=== psharmor is now known as tekoholic === cjohnston_ is now known as cjohnston === roasted_ is now known as roasted [02:00] so im trying to find a changelog for 13.04 .. :P [02:07] oh i'll only lose acroread, skype and wine.. *make it so* [02:13] snadge: you should disable -proposed updates if you want to run a development release of Ubuntu [02:19] well my brother encouraged me to take a look.. its in a fairly late stage of development [02:19] and i dont really care about the above mentioned apps.. i can either make them work again afterwards, or wait [02:20] snadge: the reason those packages are being removed if you dist-upgrade is because a package in -proposed is broken; turn off -proposed and you can avoid a lot of broken stuff [02:21] im half way through the upgrade now [02:21] i can try turning it off afterwards and reinstalling those apps maybe? [02:22] assuming you're using the command line, I'd Ctrl+C, remove -proposed then recheck for updates [02:23] using the update manager [02:23] can you try Cancel? [02:23] no cancel.. but im reluctant to do it half way through [02:24] its probably easier to just do without those apps.. or live with the broken proposed updates until they're fixed ;) [02:24] or manually downgrade the affected package i suppose.. it shouldn't take too much work to figure out which one it is [02:24] ok [02:29] a changelog for raring at large... [02:30] i could just read the changelog for each of the 1000+ packages that just updated ;) [02:31] reduced memory usage might be a bonus for my poor old netbook with 1GB of ram === andrea is now known as Guest76981 === Guest76981 is now known as andrea___ [04:56] err right.. i can't figure out why skype wont install :P [04:57] nasty :i386 dependencies === Logan_ is now known as Guest15281 === Logan__ is now known as Logan_ [07:47] which of the proposed updates breaks skype? [07:47] im having difficulty figuring out the problem [08:00] libx11-6 and libx11-xcb1 [08:02] anyone know if it's possible to restore tree view in nautilus? it's kinda unusable without it [08:09] sudo apt-get install libx11-6=2:1.5.0-1 libx11-xcb1=2:1.5.0-1 .. seems to let me install skype with proposed-updates still enabled [08:09] but removes a bunch of other stuff.. which thankfully im not using atm.. so hmm [08:18] now skype segfaults.. surprise surprise ;) [08:44] #1134030 [08:44] !bug 1134030 [08:44] bug 1134030 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-310 (Ubuntu) "Skype crash with proprietary nvidia drivers " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1134030 [08:44] bug is annoyingly titled.. also happens with fglrx [08:45] Suggest retitling then, presumably the op wasn't ware of the scope of the issue [08:52] there is bug 1131636 [08:52] bug 1131636 in qtwebkit-source (Ubuntu) "After QtWebkit update Skype is not launching" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1131636 [08:54] well spotted yofel .. the fix in bug 1134030 i've confirmed works for me [08:54] bug 1134030 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-310 (Ubuntu) "Skype crash with proprietary nvidia drivers " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1134030 [08:54] hm, then it might be qtwebkit that's crashing when not using mesa - weird [09:02] is that what the preload fix suggests? [09:03] i have subscribed to both bugs.. and posted in both my findings [09:04] it looks like to me.. that forces skype to use the 32bit mesa library [09:05] by default it appears to link to /usr/lib32/fglrx/libGL.so.1 === zequence_ is now known as zequence [09:49] hi, i'm looking for postgresql 9.2 packages for raring [09:52] unfortunately, so far i only managed to find 9.2 packages for ≤ precise [10:18] ewoerner: chances are they will work even on raring, so you could try installing them. [10:19] alankila: yeah, that was my fallback plan [10:19] but otherwise, I guess you have to wait until raring reaches release and then expect someone to make packages of 9.2 [10:23] had to install the raring 9.1 postgresql-common though, but apparently this works with 9.2 [10:26] mach ich [10:26] (sorry, wrong window) [13:40] Hi all === jack is now known as Guest78253 === Guest78253 is now known as wNz === wNz is now known as jack_^ === jack_^ is now known as wNz === jbicha_ is now known as jbicha [18:23] interesting , just checked ubiquity again on my setup and the daily still won't install , hangs at the install phase ...so the ubiquity hardware recognition problem is still isn't solved for some amd 64 users [18:23] err still isn't solved [18:24] I guess we aren't yelling loud enough to get attention :P [18:28] one has to install 12.10 then release upgrade [18:42] hello [18:42] Is there not a true "Nautilus" in 13.04? I just noticed my about page in the file manager says Files. [18:48] roasted, check the package manager [18:49] BluesKaj: good call. I do see Nauitlus listed here as 1:3.6.3-0ubuntu5 [18:49] BluesKaj: I wonder if that's installable in 12.04... [18:50] nautlilus is default in 12.04 afaik [18:57] Anyone else using Gwibber with Nvidia driver? (not sure if its the driver..) but for some reason its REALLY slow, and its like the GUI is lagging etc. [18:59] roasted, I suppose it depends on whether you run gnome or unity , i'm not real familiar with those file managers since I'm a KDE guy [19:01] vooze, I tried gwibber , but I don't see the point , i just have those social media pages bookmarked in my browser [19:02] well, I never used it before either, I just wanted to try it, but it seems buggy [19:04] vooze, well, it's 13.04 afterall and even ubiquity isn't fixed yet [19:07] Yeah I know :) Just wanted to hear if anyone body else had that issue :) [19:09] roasted, files is a user-friendly name used in gnome [19:09] dunno if many ppl here would use a "client" for social media accts [19:09] just like totem is called videos === shadeslayer is now known as evilshadeslayer [20:47] Anyone know if this is related to 13.04 or its just Empathy? https://dl.dropbox.com/u/26061302/billeder/Sk%C3%A6rmbillede%20fra%202013-03-04%2021%3A40%3A42.png It were working before. There is no button to connect to facebook, and on facebook.com all is OK. [20:50] Empathy 3.6.3 [21:20] So my pulseaudio and jack are no longer fighting and are living harmoniously... what the shizzle happened? [21:21] Yeah, 13.04 is great.. Guess it was a good idea to stick one gnome version behind, so they can make it stable [21:22] Yeah b-but... my jack and pulse applications work at the same time what the freak! [21:23] Well, the pauvctrl is confused by it though. [21:23] But this is pretty awesome. [21:34] Maccer: Not much has changed the past year with that, only that both jack and pulse have gotten bug fixes [21:35] pulse let's go of the device easier now, if jack asks for it [21:35] and jack doesn't crash when trying to stop it (jackdbus) [21:35] Nice, nice. But it seems like my pulseaudio applications now automatically use the jack sink. [21:35] It's pretty great if you ask me. [21:35] Yeah, I don't know why really [21:36] I mean, before you had to at least set jack as the output in the pulse mixer [21:39] zequence: My jack and pulse didn't communicate right with each other for some reason. It couldn't find "ReleaseAudio" and it only worked when I restarted pulseaudio, and then it would be jack only. [21:40] That HTML5 audio bug is still present though and skype doesn't work well with the sink. [21:42] Maccer: I don't know what "ReleaseAudio" is. All I know is that pulse now lets go of the card easier. There is some weird things happening through the jack sink and source, but any changes to that aren most probably not intentional from a jack/pulse point of view. [21:43] I mean, I don't think anyone has been working on anything else, to integrate jack and pulse better [21:43] the module that helps PA autoconnect to jack is probably a bit crude, and could use some work [21:43] The last addition I saw was it getting a channel config option, which I had made stereo by default [21:44] Oh that's just the dbus interface jack calls in order to get pulseaudio to cough up the audio. Pulseaudio didn't implement it in 12.10 for some reason and I think I even used some kx-studio repositories to get a newer version. [21:44] So, now, PA should always connect to jack with 2 channels no matter how many channels your audio device has [21:44] Maccer: It was present in 12.10 [21:45] The package for it is called pulseaudio-module-jack [21:45] Didn't work here for some reason. And I'm not sure what changed. [21:45] Yeah I had that installed. [21:45] It's actually a part of the pulseaudio source, but is put in its own package [21:45] Raring decided to overwrite a broken configuration I had maybe? I don't think it could have been anything from the kernel. [21:46] I think you're overanalyzing. Nothing have actually changed [21:46] Other than the fix to have pulse let go of the card easier [21:47] Some people have been having the wrong idea about how those work [21:47] And spreading misinformation [21:47] Even people who should know better [21:57] Another nice thing also happened. There's this program renoise which is basically a modern tracker. In order to decode MP3's they needed to use an opensource mp3 decoder. Playback used to be buggy and skippy on some MP3 encodings. Now fixed and thus I'm also not sure what changed. Also I just highlighted decoder unintentionally. [21:59] Year of the linux desktop? :< [22:06] again: [22:50] So ... Mir, aye? Anyone have info on how they're interfacing with the GPU? [23:09] Ah. Android drivers. [23:18] litropy: #ubuntu-mir might have some info, keep in mind the channel just opened so it might be a bit before someone answers [23:18] thx, IdleOne === evilshadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer