
cerebratehow do i open cli emacs with the termanil?  as if by default it chooses to open the gui version o emacs01:10
cerebratewinetricks from menu shows no gui interface on taskbar03:05
cerebrateapp manager03:05
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein
cerebratehi holstein03:47
holsteincerebrate: o/03:48
* cerebrate sniffs the pit o..o03:48
holsteincerebrate: winetricks is an add-onc AFAIK.. it'll do things to wine, but you dont run "wine tricks"..03:48
redtape-renegadesoftware center is now working .. only took 3 hours to download the packages !!04:10
holsteini would expect an internet issue server or client side04:12
redtape-renegadehi holstein , had a funny dream (it's 4:20am)so decided to see what was bugging me .. seems to have sorted itself out  .. thanx.04:21
cerebratestill didn't find a way to activate CLI emacs04:25
redtape-renegadeno nor do I mate. Is there an urgent bug list for Lubuntu that I can ponder over to see what needs doing.. while I wither away the wee small hours away of Tues. morn ??04:28
redtape-renegadeholstein: Qu. ^04:31
holsteinredtape-renegade: the normal ubuntu ones... you can search lubuntu specifics04:32
redtape-renegadesearching.. somewhat slowly ..04:32
redtape-renegadeholstein: Also .. http://www.playdeb.net/software/SuperTuxKart  I'd like to get 'getdeb' up and running in my system .. any ideas how ? .. i.e. so I can download from their site ?04:34
holsteinredtape-renegade: you can try downloading and installing the .deb's04:36
holsteinyou shouldnt need it04:37
holsteinthis is how it used to work http://www.ubuntugeek.com/playdeb-installing-games-in-ubuntu-made-easy.html04:37
holsteinhere is the super tux cart ppa https://launchpad.net/~stk/+archive/dev04:38
redtape-renegadeI've forgotten how to install from launchpad :(  .. how's it go again ??04:43
holsteinredtape-renegade: you add the PPA04:44
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge04:44
redtape-renegadedunno the commands...04:44
holsteinredtape-renegade: when you are loking at the page i linked https://launchpad.net/~stk/+archive/dev you'll see (Read about installing"04:46
holsteinyou'll see how it , and i suggest using the sudo add-apt-repository command04:46
holsteinsudo add-apt-repository ppa:stk/dev *use at your own risk understanding how to remove this PPA and knowing what a PPA is, and does*04:48
wxlhow does one change default gui editor?04:48
Unit193export VISUAL="scite" in yer .bashrc04:49
wxlit's not alternatives?04:50
Unit193That too, was thinking the other style of default. :P04:51
wxlnow i have to remember how to use update-alternatives :)04:54
Unit193update-alternatives --get-selections  will list (most?) them.  And of course you know --help. ;)04:55
cerebratehow do i ease my computer life into a more CLI and terminal based operating?06:30
=== aJacom is now known as alainus
wxlcerebrate: ctrl-alt-t06:32
cerebratei need a simpler less intense monitor output for my sensitive eyes i think & thanks06:32
TheLordOfTimecerebrate, remove the GUI.06:33
TheLordOfTimebut you won't have graphical applications then06:34
alainusis lubuntu onis installing lubuntu from zero the same as installing it through the Synaptic Package Manager as suggested in http://ubuntuhelp.tumblr.com/post/1301847558/is-there-a-way-i-can-switch-from-my-installed-regular, or just installing the lxde desktop while having a regular ubuntu installation?06:34
alainuswoops sorry for the error there06:35
TheLordOfTimeforgive me but I wouldn't trust random tumblr blugs.06:35
alainuserase the first "is lubuntu on"06:35
wxli thought tumblr was the official site of lubuntu06:35
TheLordOfTimeinswell i don't trust a blog called "ubuntuhelp" on tumblr.06:36
Unit193Not quite, but you can....06:36
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE, !GNOME and !XFCE packages and have a default !Lubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde »06:36
TheLordOfTimeUnit193, i iz ninja06:36
alainusso the general recommendation for ubuntu users is to just do a clean install06:37
wxlalainus: let's ask a deeper question. why WOULDN'T you do a clean install?06:38
cerebratecan i modify a script to make the startup start with a cli so i can activate with start* something like a gui?06:39
alainuswxl personally because i was hoping i could just try it first and then choose whether to install it06:39
hyperairwxl: why would you?06:39
hyperairit's so much simpler to just sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop06:39
hyperairit's the same base at the end of the day06:39
Unit193cerebrate: Yep, remove  quiet splash   and replace it with   text  in /etc/default/grub06:40
cerebratehyperair i have doubts about that statement06:40
wxlalainus: why not just try the live cd then?06:40
hyperairthat way you also get to save your partitioning setup, your bootloader setup, your dmcrypt and whatever else setup..06:40
hyperaircerebrate: why, what else is there to lubuntu that's not in the archive?06:40
wxlhyperair: you assume you have such a set up06:40
hyperairwxl: i'm talking about my own laptop here, so there's no assumption.06:40
wxlalainus = hyperair ?06:41
hyperairwell you said "you"06:41
alainuswxl, i guess i could do that yeah. although i like the idea of having the possibility to switch between desktops at login, that way I could use my own applications in lubuntu and see if it's right for me06:41
wxlhyperair: so did you06:41
hyperairnaturally when you say "you assume you have such a set up", i'd assume that "you" and "you" refer to the same person.06:41
cerebratemakes sense :D06:41
cerebratety yall06:41
alainuswxl alainus != hyperair06:42
hyperairin any case, i'm just telling you that there are merits in not doing a fresh install.06:42
hyperairthis ubuntu installation predates this thinkpad.06:42
* hyperair rsync'd it over from the previous laptop06:42
hyperairand my rsync'd backup hard disks are bootable via usb.06:43
alainusTheLordOfTime, would you trust this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/44062/how-do-i-install-lxde-lubuntu06:43
alainussudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop06:44
TheLordOfTimethat i would, but only if you want to install lubuntu stuff alongside the Ubuntu stuff06:44
TheLordOfTimeif you want PURE Lubuntu/LXDE, you may want the link from the factoid.06:45
TheLordOfTimeor just clean install.06:45
alainusTheLordOfTime, yeah that's my first choice... of course i don't want a minified/incomplete version of lubuntu if that's what you're saying06:45
TheLordOfTimethat's not what i was saying...06:46
TheLordOfTimebut meh06:46
TheLordOfTime(that askubuntu result will work though)06:46
alainusok it's settled then thanks =)06:47
hyperairalainus: one thing i noticed when i had both GNOME and KDE installed together -- your GNOME startup applications tend to pollute that of the next DE, so if you really want to see how a vanilla install looks like you could try starting up a temporary user account to see how it is.06:50
hyperair(basically starting from a clean $HOME)06:50
alainusDE ??06:50
alainusdesktop environment06:50
alainusok thanks for the tip06:52
lxleanyone available for beta testing?07:49
cerebratei guess i could lxle07:50
lxleworking on a respin of lubuntu, pretty close to letting it out07:52
cerebratesounds gorgeous07:52
cerebratebut i dont have a bootstick or a dvd to put it on07:52
cerebratemaybe vbox?07:52
lxleone sec, quick update07:54
Unit193Respins aren't supported in here, though.07:55
lxleunderstood, not lookin for support, just a tester07:55
lxlesite i threw up, which is not complete but should do is,,, http://www.lxle.net07:56
lxlecan find download in the about section07:56
Unit193Those are borderline at best.07:56
lxleif anyone is able to boot it and stuff, in a vbox or whatever, let me know of any issues08:00
lxleif you have the time that is lolol08:00
Unit193lxle: I recommend you read http://blog.freenode.net/2008/04/registering-a-channel-on-freenode/ and create ##lxle08:06
lxleok, sorry to break any rules, innocently lookin for testers, won't happen again08:08
Unit193I understand that, and the need for testers.  Thanks for your understanding.  Statement that it exists would be better suited for #lubuntu-offtopic, but you'd have to be very careful to not advertise (fine line)08:14
cerebratei read in an ancient chinese text to not parade around merits but to let people discover them spontaneously :D08:15
lxlethx, maybe i'll try there then08:17
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cerebratefor now the lxle website redirects irc support to here11:55
cerebratesoon corrected11:55
cerebratethank you11:55
intmainGood morning, after and apt-get update yesterday, I now have duplicate desktop icons on both of my displays? but deleting the icon from my secondary display deletes it from the primary as well.14:09
tata_is it possible to switch off  authenticate-authentication ?19:11
wxltata_: on any and everything universally? probably not19:12
wxltata_: is there something specific you'd rather not provide credentials to?19:12
tata_when I mount other partition, sda1 or sda2...19:14
wxlyou could automount them19:15
wxlit appears pmount can do it too19:16
wxlbut i've never tried19:16
bluefox_hi guys20:24
bluefox_anyone here?20:24
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:25
bluefox_okay, so i have msi vr602 computer have 1gb ram and when i boot lubuntu from usb, it freezes when i want to start it live mode20:25
wxlis it possible to use a dvd or cd instead?20:26
bluefox_nope :/ i don't have now20:26
wxlin that case, have you verified the md5 of the usb against the iso file and both of those against the published values?20:27
bluefox_it freezes after [4.771988] key type trusted registered20:27
bluefox_yep i downloaded it from official site and 12.1020:28
wxlif the copy is one bit off it could cause a total difference20:28
wxli didn't ask you if it was official20:28
wxli asked if you verified the md520:28
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:28
bluefox_yes i verified it20:34
bluefox_what i will do now?20:35
wxlbluefox_: you verified the usb itself? you'd need to use dd to do this.20:35
wxlbluefox_: it's explained here tho it says cd https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM#Check_the_CD20:36
bluefox_don't get angry, i am sorry but i installed it from lubuntu site and installed usb with lili20:37
bluefox_i verified the md5sum of the .iso file20:37
wxlnot angry at all, just speaking from personal experience20:37
wxli once had an iso that matched up but the usb burn didn't20:38
wxlit may be the whole cause20:38
bluefox_bu at another pc that lubuntu works20:38
wxloh now that's an interesting fact20:38
wxlyou mean that you can put the usb in another pc and it loads to live?20:38
bluefox_yes with no problem20:39
bluefox_but at msi vr60220:39
bluefox_i have that problem20:39
bluefox_thats an old computer so i decided to install lubuntu but..20:39
wxlso when you get to the frozen screen, can yo uget to a tty? tryto hit ctl-alt-f2 and see if it gives you a text login20:39
wxlit's not that old. i have lubuntu running on machines designed for xp :)20:40
bluefox_i will try20:40
bluefox_can u w8 a min pls?20:40
wxli'm working so i'm not just sitting here twiddling my thumbds :)20:40
wxlso you don't even get to any graphical screen before the freeze, right?20:43
bluefox_i tried ctrl alt f220:45
bluefox_choices coming, run lubuntu from that usb20:45
bluefox_then some texts are coming20:46
bluefox_than that texts freeze20:46
wxlwhen the text freeezes, that's when to try ctrl-alt-f220:46
wxlnot before :)20:46
bluefox_that freezes always at key type encrypted registered20:46
bluefox_i tried when that freezed20:46
bluefox_nothing came20:46
wxli'm stumped20:48
wxli would maybe suggest trying 12.04 and/or 13.04 and see if you get the same results20:48
bluefox_i tried xubuntu, same run from that usb than no text came20:49
bluefox_after that choice20:49
wxldid it boot up?20:50
bluefox_i selected language20:51
wxlok so that's good20:51
wxlxubuntu != lubuntu20:51
bluefox_i know20:51
bluefox_i tried that20:51
bluefox_another os20:51
wxlso that's not a fair comparison20:51
bluefox_wil be run20:51
bluefox_problem is my computer or the os20:51
wxlbut if you try 12.04 or 13.04 and don't have the problem then the problem must lie in 12.1020:51
wxlelse the problem lies universally in lubuntu20:51
wxland make extra sure to check those md5s :)20:55
bluefox_after 5 min i will give report :D20:56
bluefox_i will go crazy21:03
bluefox_still freezes21:03
bluefox_dude r u here?21:05
phillwbluefox_: give me a couple of minutes to read the logs so I'm up to speed on what you are asking.21:06
bluefox_phillw: let's take it from begining, i have msi vr602 laptop and i want to install lubuntu from usb21:10
phillwso, does 12.04 boot?21:10
bluefox_i selected run from that usb21:11
bluefox_some white big texts came21:11
bluefox_than that texts stopped to load21:11
bluefox_i waited for couple mins but21:11
phillwlet me just look at the specs for your laptop.21:11
bluefox_i have nothing now :/21:11
phillwbluefox_: have a read of the msi forum at http://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?topic=129872.0 I suspect that may have the solution21:14
phillwhe seemed pretty happy with the solution :D21:15
bluefox_OV YES :D21:16
wxlno acpi kind of sucks21:16
bluefox_thnx man21:16
phillwwxl: from the msi sute, it appears to be a firmware issue. I trust the manufacturers' sites on these issues. Sure, it is a bug... but whos' ?21:17
wxlstill sucks; i digress21:18
phillwwxl: that's as good as I could find in 60 seconds :) black-belt at google-fu, I may be... master of all bugs I am not :)21:19
wxlwell you did better than i did21:19
phillwit was 2009 dated, I cannot guarantee it will still work, but if he has a bootable system at least we have a chance to investigate.21:26
wxldidn't know there was one21:30

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