
darkxstrobert_ancell, I though you had, but all I can find was https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1064269/comments/600:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 1064269 in gnome-shell "When running lightDM user switching doesnt work" [Medium,New]00:02
darkxstalthough it seems impossible to actually get a full list of sponsors for all my packages00:03
darkxstjbicha, on the subject of images, the current state for vmware is somewhat broken, but otherwise both images seem to be working fine00:51
darkxstfirefox + libreoffice add about 60-70MB00:52
jbichadarkxst: ok great00:55
robert_ancelldarkxst, yeah, it feels like there should have been more. I've added an endorsement to your application.00:55
jbichadarkxst: I'm thinking we'll drop most of the games & Evolution too but add Documents00:57
robert_ancelljbicha, :..(00:59
jbicharobert_ancell: well if GNOME would decide on an official limited set we'd probably do that01:00
robert_ancelljbicha, they almost did01:00
jbichaI was thinking Aisleriot, Mahjongg & Sudoku like Ubuntu (Ubuntu also does Mines), any others we should do?01:01
darkxstrobert_ancell, thanks01:02
jbicharobert_ancell: we had a short conversation on our list at https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/msg00265.html01:02
darkxstjbicha, not sure, I don't play many games01:02
robert_ancelljbicha, yeah, I don't have a major opinion. I know aisleriot, sudoku mines seem to be common favourites01:03
jbichaI think we can get a lists.ubuntu.com list soon which will be nicer than the LP interface01:03
darkxstdefinitely add documents, and I would probably leave evolution in, its doesnt really add much to the size, since most of the rdepends are there already01:04
jbichadarkxst: that's why I wanted to keep the list relatively short (backing away from the original idea of including the whole set since our image is bigger than most of the others)01:04
darkxsthow big are the other images?01:05
jbichadarkxst: I thought evolution added 10MB or so and nobody noticed that it wasn't in our first 2 alphas01:05
darkxstwe are currently at 880MB for amd64 and 860MB for i38601:06
jbichaactually that may not be true now, Xubuntu is about 800MB today but they asked and got a ceiling of 1GB, Kubuntu looks like they're over 900MB01:07
jbichadarkxst: ok I'll go ahead and wait on evolution for a bit to see if we get a daily with an official image size first01:08
jbichadropping evolution would be edgy even though most people don't use it01:08
darkxstI guess all these people that use webmail, only have 1 email address!01:12
jbichanah, gmail for instance works pretty well for unifying multiple accounts01:14
darkxstincluding non-gmail accounts though?01:19
darkxstvia IMAP?01:20
jbichasure or pop3 & then smtp to send01:20
robert_ancelljbicha, do you have gnome git commit access?03:55
jbicharobert_ancell: yes04:02
robert_ancelljbicha, ok, I was going to say just commit the gnome-games theme patches04:02
robert_ancellbut I just did04:02
jbichaoh ok04:03
jbichaI guess you can move -extra-data to the archive?04:04
robert_ancelljbicha, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=69518104:14
ubot5Gnome bug 695181 in Git "Archive the gnome-games-extra-data module" [Normal,Unconfirmed]04:14
darkxstanother broken gnome-shell release... http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-shell/commit/?id=6c3685649921790feb00616f5a840debce3e1d8507:23
ricotz(they really should avoid rushing things in last-minute, and release something after it had settled for a day or so)07:29
darkxstyeh, but I guess they all use jhbuild so it doesnt really matter08:12
smartboyhwCongrats to UGR....13:11
smartboyhwjbicha: Congrats !!14:24
darkxstricotz, I fixed gobect-introspection, so you can drop the cflags hack next time you update21:49
MrChrisDruifEvening everyone.22:36
darkxstjbicha, mutter http://pastebin.com/UEatwuvt22:49
MrChrisDruifHow's it going here?23:30
MrChrisDruif(Sorry, got a bit preoccupied with something else...ordering a new laptop)23:30

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