
zequenceOne thing that is a downside mixing on Linux is the high CPU usage for a lot of the FX00:00
zequenceYou quickly run out of CPU power00:00
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Len-nbsmartboyhw, zequence I have just found the xubuntu setup for the settings manager.03:16
Len-nbThe settings manager uses another menu file just like the one for the main menu.03:18
Len-nbLump|AFK, are you there?03:18
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shai_haludgreetings -R11:50
zequenceshai_halud: hi11:57
shai_haludhowdy 11:59
shai_haludwoops. we lost mick12:00
zequenceshai_halud: I'm going to be away for a little while. bb in 30 min or so. Meanwhile, if you want to see what we're working on, look at the bottom of this page https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio/+spec/topic-flavor-ubuntustudio12:00
zequenceEach circle is a blueprint12:00
zequencehover your mouse over them to see what they are called12:01
zequenceclick them to see that blueprint. Each has a set of workitems (well, most of them)12:01
zequenceshai_halud: As an example, the audio workflow https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntustudio-r-audio12:02
shai_haludand you are Kaj?12:02
shai_haludok i see you on the leadership page12:02
shai_haluder team structure12:03
zequenceIf you under "Work Items", you see the actual tasks we want to do for that blueprint12:03
zequenceshai_halud: Hi Josh12:03
shai_haludhow much of the development team is dedicated to the web platform?12:05
zequenceWe only have one guy working on the website theme. He's the lead of the Xubuntu team - knome12:05
zequenceBut, we have a PR team, which is allowed to post on it12:06
shai_haludok. just curious. I have some minor web develoment history12:06
zequenceThe source for the theme is in launchpad, so it's avaliable if one needs to make changes. 12:07
shai_haludis it wiki based?12:08
zequenceWe don't have access to the server itself, and need Ubuntu ops to update it for us12:08
zequenceIt's Wordpress12:08
zequencebb in 30 min or so12:09
shai_haludok. i'll take a look around12:09
zequenceshai_halud: So, what do you think?12:34
shai_haludhi there12:35
shai_haludwell, I am curious what types of thing you will be able to use me for12:35
zequenceReally anything you'd be willing to do, probably12:36
zequencehi mick_ 12:36
mick_hey, nice to see u12:37
shai_haludis the studio roadmap graph ever going to be improved for size/readablityi?  (what is the webdev's name so i can refer to him by it?)12:38
zequenceshai_halud: That's why I put everything up in the overview https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/PermanentBlueprintOverview12:38
zequenceIt's not easy to read the LP page12:38
zequenceThere's also two kinds of blueprints. Those that are permanent, and not release based. And then there are the next-release blueprints12:40
zequenceThe permanent blueprints are done inside the Ubuntu Studio project, while the release based blueprints are done in Ubuntu12:40
zequenceYou can see a status report for our blueprints here http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-raring/group/topic-raring-flavor-ubuntustudio.html12:41
smartboyhwHi shai_halud :)12:41
zequenceThose are only the next-release blueprints12:41
shai_haludso, how large is the entire ubuntustudio  dev tea, and are these portals the central location that all dev for it are kept track of?12:41
smartboyhwshai_halud, 16 people i think:P12:41
zequenceWell, that's just the LP team12:41
zequenceThere are lots of people who have been involved in one way or the other over the years12:42
zequenceRight now, active members, how many? less than 10. Depends on how you count12:42
smartboyhwThere is QA (mainly me and len_1304), Documentation (mainly zequence), kernel (also mainly zequence), PR (me + ttoine + holstein + ScottL)12:43
smartboyhwProbably less than 5 (really active)12:43
shai_haludIt will take me some time to familiarize myself with the sites and to understand what is needed. More yet, for me to determine what I will be able to help with12:43
zequenceRight now, we have two things to focus on. 1. making sure we are ready for the 13.04 release (we aren't sure there will be one though), 2. be active next week during UDS (Ubuntu Developer Summit)12:44
shai_haludI have no coding knowledge beyond basic html and css. I have used php for a CMS but it was all pre-made (drupal). That is the extent of my coding knowledge. I have a rudimentary understanding of linux systems, and google much of what I accomplish at that12:45
zequenceThe discussion on whether or not Ubuntu should become a rolling release might get settled during UDS12:45
shai_haludI will assume that whenever you say Ubuntu you mean Ubuntu Studio12:46
zequenceshai_halud: If you want to learn about that stuff, install the development release of Ubuntu Studio (or any other flavor), and you can go from there. I have tons of info on that12:46
zequenceWell, Ubuntu Studio is just another flavor of Ubuntu, so whatever Ubuntu does, will affect Ubuntu Studio12:47
shai_haludI wasn't aware of it's existence12:47
zequenceshai_halud: The daily build of UBuntu Studio http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/dvd/current/12:47
shai_haludI may have to scrap mint if i were to install this, or just create a persistent usb12:48
zequenceI have dev releases installed for both 32 and 64bit, just for testing. I also have installs for 12.10 and 12.04, both 32 and 64bit. But, the main platform I use for development, is a custom 13.04. I like to use gnome-shell12:48
shai_haludI currently have mint, w7 and U.S. on this pc12:49
mick_shall i mention virtual box?12:49
zequencevirtual box works12:49
shai_haludI have it installed in both linux systems12:49
shai_haludHowever, Ubuntu has given me issues in VB12:50
shai_haluder VBox12:50
zequenceIt's not perfect. I've had installs get corrupted12:50
shai_halud(I have coder friends who hate it when I refer to Vbox as VB)12:50
zequenceI tried doing development using VB some time ago, but just installed on HW instead. I've got more than one machine, so it's not a big problem for me12:51
mick_VB the aussie drink of the people :)12:51
shai_haludI initially was going to install U.S. in a vm, but it wouldn't boot12:51
zequenceInstalling on Virtualbox is definately better than nothing, but it's not usable for testing though12:52
shai_haludNot really12:52
mick_scratch that idea then12:52
shai_haludCertain tests12:53
zequenceYou don't get access to your actual audio devices, and graphics is a bit different too12:53
zequenceMight be a less good idea to do development and testing on a machine you intend to use for production too12:55
shai_haludI am not a professional musician. Just a hobbyist with a passion.12:55
zequenceNot that your HW is in danger (even if that could happen too, but not likely), just that practically, I find it to be a little messy12:56
mick_lots of reformatting eh12:56
shai_haludfor any testing I would definitely have to clear some space out on this drive, probably set up some extended/logical partitions12:56
mick_u dont have another old drive to set up on?12:57
shai_haludi have 320 gigs on a dell inspiron 1545, 2g x2 cpu, 4g ram, 1g vram12:57
mick_not sure how much space US takes12:57
shai_halud9 gigs12:58
shai_haludbase install12:58
mick_laptop or desktop?12:58
shai_haludthis is laptop12:58
mick_that makes it hard12:59
shai_haludI am not afraid of gparted12:59
shai_haludI have about 10 years in the linux community12:59
shai_haludand I won't own a machine without it12:59
mick_oh nice13:00
mick_yes i dont like windows13:00
shai_haludit has it's uses13:00
shai_haludAn os is an os13:00
mick_well if you *have* to use it13:01
shai_haludThey all essentially do the same things13:02
shai_haludEven OSX13:02
shai_haludI prefer Linux13:02
mick_me 213:02
shai_haludWhat are you currently running Mick?13:02
mick_12.10 on this machine 13:03
mick_straight ubuntu13:03
shai_haludOh, not studio?13:03
zequenceI guess the areas we work on could be categorized into: testing, development(not nearly as code based as one would think), artwork, documentation and PR13:03
mick_thats on the laptop13:03
zequencesmartboyhw is most involved in testing, and is particularly involved in anything to do with our ISO releases atm13:04
zequenceLen-nb does a lot of performance testing for audio13:05
shai_haludLanguage is a forte of mine,, I dabble in Gimp13:05
mick_gimp has its own language?13:05
mick_oh i see sry13:06
zequencedevelopment could be anywhere from suggesting new applications and settings, to administering our sources. One is not more important than the other13:06
shai_haludGimp is written in c and python, but it uses a language called script-fu too13:06
zequencesource management is more administrative, and doesn't really require much more than knowing how the system works13:06
mick_oh ok13:06
zequencedocumentation for now is all done in the wikis, but we want to have a user guide on our website too13:07
shai_haludSource management. Sounds Interesting13:07
zequenceWell, managing sources is like, someone wants to add a new application. You get what is called the "seeds", edit a textfile, commit the change and push it13:08
shai_haludHow do you normally initiate new people?13:08
mick_with a paddle (jokes)13:09
zequenceSo, it's really not knowing how to code, just how to use bzr, and knowing about seeds13:09
zequenceProblem is, we don't get a lot of new people here. that's my main mission this year, to make sure the team grows13:09
shai_haludNeither of which connect to any concept I am aware of at this time.13:09
shai_haludSo, a lot of people want to use it, but not a lot of people want to make it, eh?13:10
zequenceNeedless to say, we won't hand out privileges to new people easily, but that doesn't stop anyone from doing any type of work. It's just that the way you go about it is slightly different, depending on if you have upload rights, or not13:10
zequenceWe have a team for new developers https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-contributors13:11
zequenceIt's a new team, and meant for new developers13:12
shai_haludWell, I have administerd my own site, used svn, puTTy, Apache, mysql, and a few other things that taught me never to fiddle with things I do not understand, so have no fear. I will not linger where I have no business.13:12
shai_haludI have killed my own site.... once13:13
zequenceI was hanging around here for a couple of years before I got to be a member of the -dev team13:14
shai_haludI think I am teachable. With the right resources I might be able to learn on my own.13:14
shai_haludGoogle simply is not enough. 13:14
zequenceBut, the membership of individual teams is not really anything more than a practical matter13:14
zequenceI'll happily help anyone on the things that I know13:15
zequenceI'm preparing this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/DeveloperDocumentation13:15
shai_haludI am fully aware and grateful for this already13:15
shai_haludGood idea13:15
shai_haludA primer that literally begins with the first steps would be nice13:16
zequenceThere is however lots more, resource-wise. MOTU (masters of the Universe), is a Ubuntu team which work closely with Ubuntu devs13:16
mick_yes i was thinking the same13:16
shai_haludEvery step of the way , elementary to Advanced13:16
zequencethey have docs, and you can also ask them for help13:16
shai_haludWhat is the general consensus among Ubuntu-dev teams with regard to personal logging of  the irc channels?13:18
zequencethese channels are logged, and published on the net, so no problem there13:18
shai_haludI use xchat, and have not enabled logging, but I am curious how well it is arranged, as I have used logs often in the past for review of topics of interest and study13:19
zequenceIt's good to have when you might have missed a discussion13:19
shai_haludNo doubt13:19
zequenceI log everything. I'm in 50 channels or so, and have some alerts set up, so if anyone mentions certain words, I can follow what they are talking about13:20
zequenceGood way to make sure you aren't missing anything :)13:20
shai_haludgood god13:20
mick_oh god13:20
mick_he is checking the other 49 :)13:21
shai_haludThat may prove much more fruitful than googling all day long13:21
zequenceMost channels I don't interact in much. ubuntu has channels for all sorts of things, and you usually go the right channel when you want to discuss a certain topic13:21
zequence#ubuntu-meeting for meetins, #ubuntu-devel, #ubuntu-kernel, #ubuntu-release (on ISO release stuff), etc13:22
zequenceThen there's the audio channels #lau, #lad, #jack, #opensourcemusicians #kxstudio, etc13:22
zequenceI'm on some debian channels, xubuntu channels. The list grows pretty quickly13:23
shai_haludAs far as the packages, who determines which will be supported ?13:23
shai_haludi mean front end, obviously.13:23
zequenceMost packages are imported directly from Debian13:23
zequenceSo, we don't actually maintain any packages, besides our own ubuntustudio-* and linux-lowlatency13:24
shai_haludand the repos?13:24
zequenceThe repos are the same as Ubuntu13:24
zequenceUbuntu Studio is just another official flavor of Ubuntu, just like Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu and Mythbuntu13:24
shai_haludSo Debian is the fallback for both systems. And are there any other Ubuntu distros your team is involved with?13:25
zequenceWe've imported our desktop from Xubuntu, so we work somewhat with them on desktop stuff13:25
shai_haludMakes sense13:25
zequenceWhen we want to do changes to packages, we do it in Debian. They have a team for multimedia packages, called debian-multimedia13:26
shai_haludI'm pleased with the choice of xfce in Studio13:26
shai_haludPlease tell me Unity will never be part of the Studio picture13:26
zequenceIf for some reason we'd not be in tune with how Debian does things, there's always the possibility to craete your own version of a package, and get someone to sponsor an upload13:27
mick_im on the other side of the fence, i like unity13:27
shai_haludI.E. Sourceforge, ?13:27
zequenceI'm not going to say never about anything, I'm afraid. I might consider using multiple desktops for Ubuntu Studio, where one is the default. I use gnome-shell myself. Really up to the user13:27
zequenceWhen you want to have your own package uploaded, you can upload it to launchpad, try getting one of the Ubuntu devs to sponsor it. That person then uploads it to the Ubuntu repo13:29
mick_ok guys im wacked, ill log in tomorrow ok, if i dont see u then, have a nice day13:29
zequenceAnyone can do this, so it's not flavor controlled, or anything13:29
zequencemick_: Nice to see you, and hope to see you around13:29
shai_haludLikewise Mick. Good day, or night, whichever the case may be where you are.13:29
shai_haludwell i guess I was too slow13:30
shai_haludI am in the states, Indiana, by the way.13:30
zequenceI'm in Gothenburg, Sweden13:30
shai_halud~7hrs ahead of me, i think13:30
zequenceScott, our project lead, and holstein_ are from US13:30
zequenceI think Len-nb is in Canada?13:31
zequencesmartboyhw is in HK13:31
zequence..Hong Kong13:31
shai_haludHong Kong?13:31
zequencettoine is in France13:31
zequenceastraljava in Finland ;)13:31
shai_haludHm. I didn;t think we could interact.... does he use Onion routing or something?13:31
shai_haludOr has China lifted those sanctions?13:32
zequenceHong Kong? I don't think they have the same problems as you have on main land China with that13:32
shai_haludI personally have never met anyone from any farter eeast than India online13:33
shai_haludDoes PR deal with mirrors and the like?13:34
shai_haludoOr is that Source Management?13:34
zequencePR would be just making news, posting it, interacting with users13:35
zequenceWe will really be needing that if we want to get more developers involved13:35
zequenceI need to prepare some text for that, and create a page for it on the website, and the wikis13:36
shai_haludI can help in that regard. Moreso as I learn the fundamentals of the system.13:36
zequenceThat's one area where I feel we should try to include as many as possible13:36
shai_haludMy spelling and grammar skills are exceptional.13:36
zequenceIt's just about following some kind of common sense on what to post, and what not to post. Understanding you're representing Ubuntu Studio13:37
zequenceEnglish is not my native language, so I can't always judge if I'm off13:38
shai_haludI am a sponge for words and their meanings, and explaining them to those who do not understand  them so well comes naturally to me.13:39
shai_haludI am a teacher, at heart.13:39
shai_haludThough I confess; I have much to learn before I will be of any use.13:40
shai_haludAre there any channels you have not told me about yet that will be valuable to me as I learn about the community?13:41
zequenceshai_halud: Probably not, for now. The whole scope of what's involved in making Ubuntu Studio, even if the actual work does not need to that big, is kind of big to take in. 13:44
shai_haludAnd I am curious also about translation- is anyone on your team directly responsible for providing language packs, or does that all come straight from Debian or Ubuntu?13:44
zequenceWe don't do any kind of translation13:45
zequenceWe really try not to do anything outside of the multimedia workflows13:45
zequenceshai_halud: So, my tip is, since it seems like you do want to get your hands dirty with development, is you prepare an installation of the development release13:46
shai_haludSo, give me the breakdown- what aspects of the Ubuntu Studio interface and applications does your team take responsibility for?13:47
zequenceshai_halud: anything starting with ubuntustudio-13:47
zequenceapt-cache search ubuntustudio-13:47
zequenceshai_halud: Once you have a development releas installation ready, I'll show you how to prepare it for development13:48
shai_haludYou did link that earlier didn't you?13:49
zequenceshai_halud: You can find the Ubuntu Studio releases on the side menu of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio13:49
shai_haludI will have to make preparations for it13:49
zequencebb in an hour or so. time to eat13:50
smartboyhwWho is talking about Hong Kong in a bad way!?!?!?!.....14:19
smartboyhwshai_halud, zequence :(14:19
zequencesmartboyhw: We were talking about the censorship that is effective in main land China, but I was suggesting Hong Kong is not affected in the same way14:20
zequenceI don't really know14:20
smartboyhwzequence, in Hong Kong we don't get censorship....14:20
zequenceThat's what I though14:20
smartboyhwWe get more FREEDOM14:20
smartboyhwzequence, how's your conversation with shai_halud ?14:20
* smartboyhw has just played a round of monopoly with his parents and won14:21
smartboyhwBy quite a big difference14:21
zequenceVery good. I'm happy when more people want to get involved14:21
smartboyhwzequence, you see: We use the World electronic versino14:21
kubotusmartboyhw meant: "zequence, you see: We use the World electronic version"14:21
zequenceOh, never heard of it14:21
smartboyhwThe most expensive land is Montreal14:21
smartboyhw(voted by public)14:22
smartboyhwAnd I bought it and I built 4 houses then a hotel14:22
smartboyhwzequence, yep14:22
smartboyhwBasically $20M14:22
smartboyhwAnd my Mum step onto it (LOL)14:22
zequenceIt's total murder when you get the best spots developed14:22
zequenceThe game finishes quickly14:23
smartboyhwzequence, yes. LOL14:23
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zequenceshai_halud: I'm putting up this page for introducing people to Ubuntu Studio development https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/JoinTheTeam14:53
smartboyhwzequence, good:)14:54
zequenceI'll try making it useful already today, so once I'm there, any feedback would be nice14:54
smartboyhwzequence, OK14:56
len_1304Wow! that was a bit of backlog to read today zequence 15:14
zequencelen_1304: Yep. hopefully we can make that problem more common for us15:15
len_1304The one thing I would add that we do is integration. Making available apps work and fit together, via settings or whatever.15:15
len_1304So coding is not a big thing, but being willing to learn config files and commandline stuff is.15:16
smartboyhwlen_1304, :)15:17
len_1304There are some areas we could use translation work as well15:17
len_1304Basically any of our *.desktop files for example.15:18
smartboyhwlen_1304, I am willing to:)15:18
len_1304hello smartboyhw 15:18
* smartboyhw finally got a Chinese (Hong Kong) Team in Xfce15:18
len_1304smartboyhw, any of our *.desktop files start with ubuntustudio and I think I keep them all in /usr/share/ubuntustudio/applications15:19
len_1304They would be in the settings package.15:19
smartboyhwlen_1304, OK15:20
* smartboyhw is a packager not a seed dev:P15:20
smartboyhwOr menu dev:P15:20
len_1304Thats not seeds15:20
smartboyhwI know15:21
smartboyhwJust saying:P15:21
smartboyhwzequence, I am now actually working on putting vModSynth to Debian.15:21
len_1304They are just text files and they have lines like $Lang=$text15:22
len_1304There are only two lines to each file, one for the package name that shows in the menu, and a longer one that shows when you hover the mouse over (tool tip)15:23
len_1304(two lines that need tranlation)15:23
smartboyhwlen_1304, shouldn't be hard15:24
smartboyhwWe set up .pot files15:24
* len_1304 doesn't know how those work... being spoiled by using english all his life15:24
smartboyhwlen_1304, I can15:25
* smartboyhw is a translator anyway15:25
len_1304I know. You helped with catfish?15:25
smartboyhwlen_1304, yes15:25
len_1304An example would be our ubuntustudio-help.desktop file15:29
len_1304our english name is Name=Help and Documentation, but most others are just "help" for example Name[fr]=Aide15:30
len_1304And Comment=Help and Documentation for using UbuntuStudio15:31
len_1304Comment[zh_CN]=使用 UbuntuStudio 的帮助15:31
len_1304Comment[zh_TW]=幫助您使用 UbuntuStudio15:31
len_1304Mostly I just changed the word ubuntu to ubuntustudio. in all of them, but a lot of our desktop files don't have any useful translation.15:33
smartboyhwI will do the .pot files setup (probably tmr since I need to sleep)15:36
len_1304Non- of this is urgent.15:36
smartboyhwlen_1304, of course:P15:36
smartboyhwI will add it to a work item though15:36
len_1304We have been waiting for an upload of settings for months now15:36
smartboyhwlen_1304, and why micahg still hasn't done it!?15:37
len_1304There is some problem with the buikd process15:37
smartboyhwlen_1304, why?15:38
len_1304I don't know.15:38
len_1304micahg, has been busy with xubunut (lots of 12.04.2 work)15:38
len_1304It is mostly  time thing15:38
* smartboyhw wonders which blueprint is to add work items about translations...15:39
smartboyhwzequence, ?15:39
smartboyhwlen_1304, uh...15:39
len_1304I suspect maybe some of the build info is out of date15:39
len_1304but I don't know15:39
smartboyhwW: ubuntustudio-default-settings source: out-of-date-standards-version 3.9.2 (current is 3.9.4)15:39
smartboyhwE: ubuntustudio-default-settings: udev-rule-in-etc etc/udev/rules.d/40-timer-permissions.rules15:39
smartboyhwThe second one probably15:40
smartboyhwNo build error though15:40
len_1304That has been there since 12.1015:40
smartboyhwlen_1304, oh15:40
len_1304I was thinking in the debian directory15:41
smartboyhwIt should install under lib15:41
* smartboyhw says bye15:42
len_1304good night15:42
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len_1304zequence, Two emails on the list. I think we should add the items to the blue prints.18:10
* len_1304 is off to play some music...18:10
zequencelen_1304: As I just said on the mail list, +1 on doing it the Xubuntu way18:13
zequenceI've added a new page on our website http://ubuntustudio.org/contribute/20:14
zequenceAnd, put out a new post http://ubuntustudio.org/2013/03/want-to-contribute-to-ubuntu-studio/20:14
zequenceI'll be posting on social channels and mail lists later too20:14
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zequenceshai_halud: Hey. I prepared some pages now https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/JoinTheTeam21:48
micahglen_1304: I'll hoepfully be cleaning up -settings shortly and uploading21:53
Len-nbmicahg, sounds great, I was going to wait till the meeting was over before asking :)21:53
micahgI just fixed my chroots, now I just have to update them, then import the missing settings upload into the branch, review the changes, and upload21:54
Len-nbThank you21:54
Len-nbzequence, have you tried dual monitors with your gnome3 DE?21:56
* Len-nb can never remember what the DE is properly called :(21:57
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zequenceLen-nb: Happens. Been a while now, but it usually works pretty well22:16
zequenceLen-nb: Though, this has a lot to do with drivers22:17
zequenceI'm using a 40 inch LCD TV as my monitor these days, so I don't find much use with a tiny monitor22:18
zequenceThat might have needed a smiley22:18
zequencewe've got more than 2000 likes on our fb page, 416 have us in their G+ circles. I wonder how many actual OS users22:21
zequenceShould be thousands, but is it tens, or hundreds?22:22
shai_haludzequence: I have created ample space for an install. Would you prefer that i get the daily or the dev release?22:24
shai_haludI am leaning toward testing22:25
zequenceshai_halud: the daily is a dev release22:26
shai_haludOh. Right22:26
zequenceDebian has more variants on that. Ubuntu really only has a development release22:26
shai_haludWhat is more urgent for the team right now; testing or development?22:28
zequenceshai_halud: Well, testing I suppose. We're at the end of a development cycle, and next week there will be a feature freeze, which means no more changes to the development release, unless it's a bug fix22:32
zequenceshai_halud: Also, we should try finishing any important blueprint we have for this release22:32
shai_haludSo I just need to get one of the daily's22:32
zequenceshai_halud: Check out the release schedule https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/DevelopmentReleaseSchedule22:34
zequenceMarch 7th is feature freeze22:34
zequenceMarch 28 is Final Beta Release22:35
zequenceBasically we do testing all the time22:35
zequenceOr, should22:35
zequenceBut, once the Beta is out, it really needs to be good22:35
zequence..if there even will be one. We don't know that right now, as they are talking about turning it to a rolling release22:36
zequenceProbably we'll know more in a couple of days. After UDS hopefully22:36
zequenceIf we go towards a rolling release, that means we need to figure out how we do things from there on22:37
zequenceIt would mean, no development release, and just a different way to plan ahead22:37
shai_halud I think I will get http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/dvd/current/raring-dvd-amd64.iso22:38
shai_haludand the md522:38
shai_haludAfter I have installed, I'll be back for a little orientation.22:43
zequenceshai_halud: Sounds good22:43
shai_haludSee you in a bit22:44
Len-nbshai_halud, take a look at the live session too22:49
shai_haludAt Launchpad?22:49
shai_halud you mean the disc22:50
shai_haludI'll be using usb22:50
Len-nbYa you can boot live session or just install22:51
shai_haludI'll do both22:51
Len-nbUsing either usb stick or disk22:51
zequenceLen-nb: shai_halud is installing the development release, as he's wanting to start working with us on development22:53
shai_haludzequence: I ended up finding the right repo to updgrade LMMS to 4.14, so the 2 hrs I spent compiling 4.13 was.... a leraning experience, shall we say, only.22:55
shai_haludand a learning experience too22:55
shai_halud(kxstudio repo)22:55
shai_haludSo, whilst the raring ringtail dl's, I am off to test LMMS22:56
shai_halud(taking advantage of slow connection to give me some play time :P)22:57
Len-nbzequence, The reason I was asking about gnome shell and dual monitors is to see if they have the same setup as ubuntu vanilla.22:58
Len-nbI want the one vanilla is using, but if they got it from G shell then that is where to start looking22:59
zequenceLen-nb: Don't think it's the same23:02
zequenceOr, how do you mean, the same?23:03
zequenceI don't know how that works. Ubuntu used to have the panel in both screens23:03
zequenceUnity, I mean23:03
zequenceAnd, does compiz/mutter have anything to with it?23:03
Len-nbNot that part, but the auto side by side thing23:04
shai_haludNew LMMS has Chords and Scales built into Piano roll!23:06
shai_haludhubba hubba23:07
zequenceI've posted about us looking for contributors on a bunch of places now23:07
zequenceBeen putting this off for too long really, but you never get finished with preparing for stuff.23:08
zequenceshai_halud: It's EOD for me, so catch you another time :)23:17
Len-nbzequence_, good post23:29
shai_halud dam. I think i just accidentally cleared my scrollback... is there any way to reload it?23:39

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