
dank101when i run git diff00:17
dank101i get usage: git diff [--no-index] <path> <path>00:17
dank101am i doing something wrong00:17
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KurlonAs the git object count clears 2mil I suspect I won't be doing anything for awhile...00:20
ogra_dank101, you need to do it inside a tree00:28
ogra_the toplevel dir isnt one00:29
ogra_(its just the repo instance)00:29
dank101im a noob at git00:29
dank101explain it like im 500:30
* ogra_ too ... i'm a bzr guy ... 00:30
dank101how to i make a tree00:31
essentialzIf you don’t find any files there, grep for “nosuid”.  <---- whats that mean00:31
ogra_the toplevel dir that was created when you synced is a repo00:31
ogra_the dirs inside that are git trees00:31
dank101im in ~/.repo/manifests$00:31
ogra_cd to one of the dirs, there git diff will work00:32
ogra_not the hidden dir with the metadata :)00:32
ogra_cd kernel/foo/bar/baz00:32
ogra_git diff ...00:32
ogra_or cd device/blah/foople00:32
dank101where do i put the manifest00:33
ogra_put ?00:33
ogra_you edit the exiting one00:34
KurlonBefore I go nuts trying, anyone else started working on the nook color?00:34
ogra_like the porting guide says00:34
ogra_Kurlon, if https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices doesnt list it we dont know about it :)00:34
RobbyFanyone successfully make an app yet?00:34
dank101the file doesn't exist00:35
ogra_RobbyF, a few people on the mailing list ....00:35
KurlonFair enough.  I doubt I can supply fixes if it doesn't work, but I'll give it an honest college try at least.00:35
ogra_dank101,  .repo/manifest.xml00:36
RobbyFI should join that list, thanks ogra_00:36
ogra_which is a link to .repo/manifests/default.xml00:36
dank101how f**king dumb am i00:36
ogra_so in there you define additional git trees ... the repo sync command will then pull them and intrgrate them for you00:37
dank101error.NoManifestException: /home/daniel/.repo/manifests/.git/HEAD00:37
ogra_how did you get that ?00:39
essentialzogra_: do you know common places to find grep "nosuid"00:39
essentialzwtf sorry00:39
essentialzi didnt mean to type that... damn mouse jumping all over the place00:39
KurlonFirst fail, the extract-files.sh script is failing to see my nook.00:41
essentialzchanging the suid is absolutely neccessary?00:43
ogra_essentialz, if you want a usable system it needs to be mounted without nosuid00:44
ogra_just find your fstab file for your device00:45
essentialzim having a little problem finding fstab.ville00:45
essentialzi see one called fstab.recovery in the directory00:45
ogra_which directory are you in exactly now ?00:45
essentialzand the file is called recovery.fstab, could that be it?00:46
ogra_do you have more than that one dir added ?00:47
ogra_(under device/)00:47
essentialzi have about 800:47
essentialzasus, common, generic, htc, ti, samsung, sample, lge00:48
ogra_i.e. to port to my galaxy S2 i needed device/samsung/galaxys2-common as well as device/samsung/i910000:48
ogra_my fstab is in the -common subdir00:48
essentialzoh ok00:48
eMinjaAny update to this since it came out?00:48
essentialzyea i did a common too00:48
eMinjaOr will phablet-flash -l just reflash the same image00:49
ogra_well, use find :)00:49
ogra_find device/ -name *fstab*00:49
ogra_from the toplevel dir00:49
essentialzok thanks.. the tut said use grub "nosuid'00:50
essentialzits been running for a while00:50
ogra_eMinja, images are built daily ... phablet-flash -l always flashes the latest (thus the -l)00:50
ogra_grub ?00:50
KurlonSweet, extract in progress, finally.00:50
eMinjaAnything big change since the first day?00:51
ogra_essentialz, stop that command ... use  the find i gave you above00:51
essentialzno sorry... grep00:51
eMinjaI'm reflashing now anyway, but just a quick update would be great00:51
ogra_yeah, i guessed that00:51
essentialzdoing right now00:51
ogra_i.e mine sits in device/samsung/galaxys2-common/rootdir/fstab.smdk421000:52
ogra_a little more hidden than the porting guide suggests00:52
essentialzdevice/htc/ville/rootdir/etc/fstab.ville; device/htc/ville/recovery.fstab;device/htc/ville/configs/vold.fstab00:52
essentialzgot it00:52
essentialzlol you the man00:52
essentialzsorry kinda new to linux... been using only a couple weeks... a lot of commands still strange to me00:53
ogra_yeah, its all about training :)00:54
* ogra_ does that stuff since a while 00:54
essentialzcool, thanks again... lets see how far i can get on my own again...00:55
essentialznot very far... lol... what am i suppose to do with that? ogra_ do i just remove the nosuid from the mnt_flags for data cache and devlog?00:59
ogra_The default fstab for the new device will have its /data partition mounted with nosuid, which needs to be removed, as certain Ubuntu applications/daemons require the use of setuid01:05
ogra_from the porting guide text01:05
ogra_so remove nosuid from the /data line01:06
rsalvetispecially network01:08
rsalvetinetwork manager doesn't play well with nosuid01:08
KurlonOk, that seems like a bit of an issue... 'brunch' not found.01:08
ogra_did the script finish properly ?01:08
Kurlonogra_: AFAIK it did, I suppose I can restart and try again.01:09
KurlonOk, I called env-setup.sh wrong, my bad.01:10
LathriskI was considering flashing the ubuntu touch image onto an old phone01:34
Lathriskwill I retain my bootloader (revolutionary)?01:34
KurlonLooks like there is more work involved for the nook, I'll writeup what I've done so far and post to the list.01:37
essentialzogra_: thanks... had to get some grub.01:45
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trapntanok, can someone walk a noob through a port install?01:58
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* trapntan_ 's tethering sucks tonight02:03
essentialzOk... so I am almost at building... got to brightness indicator part. tried searching for init.ville.rc but doesnt exist02:03
trapntan_would proper install steps be02:03
trapntan_flash unoffical in recovery02:03
trapntan_flash preinstall in recovery02:04
essentialztrapntan_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting#Building_the_Ubuntu_packages02:04
trapntan_well, what's the deal with the phablet-flash?02:04
trapntan_those instructions don't say what to do with the unoffical in relation to the preinstall02:05
essentialzoh... sorry. I'm going through the steps myself. wait for someone else to help you.02:05
trapntan_yeah seemed to be ok with the build, few changes required from maguro to Toro02:07
trapntan_Just wanna double check before trying to figure out why this won't boot lol02:07
essentialzoh... lol02:09
essentialzim stuck at brightness indicator part02:12
KurlonDo you still need a java jdk installed, I thought ubuntu touch didn't use any of the dalvik stuff?02:16
shadeslayerhi, I had the sources for android etc checked out earlier using phablet-dev-bootstrap, and I copied it to my External HDD becaused I needed to format my computer, how can I restore that backup so that phablet-dev-bootstrap continues from where it left off?02:17
shadeslayerbecause repo status says everything is missing02:17
shadeslayerand I get : fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git02:18
shadeslayererror: .repo/manifests/: manifests checkout 76c770f4f7f6de8c4e748d2634baa8bd2564d52702:18
essentialzwhats this about? build/core/main.mk:155: *** stop.  Stop.02:23
ntzrmtthihu777sup all02:27
shadeslayeressentialz: the error is probably a bit further up02:27
ntzrmtthihu777not sure if this is the place for it, but I have installed precise x64 on a dell inspiron one2205, looking to get multitouch working02:27
essentialzshadeslayer: it says i have the wrong version of java.... i have 1.7.0_1502:28
essentialzsais correct version is 1/602:28
essentialzdoes that really matter?02:28
shadeslayeridk, I haven't compiled it yet02:28
essentialzhow can i get gedit to show me the lines numbered?02:29
ntzrmtthihu777essentialz: edit > preferences02:30
ntzrmtthihu777essentialz: I just told you02:31
essentialzntzrmtthihu777: thx02:32
essentialzis main.mk like somekind of log? i went to line 155 and it shows the error thats on the command prompt02:33
thIsgUy_while syncing with the repo i no its downloading but in /home/jon/[target_directory] theres nothing there right now. its not done downloading yet it gone take me awhile to get it finished but when im done will something be there? i no its downloading something cause i see space going down02:34
johnjohn101wow, everything going to Qt.  Unreal02:45
lilsteviejohnjohn101, the Mir post doesn't say that exactly :p02:45
lilsteviejust that Qt is the first thing being ported02:45
johnjohn101qml looks promising.02:46
KurlonMy current sticking point on my Nook Color02:50
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drmarbleKurlon: I commented out the line BOARD_CUSTOM_BOOTIMG_MK := device/bn/encore/uboot-bootimg.mk from BoardConfig.mk. That lets the build finish but don't try flashing the image, we need a uboot image for the nook color. Nesmith says we need to delve deeper into the makefiles.03:04
KurlonOh, so someone else has already been down this road?  Cool.03:09
ricmmrsalveti: what do you mean finally landing it?03:19
ricmmthe vpid stuff has been in there for a while, just hadnt release the pkg03:19
rsalvetiricmm: landing at the ppa03:19
rsalvetias we don't have staging anymore03:19
ricmmits android-side only anyways03:19
rsalvetiricmm: right, will at least unblock the shell guys, not so sure when they will land the code that uses it03:20
ricmmrsalveti: the other packages are for jim's sensor observers stuff03:20
rsalvetinot specifically, but the support for starting apps by cmdline properly (without the need of clicking at the running apps)03:20
ricmmrsalveti: yep, need to try and push that forward... need to wait for florian to be back tho03:20
rsalvetiright, cool03:20
rsalvetiricmm: did we land the media player already?03:21
ricmmrsalveti: that has landed since a while ago, just the shell hasnt been released03:21
ricmmthe launching apps from console, that is03:21
ricmmits separate from the vpid stuff tho, vpid has to do with using the real apps lens03:21
rsalvetiricmm: how often are we releasing new packages currently?03:21
ricmmto index .desktop files etc03:21
rsalvetiI know we want the autoland to be in place, but before that's done :-)03:21
ricmmrsalveti: not often enough03:21
ricmmour manual woes are proof :)03:21
rsalvetiyeah, we need to land stuff more often :-)03:22
ricmmwill try to get the apps lens rolling after UDS03:23
rsalvetiricmm: we probably want to start landing some of the core apps as well (done by community)03:24
rsalvetiso we can have them available by default :-)03:24
thIsgUy_sorry if im interrupting ive never used freenode but i just have one question...while syncing with the repo i no its downloading but in /home/jon/[target_directory] theres nothing there right now. its not done downloading yet it gone take me awhile to get it finished but when im done will something be there? i no its downloading something cause i see space going down.03:25
rsalvetinot so sure what needs to happen first though03:25
rsalvetithIsgUy_: it starts with a .repo folder03:25
rsalvetibut something might be wrong at your setup, if you're seeing any progress at your shell03:25
rsalvetias the bootstrap process is quite verbose03:25
ricmmrsalveti: +1 on landing apps, lets take a look at that tomorrow between sessions03:26
ricmmneed to draft up a list of whats up or something03:26
rsalvetiricmm: yup03:26
ricmmor a way to track app development, not just porting03:26
ricmmin the wiki03:26
thIsgUy_so inside of /home/jon/[target_directory] there should be a .repo folder or somewhere else cause i dont see nothing now03:26
rsalvetithIsgUy_: it should have a .repo folder at the target directory used when cloning the repos03:27
rsalvetithIsgUy_: how are you actually bootstraping your dev env?03:28
rsalvetiusing phablet-dev-bootstrap?03:28
thIsgUy_yea i believe thats it. im kinda new to all this i just simply copied what it said do on the ubuntu touch porting guide03:29
thIsgUy_im sorry idk about all that stuff i just thought it download the stuff to that folder03:29
rsalvetithIsgUy_: can you paste the command you used?03:31
thIsgUy_oh nevermind i see the folder now i had to press ctrl+h to show hidden folders my bad i see it now.03:31
rsalvetinp :-)03:31
thIsgUy_thanks anyways man but one more question if i stop the repo and start again tomorrow will it start over or pick up where it left off03:32
ricmmrsalveti: what about a session in the apps track for tracking widespread app development in the community? an app 'tracker' of sorts03:36
rsalvetiricmm: +103:37
rsalvetithIsgUy_: np :-)03:37
rsalvetiricmm: mind creating it?03:37
ricmmrsalveti: sure I'll make it03:38
rsalvetiricmm: thanks03:38
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ricmmrsalveti: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/appdev-1303-app-development-community-growth03:44
ricmmmaybe it doesnt warrant a new blueprint03:44
ricmmbut just a work item in that one03:44
rsalvetiricmm: yeah, let me add a comment at the whiteboard03:45
rsalvetiricmm: done03:46
rsalvetijezz, it's a *lot* to discuss in 2 days03:46
essentialzExport includes file: build/tools/acp/Android.mk -- /home/essentialz/ubuntuTouch/out/host/linux-x86/obj/EXECUTABLES/acp_intermediates/export_includes make: *** No rule to make target `/home/essentialz/ubuntuTouch/out/target/product/ville/kernel', needed by `/home/essentialz/ubuntuTouch/out/target/product/ville/boot.img'.  Stop.03:59
mhall119rsalveti: the good news is that you can do hangouts with the community *anytime*04:01
mhall119it doesn't have to just be during virtual UDS04:01
rsalvetimhall119: yeah04:01
DucThien1490Hi everyone !04:01
rsalvetiwe'll probably need a few extra slots anyway04:01
mhall119rsalveti: we were talking about using Summit for App Developer Week as well04:01
rsalvetimhall119: cool, seems a good idea04:02
DucThien1490I have some question about Ubuntu touch04:02
mhall119DucThien1490: shoot04:02
DucThien1490I have an Android phone running Android 4.0.104:03
DucThien1490I don't know that i could install Ubuntu touch on my phone.04:04
mhall119DucThien1490: it depends more on the device itself than the version of Android04:05
DucThien1490i'm using a phone coming from Korea named SKY Vega Racer (IM-A770K)04:07
DucThien1490this is detail : http://www.android.com/devices/detail/sky-vega-racer-im-a770k04:07
mhall119DucThien1490: the known list of devices and state of support can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices04:08
mhall119unfortunately I don't see your phone on the list04:08
DucThien1490so Can't i install Ubuntu touch on my phone?04:09
mhall119not yet, but maybe somebody will work on porting it to your phone04:10
DucThien1490My phone has a Dual Core CPU 1,5GHz04:10
mhall119the XDA developers have been incredibly fast in adding support for more devices04:10
NimbleDucThien1490, does your phone have an existing cyanogenmod rom?04:10
DucThien14901GB Ram.04:10
DucThien1490<Nimble> No, it does not.04:12
Nimblethat's what they have been using to quickly port it to devices so it might mean you're out of luck for now04:13
DucThien1490thanks for your support!04:15
Nimbleno problem04:15
essentialzrunning into some issues while compiling. was able to get passed a couple, but dont know what to do04:15
essentialzmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/essentialz/ubuntuTouch/kernel/htc/ville' Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. make: *** wait: No child processes.  Stop.04:16
evonCan someone tell me about there experience with ubuntu on a phone?04:16
wastrelpretty good review from the initial release04:18
evonwastrel.  have you used it personally? on a day to day basis?04:19
wastreli have never used it04:20
Sarvattevon: whats out there now was never meant to be used exclusively, its just for demoing or developing apps on, stay away if thats what you're expecting :)04:21
evonwastrel, Aight04:21
evonSarvatt. oh i c. I will chill out then.  I was debating whether or not I should get an android and put ubuntu on it04:22
evonSarvatt, I guess I will just get the new BB04:22
Nimbleevon, I'd get a nexus 404:22
Nimblethey're going to be supported when Touch is done, so you can use it then04:22
evonNimble, I'm pretty attached to BB unfortunately so I will probably stick to that until I switch phones again04:24
Nimblewell, that's fair and you know your situation better than someone on the internet :P04:24
evonNimble, ;-)04:25
slick_nickersonI keep getting this error04:49
slick_nickersonDevice detected as maguro Not enough space in /data, found 4G04:49
slick_nickersonI have wiped the data partition04:50
slick_nickersonanyone know why it keeps doing this?04:51
Nimblewhat device is it?04:54
slick_nickersonGalaxy Nexus04:54
slick_nickersonit flashed fine before04:55
slick_nickersonnothing has changed on the device04:56
* slick_nickerson is stumped04:56
byronanyone know how to install ubuntu on galaxy tab touch 2 7.0anyone know how to install ubuntu on galaxy tab touch 2 7.004:57
byronanyone know how to install ubuntu touch on galaxy tab  2 7.004:58
Nimblebyron, can it run cyanogenmod?04:59
byroni have install cyanogenmod 10.105:01
Nimblethen theoretically it should work05:02
slick_nickersonok figured it out05:02
Nimblehi Hashcode, I'm about to try your handiwork~05:02
slick_nickersonI think05:02
byronok but as I install it because I have a file that does not allow me to install it, could you tell me how to install Ubuntu?05:03
HashcodeEnjoy Nimble05:03
Nimblewill do.05:05
NimbleI have to say, you're pretty much singlehandedly responsible for keeping the Droid 3 somewhat relevant05:06
Nimbleso thank you very much05:06
Nimblewell, you and the other person who's name escapes me05:06
Nimblebyron, do you mean when you install cm?05:07
byronahhh no, i want to install ubuntu touch05:08
Nimbleyeah, but you said you tried to install something and it gave you an error05:09
Nimblehi byron05:15
Nimbleis your device this list? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices05:16
byronjajajajajja noooo ;(05:18
byronI thought I could install it on the galaxy tab 2 7.0 but not on the list. : (05:18
byronthank you for your help nimble05:19
Nimblebyron, if cyanogenmod runs on it, it's possible someone will port it to your device05:20
Nimbleso check often05:20
byronif you think it is possible but I have to wait longer for the Nexus 7 because if this, I'd think for the Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 will be also be .05:23
rsalvetiI got it working with galaxy tab 2 7.0 (wifi) just fine, just didn't have time to publish the image/instructions yet05:24
rsalvetishould be up later this week, but it might be different if you have the 3g model05:25
* rsalveti -> off05:25
byronwhen you can please send me the tutorial, I'd appreciate a lot, you will be my hero hahaha XD05:27
NimbleHashcode, I didn't know cdma was working?05:34
Nimbleis there a built in terminal somewhere?05:52
naguIs touch preview ported to VM??06:05
Stskeepsrsalveti: thanks, it was starting to look a bit like a problem to me to mix too many licenses06:05
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randomHi all, i was wondering if you guys could tell me if my phone will work for ubuntu touch, i have a Galaxy nexus "mysid" (i matched the build version and andriod version) On the wiki it only show factory images for takju or yakju is that cause it only works on those devices?07:13
randomErm Toro... so i guess that it dosnt work ?07:14
Nimblerandom, yours is toro?07:20
Nimbleand not toroplus?07:20
random4.1.1 (JRO03O) toro, that matches what i got off my phone. so yea toro, not toroplus07:21
Nimblethere are instructions on how to install it in the link I pasted just now07:21
Nimble...it's empty07:22
randomim seeing nothing but an empty wiki07:22
randomyea :/07:22
Nimblethere's a link though07:22
Nimblewith an image07:22
Nimbleyou might want to check xda and see how others are doing it with toro07:22
Nimblebut I think all you have to do is flash it with clockwork mod07:22
Nimblehave you flashed any ROMs before?07:23
randomno my phone is stock standard. Was waiting for the ubuntu stuff to try it out. so i haven't done any of this07:23
Nimblehmmm, ok07:23
randomSo i'm not sure where to start :/07:24
randomi also dont use verizon, im canadain, Virgin mobile.07:24
Nimbleubuntu touch definitely isn't ready for being daily driver07:25
Nimblewhen they say it's a developer preview, they really mean it07:25
Nimblejust so you know07:25
Nimblethat being said, you should probably wait for someone more familiar with the galaxy nexus to help you07:26
NimbleI've never owned one :X07:26
randomyea i dont expect it to be, i hvnt dont any modding to my phone just cause hvnt done it :P it looks interesting... and i mean i got smartphone so i could do this stuff. and making apps and stuff for it, it just looks better, and since i really like using my ubuntu now lol. but yea... guess i should wait on this one sadly. im bored and have nothing to do lol07:27
Nimbleit's actually not hard to flash ROMs, but since I've never done it with your phone I'd feel really uncomfortable doing it07:28
Nimblenow if you had a droid 3...07:28
randomYea x07:30
randomim bored of my andriod atm :P and just the look of the ubuntu touch looks nice and something new.07:30
Nimbleit's pretty nice07:30
NimbleI just put it on mine and it's great07:30
Nimblebut my device barely has enough memory for it07:31
zardi need to take out battery as it didnt respond to power button for whatever reason07:31
zardbut yes, it is very nice07:31
Nimblepretty rough around the edges07:31
Nimblebut when it's done I'll definitely be using it07:31
randomYea gotta find some galaxy nexus users it seems07:32
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traxmacAnyone able to install ubuntu on a HDC S710008:39
traxmacPlanning on buying one08:40
songukei want to compile ubuntu touch for nokia N908:43
zozii want ubunto touch on Samsung Galaxy S208:43
songukeanybody here can roughly describe what are the steps (in big picture) please?08:43
songukeI used linux for a few years08:44
zardnokia N9 <-- nice phone08:44
zardhave internal fm modulator08:44
zoziS2 Better :D08:44
songukebut does not have exp in porting yet08:44
songukezard: yes nokia N9 has a cool design, haha08:45
Nimblesonguke: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting08:55
songukeNimble: thanks. I'll follow that guide and post my progress here later08:56
Nimblegreat, good luck!08:56
songukebut usually, during porting, what kind of problems people might get?08:56
songukedriver problems or any stuffs like that?08:57
Nimbleright now devices are being ported using the cyanogenmod kernel08:57
songukesorry to ask noob questions :)08:57
Nimblewhich is android08:57
Nimbleso your N9 should be good to go if it can run cyanogenmod08:57
songukethere is a NIITdroid project that makes android run on N9 as well08:57
songukebut it's half way done08:57
songukevoice calls haven't worked yet08:58
songukeI'm not sure why08:58
Nimblewell, dunno how helpful it'll be for you then08:59
Niccotynnesalamun alaikum09:15
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woodygmorning all09:49
woodyganyone tried ubuntu touch on any other N10s other than manta?09:50
om26ersuspended nexus 7 for 15hours, 4% battery used; not bad10:05
woodygtrying to set up my Ubuntu desktop, anyone know the difference between the 3 codes names precise, quantal or raring ?10:10
jiangenjtry using quantal currently10:11
jiangenjraring not released yet10:11
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woodygCheers jiangenj, where can I find what the differences are?10:13
lilsteviewoodyg, the date they were released is the main difference10:27
lilsteviewoodyg, they are 12.04, 12.10 and 13.0410:28
woodygok thanks10:31
hopkinskongah hello?11:13
hopkinskongi've got some problem11:13
hopkinskongAccroding to the section of "Enabling a new device" in the porting guide, i can't get my phone's CM10.1 Source Code11:14
hopkinskongThe leatest from my phone is CM711:15
hopkinskongpopey, ogra_?11:18
ogra_that means you need to forward port it to 10.1 first (and that likely the kernel source is way to old to run with ubuntu touch out of teh box)11:19
hopkinskongkernel source?11:19
hopkinskongi don't need CM10.1 if i have kernel source?11:20
dun1982hopkinskong: what device.11:22
hopkinskongdun1982: HTC HD211:23
dun1982I had the same issue with gt-p6800 (samsung galaxy tab 7.7) and I had to fork the old cm10 device and kernel sources.11:23
hopkinskongI got CM7 only11:23
dun1982If you can find the sources for this project, I think you have a change: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=204632711:24
dun1982I did same, but my kernel is based on 3.0.15 which is what Samsung release for ICS.11:25
hopkinskongthank you11:26
dun1982And I had to create/modify somewhat the device configuration (basically pull the cm10.1 kernel sources and fork it with new device configuration). But even still I have some problems with my first build (it is not booting correctly with my device).11:26
hopkinskongi just contacted the developer11:26
hopkinskongso, how do i get sources from another github account?11:27
dun1982By going to github and making fork.11:27
dun1982then just add the forked github information to your manifest.xml11:28
hopkinskongWhat i mean is, how do i modify the manifest.xml to make "repo sync" to get files from the unoffically git one11:28
dun1982Let me give you an example11:28
dun1982I'll write a pastebin help for you.11:29
hopkinskongthanks :D11:29
hopkinskongare u following the porting guide too?11:30
hopkinskongdun: how did u get the proprietary blobs files?11:31
dun1982Did you get what I mean there.11:34
hopkinskonggot that, thanks :D11:35
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hopkinskongbut why i need to fork one for myself? Instead of just use other's one11:35
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dun1982If you find someone elses one, you can of course use it and commit there the changes.11:48
dun1982That is the whole point of github.11:48
hopkinskongi see11:50
dun1982What I'm interested is that how can you establish a Cyanogenmod repository for your own device.11:52
dun1982Ie I really would like to commit my repositories there to be used by the team and other volunteers.11:52
MeanDeanHi all, I have a quick question, If I was to install Ubuntu touch on my Nexus, can I go back to Android?11:53
dun1982There is only a very messy exynos4210 repository in CM10.1 and it does not function with my gt-p6800 (which is exynos4210 tab).11:53
dun1982MeanDean: with CWM I think you can?11:54
dun1982As far as I know, it does not remove the CWM installation or recovery, so you should be able to change to any other android version that is available for your phone.11:54
MeanDeanOkay thanks, when I go to Ubuntu Touch, does it wipe the phone? So if I went back to Android I guess it would be a clean refresh of the OS right?11:55
dun1982But of course, you have voided your warranty when you unlock/root your phone I think. Even with Nexus series...11:55
dun1982You have to do always wipe on the /data partitions and caches when you switch from one image to other.11:56
MeanDeanIts already out of warranty thats not a problem11:56
dun1982And you do that with ClockWorkMod or Odin for example.11:56
MeanDeanHmmm okay, will have to have a think about changing to Ubuntu Touch before I do it :)11:56
MeanDeanThank you everyone!11:57
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
tehcrsi wanna install ubuntu so badly, but im too lazy to back up my stuff11:58
tehcrsfirst world problems11:58
dun1982then do not backup. And most of your stuff should be in cloud anyway.11:59
tehcrsi dont trust clouds11:59
tehcrsnot with my personal stuff at least11:59
tehcrshow is the latest ubuntu rls anyways, worth using over android?11:59
dun1982Well it is a developer preview.12:00
dun1982So I would say definetly not a daily driver.12:00
tehcrsaight, thanks12:00
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fakatoc toc12:43
fakahello netcurli12:45
fakalots of people in here, and nobody talking??12:46
netcurliyeah. that seems to be the case12:48
netcurlibut if you have a question, there will most likely be someone here to answer them12:49
Mirvfaka: the usual IRC usage method is staying 24h/7d on the channel, with discussions occuring sporadically. you can see today's discussions at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/03/05/%23ubuntu-touch.html12:49
bbj_zalooking foreward to getting ubunt-touch on my sgt 1.012:55
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ashishanyone know how i cud flash ubuntu touch on samsung nuxus s13:12
ogra_ashish, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices13:13
hopkinskongi am building my CM13:15
thuaiIs there someone ported ubuntu touch for galaxy s3?13:15
benkaiserthuai, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices13:18
thuaiThank you benkaiser!13:18
benkaiserthuai, no problem13:19
P3T3Hi all, can anybody look in my log http://pastebin.com/mGsuGfzR ? I am trying U Touch for Toshiba AC100, but my device power off after 20secs from boot :-(13:25
ogra_P3T3, well, does the folder it complains about exist ?13:28
benkaiserP3T3, I just took a quick look, I don't have a clue.. but my best guess would be to google for some of the statements at the end of that log... Something like "Ubuntu Touch <specific log line> not boot"13:29
P3T3ogra_, while using recovery.img I can adb shell inside ac100, then I can mount /data It looks like it contains everything at place13:35
ogra_P3T3, then check the device specific fstab in /system as well as your init.rc, make sure /data gets mounted on boot13:37
=== jono is now known as Guest21624
agb2Hi, I've built an image for my device. How do I deploy it?14:00
agb2Is it just a matter of flashing both the cm-10.1 zip I have created and the ubuntu quantal zip from clockwork recovery?14:01
evertheylenhi all, I'm a bit confused, what is the 'codename' of sony ericson?14:02
evertheylenfor example:  <project path="device/samsung/p3100" ........14:02
evertheylensamsung is obvious ofcourse, but what with sony ericson?14:02
evertheylen'device/sony/anzu' ?14:03
ogra_agb2, right, first the HW layer you built, second the phablet zip14:03
agb2ogra, ok thanks14:03
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agb2So I am attempting to port to the htc sensation and I have built successfully. I get a blank screen with adb access. Although I can see all the programs in /data/ubuntu/bin, when I try to run any of them, I am told that they cannot be found14:21
agb2They are all marked as executable14:21
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agb2Does anyone have any clues?14:21
agb2running "file" from my pc gives the expected: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.31, BuildID[sha1]=0x91d0414cce74afb4dfbdeb4938a0658850b66dcf, stripped14:26
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RamchandraApteIs there any installation guide for Motorala Xoom which makes ubuntu run natively on it?14:56
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nagucan someone share the daily builds link?15:09
naguthanks orga...15:12
TToivanenHi people! Any news since last saturday? Improvements or anything?15:14
RamchandraApteIs there any installation guide for Motorala Xoom which makes ubuntu run natively on it?15:14
ogra_try a daily and compare :)15:14
RamchandraApte[I see the building intstructions]15:14
RamchandraApteI'm a developer person so advanced tutorials are OK.15:15
RamchandraApte[I'm just a nub with android]15:15
ogra_RamchandraApte, looka at the Devices page15:15
ogra_there are Xoom images iirc15:15
RamchandraApteogra_: yipee! can flashing brick your device or can you still push new files even if ubuntu fails to start?15:19
ogra_RamchandraApte, the lower layer is android, so yur recovery stuff stays intact even if you trash the rest15:20
RamchandraApteogra_: is the same true for rooting?15:20
ogra_well, you need an unlocked bootloader and adb root to install at all15:20
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
Menelkiryou'll only able to mess up if the manufacturer of your phone is a dumbass company :P15:21
Menelkirfor example, some phones are way locked down that even some modules can be locked15:22
Menelkirbootloader locked, kernel locked, and the list goes on15:23
jlawrenceJust get a Nexus phone and then you won't have to worry.  You can pickup the Galaxy fairly cheap.  Heck, the Nexus 4 is a steal at it's brand new price...15:24
Menelkiryeah, I dont buy phones that arent nexus15:24
Menelkirmy last non-nexus phone was a motorola milestone in 200915:24
VencaCZ_hi there can you post me link for source of ubuntu for mobile i want port it to my phone15:25
Menelkirsince then, I had a nexus one and now a galaxy nexus15:25
RamchandraApteogra_: xoom supports fastboot. Menelkir: I have the wifi version, should be no problem.15:25
Menelkiroh and also I have a galaxy tab 2 7.0 running ubuntu-touch :P15:26
RamchandraApteogra_: I've seen those steps but if the kernel fails to start, does adb push still work?15:26
KurlonWould it be wrong to start a device wiki page for the Nook Color even though it's known not to even build currently?15:26
RamchandraApteKurlon: I think it's OK if you have something to tell.15:28
RamchandraAptei.e. things you did to advance in the build process15:28
Menelkirgood idea, I need to create a p3100 page15:28
KurlonOk.  Looking at the TF700t I see exactly the notes I was thinking of posting so I'll give that a go.15:29
evertheylenhi all, I'm trying to port Ubuntu Touch to the Xperia Arc S. However, I can't find any fstab, even when grepping for 'nosuid' like suggested in the wiki.15:34
evertheylenonly a recovery.fstab15:34
evertheylenany help?15:34
RamchandraApteevertheylen: do be patient, you will have to wait for some minutes.15:36
evertheylenI'm sorry, but I kinda frustrated because the wiki is rather undetailed imho15:37
TToivanenevertheylen, checked ramdisk?15:40
evertheylenhow do you mean?15:41
TToivanenIn your kernel folder15:41
TToivanenNo wait, device folder15:41
evertheylenI can't see any file or folder called ramdisk15:43
TToivanenLOL maybe only my device has it. Whatever15:43
evertheylencould I just continue?15:43
evertheylenthe CM build I'm using isn't official, as there is no official build of it (yet)15:44
=== alex_abreu is now known as alex-abreu
evertheylenso I checked with some older but official builds, and they don't have any fstab eityher15:44
evertheylenonly a recovery.fstab15:44
RamchandraApteevertheylen: try using find  /|grep fstab15:45
TToivanenWeird. Just continue and see if it works15:45
evertheylenRamchandraApte: already tried15:45
ogra_RamchandraApte, sorry, i'Äm in UDS sessions all day so wont be quick with answers :)15:45
ogra_RamchandraApte, fastboot flash should always work, even if your kernel is broken15:45
ogra_so you can roll back to a working recovery img15:46
evertheylenactually, I can't find an fstab in any device15:46
evertheylenonly recovery15:46
evertheylenfor example, I have the map 'device/samsung/manta'15:46
evertheylenwith no fstab15:46
evertheylenoops, forgot what I said15:47
evertheylenthere is even no file called fstab.anzu on github15:49
TToivanenWell just continue and see if it works15:49
TToivanenSome other guy was working on anzu as well btw.15:49
TToivanenLast week15:49
RamchandraAptehow to install ubuntu on motorala xoom?15:53
RamchandraApte[I see the status page but how to install?]15:53
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shadeslayerhi, the keyboard on my tf101 is just too huge, any ideas how to make it smaller?15:59
shadeslayerhow do I stop everything, and just have shell access16:01
mzanettishadeslayer: stopping what?16:03
shadeslayerX/Whatever is running16:03
mzanettishadeslayer: "service ubuntu-session stop"16:03
shadeslayerhmm, service not found16:04
mzanettishadeslayer: you are logged in on the ubuntu side of things, right?16:04
shadeslayermzanetti: I booted the device and adb shell'd into it16:05
shadeslayeris there something else I need to do?16:05
mzanettishadeslayer: then you're in the android side16:05
shadeslayerI see16:05
mzanettishadeslayer: do a "ubuntu_chroot shell" and you are in a full ubuntu environment16:05
ogra_shadeslayer, you should read the release notes wikipage16:09
shadeslayeraye, I probably missed something16:09
ogra_sorry for the caps16:10
shadeslayernp :)16:10
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shadeslayerogra_: would it be possible to get armhf zip for Kubuntu Active? ( There's one for the Nexus 7, but no general zip that can be flashed for new devices )16:13
ogra_shadeslayer, once you ported it to surfaceflinger ...16:14
ogra_there is  no X16:14
shadeslayerah okay16:14
Tassadarit's plasma active by the way16:14
shadeslayerI see16:14
Tassadarit doesn't even use ubuntu as base16:14
ogra_(or once we switched to Mir ... which should bring already support for most of Qt)16:14
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evertheylenoh god, here we go again16:15
evertheylenno file init.anzu.rc16:15
evertheylenand again, even github doesn't have a file named like that16:16
evertheylenwhile I can find a lot of files that are named init.grouper.rc for example16:16
Kurlonevertheylen: Those are examples, not every device is plumbed the same so you've got to kinda feel it out as you go.16:19
evertheylenKurlon: what should I do then? Just continue?16:19
Kurlonevertheylen: Find out the boot/init sequence for your device, adjust it to implement the changes suggested by the guide.16:20
KurlonOdds are it does use some form of init.rc, you just have to find where that is sourced from for your device.16:20
evertheylensigh. I'm going to try building anyway. however, the wiki isn't very clear again, what command do I need to run?16:25
evertheylenthe wiki says 'brunch <target>'16:25
evertheylenwhat is target exactly?16:25
evertheylen(I've already sourced envsetup)16:26
jairHello all, I am sorry about asking again16:32
jairthe official version of ubuntu for mobile devices (phones, tablets, and mini tablets) is called? ubuntu-touch?16:32
KurlonThe name of your device, for instance my Barnes and Noble Nook Color goes by 'encore'16:33
agb2Hi all, 2 problems: /data, /cache, /system don't get mounted automatically when I boot up (although I can mount them manually).  The other problem is that "ubuntu_chroot shell" fails with "chroot: can't execute '/bin/bash': No such file or directory", although I can see that data/ubuntu/bin/bash exists.16:33
agb2Has anyone else seen similar problems16:33
holsteinjair: check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/FAQ ... see if this adresses everything you are wondering16:34
jairholstein: great let me look ;)16:34
evertheylenKurlon: so I need to do 'brunch anzu'16:36
evertheylenalready tried, but it is spawning some errors16:36
evertheylen'Device anzu not found'16:36
shadeslayerbah, I can't get carriage return to work with adb :/16:38
PaulyboyUKanyone any ideas on font issues on Gt-N7000 note? Just built image as per build guide and boots ok but fonts seem messed up16:38
PaulyboyUKanyone any ideas on font issues on Gt-N7000 note? Just built image as per build guide and boots ok but fonts seem messed up16:50
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trapntanIs this normal on brunch? no bootloader.img in target_files; skipping install no radio.img in target_files; skipping install no radio.img in target_files; skipping install17:08
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om26eron nexus 7 seems the camera app rotates, its just the shell that doesn't17:54
_Scott_yeah  nexus 7 was always really buggy  hardware17:55
ogra_its not a HW issue17:56
ogra_the shell simply cant rotate dynamically yet17:57
PaulyboyUKanyone any ideas on font issues on Gt-N7000 note? Just built image as per build guide and boots ok but fonts seem messed up18:15
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steuersatzmy nexus4 is still discharging: (100% -> 75%) one day after  "adb root; adb shell reboot -p", any idea howto shutdown the device without discharging while off18:39
sfriqueHello! Does anyone knows if ubuntu-touch had any modificatios to the RIL interface since initial release?18:41
PaulyboyUKsteuersatz dont have a nexus here but could try adb shell poweroff ? might be worth a try18:50
mkostohey everybody18:51
mkostojust installed the ubuntu touch preview on my droid 318:52
mkostoi have a little question, its ther like a settings section?18:52
robrumkosto, all the settings that currently exist are accessible from the indicators at the top19:03
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mkostook, so just network settings, cuz i dont see how to change the gmt region or anything else, i know its an alpha and maybe it has just that19:05
steuersatzPaulyboyUK will try it, tnx19:07
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evertheylenhi all, if I specify custom github repos, could it cause trouble to build it?19:19
evertheylenfor example:19:19
evertheylen<project path="device/semc/anzu" name="shufuking/android_device_semc_anzu" remote="github" revision="refs/heads/cm-10.1" />19:19
evertheylen<project path="kernel/semc/anzu" name="DooMLoRD/Xperia-2011-Kernel-" remote="github" revision="refs/heads/master" />19:19
evertheylenbecause my device isn't officialy supported by CM 10.1, I need to use those repos19:19
evertheylenI have them in my .repo/manifest.xml, and I have already synced etc...19:20
evertheylenbut 'brunch' is still having problems19:21
evertheylen'Device anzu not found'19:21
=== MrNerd is now known as Mrnerd
Mrnerdhey everyone!19:22
Mrnerdwhat am i suppost to do in thiss ?19:22
MrnerdBuild changes  main.mk19:22
Mrnerdi realized i never did anything there.19:22
Kurlonevertheylen: Did you add the repos to the build.mk or whatever it's called file in the right subdirs section?19:30
evertheylennot that I know19:30
Kurlonevertheylen: That's critical, your env has no idea those repos you added exist, which is why it can't find your device to brunch.19:30
evertheylenhmm, is it me or do they not mention it on the wiki19:31
evertheylenKurlon: where is that file you are talking about?19:32
nik_need help19:33
Kurlon'Build Changes' in the touch porting guide, where it discusses main.mk19:33
Mrnerddo i just put the vendor/manufacture  in the main.mk or the full thing?19:36
KurlonMrnerd: If you look, one of the subdir entries has examples of other devices, follow their lead there.19:36
Mrnerdi ask because mine isnt named vendorsetup.sh.19:39
Mrnerdnvm i have always been able to see it in the brunch list.19:40
KurlonI'm not the guy for that question, I'm just going by what I've scratched out from the guide.19:40
Mrnerdthen what if your wrong.19:40
Mrnerdthanks for your help anyways.19:41
evertheylenwell, the wiki is again not very clear; only 2 sentences to be precise.19:41
KurlonThen I'm wrong, and someone will correct me and we'll all learn.19:41
Mrnerdyeah its not clear at all..they assume you know EVERYTHING!!19:42
evertheylenindeed, the wiki could be much better19:42
evertheylenthey even skip some things, although they are quite essential19:42
KurlonSo, update it where you can.19:43
fmunozsshould the people from other core app teams wait for designs from the Design Team, or they will just focus on those apps already?19:43
evertheylenyou basically need to read the scripts yourself to understand what you need to do19:43
KurlonWell, you are looking at something hatched by a few guys into a barely function proof of concept... it's not meant to be ready for the masses to dive into sans airbags.19:45
evertheylenthat's true, I would like it very much to contribute, but then I first need the understand the whole thing19:46
evertheylenand ofcourse I want Ubuntu Touch on my phone as well19:46
MrNerd-lolman i hate how long it takes to compile  this..19:53
ajalkaneSDK people around? ActionSelectionPopover, clicking outside the items results in the click getting through past the popup... I think the intended behaviour would be to close (cancel) the popup instead of having the click go through?19:55
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dpmjppiiroi1en -> <ajalkane> SDK people around? ActionSelectionPopover, clicking outside the items results in the click getting through past the popup... I think the intended behaviour would be to close (cancel) the popup instead of having the click go through?20:03
sfriqueheym o got a black scrren after booting20:05
sfriquebut using adb i can connect and enter ubuntu_chroot shell20:06
sfriquewhat can i do ?20:06
sfriquersalveti, what can i do to see why am i getting black screen?20:08
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ajalkaneWhy if I have ActionSelectionPopover in a Page, it opens automatically at start without me calling show() for it?20:15
ajalkaneI have to do an ugly workaround like this to ActionSelectionPopover: Component.onCompleted: hide()20:17
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evertheylensigh, I can't get it to work. Isn't there anybody that can help? To port ubuntu touch to my xperia arc S (anzu)  I had to include custom repositories, not from official CM, since CM 10.1 doesn't officialy support anzu. I did it like the wiki said, included the repos in .repo/manifest.xml and synced. However, brunch still fails with 'device anzu not found'. What in the world am I doing wrong?20:44
evertheylenany help would be really appreciated, since I've been struggling with this for hours now...20:45
dank101i wish i could20:45
dank101but same here20:45
evertheylenI'll come back tomorrow, I have to sleep now20:47
=== paradoxgo is now known as paradox|AFK
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dun1982Good evening, anyone have idea what I'm doing wrong with my image build? I cannot get my device to boot the system.20:59
dun1982It just hangs on powerup and nothing happens.20:59
dun1982Does the ubuntu-touch generate any logs anywhere?21:00
dun1982ok, when I look into the image.zip, it will not have that folder at all.21:00
Tigrouzen /data/ubuntu/var/log/21:00
dun1982I'll post the image tree in pastebin...21:01
Mrnerdim having an issue with brunch..21:02
Mrnerdim doing brunch jewel21:02
Mrnerdbut its just sitting there21:02
Mrnerdno output or anything21:03
Mrnerdis there a way to reinstall it?21:03
Tigrouzen. build/envsetup.sh ?21:03
Mrnerdyeah i do that.21:04
Mrnerdand after brunch just hangs.21:04
Tigrouzenno log ?21:04
dun1982Nope it seems.21:04
Tigrouzendun1982, this is rom you need also quantal arm ubuntu rom21:05
Tigrouzendun1982, installed on data21:05
Tigrouzendun1982, format your data folder before21:05
Tigrouzendun1982, because on quantal rom ubuntu there's no script to format data folder21:05
dun1982Ah ok, I'll do that then.21:07
Mrnerdwhy does something always have to happen...nothing can ever go smooth with me..21:07
Mrnerdis there away to reinstall this brunch ?21:11
Mrnerdi see what it is now.21:14
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John12109can i get help here?21:51
John12109how can i install this21:51
John12109did you know your missing files on your site21:59
John12109for mobile21:59
John12109i only have tar, and not zip21:59
netcurliwhat files exactly?21:59
John12109the filess for android22:05
John12109i only have tar22:06
John12109and not zip22:06
John12109so i guess who ever upload the files did not do it right22:06
John12109for get it22:09
John12109i will just use this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2167530 to install ubuntu22:09
John12109as who ever upload the wrong files don't work.22:10
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John12109is this ubuntu IRC always dead for help  or support?22:20
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John12109how can i do that on the phone22:23
John12109there no custom cmd or typing22:23
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dank101Ubuntu touch is switching to Mir?22:25
John12109there no help here22:25
John12109they are not on this room or some thing22:25
John12109as no one helping me22:25
John12109so idk what u mean, mir22:26
johnjohn1011i can't wait to get a device i can load this onto22:26
RobbyFanything exciting from todays summit?22:28
RobbyFI tried to follow some at work but got busy.22:29
Bevohas there been any change on data over gsm not working ?23:40
BevoRobbyF, boo =\23:55

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