
ubottuxangua called the ops in #ubuntu (thierry)02:14
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=== Guest70441 is now known as Mamarok
jribI honestly think someone that speaks italian should try to ask one of these numerous italian !list people why they think it would work here14:31
DJonesI thought it had been explained in the past as its part of the Italian mindset to download films etc via IRC rather than through torrents/websites14:32
k1lsomeone told me it was in a famous italian magazine or warez site that that is the way irc works14:35
ubottusomsip called the ops in #ubuntu (one is trolling)15:19
Piciooops, the floodbots banned them16:09
Picioh well16:09
MyrttiI have to say, I lol'd17:16
Pici1900 nicks?19:15
Myrttiso it is19:22
IdleOnenope :)19:29
topyliany staff? we have a problem at #ubuntu-offtopic. or a better op who might be able to keep them out :)20:07
topyliban evading20:07
Fuchstopyli: sure this needs staff,20:08
Fuchsas the ban has just been updated,20:08
Fuchsand seems to be very local to that specific channel?20:08
topylii don't really know, i'm trying to exit ubuntu stuff but i'm somehow still an op there20:09
IdleOneyou leaving us?20:10
topylii've been moving back to debian for a good while now. i'm just doing the rest of my ubuntu work as promised20:13
topyliit's been great fun while it lasted!20:13
IdleOneI don't think the use of Ubuntu is a prerequisite to being an op in ubuntu channels.20:14
topyliit isn't, and i'm still an op at -ot like always20:14
topylino need for me in the ircc next year however20:15
Fuchstopyli: usually local channel problems should be handled by local channel ops,20:17
Fuchsand in this specific case  1) the issue was already handled   2) we don't have the better tools than you have, there20:18
Fuchsif people abuse accounts or cloaks to evade bans, we might be interested in that, since this is not what they are intended for20:18
Fuchsso that might make us unhappy20:18
Fuchsbut if people have entirely different hosts ... we can ban them the same way as you can. We obviously _could_ remove them from the network, but I do on one hand not see how that would help (given they have other hosts) and I don't think this is an appropriate response to them misbehaving in one channel20:19
topyliFuchs: sorry. i was never elected for my irc skills in the first place :)20:21
Fuchstopyli: no problem at all, I just wasn't sure whether you are aware of that, hence me asking :)20:21
Fuchsit wasn't meant as an offense or something similar20:21
topylioh no, i didn't mean it like that at all myself20:22

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