
rickspencer3RAOF, bryce, jasoncwarner_ I just did a dist-upgrade, reboot, and got some odd results01:18
rickspencer3specifically a dialog with entries such as ...01:18
rickspencer3none of the selected modes were compatible with the possible modes:01:18
rickspencer3Trying modes for CRTC 6301:18
rickspencer3CRTC 63: trying mode 1680x1050@60Hz with output at 1680x945@60Hz (pass 0)01:18
rickspencer3CRTC 63: trying mode 1280x1024@75Hz with output at 1680x945@60Hz (pass 0)01:18
rickspencer3CRTC 63: trying mode 1280x1024@60Hz with output at 1680x945@60Hz (pass 0)01:18
rickspencer3CRTC 63: trying mode 1152x864@75Hz with output at 1680x945@60Hz (pass 0)01:18
rickspencer3CRTC 63: trying mode 1024x768@75Hz with output at 1680x945@60Hz (pass 0)01:18
rickspencer3CRTC 63: trying mode 1024x768@60Hz with output at 1680x945@60Hz (pass 0)01:19
brycerickspencer3, got a screenshot of that?01:20
rickspencer3bryce, yah01:20
rickspencer3hold on01:20
rickspencer3bryce, ^01:21
bryce"Could not locate object"01:21
rickspencer3bryce, try again, it wasn't done syncing01:21
bryceok there we go01:22
brycehum, mysterious.  Can you look at your processes and see what process owns that dialog?01:22
rickspencer3bryce, er, I closed it01:22
rickspencer3I can restart and try it again01:22
* bryce googles01:22
rickspencer3bryce, for some reason I seem to recall I used to get 1900 pixels across01:23
brycerickspencer3, my guess is that it belongs to gnome-settings-daemon01:23
rickspencer3but now get 168001:23
brycerickspencer3, as a test, you could move aside ~/.config/monitors.xml and relogin and see if the dialog goes away01:24
rickspencer3bryce give me 5 mimnutes?01:24
rickspencer3I'm getting pinged on another channel :/01:25
* bryce grabs new coffee01:25
rickspencer3hi bryce01:33
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brycerickspencer3, hi01:33
rickspencer3bryce, I moved that config file out of the way01:34
rickspencer3and no dialog01:34
* bryce nods01:34
brycerickspencer3, silly gnome01:34
rickspencer3my feeling that I got gypped out of some screen resolution seems like a fantasy, though01:34
rickspencer3since my windows seem to be the correct size01:34
brycerickspencer3, just a stale monitor.xml file apparently01:35
rickspencer3bryce, how does that happen? part of the dist-upgrade? should we not fix that?01:35
brycerickspencer3, no idea; maybe seb128 knows a bug report on it01:35
brycerickspencer3, if you want to shoot me all your files I can investigate in more depth.01:36
brycerickspencer3, dmesg, xrandr, monitors.xml, Xorg.0.log, xorg.conf01:37
rickspencer3bryce, if I ubuntu-bug xorg will you get the files you need?01:37
brycerickspencer3, yep01:38
rickspencer3I'll subscribe you when it's donw01:38
rickspencer3done, even01:38
brycerickspencer3, you're on -intel right?01:39
rickspencer3bryce, correct01:39
rickspencer3i965, iirc01:39
brycerickspencer3, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/113831501:42
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1138315 in gnome-settings-daemon "Could not apply the stored configuration for monitors" [Low,New]01:42
rickspencer3urk, I already logged this bug01:42
bryceno prob, I can just dupe01:42
brycesometimes helpful to have the extra sets of log files01:43
rickspencer3bryce, bug #114568901:44
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1145689 in xorg (Ubuntu) "error dialog due to problems monitors.xml file after dist-upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/114568901:44
rickspencer3thanks bryce01:45
brycerickspencer3, looks like seb's already aware of the bug01:45
brycerickspencer3, oh, also if you still have the monitors.xml can you tack that onto the bug?01:46
rickspencer3bryce, done01:47
brycerickspencer3, perfect.01:48
rickspencer3thanks bryce01:48
brycerickspencer3, so looking at all the logs, everything looks kosher on the X end of things.  I see this is a little hybrid dell box.  By chance have you had it plugged into a different monitor or projector recently?01:59
rickspencer3hi bryce01:59
rickspencer3nope, have not changed monitors01:59
* bryce studies further02:00
rickspencer3hey bryce I need to step away02:00
rickspencer3will be back tomorrow for UDS02:00
brycerickspencer3, ok cya02:01
brycerickspencer3, I'll probably leave the bug to seb128, but will poke through stuff and see if I can find out what caused this02:02
* Samoorai rebooting entire virtual network aka host reboot.. bbiab (3 vms, 1 host all GRRRR!)02:06
desrtwhat's the deal with the i386 builders?04:10
desrtuploaded 14 hours ago and still waiting?04:10
Sarvattdesrt: welcome to the world of PPAs, where firefox/chromium dailies screw up the world :)04:13
Sarvattexcept this time it looks like private jobs of some sort that are doing it..04:14
RAOFHow many .au folk are going to be showing up for UDS.06:34
mlankhorstg'day mate06:36
dufluRAOF: Unlikely. It's 10pm - 4am. I just got over jet lag from the sprint :P06:38
pittiGood morning06:39
RAOFI might make it for the last session, at 6am06:43
didrocksgood morning07:00
dufluMorning didrocks07:00
mlankhorstI like how lightning talks are still planned in, it's not the same!07:00
didrockshey duflu07:03
dpmmorning all07:15
didrockshey dpm07:26
dpmmorning didrocks07:26
chrisccoulsongood morning08:56
didrockshey chrisccoulson08:58
chrisccoulsonoh, today is going to be fun08:58
chrisccoulsoni have a sad panda this morning08:58
chrisccoulsonit's locked up twice already :/08:58
chrisccoulsonhi didrocks08:58
* Laney shivers09:03
Laneycold this morning09:03
chrisccoulsoni've not looked outside09:04
didrockshey Laney09:04
* chrisccoulson has the curtains closed09:04
Laneygreyness - you know, the usual09:04
Laneyhey didrocks09:04
Laneyhow goes?09:04
didrocksgood, thanks. yourself?09:05
Laneycan't complain09:06
Laneyhoping the bike shop will call me today to tell me my new bike is ready to test ride ;-)09:06
seb128hey desktopers09:10
seb128hey didrocks chrisccoulson Laney, how are you?09:10
Laneycatching up on my daily -devel backlog :P09:10
seb128I did some shuffling on the UDS schedule, please check and let me know if there is any conflict or missing session09:10
didrockshey seb128!09:10
seb128didrocks, lut ;-)09:11
pittibonjour seb128 et didrocks, comment allez-vous?09:56
pittihey laney09:56
didrockspitti: ça va bien, et toi?09:56
didrockspitti: super que tu ais commenté comment générer la documentation pygi sur g+ :)09:57
pittididrocks: je suis trés hereux que le printemps est arrivé!09:57
pittiI already forgot what the sun looked like09:57
didrockspitti: ah? le printemps était là hier (16°C, soleil). Aujourd'hui, il est un peu moins présent… :(09:57
pittiil fait encore froid, mais il fait beau09:58
pittididrocks: s/g+/blog/ :)09:59
pittididrocks: yeah, I got reminded by the side-thread on u-devel@ about developer APIs09:59
didrockspitti: trop de sources d'informations :)09:59
pittididrocks: en effet..09:59
seb128pitti, salut, ca va bien, et toi ?10:00
seb128pitti, ici il fait beau mais ils ont prévu le retour des nuages demain :-(10:00
pittiseb128: je suis curieux comment UDS va foctionner aujourd'hui :)10:01
seb128pitti, j'espère que ca va bien marcher10:01
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seb128pitti, hum, do you know about bugs with your recent pygobject update?10:34
seb128gi/overrides/__init__.py", line 35, in __setitem__10:34
seb128    raise KeyError('You have tried to modify the registry outside of the overrides module.  This is not allowed')10:34
pittiseb128: not yet; I had it blocked from propagation until all teh autopkgtests ran10:34
seb128(gedit:16285): libpeas-WARNING **: Error loading plugin 'codecomment'10:34
seb128pitti, gedit does that to me today10:34
pittihm, which plugin do I need for this?10:34
seb128codecomment I guess :p10:35
seb128gedit-plugins: /usr/lib/gedit/plugins/codecomment.py10:35
Laneypitti: did you ask for it to be unblocked?10:35
pittiLaney: yes, infinity did that10:35
Laneyah, yeah10:36
Laneyjust wondering if it was on request10:36
pittiseb128: ah, can reproduce10:36
seb128pitti, great10:36
seb128pitti, want a bug report?10:36
pittiyes, please10:36
seb128pitti, bugzilla or launchpad?10:36
pittiseb128: as you wish; perhaps LP, I'll forward it then10:37
pittiah, I think I know what's wrong10:37
seb128pitti, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pygobject/+bug/114656710:39
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1146567 in pygobject "gedit's "codecomment" raises a KeyError since the recent update" [Undecided,New]10:39
pittiseb128: merci10:39
seb128pitti, merci à toi ! ;-)10:39
pittiseb128: je suis desolé, je vais le corriger maintenant10:41
seb128pitti, pas de soucis, merci ;-)10:42
araseb128, ping10:42
seb128ara, hey10:42
seb128ara, how are you?10:42
araseb128, good, thanks! yourself?10:42
araI guess busy busy :)10:42
seb128I'm good thanks10:43
arais there any free slots in the client track for this: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/checkbox/+spec/client-1303-new-checkbox-core-plainbox10:43
seb128yeah, always busy, especially this week with UDS ;-)10:43
arait is a tool both used in the client and the server, so, technically, it could fit both10:43
aramaybe in that case is better suited for foundations?10:43
seb128ara, I can put it in the foundations slot today at 16utc or 18:15 utc10:44
seb128ara, which one do you prefer?10:44
ara16utc would be best, thanks!10:45
seb128ara, yw10:47
seb128ara, hum, is there any way you could move that blueprint to "ubuntu"?10:47
araseb128, we could try. is that important?10:47
seb128ara, it's against the checkbox product10:47
seb128ara, the scheduler doesn't list it since it's not an ubuntu spec10:47
seb128ara, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/checkbox/+spec/client-1303-new-checkbox-core-plainbox/+retarget10:48
seb128ara, that url should allow you to do it10:48
araseb128, done, thanks!10:48
seb128ara, thanks you!10:48
seb128ara, ok, you are on schedule, foundations 1 - 16:00: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/2013-03-05/display11:21
araseb128, great, thanks a lot!11:21
seb128yw ;-)11:21
hemaHi people.11:29
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Guest60788I am an old user of Ubuntu desktop.11:30
Guest60788thougt of using ubuntu 12 now.11:30
Guest60788has canonical stopped shipping the CD's ?11:30
Guest60788oh :( sad of that.11:31
Guest60788the only way is to download?11:31
maxbUnless you find some local unofficial distributor, I believe so11:32
Guest60788uh... okay...11:32
Guest60788thanks Max..11:32
pittiseb128: fixed pygobject uploaded11:39
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seb128pitti, danke12:58
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Sweetsharkso, libcmis breaks horribly on its tests on armhf when compiled with gcc-4.7, so I just tried to make it build on gcc 4.6, which works except that I cant use that as 4.6 is in universe by now and I need libcmis is main. Whats the proper way to proceed?13:26
Sweetsharkcan I only file a bug and wait for gcc to get its act together?13:27
Sweetsharkseb128: ^^13:27
seb128Sweetshark, open a bug, against gcc-4.7, with the details13:28
seb128then ping doko, promise him some free beers if needed13:28
seb128or just build-depends on gcc-4.6, wait for that to show in component mismatch and doko will probably find you :p13:29
Sweetsharkhmm, no doko on IRC ...13:43
czajkowskiperhaps if you break something he'll appear13:46
czajkowskikinda like beetlejuice13:46
TheMusoHey folks.13:46
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desrtgood morning hackers13:52
didrockshey desrt13:52
Sweetsharkczajkowski: does https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-4.7/+bug/1146903 count?13:52
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1146903 in gcc-4.7 "gcc-4.7 causes libcmis FTBFS on armhf, regression against 4.6" [Undecided,New]13:52
* Sweetshark waves at desrt.13:53
czajkowskiSweetshark: as long as you dont break LP today I'm all happy13:53
Sweetsharkczajkowski: ah, we (libreoffice) decided to break lp no more than once a week to give it some time for rest and regroup ...13:54
czajkowskiif you wake wgrant up, be it on your head :)13:54
desrtseb128: lots of packages!13:55
desrtseb128: too bad the builders are so slow lately :(13:55
desrtseb128: good morning, btw :)13:55
seb128desrt, hey, yeah, I noticed some builder backlog recently as well13:56
desrtseb128: i checked last night after coming back home and before sleeping.... some jobs you submitted were still waiting after 14 hours13:57
desrti386 seems particularly bad13:58
seb12828 builders working for i38613:58
Sweetsharksounds like I should throw some libreoffice over the fence.13:58
seb128not sure how many we had yesterday13:58
seb128but it seems like it's catching up13:58
desrtSweetshark: step away from the button, son13:59
didrocksyeah, unity delay wasn't that bad this morning14:00
Sweetsharkmaybe just sticking to the lets-bury-the-builders-for-feature-freeze tradition ?14:00
didrocksfinished late, but was ok14:00
desrtseb128: so there are 7 packages here14:00
desrtthere was supposed to be 814:00
desrtbut i can't remember what the 8th one was :)14:00
seb128which one is missing?14:00
* desrt counted them out to larsu last night...14:00
desrtlarsu: systemd-shim, systemd, g-s-d, g-c-c, indicator-datetime, polkit-policies, ubuntu-system-service14:01
desrtwhat is missing?14:01
BigWhaleThere's now link from uds.ubuntu.com  to http://summit.ubuntu.com ...14:02
czajkowskiseb128: which buildds are cauing you pain ?14:03
desrtoh well.  maybe i counted wrong14:03
desrthappy UDS, everyone!14:03
didrockshappy UDS desrt :)14:03
mlankhorstthe audio compression hurts :(14:04
BigWhaleone benefit of online sessions ... I can drink beer/cider _during_ the sessions!14:04
desrtBigWhale: you'll find straight gin to be more effective for some sessions14:04
desrtdefault web browser selection, for example14:05
BigWhaleyeah for Xorg/Mir session14:05
jcastroseb128: wow, he pronounced your name right! I can't do that.14:06
seb128jcastro, no he didn't :p14:06
seb128jcastro, you don't pronounce the "r" :p14:07
jcastrooh, well it sounded way better than when I try it14:07
kenvandinethere's a plenary?14:07
didrockskenvandine: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21601/introduction/14:08
didrockshave you click on the link in the schedule? :p14:08
didrocksno mterry has well, skipping plenary! :)14:08
desrtcharles: hey.  this pthread linking issue is causing jenkins to reject my branch14:08
desrtplz fix :)14:08
kenvandinei didn't see that anywhere...14:08
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didrocksetherpad seems to not really scale, isn't it?14:17
popey\o/ gobby14:17
ogra_back to gobby !14:17
popeyi logged into gobby.ubuntu.com the other day, didn't realise it was still up14:17
attenteseb128: can you take a look at these when convenient? https://code.launchpad.net/~attente/gtk/no-menu-proxy/+merge/151568 and https://code.launchpad.net/~attente/gtk/gtk2-no-menu-proxy/+merge/15161914:24
attenteit seemed like the desktop-ppa's gtks still had the menu proxy patch14:25
seb128attente, hey, will do, but maybe not today, we have UDS today (started half an hour ago)14:26
seb128attente, hey, we had those patches in the ppa, but those version got deprecated by new uploads to raring14:26
seb128like indicator-appmenu got a landing with the hud splitted14:26
attenteseb128: ah.. no wonder14:26
didrocksam I the only one to see a red bar progressing where we have the duration on youtube normally?14:26
seb128we need to rebase on that14:26
cyphermoxdidrocks: mine just says En direct, no red bar progress (it's at the end)14:27
seb128didrocks, I see a red bar but not progressing14:27
attentedidrocks: i see the red bar14:27
didrocksseb128: it was at the beginning at the start of the show14:28
* didrocks wonders what will happen when (soon), the red bar will reach the end14:28
cyphermoxperhaps there is some buffering and you can pause, skip ahead, etc?14:28
cyphermoxie. maube you're not watching direct right now?14:28
didrocksmaybe, I just hope this won't cut at some point14:28
seb128attente, can you rebase you indicator-appmenu branch on the current trunk? will make easier to get updates in the ppa again14:28
seb128attente, I will try to get back the gtk patches back in there this week as well14:29
cyphermoxattente: lp:indicator-appmenu, I'll review as seen as I see a merge request14:29
cyphermoxargh, I can't type today14:29
attenteseb128, cyphermox sure14:29
seb128attente, thanks14:30
seb128attente, how is the testing work going? things will be easier once we can land the new source in the archive14:30
attenteseb128: i only managed to write a few tests combining autopilot and atspi, i got a bit blocked because one of the tests is strangely failing14:31
alesageattente, the autopilot tests?14:32
seb128didrocks, cyphermox: how much testing for the new menus do you require for the thing to land?14:33
attentealesage, yes14:33
cyphermoxseb128: attente: tests included in the merge for new stuff, tests passing14:33
didrocksseb128: I would say that we get basic coverage: ensuring the menu is exported, opening a menu, acting on something, ensuring it's act14:33
attentealesage: for one of the tests, the behaviour differs when i do it manually vs using autopilot14:33
cyphermoxI mean, all the autopilot stuff, to go along with any new tests to verify the new functionality14:34
seb128cyphermox, didrocks: thanks14:34
attentecyphermox: thanks14:34
alesageattente, is this in the unity-gtk-module trunk?14:35
attentealesage: yes14:35
alesageattente ok14:35
attentealesage, the failing test is the tests.GeditTestCase.test_file_new, but i commented out the assertions that cause it to fail14:36
alesageattente ok I'll have a look14:36
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highvoltagejbicha: heya! what's the gdm fallback session? it's unrelated to the gnome-fallback-session, right?15:27
highvoltageah craperola15:27
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desrtattente: hey.  why didn't you land the indicator-appmenu changes yet?15:56
desrtthe PPA version of the package keeps falling behind...15:56
attentedesrt: working on it...15:58
desrtattente: looks like your merge proposal includes a copy of hudmenumodelcollector.c ?15:58
attentedesrt: yes16:00
desrtis that on purpose?16:00
attentei'm not really following what you mean...16:01
desrtthe diff at the bottom of the page here: https://code.launchpad.net/~attente/indicator-appmenu/indicator-appmenu/+merge/14353116:01
desrtvs. current trunk it adds back a copy of hudmenumodelcollector.c16:02
desrti think that's probably a mistake16:02
desrti think your branch ended up on both sides of the hud-removal work...16:03
desrti'd almost just start over again.... something has gone very badly here16:03
attenteyeah... you're right16:03
attentei did the merge and it kept the old file16:04
desrtjust take the good parts of the diff (ie: the actual work, plus the tests) and start over16:04
desrtpush a new branch and merge-request it16:04
desrtbzr has made a complete mess of this branch... i fear to imagine what might happen if you tried to merge this into trunk at this point16:04
attentesure, thanks desrt16:06
larsuattente: push it into the same merge request though, with `bzr push --overwrite`16:07
desrtseb128: maybe we could get an updated gtk3.7 in the PPA dropping the menu proxy patch?16:10
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desrtseb128: or please add me to the desktop team :)16:14
highvoltagejbicha: hey :)16:27
jbichahighvoltage: aloha16:31
seb128desrt, I plan to get the gtk2/gtk3/indicator-appmenu updated in the ppa again soon, I was waiting on the indicator-appmenu patch to be rebased and for the new gtk to be out16:37
seb128bonus point if jbicha updates gtk2 first in raring16:38
seb128last time he overwrote my ppa version the new day by uploading the new version, rebased on debian, in raring16:38
jbichaseb128: I saw there was another gtk2 update ;)16:40
seb128jbicha, right, want to do it? ;-)16:40
desrtseb128: can you add me to desktop team?16:42
seb128desrt, no16:43
seb128desrt, that team gives upload rights for GNOME to the archive16:43
seb128desrt, it needs +1 from 3 members and official ack from the DBM16:43
seb128desrt, maybe you can use your ppa? I can do ppa copies from launchpad so it would be easier to move them to the desktop ppa from yours16:44
jbichaseb128: not this time, I'm a bit busy this week & I don't need it for gnome-themes-standard like happened last time16:45
seb128like it would be one click to copy your ppa over16:45
desrtseb128: i don't really have anything specific i want to do right now if you have a plan for gtk...16:45
seb128jbicha, ok16:45
desrti just wanted to stop bothering you in the future16:45
seb128desrt, if you are interested in packaging and do enough you can join the team, but I doubt that's the case16:45
seb128desrt, just use your ppa and ping me for copies16:45
seb128copy is a click away16:46
didrocksseb128: well, copy after looking over a *verrrryyyyy* long list of ppa owners :)16:57
seb128Laney, how was the rolling release session? any outcome?16:57
didrocksyeah, I followed the end as well, but I don't see any outcome :)16:58
seb128didrocks, right, still better than doing the packaging and upload :p16:58
LaneyThere was a reasonable level of support for keeping Raring but no decision16:58
Laneybased on the fact that this is what was planned for16:58
didrocksseb128: if you compare lazyness-wise, right ;)16:58
seb128Laney, with Canonical resources allocated for security and SRUs?16:58
Laneythe OEM (System 76) were pretty against that as a lot of their users like to get new stuff16:58
Laneyseb128: possibly, yeah16:58
Laneyas in planning properly to do this rolilng thing afterwards16:59
* seb128 hates doing SRUs for nonLTS versions16:59
* seb128 wants to stop that16:59
seb128I got fed up with quantal SRUs, that's eating days and a good part doesn't get verified at the end17:00
seb128well I guess we could find a middle ground and we low on SRUs17:00
seb128just do the security work17:00
LaneyIt's more of a doing what we promised to do and what people (including some OEMs apparently) have based their time/business on17:04
Laneyeven if it's not working we need to give the right amount of time for people to adjust17:05
seb128I'm fine doing a release, as long as it's not a maintenance time sink17:06
seb128but well, we never gave garanties on the number of SRUs we do17:06
Laneywe didn't do the whole gnome point release for Quantal for example17:06
Laneyso there's already some precedent there17:06
seb128we tend to not do it in nonLTS cycles for a while17:06
seb128we don't have the resources for it17:07
Laneywe'll see17:07
Laneyseb128: can you CC me if you email people about the maliit stuff?17:17
LaneyAFAIK the patches went upstream17:17
seb128Laney, ok, will do, thanks17:18
Laneyas in murray pushed them all so there's no fork any more17:18
Laneywell, once they release17:18
seb128Laney, what about the UI? nemo was it?17:24
LaneyI think they use nemo currently but the target is the maliit keyboard17:24
Laneynemo is the N9 one17:24
seb128is any of those qt5?17:25
Laneyyeah nemo is17:25
Laneyerr, they both are*17:25
Laneyin trunk, not raring AFAIK17:25
seb128Laney, I see, thanks for the blogpost link and the details ;)17:27
Laneyhttp://lists.maliit.org/pipermail/maliit-announce-maliit.org/2013-February/000026.html "Our main focus will be the master branch where we will drop support for Qt 4 and only focus on Qt 5 quite soon. This branch is intended for anybody who wants or needs to keep using Maliit with Qt 4. "17:28
kenvandineseb128, qml-friends is in sourceNEW... when you get a chance for a review :)18:56
seb128kenvandine, will do after end of UDS and dinner ;-)18:56
seb128or tomorrow morning18:56
kenvandinedid you see the video i posted?18:57
kenvandinei got some more time for hacking last night :)18:57
kenvandineit's no longer desktop friendly though... we need tedg to fix hud 2.0 :)18:59
didrocksand tedg is in fix mode! :)19:00
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
mterryGuh, just had to reboot to fix my camera.19:11
didrocksmterry: you didn't want to show that you are in night suits, admit it! :)19:12
didrocksmterry: more seriously, had exactly the same issue yesterday19:13
mterry"night suits"  Had to look that up19:13
didrocksmterry: what's the term btw?19:14
didrocksmterry: pyjama, really?19:15
mterrydidrocks, sleepwear too19:15
mterrydidrocks, I like night suits though19:16
didrocksmterry: well, I tried to use some tentative descriptive words :)19:17
mterrydidrocks, I'll try to get it to catch on over here19:17
robrudidrocks, mterry : http://tiwibzone.tiwib.netdna-cdn.com/images/suit-pajamas.jpg19:20
didrocksrobru: what I'm wearing everynights19:21
=== sabdfl__ is now known as sabdfl
mterryseb128, my overlay scrollbar seems a bit wonky in rhythmbox with desktop-ppa.  is that something others are seeing?20:01
mterryspecifically in the library list of songs20:01
seb128mterry, nobody mentioned it yet, but nobody mentioned the theme bugs or the screenshot issue so I guess very few people use the ppa20:01
* didrocks waves good evening20:04
mterryrobert_ancell, didn't you have some lightdm fixes you were going to make and then a release?20:44
robert_ancellmterry, test fixes, but that doesn't need to block the release20:45
robert_ancellmterry, is there something that needs a release now?20:45
mterryrobert_ancell, not really.  Just remembered that the qt5 bindings hadn't hit raring, but nothing needs them quite yet20:45
robert_ancellmterry, ok20:46
robert_ancellmterry, I'm busy at the moment but I'll try and make a release20:46
mterryrobert_ancell, no rush20:47
desrtcharles: >:|21:09
=== Chucrute301 is now known as Chucrute302
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away

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