[01:44] * pleia2 works on summaries [01:59] gonna have to bullet-point a fair amount [01:59] I'll put out another call for summary writers this week [02:06] pleia2: let me see if I can pitch in [02:06] school has been keeping me running in circles this last two days [02:07] JoseeAntonioR: I already moved stuff to the wiki [02:07] * pleia2 adding stats now [02:07] oh, ok then [02:07] I'm sorry [02:08] no worries, more fodder for my blog post ;) "look how much we had to bullet-point!" [02:08] :) [02:11] oops, looks like we included security&updates from 2012 last issue [02:11] ah, just security, updates are ok [02:12] surprised we didn't notice that when comparing it to the week before [02:12] pleia2: when I pulled those out it was giving me mixed numbers [02:12] I was wondering why, I think we know now [02:12] :) [08:06] good morning [19:33] Unit193: wanna run your link checky magic? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue306 [19:34] Yes indeed. [19:48] pleia2: Right, so https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/lucid-changes/2013-February/013541.html is dead, need an "l" [19:48] (Terminal window got a little lost, always does...) [19:48] thanks [19:48] Sure, it's what I'm here for! [23:49] The new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue306 [23:51] Still passes.