
SergioMenesesEduardoR, virusuy_ \o00:33
SergioMenesesvirusuy__, ping02:33
SergioMenesestiagoscd, \o02:33
virusuy__SergioMeneses: pong02:34
SergioMenesesvirusuy__, al fin!!!02:34
SergioMenesespero ya es re-noche02:34
virusuy__Semana complicada02:34
SergioMenesesel otro fds miramos lo de charms02:34
virusuy__quedara para la proxima02:34
SergioMenesesvirusuy__, como todos02:34
SergioMenesesando de muerte y esta semana se viene la uds :S02:35
virusuy__es verdad02:35
virusuy__es toda la semana, verdad?02:35
SergioMenesesvirusuy__, si02:43
SergioMenesesmartes y miercoles02:44
tiagoscdSergioMeneses: o/02:45
SergioMenesestiagoscd, zup02:46
tiagoscdSergioMeneses: drinking a shot of tequila right now :D02:47
SergioMenesestiagoscd, nice plan02:48
tiagoscdI sent a photo on facebook yesterday http://sphotos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/417617_10151456214348184_186471964_n.jpg02:49
tiagoscdsure :)02:49
SergioMenesestiagoscd, aaaa pretty awesome!03:08
SergioMenesestiagoscd, did you attend the last uds?03:09
tiagoscdsure, heheh03:09
SergioMenesestiagoscd, do you have pictures?03:10
tiagoscdyes, I've some photos on my facebook03:10
tiagoscdand have a lot of photos on my facebook03:11
tiagoscdand you, have some photos? :)03:11
SergioMenesesaaaa tiagoscd I didt know your irc nickname03:14
SergioMenesestiagoscd, I met the guy next to David03:14
tiagoscdayrton? hehe03:15
SergioMenesestiagoscd, and you know ursula03:15
tiagoscdI met Úrsula before UDS, in a conference on Brazil03:16
SergioMenesesbtw, she wrote to me about an internal problem with ubuntu-br team but she didnt send me the information that I was asking for03:17
tiagoscdSergioMeneses: yeah, I'm leaving the ubuntu-br03:28

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