
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Track: Client | Refactor and clean up platform api | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21608/client-1303-refactor-p
rsalvetiis etherpad crashing for others as well? cannot even use it here14:52
rsalvetikeeps reloading itself from time to time14:53
=== Saviq|UDS_ is now known as Saviq|UDS
rsalvetiseb128: are you the one responsible for sending the invites?14:58
loolin theory you would see a link on the meeting's page14:58
loolvideo stream is up14:59
cjohnstonif you are required, and there is a video appearing on the meeting page, refresh and you will see the link to join14:59
seb128rsalveti, the system does to the people marked as required on the blueprint14:59
loolrsalveti, seb128: some static14:59
cjohnstonNot required on the blueprint. Required in Summit... participation essential != required14:59
doanac_rsalveti: we meet again.15:00
loolrsalveti: yes15:00
loolrsalveti: you're coming through fine15:00
rsalvetiseb128: cool, just saw it15:00
Saviq|UDSrsalveti: yes15:00
loolthere's some background static though15:00
loolbetter now15:00
looljust hearing typing noises  :-)15:00
Saviq|UDSChickenCutlass, rsalveti, seb128, tvoss use "Lower Third" from hangout tools15:01
loolrsalveti: remove hl=fr from URL15:01
Saviq|UDSto show names and IRC nicks15:01
rickspencer3hi gents15:01
mfischmisspelled disaster15:03
thomiI love the flags :)15:04
* Trevinho|uds agrees15:04
loolkids  :-)15:04
awe_+1 on  the flags as well.  Kinda like the Olympics15:04
awe_tvoss, you're mic is kinda low...15:05
awe_tvoss, yes15:06
seb128awe_, want to join us?15:06
awe_seb128, sure15:06
awe_seb128, although I don't have a lot to contribute...15:07
seb128awe_, your call15:07
seb128I msged you the url15:07
Saviq|UDSChickenCutlass: and TV!15:09
kgunnChanServ: so would that be like omx level?15:09
kgunnChickenCutlass: so would that be like omx level?15:09
dbarthso ChickenCutlass, you plan on keeping that API definition and binding that to the parts of Gnome or else we have on the desktop?15:09
ChickenCutlassSaviq|UDS: right15:09
dbarthasking you, as i don't see tvoss logged in here15:10
loolI'll ping him to join when he's done introducing15:11
achiangChickenCutlass: fyi, there is ~8 second delay between the hangout and the youtube stream. not sure if that has already been mentioned15:11
achianglool: ^^15:11
dbarthif that's in scope?15:12
seb128dbarth, want to join the hangout?15:13
dbarthlet me eplain ;)15:13
dbarthi was wondering if you want to keep the same API for apps, but bind that to what runs on a more traditional x86 PC (as opposed to a mobile device)15:14
thomiHaving the platform API avaialable on the desktop will certainly help us with autopilot...15:14
dbarthsame API, ie the Ubuntu Touch API you defined15:14
awe_how close does the API adhere to Android's HAL, and do we plan on re-factoring this to be less Android specific?15:14
dbarthbut the runtime is either hosted on android, and then gradually is migrated to our middleware, and how much of the gnome heritage (no offense here) we have on the desktop15:15
rsalvetiawe_: guess it depends on the api scope we want to cover with it15:15
Saviq|UDSrsalveti: in the location example, would geoclue live below Ubuntu Platform API, on top of it, or completely in parallel?15:21
rsalvetiSaviq|UDS: in this example I'd expect geoclue to be below ubuntu platform api15:22
rsalvetias the platform api would be the entry point15:22
ChickenCutlassSaviq|UDS: rsalveti  yes below15:22
loolrsalveti: exactly the point I was making for geoclue with tvoss last Friday; thanks for bringing it up  :-)15:24
loolI feel MIR might be another case of this15:24
rsalvetilool: yeah15:24
kgunnChickenCutlass: so the api's are convenience, but for example a client app could stil use geoclue directly?15:25
Saviq|UDStvoss: could (again, in the location example), geoclue be simply part of the Ubuntu Platform API?15:26
ChickenCutlasskgunn: sure nothing stopping a developer from using it directly15:26
kgunnSaviq|UDS: i agree with you, no need to wrap an api if it exists on the platforms we care about15:29
kgunnSaviq|UDS: same as what tvoss just said about opengles & openmax15:29
Saviq|UDStvoss: I'm afraid of adding another glue layer that would only mean that your app will only run on Ubuntu15:30
Saviq|UDSat least where there are well-defined alternatives15:30
seb128server error, sorry15:31
mfischhangout crash for anyone else?15:31
nuclearbobme too15:31
rsalvetiyeah, if the host goes down, it stops the transmission15:31
dbarthtvoss: to clarify, by platform API, do you mean: the adaptation layer for Ubuntu Touch in 3 months, or the set of APIs that Ubuntu 14.04 will provide to applications in 1 year?15:32
tvossdbarth, both15:32
dbartha diagram may help also represent what the discussion is about, and what it is /not/ about15:32
dbarthok, ChickenCutlass, yes that clarifies, so 14.04 APIs for apps, right?15:33
* lool keeps an eye on the clock15:34
TheMusoSo... If the platform API wrapped Mir, we wouldn't be writing a backend for Gtk to work with Mir, we would be writing a backend for Gtk to work with the platform API?15:34
TheMusoAs an example...15:34
dbarthso there should be 2 parts in the API:15:36
Saviq|UDSthere's no question, we need that15:37
dbarthaccess to supported services15:37
dbarthand helpers to adapt to form factors15:37
udsbotuuds-client-1: 5 minutes left in this session!15:39
dbarthwould that help to surface that as WIP on http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/platform/api/ ?15:40
udsbotuuds-client-1: 4 minutes left in this session!15:40
udsbotuuds-client-1: 3 minutes left in this session!15:41
udsbotuuds-client-1: 2 minutes left in this session!15:42
TheMusoAgreed re mailing list.15:43
alex_abreu+1 for new mailing list15:43
pitti_udswe could at least start with u-devel@, to raise some attention to this15:43
=== alex_abreu is now known as alex-abreu
udsbotuuds-client-1: This session has ended.15:45
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/client-1/ - http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-client-1.log
thomi \o/15:46
dbarthwell done; interesting15:47
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Track: Client | Porting Ubuntu Touch preview to raring | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21606/client-1303-ubuntu-tou
loolrsalveti: I'm participation essential in both the hw accelerated video decode / rendering and in the porting touch images to raring sessions (I might have marked myself essential there); would you want me to jump between the two, or would you feel I'm more important in one or the other?15:52
Mirvrsalveti: are you in talks with stskeeps already btw regarding libhybris?15:53
rsalvetiMirv: yes15:53
Mirvrsalveti: ok, great15:54
rsalvetilool: I can cover the porting touch images, feel free to start at the hw accelerated video decode session15:54
loolrsalveti: there's a lead for the hw acceleration session though?  I am not prepared to *lead* it  :-)15:54
cyphermoxxnox: no point worrying about how ofono is handled, me and stgraber are following the package pretty closely in Ubuntu and Debian15:55
cyphermoxunless of course you think that's reason for concern ;D15:55
rsalvetilool: there is, jhodapp is leading it15:55
rsalvetiwell, we got a bunch of new code for ofono15:55
rsalvetiwe need to coordinate the upstream work here15:55
cyphermoxrsalveti: yeah, but still15:55
rsalveti+ distro15:55
cyphermoxwe can do this for you I guess15:55
cyphermoxor you may want to just push your patches directly upstream15:56
rsalvetihm, no hangout link still15:56
cyphermoxassuming you wrote them you'd be credited either way15:56
rsalvetiyeah, we need to first try to push it upstream, but we also want/need it available at the distro15:56
tvossrsalveti, want me in the hw decode session?15:56
rsalvetilets talk at the session15:56
rsalvetitvoss: yes, please15:56
tvossrsalveti, any link, yet?15:57
rsalvetiseb128: do you have the link for this session already?15:57
cyphermoxrsalveti: that's all fine, what I mean is not a huge need to discuss. if the patches aren't pure crack nobody will object to carrying them as distro patch and/ upstreaming15:57
tsdgeosis video up?15:58
mterry_seb128, Hmm, where is the link to participate?15:58
tsdgeoscan't see it yet15:58
cyphermoxtsdgeos: doesn't seem to be15:58
tvosslool, ?15:58
xnoxcyphermox: are you going to be in the session? =)15:58
xnoxcyphermox: i was just worried that stgraber is double booked ;-)15:58
cyphermoxxnox: wasn't especially feeling the need to be15:58
looltvoss: I want 4 clones of you to have one of you in each session in each track  :-)15:58
xnoxcyphermox: ok. good.15:59
tvosslool, ;)15:59
cyphermoxthen sure, I can jump in, just need the link15:59
tvosslool, I feel abused now, or better my chromosomes15:59
loolyou should feel proud!15:59
cyphermoxbut I'm happy to leave my place, my contribution is unlikely to be very important15:59
tsdgeoswe has videos15:59
cyphermoxhmm I see a Didier16:00
robrudidrocks, such a fancy name badge you had there!16:00
kenvandinedidrocks, can you invite me to the hangout?16:00
didrocksrobru: isn't it? :)16:00
seb128who needs the hangout link?16:01
seb128(should be in the summit?)16:01
mterry_looks like you have enough, I'll just lurk16:01
ogra_same here16:02
cyphermoxI think I'm subscribed to the list already16:04
seb128cyphermox, seems like you could have input for the ofono packaging stuff?16:04
cyphermoxtrying to join16:05
ogra_how about rolling back to the good old hotplug scripts for that16:05
ogra_(if its only one device)16:05
ogra_(instead of udev)16:07
didrockskenvandine: aren't you WI more for our session? the one at 6:15PM?16:08
kenvandineoh.. maybe so :)16:08
boikoseb128: I think it is actually "rild" instead of "reald"16:08
boikorsalveti: right? ^16:08
didrockskenvandine: feel free to move those there :)16:08
seb128boiko, thanks16:09
cyphermoxmy lower third is reversed, right?16:09
kenvandinemirror image16:09
mterry_cyphermox, that's normal16:09
cyphermoxoh ok16:09
didrocksthe hangout API is doing that, your image you are seeing on the low part is reversed16:10
ogra_as long as it doesnt add pimples ... who cares :)16:10
didrocksogra_: it's for pointing people in fact16:10
didrocksso that when you point to the right16:10
didrocksyour hand is at the right16:11
mterry_didrocks, that's adorable16:11
ogra_ah, nice16:11
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Track: Client | Porting Ubuntu Touch preview to raring | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21606/client-1303-ubuntu-touch-porting/
cyphermoxseb128: I took a note of the p2p0 patch before the session, was already aware of that one16:20
seb128cyphermox, I saw, thanks16:20
cyphermoxthanks for taking notes!16:21
seb128np ;-)16:21
robruwho is running the vacuum cleaner? seriously guys?16:26
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/client-1/ - http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-client-1.log
=== FunnyLookinHat_ is now known as FunnyLookinHat
gema_udsis the video working?17:59
gema_udsoh, still 15 mins to go17:59
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Track: Client | Delivering touch apps to raring | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21609/client-1303-delivering-touch-apps-to-raring/
balloonswe see your smile didrocks18:12
* ogra_ will be a tad late, sorry 18:12
tedg"You can remove it" /me didn't realize we could remove France, looking into it.18:12
balloonstedg, lol18:13
LaneyI don't hear any noise coming from ken18:13
pitti_udssame here, kenvandine sounds fine18:13
gema_udssounds good to me too18:13
greybackdidrocks: want an SDK person there?18:14
didrocksgreyback: I just ping zoltan18:14
didrocksgreyback: do you know if he's around?18:14
didrocksgreyback: otherwise, feel free to come :)18:14
greybackdidrocks: ok. He was an hour ago18:14
mterrySorry everyone for my goofy face icon.  Something is wrong with my webcam and google18:15
kenvandinetedg, i'm already assigning work items to you :)18:15
pitti_udsj'aime comme didrocks dit "Robert"18:15
cyphermoxhrm.. oops18:15
gema_udsyou can get someone else18:15
gema_udsI think you can have 1518:15
cyphermoxmy video is breaking up right?18:16
balloonsu actually get 15 now didrocks18:16
BigWhaleGreetings all18:16
Laneycyphermox: tes18:16
cyphermoxI'll reconnect18:16
cyphermoxangry fruit salad :)18:18
ogra_hmm, i dont seem to be able to join the hangout (i dont have a join link) can anyone PM it to me ?18:18
cyphermoxdidrocks:  ogra_: I can give you my place?18:19
cjohnstonogra_: you arent required18:19
gema_udshe should be able to join18:19
ogra_cyphermox, we should be capüable of having 15 ppl in18:19
ogra_i just dont get the link above the window18:19
gema_udscjohnston: when you say those things it sounds confusing, he is definitely required18:19
cjohnstongema_uds: According to summit he is not required.18:20
ogra_would be nice is someone could PM it to me18:20
gema_udscjohnston: ack18:20
cyphermoxogra_: just a second18:20
ogra_i am definitely marked essential18:20
ogra_didrocks, and i checked in advance18:20
gema_udsogra_: essential is not required18:20
cjohnstonogra_: essential in launchpad means nothing18:20
gema_udsthe track leads can mark you required18:20
gema_udscjohnston: I told you this would be confusing x)18:21
gema_udscjohnston: we need a how to !18:21
cjohnstongema_uds: its been blogged and emailed18:21
slangasekso what are the goals here for running on the desktop?18:22
slangasekdo we actually care about running x86 builds of apps on the desktop?  or is what we care about really to be able to run arm builds of apps under emulation?18:22
ogra_slangasek, x8618:23
ogra_making the apps work across the board18:23
slangasekogra_: why is that what we care about (right now)?18:23
robruslangasek, isn't that the whole point of our convergence story? phone apps should run on the desktop as full-fledged desktop apps.18:23
ogra_well, its getting the new desktop in :)18:23
slangasekrobru: this session isn't about convergence though, it's about getting the software from the Ubuntu Touch preview into raring18:23
seb128didrocks, ^18:24
robruslangasek, I must be confused then. What does "into raring" mean if not "running on the desktop"?18:24
seb128didrocks, might be worth adressing in the session18:24
ogra_robru, packaged18:24
slangasek*convergence* implies having one set of interfaces across all devices... but that's clearly not what is being proposed here18:24
pitti_udsrobru: into the Ubuntu archive, so that we can build images with our standard tools, and maintain them properly as packages, I take it?18:24
slangasekrobru: packaged, in the Ubuntu archive for raring, with raring as the focal point for development iteration and with us able to build images from it18:24
* thomi is working on it18:24
slangasekso we can build official Ubuntu armhf touch images18:25
pitti_udsand also cover them on library transitions, security updates, britney, autopkgtest, and the like18:25
slangasekbut if we start worrying now about android services... I don't think we're going to get anywhere in the next 2 months18:25
mmrazikdidrocks: but wouldn't it be actually better to test stuff like phone-app on a real phone?18:25
slangasekfeel free to pull me into the hangout if you want :)18:25
matzipan_slangasek: from what I understand it is one single code base compiled to be running on both architectures and capable of taking the shape of all the form factors/18:25
mmrazikI'm not sure how many people will be using phone-app on desktop (seems to be at least a less likely option)18:26
gema_udsinvite him18:26
gema_udshe can join18:26
gema_udsno limit of 1018:26
mzanettimmrazik: UfA18:26
mmrazikmzanetti: I see18:26
matzipan_mmrazik: it would be interesting to see something like that18:26
mmrazikmzanetti, didrocks: but still... I assume the number of users using phone app on a phone is going to be higher18:27
mzanettimmrazik: yes18:27
mmrazikit would be IMHO better to run this daily testing on a phone18:28
mzanettimmrazik: I always wanted the real hardware. But you are aware of the issues we still have with that18:28
mmrazikeven though its going to be more difficult18:28
mmrazikmzanetti: ack... talking about ideal world18:28
Wellarkwell, at least we need the SDK and other libraries in the shape that the apps can be developed and tested on the desktop18:28
matzipan_Wellark: would they be running in an arm emulator? or will they be compiled for your pc ?18:29
mmrazikmatzipan_: right now we have been running the tests on a real desktop with X18:30
ogra_there is another session for emulators etc next hour18:30
mmrazikas tedg mentioned they are just qt apps and qt has the right backends..18:30
ogra_"ubuntu sdk tools"18:30
Wellarkmatzipan_: IMO there should be no reason to run ARM emulation when developing 3rd party applications18:31
matzipan_i am guessing "touch apps" does not include touch screen laptops?18:32
ogra_it will18:33
ogra_in 14.0418:33
matzipan_oh, at the point of the "grand unification" ? :D18:33
ogra_currently we are defining the road towards that18:33
slangasekmatzipan_: well, touch-screen laptops aren't the focus of any work over the next months18:34
slangasekthe focus is all on smaller touch screens18:34
Wellarktedg: we need the new hud to get libhud so that we can land the integration between SDK and libhud-qml18:35
tedgWellark, Yup, but even if the hud-service was in a different package they'd be okay.18:35
ogra_its a simple naming transition, no ?18:36
Wellarkwell, as long we figure out the build dependencies so that libhud can be installed18:36
Wellarkhow about the the broken unity packages in phablet ppa? those are for quantal, but is there something that has to be addressed on the raring side? or do the raring unity packages contain the changes already?18:40
tedgWe need some sort of authentication on these country flags.18:42
pitti_udstedg: says the man who doesn't use a country flag :)18:42
tedgpitti_uds, I did.  You supporter of the illegal occupation of Texas!18:42
ogra_how the heck do i get that in the first place ?18:42
pitti_uds(yeah, I know that there are many Texan people who'd disagree)18:42
* ogra_ doesnt even have a shiny name tag18:42
pitti_udsogra_: hangout tools, "lower third", enable your name and set your country18:43
robrudidrocks, don't forget to assign some easy stuff for me ;-)18:43
slangasektedg: as I'm eligible to apply for Czech citizenship provided I can fill out the form successfully, I feel entitled18:45
* tedg doesn't want to be in kenvandine's "stack of friends"18:46
tedgslangasek, Hah!18:46
kenvandinetedg, you are!18:46
mmrazikdidrocks: there should be some tests for the demo app with all the components18:47
mmrazikdidrocks: should be good for release testing18:47
cjwatson"eligible to apply for citizenship" - is there pre-authentication before you can get the forms? :)18:47
mmrazikdidrocks: if not there should not be much work to make them good for release testing18:47
mzanettimmrazik: good point actually... maybe we should autopilot the demo app18:48
mmrazikmzanetti: we are autopiloting it18:49
mmrazikmzanetti: or at least it was the plan18:49
mmraziknot 100% sure where exactly it is18:49
mzanettioh.. haven't seen that so far. but great if there is something18:49
slangasekcjwatson: heh, no18:49
mmrazikmzanetti: jp was certainly working on it at some point of time18:49
vrruiz_willcooke is not here, but I am :)18:50
thomidoes kenvandine sound like a Dalek to anyone else?18:50
mzanettithomi: yes...18:51
tedgthomi, A Dalek that runs on beer!18:51
slangasekthomi: that has always been my impression18:51
thomiok, as long as it's not just me18:51
ogra_even without flicking a finger over his lips !18:51
slangasekah no, kenvandine isn't a dalek, he's apparently Rush Limbaugh18:54
* mterry investigates his camera18:56
robruvideo cut out abruptly, was that actually the end?18:56
tvosscan someone ping me the hangout link?18:58
didrocksrobru: we told "thanks everyone" :)18:59
robrudidrocks, I think that part got cut off ;-)18:59
robrudidrocks, or maybe I was momentarily deaf ;-)18:59
didrocksrobru: that was just after "we'll assign everything to robru"19:00
chicken_terrinehelo as talking video started??19:00
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Track: Client | Mir on the converged codebase | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21680/client-1303-mir-converged/
tvossdidrocks, ping19:01
didrockshey tvoss19:01
tvossis the video running? google tells me they will be right back19:01
ptlI understand that going too deep on this will not be productive, but will there be any mention of the discussion between the wayland developers and Canonical, where they said wayland does not suffer from any of the downsides quoted on the Mir page?19:01
ptlI am talking of course about the article "Don't piss on Wayland", http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTMxODA19:01
chicken_terrinephoronix? trololol19:01
tsdgeoswhere's the video?19:03
didrockstvoss: which session? the previous one just finished 5 minutes ago19:03
olafuratsdgeos it's running on Mir :)19:03
tsdgeosah, starts in 2 min19:03
kdub_is there supposed to be a hangout somewhere?19:04
tsdgeosdidrocks: the mir one19:04
didrocksyeah, not yet I guess :)19:04
alan_gis there sound and/or video19:04
cjohnstonseb128: who is supposed to be starting this one?19:05
alf_robert_ancell: I think we are still off air19:06
TheMusoI guess nobody joined yet.19:06
robert_ancellalf_, really?19:06
mmrazikrobert_ancell, alf_: yes19:06
Saviq|UDSanyone have anything other than a "We'll be right back" video recorded?19:06
mmrazikSaviq|UDS: no19:07
mmrazikwell... I have "This video is currently unavailable."19:07
thomiI just refreshed, now I get a blank screen19:07
thomi...doh, and now the we'll be right back screen19:07
cjohnstonit looks like the wrong url was started19:07
Trevinho|UDSthomi: well, yes you get the "registration" of the session19:07
ptland I have a 'An error occured. Please try again later."... will refresh19:07
balloonssame.. nothing..19:08
fisch246you don't need to refresh19:08
fisch246just click on "live"19:08
balloonsnow it's a 5 min video, not livestream19:08
fisch246if it's gray you're not live19:08
Saviq|UDSfisch246: there is no "live" button19:08
fisch246on the youtube player19:08
Saviq|UDSfisch246: we basically get the usual YT player19:08
fisch246i have yet to get a basic yt player19:09
Saviq|UDSballoons: yup, just a 5:31 video of "We'll be right back"19:09
mmrazikseb128: that seems to work. thanks19:09
Wellarkthe link from seb128 works19:09
thomiseb128: cool, that link works for me19:09
fisch246though i opted for html5 so the html5 player might have the option19:09
mmrazikthomi: you are19:09
cjohnstonthomi: where is there a link from seb12819:09
mmraziktvoss: you are..19:09
mmraziksorry thomi19:09
rickspencer3I can see you guys on the new link19:10
robert_ancellmy intel X driver keeps crashing...19:10
=== rsalveti_ is now known as rsalveti
Saviqseb128, can you replace the summit's youtube link with the correct one?19:10
mmrazikit will be probably just hard to find the recorded session19:10
cjohnstonok, all19:10
cjohnstonI just updated the url in summit19:10
thomisome home improvment?19:10
cjohnstonrefrehs and the video should work19:11
seb128Saviq, done19:11
balloonsworking now19:11
Saviqseb128, yay!19:11
tsdgeosrefresh worked19:11
sbeattieyes, workig19:11
sil-unwellI have refreshed the page on summit, and I now see the hangout fine, yay!19:11
zyga-uds2alf_: hey :)19:12
sil-unwell(speakers: it might be quite cool to add Lower Third so your names are up, as it is for Thomas Voss)19:12
alf_zyga-uds2: hi :)19:12
=== wolfslord is now known as thiagoandrade
Wellarksil-unwell: for some reason I could not get the toolbox working before, others might have the same problem19:13
robert_ancellany questions on irc?19:13
tsdgeosis someone at the dentist?19:13
kyleNat the dentest19:13
cjohnstonplease mute whoever that is19:13
rickspencer3did someone join from a dentist office?19:13
thiagoandradeHow can i help the development of mir?19:13
zyga-uds2QUESTION: what's the current state of mir and what's the roadmap for the next 3 months?19:14
sil-unwellOK, well, obvious question: I've seen lots of people saying that our reasons for not using Wayland, as laid out on the wiki page, are something in between incompletely explained and actively maliciously wrong. Can you guys enlarge on the reasons?19:14
cjohnstonseb128: please mute whoever has all of that extra noise19:14
robert_ancellcjohnston, it was me and I'm muted now19:15
seb128cjohnston, I think that was robert19:15
cjohnstonty robert_ancell19:15
seb128who is leading...19:15
gema_udscjohnston: can you paste the link to the feed again?19:15
cjohnstongema_uds: refresh and it should be there19:15
zyga-uds2are you taking questions or running a planned discussion?19:15
Wellarkis the feed really this lagged.. :/19:15
gema_udsfound it!19:16
jdstrandis there an agenda?19:16
cjohnstonmaybe someone else can step up and take the lead?19:16
seb128jdstrand, no, open questions I think19:16
robert_ancelljdstrand, correct19:17
robert_ancellzyga-uds2, see the blueprints for the roadmap19:17
robert_ancellzyga-uds2, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1303-mir-converged19:18
sil-unwelltvoss: not really :) What *were* the different requirements?19:18
zyga-uds2robert_ancell: excellent, thanks19:18
robert_ancellseb128, is that building noise still coming through19:19
ptlQUESTION: will Mir be portable to other scenarios/distros or even other unices?19:20
seb128robert_ancell, it was when I muted you, just unmute with the icon at the top when you talk and mute when you are done19:20
robert_ancellseb128, ok19:20
seb128robert_ancell, that's what I do anyway to avoid keyboard typing noises etc :p19:21
mmrazikptl: it is an opensource software19:21
mmrazikso no reason why it shouldn't be portable. If there are portability issues (technical ones) then I assume that patches are welcome19:21
achianghas anyone invited the wayland guys to this session? :)19:21
ptlmmrazik: i know but my questions was more like "are there any specific Linux hooks or ubuntu dependencies that would prevent it to be easily ported?"19:22
kgunnptl no19:22
racarrptl: No, besides of course the graphics backend19:22
ptlachiang: that was my first ever question, the wayland questions raised in phoronix... I even pasted the URL here19:22
racarrbut this is modular anyway (GBM, android)19:22
kgunnptl like racarr said19:22
alf_ptl: The architecture is very modular at the source level, and probably will be pluggable at runtime19:22
kgunnptl you could get access to lots of hw platforms19:22
robert_ancellptl, but note that the primary requirement is to support unity, not to support generic shells19:22
kgunnptl using mir19:23
petko10do tell19:23
kgunnptl depending on how many backends get added :)19:23
olafurakgunn you should mute you speaker, your typing getting through19:24
achianghow much effort (SWAG) would it take to port a SF driver to Mir?19:26
achiangtvoss: ^^19:26
robert_ancelltvoss, repeat the question so it can be followed on youtube19:26
seb128if you want people to join the live discussion just give them the hangout url19:26
balloonsQUESTION: do you see mir-specific graphics drivers being written / supported, or will the primary usecase be utilizing drivers for linux, android, etc19:26
tsdgeostvoss: but as far as i know we will still support X server inside MIR, how does that work regarding the "we use a much simpler driver model than X". Means X programs will be software renderer and not driver accelerated?19:27
victorp_tvoss are you using mainly Khronos APIs19:27
kgunnballoons: should be opengl/gles if this is what you mean19:27
ondrawhat happens if Google modifies heavily Surface Flinger and hw vendors will do same with drivers to support the change?19:28
victorp_tvoss how can we optimise mir for different GPUs?19:28
alf_ondra: We will create a new mir graphics backend (or adjust the existing one to handle all versions, depending on the change)19:30
tsdgeosok, tx19:30
gema_udsQUESTION: How do you envisage we go about testing Mir?19:31
zyga-uds2gema_uds: ^^ great question19:31
kgunnondra: really any hw vendor specifics on android19:31
kdub__ ondra the api's we rely on are public, open source headers from google, so if they change them, we should be able to understand the changes19:31
kgunnondra: should be behind hwc hal19:31
victorp_thanks tvoss19:31
gema_udswhat about system wide testing?19:32
zyga-uds2QUESTION: how does mir driver model (no support for proprietary drivers yet) affects hardware certification, does that automatically fail certification for everything that does not have free software drivers? (by 14.04 release)19:32
gema_udsyeah, I am trying to figure out what the platform QA team should do19:32
balloons^^, me too19:32
ondraalf_ Do we have plan to support additional hw features when introduced by surface flinger?19:32
pixelpapstrepeat the question please19:32
gema_udsok, we'll talk more then19:32
thomihelp us get mir support in autopilot :)19:32
balloonsQUESTION: do you have any tests in place now? unit tests perhaps?19:33
kgunnondra: we have a task for integrating android hwc hal as well19:33
bryyce_balloons: yes there is a test suite with unit tests19:33
davmor2Question: how will this run on Ubuntu chosen default virtual env kvm?  (don't know if it was covered already19:33
victorp_QUESTION: we always get asked about benchmarking when talking to OEMs , do we have something we can share or will we?19:33
mmrazikrobert_ancell, tvoss: I assume we should make the jenkins jobs public. They have coverage metrics etc19:33
racarrand with integration and acceptance tests19:33
pixelpapstthank you19:33
alf_ondra: we do not track surface flinger features per se, if it something we need and it's provided by drivers we will consider using it19:33
racarrbut only for mir as a unit itself19:33
mmrazikballoons: so you could actually check what the real coverage is19:33
tvossmmrazik, +119:33
racarrnot much full system integration19:34
balloonsexcellent, I'll have a look, ty19:34
mmraziklet me do it right now19:34
kgunnondra: conceivably you can always access a variety of hw vendor goodness for composition via hwc hal19:34
mmraziksrry that I forgot about this19:34
petko10QUESTION : Why was there no dialogue with the Wayland guys in the planning process (or so I read) ?19:34
zyga-uds2QUESTION: (again) how does mir driver model (no support for proprietary drivers yet) affect hardware certification, does that automatically fail certification for everything that does not have free software drivers? (by 14.04 release)19:34
bryyce_the piglit test suite is also relevant, for testing the mesa portion of the stack19:34
petko10 I believe that everybody wants a fast , efficient and portable system . It just seems that that dialogue was avoided in order to have an in-house Ubuntu governed project,which is kind of FOSS unfriendly. Don't get me wrong - I appreciate your work , but that's the impression from the whole situation and news coverage,that needs to be cleared.19:35
ondraalf_  My question is driven be evolution of surface flinger and seing how much they managed to accelerare by using hw composition layers.19:35
ondraalf_ so how can we benefit from Surface Flinger evolution as much as we can19:35
kgunnondra: i would view that kind of evolution happening on a very slow scale19:36
pixelpapstQUESTION: will Mir be able to speak the Wayland protocol at some point ?19:36
victorp_that is great19:36
kgunnondra: think gles1.1 vs gles2.019:36
achiangondra: want to repeat your question with QUESTION: ?19:36
ptlpetko10: you are talking about the phoronix article, right? Yes, I really think it needs a response... It has many worrying implications.19:36
petko10exactly , I'd be glad to get some clarification on that19:36
petko10again - not to hold anyone accountable , just so there's no mist around it19:37
pixelpapstOK, cool, thank you.19:37
robert_ancelltvoss, repeat the question19:38
alf_ondra: by taking advantage of the same driver features that surfaceflinger uses to implement similar functionality19:38
mmrazikbtw. some testing data from jenkins (will be available on jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com after a next commit to trunk): 362 tests executed; 75% lines covered by tests (a big gap is the examples/ directory accountable for ~13% of lines)19:39
petko10I'm trying to word it here19:40
kdub__mmrazik: android has more than 362 tests :)19:40
mmrazikkdub__: define android :)19:40
gema_udsgood coverage != good tests ;)19:40
ptlFor reference - I've already have given the article URL in the beginning of this hangout but let me paste it again: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTMxODA - it also claims that wayland does not have the given downsides19:40
mmrazikkdub__: we have more tests for ubuntu touch obviously19:40
ondraalf_ would it make more sense, to based mir than on SurfaceFlinger since we use same drivers, and just add features we are missing?19:41
kdub__mmrazik: the android build of mir19:41
mmrazikkdub__: oh... yeah... we need that in jenkins :-/19:41
kgunnondra: we have to converge at some point :)19:41
mmrazikthomi: I think something where you can help ^^19:41
kgunnondra: think of mir as the convergence point19:41
alf_ondra: we also support the free software drivers, so that wouldn't work19:41
gema_udscan you make that analysis available for people to read?19:42
thomiyeah - feel free to add a work item for me to help get that done after UDS19:42
ondraalf_ new 4.2 surface flinger for example supports multi screen support and I see it as fast developing component, so using same drivers, but writing own solution carries some ricks19:42
thomigema_uds: it will be on the public ubuntu jenkins instance19:42
kdub__ondra: as new driver features become available, we can add them in19:42
pixelpapstQUESTION: could you point us to a list of your needs, so that they can hopefully be met by future iterations of the wayland protocol ?19:42
gema_udsthomi: ok19:42
gema_udsthomi: I was talking about the analysis where the reasons for not using weiland or any other option were weighted19:43
gema_udsthomi: rather than the coverage, which I am also interested in19:43
cjohnstonQUESTION: I see a bunch of work items in the blueprint, which I assumed would be discussed in this session, but I guess this is a Q&A.. The work items though are very broad.. Is there going to be discussion on those work items, and drilling them down to something more specific than "Window Decoration"?19:43
thomigema_uds: oh, sorry - I misunderstood :)19:43
gema_udsthomi: my fault :)19:43
davmor2QUESTION:  What is the plans for power saving?  For example will a screen and led lighting be cut completely to save power when the timer is up for lock screen.19:43
pixelpapstQUESTION: So the compositor<->shell plugin interface doesn't provide enought room for integration ?19:44
ondrakdub_ I just see it as replication of code once written by Google. But understand your point19:44
gema_udsdavmor2: we are going to be developing power tests, we can sync up on those19:44
gema_udsdavmor2: any ideas on good use cases are very welcome19:45
alf_davmor2: ...but mir itself is developed with power saving in mind, avoid redundant wake ups etc19:45
cjohnston"over time the requirements will become clear" sounds like we don't know what problem we are trying to solve19:46
pixelpapstQUESTION: the proposed time table until 14.04 seems very ambitious. What can a generic external developer do to help ?19:46
davmor2gema_uds: I'm sure I can think of a few if I sit down and think long enough, finding the time might be another issue :)19:47
gema_udsdavmor2: if you stumble over any obvious one that you want covered at some point, just drop me an email ;)19:47
llstarksis mir going to impair the ability of phones to boot desktop linux or run x11 apps? phones need an open-source ddx to do this since x11 binaries are rare from vendors.19:48
pixelpapstyes, thank you19:48
davmor2gema_uds: will do19:48
pixelpapstwill have a look at LP19:48
snwhso will the development of releases post-13.04 start to transition over to mir?19:49
zyga-uds2QUESTION: when can we expect mir to land in default ubuntu if rolling release happens?19:49
davmor2QUESTION: has x forwarding been covered?  If not how will that happen?  If it has I'll catch it up on the video19:49
kyleNObservation: removing the visual glitches from boot -> session transitions will be very nice19:50
cjohnstonrobert_ancell: that's normally what sessions during a UDS are for.. to drill down into the work items.. I understand what window decorations means, but we should be discussing how we are going to get there so that we have very specific work items on how to get there.19:50
zyga-uds2I mean the default user will get them installed and used19:51
thiagoandradeQUESTION: It was a little unclear to me. Will Mir be able to use existing Android graphics drivers?19:51
robert_ancellkyleN, yes it will19:51
kdub__thiagoandrade: yep! we can take whatever blobs come our way and pop them in19:51
davmor2robert_ancell: Yes over ssh for example19:51
jderoseso why not just lower the support window on non-LTS releases, but keep doing 6 month releases?19:52
cjohnstonI understand that Mir was only announced yesterday, but now that it's out in the open, it needs to be worked on as if it's in the open..19:52
robert_ancellthiagoandrade, yes19:53
robert_ancellcjohnston, yes, we are open now19:53
=== sabdfl__ is now known as sabdfl
cjohnstonrobert_ancell: QUESTION: so if we aren't defining the requirements and such during UDS, when will we be defining them?19:54
sabdflhello folks19:54
kyleNso combining the reuse of android drivers with a display manager that supports the specific use cases of Unity next on converged devices = reason for MIR, I think19:54
gema_udsrobert_ancell: the thing is , if we don't discuss those at UDS, you don't get any external feedback19:55
cjohnstonrobert_ancell: what gema_uds said19:55
gema_udswe could schedule another one tomorrow :)19:55
balloonsCould schedule another session to discuss then tomorrow19:55
cjohnston3 months is too long to wait to start drilling down the blueprints19:55
pixelpapstQUESTION: so are the requirements for a system-compositor second class ?19:55
cjohnstonand if you want to get help from the outside, you have to be able to give people something to work on.19:56
victorp_SUGGESTION - do you have a irc channel or email list that people can comment19:56
mmrazikvictorp_: #ubuntu-mir19:56
mmrazikon freenode19:56
pixelpapstok, thank you19:56
TheMusovictorp_: #ubuntu-mir on freenode for IRC.19:56
tvossvictorp_, it's #ubuntu-mir19:56
petko10Thanks for the anwsers ,and sorry for my scarse comments , I can't keep up with IRC/live talk. my COMMENT: I still hope there's room for talk with the Wayland guys , because the FOSS community depends on the project and Ubuntu moving away from it is kind of underwhelming19:56
victorp_tvoss, so people should read the bps and hang out in #ubuntu-mir and talk to the team19:57
victorp_UDS is not just for xmas ;)19:57
thiagoandradeQUESTION: I'm not familiar to Surface Flinger and one of the ideas of Mir is to upgrade the input system. How connected the input system will be to Mir and do you have plans to integrate it to Linux kernel?19:57
tvossvictorp_, sure, would love to have the feedback19:57
pixelpapstpetko10: agree with your COMMENT19:58
thiagoandradeYes thank you19:59
Saviqtvoss, do you see things like keyboard shortcut/gesture recognition living in Mir, or in some different layer?19:59
sabdflor just hop on IRC / conf call19:59
llstarkssup seb12819:59
llstarkswhoa and here's sabdfl19:59
sabdflhello hello20:00
popeytvoss: yes20:00
mmraziktvoss: yes, you are live20:00
petko10you're live20:00
zyga-uds2you are live so far ;)20:00
gema_udsyou are live20:00
ogra_bah, all the good sessions were in the last slot today20:00
mmrazikthis lag is really bad20:00
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/client-1/ - http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-client-1.log
balloonsthis is the last session of the day and your live20:00
balloonsso, you could continue20:00
kgunnballoons: thanks!20:00
balloonscould you walk through the blueprint and talk about the items, assign some work, talk about problems, and areas where others could help out20:02
balloonsnot sure of everyone's availability persay, but worth giving a few mins to20:03
kyleNinput methods for supporting Asian scripts is currently handled at the X layer (I think) does MIR change this?20:03
tvossI will be back in 520:04
cjohnstonI don't know that I need that20:05
robert_ancellcjohnston, are you able to join the g+ conversation?20:05
robert_ancellI have builders next door20:06
llstarkssabdfl, is canonical going to fork that flyby of mars? i know you guys have the money and talent to pull it of :)20:06
kyleNQUESTION: input methods for handling Asian (and other scripts) is handled (I think) at the X level. for example ibus depends on x11. How will MIR support such input methods?20:06
seb128url is https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/ff2785ffa15ca0508f8616284456489ebcb68966fb?authuser=020:06
kyleN(I realize session is over, but what the heck ;)20:06
llstarksthe discussion was needed. mir's complaints about wayland are unfounded.20:08
pixelpapst(sry AFK for now)20:09
kyleNregarding my question above, I see that Input Methods (and Accessibility) are in fact the last item on the bprint whiteboard.20:11
zyga-uds2put lp:mir on github, that might help for participation20:13
bryyce_zyga-uds2: doubt it20:13
alf_zyga-uds2: we can just use your bzr git bridge ;)20:13
zyga-uds2alf_: no that works backwards20:14
zyga-uds2alf_: as in using git on launchpad20:14
alf_zyga-uds2: right, it should work great20:14
zyga-uds2alf_: the point is github is where people are, not git vs bzr discussion20:15
alf_zyga-uds2: ok, got it20:15
zyga-uds2gema_uds: ++20:15
zyga-uds2robert_ancell: if we could have discussed this earlier then I would have strongly urged us to have a story for certifying traditional hardware by 14.0420:16
=== tvoss is now known as tvoss|eod

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