
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein
=== mhall119 is now known as mhall119|afk
cjohnstonis anyone around that could help me out with udsbot?18:54
cjohnstontsimpson: ^18:54
tsimpsoncjohnston: what's up?18:54
cjohnstontsimpson: can I get added to be able to control it?18:55
cjohnstonit isnt in atleast one of the channels18:55
tsimpsoncjohnston: which channels?18:56
tsimpsonthere now18:58
=== Ool_ is now known as Ool
=== mhall119|afk is now known as mhall119
AlanBelltsimpson: can we get cjohnston and mhall119 access to tell udsbot to join and part channels, I think they are going to be the ones who know what channels to put it in going forward22:50
mhall119AlanBell: is that necessary?  I don't think we'll be changing the UDS rooms much once we settle into something that works22:54
TheLordOfTimei'd agree with AlanBell in the short term, until you have a system that works, mhall119, there is a chance you'll need to change things up, which would mean it'd be good if you guys have bot access to fix it.22:56
TheLordOfTimes/fix it/make those changes of where the bot should be/22:56
TheLordOfTimejust saying (I don't really have a say in the matter)22:57

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