
=== murthy_ is now known as murthy
=== murthy is now known as murthy_
highvoltage /join #kubuntu-devel06:04
=== murthy_ is now known as murthy
=== mhall119 is now known as mhall119|afk
=== murthy is now known as murthy_
njinhallo, there's a dev chan for edubuntu ?20:00
stgrabernope, we use this one20:01
njinok, thanks stgraber, I suggest to Giovanni Tornatore this channel, so he can ask here for betters explanations of the bug he encounter testing Edubuntu.20:03
stgraberweljor: hey20:34
weljorI have installed Edubuntu amd64 on virtualbox. The backports is enabled! is correct20:36
stgraberbackports have been enabled by default on all Ubuntu flavours for the past 2-3 releases. The source is enabled but the system won't install backported packages unless you specifically ask for it (by specifying the version you want)20:37
weljorstgraber: thanks!20:42
weljorstgraber: another question>  On the session gnome-fallback with automatic log in, is appeared the bar of launched of unity. With log out this bar has disappeared! this is a bug?20:49
weljorstgraber: another question>  On the session gnome-fallback with automatic log in, is appeared the bar of launched of unity. With log out this bar has disappeared! this is a bug?20:50
highvoltageweljor: you get a unity panel on the gnome session?20:52
highvoltage(it does sound like a bug)20:53
weljorhighvoltage: appeared the bar of the unity with the down bar!20:55
weljorhighvoltage: with log out and log in this bug is not found!20:56
weljorhighvoltage: if it persists, I report this bug  of gnome-session-fallback!21:00
highvoltageweljor: ok, I'll check it out after a sync too21:05
highvoltageweljor: and btw welcome to edubuntu :)21:06
weljorhighvoltage: thanks!21:08
weljorhighvoltage: good evening :)21:11
=== mhall119|afk is now known as mhall119

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