
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, dogs, turkeys and everything else13:11
MutantTurkeyis there an easy way to host a router through your linux desktop?19:57
MutantTurkeyI need to basically emulate a local network to access a weird device which has an assigned IP address I can't get on my work network19:57
MutantTurkeyso I was thinking of just faking it intothinking it was on a local network to configure it19:57
ChinnoDogCreate a virtual bridge and add a network adapter on the same subnet as the network device.20:02
ChinnoDogIf you can change the IP on the device though then that is the complicated way to do it. Just give your workstation a static IP on the same subnet, update the device, and then change your workstation settings back20:02
MutantTurkeycan I keep it off the network?20:06
ChinnoDogYes. Plug your network device directly into your workstation. Traditionally you needed a crossover cable for this but most network devices now have auto-polarity so a patch cable is probably sufficient.20:14
JonathanDyou can also add a route to access wrong-subnet devices on your local network.20:16
JonathanDusing your ip as the gateway.20:16
ChinnoDogCan you? I don't know how to set up advanced routing in Linux. How does the kernel know to forward packets to the other subnet when the route sends them back to your adapter?20:17
ChinnoDogAnd how does it do that without an adapter on that subnet?20:19
MutantTurkeybasically at this point i have it plugged in th20:19
MutantTurkeythat's it20:19
MutantTurkeyChinnoDog: I thought you were a networking expert!20:20
ChinnoDogI am MutantTurkey but I haven't set up a full fledged Linux router before. Hence the questions.20:21
ChinnoDogPlug the thing into your workstation already.20:22
MutantTurkeyon the thing there are two of the network LED's on, green is solid, gthe porange blinking slowly20:25
MutantTurkeyso it's connecte20:25
JonathanDChinnoDog: you have to be on a flat network, but as long as you are the ip doesn't matter.20:27
MutantTurkeyChinnoDog: it's plugged in, but nothing comes up automatically of course20:27
JonathanDChinnoDog: I've done this tons of times while working with SAN hardware and such.20:27
JonathanDyou just do a route add, and delete it when you're done.20:28
MutantTurkeyadd a route to where?20:28
ChinnoDogThat is interesting JonathanD. I'll have to research that more.20:28
JonathanDMutantTurkey: I usually do it directly to the piece of equipment I want to talk to.20:28
ChinnoDogMutantTurkey: that only works if you want to add your device to the network which you already said you don't. You want to access it off-network which you can do now if you know the IP.20:29
JonathanDon the "know the ip" side, I've had reasonable success firing up wireshark while connected direclty and bouncing hte whatever-it-is20:29
MutantTurkeywireshark isn't giving me any output20:36
JonathanDMutantTurkey: if you get nothing at all, it might be listening in the wrong place or something.20:37
MutantTurkeydmesg gives me e1000e: eth0 NIC Link is UP 100Mbps Full Duplex. Flow Conrol None.20:37
JonathanDWhats your client machine.20:37
MutantTurkeymy lappy20:37
JonathanDWhat OS?20:37
MutantTurkeyubuntu somethin20:37
JonathanDI'd expect at least to see your ubuntu talking a little.20:38
MutantTurkeyi'll retry as root20:38
MutantTurkeyit tries to do a dhcp discover20:39
JonathanDYou're seeing your traffic then, at least.20:40
JonathanDSo now you probably want to bounce the other device and see if it talks.20:40
MutantTurkeywhat does bounce the other device mean?20:40
JonathanDturn it on and off20:45
JonathanDor unplug the net cable and plug it back in, you can try that too.20:45
JonathanDI suppose you could just scan for IPs if you're sure you're in the right subnet.20:45
MutantTurkeyokay so it's trying to dhcp to my laptop21:05
MutantTurkeymy laptop needs to return something giving it an ip address I assume21:05
MutantTurkeywhat daemon does that though?21:05
MutantTurkeyhmmm so it looks like it has a source on netcat21:11
MutantTurkeybut how do I connect to that?21:11
ChinnoDogUse $client to connect to the $device.21:30
ChinnoDogYou still haven't told us what the device is.21:30
ChinnoDogNetworked bacon cooking machine?21:31
* ChinnoDog telnets to, issues order to cook two slices of bacon extra crispy21:31

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