
bkerensaphilipballew: should be a new Ubuntu Touch announcement tomorrow :D08:04
philipballewbkerensa, link to info?08:05
bkerensaphilipballew: there is no link08:05
philipballewbkerensa, I have no money for all these things they want people to buy08:06
bkerensaoh its not a buy thing08:06
philipballewI tend to spend my money on plane tickets08:06
bkerensajust to announce how they implemented one thing08:06
bkerensaI guess also that aside from the UI... Ubuntu Touch will change drastically by year end08:06
bkerensasince right now its just on android barebones08:07
bkerensaeventually they are going to transition it to a base they build from the ground up08:07
philipballewbkerensa, makes sense08:07
philipballewbkerensa, when do we need to start to get ready for oscon?08:08
bkerensaphilipballew: get ready?08:08
bkerensaits months from now and no word on Canonical yet08:08
philipballewbkerensa, make sure we have a booth and stuff.08:08
bkerensathey do not even open applications for booths until the month before the event08:08
philipballewI hope you dont have a headache like last year.08:09
philipballewgetting the booth and stuff08:09
bkerensaOh I am not doing any planning08:09
bkerensaCanonical is buying the booth and running the show this year08:09
bkerensanot the loco08:09
bkerensapeople will contribute but Canonical is taking over the booth etc08:09
philipballewIs that good or bad?08:10
* bkerensa shrugs08:10
bkerensaIts good to have a booth08:10
bkerensaless work for me... so I its win right?08:10
philipballewoh well, dont matter to me since i'll be there to help either way08:10
bkerensaI just know they asked how many volunteers we could have from our loco and I have them some numbers08:11
bkerensaThey only get three passes I think08:11
bkerensatwo are exhibitor and one for actual sessions08:11
philipballewnice to see the place I used to go to get a list of lugs in ca is running well08:14
darthrobotTitle: [HaCkEr By Dr.HaCkEr]08:14
philipballewbkerensa, you can usually get more if needed08:14
bkerensaphilipballew: if you pay yeah08:14
philipballewah, I see08:15
bkerensaBooths get one Special pass and two exhibitor passes (just good for expo floor and early setup)08:15
bkerensaevery extra pass cost regular rates08:15
bkerensaThe only reason we had more passes last year is because I had a speaker pass so I didn't need the main pass08:16
philipballewI sent in a talk so hoping that gets approved08:16
philipballewwell see08:16
philipballewalso sent in several to texas linux fest08:16
bkerensaphilipballew: oh cool let me know if you do a talk... Would love to come listen09:00
philipballewgrantbow, around?19:50

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