
komputesballoons: ping00:39
balloonskomputes, pong00:40
komputesballoons: I was reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~chilicuil/ubuntu-manual-tests/partial-fix-1111814/+merge/15056100:41
komputeswhat sis you need me to do, read? comment? reproduce?00:41
komputesballoons: how do I recommend changes, should we talk about them first?00:44
balloonskomputes, feel free to comment straight on the merge00:44
balloonsno need to talk to me or the contributor first.. your talking by commenting :-)00:44
komputesballoons: what does he mean by "Both of them are for arm arch which should be especified in the name"00:58
komputesall of these say i686/amd6400:58
chilicuilkomputes: I was refering to the current netinstall testcases, 1452* and 1453_*01:06
komputesohai :|01:07
komputeschilicuil: oh I see, it's a seperate request.01:08
chilicuilkomputes: yep, the merge request is about creating 3 new testcases, and I recommended to rename the current ones01:08
komputesgot it. good then, +101:12
pittiGood morning06:39
=== _salem is now known as salem_
thomigood morning13:39
SergioMenesesmorning thomi13:40
SergioMenesesballoons, \o13:47
balloonshey SergioMeneses13:48
zygaballoons: hey, are you going to friendly session?13:48
balloonszyga, I did everythng I could to prevent session overlap tomorrow for it13:50
balloonslooks like I succeeded13:50
balloonsso, yea.. the 1600 session tomorrow I will do13:50
zygaballoons: cool, I'll see you there13:53
balloonsthomi, the UDS time is not so friendly to you eh?13:56
thomi... not so much13:57
thomiI haven't slept since yesterday yet13:57
jpickettjust ticking over to 1am13:57
thomi3am for me :(13:57
jpickettNZ aye13:57
balloonsyea.. pretty crazy13:59
ssbobballoons, I see you are leading some sessions, excited?14:14
balloonsssbob, it's gonna be interesting :-)14:14
balloonssince it's virtual, and we get to be in the first timeslot14:15
ssbobfor sure, going to go to as many as I can ... thankfully work is quiet today.14:15
balloonshopefully things work out nicely..14:15
balloonsssbob, excellent14:15
ssbobI am sure they will14:15
zygacr3: hey17:00
zygacprofitt: hey17:13
zygacprofitt: I just noticed your question in the blueprint17:13
zygacprofitt: do you want to talk about that during the friendly session later?17:13
zygacprofitt: or do you want to get some answers early before the session?17:13
roadmrzyga: that session is tomorrow, right?17:15
zygaroadmr: I think so, yes17:15
roadmrzyga: ok, just checking :)17:15
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
jtaylorsomeone here now who can anwser why numpy adt did not rebuild when openblas (first level dependency) changed?19:11
balloonsjtaylor, we're all at UDS for the next couple days.. you can ping pitti tho19:35
jtaylorbeing at uds means being at your regular place this time :)19:36
pittijtaylor: not off the top of my head19:46
pittiit's certainly supposed to19:47
balloonshello Letozaf_ njin.. ohh he's left20:20
Letozaf_balloons, Hello20:22
balloonswhew.. day 1 is done20:22
Letozaf_balloons, must have been tough :D20:23
balloonsdifferent.. much different than physical uds20:23
Letozaf_balloons, maybe less time consuming20:24
Letozaf_balloons, everyone connects from their home20:24
Letozaf_balloons, do not have to travel20:24
balloonsyes.. benefits are definitely there :-)20:25
Letozaf_balloons, :( trying to find my camera in autopilot vis after launching shotwell with autopilot launch, but cannot find it :(20:48
balloonsLetozaf_, ohh yes I wanted to chat with you20:48
Letozaf_balloons, about my camera ? :D20:48
balloonsI had no luck using autopilot vis20:49
balloonscould not get it to click the camera20:49
balloonsit simply wasn't exposed it seemed20:49
Letozaf_balloons, well this makes me feel better, I mean at least I wasn't the only one that could not find it's camera :D20:49
Letozaf_balloons, so what could be done ?20:50
Letozaf_balloons, I mean to use autopilot with shotwell20:50
balloonsLetozaf_, my brain is spent.. but I don't know.. I tried using keyboard shortcuts20:50
balloonsbut couldn't find a way there etheir20:50
balloonswe may end up having to screenread or something.. I've no idea20:51
balloonsthe other piece is that it launches with the tab open if you use zeigtest20:51
balloonsso we might sneak it in that wya20:51
Letozaf_balloons, yes there are quite a lot problems with shotwell indeed !20:52
Letozaf_balloons, is it zeigtest or zenity ?20:54
balloonslol.. neither20:54
balloonsI mean the autoplay stuff20:54
Letozaf_balloons, oh yes!20:55
balloonsyou don't start shotwell yourself, but instead use the autoplay20:55
balloonsthat was the only way I thought it would work20:55
balloonsdue to shotwell..:-(20:55
balloonsor screenread the camera button20:55
Letozaf_balloons, how does the screenreading work ? sounds good20:56
balloonsLetozaf_, I mean to say literally pixelscanning21:01
balloonsit works / can work, but not so fun21:02
balloonsliterally it would be better to push a patch to shotwell to fix the lack of exposing21:02
Letozaf_balloons, oh! so maybe I should just wait and see what you guys do for this, right ?21:03
Letozaf_balloons, I can try to test something else with autopilot meanwhile21:03
balloonsLetozaf_, yea, sadly.. I want this to work tho, because it's so cool.. But it's going to require some hack time.. and it's going to end up being working around21:04
Letozaf_balloons, ok!21:05
balloonshowever, your umockdev work is good.. so you've proved it out21:06
Letozaf_balloons, yeah! that was fun!21:06
balloonsI mean pitti made the magic, but you proved it to be useful hehe21:06
balloonsso ty pitti :-)21:06
Letozaf_balloons, sure pitti made the magic!21:06
Letozaf_yeah thanks pitti :D21:06
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
SergioMeneseshi all!23:33
SergioMenesesstgraber, hi! are you busy?23:35

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