file.txt20:41
ivaliUbuntu 13.04 freezes after 5 mins of idle. *completely freeze*20:41
ivaliHow can i debug this?20:41
Flannelivali: #ubuntu+120:41
fireOkitain: that's cool . it shows all the available packages right ?20:43
OkitainThere was a tool in Mint that did it for you, but I don't care much for it.20:44
Daraelfire: Technically speaking it shows all *installed* packages (all *available* packages would mean all those packages that one can get from the currently-active repos).  But yes.20:44
fireDarael: ok20:44
blaAnybody uses Ubuntu on Nexus7? How usable is this setup? I'm looking for a tablet for a Linux geek...20:45
icerootDarael: fire its showing all packages which dpkg handles since the installation, this means, installed, removed, unconfigured, failed20:45
ari-_-eso it turns out that my friend was using a copy of Raring - that's probably why he was having so much trouble20:45
SonikkuAmericabla: #ubuntu-touch20:45
Okitainbla: strictly beta, you know it.20:45
ari-_-ethis: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/ offers 13.04 as an option, for some reason20:45
optimuphello, anyone have any experience installning bumblebee-nvidia?20:45
ari-_-edoes anybody know the person who runs this website?20:45
blaSonikkuAmerica, thanks, will ask there for more.20:45
ari-_-ethe pendrivelinux site?20:46
iceroot!anyone | optimup20:46
ubottuoptimup: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:46
Okitainno, why?20:46
ari-_-ebecause they really should not have 13.04 as an option20:46
icerootari-_-e: its offtopic here and 13.04 goes to #ubuntu+120:46
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ari-_-euh ok20:46
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ivaliari-_-e. You can't use Universall USB inst. to install 13.04.20:47
ari-_-emy question isn't really about 13.04, it's more about the pendrivelinux site20:47
ari-_-eivali: huh?20:47
davis776hello, any way to create link to .jar file on desktop?20:47
nyuszika7hhi, I've installed ambiance-lime from the noobslab/themes ppa, but it's not listed even after a relog20:47
icerootari-_-e: and the website is offtopic here20:47
ari-_-eivali: 13.04 is in the list on that website?20:48
ari-_-eiceroot: I disagree - it is linked to directly from this: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows page20:48
icerootari-_-e: 13.04 is offtopic here20:48
ari-_-eiceroot: again, my question is not about 13.0420:49
icerootari-_-e: and its not a technical support question20:49
icerootari-_-e: so its offtopic in this channel20:49
ivaliari-_-e. Ubuntu 13.04 can't be installed using that software even if it's on the list. They rename vmlinuz to vmlinuz.efi for some reason.20:49
Daraeliceroot: Good point.  Got... distracted.20:49
icerootari-_-e: create a bug against the website if you think there is a bug on the site20:49
Okitaindavis776: you can write a sh file.20:50
ari-_-eiceroot: I was just asking if anybody here knows the person who runs the website20:50
ari-_-eif the answer is no, then it's no20:50
ari-_-ethis really isn't a big deal20:50
icerootari-_-e: the answer is "the website is offtopic here"20:50
SonikkuAmericadavis776: once you've written it,  cd  to the directory it's in and  sudo bash $NAME_OF_SCRIPT20:51
ari-_-eiceroot: great, it's good to know that this channel sucks as much as I've always though it has20:51
ari-_-efuck you! bye!20:51
icerootSonikkuAmerica: what?20:51
davis776Okitain, SonikkuAmerica thanks solved :)20:51
darkhalo117Is there a Ubuntu 12.04 compatability list for tablets?20:51
DaraelSonikkuAmerica: *what*?  Running some random .jar as root?  Art *insane*?20:51
icerootSonikkuAmerica: please dont suggest something like that20:52
Daraeldavis776: Do what Okitain said.  Do not do what SonikkuAmerica said, unless thou hast a *very* good reason.20:52
icerootdavis776: you want a simple symlink from a file to the desktop?20:52
davis776iceroot, that doest work for me, but this is best way for me http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1998032&p=12002771#post1200277120:53
ubuntuuserhello, some seconds after i connect with my wifi i dont get packets anymore. first every thing is fine and after some traffic i cant reach the network. other clients in the same network dont have any problems. and this box was fine for many month. and this problem started suddenly a few days ago.20:53
SonikkuAmericaiceroot: Oops... you're right...20:53
darkhalo117Would dd work to clone a win 8 hard disk? The tools I have can only see an empty hard disk due to secure boot :(20:54
Googol30I"m pretty sure this is a stupid question, but I would rather not overwrite directories going off of assumptions:  How do I move all the files from a folder up a directory?20:54
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icerootdarkhalo117: dd will create an excact copy of a partition/device20:54
Googol30I'm not using a GUI, by the way.20:55
simpleuserMysticalBurrito[, you said you use cache from opera to download dailymotion20:55
simpleuserhow do you do this ?20:55
ubuntuusersome one has an idea where to start at?20:55
Googol30I've tried "mv ./ ../" but that doesn't work as expected.20:55
icerootGoogol30: mv * ../ will move all files one directory above20:55
SonikkuAmericaThat error being committed, what is the correct way to execute a shell script for any reason?20:55
icerootGoogol30: without hidden files20:55
Android001Hi - I get a "disconnected from plymouth" error when booting and no gui. I'm talking from irssi in a tty right now - could anyone please help me?20:55
darkhalo117iceroot: thanks20:55
ikoniaGoogol30: you can't move a directory you are in (.)20:55
Daraeldarkhalo117: dd should work to clone *anything*, pretty much, as long as the destination media is at least as large as the source.20:56
darkhalo117Cool thanks Darael20:56
Daraelikonia: Not to mention that moving . to .. would leave it precisely where it is!20:56
icerootSonikkuAmerica: you should not use bash scriptname, you should make the script executable (chmod +x script) and run it with ./script20:56
icerootSonikkuAmerica: and never run sudo when not needed20:56
SonikkuAmericaiceroot: Thanks. *is so embarrassed*20:56
Daraeldarkhalo117: note that if the destination disk is any larger than the source one, the difference in space will be unused and some fiddling with the partitions will be necessary to render it usable.20:57
Googol30I was expecting "mv ./ ../" to move all of the files up, and leave the folder they were in where it was, empty.20:57
Android001Hi - I get a "disconnected from plymouth" error when booting and no gui. I'm talking from irssi in a tty right now - could anyone please help me?20:57
icerootSonikkuAmerica: and you should always use shebangs in your script, that is the first line like #!/bin/env bash   this tells the kernel what interptreter is needed to run the script20:57
SonikkuAmericaiceroot: OK20:58
DaraelGoogol30: Ah, no.  Needs to be "./*", meaning every file in this folter.  ./ is a reference to the current directory, nothing more.20:58
DaraelGoogol30: In most contexts, ./ is, in fact, identical to . (as a file reference).20:58
* Android001 prods Pulser - you around?20:59
Android001Hi - I get a "disconnected from plymouth" error when booting and no gui. I'm talking from irssi in a tty right now - could anyone please help me?20:59
bozeI have sublime text to where I can run it from terminal, and I have it to where you can right click a file in nautilus and its in the context menu to open a file with sublime text, but for some reason its not in the list of programs to set as a default. How do I get it on that list or set it to the default editor?20:59
Daraeliceroot: I think bash being in /bin is pretty reliable.  #!/bin/bash      is reasonably standard.20:59
icerootDarael: not on all systems20:59
icerootDarael: there are systems where bash is not in /bin/bash but /bin/env is always there21:00
darkhalo117Darael: I plan on resizing with gparted, then doing an exact copy. If it will let me.21:00
icerootdarkhalo117: but on GNU/Linux you are right, its in /bin/bash21:00
Daraeliceroot: True, but if we're going for *properly* portable, we should be writing for /bin/sh compatibility anyway.21:00
styler2gohow can i stop a service if it tells me cannot allocate memory?21:00
ShapeShifter499how do I have a command ran everytime I login via ssh, terminal, tty, etc?   I'd like vnstat to show my current internet useage21:01
Googol30Ok, thanks.  I didn't want to overwrite anything, and wasn't 100% sure what doing "mv * ../" would do, so I came here.  Just needed to do "mv ./* ../".21:01
icerootDarael: ls -l /bin/sh21:01
icerootlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Jul  9  2012 /bin/sh -> dash21:01
icerootDarael: :) that you will find only on debian and ubuntu (imo)21:01
SonikkuAmericastyler2go:  sudo service $SERVICE stop  or  sudo stop $SERVICE21:01
Daraeliceroot: Yes, but the point is it should be Bourne compatible on just about any system.21:01
bekksDarael: Which it isnt, fully, on all systems.21:01
styler2gonow my server knocked out i think... cant access it via ssh21:01
icerootDarael: POSIX comatible21:01
Daraeliceroot: What am I talking about?  I mean POSIX-compliant.21:02
icerootDarael: :)21:02
bekksstyler2go: Which was the service you stopped?21:02
simpleuserMysticalBurrito[, cause i've got several mp4 in the list, all less than 2mb21:02
DaraelGoogol30: In that context, "*" is the same as "./*".  Just for future reference.21:02
icerootGoogol30: you should use ./* instead of * because when you have a file called "--filename.txt" you will do mv --filename.txt instead of mv ./filename.txt and the first one will fail21:04
SonikkuAmericastyler2go: !! <bekks> styler2go: Which was the service you stopped?21:04
Q17hi whats the best domain lookup site21:04
Daraeliceroot: Good should, although ITTM ./--filename.txt21:04
Darael!best | Q1721:04
ubottuQ17: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:04
Googol30iceroot:  Wouldn't you want to do "mv ./--filename.txt"?21:05
DaraelGoogol30: Yes.  One would.  Just a small typo on iceroot's part, I think.21:05
icerootGoogol30: of course, i was just missing the -- in my second example21:05
Riktol2Hmm I've done a little reading on the ubuntu forums, do I need to be using proprietry drivers to be able to change screen properties like contrast and brightness?21:06
Googol30Just making sure, as in running a command, one byte out of place or missing will do something completely different.21:06
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icerootGoogol30: yes thats always good to make sure and understand what you are doing21:07
DaraelGoogol30: Yup, it's well worth asking.  If in doubt, always ask.  Occasionally someone will get annoyed by the question, but that's their problem.  Never a problem in here.21:07
Q17ubottu: 1 that pulls up most info bout a website21:08
ubottuQ17: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:08
DaraelQ17: Offtopic, and lacking useful context for us to be able to help.  What's the actual objective?21:08
Q17we all hve a lil piece of the big picture21:08
darkhalo117Dareal: what if I pull up the win 8 hard drive and it shows as unallowcated space?21:09
Darael!tab | darkhalo11721:09
ubottudarkhalo117: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:09
Q17need to find out there mail server info etc21:09
darkhalo117I'm using an android version that is crap Darael21:10
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Daraeldarkhalo117: Fair enough.  many just don't know.21:10
darkhalo117Most of the time auto complete doesn't work21:10
darkhalo117True story21:10
Daraeldarkhalo117: Then something is wrong with the drive, and the data is quite possibly gone.  Try running testdisk over it (it's in the repos).21:10
darkhalo117While we are on the subject. Any decent droid irc apps?21:11
Daraeldarkhalo117: the actual drive may be OK, but at the least the partition table's got changed.21:11
Daraeldarkhalo117: I wouldn't know, myself.  I stick to xabber for IM, although occasionally I'll use an IRC transport to get on IRC.21:11
DaraelQ17: For their mail server, it's a simple matter of `dig example.net mx`21:12
darkhalo117Windows 8 has at least 5 partitions. This is going to take a while :(21:13
DaraelQ17: Most of these things can be discovered with dig, whois, and a couple of other tools.  No need for a site.  I say again:  what's the *actual* objective.21:13
Jhirley_hello folks,  how would I be able to shorten $foo="variable" into just the first 1 char ie $foo2="va" ?21:13
Daraeldarkhalo117: testdisk should pick them all up at once, but it'll take a while on a disk that's large enough.21:13
darkhalo117Darael: looks like the drive is fine but I just have to learn a little more about dd to transfer the 4 partitions to the unpartitioned ssd21:16
zimzum_so now i wonder about xchat.....i'll be able to link this chat to it21:16
Jhirley_check out clonezilla21:16
darkhalo117Jhirley_: thnx21:17
Googol30By the way, is there a simpler way to move a group of files from one directory to another than running "mv filename.txt folder" for each file?  Would I simply enclose all of the filenames in quotes?21:17
DaraelGoogol30: stick as many files as thou wilt before the destination.  That's one way.21:17
darkhalo117The odd thing is that kingston includes a disk cloning cd but it doesn't even recognize anything on the original hdd21:18
Googol30So I can include as many files as I want in a mv command, and the last argument must be where I want to move all of these files to?21:19
zimzum_then i don't have to log into this site ??21:19
darkhalo117I thought mv -vf moves all of the files in a directory as well?21:19
darkhalo117Could be wrong21:20
Googol30I'm now trying to move only select files into a directory, and not all files out of one.21:20
ikoniaGoogol30: why don't you use the gui if you are struggling with the command line21:21
PlastikSporkI am trying to access my Windows shares over a workgroup.  When I Browse Network -> Windows Network -> and then click on WORKGROUP I get the following error:  Unable to mount location, Failed to retrieve share list form server.  I installed samba.21:21
ikoniaPlastikSpork: probably not set to browsable21:21
PlastikSporkhow do I fix this21:21
ikoniaPlastikSpork: set your samba servers shares to "browseable"21:22
ghost562how can i load uberscript onto xchat?21:23
ikoniaghost562: the xchat channel can help with detailed xchat info21:23
Googol30ikonia: I've been running a couple servers for slightly over 3 months purely off of the command line, and normally I would just experiment with commands to see what they do, but now working with files I can't afford to lose, I came here to make sure what I'm running will do what I think it will do.21:23
ikoniaGoogol30: ok, moving files is pretty basic21:24
KxTwoHey guys, I was in here the other day because I was having problems getting an install of 12.04 to boot.  The conclusion from everyone was an issue with EFI and no one knew how to fix it.  I was just thinking though, a few months ago I had no problem booting 12.10 on the same machine so it has to be something else?21:24
ikoniaGoogol30: so if you are struggling with that, I'd strongly suggest using the gui21:24
ikoniaKxTwo: it doesn't have to be something else21:24
darkhalo117You should be able to disable efi in bios21:24
KxTwoikonia, well I dont understand why an install fo 12.10 boots fine but no matter what I do I cant boot 12.0421:24
KxTwodarkhalo117, I looked everyone on his laptop and could find no such options21:25
ikoniaKxTwo: because it's a later version, so any incompatabilities may have been fixed ( for example )21:25
Kelorini'm having a problem getting ubuntu to access my 160gig external usb to ide hard drive.21:25
KxTwoikonia, 12.04 is lts21:25
ikoniaKxTwo: so ?21:25
captain_cook1problem: wlan does work but lan with lan cable not. why?21:25
Googol30ikonia: My first question here stated I knew the question was stupid and obvious, and as I've just said, I've been running without major problems for a couple months.21:26
KxTwothat makes no sense, why would 12.10 have a problem fixed but not the LTS version21:26
ikoniaKxTwo: because 12.10 is built on later technologies21:26
ikoniaGoogol30: ok....and ?21:27
KxTwohonestly if that was the case then I would probably stop using lts versions as I see no benefit to them21:27
ikoniaKxTwo: then you don't understand the LTS process21:27
Googol30ikonia: Also, running something in the range of 3 servers, I don't want to slow the system down by using a GUI.21:27
KxTwoif you say so21:27
ikoniaGoogol30: why would a gui slow it down ?21:27
KxTwoI was specifically told, in here, that 12.04 was the better choice and more stable21:27
ikoniaKxTwo: correct21:27
harrisrwhen i open a docx file in libre that has pictures the formatting is messed up21:28
ikoniaKxTwo: it has a support period of 5 years and is built on older more "trusted/tested" technology versions, hence why people feel it is more stable21:28
KxTwomakes no sense that .10 would boot efi but not .04 but Ill tell him to try and put 10 on again21:28
ikoniaKxTwo: it makes perfect sense, if the later technology of 12.10 has support for the hardware you need21:29
KxTwohardware that is older than both distros21:29
darkhalo117I will honestly say flash works a lot better when I was running 12.04. When I upgraded, refresh rate on the video dropped and I no longer get audio from flash alone. Any help?21:29
ikoniaKxTwo: that makes no different, it doesn't mean a solution existed at 12.04 time period21:29
Googol30ikonia: A GUI would take up RAM to display, and I've set up a Minecraft server, local DNS server, Web server, and OpenSSH server without a problem, so I would rather stick to the command line if I don't need anything more.21:30
ikoniaGoogol30: then I suggest researching the "mv" command in more detail and trying to pickup better basic shell interaction skills before trying to progress further21:31
darkhalo117I found that there are great tutorials on youtube21:31
Daraelcaptain_cook1: Probably a driver issue.  It's unusual, that way around, but not unheard of.  Not familiar with it, myself, but someone in here probably is.21:31
Googol30ikonia: Running "info mv" and "man mv" were too vague to run off of, so I came here as a quick reference.21:32
ikoniaGoogol30: man mv is not vague it's very detiled21:32
ikoniadetailed even21:33
Jhirley_in a bash script, how would I be able to shorten $foo="variable" into just the first 2 char ie $foo2="va" ?21:33
DaraelKxTwo: I should point out that the numbers are release dates, more than version numbers, so 12.10 is six months newer than 12.04.  It therefore makes *perfect* sense that 12.10 has better EFI support.21:33
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:33
Daraelghost562: Relevance?  For just playing with the bot, I suggest taking it to PM.  It'll respond just as well there.21:34
Googol30ikonia: If I bothered you, I'm sorry for my occasional incompetence, but I don't want to screw up my system and run an unnecessary backup if all I need to do is visit a place I use as a point of reference, and ask a question, however dumb it may seem.21:35
ikoniaGoogol30: you've not bothered me in the slightest.21:35
PlastikSporkikonia, I don't understand by what you mean when you said to make same shares browse-able.  I am trying to access my windows shared folder... I am not trying to access my samba shared folder from a windows machine.21:35
ikoniaPlastikSpork: ahh, my apologies, I had you back to front21:36
indigo_glowi'm trying to get ubuntu to recognize this kindle fire. can someone help me?21:36
ikoniaindigo_glow: recognise it in what way ?21:36
indigo_glowikonia, i want to mount the device - but i can't even get it to show up21:36
Googol30ikonia: Just explaining myself is all...21:36
athlon1hello, can any tell me where can I download mozilla webmaker? Thanks21:36
ikoniaindigo_glow: does it support mass storage mode ?21:36
ikoniaathlon1: we are not a yellow pages of the internet21:37
Googol30athlon1: I'm sure a Google search can help.21:37
PlastikSporkI get error "Unable to mount location, Failed to retrieve share list server" when i click on WORKGOUP when trying to access my window shared drives21:37
bloomingphoen1xI'm experiencing an issue with 12.10 where the login screen loops back to itself.  Seemingly, there is an issue where X server crashes.  I've gone through a few forums with no luck trying the suggestions.  Does anyone have any ideas?  Want more details?21:38
indigo_glowikonia, i don't think it has an option for that in the menu..21:38
harrisrwhen i open a docx file that has pictures in libre office the formatting is messed up21:38
ikoniaPlastikSpork: have you configured your ubuntu machine to participate in the same work group21:38
indigo_glowsoftware version 6.3.121:38
athlon1Sorry. I've looking for many places... Thanks21:38
ikoniaindigo_glow: it's normally a default function21:38
PlastikSporkyes i check then in the config file21:38
PlastikSporkmy workgroup name is WORKGROUP and that is what is in the file21:38
ikoniaPlastikSpork: ask the guys in ##windows what part of windows/service offers up the shares list21:38
indigo_glowikonia, when i go into settings there is no "storage" option in the menu21:39
ikoniaindigo_glow: there doesn't have to be, most devices would just "do it" if it supports it21:39
jackarghelp! I just installed my nvidia graphics driver and now unity has turned to unity 2D!21:40
Daraelbloomingphoen1x: I can't help much myself, but I suspect whoever can will want a look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log - might as well get it pastebinned.21:40
harrisrif anyone needs help transfering files from one computer to another go to channel #harrisr21:41
ikoniaharrisr: what ?21:41
PlastikSporkI just switched over from the windows installed version of Ubuntu to the regular installed version of ubuntu and removed windows.  I was able to browse my windows network just fine with the windows install ubuntu21:41
ikoniaharrisr: no-one has asked for help with that, so please don't tell people to randomly join your channel21:41
harrisrgo to #harrisr and ill tell you21:41
indigo_glowikonia, well i need to mount the device so that i can root it .. i know its possible because ive read tons of tuts and watched many videos.. people were able to root it on windows linux and mac21:42
ikoniaharrisr: please don't do that21:42
indigo_glowbut most of the tuts ive read leave out the part on how to get the OS to recognize the device21:42
indigo_glowthey dont give you the drivers21:42
ikoniaindigo_glow: does the windows platform use any specific software ?21:42
harrisrdoes anyone know a lot about libre21:42
indigo_glowi have a windows 7 computer here as well and i have the drivers for that but they don't work21:42
indigo_glowikonia, ive tried two different sets of drivers but device manager still says unknown device21:43
ikoniaindigo_glow: does the windows platform use any specific software ?21:44
indigo_glowikonia, hang on ill link you to what i used21:44
ikoniaindigo_glow: don't need a link21:44
ikoniaindigo_glow: just want to know if the windows platfor, uses specific software to do what you want21:44
Darael!anyone | harrisr21:45
ubottuharrisr: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:45
Daraelikonia: A little DDGing suggests that most of them involve downloading one zip archive or another, and that those which claim to work on linux include the necessary files for more than one OS.21:46
ikoniaDarael: thank you, interesting, so that suggests the fire should be a mass storage device to be able to be mounted21:46
harrisrDarael, when i open a docx file that has pictures in libre office the formatting is messed up21:46
jackargcan someone help please I am stuck in ubuntu 2D after installing the lastest graphic drivers21:47
Daraelharrisr: Don't know myself, but seems quite likely someone will.21:47
captain_cook1Darael: thank you.. can anyone please help? up to now i was used that linux recognizes interfaces automatically.21:47
indigo_glowikonia, it does, i'm trying to find it for you21:47
harrisri asked yesterday 20 times and today 10\21:47
PlastikSporkikonia:  I am able to gain access to my windows shares via smb:// -> which is the ip of my windows server21:47
Daraelikonia: The instructions I read don't even guarantee that:  They involve running some script or other, but don't say anything about copying files directly to the device.21:48
indigo_glowikonia, https://developer.amazon.com/sdk/fire/setup.html#step421:49
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Daraelharrisr: Try #libreoffice instead.  That's my advice.21:49
Guest78735hi boys21:50
lyndsysimonHola. I've a rather odd question. I'd have a late-2012 Macbook Pro (pre-Retina), and I'd like to install Ubuntu alongside OSX. I've done dual-boot installs on Windows machines for years, and I'm comfortable in Linux, so that isn't a huge issue. What I'd like to do though, is to have a way to have both OSX and Ubuntu running simultaneously, or at least suspended in such a way I could switch OSes in a couple of seconds. Does21:52
lyndsysimonsuch a mechanism exist?21:52
Daraellyndsysimon: Basically?  Not natively.  With an SSD, one might be able to use hibernation and get the restore time way down, but the easiest way to do what th'art looking for is to use a virtual machine for one of them.  Probably Ubuntu, since the machine in question is a Mac.21:54
indigo_glowikonia, may i pm you :)21:54
lyndsysimonDarael: Oh well. I appreciate it. I may eventually replace my optical drive with an SSD, but not at the moment.21:55
kruxlyndsysimon, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/10/dual-boot-os-ubuntu look into that but is a year old21:55
=== dooglus_ is now known as dooglus
lyndsysimonI'm looking for side projects, and considering mobile development. iOS and Android are on my radar of course, but I'm developing quite a bit of confidence in Ubuntu's push into the mobile market.21:56
rockhello guys21:56
fijisunI have USB mount at /media/tor with a folder at /media/tor/music21:57
rockdo you know if possible to let update manager automatically updates without asking user action in ubuntu 12.04?21:57
lyndsysimonUnity struck me as retarded when it was released, because people were hawking it as "made of Netbooks!". Now that tablets and smartphones are ubiquitous, Ubuntu seems to be in an amazingly good position w/r/t an integrated development platform across many devices.21:57
rockdo you know if possible to let update manager automatically install updates without asking user action in ubuntu 12.04?21:57
gryrock: hi.21:57
fijisunBut when I call music folder from a script it gives path does not exist21:57
jackargPLEASE HELP ive been asking for hours! my screen resolution suddenly turned to 640x480 after installing nvidia drivers and I URGENTLY need this computer for work21:57
indigo_glowjackarg, reinstall the last known working driver21:58
lyndsysimonAt this point, I consider Ubuntu Phones a more real possibility than Windows 8.21:58
jackargindigo_glow how do i do that?21:58
indigo_glowjackarg, what version of ubuntu do you have installed?21:58
zimzum77sudo apt-get systeminfo install , that is how i got all to work21:59
ghotiSo ... what's the difference between qt4 and gtk20?  Are they different widget sets, different libraries, what?  If I have a choice of building an app using one vs the other, how do I decide which I should pick?21:59
indigo_glowif you're not sure you can run lsb_release -a from a terminal21:59
jackargindigo_glow i have 12.0421:59
gryrock: Update manager, settings, updates tab.21:59
Daraellyndsysimon: Thy reasoning is sensible, in my opinion, but as this is a support channel I'm going to prod thee to take such conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic21:59
zimzum77i might have not wrote that right... plz clean that21:59
bravisso did they do something to compiz cube as it is not in the menu??21:59
gryrock: Look at its bottom - it has a setting of whether to ask before installing.21:59
lyndsysimonThanks. My bad, didn't read the channel rules.22:00
PhysicistGreetings folks... Afternoon!22:00
Daraelbravis: It's an option - of that I'm sure - but it's only available via ccsm and it may require installing extra plugin packages (eg compiz-plugins-extra - there are others, an apt-cache search away) first.22:01
zimzum77jackarg, http://www.webupd8.org/2011/07/how-to-get-hardware-information-in.html22:01
gryrock: If you would like to not be asked at all, see http://askubuntu.com/questions/35053/how-do-i-enable-automatic-updates-of-all-packages - install "unattended-upgrades" package and edit its configuration file.22:01
rockgry, for only security updates it says can install automatically, not for other others22:01
PhysicistIn my O.S., the AMDCCCLE does not open.. Will I have to reinstall it?22:02
gryYes - that's what my last message is about, rock. :)22:02
Physicist**O.S. Kubuntu 12.1022:02
knarkillhello all...22:02
zimzum77jackarg, that  is what i did and now i totally control all22:02
PhysicistWho will please answer my little question.. It is easy.. I think!!22:03
jackargzimzum77 you installed lshw and that's it?22:03
indigo_glowjackarg, are you using unity?22:03
indigo_glowjust search additonal drivers22:03
rockgry, thanks  alot , i'll give it shot. thank you very much for answering...keep rocking...22:04
jackargindigo_glow yes i'm stuck i'm still also stuck in unity 2D but I just want to get my resolution back first22:04
zimzum77jackarg,  i install the system info, all the way down the page22:04
indigo_glowjackarg, what kind of graphics card do you have22:04
HelloWorld321If I want to get the first 10 lines of all the files in files.txt; is there something like:        head < files.txt22:04
jackargindigo_glow i have nvidia geforce and additional drivers does not give anything22:05
indigo_glowjackarg, what is the exact model number22:05
zimzum77jackarg, run the system info, it should work, I have complete control over my graphics22:05
PhysicistIn my O.S. Kubuntu 12.10, the AMDCCCLE does not open.. Will I have to reinstall it?22:06
zimzum77jackarg, what kind of puter you have??22:06
jackargindigo_glow i'm not sure where it says the exact model22:06
jackargzimzum77 I have an acer aspire with nvidia 64 bit running on 12.0422:07
indigo_glowpastebin me the output of lspci22:07
zimzum77jackarg, sudo apt-get install sysinfo22:08
jackargzimzum77 ok I am in sysinfo now what should I do the nvidia section does not do anything22:08
Physicistdr_willis: Can you help me?22:09
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zimzum77jackarg,  Dash- additional  drivers22:10
jackargzimzum77 "no proprietary drivers are in use on this system" and it dosen't give any options22:10
PhysicistIn my O.S. Kubuntu 12.10, the AMDCCCLE does not open.. Will I have to reinstall it?22:11
zimzum77you might hve to go to bios screen, so try ^first22:11
kinjhello all I am unable to create a persistent ubuntu 12.10 64bit using on efi system22:11
bloomingphoen1xI'm having an issue with the login screen looping in ubuntu 12.10,  Can anyone assist me?  Likely, I'll need to reinstall as nothing I've tried works22:11
n1nj4dudeIm having trouble xrandr and receiving badmatch error when trying to addmode on what should be a supported resolution22:13
jackargzimzum77 what next?22:13
kinjpersistent usb for ubuntu 12.10 64 bit version on a uefi system, I tried unetbootin with persistence of 1.5 gb but it doesnt work22:13
* un1xfreak triptaline anyone??22:13
* un1xfreak sells dmt 22:13
Physicistbloomingphoen1x: I already did that same freaky problem... I did the reinstallation of the drivers.. You're must do it..22:13
PlastikSporkDoes anybody know how to scroll up in Xchat to see older posts?22:14
darkhalo117un1xfreak: really?22:14
zimzum77jackarg, did you go to the last page?/22:14
jackargyes but i don't think it helps22:14
jackarghold on lemme rea22:14
harrisrwhen i open a docx file that has pictures in libre office the formatting is messed up22:14
n1nj4dudeplastikspork you just scroll with your touchpad or mouse wheel22:15
darkhalo117harrisr: you have to save as a .doc for it to transfer correctly22:15
n1nj4dudeor if you hover over the little scrollbar indicator to the right it should pop up arrows for you plastikspork22:15
harrisrdarkhalo117,  can we talk at #harrisr22:15
jackargzimzum77 the nvidia driver does not appear in the additional drivers app22:15
Physicistbloomingphoen1x: Pressing F2, you'll be able to make the uninstallation in the text mode..22:15
PlastikSporkLOL nice... im on a touch pad and i usually use the side scroll bar in the window.22:16
n1nj4dudeIm having trouble xrandr and receiving badmatch error when trying to addmode on what should be a supported resolution22:16
kinjany idea of creating a persistent usb of ubuntu 12.10?22:16
PlastikSporkn1nj4dude:  my version of xchat doesnt have the scroll bar22:17
zimzum77jackarg,  work with this page,i had to turn my card off in bios, but then i can turn it on in the system info panel22:17
crelabwhenever i suspend or reboot my ubuntu 12.10 machine, i have to manually go into my router settings to release the IP for the linux machine in order for it to reconnect to wireless on startup or resume, otherwise it keeps asking for the network password without ever connecting.   anyone have any insight into why this is happening or how i could force release the IP automatically? thanks22:17
zimzum77jackarg, http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/ubuntu-quetzal-nvidia.html22:17
Physicistkinj: unetbootin22:17
jackargzimzum77 I don't quite understand but ok22:17
kinjphysicist tried it but doesnt seem to work22:17
n1nj4dudeplastikspork have you tried hovering over the chat window and using your touchpad to scroll?22:17
n1nj4dudecan anyone help me with a xrandr issue feeding back badmatch error?22:18
un1xfreakdo not highlight me22:18
deke111join #ubuntu22:18
PlastikSporkIm using the touchpad and that works fine.. thanks.22:18
Physicistkinj: Try format the pendrive22:18
zimzum77jackarg,  I'm saying read the last link i sent, that should help22:18
kinjformatted it fat3222:18
n1nj4dudeplastikspork do you see the little line of color to the right of the chatwindow?22:19
kinjmade a 1.5gb persistence in unetbootin22:19
kinjbut no settings are saved when i restart22:19
PlastikSporkikonia: if you are still on thank  for your help... I just set it up so my windows shared drives mount automatically on boot up.22:19
gccsterguys in ubuntu 12.10 in laptop intel i5 with nvidia optimus and Unity window manager the cpu fan runs like crazy i have optirun but compiz cannot run with it what can i do?22:19
PlastikSporkn1nj4dude:  yup I see..22:19
Physicistlisten to Black Sabbath so..22:19
bloomingphoen1xPhysicist : I'm not sure which drivers you are referring to...22:20
Physicistbloomingphoen1x: AMD, NVIDIA..22:20
gccsteranybidy can help?22:21
Physicistbloomingphoen1x: It resolved my problem..22:21
varunendrakinj: does the live usb boot properly only settings aren't saved ?22:21
bloomingphoen1xPhysicist: got it.  video card driver22:21
kinjlive usb boots ok22:21
n1nj4dudeplastikspork: if you hover on that it should raise arrows for you, as another way to scroll if you dont like using the touchpad. hope that all helps.22:22
Physicistyep.. ;|22:22
varunendrakinj: can you edit the boot line during boot-up?22:22
bloomingphoen1xPhysicist:  I can try reinstalling the driver, however, I can't think of when it might have changed.  This didn't start until well after I had upgraded to 12.10.22:22
eutheriawhat is the name of the app that allows you to create launchers?22:22
n1nj4dudeanyone think they can help me with a xrandr issue?22:22
kinji am using secure boot uefi how can i do it?22:23
jackargzimzum77 my resolution is STILL THE SAME!!22:23
zimzum77jackarg, do you hve the nvidia icon?22:24
PhysicistExactely.. The same wiht me..22:24
jackargwhere? I have the x server settings app but it is not in the additional drivers no22:24
Physicistbloomingphoen1x: Just reinstall the drivers.. It will fix the problem.22:25
zimzum77jackarg,  Dash nvidia x server setting...yes?/22:25
PlastikSporkn1nj4dude: do you have any idea why I can not browse windows shared drives by opening up the file manager and clicking "Browse Network" -> "Windows Network" -> "WORKGROUP" . I get an error: Unable to mount location, Failed to retrieve share list from server.  But when I mount the shared drives on boot up by editing fstab I am able to access them.22:25
jackargzimzum77 yes I've had that even before losing the resolution22:25
ikoniaPlastikSpork: did you do what I told you to do ?22:25
zimzum77jackarg,  Dash-system info22:26
varunendrakinj: not sure about how it behaves with uefi, but normally the booting line contains the parameter "persistent" which makes it look for the "casper-rw" file/partition.22:26
PlastikSporkikonia: I have no idea what you were asking me to22:26
kinjcasper-rw did got created22:26
ikoniaPlastikSpork: I asked you to join ##windows and get info on what service advertises the shares22:26
jackargzimzum77 ok and?22:27
zimzum77jackarg, you should see the nvidia icon22:27
zimzum77in that panel22:27
kinjthere is a 1.5gb filesize22:27
jackargi do but it leads straight to the x server settings22:27
kinjof casper-rw22:27
zimzum77and it says?22:27
varunendrakinj: so if you can go to edit the boot line in advance boot menu (by pressing any key during boot-up) you should see the parameter "persistent" in the boot line.22:28
jackargzimzum77 the x server settings say "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server."22:28
PlastikSporkikonia: I'll be right back and get that for you.22:28
varunendraif it is not there, you can manually add it in the end of the line (or before "splash")22:29
ikoniaPlastikSpork: sadly, I have to22:29
jackargzimzum77 and I already did that but it didnt work22:29
kinji am right now running this chat using live usb22:29
zimzum77jackarg,  same thing it said to me. So what i did is went to bios-graphics-switchable or discrete, got to highlight decrete and save22:29
kinjonce i restart i need to install everything again also chat zilla22:30
zimzum77jackarg,  now i totally control my card22:30
kinjwhen it boots there is option of try ubuntu, oem install ....22:30
jackargzimzum77: your resolution was down like me and you fixed it that way?22:30
kinji use the try ubuntu option22:30
kinjso just before this menu i press any key and it goes to boot line where i can add persistence22:31
zimzum77jackarg, YES  Dude i sat on this shit for 2 days man. Like i said that is how it worked for me22:31
varunendrakinj: if the "persistent" parameter is already in the boot line, then I guess the uefi thing may be the culprit. I'm not sure how to deal with it regarding persistence. sorry. kinj22:31
kinjthanks varunendra22:31
jackargzimzum77 ok so how do you do it tell me step by step22:31
ntzrmtthihu777dammit, lost connection22:32
varunendrafor nothing :)22:32
kinjhow to see the bootline22:32
jackargziumzum77 and if we succeed you deserve a high-five :)22:32
Physicistzimzum77: lol22:32
kinjduring startup or after the startup22:33
varunendraby pressing any key during boot up, you should get the advance boot menu, kinj22:33
zimzum77Physicist, why???22:33
kinjthanks i am trying and get back to you22:33
varunendraduring - when you see the purple screen22:33
bravisgrr lost the resolution any ideas? maybe drivers?22:34
bravis1:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF108 [GeForce GT 540M] (rev a1)22:34
jackargzimzum77 can you explain to me how?22:34
zimzum77jackarg, hang on22:35
fellayaboyhey i have a ati radeon 4200 and ubuntu 12.10  is it safe to install fglrx or the new amd catalyst 13.1 legacy driver from amd.com?22:35
ntzrmtthihu777is there a way to get the name of a user you recently queried?22:35
yakebhi chat room, i have a acer aspire 3100 with ati radeon express 1100 graphics card, i tried installing the legacy catalyst drivers and now i don't have dual monitor support--only vga out to an external monitor. i would like to either remove the ati drivers and get the default ubuntu 12.10 drivers back or get working catalyst drivers with dual monitor support. does anybody know the commands to accomplish this? thanks in advance22:36
fellayaboywhich version yakeb did you use22:37
yakebfellayaboy: which version of the drivers?22:37
ZiberWhere does uprecords-cgi store it's data? I want to reset it.22:38
yakeb13.1-legacy, i believe.22:38
zimzum77hang on22:40
yakebi'm not fully certain22:40
ZiberNevermind, figured it out.22:41
nightdemon666... so, i wish i could help answer the last couple of questions, but i can't.. but instead i too have a question of my own. I'm running ubuntu 12.04 LTS. i noticed that when i log in my user (it loads desktop), then i "switch user" ( from the top right hand corner [this is unity GUI BTW]) i wait.. then it loads my other user desktop... if i want to switcher user back to the first one i logged in from, it doesnt require22:43
yakebif i could restore back to the generic drivers that ubuntu used by default, that would be helpful. it worked, but just didn't save display settings on reboot for some reason.22:43
n1nj4dudecan anyone help me with a xrandr resolution error? after trying to --addmode i receive a badmatch error22:44
Degrunightdemon666: it doesn't require a password?22:44
nightdemon666yakeb.. i believe you can disable the catalyst driver by black listing it.22:45
Degrunightdemon666: I think it has something to do with the lock screen prefs22:45
nightdemon666not after already loggen in no (degru)22:45
indigo_glowi'm trying to get ubuntu to recognize this kindle fire but lsusb returns nothing of relevance22:45
yakebnightdemon666: how do i blacklist it?22:45
kostkonnightdemon666, both users are logged in and both desktops are running at the same time. if you want to close the session for the first user, you have to select the log out option22:45
Degruindigo_glow: Does your system detect any usb drives and is the kindle in USB storage mode?22:46
* un1xfreak listens ro Radiohead22:46
indigo_glowDegru, how do i put the kendle in mass storage mode?22:46
jackargok well great the person who was helping me quit so now can ANYONE help me get my screen resolution back to normal after installing nvidia graphics drivers please I would really appreciate it22:46
zimzum77jackarg, i'm still here22:46
Degruindigo_glow: not sure. I don't have one. I know regular kindle defaults to usb storage when connected to a PC.22:47
nightdemon666kostkon, but if this was a machine that required to have multiple users to be logged in, wouldnt that be an issue? perhaps i have changed an option that would normally require a password again?22:47
jackargzimzum77 oops I saw you log off maybe it was someone else. have you got a way to help?22:47
rodolfojust testing22:47
indigo_glowDegru, all of the tutorials ive been reading and all of the  videos ive watched do not say anything about usb mass storage22:47
zimzum77jackarg, yea yea, i'm digging on this one22:47
fellayaboyi have 2 pcs behind a router..i want both of them to be accesed from outside the router (via internet)...my router only allows me to open a port for one pc at a time how do i go about this?22:47
jackargwhat are you doing exactly zimzum77?22:48
zimzum77youtubeing for a vid to show you22:48
zimzum77jackarg,  everything i'm seeing has amd, not nvidia22:49
kostkonnightdemon666, no, because in that kind of environments you either lock your screen or log out. the the user switcher indicator exists and it's there only for convenience22:49
nightdemon666yakeb, what i would do, is find out what the module name is for the catalyst driver. then i would blacklist it in the /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf file. if the original driver no longer wants to work any more, than i would just force it to run at boot in the /etc/moduels file22:49
jackargzimzum77 but didn't you do it? maybe write up a step by step thing, or look for a tutorial in text if you can't find vids22:49
fellayaboyi have 2 pcs behind a router..i want both of them to be accesed from outside the router (via internet)...my router only allows me to open a port for one pc at a time how do i go about this?22:50
Degruindigo_glow: from what I've found on google it should show a fullscreen thing that says "you can now transfer files from your computer" and it should have some kind of disconnect button22:50
Degruindigo_glow: if your kindle fire shows that then the computer should be able to recognize it as a usb drive22:50
nightdemon666i see, then kostkon... if i "lock screen" from unity, does that put you back into the user login screen? havent tried that yet...22:50
Degrunightdemon666: i think it does if i remember correctly22:51
nightdemon666well then that would solve my concern :D22:51
Degrunightdemon666: there's no screensaver functionality, so it wouldn't just start a screensaver.22:51
nightdemon666well, i did install xscreensaver... do you think that will now interfere with unity lock screen feature returning to the login screen?22:51
zimzum77jackarg, yes i did, so shut down, start up, hit f10, or 12 to enter setup. then you need to find graphics. Now you need to see if it is switchable, if it is it'll say it.  So now you need to make it NOT switchable22:52
jackargzimzum77 i need to enter bios?22:52
Degrunightdemon666: does it show xscreensaver when you click lock screen? if it does, that's ok too because then you can click switch user and go to the login screen22:52
kostkonnightdemon666, at the moment, lightdm isn't being used for the lock screen22:52
nightdemon666i see... i guess i have some trouble shooting to do :)22:53
jackargok i'll do that and i'll come back with what i found stay here zimzum7722:53
nightdemon666gunna go play and see what happends22:53
=== c_smith_away is now known as c_smith
indigo_glowDegru, everything ive read shows that too but when i plug my kendle fire into the computer the screen does not change, i can still access the carocell and open apps and what not22:54
indigo_glowi should get a screen like you were saying but its not doing it22:54
Degrunightdemon666: I really hate unity. When dealing with it I just don't touch the default settings at all. I prefer some other flavor like kubuntu22:54
ntzrmtthihu777!ubiquity > ntzrmtthihu77722:54
Degruindigo_glow: try plugging a normal usb drive in your computer; does it work?22:54
zimzum77jackarg, i will22:55
ntzrmtthihu777Degru: I agree, unity is atrocious22:55
fellayaboyi have 2 pcs behind a router..i want both of them to be accesed (port 22: ssh) from outside the router (via internet)...my router only allows me to open a port for one pc at a time how do i go about this?22:56
Flannelfellayaboy: Pick a different port for the second computer.22:58
CharmStrangeI did the unistalltion of the fglrx driver, meantime, when I run the Catalyst installer, shows that a previously is detected.. How to delete all relationed with the driver.. To unistall everything?22:58
fellayaboyhow do i get ssh to change from port 22 to lets say port 2322:58
compdocfellayaboy, does the router allow forwarding a different external port to 22? like 500 > 2222:59
CharmStrangeCan anybody help me?22:59
nightdemon666fellayaboy, just an fwi, the firewall on your router would have to know what ip address to forward those packets to... that being said if you have both open at port 22 and want them both listening on the internet, i dont think this can be done. you would have to understand networking and know that you need both listening on two different ports22:59
jackargzimzum77 I pressed f2 to get into bios but there was no section for graphics23:00
CharmStrangeheey.. Please...23:00
CharmStrangeHow to uninstall all ATI driver to install the leatest?23:01
fellayaboyi understand networking some23:01
fellayaboyi just want to know the command to have ssh listen onto a different port23:02
yakebnightdemon666: thank you for your advice. I will give this a try.23:02
creakyboreedit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and set port value to what you want23:02
CharmStrange0011100010001010111000101100010001000010000110100100100101000101 0100010 0101001 100101 010001 10011011 011101001 11110 11101 10000010 111101 11100 01111101 11023:03
fellayaboybingo thank u23:03
nightdemon666also, degru and kostkon, since i have installed xscreensaver, that breaks the Ctrl Alt L key combo ( which i know i can adjust) that is used for unity/gnome 3 lock screen feature. this is probably how i caused my problem in the first place. xscreensaver screws that up.. and in the even that i have xscreensaver running in the back groun, IF i want to switch user, and require a password if already logged in, it requires 23:03
fellayaboythank you very much guys23:03
zimzum77jackarg, hrmm23:04
zimzum77jackarg, your'e sure you nvidia?23:04
jackargzimzum77 i'm sure lemme look one last time at the bios23:04
Degrunightdemon666: you should probably enable the shortcut in the xscreensaver config.23:04
fellayaboyhold on..say i put the port onto 22 wouldnt that conflict with other programs that use it...i believe telnet uses 23 or ftp i beleive...will that cause issues..should i use a higher up port such as 1333 or something23:05
nightdemon666yeah, agreed degru23:05
fellayaboyi mean if i use another port like 23 for ssh...23:05
zimzum77jackarg, it' prolly in advanced or something23:05
nightdemon666yes, fellayaboy it would, soooo, you ned to change to a port that you arent ever going ot use... i use 443 (htp) i dont run a https server do that s ok. change listening ports in /etc/ssh/sshd_config file. change Port 22 to Port what ever you want that isnt already using that port23:06
ntzrmtthihu777can you safely uninstall ubiquity from a finished installation?23:06
fellayaboythank u nightdemon66623:07
Jordan_UCharmStrange: Sending nonsense messages won't get you an answer any faster.23:07
jackarg_zimzum77 so there is no mention of the graphics driver besides the model name23:08
jackarg_zimzum77 if you can't do it do you know someone else who could help me?23:08
zimzum77which is??23:08
nightdemon666fellayaboy, if you dont plan on EVER running port 23 as telnet protocol in the future (and i dont recommend you do for security reasons) than run both server one port 22 then server two poer 23, but i would use a port that i KNOW i will likely NEVER use23:08
Jordan_Untzrmtthihu777: Ubiquity shouldn't be installed in a finished installation, if it is then something has gone wrong.23:08
jackarg_zimzum77 well it's nvidia i didn't write down the following numbers23:08
braviswow it sure looks better  with the actual nvidia drivers..23:09
ntzrmtthihu777Jordan_U: its a remaster23:09
nightdemon666fellayaboy, i run two ssh server, and i use the poo out of them, so i know alot about ssh server running if you have other questions, by all means aSK :)23:09
Jordan_Untzrmtthihu777: Then you can safely remove ubiquity, but you should tell whoever made it to fix their remaster.23:09
fellayaboynightdemon666 tell me about tunnels...how are they used23:10
BUTTERBEERh00k: testing23:10
somsip!test | BUTTERBEER23:10
ubottuBUTTERBEER: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )23:10
nightdemon666yes! tunnels are great! what exactly do you want to know about them???23:10
Jordan_UBUTTERBEER: Please use #test for tests, not #ubuntu.23:10
zimzum77jackarg_,  I'm srry man i told you all i know at this point.... :(   Like i said thatis everything i did to my puter to get it to run23:10
BUTTERBEERJordan_U: Apologies, unaware of the channel.23:10
un1xfreak!test | Butter23:10
ubottuButter: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )23:10
jackarg_zimzum77 can you ask anyone you know can help to help me?23:11
Jordan_UBUTTERBEER: No problem :)23:11
nellHow are nvidia drivers on ubuntu?23:11
nellI have a gtx 670 and yes I'm making a backup but I wanna know how are the drivers in functionality / stability on ubuntu23:12
ntzrmtthihu777Jordan_U: thankya23:12
Jordan_Untzrmtthihu777: You're welcome.23:12
ntzrmtthihu777*chortles* nvidia hell23:12
zimzum77hahaaaaYES, they suck, until they are config23:13
ntzrmtthihu777zimzum77: are you zimzum_ ?23:13
Mavriknell, there are two versions of nvidia drivers available on ubuntu: the opensource ones (used by default) which are basically crap and the nvidia provided binary driver which is the same codebase as windows versions23:13
zimzum77ntzrmtthihu777,  this is the trend today grphics  lol23:13
nightdemon666i'll start with ssh tunnel is like a vpn, but its selective. first of all, ssh is generally used ot establish a remote commandline connection to the computer. like telnet. then you have sftp, which is a subsystem of ssh, and can be accomplished by a program that supports sftp and will allow you to graphically admin files. then there is what people normally refer to ssh tunnel, and thats really a SOCKS proxy for web bro23:14
ntzrmtthihu777lol, right? I was just having an issue with my gpu getting too hot, got screen jitters from it23:14
zimzum77ntzrmtthihu777, yes it me, i had to change nick23:14
Jordan_Unell: Performance and stability wise, very good (unless you need Optimus support). Though they don's support KMS and other nice features, and taint the kernel by being closed source.23:14
jackarg_mavrik do you know how to solve screen resolution problems caused by that driver?23:14
ntzrmtthihu777nell: for optimus support you would need bumblebee23:15
zimzum77bastards said my zimzum was taken23:15
Mavrikjackarg_, hmm, the 313 version "just worked" for me on all systems23:15
Mavrikjackarg_, you're supposed to use nvidia-settings to set parameters23:15
fellayaboygotcha nightdemon666 so a tunnel would would work this way...ur on a network that prevents outbound traffic through port 22 hwo would u use a tunnel to get thru that barrier23:15
end_guyIs Skype availible on 13.04 beta release?23:16
nightdemon666use a differnt port23:16
codezombieAnyone know of a working driver for this device? https://gist.github.com/gitt/507877423:16
jackarg_mavrik idk i've just got stuck in unity 2D at 640x480 and i've been trying for literally 2 hours but no one can help :/23:17
codezombieI attempted tg3, but it didn't seem to pick up the device when I ran modprobe.23:17
nightdemon666it could be though, that the network you are on not only blocks port 22, but also blocks that protocol.. which means NO ssh data packets would ever escape the gatway anyway :(23:17
jackarg_mavrik it was after installing the nvidia driver23:17
ntzrmtthihu777jackarg_: damn that sucks.23:17
end_guynightdemon666: One could just change the default port in sshd, yes?23:18
NullEntityI had a VMware Ubuntu server 12.10 running perfectly until I rebooted. Now it's hanging on boot after saying "microcode: failed to laod file amd-ucode/microcode_amd_fam15h.bin". What can I do?23:18
nightdemon666correct end_guy23:18
jackarg_ntzrmtthihu777, mavrik, can none of you point me towards the right direction i'm desperate and it's 12 am here in europe23:18
nightdemon666i do A LOT of things via ssh and command line. so i just run vi from command line and change the config file when i need to :)23:18
zimzum77ntzrmtthihu777,  it says he needs to run xorg nividia config as root23:19
ntzrmtthihu777jackarg_: hmmm, how did you install the drivers23:19
ntzrmtthihu777jackarg_: what is your make and model, also23:20
end_guyIs there a channel for beta realeases of ubuntu?23:20
OerHeksNullEntity,  sudo apt-get install amd64-microcode should fix that, not sure this applies for VMware too, i fixed mine with this same error this way23:20
codezombiejust had to build tg3 from source.23:21
ntzrmtthihu777end_guy: #ubuntu+1 I think23:21
jackarg_i did 'sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates' then 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nvidia-current nvidia-settings' i have the geforce if you want the numbers and all i'll go to bios and get it four you23:21
NullEntityOerHeks, it doesn't even reach a shell23:21
ntzrmtthihu777jackarg_: yes, I should like to know your machine's make and model. is it off the shelf or custom built?23:22
jackarg_it's off the shelf it's an acer aspire v3-571 do you want the exact nvidia driver number?23:22
NullEntityactually, it might be booting to a shell now23:23
bigbadbenIf I installed kubuntu but now I want to go all the way back to ubuntu how would I do it? it was kubuntu 12.1023:24
jackarg_ntzrmtthihu777: it's off the shelf it's an acer aspire v3-571 do you want the exact nvidia driver number?23:24
zimzum77jackarg_, you got the same card i do geForce335m23:25
ntzrmtthihu777:D then tell him how to enable that in the bios23:25
jackarg_probably so now what :'( i'm litterally begging you for any answer :D23:26
zimzum77I tried but he can't find it23:26
kynlemhow can i change default apps (calendar, browser, etc.) from command line?23:26
zimzum77i lookig fora vid23:26
jackarg_ntzrmtthihu777: there is no section for the graphics card in the bios23:26
zimzum77its gottabe in an advanced menu, i see that it is switchble23:27
jackarg_zimzum77: not sure how to access the advanced menu23:28
zimzum77did you go to website and get drivers?23:29
bravisisnt that something you have to install?23:29
jackarg_zimzum77: what?23:30
=== kandinsk1 is now known as kandinski
zimzum77jackarg_,  here is the drivers from acer       http://us.acer.com/ac/en/US/content/model-features/NX.RYFAA.00523:30
bravisadvancd menu23:30
zimzum77jackarg_, that is ur puter right?23:30
jackarg_yes it is23:31
zimzum77jackarg_,  sudo apt-get install nvidia_current23:33
ntzrmtthihu777zimzum77: should it not be nvidia-current?23:34
jackarg_zimzum77 that's how i got in this mess in the first place...it's already installed23:34
ntzrmtthihu777I never saw a _ in a package name23:34
Degrubigbadben: If you installed xubuntu from ubuntu by running "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", look at this guide for help going back: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu . If you installed it from the CD, you can probably do "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and it should install unity and all that stuff.23:35
zimzum77that is how i ran it23:35
Degrubigbadben: *kubuntu23:35
jackarg_zimzum77: maybe ctrl-f1 to get to advanced settings?23:36
zimzum77i don't now man23:36
jackarg_lemme try23:37
ntzrmtthihu777should have gnubuntu23:37
=== un1xfreak is now known as ravehacker
HannsFreeHi all23:40
bigbadbendegru: How would I get rid of all the extras kubuntu came with tho?23:40
zimzum77maybe he need the bumble bee ntzrmtthihu777 ??  All i did was turned it off and booted up with chipset on, then i go to system info and i can control all23:41
jackargok i can't find anything in bios nothing new on your side zimzum77? I guess I just need to reinstall ubuntu. Something that I just did yesterday night because of nvidia giving me a blackscreen in 12.10. WHAT A PAIN!23:44
indigo_glowi am following this guide. i am trying to identify the id of the device with dmesg .. here is the guide http://askubuntu.com/questions/177555/managing-kindle-fire-with-on-12-04-via-micro-usb i am trying to use and here is the output of dmesg http://pastebin.com/Dnq514eE will can someone help me figure out bc i don't completely understand23:44
end_guyIs there a way to get apt-get to auto install dependencies? i.e. when trying to install a package and it says something like "Depends: X but it is not going to be installed"23:45
zimzum77jackarg, DAMN!! srry my man, i fuked with that for 2 days..... : (23:45
end_guyman apt-get didn't answer that question...23:46
jackarg:'( IDK WHAT TO DO ugh!23:46
indigo_glowjackarg, you dont need to reinstall23:46
jackargzimzum77 do you have relations with people better in that field?23:46
indigo_glowpaste me the output of lspci23:46
jackargindigo_glow then tell me what do i do?!23:47
jackargit's been two friggin hours!23:47
indigo_glowjackarg, paste me the output of lspci23:47
zimzum77jackarg, you're talking to em23:47
Andy80what's happening to ubuntu development ML?23:47
Andy80I'm getting houndreds of email in few minutes! O_o23:47
zimzum77jackarg,  imea indigo_glow23:47
jackargwhat's the command to paste bin again ?23:48
indigo_glowend_guy, i imagine there probably is a way but i my self am not sure of how to go about doing that23:49
end_guyindigo_glow: so I'm resorting to aptitude to figure this out for me, but I don't like it's solutions it's purposing.23:50
jackargindigo_glow http://paste.ubuntu.com/5583780/23:51
indigo_glowwhat is it proposing?23:51
end_guyto pretty much downgrade my 13.04 install ;-)23:51
qwebirc83344it's not april now23:51
jackargindigo_glow you think you can fix it before the night ends? otherwise say so23:52
end_guyindigo_glow: V23:52
end_guyindigo_glow: https://gist.github.com/dchapman1988/507894723:52
* end_guy is trying to install ia32-libs-multiarch23:53
=== debsan_ is now known as debsan
indigo_glowend_guy, how did you end up with so many dependencies?23:54
end_guyI'm guessing that it has something to do with me upgrading to beta version of ubuntu, having a 64 bit machine, and trying to install the 32bit libraries23:55
javi_can anyone help me execute a program that ubuntu that says he file '/tmp/adobe-release-i386-1.0-1.noarch.rpm' is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.  For more details, read about the executable bit.23:56
Degrujavi_: It's not an executable; it's a package.23:57
Random832javi_: you can't execute the rpm, you have to install it, except you cn't install rpm on ubuntu23:57
Random832where'd you get this file?23:57
javi_im tryin to download flash adobe for youtube23:57
indigo_glowjackarg, im not sure tbh23:57
Degrujavi_: You need to get a package called alien (sudo apt-get install alien) and (i think) run "alien package.rpm" to convert it to package.deb. THen you run "sudo dpkg -i package.deb".23:58
javi_from where23:58
jackargindigo_glow, you see I do have to reinstall. ok well unless any of you have any last words I need to go to sleep. thanks for your help anyways23:58
Random832okay guys please back up for a minute23:59
Random832this is not how you install flash on ubuntu23:59
Degrujavi_: Oh, if it's flash then you go to the software center and lookup flash.23:59
jackargzimzum77: thanks for trying good bye23:59
zimzum77jackarg,  srry buddy23:59
qwebirc83344i always uppack these packages and install files by hand23:59

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