
shadeslayerI have hybrid graphics01:28
shadeslayerthis is awesome01:28
shadeslayerexcept I do not know how to switch to igd01:28
shadeslayeror well01:30
shadeslayerthe GPU hangs when switching01:30
shadeslayerbtw anyone have recommendations on checking how good this radeon driver is in terms of 3D stuff02:04
=== murthy_ is now known as murthy
murthyhello everyone03:00
murthyapachelogger: are you there?03:01
murthyapachelogger: merge this https://code.launchpad.net/~murthy/tomahawk/tomahawk-ubuntu03:10
=== murthy is now known as murthy_
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=== Mamarok is now known as Guest70441
highvoltageScottK: I wish I had your levels of optimism06:05
=== Guest70441 is now known as Mamarok
=== valorie_ is now known as valorie
esingWhat is the google search syntax for krunner in kubuntu? 10:04
Riddellesing: I think you have to turn that on10:07
Riddellgg:foo works10:09
jussibah, seems #kde is dead :(10:10
esingRiddell, Do you use firefox and have the module web shortcuts checked in krunners options?10:10
Riddellno I use rekonq, yes I have the module web shortcuts ticked in krunners options10:10
tsimpsonggk::<term>, you can see a list from the ? icon in krunner10:11
tsimpsonerm, only one :, not two10:11
yofelnow even I'm confused, why ggk not gg?10:12
yofel(ggk works)10:12
tsimpsonI don't know... the same reason it's ggg for google groups and ggn for google news10:13
Riddellggk is google kubuntu10:14
Riddellincase you want google's money to go to canonical10:14
RiddellI think that can be removed10:14
esingThe ? icon lists me gg:q , yet it`s not opening google10:15
tsimpsongg:q does nothing for me10:15
jussianyone know how to "reset" kwallet? 10:17
jussiits completely borked for me :/10:17
valoriemaybe there are relevant files in ~/.kde ?10:19
tsimpsonopen the manager and delete the wallet, I'd guess10:19
valoriehaven't tried that with wallet though10:19
jussitsimpson: tried that, worked in the poast, no dice anymore10:20
jussiI have a nice persistent password dialog...10:20
tsimpsonI suppose if all else fails, (re)move ~/.kde/share/config/kwalletrc and ~/.kde/share/apps/kwallet/wallet.kwl10:22
tsimpsonthough it's probably best to do that while KDE isn't running10:22
yofelwgrant: btw. is there any useful information I could provide for debugging build failures without buildlog? like https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ninjas/+archive/ppa/+build/434453010:24
wgrantyofel: That depwaited10:26
wgrant(several times)10:26
wgrantNot sure why it says failed10:26
Mamarokfolks, you might check your lines in http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.10, it says "add-apt-repository", that should be "apt-add-repository", no?10:36
RiddellMamarok: mm yes10:37
tsimpsonlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 Oct  2 20:14 /usr/bin/apt-add-repository -> add-apt-repository10:37
Mamarokand then I am astonished if people tell me that the backports don't work :)10:37
Riddelltsimpson: interesting!10:38
RiddellMamarok: well "fixed" anyway10:38
Mamarokone user tells me it also works with add-apt-repository, though10:39
Mamaroktsimpson: thanks :)10:39
Riddellyes, it's the same thing as tsimpson says10:39
esingRiddell, It works now for me too. I had to install konqueror and then activate gg: ggi: etc in konqueror's options "web shortcuts"; if you set firefox for your default webbrowser it will then also work for firefx11:05
Riddellesing: yeah it won't work if those are deselected.  curious that they should be though11:17
Riddellug this compile fail on linking to pthreads is a pain11:17
RiddellI think I'll give up on qtwebkit on powerpc11:32
RiddellScottK: can you remember how to bypass the -proposed checks?11:33
Riddellah it's that pesky qscintilla upload in proposed which is failing compiles11:44
yofelthose are raring-only though, as in quantal everything built fine11:46
yofelwell, kdenetwork i386 is still building11:47
yofelI'll do the precise upload later11:47
Riddellmurthy_: fancy fixing some of the lintian issues in http://yofel.dyndns.org/kubuntu/build_status_4.10.1_raring.html ?11:47
=== amichair_ is now known as amichair
yofelRiddell: can it be that your default dput target is still ubuntu? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring/+source/kstars/4:4.10.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu13.04~ppa212:13
Riddellqscintilla symbols are voodoo12:18
Riddellpkgkde-symbolshelper does not seem to like them12:18
shadeslayerRiddell: is there a generic armhf image for plasma-active?12:48
shadeslayerI remember you posting a link12:48
shadeslayerthis? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-active/daily-preinstalled/current/12:48
shadeslayerthat doesn't have the standard armhf zip :(12:49
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
BluesKajHowdy all12:56
smartboyhwHiyas. Not going to be doing any packagimg for today + next two days, need to revise for tests.13:08
yofelsmartboyhw: one thing about calligra yesterday: 13:22
yofelIf you upload to the backports PPA, please either make yourself a staging PPA where you build it and copy the binaries over, or upload with urgency >= medium so there isn't much of a delay between architecture builds.13:22
yofelApt isn't very intelligent when it sees archive skew.13:22
smartboyhwyofel: OK...13:22
* yofel make a note to write a policy for that somewhere13:22
smartboyhwyofel: Are you running for KC?13:22
yofelI intend to, but need to fill out the wiki etc. first13:24
smartboyhwyofel :-(13:25
smartboyhwKubotu doesn't work!!!!!!13:26
smartboyhwyofel ignore the sad face. I am having an happy face13:27
smartboyhwTyping mistakes..............13:29
* smartboyhw wonders will anyone write him testimonials...13:29
* shadeslayer has a excuse not to write testimonials for the next couple of days13:31
* smartboyhw asks shadeslayer why...13:32
shadeslayeror to not write anything at all13:32
shadeslayersmartboyhw: need get my spects made :P13:32
smartboyhwshadeslayer: grrrrrrr13:33
shadeslayerall text is quite blurry at the moment13:33
smartboyhwRiddell, yofel: how about you guys?13:33
* yofel wonders why smartboyhw needs testimonials, he has plenty. Yofel has 013:34
smartboyhwyofel: That's for main Ubuntu membership...... I don't actually have any Kubuntu member testimonials ....13:35
shadeslayerwe rarely do testimonials13:36
shadeslayerI had just one from ikonia when I applied13:37
smartboyhwshadeslayer: New world then:-P (for me)13:37
=== jono is now known as Guest21624
=== murthy_ is now known as murthy
murthyhello everyone13:48
smartboyhwHello murthy13:48
murthysmartboyhw: hi13:48
lordievaderGood afternoon13:49
murthyRiddell: the packages which are marked orange in here ? http://yofel.dyndns.org/kubuntu/build_status_4.10.1_raring.html 13:50
smartboyhwmurthy: lintian warnings13:50
murthyRiddell: i guess the red ones?13:50
murthysmartboyhw: ya, but which package?13:51
smartboyhwGood my smartphone keyboard went haywire13:51
yofelmurthy: yeah, ask if you don't know what you need to do (btw. google usually gives the right docs when you search for the tag)13:51
smartboyhwmurthy: Look at the list!!!!!!!!13:51
murthyyofel: sure13:51
yofelthere's probably some more warnings that should be whitelisted too13:51
yofelmurthy: start with the ones that start with E:13:51
murthysmartboyhw: all the packages listed there?13:51
yofelthose are errors. And you only need to look at the warnings in bold13:52
smartboyhwmurthy: The orange ones first13:52
murthyyofel: i will take care of the lintian warning and i am eager13:52
murthysmartboyhw: give the color legend13:52
Riddellmurthy: the yellow ones13:53
yofelthere is no legend. RED: bad, ORANGE: not so bad, but still bad, GREEN: ok13:53
murthysmartboyhw: red=? orange=? green=?13:53
murthyyofel: ok13:53
Riddells/yellow/orange/ then :)13:53
kubotuRiddell meant: "murthy: the orange ones"13:53
smartboyhwyofel: Clearly even the new qscintilla2-9ubuntu1 in the ninjas PPA doesn't build.....13:53
murthyRiddell: ok13:54
* yofel hasn't look at that monstrousity13:54
smartboyhwRiddell: Have you voted for a time of KC meeting?13:54
Riddellsmartboyhw: the symbols files in that don't work, pkgkde-symbols helper doesn't seem to be enough magic for it13:54
Riddellsmartboyhw: no, poke me again and I'll do it13:54
yofelactually, RED == something is actually *broken*, orange means there's stuff to fix, but the package would still work13:54
murthywhere can i get the source tars?13:55
yofelmurthy: 2 ways13:55
yofeleither pull-ninjas-source from kubuntu-dev-tools13:55
smartboyhwRiddell, I kn13:55
yofelyou add the deb-src line for the PPA to your sources, then bzr builddeb can fetch the tar by itself13:56
smartboyhws/kn/now officially poke you:-P/13:56
kubotusmartboyhw meant: "Riddell, I now officially poke you:-P"13:56
yofelbzr-buildpackage-ppa from the kubuntu-automation branch is useful too here13:56
smartboyhwIt's UDS starting time...........13:57
* Riddell joins #ubuntu-uds-plenary13:57
murthyyofel: every orange marked package is a i386 build, do they have something in common?13:58
yofelmurthy: lintian doesn't run on amd64, that's all13:58
murthyyofel: what?13:59
murthyyofel: mine is amd64 install13:59
yofelthe lintian warning generation is part of the architecture-independent build part, which is only run on the i386 builders13:59
yofelno point in generating the warnings twice13:59
* yofel makes his way home, will join for the sessions later14:00
murthyyofel: see you later 14:01
RiddellUDS plenary live14:02
smartboyhwRiddell, hmm I clearly can't close the doodle poll....14:03
Riddellsmartboyhw: cos of no good slot?14:03
smartboyhwRiddell: got my message?14:04
Riddellsmartboyhw: mm no?14:05
Riddellwhere is that?14:05
smartboyhwRiddell I can't close the Doodle poll even 4 KC members have voted....14:06
* smartboyhw makes ping of jussi and Darkwing14:06
Riddellsmartboyhw: the kubuntu council is deliberatly large in the expectation that not everyone will be able to take part all the time14:07
Riddellsmartboyhw: so it's fine to declaire it done even if not all KC people can be part of it14:07
murthyRiddell: are you aware of the new pbuilder hook B09lintian14:07
Riddellmurthy: no, do tell14:07
RiddellI don't use pbuilder much14:08
smartboyhwRiddell no the trouble is that there would be not enough quorum for voting me as member....14:08
smartboyhw .......14:08
murthyRiddell:  the lintian check after building the source shows warnings that are not shown by lintian during debuild -S14:08
murthyRiddell:  example http://paste.ubuntu.com/5557229/14:09
Riddellsmartboyhw: hmm yes, keep pinging Darkwing and jussi then I guess, or add more times14:09
Mamaroksmartboyhw: you seem to be a tad impatient, you only set up that doodle yesterday...14:10
murthyRiddell: so do you want me to look at the warnings during the debuild -S or the one that the new hook shows14:10
Riddellmurthy: that's the same warning but with a description isn't it?14:10
murthyRiddell: no14:10
Mamaroksmartboyhw: maybe avoid doing this on such a short notice?14:10
smartboyhwMamarok: I am not.... I just want to settle a precise date14:10
murthyRiddell: those warnings wont show up during the debuils -S14:11
murthyRiddell: those warnings wont show up during the debuild -S14:11
RiddellMamarok: be fair, it's the same notice as canonical gave us of wanting to drop the release :)14:11
Mamarokwell, one day and sending 3 reminders since definitely IS impatient :)14:11
murthyRiddell: ya, the logs shows the description of the errors14:11
Riddellmurthy: the ones in the logs would be the first ones to go for14:12
murthyRiddell: i just did a debuild -S for kactivities and from the log i can't see any erros except for the outdated standards. If you can confirm that, i will get an idea of this and i will follow it for the rest14:13
murthyRiddell: http://paste.kde.org/688208/14:13
Riddellmurthy: oh a debuild -S won't give you issues with the binary packages14:15
Riddellonly a full binary build will do that14:15
murthyRiddell: in that case , i will see the warnings given after invoked by the new hook . 14:15
Riddellmurthy: yep, or just look at the logs on http://yofel.dyndns.org/kubuntu/build_status_4.10.1_quantal.html14:16
murthyRiddell: so i do a correction where should i put the change14:16
Riddellmany can be ignored, see lintian-ignore.json in kubuntu-automation14:16
Riddellin kactivities the only one you need to care about is intra-source-package-circular-dependency libkactivities-bin libkactivities-models1 libkactivities614:16
murthyRiddell: ah thank you, i forgot about the build logs14:16
MamarokRiddell: "to be fair, it's the same notice as canonical gave us of wanting to drop the release :)" <- what exactly are you refering to?14:18
RiddellMamarok: where have you been since Thursday, canonical wants to drop non-LTS releases14:18
Mamarokah, that14:19
Mamarokdid they actually send that to kubuntu-devel? Or did they just make a press release14:19
RiddellMamarok: discussion is on ubuntu-devel14:19
Riddellno decision yet (officially)14:19
Mamarokcause I remember having read it on G+14:19
Riddelllwn has a story14:20
Mamarokoh well, I am not in ubuntu-devel, for obvious reasons14:20
RiddellI don't usually follow it much14:20
Riddellhmm everything compiled in http://yofel.dyndns.org/kubuntu/build_status_4.10.1_quantal.html but only because I uploaded a qscintilla which compiles against amd64 (but not i386)14:24
RiddellScottK: I see you dropped the symbols file there before, should we do the same again?14:25
Riddellsmartboyhw: if you're at a lose end lots of lintian issues on http://yofel.dyndns.org/kubuntu/build_status_4.10.1_quantal.html :)14:25
murthyRiddell: where can i put the change>14:26
RiddellUDS> canonical wants an SDK for ubuntu using QML, something I can support i think14:27
smartboyhwRiddell on mobile and not on computer for 3 days14:27
Riddellmurthy: commit to bzr?14:27
murthyRiddell: in my custom branch and request a merge?14:27
Riddellsmartboyhw: ach with fancy mobiles these days you can still do development :)14:27
Riddellmurthy: just commit, do you have access to ~kubuntu-packagers?14:27
smartboyhwRiddell mine isn't14:28
smartboyhwIs murthy Kubuntu member?14:28
murthyRiddell: don't know, checking my profile14:28
murthysmartboyhw: https://launchpad.net/~murthy14:29
Riddellsmartboyhw: no he's not14:29
Riddellbut I don't think there's any policy against just adding people to ~kubuntu-packagers14:30
RiddellScottK: correct me if I'm wrong there ^14:30
murthyRiddell: I am not sure it will be a good idea to add me to it now14:30
smartboyhwRiddell if then add me too... Any objections?14:30
Riddellsmartboyhw: I have none14:31
Riddellbut I could be forgetting some policy we have on that group14:31
Riddellyofel, apachelogger, shadeslayer: any memory of that?14:32
smartboyhwRiddell: trust?14:32
smartboyhwThat's what they've been saying + in team descriptio.14:33
kubotusmartboyhw meant: "That's what they've been saying + in team description."14:33
soeehi guys, only 3 packages left to buld and 4.10.1 is ready ?14:34
shadeslayerRiddell: not that I recall14:34
Riddellsmartboyhw, murthy: so poke me into merging packaging changes and I'll get fed up and add you14:34
Riddellsoee: for raring? aren't they all done?14:34
murthyha ha ha14:34
soeeRiddell, looking at http://yofel.dyndns.org/kubuntu/build_status_4.10.1_raring.html 14:34
Riddellah yes still to do the ones for qscintilla14:35
Riddellsoee: but should be good to test now if you're up to it14:37
soeeim on 12.10 here at work, i can test when i get home ~ 21:00 cet14:38
soeethere i have 13.0414:38
apacheloggerRiddell: trust14:40
apacheloggeri.e. ~kubuntu-member14:40
* smartboyhw is correct14:41
apacheloggerRiddell: what with membership being the established way of confirming trust14:41
murthyapachelogger: did you merge tomahawk from my branch lp:~murthy/tomahawk/tomahawk-ubuntu  ?14:48
Riddellyofel: 4.10.1 is on mirrors, what's needed before we upload to raring? just more testing?14:53
Riddell!testers | 4.10.1 from ninjas14:53
ubottu4.10.1 from ninjas: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, smartboyhw, Quintasan, lordievader for information.14:53
* smartboyhw can't test14:54
yofelthat should be all14:54
Riddellyofel: and qscintilla14:54
RiddellScottK: how much would you kill me if I uploaded a qscintilla without a .symbols file?14:55
yofelah right14:55
* Riddell joins appdev-1303-ubuntu-sdk-roadmap interested in what toolkit they want to use14:57
Riddellsince QML doesn't have any/has loads depending on which way you look14:57
* smartboyhw joins community-testing14:58
smartboyhwKDE SC 4.10.1 is our.15:13
kubotusmartboyhw meant: "KDE SC 4.10.1 is out."15:13
RiddellI'm running the archive upload script15:15
Riddellbut it keeps breaking due to launchpad fail :(15:17
yofelyeah, I had to add a shitload of exception handling to the status script so you can actually see something -.-15:28
yofeleven the backports needed manual fixing because pull-ppa-source can't handle launchpad errors15:28
smartboyhwStupid Launchpad15:29
Riddellqtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin is interesting15:30
Riddellcos the world needs yet another QML toolkit :)15:31
shadeslayerQuintasan: I'm flashing the tablet with ubuntu touch, will report tomorrow how well it works with PA15:38
Quintasan>better than Wayland15:41
Quintasanoh lol15:41
QuintasanCanonical pls15:41
murthyin terms of cross form factor ?15:42
Quintasanmurthy: This will NOT work15:43
murthyQuintasan: why not?15:43
QuintasanPlease tell me Unity is a success.15:44
shadeslayerI just hope that either kwin grows a backend for Mir or wayland stuff just works15:44
shadeslayeron touch devices15:44
murthyQuintasan: yes it is15:44
mgraesslinshadeslayer: KWin will never get a backend for Mir if it is Ubuntu only15:44
Quintasanmurthy: lol, there are as many people bashing it as using that15:44
shadeslayeroh look, a mgraesslin15:44
Quintasanthat's not success15:44
* mgraesslin doesn't accept distro specific patches15:44
shadeslayermgraesslin: plz make Wayland rock15:44
DarkwingI was pinged.15:44
smartboyhwDarkwing yay15:45
Quintasanmgraesslin: Good, I don't want you to waste time on something that will be used by one distro15:45
murthyQuintasan: people don't like drastic changes15:45
mgraesslinshadeslayer: to be honest: I don't see any future for KWin on ubuntu15:45
shadeslayermgraesslin: but wayland!15:45
mgraesslinI do not expect that Wayland will run on Ubuntu15:45
Quintasanmurthy: Nor do I like people developing something that will be a waste of time15:45
smartboyhwLook at the last item on the topic and vote;-)15:45
shadeslayermgraesslin: I'm reasonably certain that we can figure it out when the time comes to switch15:45
mgraesslinI expect Canonical to make it impossible to run anything except their home brew solution on top of their stack15:45
shadeslayerthat would suck15:46
mgraesslinpersonally I don't see any other reason to go with Mir in the first place15:46
QuintasanI vote we abandon Mir and Upstart at one point15:46
mgraesslinfor KDE it would be easier to just say - we don't support Ubuntu and concentrate on "the Linux stack" which is Systemd + Wayland15:46
mgraesslinit could make much things easier15:46
murthyQuintasan: I like to see people using common stuff, but ubuntu don't like the idea of not accepting their ideas upstream 15:46
shadeslayermgraesslin: that's pretty harsh imho15:47
mgraesslinI'm sick of having always to have problems with Ubuntu15:47
QuintasanThat's harsh but what the hell15:47
mgraesslinsince yesterday we know it well get worse15:47
mgraesslindon't even want to think about the problems it will cause with Qt having an additional backend shipped15:48
QuintasanWhy should we introduce YET ANOTHER DISPLAY SERVER when there is a new one it the works and the trasition will take much time15:48
mgraesslinall crash reports from Ubuntu wwe will be able to direct to /dev/null15:48
QuintasanSame shit (excuse poort wording) with Upstart15:48
QuintasanSystemd is superior to upstart in every way I can think of and yet we are forced to work with upstart15:48
DarkwingOh goody, I'm not the only one who was stunned by Mir15:48
mgraesslinQuintasan: one difference, Upstart was before Systemd, otherwise I agree15:48
shadeslayerwell, I just hope we can figure out something15:49
DarkwingLemme guess, they are going to abandon pulse-audio for a new Canonical system15:49
QuintasanDarkwing: Canonical can't pull it off15:49
shadeslayerDarkwing: actually, they're using a AudioTrack backend for PA15:49
QuintasanThey just can't15:49
DarkwingThis is insane...15:49
* mgraesslin thinks they lack expertise to develop a windowing system15:49
DarkwingWhat are we doing for "UDS" anything with mumble?15:49
shadeslayerthere was a ascii diagram somewhere in the backlog15:50
QuintasanIf they have the power to make nvidia and ati make a driver for that crap then they could as well as persuade them to provide better support XD15:50
shadeslayerQuintasan: that's my main concern15:50
* mgraesslin doubts NVIDIA or AMD give a sh*** about mir15:50
QuintasanWaste of time and money15:50
shadeslayerwhat about all the work that nVidia and AMD put into X and wayland15:50
QuintasanThey don't give much crap about Linux overall so.15:51
shadeslayermgraesslin: I was told Mir uses mesa15:51
shadeslayersame as wayland15:51
DarkwingIf we are going to change from X then, why not wayland?15:51
shadeslayerwhat does that mean in terms of drivers?15:51
QuintasanI somehow get the idea that Ubuntu is a sinking ship15:51
shadeslayerso same situation as of right now?15:51
RiddellDarkwing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MirSpec#Why_Not_Wayland_.2BAC8_Weston.3F15:52
mgraesslinshadeslayer: yes, but the difference is Wayland - complete ecosystem modulo Ubuntu and mir == Ubuntu15:52
Darkwingmesa? With Valve and Steam coming so hard toward Ubuntu they wouldn't want true acceleration???15:52
RiddellDarkwing: (I don't understand it)15:52
mgraesslinfyi: the wiki page on Why not Wayland is mostly FUD15:52
* Darkwing scratches his head15:52
murthyQuintasan: on the contrary i guess ubuntu is teaming with corporate giants and with their requirements in mind they are doing stuff and so they will succeed15:52
mgraesslinor they don't understand Wayland15:53
Riddellmgraesslin: it does read a lot like wall of text not saying much15:53
shadeslayerthen it makes sense for us to switch to wayland once the stack is mature enough15:53
mgraesslinRiddell: yesterday it contained clearly wrong statements15:53
shadeslayerand drop X altoghether15:53
Quintasanmurthy: You won't convince me they have even 0,5% chance of success until I see that success15:53
mgraesslinshadeslayer: no, don't drop X, don't even think about it15:53
shadeslayerwait what15:53
Quintasanand other people actually saying "Hey, Mir is actually good"15:53
* mgraesslin has not heard anyone competent in that area saying that mer is good15:54
DarkwingYet another place where canonical just annouces something.15:54
mgraesslinwhy 9 month of inhouse development and not talking to the Wayland devs?15:54
murthyQuintasan: i see the practical results, ubuntu is getting popular and its the most popular desktop linux 15:54
DarkwingOr, the community devs at all15:54
mgraesslinif there were design issues they could have been solved before the Wayland 1.0 release15:54
DarkwingDRM Canonical style.15:55
murthyQuintasan: also it has the support of the corporates 15:55
DarkwingI'm going to make a parody of Gangum Style called Canonical Style15:55
Quintasanmurthy: Uhh, so?15:55
smartboyhwWho's Michel Zajac?15:55
QuintasanThat's me15:55
smartboyhwDarkwing: LOL15:56
* smartboyhw is still missing Darkwing's vote.15:56
DarkwingVote for?15:56
QuintasanDarkwing: Council meeting15:56
smartboyhwDarkwing, next KC meeting15:56
JontheEchidna"Heeeeeey X replacement! Op Op Op, Oppa Canonical Style"15:56
Quintasanwhy did I vote for that15:56
Darkwingwhere is the poll?15:57
smartboyhwQuintasan it is OK15:57
smartboyhwIt helps15:57
Quintasanmgraesslin: So, long story short -> KDE is not going to bother with this Mir magic?15:57
murthyQuintasan: soon popular titles of games=more popularity, support from corporates= more income, hardware  support etc and its all ways to success15:57
Quintasan>more income15:57
Riddellhmm, I'm not sure community-1303-rolling-release can be covered in a 45 minute session15:57
QuintasanI SURE can see the income.15:58
smartboyhwRiddell what channel?15:58
mgraesslinpersonal opinion: get together with the other Ubuntu derivates and discuss whether it makes sense to be on top of Ubuntu or whether it's time to get on top of Debian15:58
Quintasanonline UDS15:58
smartboyhwIRC dih15:58
mgraesslinQuintasan: I am not going to accept any Mir specific patches as long as it's an Ubuntu only project15:58
kubotusmartboyhw meant: "IRC duh"15:58
QuintasanI see.15:59
mgraesslinQuintasan: whether it becomes on option if someone else adapts it. we'll have to see15:59
mgraesslinbut I do not see any advantage over Wayland and therefore it's not of any interest to me15:59
mgraesslinexcept that it causes us more work and more issues15:59
QuintasanI so can't see anyone depending on this.15:59
skellatmgraesslin: Just because I titled it "Consider General Contingencies for Xubuntu" doesn't mean that that discussion cannot happen tomorrow.  I kept the title vague enough to ensure such discussions could start even in the UDS context :-)15:59
mgraesslinskellat: why are you pinging me?16:00
QuintasanLooks like you are going to hold that online16:00
skellatSorry about butting in.  As to the personal opinion, there will be a time for discussing contingencies including re-basing tomorrow at the vUDS.16:01
DarkwingRiddell: You think we need to do something with UDS or, are we going to have a reactive UDS to figure out what we are going to do with all of the Ubuntu changes?16:01
mgraesslinthat was just my personal opinion as an upstream dev - I'm not a Kubuntu user nor will I tell them what to do16:01
smartboyhwRiddell: I'm closing ballot and choosing Sunday 15:00 UTC16:02
* skellat wanders back to the rolling release livestream16:02
Riddellsmartboyhw: ok, alas I'll be away canoeing then16:02
Riddellskellat: where's that?16:02
mgraesslinbut the combination of UDS only online and now Mir clearly shows where Canonical wants to see the community distributions16:02
skellatOddly enough, System76 is involved in this16:03
Riddellskellat: oh it moved, thanks for pointing that out16:04
Quintasannow this looks hillarious :D16:04
DarkwingYup. This answers a lot of questions.16:05
RiddellDarkwing: not getting the feeling anyone wants to do UDS for kubuntu16:08
Riddella meeting some point soon would be good16:08
QuintasanI mean the main point of UDS was we could discuss and adress some points directly instead of trying to coordinate via internet16:09
QuintasanNow I don't really see how you can't say we are not holding a mini UDS here everyday :P16:10
yofelQuintasan: sure we are in the current style16:10
yofelwe might as well leave a mumble session running permanently just for fun and hanging out.16:11
yofelhas the downside of people missing context16:11
Darkwingyofel: I love that idea...16:12
DarkwingWe could hold voice meetings and have a general chat session16:12
DarkwingIs mumble running?16:12
yofelsure, we just need to make sure the voice recordings don't get forgotten16:12
yofelthe server on yofel-vz.dyndns.org should still be on. I'm listening to the session though16:13
Darkwingso am I16:13
yofelyeah, still on. I don't really need that server right now so I'll just leave it as it is16:13
smartboyhwI can't get to it yofel...16:14
yofelsmartboyhw: to what?16:15
Quintasanwhat is the mumble server port?16:16
smartboyhwPlamsmate 1.0 officially released.16:16
yofelwhatever's the default16:16
smartboyhwyofel your server...16:16
yofelkubotu: newversion plasmate 1.016:16
smartboyhwAlso rc for qtwebkit16:17
QuintasanI'm not sure how to feel about this16:18
QuintasanThe best course of action would be to watch and see how it turns out.16:19
RiddellUDS> rick says institutions are wrong to use the LTS (!)16:19
Riddelluse case for LTS for a couple more years16:19
Riddelloh gosh16:19
DarkwingThis is crazy16:20
DarkwingThe mothership is going crazy16:20
RiddellI have no idea how to join this conversation, it's just canonical talking to system76 so far16:20
starbuckwhat happened?16:21
yofelthey obviously do read the channel - sometimes16:21
mgraesslinif institutions are wrong to use LTS, then RedHat will be happy16:21
Quintasanstarbuck: Well, Mir, and rolling release16:21
Quintasanstarbuck: and now Rick said LTS has no use cases16:21
starbuckyeah, so Qt now?16:21
DarkwingTHey are ignoring the IRC channel for the most part...16:21
starbuckcan KDE reuse this?16:21
DarkwingThis is what I was worried about.16:21
starbuckthe MIR?16:21
yofelyeah :/16:21
starbuckor still Wayland16:22
yofelstarbuck: not without mgraesslin16:22
mgraesslinstarbuck: no, we don't want ;-)16:22
apacheloggerbecause of technical merits I reckon16:22
starbuckwhy MIR then for Ubuntu?16:22
apacheloggerlike Mir vs. Wayland is using technical merits16:22
yofelstarbuck: "supposed" to be better for touch stuff16:22
yofelbetter than wayland that is16:22
Quintasan>technical merits16:23
Quintasanapachelogger: Have you gone mad more than usual?16:23
mgraesslinan article by wayland devs about that: http://vignatti.wordpress.com/2013/03/05/ui-customization-on-wayland/16:23
starbuckso Mint/Gtk-based distros etc will all switch to Mir then? Or only Unity exclusive DEs?16:23
apacheloggerQuintasan: sarcasm16:23
mgraesslinonly Unity16:23
smartboyhwQuintasan, what do you mean by no use cases?16:23
starbuckwhat about Gnome§?16:23
Quintasansmartboyhw: Ask Rick16:23
apacheloggerstarbuck: canonical does not care about gnome3 ;)16:24
DarkwingSo will X/Wayland/Other still be supported for the flavors?16:24
apacheloggerDarkwing: if the falvors support them?16:24
JontheEchidnaonly in that we get stuff synced from debian16:24
JontheEchidna(so at least canonical won't meddle) :P16:24
starbuckbut gnome3 devs use wayland, mir, x?16:24
QuintasanSo we'd need to move the whole effort to Debian16:24
mgraesslinDarkwing: see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2013-March/036777.html16:24
starbuckin future?16:24
mgraesslinstarbuck: currently they use X and they love Ubuntu really really much, so they will use Wayland16:24
apacheloggerunless canonical wants to create a saparate platform from the reguar linux stuff they will have to have integrated X/Wayland support to some degree16:25
Quintasanstarbuck: I can imagine noone save for Canonical cares about using Mir16:25
apacheloggerstarbuck: gnome3 uses X/Wayland16:25
yofeluhm... did I just understand right that that monthly thing is supposed to equal just not updating for a month @_@16:25
apacheloggerGTK+3 however can use all three 16:25
apacheloggermuch like Qt16:25
mgraesslinwell GTK+3 on Ubuntu16:26
* mgraesslin rather doubts GTK or Qt will accept a mir backend16:26
apacheloggerwhat does it matter16:26
Riddellmgraesslin: why?16:26
apacheloggerbecause they also drive decisions on technical merit16:26
* apachelogger needs to stop with that16:26
QuintasanWe REALLY need to schedule a serious meeting when we work out our stance on every damn change they introduced16:27
mgraesslinRiddell: for the same reason I won't accept it in KWin - no one distribution solution upstream16:27
mgraesslinif downstream wants to patch: fine16:27
ovidiu-florinhello world :D16:27
QuintasanBecause to me it seems they are pushing it that fast in order to confuse people so they end up accepting it by not doing anything16:27
Riddellmgraesslin: well, not fine for this part of downstream!16:27
ovidiu-florinis there any testing I (a newbie) could do? :D16:27
apacheloggerQuintasan: it's the canonical way :P16:27
apachelogger<3 rolling16:28
Riddellovidiu-florin: yes, 4.10.1 please :)16:28
Riddellovidiu-florin: you on raring?16:28
Quintasanapachelogger: That's even more reason for us to work out a clear response to every change16:29
QuintasanI'm REALLY against even attempting to bother with Mir16:29
Quintasanand I'd shift all effort to debian16:29
ovidiu-florinRiddell: no, I'm on 12.0416:30
ovidiu-florinBut I can Get A VM up and running16:31
yofel12.04 is still building, will need testing in a bit16:31
apacheloggerQuintasan: why is that?16:31
ovidiu-florincan 4.10.1 be tested in 12.04?16:31
yofelovidiu-florin: not yet: http://yofel.dyndns.org/kubuntu/build_status_4.10.1_precise.html16:32
Quintasanapachelogger: As I said, I find Mir a waste of time and money and time16:32
Quintasanapachelogger: If they leave us without support for X/Wayland which the rest of the Open Source comunnity will probably adapt16:33
Quintasanand as the ml said, they will just sync it from Debian so we'd rather work on stuff in Debian and then just sync it16:33
apacheloggeras I said earlier16:33
apacheloggerunless Canonical wan'ts to cut all ties to the rest of the world they will have to have integrated X and/or Wayland support in Mir16:34
apacheloggerjust like weston/wayland has support for X16:34
mgraesslinapachelogger: it's different16:34
mgraesslinweston has support for X to run legacy apps16:34
mgraesslinMir will do the same16:34
yofelRiddell: did you get what he just said?16:34
apacheloggerhow's it different then?16:35
apacheloggerthat's what I said :P16:35
mgraesslinbut it doesn't mean that the underlying stack will support running a real X or a real Wayland16:35
apacheloggerwho cares about real?16:35
mgraesslinhow do you want to run Wayland if the stack just doesn't support it16:35
Quintasanyofel: I did not if you ask me16:35
mgraesslinapachelogger: I hope you care16:35
mgraesslinbecause that's what you want to do: provide a Wayland based desktop environment16:35
Riddellyofel: "it'll cost us money"16:36
apacheloggermgraesslin: what I care about is facts16:36
apacheloggerwe do not know in which capacity Mir will support Wayland/X16:36
QuintasanWhat I actually care about is to release a sane distro16:36
mgraesslinapachelogger: right, at the moment that is unknown16:36
apacheloggerwe know that it will have to support apps using either of those in some capacity though16:36
mgraesslinbut it's canonical we are dealing with so prepare for the worst16:36
apacheloggeralso we do not know whether Mir perhaps would even become better than Wayland16:37
Quintasanapachelogger: Unity > KDE -> Discuss.16:37
apacheloggeryou are playing on the very same bull shit plane as canonical there16:37
apacheloggerin the mir spec it goes how wayland's input is crap because it's like X' and therefore is *likely* to exhibit the same problems16:37
apacheloggerthat's not a fact16:37
mgraesslinsorry, I just think that I have more competence in judging a windowing system than people at canonical16:38
murthyyofel: i made changes to debian folder like creating postinst and postrm scripts, i need to test build, i need to use the ninjas ppa and so i added the ppa to my pbuilder sources.list Now i am trying to install apt-transport-https package and it fails to fetch. Seems access is  denied. what should i  do?16:38
apacheloggerin fact, the very fact that they use this as fact suggests that no one ever actually evaluated the situation to a degree that they can honest to god say wayland's input handling is crap16:38
apacheloggermgraesslin: fair enough16:38
mgraesslingiven what they wrote I have zero trust in mir ever becoming better than Wayland16:38
yofelgreeeeat.... "release 13.04 if you want, but it won't get any security support, so if you need updates use post-raring"16:39
apacheloggerI just find it hugely shitty to dismiss stuff simply because you assume it to become crap16:39
Quintasanbut it will be lol16:39
apacheloggerand that appleis to your view of mir as well as mir's view of wayland16:39
mgraesslinno I dismiss it, because it's a distro only solution16:39
Quintasanplease do tell that they have resources to pull it off16:39
DarkwingI'm starting to get worried16:39
yofelmurthy: disable ppa again, install apt-transport-https, enable16:39
mgraesslinif it becomes available in other distributions I will reconsider16:39
Darkwinglike unity?16:40
QuintasanAs long as they don't force us to use anything they invent I don't mind16:41
murthyyofel: done that , after that it says some packages cannot be downloaded because of a missing public  key16:41
RiddellDarkwing: what about?16:41
yofelmurthy: ignore that (or just add the key)16:41
murthyyofel: ok16:42
Darkwingif Ubuntu changes to mir. let's say in 2 years they stop with X. we could still ship it with Kubuntu via ppa but then we have to maintain it right?16:42
DarkwingI know its long term but....16:42
mgraesslindon't worry about X, worry about Wayland16:43
Riddell21:49 < RAOF> sarnold: Heh, yes. I obviously can't commit to how long we'll be supporting X, but I don't see us dropping it in the next, say, decade.16:43
Riddellfrom #ubuntu-devel last night ⇈16:43
* mgraesslin wanted to say something to Darkwing-2 - let's try whether I can remember16:48
Darkwing-2Sorry, my quassel-core server dropped... trouble-shooting16:49
mgraesslinah yes concerning X16:49
mgraesslinwith X you have two solutions - with root and rootless16:49
mgraesslinwhat for the future everybody cares about is rootless, that is XWayland, XMir16:49
mgraesslinsupport for that will be eternity16:49
ovidiu-florinDarkwing-2: my znc server also dropped :(16:50
mgraesslinI expect that at KDE we will have to support that for at least 20 years16:50
mgraesslinbut that's not the same as running on top of X Server16:50
Riddell21:48 < RAOF> The same thing will apply here - you'll ~always be able to start an X server on the system compositor, it'll run nested, and KWin won't be any  the wiser.16:50
Darkwingback up16:50
Riddellalso from last night ⇈16:50
mgraesslinRiddell: that's nonesense, as that means we are limited as we don't get access to the system16:50
mgraesslinKWin wants to be the system compositor16:50
mgraesslinnot some system underneath16:51
mgraesslinthat would seriously handicap KWin compared to Unity on the same distribution16:51
mgraesslinit needs to be able to run the KDE way - however that looks like16:51
apacheloggerwhat does it have to do with mir then?16:52
mgraesslinconsider mir having changes to the kernel/driver stack making it impossible to start up KWin16:52
apacheloggeri.e. I don't see how Kubuntu would be using Mir unless supported and reasonable16:52
mgraesslinas far as I understood Mir is based on Android input model16:52
mgraesslinKWin will be based on the "Weston" input model16:52
mgraesslinso if Ubuntu throws out the parts to get input you have a problem16:53
apacheloggerwouldn't that also break X then?16:53
mgraesslinno, what they use is XMir, which is like XWayland16:54
mgraesslinin that case the nested X gets the input from Mir/Wayland16:54
apacheloggerdon't get it16:54
apacheloggerso with kwin/wayland it'll also get it from wayland, no?16:54
mgraesslinwith kwin/wayland XClients will get the input from KWin, just like Wayland clients16:55
* apachelogger scratches head16:55
apacheloggeryou know16:55
mgraesslinbut with KWin/Wayland KWin will get input directly from the kernel16:55
apacheloggerI should rant about all this simply because canonical makes my head explode on a weekly basis now16:55
mgraesslinlook at the architecture and replace "Wayland compositor" with KWin16:56
mgraesslinand in the X architecture "Compositor" with KWin16:56
apacheloggerso they have to change evdev behavior?16:57
yofelso, session ended16:57
* yofel isn't quite sure what *new* things he heard16:57
apacheloggermgraesslin: to break input that is16:57
mgraesslinapachelogger: that's how I understand it, they will use Android input model which probably means no evdev16:57
apacheloggerthat does not mean they'll remove evdev :P16:58
smartboyhwRiddell yofel what was the discussion result?16:58
RiddellUDS> no decisions16:58
apacheloggerI mean, then they break everything that is not using xmir anyway16:58
Riddellwhich is fine, I don't think it's the best forum for decisions16:58
apacheloggerat which point they have rendered their platform incompatible with every flavor distro the ubuntu project has16:58
mgraesslinapachelogger: right, doesn't matter for Unity16:58
apacheloggerat which point we'd all go elsewhere16:58
apacheloggeri.e. at that point the ubuntu project is dead16:59
apacheloggerand there is only the ubuntu desktop product remaining16:59
* mgraesslin has the feeling that Canonical is heading that road for the last two years already16:59
* smartboyhw wonders if Riddell heard him16:59
apachelogger(not that I could nto imagine this happening)16:59
apacheloggerbut it really is a none-issue16:59
yofelsmartboyhw: he answered you16:59
Riddellsmartboyhw: heard who or what?16:59
apacheloggerat the point where such a change gets introduced the project is dead to the free software world17:00
yofelsmartboyhw: there wasn't really anything new17:00
apacheloggermgraesslin: no secret that they are trying to build a platform, think we even talked about it at some UDS ^^17:00
smartboyhwRiddell me17:00
apacheloggerthe ultimate question of course is whether that platform has anything to do with Linux/is compatible with a common Linux stack17:01
smartboyhwbah nothing new??????17:01
Riddellsmartboyhw: what did you say?17:01
Riddell17:01 < slangasek> Laney, Riddell: yes, I think there is a consensus to carry on with the release schedule as written for now17:01
* smartboyhw wants a raring-ing ringtail17:02
* mgraesslin needs food17:03
apacheloggerRecommends: gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly17:05
apachelogger  * Recommend gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly as it seems to help with the17:05
apachelogger    phonon-gst issues17:05
* apachelogger pokes yofel17:05
apacheloggernice workaround there17:05
apacheloggerI hope you actually fixed the issue :P17:05
yofelno, it was muesly that requested that17:06
apacheloggerripping out of archive upload then17:06
Darkwingyofel: you get a mic to work in mumble?17:06
apacheloggermurthy: your tomahawk branch needs merging with 0.6.0 it seems17:06
apacheloggeralso you should add a changelog entry I reckon17:06
yofelDarkwing: this is my work notebook, and I just noticed that the voice level is misconfigured17:06
apachelogger  * Build with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release 17:07
apacheloggeryofel: why?17:07
yofelyet another thing I would need to read #tomahawk backlog for17:07
apacheloggerand how do we get dbg symbols with a rlease build Oo17:08
apacheloggeryofel: plz be writing changelogs concerning why not what :P17:08
Quintasanwe can't?17:08
apacheloggerQuintasan: unless tomahawk's cmake is le broken in some weird way :P17:08
yofelwell, there are some symbols *there*17:09
Quintasanat least it is not qmake17:09
yofelwhich is weird indeed17:09
apacheloggerin RELEASE mode there should be no debug symbols17:09
apacheloggerrelwithdebinfo would build with release optimization but still create debug symbols (default I think)17:10
yofelQuintasan: hop onto mumble if you're already there17:12
yofelapachelogger: exactly17:12
apacheloggerwondering what that flag does17:13
apacheloggermurthy: debian/copyright is missing a newline at the end of file17:14
apacheloggermurthy: please drop Recommends: gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly17:14
apacheloggermurthy: please drop -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release (see if that breaks anything)17:14
apacheloggermurthy: please add changelog entry and change maintainer to kubuntu devel or ubuntu devel (see any other package with an ubuntuX version)17:15
apacheloggerotherwise good17:15
apacheloggersheytan: plymouth?17:16
apacheloggersheytan: about-kubuntu?17:16
murthyapachelogger: ok17:16
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: "Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Raring Alpha 2 Released | Packaging TODO: http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas http://yofel.dyndns.org/kubuntu/build_status_4.10.1_raring.html | Upgrade QA : http://kubuntu-qa.dyndns.org/ | https://trello.com/kubuntu | Meeting Mon 15UTC
murthyapachelogger: give the target branch for merge17:17
apacheloggerthere is no target17:17
apacheloggermurthy: lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/tomhawk17:17
murthyapachelogger: ok17:17
DarkwingI'm the only one running for reelection?17:18
apacheloggermy inbox!17:18
yofel  0 [2011-09-17 08:30] <muesli> you need to run cmake with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_RELEASE=ON17:18
yofel  1 [2011-09-17 08:31] <awainzin> oh, he's debug building, and getting assert abortion?17:18
apacheloggerDarkwing: yes17:18
apacheloggermurthy: drop -DBUILD_RELEASE=ON too please17:19
murthyapachelogger: ok17:19
apacheloggeryofel: makes sense for ppa I guess17:19
apacheloggerbug 1131636 <- lol17:19
ubottubug 1131636 in qtwebkit-source (Ubuntu) "After QtWebkit update Skype is not launching" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113163617:19
apacheloggerit's like every other qt update breaks that piece of unicorn sparkles17:20
yofelapachelogger: this is all I have, feel free to dig around: http://yofel.dyndns.org/ext/tomahawk-2013-03-05.txt17:20
smartboyhwapachelogger isn't that Sunday?17:22
yofel  0 [2011-12-07 14:18] <muesli> yofel: if you find the time, please do a new 0.3.3 package :-) please add gstreamer's ugly plugins to our deps. they seem to fix most of the gstreamer weirdness we're ex    periencing17:22
yofelprobably we can drop that17:22
apacheloggerbug 114418717:23
ubottubug 1144187 in lightdm-kde (Ubuntu) "lightdm (kde greeter) broken design because of plasma changes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/114418717:23
apachelogger?:O ? :O ? Oo ? :S ? :@ ? :(17:23
smartboyhwyofel please change the chan topic..17:27
smartboyhwMonday -> Sunday17:27
=== yofel changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: "Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Raring Alpha 2 Released | Packaging TODO: http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas http://yofel.dyndns.org/kubuntu/build_status_4.10.1_raring.html | Upgrade QA : http://kubuntu-qa.dyndns.org/ | https://trello.com/kubuntu | Meeting Sun 15UTC
yofelalso fine, turns out I don't I have time on saturday after all17:30
DarkwingI can't get filters working in KMail 4.8.517:36
ovidiu-florinDarkwing: their working in 4.1017:40
DarkwingI'll need to figure out getting KDE updated in the LTS then.17:41
murthyyofel: is it ok if i do the 4.10.1 lintian correction works tomorrow morning? 17:48
BluesKajyou guys put 4.10.1 inj th43 backports for testing ?17:50
BluesKajin the 17:50
BluesKajmaking alot of typos with this splint on my wrist17:50
murthyBluesKaj: hi17:51
BluesKajhi murthy17:53
BluesKajis that 4.10.1 upgrade in the 13.04 backports? I don't see it 18:02
murthyapachelogger: I am getting buid dep issues, shall i just commit the changes that you recommended or should i try solve it . In case of me solving, can i do it tomorrow morning?18:05
apacheloggerwe still have 2 days or so ^^18:06
murthyapachelogger: ok18:07
murthyapachelogger: what about the 4.10.1 lintian corrections, can that be done tomorrow?18:07
apacheloggernot workign on .118:07
apacheloggeryofel: ^18:07
murthyRiddell: can the 4.10.1 lintian corrections work be done tomorrow ?18:12
yofelnone of those are release critical so they don't have to be done fast18:13
yofelworst case we can fix them for 4.10.218:14
murthyyofel: in that case can i go to bed?18:15
apacheloggerRiddell: do you have push access to ubiquity?18:16
yofelmurthy: go ahead18:19
yofeland good night :)18:19
murthyyofel: good night18:19
=== murthy is now known as murthy_
apacheloggeryofel: do we have a pykde fix wrt py2 vs. py3 btw?18:20
yofelapachelogger: I have a fix for py218:27
yofelJontheEchidna: Scott said you had some py3 kcm lying around, where is that?18:27
JontheEchidnayofel: https://code.launchpad.net/~echidnaman/+junk/kde-config-drivers18:28
JontheEchidnayofel: sudo make install; kbuildsycoca4; kcmshell4 kde-config-drivers18:28
JontheEchidnayou may have to fiddle with the X-KDE-Library key/value pair in kde-config-drivers.desktop18:29
JontheEchidnaI'll be afk for ~15 minutes, bbiab18:30
apacheloggerraring looks really really raw :S18:31
apacheloggersheytan: !18:31
lordievaderGood evening18:40
Riddellapachelogger: yes I can commit to ubiquity18:49
Riddellmurthy_: it can be done any time18:49
apacheloggerRiddell: you already fixed the kwin compisiting though :)18:49
apacheloggeryay Riddell :)18:49
yofelok, JontheEchidna's kcm says hello world and shows an empty window.19:02
yofelworks I guess19:02
JontheEchidnathat's all I could get done, since the plugin loading was broken19:02
yofelkpython3pluginfactory needs to be kpythonpluginfactory19:03
Guest88209Plastmate 1.0 is out. Will this be packaged for Kubuntu backports?19:04
apacheloggeryofel: huh?19:05
yofelyes, as soon as someone gets to it (bug 1147193)19:05
ubottubug 1147193 in plasmate (Ubuntu) "Please update plasmate to 1.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/114719319:05
apacheloggeryofel: how does kpythonpluginfactory work with py3vspy2? Oo19:05
yofelapachelogger: python3 has that stupid py3 abi tag, seems like looks for that when loading the SO19:06
apacheloggeryofel: how do they not conflict then?19:06
yofelpy2 is kpythonpluginfactory.so, py3 is kpythonpluginfactory.cpython-33m.so19:07
apacheloggerfair enough19:08
yofelapachelogger: actually not19:18
yofelstill broken -.-19:18
yofelthe kcm simply didn't use anything python3 specific, that's why it worked19:18
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you don't track libqapt on bugs.kde?19:50
apacheloggeryofel: I was wondering... :P19:50
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I do, but for some reason the kde sysadmins made me put it in the muon product19:50
apacheloggerhow would the pluginloader know which version to use19:51
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: thx19:51
yofelapachelogger: on the positive side: now python3 is broken. which should be the more acceptable state for raring at least19:51
apacheloggermight as well not have it when it is broken anyway :P19:52
yofelwell, python3-kde4 itself works19:52
yofeljust kpythonpluginfactory not19:53
apacheloggerpoor plasma19:53
yofelI'll care about that the moment I see a python3 plasma widget19:53
yofelI'll try to fix this anyway though19:54
apacheloggerand then we have to do massive SRUs :P19:54
yofelbut no idea how and no idea till when19:54
apacheloggeras I said... that is very much an upstream issue that needs to be addressed upstream19:54
yofelyeah. Maybe I'll send them an angry mail19:55
yofelon second though, not too angry19:55
soeegood evening20:33
soeeRiddell, can i install 4.10.1 to test it ?20:36
soeeshadeslayer, 20:41
soeeyofel, ? :)20:45
Riddellsoee: yo21:02
Riddellsoee: what release?21:02
soeeRiddell, rarring21:02
Riddellsoee: groovy, go forth and test21:03
apacheloggerhello akonadi21:04
Riddellup and down up and down, looks like a chart of my energy levels :)21:05
apacheloggerwell, it is a curious thing because a) each spike represents a folder that is synced and the height apparently relates to how much mails are in that folder21:10
apacheloggeralso the highest spike hit my artifical bandwith limit21:12
soee:< transfer is soooo slooow21:14
yofelraring and quantal work fine for me21:42
Riddellhttps://plus.google.com/115130660395556787952/posts/5eNxFFXCCt4  "How technology decisions are made at Canonical."22:05
Riddellhmm, soee disappeared22:06
Riddellskaet: looks like I saved raring22:06
skaetRiddell,  well done!22:07
Riddellskaet: how will no releases affect linaro?22:08
* skaet is in HK at Connect this week, and is seriously grumpy about the timing of the virtual sessions22:08
Riddellskaet: but you had half a week's notice!  that's plenty time! </sarcasm>22:09
Riddellactually I'm being unfair it was a full week22:09
skaetRiddell,   trying to assess that here right now in conversations with folk here at Connec22:09
skaetissue is they knew Connect was happening,  why didn't they push it out a week so that the ARM community folks who care about Ubuntu could participate?22:11
skaeta lot of the areas evolving - phones, tablet, dense arm based servers are arm based, and alot of those folk are participating at VERY full week here.22:13
skaethardware manufacturers have different requirements than the traditional desktop market,  and I think they should be participating in the discussion of release cadence if we're trying to move the project to be more friendly to those targets.22:25
apacheloggereverything is expected to move so fast :(22:30
apacheloggerchange makes me dizzy 22:30
yofelyour system's alive. Isn't that good...23:20
apacheloggerso silly23:21
yofel!testers | 4.10.1 finished building on precise if someone has the time to test it23:21
ubottu4.10.1 finished building on precise if someone has the time to test it: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, smartboyhw, Quintasan, lordievader for information.23:21
ScottKRiddell: Not much.23:34
RiddellScottK: what's that in answer to?23:34
ScottKWould I kill you if you uploaded Qscintilla2 without the symbols file.23:35
Riddellok, I can live with not much, I've already lived through a bit of being killed already23:36
ScottKskellat: Unsaid in the public discussions, but I suspect they plan to make OEM specific private LP derivatives of rolling for different manufacturers.23:37
ScottKskellat: Nevermind23:37
ScottKThat was meant for skaet.23:37
* Riddell uploads 4.10.1 to raring23:43
jessieSo what does Mir mean for Kubuntu?23:52
apacheloggernothing much right now23:52
jessieapachelogger: And in a year?23:53
apacheloggerRiddell, yofel, ScottK, shadeslayer: feedback on trello?23:53
Riddelljust have to hope it does get in the way23:53
Riddellapachelogger: I'm liking it so far23:53
Riddellnot explored it fully I suspect23:53
apacheloggermostly straight forward anyway23:54
apacheloggerI'll drop a mail to the list so that everyone is aware of us using it, suppose we should evaluate whether to continue using it after release23:54
Riddellyep, thanks23:54
apacheloggerI think featurewise it fits our workflows pretty well, particularly since it does not really impose a way you have to use it23:55
apacheloggerwendar: FWIW 'monthly snapshot' does sound more agile ;)23:58

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