=== cjohnston_ is now known as cjohnston [01:05] My project has multiple parts, a client and a server. How do I create products for my project? [01:07] Or do I have to create a projectname-server project for the server? [01:07] billkd: If you want to keep them separate you'll need to create two separate projects. If you want, you can request a project group to keep them sort of together: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+faq/210 [01:07] If they're separate codebases, you'd usually have two separate projects. [01:08] I thought launchpad had projects which were collections of products(a client and server product under one project)? [01:09] Around 6 years ago those concepts were renamed to project groups and projects respectively. [01:10] Project groups don't really do much other than show an aggregated view of their projects' data. [01:13] So I can request a project group for client and server projects or should I keep them separate? [01:14] If there's only two then it's probably not really worth having a project group at this point. [01:14] If you feel later like you might want one, then we can create it. [01:42] hey i downloaded translations as tar file, but there is project-ca@valencian.po file. and i can't find valencian language code, is there any list of all language codes of ubuntu? [02:00] why amd64 packages waiting 8 hours to build? is there any specific reason or servers busy? [02:00] ozcanesen: ca@valencia is the correct language code. [02:01] ozcanesen: And yes, the servers are busy. Lots of people building stuff atm. [02:02] wgrant, thanks === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha [03:41] Hi, I need to renew my commercial subscription but am having trouble finding where to start the process [03:41] Also our project page seems to be inaccessible [03:47] rmk: https://launchpad.net/~/+vouchers [03:47] rmk: If the existing subscription has already expired you'll need to ask us to manually reenable the project. [03:48] wgrant: Looks like that's what has happened [03:48] I am going through the purchase process now [03:49] rmk: Great [03:49] Once you have the voucher, I'll reenable the project and you can apply it to fix up the subscription [03:50] great, should have it momentarily === Logan_ is now known as Guest15281 === zequence_ is now known as zequence [11:23] If I change my LP id will my uploads remain as it is? [11:23] well he lp id will change [11:23] (That is uploads with vibhavp@ubuntu.com will link to me if I change my id to vibhav) [11:24] the old ones? [11:24] yep [11:25] czajkowski: Like here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libiptcdata/1.0.4-3ubuntu1 After changing my LP id to ~vibhav, will vibhavp@ubuntu.com still link to my profile? [11:27] you seem to have two accounts [11:27] https://launchpad.net/~vibhav [11:27] https://launchpad.net/~vibhavp [11:27] why dont we just get them merged. [11:27] czajkowski: Sure! [11:27] I wanted to do that [11:27] as thats what becomes the @ubuntu address [11:27] and will take a bit to updates. [11:27] right please just file a question and I'll get it looked at ok [11:28] czajkowski: Will it become vibhav@ubuntu.com? [11:28] yes [11:28] czajkowski: And will my uploads with vibhavp@ubuntu.com still link to my profile? [11:29] I think so yes [11:29] * vibhav crosses fingers [11:35] czajkowski: Is this fine? https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/223344 [11:51] czajkowski: guess what I am going to ask you ;) [11:52] no idea [11:52] czajkowski: can we have 8GB for https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/libreoffice-4-0/+packages ? [11:52] czajkowski: I would be willing to close down https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/libreoffice-3-4/+packages if that helps ... [11:52] done [11:52] \o/ [11:52] in theory [11:52] 2 ticks [11:53] alrighty, will play it cool then ;) [11:53] am getting timeouts doing this [11:53] which doesnt happen anyone elses ppa [11:53] :/ [11:55] Sweetshark: done [11:56] czajkowski: thats normal. whatever I do wrt libreoffice (bugs queries etc.) on launchpad is graced with a high percentage of timeouts ... [11:57] :/ [11:57] czajkowski: the inofficial libreoffice motto: "based on technology breaking your toolchain since 1985" [11:58] yeah maybe want to fix that ? === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha === wedgwood_away is now known as wedgwood [15:03] czajkowski: https://launchpad.net/builders/nasl/+history is having problems, maybe it's early ubuflu or something ;) [15:06] hmmm [15:06] it's idle now [15:06] only 3 things failed will go and see [15:06] only because the build queues are empty [15:12] jbicha: it's being looked into [15:15] thank you [15:18] jbicha: should be back now [15:19] czajkowski: thanks, yes it seems to be working for me === Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha === matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch === mapreri_ is now known as mapreri === beuno is now known as beuno-lunch === beuno-lunch is now known as beuno === jbicha_ is now known as jbicha === shadeslayer is now known as evilshadeslayer === matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara === deryck is now known as deryck-afk === Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha === deryck-afk is now known as deryck === evilshadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer