
=== chihchun is now known as zz_chihchun
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=== chihchun is now known as zz_chihchun
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zorkyAnyone here who can help me? Im trying to setup x2go on an arm based thin client running ubuntu 10.04 but the packages i need is not in the repository, ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports10:30
zorkythe arm cpu in working on is armv7110:31
infinityzorky: Why 10.04 instead of 12.04?10:43
zorkyinfinity, i have no idea. i got the image from the producer of the thin client10:48
infinityWell, if you're looking for x2goclient (I assume?), it doesn't exist in any release earlier than raring on *any* architecture, this isn't ARM-specific.10:49
infinitySo, you could grab the precise sources and try to backport them to lucid, but no idea how much work that may or may not be.10:50
ogra_doesnt x2go include a whole copy of its own X libs ?10:50
zorkyi need to figure out how to upgrade the thinclient to 12.04 then10:50
ogra_shouldnt be hard to backport10:50
zorkywell i only have around 3 month of experience with linux. im not that good at this. so i dont know how to backport10:51
infinityAnd where I said "raring" up there, I meant "precise".  I'm a bit tired.10:51
infinityAhh, looks like there's an x2go PPA with everything built for lucid.10:52
infinityOf course, x86 only...10:52
infinityCause it's a PPA. :/10:53
infinityBut you could grab the sources and build them locally.10:53
zorkyehh, thats the problem. i dont know to to build them10:54
zorkyso far, the easiest way for me to do this. is to upgrade the thin client to 12.04?10:54
infinityOr add that PPA to your sources.list as a deb-src entry and do some "apt-get build-dep $source && apt-get --build source $source" iterations over the packages you want.10:56
infinityBut if you can make that machine run precise, that wouldn't be a bad idea anyway.10:56
infinityYou may find that if it has a custom kernel and some fancy drivers, that turns out to be a really bad idea, though. :/10:57
zorkyi think it has a custom image running on it, but im not completely sure about it either10:58
zorkyanyone know how i install 12.04 on an armv71?13:27
ogra_i think yu mean an ARMv7l13:28
ogra_(small L ... not 1)13:28
ogra_zorky, and it depends on your device ...13:34
zorkyit's a chip pc lxd 854113:37
ogra_generally the userspace will just run on any v7 device ... but you need to provide a kernel and bootloader setup yourself (and have a bit experience with arm stuff)13:38
ogra_the only installable ubuntu images we currently provide are for toshiba ac100 netbooks, pandaboards and the nexus7 tablet ...13:39
ogra_and then there is ubuntu touch (see the #ubuntu-touch channel) which runs on all devices supported by cyanogenmod 10.1 (android)13:39
zorkywill look into it tom, i sent a mail to the device manufature to ask for a 12.04 image13:45
sspiffhi, does anyone know anything about this: http://malideveloper.arm.com/develop-for-mali/drivers/open-source-mali-gpus-linux-kernel-device-drivers/ - has anyone tried using these drivers?13:56
=== mhall119 is now known as mhall119|afk
ania_hi all15:48
=== chihchun is now known as zz_chihchun
=== calculu5 is now known as calculus
=== rsalveti_ is now known as rsalveti
=== calculu5 is now known as calculus
=== mhall119|afk is now known as mhall119
=== _Lucretia__ is now known as Smythe
=== Smythe is now known as _Lucretia_

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