
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-2 to: Track: Client | Completing HUD 2.0 | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21624/client-1303-hud-20/
jasoncwarnerhi everyone. I just updated the hangout instructions for those joining via hangout. if you have the link, let me know if things are working. I'll start the broadcast at the top of the hour (6 minutes)14:55
SatorisLet's just use troff markup. It is the standard way, after all.15:09
sladenthe "magic" noise-cancellation is all done with dual microphones15:13
sladenand differientals15:13
sladenput what in Multiverse?15:14
tsdgeosjulius i think15:15
tedgsladen, Yes, julius is in multiverse, and we'd have to put hud-listen-julius15:17
tsdgeosmy interwebs is running crazy15:36
tsdgeos1sec lag15:36
pete-woodsthat's better than my normal ping :p15:39
udsbotuuds-client-2: 5 minutes left in this session!15:39
udsbotuuds-client-2: 4 minutes left in this session!15:40
udsbotuuds-client-2: 3 minutes left in this session!15:41
udsbotuuds-client-2: 2 minutes left in this session!15:42
=== alex_abreu is now known as alex-abreu
udsbotuuds-client-2: This session has ended.15:45
jasoncwarner10 minutes left15:45
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-2 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/client-2/ - http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-client-2.log
jasoncwarneractually, done :/15:46
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-2 to: Track: Client | HW Accelerated Video Decode and Rendering support | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21689/client-1303-hw-video-d
jasoncwarnerHi everyone. Session starts in 2 minutes.15:57
jasoncwarnersession is live...16:01
jasoncwarnerhave about 45 minutes16:02
jasoncwarnerfeel free to ask questions16:02
loolmay I get the hangout URL?16:02
* bryce waves16:03
tsimpson_the link for the video/eitherpad is in the topic16:03
lool(topic has a truncated URL it seems)16:07
slomojhodapp: considering your constraints it is definitely a good idea to continue to use stagefright for accessing the device codecs (for the reasons you mentioned)... however writing a gstreamer plugin around stagefright is absolutely no problem, we're doing that (very similar) in the gstreamer sdk on android (just using a layer on top of stagefright, the java mediacodec api)16:07
loolis the GStreamer Android SDK what you get from building as described on http://docs.gstreamer.com/display/GstSDK/Installing+for+Android+development ?16:09
slomolool: yes16:09
looljhodapp: slomo works on GStreamer upstream ^ in case you want to shoot questions16:11
lool(hey slomo!)16:11
* lool hugs slomo 16:11
slomolool: hi :) i already talked to jim earlier :)16:12
loolperfect  :)16:12
slomotvoss: gstreamer is not like openmax il, it's more like a combination of al and il16:12
tvossslomo, sure, I just wanted to point out that there is openmax and roughly map it to gstreamer16:13
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-2 to: Track: Client | HW Accelerated Video Decode and Rendering support | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21689/client-1303-hw-video-decode-rendering-support/
ptlHow is the flip between software and hardware decoding? Is it automatic within the API, or through it?16:15
ptldoes gstreamer also deals with 3D/OpenGL?16:15
kgunnptl in mobile anyway...hwa is default, if its not present it falls back to sw16:16
slomoptl: short answer would be yes16:16
slomoptl: however you also can have full control over all that if you want to16:16
Ford_PrefectSo dalvik is definitely not going to be available? One concern was that libstagrfright can change any time Google feels like16:17
jhodappslomo, can you describe for everyone a bit more about how Gstreamer SDK on Android works?16:17
Ford_PrefectThat might be a maintenance concern in the long term16:17
kgunnptl i know of at least one impl of gstreamer that TI did to get texture streamed video frames16:17
Ford_Prefect(my question might make more sense in light of slomo's response)16:17
slomojhodapp: basically it's a gstreamer "distribution" for android, including plugins to access the device's codecs, including sinks for audio and video for android16:17
slomojhodapp: it just provides the normal gstreamer api to applications, and includes everything you need for using it on android16:18
Ford_Prefectvideo: egl, audio: opensles, codecs: wraps the java MediaCodec API16:19
slomojhodapp: all the relevant code of it is also in gstreamer upstream. and you should be able to build upon many of these things (e.g. you could re-use the opensles audio sink, the egl/glesv2 video sink)16:19
slomofor accessing the device's codecs you would need to write something yourself that wraps stagefright or something else16:19
slomobecause what we do is going throught he java layer (because that's the only public API on android that actually allows to access the codecs)16:20
slomotvoss: alternative: let gstreamer talk to your service, and let applications use gstreamer?16:21
tvossslomo, yup, that's what I'm trying to come down to16:21
slomotvoss: gstreamer is not like openmax il, it's not necessarily the lower layer directly on top of the hardware16:21
kgunnbfiller: right Qt is just command16:22
tvossslomo, yup, so we would leverage gstreamer on the service side and on the app side16:22
slomotvoss: ack16:22
slomobfiller: note that qtmultimedia also has a gstreamer backend, which could make things easier for you16:23
willcookedo we expect that, when speaking with content owners, the availability of a "known good" DRM'd video playback service (i.e. from Android) will make those conversations easier?16:26
tvossslomo, bfiller what api do we want to expose to html5/js? surely not qt?16:27
Ford_PrefectFor whoever's editing the whiteboard: you typically will not see audio from GSM on the CPU16:27
slomotvoss: the normal html5 media api?16:27
slomotvoss: are you planning to use webkit btw?16:27
Ford_PrefectBut the use-case is valid if you s/GSM/VoIP16:28
ptlI see that stagefright is going to be supported for now, but how is going to be the long-term plan for not depending on it anymore? I mean, what are the migration paths and strategies?16:28
tvossslomo, @api, sure, but someone needs to implement it16:28
slomotvoss: well, use webkit and you're done ;) webkit has a very good gstreamer backend already that works fine on different platforms16:29
Ford_PrefectI don't believe that audio codecs are typically h/w accelerated16:29
rsalvetinot at android anymore16:30
slomoyeah, they're definitely not on most socs16:30
rsalvetiafaik they are all using software decode now16:30
pmcgowantvoss: we should ensure whats working now with qtwebkit16:30
rsalvetiat least latest android versions16:30
tvosspmcgowan, sure, just curious16:30
slomotvoss, pmcgowan: yeah, qtwebkit is one of the webkit ports that works fine with gstreamer (the only other possible backend currently is qtmultimedia, which itself could also use gstreamer)16:32
loolrsalveti: should I hop in the client-1 one?16:33
rsalvetilool: client-1 is done16:34
loolwow, good16:34
kgunnlool: to be clear stagefright still there as well?16:35
slomolool: why wouldn't you expose gstreamer to apps though? i understand the reason for an abstraction (make it very simple for apps to do a few use cases), but what if someone wants to do something more complex you didn't consider?16:35
kgunnlool: otherwise you loose known/good working drm plugins availalble on android16:35
slomokgunn: not having stagefright on android would be silly imho16:36
loolkgunn: apparently stagefright is up for discussion on how we reuse it (listed as research)16:36
kgunnslomo: agreeing w u16:36
loolslomo: maybe there's a case to be made to have GStreamer as a high level API *and* a low level implementation16:36
pmcgowanI assume we dont have access to source for the drm pieces, so could we use it?16:36
loolslomo: the main reason I framed it that we didn't want to expose it is a result from a prior session where we wanted to hide the implementation16:37
kgunnpmcgowan: ^16:37
loolbut then GStreamer is also pretty good at hiding the implementation16:37
slomolool: makes sense16:37
pmcgowankgunn: make sense to use the framework if we can16:38
slomotvoss: short answer would be yes, it could wrap around drm frameworks (and people do that)16:38
tvossslomo, interesting, that's good news. How do you account for restrictions where content is not allowed in ram?16:39
kgunnpmcgowan: drm typically hw accel too...probably going to need to reuse (to be practical)16:40
slomotvoss: you could for example only pass some kind of "drm handle" through gstreamer... and code could then access that via drm framework specific API16:40
pmcgowando specific implementations use the framework, like a netflix client? assume so16:40
tvossslomo, ack, do you have some public example for that available?16:40
kgunnpmcgowan: i believe so16:40
slomotvoss: we're talking about drm, do you expect people to make that open source ;)  however i could point you to some code that does something very similar (memory not directly accessible, only through another API)16:41
slomotvoss: you need the latter very often for hw accel video playback too16:41
tvossslomo, just curious :)16:42
slomotvoss: (detail: in gstreamer 0.10 you'll need something hackish for this, in 1.0 we added things to make this very clean to implement)16:43
ogra_0.10 is in universe (or on its way there at least)16:44
tvossogra_, what about 1.0?16:44
ogra_thats in since a while, ask Laney16:45
slomo1.0 is there too (fwiw, i'm doing the debian packages for gstreamer)16:45
* ogra_ is actually following the rolling release session, just jumping IRC channels on the side 16:45
slomojhodapp: don't focus too much on the gstreamer *SDK* part here, that's not very useful for you because it's only a gstreamer distribution and you'll have your own distribution16:48
jhodappslomo, good point16:48
slomojhodapp: for exposed API... imho there's a middle point between the two you have right now: plug what is available together in any possible way (and by that implementing new use cases, but not implementing new sources/sinks/filters)16:49
pmcgowanoh heck16:51
rsalvetipmcgowan: got some work items for you :-)16:51
pmcgowansure drm, great16:51
rsalvetihaha :-)16:51
Saviq|UDSpmcgowan: it's not like it's the first time ;)16:52
pmcgowanha nope16:52
looltvoss: I think you'd want to lead the API question with me participating, ok with you?16:53
tvosslool, ack, sorry for being distracted16:53
looljhodapp: have requested creation of ubuntu-platform@l.u.c already16:55
loolSaviq|UDS: correct16:55
loolfor API discussions16:55
lool(took that action in platform API session earlier)16:55
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-2 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/client-2/ - http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-client-2.log
looljhodapp: are you copying back the pad notes into the bp?16:55
jhodapplool, yeah, I'll be doing that16:56
jhodapplool, and thanks for that creation request16:56
loolnp; thanks for leading an interesting session!16:56
rsalvetithanks all16:56
jhodapplool, cool, glad you enjoyed it16:56
loolit seems we have a ton of followup work and chats on this one  :)16:57
jhodappyes, it's an important and large topic16:57
jhodappcan get quite complex too16:57
slomolool, jhodapp: so if you guys have any questions, feel free to talk to me... also including all parts of your work items list, that list looks very familiar ;)16:59
jhodappslomo, hehe, yes :)16:59
slomojhodapp, lool: do you have an irc channel for this too?17:03
jhodappslomo, we have the general ubuntu-touch one right now, but it may be a good idea to make a more specific one for media17:04
jhodappslomo, I'll let you know17:04
slomojhodapp: ok, thanks17:06
jhodappslomo, thanks for your participation in the session17:06
tvossslomo, yeah, thanks for being in the session17:06
loolslomo: Might make sense to have one or not; not sure17:11
loolwould like to avoid fragmentation if we can17:12
loolbut then #ubuntu-touch is a bit busy17:12
loolI'll defer to jhodapp to decide on this17:12
slomolool: ok, i'll just stay there for the time being then :)17:18
loolthat channel definitely going away after UDS  :-)17:18
=== FunnyLookinHat_ is now known as FunnyLookinHat
jasoncwarnerHi everyone. session starts in 1/2 hour.17:47
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-2 to: Track: Client | Audio support with PulseAudio and AudioFlinger | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21627/client-1303-sound-support-pulse-audioflinger/
jasoncwarnerhi everyone...going to start here very soon!18:14
rsalvetiFord_Prefect: hey!18:14
Ford_Prefecto/ rsalveti18:14
jasoncwarnerif you have qustions, make sure you ping me on IRC to bring to my attention18:14
TheMusoUrm, how do I unmute myself?18:14
TheMusoi.e what am I looking for visually?18:14
TheMusoSInce this is mostly inacccessible...18:14
diwic2TheMuso, red icon upper right18:15
rsalvetiTheMuso: there's mic icon at the top, right after the hangout title18:15
zyga-udsis the video rolling yet?18:16
Saviq|UDSrsalveti: can't hear you at all18:18
Saviq|UDSrsalveti: audio is completely robot-like18:18
Saviq|UDSanyone else?18:18
ptl"This live event will begin in a few moments." - no image/audio18:18
ptlLet me reload.18:18
diwic2sounds like a lack of bandwidth problem18:18
ptlI can hear ricardo now18:19
Ford_Prefectptl: should be rolling now18:19
loolissues with audio in an audio stack session...18:19
ChickenCutlassawe_: yes the data goes over binder18:25
loolwill we have an API for (re-)routing audio?18:25
loolI guess we'll abstract away things like sound input/output18:26
loolbut there might be need to change e.g. how devices are routed18:26
zyga-udsQUESTION: is that the direction we want to work towards for the long term? If so, does that affect any existing desktop apps as far as expsting the audio stack to work as it does on non-android kernel?18:26
ChickenCutlassthe problem with getting rid of audio flinger is the kernel drivers do not support them18:26
ChickenCutlassI mean the audio drivers do not support everything needed for alsa18:27
ptlso isn't it a case of just improving the features of the given audio drivers?18:27
loolother question (from hw decode session): how do we handle sync between audio and video?18:28
tanuk_Is the hardware configuration written for HAL or AudioFlinger (afaik AudioFlinger works on top of HAL, but I don't know if AudioFlinger needs any hw-specific configuration)18:29
loolI was thinking of e.g. you press the speaker output button, audio gets to the speaker18:31
loolone needs to be able to do this from apps18:31
loolor you are implementing a conferencing app and want to send audio either to the speaker, or to the headset18:31
looldiwic: Do we have tests that we can use to validate whether drivers are good enough for pulseaudio?18:33
diwic2lool: test suites are never complete, unfortunately18:35
loolawe: rsalveti: Could one of you two relay the concerns from hw decoding support and sync issues that we need to support?18:36
loolalso, routing for voice (modem) stack18:36
lool(I am jumping between video streams, so not necessarily following everything which is being said unfortunately)18:36
Saviq|UDSQUESTION: what about bluetooth? is HFP not going through CPU either?18:40
rsalvetilool: modem usually goes via modem directly18:42
rsalvetiand don't know if we'd have any issue with hw decode support, at least Ford_Prefect didn't have any issue when replacing audioflinger with pulseaudio18:42
rsalvetias the media service will just end up using the audioflinger api, which will go via libpulse in this case18:42
ptlreplacing? I thought pulseaudio was running on top of audioflinger..18:43
rsalvetiin this case yes, not what Ford_Prefect did a while ago18:44
rsalvetiptl: http://arunraghavan.net/2012/04/pulseaudio-on-android-part-2/18:44
loolrsalveti: thanks18:44
ptlah, thanks18:44
ptlbrb, video stopped, will reload18:44
loolrsalveti: so libubuntu-app-api -> libpulse -> pulseaudio -> libasound -> kernel drivers, and mediaservice -> libpulse -> pulseaudio -> libasound -> kernel drivers?18:46
Saviq|UDSlool: or potentially s/libasound/HAL/18:46
loolSaviq|UDS: quite a big difference!18:47
rsalvetilool: do we want libubuntu-app-api for it as well?18:47
loolrsalveti: I guess18:47
rsalvetinot something we discussed18:47
loolrsalveti: another question related to libubuntu-app-api for it as well?18:47
lool19:47 < lool> rsalveti: I guess18:48
loolrsalveti: another question related to libubuntu-app-api that I've asked earlier is whether we want audio routing API for this18:48
loolrsalveti: e.g. I want to switch audio output from headset to speaker or vice-versa18:48
loolor I want to mute this or that18:48
loolI should have joined the session early rather than trying to follow multiple sessions18:49
Saviq|UDSlool: probably a topic for ubuntu-platform@18:49
loolSaviq|UDS: good point though, might want to mention that we need to followup on platform APIs18:49
loolI'm a bit worried that we will end up requiring a media service, and then pulseaudio looks weird in the picture18:49
Ford_Prefectrsalveti: audio's broken up again :/18:49
Saviq|UDSrsalveti: try disabling your cam18:51
rsalvetiSaviq|UDS: indeed18:51
Saviq|UDSFord_Prefect: is echo cancellation a special case?18:52
rsalvetilool: it's fine to have both pulse and media service18:52
rsalvetiat android we have media service + audioflinger18:52
rsalvetiso we'd just be replacing the audioflinger part18:53
rsalvetilool: it scares me that we also want an ubuntu platform api abstraction for audio :-)18:53
loolright; I was kind of making a blob out of media service + audioflinger18:53
loolshoudl be cleaer18:53
loolrsalveti: me too, but I kind of understand where tvoss comes from to suggest this18:53
rsalvetistill :-)18:53
loolrsalveti: On the other, I would be less confortable to commit to using libpulse as stable API instead of e.g. libasound218:54
loolat least we can do libasound2 -> libpulse -> whatever18:54
rsalvetidiwic: Ford_Prefect: thanks for joining in18:58
rsalvetiawe_: thanks for taking notes :-)18:58
Ford_PrefectHappy to pitch in. :)18:58
awe_rsalveti, anytime!18:58
rsalvetisorry if I'm a bit slow today, not feeling so good18:59
loolrsalveti: you got my ubuflu over the air18:59
Ford_PrefectI certainly couldn't tell18:59
diwicFord_Prefect, yup thanks for joining. I'll need to investigate the UCM stuff, still feels a bit immature compared to just doing pulseaudio profiles18:59
rsalvetilool: lol, yeah18:59
Ford_PrefectIn general, I'm usually around on IRC, so feel free to ping me if you hit any problems with Android integration or anything else18:59
Ford_Prefectdiwic: one advantage with doing UCM is testing with straight-up alsa becomes easier18:59
rsalvetiFord_Prefect: we usually hang around at #ubuntu-touch18:59
diwicFord_Prefect, true19:00
Ford_Prefectrsalveti: cool, I'm there now19:00
diwicFord_Prefect, do we even support hw mixer control through ucm? I mean, setting the mic gain e g.19:00
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-2 to: Track: Client | Containers and host/client model for Android + Ubuntu | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21626/client-1303-containers-host-client-ubuntu-android/
Ford_Prefectdiwic: there is supposed to be API to say "use this mixer", but I don't think there's one to express a mixer hierarchy19:01
diwicFord_Prefect, moving to #pulseaudio19:01
jasoncwarner__hi everyone. session will start in 3 minutes19:02
=== netcurli_ is now known as netcurli
loolcoming live19:07
jasoncwarner__hi all...if you have quesitons, ping me here19:08
loolstgraber can't be there unfortunately (conflict)19:09
=== rsalveti_ is now known as rsalveti
tedgjasoncwarner__, Why does Android need to be in a container?19:10
tedgCould we run the services without Android init?19:10
tedgBenefit: Being able to apt-get upgrade a kernel :-)19:11
tedgSeems like setting up different paths would be clearer.19:12
tedgWon't we need to remove those features anyway?  Or patch them?19:13
tedgWe don't really want the system services writing somewhere odd.19:13
rsalvetiwe can't patch binaries19:13
rsalvetiwe'd need to abstract bionic calls19:14
tedgWe could use apparmor to rewrite the paths.19:14
rsalvetiright, but that's not specific to android, that changes depending on the device19:14
rsalvetiso we'd need device specific rules, which is a pain19:14
tedgSure, but it'd let us use the android services without a container.19:14
tedgWe could use something like /etc/$(servicename)19:14
tedgawe_, I think you can upgrade the Android components as a single package.19:16
tedgawe_, So then you could make the hybris versions match, in a single upgrade.19:17
rsalvetitedg: sure, but we also want to avoid making more work for the porters19:17
tedgrsalveti, Seems like it'd be easier as they'd just make one package, no?19:18
rsalvetinot necessarily, there might be device specific services as well19:18
tedgrsalveti, Instead of figuring how to start up the Ubuntu side, etc.19:18
tedgChickenCutlass, I think if you're running in a container, you have to think of it as two OSes.19:19
tedgChickenCutlass, Especially with a PID namespace.19:19
tedgA lot of command line tools people use for debugging.19:22
tedgAlso, with out /proc doesn't apport have problems?19:22
mfischThey both get the event I think19:27
rsalvetiI'd expect so19:27
awe_mfisch, that's my guess too.  Haven't had a chance to talk to anyone on the kernel team.  I plan on bringing this up during our kernel session tomorrow...19:29
tedgChickenCutlass, Don't we already have that with /opt/extras* ?19:29
ChickenCutlasstedg: for apps you mean19:29
ChickenCutlasstedg: yes, but would need to force apps there19:30
tedgChickenCutlass, We already do, no?19:30
ChickenCutlasswe do19:30
mfischcan you use bind mounts so that ubutnu apps don't have to change?19:30
mfischor change as much19:30
tedgmfisch, We looked at that, but were told that the mount command is too slow.  Would actually effect startup time.19:31
mfischtedg: I'd love to have any data you have on that19:32
tedgI think "One System" is easier -- Two is super confusing.19:32
tedgmfisch, I believe that I was told that by mdeslaur19:32
tedgI think the most sane solution to target short term is put Android in a container.19:35
tedgThen we can pull it out if it makes sense.19:35
tedgBut then it can be one package easily.  With a reasonable update.19:36
tedgjasoncwarner__, It seems like we've now listed the options again, can you force a decision?  :-)19:36
tedgDo we care about any of those devices?  I mean, having a port is not our goals.19:38
tedgOur goals is to have a device of our own.19:38
rsalvetitedg: can't be one package necessarily, it'd be one package per device19:38
tedgUsing someone else's is the same problem we've got on the desktop today.19:39
rsalvetior one package for android + another package for device specifics19:39
tedgrsalveti, Yes, I was thinking a "provides: android stuff" and then multiple packages could provide that.19:39
rsalvetitedg: porting is kind of our goal19:39
rsalvetiwe want people to use and work with it19:39
awe_tedg, the problem is that it may not be technically possible19:39
rsalvetithat's why we created the porting effort19:39
rsalvetilet's not drop that19:39
tedgawe_, We still need a decision for our plan from this session.19:39
awe_tedg, we don't have enough information to make a decision today19:40
tedgrsalveti, I think we should drop it if it at all puts at risk the possibility of having our own device that is great.19:40
awe_If I was a betting man, I would bet against this being technically possible w/out alot of custom tweak to Android19:40
tedgawe_, I find it hard to believe you're not a betting man ;-)19:40
tedgI think we should say where we want to go and try to get there.  Then we can reevaluate.19:41
tedgThe problem is other people need to figure out if they have to work around all the BS in the Android container stuff.19:41
rsalvetitedg: we're not putting anything at risk :-)19:42
rsalvetiwe're trying to find a better solution, that's all19:42
mfischtedg: I (or a delegate) will probably investigate the mount time stuff and get back to you19:42
rsalvetiso let's just not break other devices or any porting effort19:42
ali1234i think there's a misunderstanding here19:42
tedgmfisch, Great, thanks!19:42
ali1234lool is talking about eg extract_files.sh19:42
ali1234the existing system doesn't use any files from the previous full android install19:42
ali1234except during build19:43
tedgThat was me.19:52
loolany question from here?19:52
tedgSure, but if we're looking at one service.19:52
tedgIt might easier to do a single path rewrite than a whole container.19:52
tedgNo questions.  No decisions to question.19:52
ogra_ /dev as overlayfs !19:56
xnox8) wtf?!19:56
* xnox is clearly missing context19:56
ogra_xnox, i was commanting to the hahngout19:56
mfischwhere will the results of these investigations go?19:57
mfischa link to a doc from the blueprint would be ideal19:57
ogra_enjoy the bar !!!19:59
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-client-2 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/client-2/ - http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-client-2.log
loolawe_: updated blueprint with notes and wis20:00
awe_thanks lool!20:00
=== tvoss is now known as tvoss|eod

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