
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Track: Community | Testing ubuntu on new platforms | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21669/community-1303-quality
zyga-udshey everyone14:55
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, \o14:55
balloonshey everyone.. this should be a fun first session14:58
smartboyhwbaloons please give me updates of session as I'm on mobile and not enough bamdwidth for Hangout14:59
SergioMenesesjono_, jajaja14:59
balloonssmartboyhw, ahh14:59
smartboyhwjono_ what's room 2 on about?15:00
balloonszyga-uds, mmrazik u guys wanting to join in the hangout?15:00
SergioMenesesballoons, we're going to have a fun session :D15:00
balloonsanyone else? trying to make sure we have proper folks in the session15:00
zyga-udsballoons: yes15:00
ogra_what are the proper folks ? :)15:00
zyga-udsballoons: I'm interested to know how this overlaps with hardware certification15:00
smartboyhwI would lov to if I had my computer here.............15:00
mmrazikballoons: I can if there are enough hangout slots but I don't have to15:00
SergioMenesesdholbach, balloons hi!15:01
smartboyhwmmrazik: I think we have enough...15:01
smartboyhwuhoh zyga-uds left15:02
ogra_plars, ! what a beard !!!15:03
plarsogra_: :)15:03
smartboyhwSo who's on Hangout?15:03
dholbachsmartboyhw, I'm on the left ;-)15:03
VencaCZ_where i can get hangout adress?15:04
dholbachVencaCZ_, http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21669/community-1303-quality-testingstrategy/15:05
smartboyhwdholbach I"m on mobile how can I see?15:05
dholbachsmartboyhw, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7LpRcllyYA15:06
diwicdholbach 's video feed disappeared15:06
dholbachdiwic, can you see the other people's feeds?15:07
=== tomk is now known as Guest82130
ogra_dholbach, just you15:07
ogra_(are gone)15:07
smartboyhwdholbach There was a problem while playing15:07
ogra_ah, back15:07
smartboyhwTouch to retry.....15:07
diwicdholbach is back15:07
dholbachdo you see whoever's speaking?15:08
zyga-udsis that testing stack public? how can other developer use it?15:08
ogra_dholbach, yup15:08
dholbachI just momentarily stopped my video feed to try out something else15:08
dholbachyou don't need to see me ;-)15:08
dholbachI'm not really part of this discussion :)15:09
smartboyhwdholbach I can't get to it....15:09
dholbachsmartboyhw, it's just a normal youtube video?15:09
ogra_dholbach, but you have the funniest headphones !15:09
diwicdholbach, ok, just made sure you were aware15:09
dholbachdiwic, thanks15:09
dholbachogra_, I like them :)15:09
dholbachogra_, shall I use these instead?15:09
cwayne+1 exploratory testing15:09
* ogra_ didnt say he doesnt :)15:09
zyga-udswhat kind of tests are you running? is that testing the software stack more or the hardware enablement?15:10
smartboyhwdholbach: There was a problem while playing. Tap to retry15:11
cjohnstonsmartboyhw: it sounds like you are having trouble with your mobile and playing hangouts. there isn't really anything we can do about htat15:11
* smartboyhw condemns his ARMv6 A15:12
smartboyhwSamsung Android15:12
balloonszyga-uds, did your question get answered?15:13
zyga-udsplars: where is the dashboard?15:13
dholbachanyone else who wants to be part of this discussion? who wants to be part of the "fishbowl"? :)15:13
zyga-udsballoons: I don't think so15:13
cjohnstonzyga-uds: reporst.qa.ubuntu.com I believe is what he is referring to15:14
zyga-udsdholbach: I would love to be15:14
gema_uds_zyga-uds: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/15:14
cjohnstonreports too.. ^15:14
gema_uds_cjohnston: you don't know the URL yet? :P15:14
cjohnstonI don't know how to spell15:14
dholbachzyga-uds, sent you a link in an irc query15:14
cjohnstonand I don't use the URL15:15
mmraziktook an external USB cam :)15:15
dholbachmmrazik, might want to mute yourself while typing ;-)15:15
cjohnstonmmrazik: mute yourself while your playing15:15
zyga-udsdholbach: it works but I don't know how to attend, I guess I have to reload -- typing in private does not work15:15
mmrazikballoons: srry. It must be when I plugged the camera in. it has yet another mic15:15
dholbachzyga-uds, does http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/attend_meeting/21669/ work?15:15
vilamute the dog ;)15:16
zyga-udsreloading didn't help, sorry15:16
zyga-udsI lost the previous message15:16
cjohnstonzyga-uds: what are you wanting?15:16
gema_uds_we are still working on the views for memory and eventstat15:16
gema_uds_those views are not in production yet15:16
ogra_zyga-uds, !15:17
balloonsanyone else wish to join in the hangout.. or have questions?15:21
ogra_balloons, well, i'D really like to know how we plwan to handle the android parts, they are an essential bit of phablet (no need that i'm in the hangout though)15:22
balloonsu can pop in for a moment if you wish to ask15:22
dholbachballoons, ogra_ would need to get dressed first :-P15:23
ogra_lol, no, i'm showered and dressed, but couldnt say much beyond that15:23
VencaCZ_where i can get source for ubuntu mobile? i want part it for my phone15:23
diwicI'd just like to say I really appreciate the community resources we have for testing; e g before releasing a new PulseAudio version into 13.04 we were able to have some community people testing it in a PPA. Thanks to everyone helping out with this!15:23
ogra_VencaCZ_, in #ubuntu-tablet :)15:23
VencaCZ_ok ty15:24
ogra_LOL, ok15:24
ogra_someone paste me a link15:24
ogra_hmm, the join button just hangs :/15:25
cjohnstonogra_: are you referring to the fact that the phablet image currently uses Android stuff, and are we going to keep that in the image or remove it?15:25
ogra_cjohnston, we will keep it15:26
cjohnstonwas taking a shot in the dark to see if I could interpret the question15:26
* ogra_ canzt join it seems, sorry15:26
balloonsogra_, ahh.. well try rephrasing the question then ;-)15:28
ogra_well, how do we make sure we get testing of the android layer in the phablet images, automated and by manual community testing15:29
dholbachdoes the hangout still work? for me it just broke15:31
diwicbroke here too15:31
vilagooggle hangout just broke15:31
josephtbroke for me too15:31
cgregan_down here too15:31
ckingbroke for me15:31
rfowler_uh oh15:31
ogra_same here15:31
zyga-udstry reloading15:31
cjohnstonworks for me15:31
ogra_yep, works again15:31
balloonswhoa.. a bit a hiccup15:31
SergioMenesesreload it15:31
plarswe're stress testing google hangout today!15:32
ogra_note that ubuntu just runs in a container on top of a minimal android15:32
ogra_its not just the kernel15:32
ogra_its a full minimal android15:32
ogra_the complete HW stack is android15:33
ogra_(way more than the kernel)15:33
ogra_it is waht we currently have and will very likely also keep15:33
ogra_we need that part since we dont have any other way of getting drivers15:34
gema_uds_ogra_: do you want to try to join the hangout again?15:34
ogra_gema_uds_, i tried over and over, the "join" button is greyed out15:34
gema_uds_ogra_: you need to click on the acceptance button that you don't mind your image to be broadcasted15:34
gema_uds_did you click on thata?15:34
ogra_the driveras also require the userspces framework15:34
ogra_gema_uds_, i didnt have that15:35
* ogra_ tries again15:35
ogra_bah !15:35
ckingbut the android kernel has not been tested with our user space, so it makes sense to test it15:36
dholbachmmrazik, balloons^15:37
Limurxhey daniel :D15:37
dholbachhi Limurx :)15:37
balloonscking, yes, i agree15:37
vilatesting all layers is good, testing each layer is good, in the end we'll need all kind of tests15:38
vilabut starting with the autopilot ones, testing all layers at least give us some guarantee that things will run for the user15:38
viladevs will prefer to know which layer is at fault when something breaks though...15:38
udsbotuuds-community-1: 5 minutes left in this session!15:39
smartboyhwuh oh15:40
udsbotuuds-community-1: 4 minutes left in this session!15:40
ogra_vila, exactly, i just wanted to make aware that we need code for that ... i.e. we dont use the ubuntu input layer at all in the phablet images15:40
joe-udsare there virtual environments for those w/o HW to use for testing?15:40
dholbachogra_, muted you while typing15:40
ogra_joe-uds, we will have a discussion about VM and emulator at 7pm in the SDK session15:40
ckingogra_, perhaps a work items is for you to figure out what needs testing15:40
ogra_dholbach, thanks15:40
ogra_cking, sure15:41
udsbotuuds-community-1: 3 minutes left in this session!15:41
vilaogra_: good point, I think someone mentioned that the autopilot session later will need to care about that15:41
* ogra_ wont be able to attend many more testing session, thats why i'm here and thourgh i shoudl bring it up :)15:41
udsbotuuds-community-1: 2 minutes left in this session!15:42
ogra_mmrazik, we might just build x86 android/phablet images15:42
ogra_to run in any VM you like15:42
mmrazikogra_: yup. might be one of the options15:42
* joe-uds claps15:44
udsbotuuds-community-1: This session has ended.15:44
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/community-1/ - http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-community-1.log
LimurxGonna be a hot discussion right now ;)15:45
* mainerror takes seat15:48
mainerrorThese walks from room to room are exhausting ...15:48
=== mitya57|uds_ is now known as mitya57|uds
stgraberdholbach: can you invite me to the hangout for community-1303-rolling-release? (assuming you're the one running it)15:49
cjohnstonstgraber: if you are required then the link is available for you in summit15:49
dholbachstgraber, above the video there should be link15:49
stgrabercjohnston, dholbach: right, refreshing fixed it15:50
FunnyLookinHat_Who is running this session? jono ?15:50
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Track: Community | Should Ubuntu adopt a monthly cadence/rolling release? | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21683/community-1303-rolling
YoBoYFunnyLookinHat_, it's dholbach15:52
dholbachYoBoY, salut mon ami15:52
YoBoYbonjour, comment ça va ? :)15:52
FunnyLookinHat_dholbach, CarlRichell and I are here from System76 and we'd love to be pulled into the Hangout if there's room15:53
rickspencer3YoBoY, stgraber nous parlons en français pout cette session?15:53
dholbachtrès bien - et toi - il fait beau ici - beaucoup de soleil à Berlin15:53
rickspencer3hi FunnyLookinHat_15:53
* philipballew feels language isolation15:53
FunnyLookinHat_rickspencer3, Yo15:53
YoBoYrickspencer3, avec plaisir :)15:53
rickspencer3dholbach, can you invite the System76 guys?15:53
jcastro_heya CarlRichell!15:53
CarlRichellheya Jorge!15:54
cjwatsonpgraner: Can you include me in the hangout for this one?15:54
philipballewif you need more people to give a "loCo" perspective, I can join the hangout here as well.15:54
YoBoYdholbach, un peu malade, mais il fait beau aussi :)15:54
cjwatsondholbach: ^- or if it's you15:54
FunnyLookinHat_Go ahead and invite Carl on Gplus15:54
FunnyLookinHat_he's driving the webcam15:54
pgranercjohnston, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/f087d7d5109cb66b16cbbdb4b4c7153a846ee9f615:54
cjwatsonShame that this session has conflated rolling release and monthly cadence, which really have a bunch of separate issues associated - I'd suggest that people try to work separately15:54
cjohnstonpgraner: do you mean me?15:55
pgranercjohnston, no cjwatson  ^^^^^^^^15:55
pgranercjohnston, change your nick damn it15:55
cjwatson1 2 3 tab15:55
cjohnstonpgraner: no.15:56
* mitya57|uds tries to fix his microphone15:56
mitya57|udsdoes anybody hear me15:57
=== timrc_ is now known as timrc
philipballewnot currently mitya57|uds15:58
fisch246ha people are already using Mir... why would you do that this early?15:58
snwhoh those crazy bleeding-edge folks15:59
* mitya57|uds hopes he fixed it16:00
dholbachdoes it work for you too?16:00
pitti_uds_if "it" == video, then not yet16:00
Laneyi had to refresh16:00
Laneyworks now16:00
philipballewvideo is great16:00
me4oslavvideo is great on this end too16:01
snwhfinally got video :D16:01
jonobaconpitti/Laney - did you want to join?>16:01
jonobacondholbach: can you invite Laney?16:02
mitya57|udsok, looks like it still doesn't work, so I'll just sit in IRC16:02
dholbachjonobacon, yep16:02
gema_uds2mitya57|uds: reload the page16:02
mdeslaurhow is this any different than os x that comes out every 18-24 months?16:03
mptWindows often goes years between versions. OS X recently switched from new versions every 18-24 months to a new version every 12 months.16:03
dholbachpeople marked as bold at the bottom of the page should have a link saying "join hangout" or some such above the video16:03
rbasakCarlRichell: what would be your ideal cadence then? Six months still? Or something else?16:03
mitya57|udsgema_uds2: well, anyway I don't have much to say :)16:03
philipballewHow does this affect LoCo's who need to advocate the rolling release? Or should we be showcasing the lts release only?16:03
jcastro_mdeslaur: people can install new software on old OSX/Windows easily, not so much in ubuntu16:03
slangasekhmm, I certainly wouldn't agree that every Ubuntu release has been better than the previous16:03
jcastro_mdeslaur: if you want a newer libreoffice for example, you're either  in backport or PPA land.16:03
timrcIs it weird that I can actually picture adconrad happily frolicking in fields of time, money, and cheesecake?16:03
mdeslaurjcastro_: that's a different problem, and one that will kind of solve itself if everyone is using LTS16:03
jcastro_mdeslaur: on other OSes that's just a quick download for users16:03
slangasekthey may be more fit to purpose at the time they come out due to changes in the requirements for software16:04
slangasekbut I don't think each Ubuntu release has been "better"16:04
dobeywindows releases approximately every 5 years16:04
tumbleweeddobey: I suspcet that may speed up now16:04
xnoxSystem76Chi: are you providing security support beyond 18m cycle? or do you upgrade all of their users to next non-lts?16:04
victorp__rickspencer3: we (in canonical) are working with HP,DELL and Lenovo PCs and Laptops only using LTS releases already16:04
xnoxSystem76Chi: i don't want to buy laptop which will star saying it's obsolete in less than 12months.16:05
tumbleweedI think if we have less releases putting more work into LTSs would be vital16:05
victorp__so I am not sure OEMs do what quicker cycles for PCs16:05
mptWindows Vista, 2006-2007: Windows 7, 2009: Windows 8, 2012.16:05
victorp__specially thanks to the hardware updates in point releases16:05
TheMusompt: Agreed, WIndows every 2 years.16:05
TheMusoOS X was every 2 until last year.16:05
barry(scroll down for versions - release dates are ~2yrs)16:05
snwhalbeit XP still has a huge chunk16:05
snwhrolling release would avoid version stagnation if updates are continuous16:06
dmj_novaPeople don't care that things don't change, they care that they don't break unpredictably16:07
mptSome different meanings of "stability": (1) error rate <http://errors.ubuntu.com/> (2) amount of UI change (3) amount of API change (4) number of SRUs16:07
tumbleweedsnwh: the plans look like just dropping 6-monthly releases, not doing significantly more work on the development release than happens at the moment16:07
gQuigsso let's cut support for the 6 month release to 8 months?16:07
dmj_novaWho will the rolling release be suitable for?16:07
mdeslaurdmj_nova: developers, and tech enthusiasts16:08
smartboyhwWhy don't we release 13.04, cancel 13.10 and make it rollling for a year, then review and see of we are to implement only LTSes + rolling release forever?16:08
jonobaconmpt: do you want to join the session?16:08
xnoxWould you ship rolling?16:08
snwhtumbleweed, oh yes I know :)16:08
dmj_nova2 years is *far* too long to go without a stable system with fresh software16:09
mptdmj_nova, "software" is a vague term16:09
tumbleweeddmj_nova: for some classes of users, not all16:09
dobeydmj_nova: what do you mean by "fresh" there?16:09
mptin this context, at least16:09
slangasekdmj_nova: this comes back to the disagreement about what "stable" means16:09
me4oslavis 2 years, really THAT much? People still stick to god know how old XP.16:10
dmj_novaWould you recommend the rolling release in production environments (workstations, not servers)16:10
slangasekI would not16:10
slangasekI wouldn't recommend the 6-month releases in a production environment either16:10
slangasekI only recommend the LTS16:10
dmj_novame4oslav: it can be a huge amount of time, especially with a fast-moving platform16:10
YoBoYI only recommand LTS in production enviironments16:10
slangasekI only *deploy* the LTS on family machines that I have to support16:10
mathorI think the argument is that 12.10 wasn't completely stable in comparison to 12.04. With features you lose stability. That is all a rolling release is suggesting.16:11
dmj_novaAlready, we are having trouble supporting Precise16:11
slangasekdmj_nova: what trouble, why?16:11
dmj_nova(without backporting gstreamer, webkit, python, udisks2, etc16:11
mdeslaurdmj_nova: hrm?16:11
dobeyslangasek: the thing cjwatson is saying in the hangout right now16:11
txwikinger-udsAlready using "rolling releases" on different level in production environment16:11
pmk1cI also only recommend LTS, since most of the people I recommend Ubuntu to are used to Windows. They would be irritated by updates more regular than every 2 years.16:12
xnoxCarlRichell: would you ship rolling ?16:12
dobeywe have too many releases to support at once, so it's difficult to spend time both developing the new release and supporting all the existing releases16:12
dmj_novathe alternative being to stick with old tech until the next LTS (and thus not track upstream at all)16:12
philipballewIts to risky as somene recommending software to someone to recomend that is not lts for nots us, and the user. There computer is more likely to not funtion well with Ubuntu, and cause their Ubuntu experience to not be as good as it might be.16:12
noahlwhat about either a) reducing the support for the 6-month releases16:12
mathor12.10 was buggy, and a daily iso will be buggy, but both are stable enough to use if you do not need complete stability, which you can only get in an LTS.16:12
jdstrandcjwatson: firefox is also self-contained16:12
dmj_novapmk1c: Windows ismoving to a yearly cycle16:12
noahlor b) using a different cadence for different "levels" of system? So maybe glibc is on a 2-year cycle, but Unity is on 6 months?16:12
slangasekdobey: I was asking dmj_nova what trouble they were having in particular, not what trouble *Ubuntu* has had supporting the LTS16:12
slangasekI'm well familiar with the latter :)16:12
dobeydmj_nova: you're working under the assumption that LTS will *never* get updates16:12
dmj_novaslangasek: basically it was beginning to take about 3 man-days to backport every month16:13
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Track: Community | Should Ubuntu adopt a monthly cadence/rolling release? | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21683/community-1303-rolling-release/
dobeyslangasek: ah, I read that as the royal "we" :)16:13
tumbleweedshipping hardware with a dev release sounds crazy16:13
mdeslaurdmj_nova: backporting what?16:13
cjwatsonjdstrand: well.  yes it mostly is now that we threw all the extensions out of the archive ...16:13
YoBoYfor the ubuntu documentation (in my langage) it's also hard to support lot of branches, but I don't know how we will support a rolling release yet, seems tricky too… :]16:13
cjwatson(almost all, actually - there are still a few)16:13
pitti_uds_rickspencer3: I hope it's not yet decided whether we do the monthly release thing at all? (as opposed to monthly planning and install images)16:14
dmj_novain this case we were backporting gstreamer 1.0 and a couple other things16:14
slangasekdmj_nova: I don't understand what your use case is that you need backports of "gstreamer, webkit, python, udisks2, etc"16:14
achiangtumbleweed: and yet, OEMS supported by Canonical did precisely that. in the *bad* old days16:14
mainerrorGoogle Chrome16:14
tumbleweedachiang: not with daily updates16:14
slangasekdmj_nova: the "old" tech is the /stable/ tech - why would backporting python, gstreamer, etc be a priority for you?16:14
dmj_novaand also having to hold back on using useful new functionality from updated versions of say python16:14
jdstrandcjwatson: sure. point I was making that unlike unity, it is more or less a leaf application16:14
vilarickspencer3: I think most devs want to run their own "trunk" may are more conservative with everything is that is not part of their strong dependencies16:14
achiangtumbleweed: i think we're agreeing? shipping hardware with a dev release is crazy16:14
tumbleweedachiang: :)16:14
* mitya57|uds agrees with infinity's mail — it's not a good idea to leave "monthly" users without critical updates16:14
jcastro_CarlRichell: Server users. :)16:14
vilarickspencer3: getting updates from everybody at once may not suit everybody16:15
tumbleweedachiang: but slightyl less crazy, if it' sa snpshot of a dev release, with security support16:15
dmj_novaslangasek: there's a big difference between "latest stable" and "old"16:15
smoser_i think "real users" want the LTS.  they are generally annoyed by windows downloading updates and rebooting 6 times.16:15
DarkwingI'm on LTS because ATI drivers don't work with anything later right now.16:15
gQuigsso the rolling release would be our general release, and LTS is for those who need really really stable things?16:15
smoser_they want stuff to work and to use their OS.16:15
achiangtumbleweed: not from my POV. LTS is the only thing that makes sense to support OEMs on from where i sit16:15
jsjgruber-udsthey may also be adding their own software that has dependencies16:15
FunnyLookinHat_jcastro_, I'm not sure "server users" should be using LTS though.16:15
mptThe more of an OS's user base is made up of institutions, the slower that user base upgrades on average, so the longer the optimal release cycle.16:16
tumbleweedachiang: well, it comes with free security support from canonical...16:16
mathorLTS systems support schools, office buildings, etc.  My university runs 12.04, and they cannot afford to change every six months, so they stick with the LTS.16:16
cjwatsonUniversities indeed love LTS releases16:16
FunnyLookinHat_jcastro_, There are better tools available to address the issues of stability + managing updates ( a la Landscape ) that are much more elegant and efficient, right ?16:16
cjwatsonBecause upgrading a PhD student's laptop in the middle of their three/four/whatever-year PhD is REALLY BAD16:16
philipballewI dont want people showing up to my Ubuntu hour complaining "Their Ubuntu is not working" and this is because they installed a dev release. Even the not lts release now is unsafe to the average user who does not want any problems.16:16
kyleNdoes it make sense to find a middle ground on LTS period: perhaps yearly16:16
jcastro_FunnyLookinHat_: most server users I know want/need the 5 years of support of an LTS.16:16
slangasekdmj_nova: I don't really feel that you're articulating why this difference matters in your case.  I can't imagine ever taking a decision to backport a newer version of infrastructure like gstreamer and python instead of just using the platform that exists.16:16
mdeslaurmaybe we need a separation between the OS itself, and the apps such as LibreOffice...you want the OS to be stable, but you want to get the latest libreoffice16:16
pitti_uds_TBH, most of my family and friends is using LTSes, too -- much less hassle and potential breakage of what you got used to16:16
jdreedUniversities also liked the interim releases, because their user base of enthusiastic undergrads was clamoring for the latest software.16:16
DarkwingIf ATI, Nvidia and others would keep their drivers updated, I would be good. But, I can't run my desktop without LTS.16:16
mptThat explains why mobile OSes have new versions more frequently, for example16:16
cjwatson(I've heard this specifically from University of Cambridge sysadmins)16:17
smoser_the number, frequency and size of updates honestly make using any sort of ubuntu development release unreasonable.16:17
sbeattiemdeslaur: +116:17
rbasakThere's a whole class of users who are happy with the software they have and don't need anything newer. For them, it's easier if things don't change on them all the time.16:17
evmdeslaur: +1;16:17
FunnyLookinHat_jcastro_, how many people do you know using 8.04 ?  I know none.  :)  A two year upgrade schedule is more than reasonable for many use cases16:17
xnoxmpt: sure but enterprise managed phones are upgraded every 18m.16:17
noahlmdeslaur: +116:17
olafuraThe problem with rapid updates is Update Manager which is stupidly slow, maybe use apt demon with indicators. And most importantly Libreoffice and a lot of other debs are just to big.16:17
* achiang is still using 12.04 quite happily16:17
dmj_novaslangasek: using the old gstreamer would mean investing significant development effort improving undeveloped old branches16:17
xnoxmpt: or not updated at all.16:17
smoser_over the course of any development cycle, we're probably looking at a 700M delta in downloads every week.16:17
slangasekmdeslaur: I'm much more nervous about behavior changes in applications than I am in the base OS :)16:17
rbasakSometimes one of these users finds he needs something newer, and then he's happy to trade of for the latest release (or rolling release or whatever)16:17
jcastro_FunnyLookinHat_: plenty of people using 12.04 (and there's probably 8.04 around as well)16:17
dmj_novaIt would be like us developing in linux kernel 2.416:17
smoser_that is absurd to believe is acceptable for any consumer level user.16:17
smoser_(server or desktop)16:17
cjwatsonRight, the university use case where behaviour changes are scary is absolutely about applications, not the base OS16:18
mainerrorMy family uses interim releases ever since 10.0416:18
mptolafura, Update Manager aka Software Updater already does use aptdaemon. Adding indicator pixie dust wouldn't make it any faster. :-)16:18
timrcachiang, I tried to stay on 12.04 but running armhf lxc containers on Raring is so much better :)16:18
dobeydmj_nova: as novacut is not a stable application/system, and it's a seriously complex system, i think targeting the LTS at this point is probably just a poor decision for novacut16:18
philipballewWe update Firefox in lts, and all people generally do for computing these days i live in a browser. Especially people who do not need anything beyond an lts.16:18
cjwatsonIf your scientific application changes its syntax three months before you submit that's disastrous16:18
mainerrorNot quite sure what stability issues everyone is talking about.16:18
mitya57|udsI am using quantal currently, but it's already hard to develop raring from quantal — for me mostly because of python 3.2 vs 3.316:18
dmj_novadobey: yes16:18
FunnyLookinHat_jcastro_, Yeah - I understand what you're saying... I guess my point is, the reasons that people take slow upgrade paths can be replaced with better solutions...  we've stopped trying to reform the process and instead are using the same processes that we did in 199916:18
* balloons pops in16:18
xnoxstgraber: and victorp__ win the best backdrop award of this hangout.16:18
dmj_novaHowever, as we are NOT targeting hobbyists16:18
olafurampt my problem is that it's tied to the update process16:18
dobeydmj_nova: once novacut is an actual stable product, you will almost certainly want to only target the LTS16:19
dmj_novaso we have to consider the cycle once we are ready for professionals16:19
olafurampt I use apt-get, most of the time16:19
=== tomk is now known as Guest45188
mptolafura, if you want updates to be faster, there are a bunch of ideas at <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdates#Ideas>16:19
philipballewIt's more trouble for me to recommend something thats not a lts.16:19
dobeydmj_nova: you can't choose to support both a stable platform, and a constantly changing platform, without a cost16:19
rbasakrickspencer3: good summary. +116:19
cjwatsonWe really ought to sort out the half-completed debdelta project16:19
dmj_novaWe will likely have issues with recommending Rolling release16:19
FunnyLookinHat_What's the solution for ISVs who need to update software frequently, but also be able to target solid releases ( instead of a rolling / moving target ) ?16:19
tumbleweedcjwatson: that'd be fantastic16:19
smoser_i think that anyone "non-geek" probably hates updates16:19
dmj_nova6 month cycles are different16:19
dobeydmj_nova: we have the same problem with Ubuntu One. there is a cost to supporting multiple versions of Ubuntu, and we're currently paying that cost to do so16:20
txwikinger-udsOn server you might no change ubuntu release but you change i.e. ruby via rvm.. or drupal16:20
mainerrorI mean they generally don't feel any difference between an LTS and interim version. As the supporter I don't feel any difference either.16:20
cjwatson(Since people keep bringing up upgrade bandwidth volume issues)16:20
smoser_on windows, on OS/X, on iphone ....16:20
dmj_novawe could easily recommend them because they're at least predicable16:20
smoser_they do not want their OS to change. its just an annoyance.16:20
achiang+1 smoser_16:20
cjwatsonsmoser_: Or their applications16:20
smoser_maybe hteir applications.16:20
smoser_yes, there is some sort of line there.16:20
cjwatsonUsually applications changing is even worse16:20
smoser_and that is hard to identify.16:20
cjwatsonBecause they're the things you interact with directly and learn16:20
smoser_(i do go into the app store and look for updates)16:21
rbasakDo we need to move on?16:21
dobeydmj_nova: then novacut made a poor decision to build on an unstable platform, instead of the stable one. you need to find the balance between what your users need and what you want to build, and make necessary compromise16:21
mdeslaurcjwatson: but it seems to be accepted on all other oses and devices16:21
utlemmingsmoser_: to your point...one of the things that I hate about android is how my apps are always updating.16:21
jsjgruber-udsQUESTION: It seems to me that people fix the easy bugs as they come up but the hard ones wait for the freeze. I think that's human nature. Will the freeze time be extended for this to happen for the LTS releases? Will people have the energy (and patience) to fix difficult bugs that have accumulated over 2 years.16:21
timrcIt's probably easier to manage support with well-defined releases16:21
cjwatsonI hear more complaints about Firefox changing its UI du jour than just about any other software change16:21
kyleNobservation: the six month release schedule provides key milestones (String Freeze) that enable the translation community to organize their work16:21
cjwatsonSo I have never bought the idea of an OS/application divide16:21
slangasekyes, like firefox deciding to embed its pdf viewing16:21
jdreedHere at MIT, we did annual releases of our Ubuntu derivative on the .04 release.  We couldn't stick with LTSes because faculty and students wanted new things every year.  But at the same time, we cannot possibly support rolling release in a public environment because my users will freak out when the UI changes (it's taken us a _year_ to get people used to Unity from)16:21
tumbleweedbut not the new bugs... :/16:21
timrcEasier to train support people on an OS that is relatively static (or only getting security updates)16:21
smoser_ok. so i'll admit i was wrong.  both techy-geeks *and* real users hate updates.16:21
smoser_so lets not suggest to anyone that devleopment release is good for them.16:22
smoser_thats just absurd.16:22
danjaredthings like the cloud archive are a better solution than non-LTS releases for servers16:22
rbasakYou don't have a choice of not installing updates, since you have to for security updates.16:22
dmj_novaSticking with LTS *for development* means that when the next LTS comes around you've got months of work to fix things based on the massive changes16:22
balloonsrickspencer3,you made a new meme16:22
mfischsounds like we have similar wives16:22
smoser_rickspencer3: +1. your wife is a non-geek.16:22
YoBoYrickspencer3, and she's right not to change if she feels confortable with her mac :)16:22
smoser_i have one of those too16:22
rbasakSo what do security teams base their updates on?16:22
danjared(instead of a constant upgrade to non-LTS releases)16:22
jdstrandpeople *need* to install their updates (the security updates). that is probably the single most important thing people can do security wise16:23
timrcsmoser_, I'm a geek and hate change :)16:23
pitti_uds_mfisch: who hasn't :)16:23
mfischmoved buttons seem to really upset wives16:23
pmk1crickspencer3: completely right. many people don't like updates on their system16:23
dmj_novaWhile not *everyone* will be comfortable with non-LTS among our customers,16:23
dobeydmj_nova: yes. like i said, as a developer you have to make a decision, and compromise16:23
ben-linuxfanchange is never a issue for me16:23
xnoxMy sister was using Oneiric when quantal was about out the door, and she was happy.16:23
pitti_uds_jdstrand: yeah, but they don't change behaviour (except for firefox)16:23
mainerrorGood point, with a rolling release, if you make sure not to introduce too much of a big change at once people are likelier to adapt without noticing. I think.16:23
pitti_uds_jdstrand: ideally, there should be zero visible change after installing security updates16:23
dmj_novaThe interim releass make it viable for some of our users to track our development more closely16:23
slangasekjdreed: I understand you wouldn't want to support a rolling release; but if you just had to do a release every 2 years instead of 1 year because there was no 13.04 (15.04) to base on, what would be the consequences for your use case?16:23
pitti_uds_which is distinctly not the case for RR or dist-upgrades16:23
jdstrandpitti_uds_: I was referring to a comment in the video stream where people have a choice16:23
cjwatsonOur innovations are the things users curse at when they upgrade16:23
dmj_novaThis feedback loop is *very* important16:23
smoser_so by all means LTS is desireable. thats clear.  from what i'm hearing here is that there is very little value in development release.  no one (even many of you here in this channel) is actually going to use it!16:23
pitti_uds_jdstrand: ah, yes; I interpreted this as dist-upgrading every 6 months16:24
xnoxI guess the point is that on the day one ships we want the newest software. But how to support security and bugfixes wise is an interesting question.16:24
slangasekjdreed: I understand that users will want newer things every year, but maybe they don't actually need them?16:24
jdstrandpitti_uds_: well, of course I agree in principle. the firefox issue is contentious and we don't have to rehash it here. I think we are doing the right thing still, but admit there are problems16:24
mdeslaurbut out lack of a new libreoffice version that _finally_ unbreaks the documents they want to read is _also_ the things users curse at16:24
txwikinger-udsthere are already eevry day updates in the software manager today16:24
theDoctorI've got my non-techy parents in Indiana running the latest LTS. It would be awesome for me not to have to make a special trip in just to upgrade the release when the time comes. Rolling release would be great for us16:24
jdreedslangasek: Then I have some faculty clamoring for a newer version of $foo, because it doesn't support $bar.16:24
smoser_can someone identify a class of users who we think is going to use a monthly release?16:24
pitti_uds_pgraner: or more importantly, why at all? :-) (seriously, there hasn't been a satisfying answer yet)16:25
timrcsmoser_, Canonical QA16:25
jdreedWe have no problem pushing back on people who want the latest and greatest "just because", but with evolving products, we get people who seriously need new versions16:25
tumbleweedsmoser_: enthusiasts?16:25
rbasakMonthlies to provide sync points for people who want less frequent updates? Perhaps optionally to base security updates on, perhaps not?16:25
mitya57|uds-1 for updating monthly16:25
mptMy concern with monthly snapshots has three parts:16:25
mpt1. I haven't seen a compelling use case for it to exist, other than "cool for enthusiasts".16:25
pitti_uds_that combines the hassle of upgrading with the cost of doing releases16:25
mpt2. There are high development costs in creating and maintaining monthly snapshots, and user base fragmentation costs in advertising their existence.16:25
smoser_rbasak: do you know anyone that fits into that class ? (other than Canonical QA)?16:25
pitti_uds_and makes both worse16:25
rrnwexec"monthly" is just a label. it will allow people to quickly describe to others what they are using.16:25
mpt3. If there are credible use cases, it is possible (depending on the use case) that we might be able to address them with the updates UI instead.16:25
barry"normal" users never upgrade (or even update) because they're much more risk adverse.  they're afraid something they love and or depend on will break, which outweighs getting something new that will be marginally cooler16:25
dobeyindeed. monthly "supported" release makes no sense to me16:25
mitya57|udswe can't be sure there are no critical bugs in monthly snapshots16:25
jdstrandrbasak: the current thinking is that if there is a monthly snapshot, high priority updates will be pushed to it. others people will get in the next monthly16:26
jtaylordo transitions freeze on the monthly date? what if one crosses the border?16:26
dmj_novaWhy not reduce the support timeframe for the 6-monthly releases?16:26
mitya57|udsin fact, we even have critical bugs in stable updates (in chromium, for example)16:26
smoser_i really think those people will very quickly decide "this sucks, too many updates" or "this is too slow". and move to LTS or rolling very quickly.16:26
mathorif the user is averse to change, why wouldn't the LTS be sufficient?16:26
txwikinger-udsif you want user to decide, you need to have parallel versions of packages available for selection16:26
rrnwexecas a user looking for support, i need to be able to tell system76 what i am using.16:26
utlemmingI'm not adverse to change, I want my computer to work. If updating requires rebooting and/or critical path breakages.16:26
xnoxjtaylor: no freezes.16:26
utlemmingthen I am not interested16:26
pitti_uds_rickspencer3: that's fine -- monthly planning cadence doesn't need to imply monthly releases16:26
rrnwexecthat needs a label, even if arbitrary16:26
theDoctorwould a monthly release schedule even give developers enough time to change/improve anything?16:26
slangasekdmj_nova: why would you not have that same feedback loop from users of a rolling release?16:26
smoser_no one "outside the project" will use montly releases.16:27
YoBoYquestion : for an install, do we start with a LTS for everyone (like starting with a 12.04.2 and upgrade to have the rolling release up to date on the november 2013 for example) ? or do we have daily/monthly images ?16:27
rbasaksmoser_: say for example a development team who work on PHP but develop against 5.4. LTS only has 5.3. Then they can all install the same monthly and know they're developing against the same thing.16:27
jdreed+1 rrnwexec16:27
snwhsurely if there were monthly releases people could still grab one every six months if they wanted to16:27
dmj_novaslangasek: We couldn't get our users on a rolling release16:27
xnoxtheDoctor: python 3.2 -> 3.3 got switched in 12 days.16:27
czajkowskisurely you're just creating a label for the sake of it then16:27
LimurxCustom update cycles are best suggestion ever16:27
dmj_novanot for any extended testing16:27
xnoxtheDoctor: so yes.16:27
rbasaksmoser_: and same deal with deployment16:27
* txwikinger-uds feels like being back at LFS16:27
mpt(The mailing list summary doesn't fairly cover monthly snapshots yet, because I haven't got to that part of the thread)16:27
rbasak(and testing and CI)16:27
timrcPeople will probably select a monthly snapshot based on what it introduces16:27
mitya57xnox: but people still keep discovering bugs / incompatibilities16:27
smoser_rbasak: i dont know. i tihnk even then they'll just be annoyed at the speed of change.16:27
dobeyif there's no extra testing, freezing, etc… then there's nothing special about calling a release on the last day of the month, the monthly release. there's no guarantee for the user, and if we have to do all that work, it's extra work for us, that doesn't really gain us anything16:27
theDoctoryeah but can't we get small updates like that through update manager? is it really worth a monthly release schedule?16:27
jtaylorxnox: without a freeze whats the significant of the monthly?16:27
dmj_novaslangasek: Would you use a rolling release on a production workstation?16:27
jdreedrrnwexec: This is the question I asked last week.  How can a user tell me (or how can I tell a vendor) what I'm running on my system, short of "dpkg-query -W"16:27
timrcSo though they may not update monthly, they can find a snapshot that includes whatever they want16:27
slangasekjtaylor: transitions are staged in -proposed and aren't copied over to another pocket until they're complete16:27
rbasaksmoser_: they will be, but that's an unavoidable cost of not using the LTS16:28
dmj_novaWe need at least some users who are16:28
smoser_rbasak: why would those people not use the lts. and put their new php package on it.16:28
rrnwexecanother way to identify a "build" is to checksum all the packages... and that would result in a LOT of versions ;)16:28
rbasaksmoser_: sorry, I mean web developers developing PHP, not developing PHP itself16:28
pmk1cthing is: everyone updates as he wants. I know a lot of people don't caring about updates even when they pop up right in their faces16:28
jjed_Simply put: insulation for RR SNAFUs16:28
smoser_rbasak: so i assert they'll use LTS.16:28
dmj_novawith 6 monthly releases many are comfortable with that16:28
slangasekdmj_nova: no, I've said I wouldn't.  But I don't have any idea who your users are, sorry, I find you've been a bit vague about what exactly it is you're developing16:28
olafuraThe security repo would solve that16:28
utlemmingsmoser_: what about per package rolling release?16:28
rbasakPerhaps they just need a backport.16:28
mpt"You are safer on monthly snapshot than on the rolling release" is true only if we have tested monthly-to-monthly upgrades.16:28
slangasekmy expectation is that there /will be/ users of a rolling release16:28
jtaylorslangasek: so we target all rebuilds to proposed, but what stops them from going to out?16:28
utlemmingsmoser_: where you flag the packages that you want to update on rolling release basis?16:29
dmj_novaslangasek: We're developing a video editor for professional artists16:29
slangasekdmj_nova: ah, nova == novacut? :)16:29
utlemmingsmoser_: if you want the latest greatest PHP, then you can have it16:29
slangasekthat makes more sense16:29
dmj_novaslangasek: yep16:29
mathorMy question is, if I choose a monthly snapshot then decide I'd like to be on the cutting ege daily, do I have to then get a whole new iso?16:29
tumbleweedmpt: yeah16:29
smoserutlemming, well, where I carry my delta on my own (quite possibly through juju or some other mechanism)16:29
ogra_if we have to do monthly testing at all, whats the point of rolling ?16:29
xnoxEveryone knows that the daily after the milestone has always been so much better!16:29
philipballewmathor, probably just change tour sources?16:29
rickspencer3mathor, I think you would just change the frequencing that you update16:29
balloonsxnox, yes +116:29
fisch246jonobacon: what if Ubuntu went the route of creating a rolling release VERSION of Ubuntu? Ubuntu-rolling?16:29
slangasekjtaylor: that question is backwards; *all* updates are only allowed out if they don't break the consistency of the release pocket16:30
balloonsI agree.. if we're monthly releasing/testing, we're not rolling16:30
utlemmingsmoser: that is a server perspective, but it could apply to the desktop too. Like always tracking the latest unity. But then again we do some of that with PPA's already16:30
xnoxcjwatson: I would like to phase all package updates in rolling, such that one gets a dial that one can set to stable.16:30
dmj_novaIf we have to stick with LTS for both development and end users, we'll be having problems every time the LTS cycle comes around16:30
achiangdmj_nova: honestly, i think every app developer on every platform has this issue, they have a branch for $CURRENTOS and a branch for $NEXTOS16:30
smoserutlemming, right. some stack that you're interested in. you may want to track that.16:30
smoseranything else is noise and annoyance.16:30
dobeyachiang: exactly16:30
utlemmingsmoser: I think that sort of option would be compelling...and something I would use.16:31
dmj_novaIf we develop on rolling, then we have to either spend enormous amounts of work on backports (some of which may break other things on the LTS) or just not get any feedback16:31
rrnwexeci think we need to think in terms of "labeling" rather than "releasing". if we have daily quality, then we can label at any interval. it's just a label.16:31
Tribaalrrnwexec: +1, similar to tags in DVCS16:31
jdreed+1 rrnwexec16:31
balloonsrrnwexec, I would prefer we simply don't label the "rolling" at all.. It sort of confuses the issue16:31
tumbleweeddmj_nova: we *do* develop on rolling16:31
fisch246or... with the update manager, selecting lts, non-lts, or rolling might be an option16:31
cjwatsonxnox: Some, certainly16:32
jdstrandcjwatson: I'm confident we can do just that16:32
jtaylorwhat is with transitions for packages not having a proper versioning scheme, like python?16:32
slangasekdmj_nova: well, I guess I don't see how this is different from development of any other software where you need to support a range of versions on different platforms16:32
smoserrickspencer3, its reality.16:32
smoseryour wife will not use it.16:32
stgrabercjwatson: would it make sense to start using the priority field for the cadence bypass?16:32
theDoctor@smoser - True story16:32
mainerrorThat's just not true. We use non-LTS in production as well.16:32
tumbleweedjtaylor: ?16:32
gQuigsvery important point rick spencer16:32
RiddellPROPOSAL: don't make any changes for raring, it's very short notice considering we all agreed to doing raring and there's obviously issues still to be worked out16:32
mitya57rickspencer3: "people outside the project will use the LTS" == "rolling is for developers"?16:32
xnoxcjwatson: the beauty of sticking phased-updates logic into update-manager is that if told, apt will resolve additional dependencies needed to pull in a particular phased update.16:33
dmj_novaslangasek: I'm saying that by not having the interim release, all our users are forced to the LTS16:33
mptrickspencer3, those other frequent-landing software organizations are usually making apps, not platforms. (Facebook may be an exception.)16:33
slangasekdmj_nova: if 12.04 and 12.10 have different versions of gstreamer, and you intend to support both, your software needs to be written in a way that works with both... rather than backporting gstreamer16:33
jsjgruber-udsRiddell: +116:33
dmj_novawhich makes it difficult to support both the LTS and the rolling with current development16:33
txwikinger-udsRiddell: +116:33
pitti_uds_it's not about quality (although we aren't anywhere near LTS quality with raring yet), but about what you want to use16:33
timrcHow many other OSes do rolling releases?16:33
ogra_rickspencer3, if we really do it like that, whats the point in monthly image or monthly updates  ? lets drop that stuff if every daily is installable there is no need for montly stuff16:33
achiangrickspencer3: the problem here is that our apps are too tightly tied to the platform. no other OS does that16:33
gQuigsmaybe montly upgrades need to be automatic?16:33
me4oslavtimrc: arch.16:33
dmj_novaslangasek: that's a huge amount of work, and would entail huge differences in functionality16:33
rbasakcjwatson: +116:33
achiang(the release cadence, that is, not the APIs)16:34
cjwatsonxnox: it already has phased-updates logic :)16:34
balloonsogra_, exactly.. make it work daily, only care about keeping everything working day to day16:34
mitya57+1 to Riddel and to ogra_16:34
xnoxcjwatson: naughty ;-)16:34
ogra_balloons, ++16:34
olafurarickspencer3 if we are going to have a rapid update them we need to allocate disc space that can be used if the disc is full. If we try to update when it's almost full then it's a mess.16:34
rbasakI used to do that with Ubuntu. I used 6-monthly releases, but not every one.16:34
dobeydmj_nova: it's not terribly hard to support both; at least in Python. it's much harder in other languages.16:34
txwikinger-udsRolling releases are very agile.. but we also need the other site.. the automated testing for that16:34
cjwatsonstgraber: Maybe - I haven't thought much about the priority suggestion yet16:34
dmj_novagstreamer is lucky in that it doesn't have issues with installing both side by side16:34
gQuigsmaybe cut support for raring to 9 months?16:34
philipballewWould making changes "destroy potential quality"?16:34
xnoxCarlRichell: rickspencer3: what if 12.04.3 is better than 12.10?16:34
dmj_novadobey: there's all sorts of gstreamer issues with python16:35
timrcrickspencer3, you should take the people using Ubuntu into consideration...16:35
timrcespecially the people paying money for support and what not16:35
isantopxnox: It still only has features that are a year old.16:35
dobeydmj_nova: gir vs. static bindings problems/16:35
philipballewWe have spent three months on this thing. It seems harmful to all the sudden change now?16:35
jjed_How about transitioning raring directly into the rolling release? ("We will support this until the first RR snapshot happens")16:35
dmj_novadobey: yep16:35
dmj_novaand python2 vs 316:35
gQuigsor don't release Ubuntu Unity for 13.04?16:35
xnoxisantop: it has 12.10 kernel and X stack. So in 12.04.3 we can push out latest unity.16:35
dmj_novawe were actually depending on having *both* python 2 and 3 because of gstreamer 0.1016:36
dobeydmj_nova: 2 vs 3 should be less of an issue. it's only an issue if you're using static bindings16:36
dshimerIt's just such short notice.  Problems with waiting are well taken, but seems necessary.16:36
BigWhale13.04 should be released as scheduled, but it doesn't have to be supported16:36
SweetsharkIsnt "there isnt a 13.04 - surprise!" merely a psychological problem?16:36
sebsebsebBigWhale: nope should be supportd 18 months at least 13.0416:36
skellatSweetshark: Yes, a big one.16:36
rrnwexechow about reducing the support duration for 13.04? 6 months?16:36
mitya57PROPOSAL: if we won't release raring, can we release 12.10.1 / 12.10.2 / ... to have something to point people to until 14.04 is released16:36
cjwatsonxnox: mvo was the naughty one16:36
barrydmj_nova: :(16:36
cjwatsonhe did it ages ago16:37
xnoxcjwatson: hehe.16:37
mptWould allowing and testing 12.10-to-14 upgrades be noticably harder than 13.04-to-14 upgrades?16:37
pitti_uds_mitya57: we'd have to extend 12.10's life by half a year, which seems a lot cheaper than supporing 13.04 as a whole16:37
dobeydmj_nova: well, if it's any consolation, we have the same issue in U1, because of apport16:37
xnoxev: apt has phased updates support thanks to mvo tinkerings ^ =)16:37
dmj_novaShortening the maintenance period could be a good alternative to rolling16:37
tumbleweedmitya57: what would tha tmean? that sounds like an entirely new thing16:37
xnoxev: grep cjwatson/xnox.16:37
SweetsharkYou get a 13.04 that gets constant updates and that you can get a week earlier even without feeling guilty.16:37
balloonsyou could release 13.04 now if you wish.. upgrade to raring (which is continues to roll as the rolling release)16:37
dobeydmj_nova: also, iirc, novacut is targeting python 3.3, which isn't on precise anyway, so trying to support precise seems like a problem regardless16:38
balloonsdoesn't that meet your need to release something?16:38
gQuigswhy not just support it for less time?16:38
dmj_novaperhaps a 7-12 month period for interim releases going forward16:38
noahlrickspencer3: just a thought, but if the main issue is the number of releases you have to support at once, then actually the release frequency doesn't affect that16:38
dmj_novadobey: yes, precise was becoming a problem for us16:38
skellatcjwatson: If you're going that close to canceling it without finishing it, just finish it off16:38
kyleNwhich would means that RR cannot equal "rolling release".  a small price :)16:38
mitya57tumbleweed: currently the download page suggests 12.10, if it won't change until 14.04, people who have just installed Ubuntu will either use old and unsecure package versions16:38
ChrisLASHow will users be expected to keep that straight?16:38
noahlthe thing that affects that is (release support time / release frequency)16:38
cjwatsonskellat: I'm not sure I agree16:38
mitya57or have to install 1GB of updates16:38
balloonstransition period is simple enough.. if you running 12.10 you move to 13.04/rolling.. if your on lts you stay on lts16:38
LimurxSecurity and stability updates could be "forced"/suggested daily and other updates could be hold back for a custom amount of time (default 1 month). So there are no snapshot to snapshot updates, that have the drawbacks of support, and no annoying bunch of updates each week16:39
dmj_novawithout raring, we would have zero releases we could recommend to our users16:39
balloonsit gets weird if you release 2 "stable" versions16:39
slangasekballoons: 12.10 itself still has 18mo support16:39
noahlso maybe you should fix the number of releases you want to support at once, and then play with frequency given that16:39
mptAh, pitti pointed out the error in my equation :-)16:39
dobeydmj_nova: but i don't think that's related to ubuntu having interim releases or not. it's more that it's just a bad time for writing something large like that in python 3, due to the transition to python 3.16:39
ogra_cjwatson, rickspencer3, we offer opt-in  milestone freezes for flavours, cant we offer an opt in release for then as well ?16:39
pmk1cdmj_nova: why can't you recommend 12.04.2?16:39
balloonsslangasek, sure.. but we don't want to release 13.04 with the same support levels16:39
BigWhalesebsebseb, supported as releases are supported now, it would start rolling16:39
czajkowskimpt: you made an error :o are you sure ;)16:39
cjwatsonxnox: No, apt does not have phased updates support; update-manager does16:39
cjwatsonev: ^-16:39
mitya57yes, we can recommend 12.04.2 in the download page16:40
slangasekballoons: I mean that users on 12.10 aren't required to upgrade to the RR16:40
xnoxcjwatson: ok. so i had it right.16:40
dobeypmk1c: the problems are the same. it's not a kernel issue. it's major API changes that aren't in 12.04.216:40
mptThe number of releases we're providing updates for is not a reason to introduce a rolling release. It is a reason to drop non-LTSes. (That's why I separated the two in the thread summary)16:40
balloonsslangasek, ohh certainly.. so no one who didn't want to change/move would have to16:40
dmj_novapmk1c does 12.04.2 have up-to-date gstreamer, python, webkit-gtk, udisks2, etc?16:40
Riddellogra_: there's a differece between a milestone release and a final release, the archive gets frozen16:40
noahlrickspencer3: that makes sense. thanks16:40
dobeydmj_nova: no, 12.04.2 is not 13.04 :)16:40
dmj_novaand if it does, how is it different from quantal or raring16:40
dmj_novaso 12.04.2 does nothing for us that 12.04 does16:41
balloonsmpt, that's actually a nice distinction, but a bit lost here16:41
txwikinger-udsthat is just the defaults16:41
jdreed_you_ don't uninstall software, but apt might decide to.16:41
cjwatsonOnly if there's a conflict16:41
tumbleweedit wouldn't have a reason to, though16:41
mainerrorCarlRichell: I guess that's where the new UDS model will kick in.16:41
pitti_uds_rickspencer3: the woudl have dobey's new player installed16:41
pitti_uds_pitti_uds_: but indeed also keep RB16:41
mptEach of (a) dropping non-LTSes, (b) rolling release, and (c) monthly snapshots, could be done without either of the other two.16:41
dmj_novaAlso, say there are new features in rolling, we wouldn't be able to support them or benefit from them until potentially 2 years later16:41
cjwatsonIf you choose to use autoremove, then you need to review what it removes, certainly16:41
txwikinger-udsunderlying dependencies might cause uninstall by apt16:42
slangasekdmj_nova: well, I think that goes right back to the point that I (and many others) would never deploy anything other than an LTS in production anyway, so the fact that the LTS is hard for you to support because it uses older technologies is orthogonal to the question of 6-mo. releases vs. rolling releases16:42
mitya57dobey's new player?16:42
YoBoYI think we just need a smaller ubuntu-desktop-core without the default apps16:42
dobeydobey is not writing a new player16:42
cjwatsonmpt: To me, rolling release is effectively synonymous with dropping non-LTS16:42
cjwatsonPerhaps with better testing16:42
mptcjwatson, Microsoft Windows is a counterexample.16:42
cjwatsonmpt: ?16:42
xnoxstgraber: i thought it was a plant and a mountain in a distance, but it's a folded desk! you just lost the backdrop award.16:42
cjwatsonI mean "rolling release as we have discussed in the context of Ubuntu up to now"16:42
mptcjwatson, of roughly-two-yearly releases without a rolling release.16:42
cjwatsonNot some other hypothetical thing16:43
dmj_novaslangasek: There are many contexts here, and it's not that we want *every* user on the current ubuntu or the current Novacut16:43
balloonsxnox, lololol16:43
slangasekdmj_nova: but for something like novacut, "in production" might mean something else - I might have a dedicated machine/VM for it, running whatever OS is required... whether that's a rolling release, an LTS, whatever16:43
dmj_novabut with rolling, we couldn't recommend *any* of our users to use rolling16:43
cjwatsonmpt: OK, sure, we could drop interim releases and also take all our intermediate development private.  I don't consider that worth discussing.16:43
dobeydmj_nova: at some point you just have to stop supporting the older releases16:43
MichaeljwjrWhy not have a separate check box for optional software installation to not bloat systems?16:43
LimurxIf I uninstall the default software, it will be reinstalled with every update????16:43
slangasekdmj_nova: well, then that simplifies your support matrix too :)16:43
balloonsdmj_nova, so you don't want LTS or rolling?16:43
dobeydmj_nova: but that's a decision the developer has to make, not that Ubuntu makes for them16:43
dmj_novadobey: we do not support precise right now16:43
FunnyLookinHat_There's still an issue of stability with the rolling release - is the current daily essentially what we're calling "good enough" to be called a rolling release?  Speaking from experience - it still frequently crashes, etc.16:43
dmj_novasupporting it for 2 years would not work16:44
mainerrorjono_: You really want to call it crap? I mean a month before it was state of the art and the Ubuntu community said it was good. :)16:44
mptcjwatson, that's a false dichotomy. There's a difference between the current development release model, and the rolling release model.16:44
dmj_novaI'm pointing out issues that we are having and will have if the rolling release is chosen16:44
RiddellOne idea for Kubuntu to stay aligned to KDE releases is to do Kubuntu releases on LTS+PPA, would this be possible? (currently it goes against tech board policy)16:44
cjwatsonmpt: Name it16:44
slangasek14.06! victorp__ is slipping our release schedule16:44
mptAnd it isn't the presence or absence of LTSes.16:44
victorp__cjwatson: can you point me to the session?16:44
Laneyxnox: hahaha, I thought it was a bridge16:44
Laneywith some mist16:44
Laneyand a tree in the distance16:44
jono_mainerror, lol16:44
xnoxstgraber: so deceptive!16:44
victorp__slangasek: didnt say it was the first one ;)16:44
dmj_novaBecause Ubuntu needs to consider what its release pattern means for the ecosystem16:44
dobeydmj_nova: the issues you're pointing out will exist regardless of whether there is an interim release every 6 months, or not16:44
cjwatsonvictorp__: Not off the top of my head, sorry, I was just fairly sure it was on the appdev track somewhere16:44
mathorI don't know, FunnyLookingHat, I've been running 13.04 for two months and haven't had any bug at all?16:45
dmj_novaUbuntu is not valuable becuase it's an OS for people to use Unity on16:45
FunnyLookinHat_mathor, but it's completely relative to hardware, drivers, specific installed applications, etc.16:45
isantopIt exacerbates the existing problem.16:45
mathorSo in that case, there's no reason for me to sit on 12.10 for 6 months when things are running smoothly on 13.0416:45
dmj_novaUbuntu is valuable because it is a great platform for application development16:45
mptcjwatson, it's the degree to which we are able to recommend it to people who aren't Ubuntu developers. I think it was Colin Watson who said, "If it's for developers only then I would account that a failure".16:45
FunnyLookinHat_mathor, the problem is exactly that - You, as a dev, could be not having any issues, but the rest of us could have apport throwing errors left and right16:45
dmj_novaand its these applications that make Ubuntu valuable to users16:45
FunnyLookinHat_And because we're regular "users" we're not constantly filing bugs ( as we should be ) but instead are just getting frustrated16:45
cjwatsonmpt: That's a difference of intent, but there is no difference I'm aware of in the underlying model16:45
balloonscjwatson, mpt is correct. We could simply switch to only releasing LTS's, without rolling.. We are effectively doing both here. also, we could drop lts's and only do rolling.. they aren't tied persay16:45
dmj_novaIf Ubuntu hurts this development ecosystem, that hurts the platform16:46
dobeydmj_nova: but is novacut going to migrate to Qt/Qml now, because Ubuntu has decided to do so?16:46
cjwatsonballoons: I disagree that there is a real difference; I also fail to see how this is more than an academic discussion anyway :)16:46
victorp__cjwatson: I will keep my eyes peeled ;)16:46
balloonscjwatson, I agree it's academic.. not really a discussion point here16:46
dmj_novadobey: We may, particularly qtwebkit but that's another matter16:46
dmj_novaand doesn't impact this disccusion16:47
cjwatsonmpt: To clarify, I consider it a failure if our current development release is for developers only16:47
mptcjwatson, well it has consequences in the degree to which PPAs are used, or a new -experimental pocket, or both. But I'm here mainly because I'm interested in the things that aren't the underlying model, e.g. how we talk about the release to people who aren't developers.16:47
cjwatsonmpt: So your attempt to use my words to prove your point fails, I'm afraid :)16:47
kyleNthe point about fragmentation of targets of development also applies to translation. they may end up focusing on LTS leaving intermediate releases irregularly translated.16:47
mitya57GNOME guys were also going to request changing that policy, IIRC16:47
RiddellLaney: we do have a PPA for 12.04 now and it's not much work16:47
cjwatson(Specifically, I've been working for well over a year to make sure that our development releases are usable by reasonably technical users who are not Ubuntu developers)16:48
timrcLTS should just be truncated to S (for supported vs not-supported)16:48
slangasekstgraber: is this actually a TB policy, or does the issue come back to Canonical trademark policy?  I'm not clear on this16:48
mathorI just do not understand why a user cannot use an LTS in the case that they need their system to have complete stability.16:48
dobeyrickspencer3: perhaps it's worth discussing providing policy to allow for exceptions for the release+PPA situation16:48
xnoxcjwatson: translations, documentations, making images fit the size, the "6-monthly" tasks.16:48
LaneyIt works if KDE have a strong policy about bumping deps16:48
stgraberslangasek: it's some mix of both IIRC, it's a TB document defining what flavours can do, what remix can do, ... and the actual use of the name is covered by the trademark policy16:48
FunnyLookinHat_mathor, because, at this point, they'd have 2-year-old applications ( for the most part ) and any ISVs might be saying "you're on the old version, too bad" to their support requests16:49
kyleNtranslations requires string freeze, would that exist in rolling elease?16:49
RiddellLaney: well we either backport the dep or drop it in that case16:49
mathorA rolling release is for those who would like to be on the cutting edge. Those people will not have the most stable release, but it will be usable16:49
cjwatsonxnox: None of those differ between "just drop the non-LTS releases and otherwise keep our current development model" and "rolling release" - again, I consider them synonymous16:49
stgraberslangasek: so last time the TB got a proposal for a policy change, we reviewed it, voted on it, then someone had an action to get the trademark policy updated accordingly16:49
dmj_novaIn that case, why not drop support for old interim releases much shorter?16:49
mathorMy problem with your argument. Is that 12.10 gave me apport errors out of the box on release day16:49
balloonskyleN, i think string freezes would be closer to a package level than system level16:49
stgraberslangasek: (I believe that was for the Ubuntu business stuff)16:49
mathorIf anything 13.04 was more stable than 12.1016:49
ogra_slangasek, for the panda images (that shipped a PPA installer) i was asked to either call them remix or drop the PPA installer by the TB16:50
mathorWhat is the point of releasing software if it isn't completely stable16:50
mainerrormathor, +16:50
FunnyLookinHat_mathor, That's because they forgot to turn off apport ;)16:50
dobeydmj_nova: next month there will only be 1 interim release in play, assuming 13.04 is not released16:50
mitya57dholbach: is that you editing the notes? :)16:50
dmj_novadobey: And if the window were shortened, then we'd never have more than 216:50
cjwatsonIt seems clear that the TB would have to update some of those kinds of policies to keep up with events16:50
cjwatsonOne way or another16:50
didrocksrickspencer3: +1 :)16:50
philipballewthats why we have proposed repos16:50
txwikinger-udsGood luck rickspencer316:50
kyleNmaybe we need unittest coverage to report that strings have changed16:50
RiddellQUESTION: what do we do with beta and RC releases from upstream?16:51
keeswhat happens to release stability when we start auto-import from debian when debian unfreezes?16:51
stgraberogra_: that's indeed how things currently work, but I'm happy to rediscuss this and change policies if that's what we need for the LTS+rolling scenario16:51
mpte.g. a KDE beta?16:51
BigWhaleIf you're adding new code (or strings) in the release you _have_ to make sure it works.16:51
xnoxCarlRichell: what is interesting to you? is python3.2 vs python3.3 interesting? or only new unity is interesting (leaf packages)?16:51
slangasekin practice, I don't think we have a very good workflow today for getting translations in /before/ the upload16:51
pmk1cdmj_nova: I don't think you can support interim releases for only a half year. that would mean forcing the update. But I think 1 year should be enough support16:51
mathorI jus think if you release 12.10 or 13.04 on a computer, you will not ge the stability of 12.04, and those cases LTS works best for users, and I would think System76, Dell, HP, etc should only ship 12.04 in that particular case16:51
dmj_novaxnox: python 3.3 is very interesting to Novacut16:51
cjwatsonkees: I know ScottK has raised concerns about that.  I'm not sure I think it's as big an issue as all that, but neither of us really have data16:51
mdeslaurkees: it breaks, what else? :P16:52
pitti_uds_rickspencer3: we'll have to have some kind of staging areas for transitions, betas, etc. anyway16:52
xnoxdmj_nova: available or default?16:52
dmj_novapmk1c: why not support it for 1 year16:52
slangasekogra_: heh, calling it a remix if it's using a ppa is explicitly contrary to the trademark policy anyway16:52
cjwatsonHowever, from past experience dealing with stabilising after auto-syncs, I genuinely think that most of those should have been addressed by proposed-migration16:52
ogra_stgraber, ++, sounds like a valid solution for flavours16:52
Riddellmpt: yes16:52
dmj_novaso the user must update to 13.04 sometime before 13.10?16:52
SweetsharkRiddell, fwiw: My plan for LibreOffice is to release ~alpha/~beta to ppa and only bring it to raring on .0/.1/.2 depending on quality/feedback.16:52
pmk1cdmj_nova: yeah as I said: one year of support should be considered16:52
ogra_slangasek, it was only an installer icon on the desktop that enables the PPA , not even a PPA in teh build :)16:52
dmj_novaxnox: we don't care if there are several pythons but we need 3.316:53
slangasekogra_: heh, ok16:53
xnoxdmj_nova: we are planning to extend 12.10 support length to get overlap with 14.04.16:53
xnoxdmj_nova: point taken.16:53
dmj_novaxnox: We're already dropping 12.1016:53
slangasekxnox: that's been proposed, FWIW I wouldn't say that it's an agreed plan quite yet16:53
FunnyLookinHat_It seems like we're going in this direction with a lot of unknowns - and if it hits the fan, we haven't necessarily planned for an "eject" button of sorts .16:53
didrocksSweetshark: also, you still have ppas to evaluate how good/bad the LibreOffice release is beforehand16:53
tumbleweedxnox: that wouldn't be necessary with a 13.04 release, though16:53
keesI just worry that the "rolling release" topic comes up every time debian is frozen. as soon as debian opens the flood gates, it's going to be a lot of constant pain, I worry. I hope it's okay. I'd prefer a rolling release.16:53
timrchow are rolling releases going to affect PPA building? Will I have a choice to build a package against: daily, monthly, or LTS?16:53
timrccjwatson, ^16:53
keesI used debian unstable day-to-day before ubuntu existed.16:53
jdstrandslangasek: didn't you have some numbers on this topic (Debian unfreezing and its affect on the monthly release)?16:53
dmj_nova(though only because at the moment we *don't* want users playing with a couple dangerous changes until 13.04)16:53
xnoxtimrc: you can build against LTS or rolling. No other options.16:54
cjwatsontimrc: That depends.  Don't know yet.16:54
dmj_nova(this is a rare one off situation)16:54
jdstrandslangasek: maybe they weren't metrics :)16:54
mdeslaurHow much of main is synced directly from debian?16:54
cjwatsonxnox: It's not decided yet.  Other discussions this week affect that.16:54
mathorAgain, FunnyLookingHat.  Just keep users on the LTS16:54
cjwatsonmdeslaur: chart at the bottom of merges.ubuntu.com/main.html16:54
pitti_uds_kees: yeah, I'd also prefer a model where we sync from "unstable minus 5 days" and check for new Debian RC bugs16:54
xnoxmdeslaur: check merges.ubuntu.com it has graphs =)16:54
balloonsWith the idea of the rolling release, I don't feel like a little breakage (should it happen) is unacceptable16:54
slangasekjdstrand: not on that specifically... I had numbers on how many packages on the desktop CD are unmodified from Debian16:54
pitti_uds_kees: as a kind of middle ground between unstable and testing16:54
mdeslauroh duh, yes, the graphs :P16:54
ogra_Riddell, Do IT !16:54
dmj_novaGenerally, we like to support at least the development and the current interrim16:54
cjwatson(Bear in mind most of "local" is language packs)16:54
ogra_sorry Riddell16:54
dobeyrickspencer3: just drop 13.04 release and do it :)16:54
ogra_rickspencer3, Do IT !16:55
dmj_novawe don't care about interrim releases from over a year ago in any way16:55
ogra_rickspencer3, but forget that monthly insanity ;)16:55
LaneyCan we come to a conclusion on raring?16:55
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mathoronly ship LTS16:55
keesthe reason I switched to Ubuntu originally was because of the release cycle. if the goal is just "switch to LTS releases", that's different.16:55
dobeyLaney: indeed. "is there a feature freeze on thursday?"16:55
smartboyhwSo what's the discussion result?16:55
isantopcjwatson: But we can't ship a two year old release.16:55
Laneyfnar bot16:55
achiangthe plan B should be for system76 to ship LTS, not a rolling release16:55
rickspencer3ogra_, I dunno, I think the monthly cadence is good for users who like Interim releases today16:55
cjwatsonisantop: As it stands now16:56
ogra_rickspencer3, they should ues the well working daily16:56
Sweetsharkdidrocks: right, this is why I want a armhf builder for the LibreOffice ppa. to have at least one build see some enduser testing before I hit raring.16:56
vilacjwatson: why not a simple dual-boot LTS + RR16:56
tumbleweedLaney: please :/16:56
dholbach4 minutes left until plenaries!16:56
cjwatsonvila: That's not realistic for ordinary users16:56
didrocksSweetshark: need help with that? I know who to bribe :)16:56
mathorubuntu needs to find a solution to continue updating software in LTS16:56
Laneyseems not16:56
Sweetsharkdidrocks: nah, seems mostly ok now.16:56
theDoctorGood session guys!16:56
txwikinger-udscjwatson: rolling releases with snapsshots?16:56
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sebsebsebdholbach: intersting convo16:56
didrocksSweetshark: then, you can have pocket copy :)16:56
dobeymathor: this is part of that solution16:57
* ogra_ gets a break because rickspencer3 said so (my loung cancer is all your fault !)16:57
queshdidrocks: you rocks16:57
RiddellLaney: that's up to the tech board n'est pas?16:57
kamalrickspencer3: excellent session, thanks all16:57
rickspencer3ogra_, nooooo16:57
vilacjwatson: may be. But 1) may be made usable for ordinary users 2) Using RR is for devs right ?16:57
LaneyRiddell: well, the support situation is a Canonical decision16:57
cjwatsontxwikinger-uds: Maybe, but I think those are broken in other ways16:57
txwikinger-udsthanks guys16:57
Limurx*claps hands*16:57
cjwatsonvila: I would rather make 1) usable and sufficiently up to date that it doesn't make everyone go "oh my god it's so old"16:57
utlemmingrickspenscer3: can we get an updated doc on what was decided/changed?16:57
dmj_novaIn the case of our users, it is important not to have updates break things at unpredictable or unfortunate times16:57
cjwatsonReleased two years ago doesn't fundamentally have to mean that it looks stale16:57
Riddellutlemming: no decisions that I saw16:58
skellatRiddell: Strange, that16:58
skellatRiddell: I wonder if and when we'll know an outcome16:58
slangasekLaney: so, did we answer any of the open questions that were in the whiteboard? :-)16:58
tumbleweedcjwatson: it does mean we need to move faster with HWE, though16:58
cjwatsonRick did say at the start of the session that he didn't expect any actions from this session and was mostly trying to gather feedback16:58
dmj_novaSo upgrading every 6 months on average isn't a problem so long as they can choose when the potentially breaking changes happen and test them on a non-production environment beforehand16:58
txwikinger-udsI wonder if rolling releases only work when you have different streams16:59
utlemmingRiddle: that is what I thought...but people react emotionally. I would rather I react -- and people react -- to a document then what they think they saw.16:59
utlemminger, Riddell: ^16:59
Riddellskellat: this isn't the best forum for decisions, little notice and timezone dependent and it's up to tech board (or bits to canonical) anyway16:59
slangasekcjwatson: indeed... I was hoping we would at least get a consensus wrt what to do Thursday for the FF16:59
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dmj_novaBut updating every month, could be a big problem, especially if there isn't much choice there about the timing16:59
tumbleweedthat's the only reason I wanted this session...16:59
dmj_novasay 3 days before a deadline and no way to roll back16:59
vilaslangasek: if no decision to change has been taken, nothing has changed :) 13.04 should be released ;)17:00
Laneyslangasek: Well, none of mine about what to do in the immediate future17:00
skellatRiddell: Well, off to the showers for me and and I've got a couple hours until next round17:00
Laneythis week and for raring17:00
Laneymy preference is to carry on as planned and consider all this thereafter17:00
vilaslangasek: I'm all for RR myself which is why I would rather delay it for a few months that fails by rushing (but that's just MHO)17:01
tumbleweedLaney: +117:01
slangasekLaney, Riddell: yes, I think there is a consensus to carry on with the release schedule as written for now17:01
Laneyslangasek: I think so, but I would like to know that it will be a useful use of time17:01
slangasekthough I don't think that necessarily means we'll still do a 13.04 release17:02
slangasekLaney: indeed, and I don't think we can answer that until e.g. the TB have weighed in17:02
Laneynot that we're going to review exceptions for a month and then have the doors thrown open again17:02
mathor_I think there needs to be another blueprint about this topic17:02
mathor_Developers are still torn on this issue, and so much time was spent arguing for a rolling release, that it was hard to even really discuss abandoning 13.0417:03
LaneyWe started to have a discussion about this and I *think* people were receptive to keeping 13.04, but then we moved on17:03
X3MDroidI think rolling release is a bad idea17:03
dmj_novaRolling is bad for developers17:03
dmj_novaWe already effectively have all the rolling we need thanks to daily quality17:03
Laneyslangasek: ↑ - don't know if there will be an opportunity to finish it off some other time this UDS17:04
dmj_novabut we can't reach end users as easily without the interrim releases17:04
X3MDroidAnd is bad for bussines. Enterprises want stability sensation, and LTS versions are the best way to do that17:04
* Riddell objects to the term 'interim release' it only got created to make the idea of dropping them seem more favourable17:04
dmj_novaRiddell: non-lts release?17:05
slangasekLaney: I suspect that may require some Canonical-internal discussions that are out of scope for UDS, as far as what resources Canonical is willing to put into carrying 13.04 forward17:05
vilaRiddell: how were they name before ? dev releases ?17:05
smartboyhwsame feeling dmj_nova17:05
Riddellvila: just release17:05
smartboyhwYes call them dev releases17:05
Laneyslangasek: Hmm, yeah17:05
LaneyI at least get the feeling that it's on the table which is positive for me17:06
Riddellsmartboyhw: they're used by much more than devs17:06
skellatMuch of this can come up at the Xubuntu Contingencies discussion tomorrow17:06
dmj_novaMost users I know do not use the LTS17:06
Sweetsharkrickspencer3: Cant we 'release' 13.04 with an announcement as a rolling release? That is: announce it as being the rolling one and pitch the awesome fact that you even get quicker updates for it? Essentially its a policy change only: instead of SRUing stuff, we are trying to make every distro upload a good one -- not only the stuff we SRU back.17:06
dmj_novathey do use a stable release17:06
vilaRiddell: mixed feelings on that, I have a few friends to which I had to say: can't help you with bug X, revert to LTS. They did so and were happy17:06
dmj_novabut it's generally the regular most recent releast17:06
dmj_novaMost of those would not use rolling17:07
vilaSweetshark: + 1 on the idea, the wording needs to be better though17:07
mathor_My university will only use LTS, and a full-scale deployment of ubuntu  on pre-installed machines, for instance, if my university or another university or an office building were to choose to purchase a computer preinstalled, this is what they'd want as well.   Just as rolling releases only contribute to enthusiasts, interim releases only contribute to enthusiasts as well.17:07
dmj_novaOne nice buffer with the 6-month cycle is that in most cases (and the others are arguably bad judgement) there is time to discuss and refine new big changes17:08
X3MDroidStand up users maybe, but the 2 SME's I know are using LTS with a paid support to canonical17:08
vilaSweetshark: i.e. use 13.04 to experiment with RR and decide how to continue from there17:08
dmj_novaso that only the devs get bombarded with controversial changes17:08
Sweetsharkvila: developers dont lie ;) this is why you keep them away from the mics17:09
dmj_novawhereas a monthly pulse could result in upsetting changes hitting everyone before there has been an opportunity for refinement17:09
vilaSweetshark: hehe, yeah, they are notoriously bad to communicate with users ;)17:09
dmj_novaand good community feedback17:09
mathor_the Ubuntu On Air, and what they are trying to do with that sort of addresses this issue17:09
mathor_if it becomes a case where talks such as this are happening every day or once a week, there is no point for a UDS,  it leads to a rapidly-changing ecosystem17:10
X3MDroidI think that the 6 month rhythm is very good for desktops17:10
* smartboyhw agreea17:11
mathor_so if anything, the landscape has become more transparent than it was17:12
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mathor_So a rolling release paired with constant community feedback leads to development at a much quicker pace17:14
dmj_novaRick Spencer: Does anybody include professional users?17:14
dmj_novarickspencer3: ^^17:15
caryhartlineaw man I'm too late.17:15
rickspencer3dmj_nova, not sure what you are referring to17:15
dmj_novarickspencer3: as in people who depend on their machine for work project who are not developers17:16
rickspencer3dmj_nova, I guess I would say if a user prefers to update eveyr 6 months today ...17:16
rickspencer3the rolling release should be good for them17:16
rickspencer3if they prefer the LTS, they can/should stick with that17:16
mptmathor_, yes, we still have the worst aspect of UDS, i.e. "let's discuss everything all at once"17:17
dmj_novarickspencer3: One big difference is how can the user choose when the big changes happen17:17
dmj_novaor would you support say the last three monthlies?17:17
rickspencer3dmj_nova, as we discussed ...17:17
dmj_novawhich doesn't sound like it saves you much17:17
rickspencer3there are 2 things17:17
rickspencer31. Rolling release17:17
rickspencer32. Update cadence17:17
rickspencer3rolling release means that we only support LTS and the latest and greatest17:18
rickspencer3I proposed that we also have a monthly update cadence, so users can choose to update monthly17:18
mptmathor_, but there's nothing to prevent the lead of any particular feature saying "that's daft, I'm going to organize a hangout on topic X, and let interested people register what times would suit them"17:18
rickspencer3but they *have* to update to get support17:18
rickspencer3dmj_nova, ^17:19
dmj_novarickspencer3: the tricky thing for many of our users is not that they need "stable" in the LTS sense, so much as updating several times mid-project17:19
mathor_and what is wrong with that, mpt?17:19
dmj_novaNow shortening the support cycle substantially for non-lts is certainly fine17:19
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away
mptmathor_, nothing! I'm proposing that as an escape route. :-)17:20
dmj_novarickspencer3: wrt sunk cost, it sounds like many players would have an issue going forward with no raring release17:20
rickspencer3dmj_nova, yes17:20
rickspencer3there's been a bit of a spread in the reaction17:21
mathor_Ubuntu could essentially get to a point where UDS is continuos with the all-web concept17:21
dmj_novaWhy not make the rolling a 6 month rolling17:22
dmj_novainstead of the monthly17:22
rickspencer3dmj_nova, that's a very fair proposal17:22
dmj_novaand only have enough overlap to ensure people have a bit of time17:22
rickspencer3we keep doing the interim releases, but we don't support them past the next one17:22
dmj_novasay 1-6 months17:22
rickspencer3dmj_nova, well, I think we would not do that17:22
rickspencer3or it's not rolling17:22
dmj_novaso each release gets 7,9, or 12 months , whichever time period to choose17:23
rickspencer3to get support you have to update, I would think17:23
Limurxor stay with the LTS, sounds pretty fair to me17:23
dmj_novarickspencer3: should be a tiny bit of overlap I think17:23
rickspencer3could be17:23
dmj_novato give a bit of leaway for updating17:24
rickspencer3well ... I don't think we would want to do an SRU or security updates17:24
mathor_with our current options, users are forced to upgrade every 6 months, which really means re-installing their OS.  Upgrading from 12.10 to 13.04 is not an easy process17:24
dmj_novaso you have a bit of time to get eggs in order or get through the deadline next week before rocking the boat17:24
rickspencer3dmj_nova, I think if updating rocks your boat, you are an LTS user17:24
smartboyhwrickspencer3 how about 3-month rolling release?17:24
rickspencer3smartboyhw, all good ideas17:25
mptI see lots of people wanting lots of different frequencies :-)17:25
dmj_novarickspencer3: I'm talking very short term update qualms17:25
rickspencer3well, then they could just not update17:26
mptAlmost like it's a job for a slider in a dialog somewhere17:26
LimurxAs mentioned, if the 3 month release needs more testing or other effort than the daily images, there's something wrong...17:26
dmj_novaso you don't get surprises on a bad day, even when updating is not a general problem17:26
rickspencer3mpt, it's not that easy17:26
dmj_novarickspencer3: what about security?17:26
rickspencer3dmj_nova, that's my point17:26
rickspencer3we don't want to duplicate support across relesaes17:27
dmj_novarickspencer3: I'm trying to suggest a happy medium17:27
mathor_This is why LTS works. If you need stability and you do not like change, it just works.  You cannot have your cake and eat it too, so you cannot have the latest and greatest and have  the amount of stability to warrant shipping software on a system.   LTS is the only good option for enterprise customers, professional users, institutional users, and OEMs in general17:27
timrcthis is more of a Fireside Chat w/ jcastro than a plenary :)17:27
dmj_novareduce duplicate support a lot17:27
rickspencer3dmj_nova, understood17:27
mptrickspencer3, I know, we couldn't just update to latest if we want it to be more stable than the development version. But maybe we could update to latest-known-good.17:27
jcastrotimrc: ask questions then17:27
dmj_novabut provide just enough to make life easier on certain kinds of pro users17:27
rickspencer3mpt, it's a matter of providing security support17:28
dmj_novawhich is why I suggested the small overlap17:28
dmj_novalike say a 7 month support cycle for a 6 month release17:28
mptrickspencer3, AIUI, the issue is that security updates will sometimes depend on non-security packages. First is there any data on how often that happens, and second would it matter?17:28
dmj_novaand that means that for part of a year you do have an additional release to support17:29
rickspencer3mpt, yeah, if we force an update of a subset of newer packages for a security update ... that is a terrible experience and very difficult to support17:29
dmj_novabut your efforts are otherwise much reduced from current17:29
dmj_novawhile not rocking the boat for developers like us17:29
rickspencer3dmj_nova, yeah, I understand what you are saying17:29
mptrickspencer3, terrible in what way?17:29
dmj_novaor vendors like system7617:30
rickspencer3mpt, you take a "security update" and it updates some of your apps?17:30
rickspencer3then you may was well be on a daily upgrade cadence17:31
mptrickspencer3, ah, so you'd have unexpected UI changes as a consequence of a security update. Understood.17:31
mathor_I just do not understand the viepoint of a vendor releasing a 6 month release on their hardware. Why would System76 want to release ubuntu on a computer if it's obsolete in 6 months?17:31
mathor_LTS makes the most sense17:32
dmj_novamathor_: 6 month releases have much better hardware support17:32
dmj_novanew drivers, graphics stack etc17:32
mptmathor_, from what I understood in the talk, it's because the improvement in big things like Unity and HW compatibility is worth the cost of users having to upgrade sooner.17:32
mptThat surprised me, tbh.17:33
dmj_novampt is right17:33
CarlRichellYes, new drivers and improvement in the release drive our decision to ship non-LTS releases17:33
dmj_novampt: so imagine using a release as old as Natty17:33
mathor_But, essentially, what you are releasing is not the same as what they will have on their computers in, say, 9 months time17:33
dmj_novaand then compare to Quantal or raring17:33
CarlRichellmathor: same goes for LTS17:34
mathor_so, at that point, they are running different software than was shipped with them17:34
mathor_they get software so they can abandon it?17:34
mptdmj_nova, I think that was a *bit* of an unfair example, because part of the reason for landing a ropey Unity in 11.04 was to give it more time to bake for the LTS. :-)17:34
CarlRichellThat is the nature of software.17:34
CarlRichellIt progresses. The hardware is static when manufactured17:34
dmj_novampt: a *bit* but generally changes will be quite large and beneficial to users over a 2 year period17:35
mathor_it is the nature of software, but goes against the argument that vendors needs a very current yet stable system.17:35
=== FunnyLookinHat_ is now known as FunnyLookinHat
dmj_novampt: perhaps compare 10.04 vs 12.04?17:36
FunnyLookinHatmathor_, the current release schedule is very current yet stable - not sure I follow your argument ?17:36
dmj_novaIf we can't ship anything but LTS, that's not good17:37
FunnyLookinHatdmj_nova, Agreed - it leaves a gaping "middle ground" hole17:38
dmj_novathe issue with hardware shipping is a big BIG deal for novacut17:39
mathor_I'm not going to purchase a new Ubuntu laptop from System76 every 6 months, but I might every 2 years.  If, as a user, I chose to get constant updates, then what  I am running will be different than what I was shipped.  If I want my system to remain secure because I am a professional user, then I will use the LTS and continue with the software I was shipped and remain happy.   In fact, the LTS backports a lot of softw17:39
FunnyLookinHatI think we need to realize that, if there is no good solution for OEMs, then coincidentally, there is actually no good solution for a large chunk of Ubuntu users.17:39
mathor_will suffer17:39
=== wedgwood_away is now known as wedgwood
dmj_novaWe have to support at least the newest release that users can buy hardware for17:39
dmj_novaright now, that is the 6 month releases17:40
FunnyLookinHatrickspencer3, ping?  Will users be able to upgrade from 12.10 to 14.04 or from 13.04 to 14.04?  We need to make sure that we aren't leaving customers on an island17:41
rickspencer3hi FunnyLookinHat17:41
dmj_novaWe really don't want to have to cripple our software for years at a time or alternatively introduce radical changes back into the LTS17:41
FunnyLookinHatrickspencer3, howdy ( s76 guy here )17:41
rickspencer3if we chose to go to a rolling release today (*if*), we'd have to extend the support period for 12.1017:41
FunnyLookinHatWhat does that mean specifically?  With the network upgrade option to 14.04?  As I understand it, 18 months of 12.10 support leads right to 14.0417:42
mathor_This question you ask was the original point that I brought up.  If  you buy a computer with 12.10 there is no easy way to upgrade to 13.04 in a way that leads to a stable system.  So every six months, essentially, the user is left on an island17:42
danjaredfwiw, Dell has switched to preloading only LTS releases17:43
FunnyLookinHatdanjared, That's because they are building their own kernel and it would be literally impossible for them to support anything more17:44
danjaredFunnyLookinHat: we're not building our own kernel17:44
FunnyLookinHatdanjared, I was misinformed I guess - last I checked you had to pull in some patches for your sputnick project17:44
FunnyLookinHatMy mistake :)17:44
danjaredFunnyLookinHat: are you talking about the PPA for Sputnik?17:45
FunnyLookinHatdanjared, I'm talking about the linux-image that is being generated for the XPS 13 Laptops17:45
danjaredFunnyLookinHat: We have a PPA for Sputnik, which includes a couple bug fixes and a driver Cypress generously wrote for us, but all those changes are being upstreamed. The PPA kernel is a temporary measure.17:46
danjaredFunnyLookinHat: This is not done for the many, many other systems we ship with Ubuntu (though not currently in the US)17:46
FunnyLookinHatdanjared, Ah ok - that is different than I had read. Thanks for clarifying :)17:47
FunnyLookinHatDo you think shipping 12.04 for the next 14 months is a good product decision for Dell ?17:47
danjaredShipping every release, LTS or not, is possibly feasible for a small company like System76. It's a miserable migraine for a company like Dell.17:48
FunnyLookinHatUnderstood.  Good point.17:48
danjaredFunnyLookinHat: not speaking for the company as a whole, we're happy about the HWE stack for 12.0417:48
danjared(by we I mean the engineers)17:48
danjaredIt's easier to revalidate a small part of the release than an entirely new release17:49
FunnyLookinHatMy feeling is that 12.04 is going to be a horrible solution for your customers within two months...  and even moreso in 10 ( right before 14.04 ) - you're essentially stuck shipping two year old software.17:50
kamalFunnyLookinHat, danjared: fyi, at this point the kernel enhancements for Sputnik have all been upstreamed already (the Cypress driver and the backlight control fixes):  Those fixes all appear in mainline Linux 3.9 kernel17:50
FunnyLookinHatTo put it in perspective, that would be like shipping 11.04 today - which, if you even run it for a day, will feel like 199717:51
danjaredkamal: right, I forgot to mention that they're all upstream now though not in 3.5 AFAIK. thank you so much for all your work!17:51
danjaredFunnyLookinHat: I would surmise that our customers are more concerned with receiving a system that will still work after they first update their system than having something closer to bleeding edge. Keep in mind that, for us, our customers include companies.17:53
kamaldanjared: my pleasure -- happy to have the slick XPS machines working so well in Ubuntu (and other Linux)17:53
danjaredkamal: my pleasure too. my personal system is an XPS 13 :)17:55
kamalkamal: me too :-)17:55
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=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Track: Community | Ubuntu Advocacy Kit - next steps | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21642/community-1303-uak-next-steps/
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philipballewAlright, feel free to invite me to the hangout whenever works.18:07
philipballewlets get this adk going18:07
=== Guest31800 is now known as falkowich
dholbachhello my friends18:10
philipballewrrnwexec, I marked myself as essential to the session, Can you invite me?18:10
philipballewhey dholbach18:10
dholbachphilipballew, let me see if I can get that done18:10
philipballewdholbach, alright18:10
dholbachI think we still have 518:10
philipballewah, no hurry18:10
V3n3RiXhello all :)18:11
dholbachphilipballew, if you reload the session page, you should see a "join hangout" link or some such18:11
philipballewI see it now18:11
mainerrorWhoa! I didn't even know that an Ubuntu Evangelists team existed, that's mainly what I do. :)18:15
mainerrorThat's because the most visible example was the UDS which is big, awesome and stuff.18:18
wendarpress releases :)18:19
wendarIt sounds like the messaging around a 1-month cadence is very important to get right.18:22
jonobaconwendar: good idea :-)18:22
wendar(wrong channel)18:23
X3MBoyI can't attend the hangout from my work. I'll read you from here18:24
czajkowskisurely sorting out where its resting plce is the last bit to think about18:27
czajkowskiputting the content in to the kit is the main thing18:27
philipballewyeah, good point czajkowski18:27
czajkowskieh no whack18:27
czajkowskiphilipballew: I've been known to make the odd one from time to time!18:28
* philipballew laughs and smiles18:28
czajkowskiis there a specific editor to write this restucted text on ?18:31
mainerrorczajkowski, every normal text editor you want.18:31
Cracknelczajkowski: I've seen something that displays a preview so that you know how it will look rendered18:32
mainerrorThere's quite a big cross-over between RsT and Markdown. We've switched to RsT in CouchDB as well.18:32
czajkowskijonobacon: well the big thing is a person may think they write good docmentation and the person reviewing may not think it's great, and then it can also be a case of it reviewing of text can become rather long winded18:33
czajkowskiCracknel: thats what I would have thought of18:33
Cracknelczajkowski: found it: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/03/retext-30-released-text-editor-for.html18:33
Sid_PaytonQUESTION: Are you planning on creating a unified website which could be used by LoCo Teams to run on their own server and customize it to their needs? It would be nice to have a unified Loco Website expirience which automatically shows news on all Loco sites etc.18:34
czajkowskirecommendation: not long winded sentences :) concise and to the point sentences are far better.18:34
czajkowskiaye acctive writing is good point18:35
mainerrorczajkowski, if you are a Sublime Text 2 (or 3) user there's also an RST preview plug-in as well as RST snippets.18:35
czajkowskijonobacon: would putting this on the ltp as the resouce there, again adding another incentive to go there, currently we haev the wiki, AU, and then spreadubuntu, and it'd be nice to have it in one location.18:35
jonobaconczajkowski: would you like to join the hangout?18:37
jonobacondholbach: can you invite czajkowski ?18:37
mainerrorDoesn't sound so happy at the moment. :/18:40
epsI wish there was a "Reference Sheet" ... one double-sided page (Letter or A4) designed for a three-ring binder.18:41
epsIt's very difficult for someone new to Ubuntu to find where the "useful" information is ... it's all scattered.18:42
epsI'd been using Ubuntu for years before I found out about the Ubuntu Manual Project18:43
epsI didn't know about Ubuntu Friendly18:43
dholbachyeah, a link to "blessed resources" might be good :)18:43
YoBoYthe actual licence : « Version: 0.1. © Copyright 2012, Ubuntu LoCo Community »18:46
YoBoYnot open18:47
=== X3MDroid is now known as X3MBoy
dholbachhum... you can read the license of everything on /usr/share/doc/uak-en/copyright18:47
YoBoY(on the bottom of the generated html)18:47
dholbachYoBoY, how is that a license?18:47
dholbachYoBoY, that's maybe a copyright holder, but not a license18:47
bob_got a link for the google hangout?18:48
dholbachthe majority of the stuff in there is CC-BY-SA-3.0 - some logos and css bits are under other licenses as they were borrowed from somewhere else18:48
czajkowskithe Uak is already Creative Commons - Attribution Share Alike18:48
Sid_Paytondholbach: Will you be at the Ubuntu LoCo-Metting in Berlin on 13th  of March?18:49
YoBoYdholbach, so it's just a bug on the generated html ^^18:49
dholbachYoBoY, yep, that might be - will file a bug18:49
mainerrordholbach, I think the disclaimer and the license got mixed together there.18:49
mainerrorIf you scroll way down there is a CC notice.18:49
dholbachSid_Payton, is that the wednesday meeting in c-base?18:49
Sid_Paytondholbach: Yes18:49
dholbachSid_Payton, I might - not 100% sure yet - I might be travelling - but it'd be good to hang out with you in c-base again :)18:50
* mainerror nods18:51
Sid_Paytondholbach: would definitly be nice. would like to talk about the advocacy kit a bit more in detail and my involment in Ubuntu to hekp18:52
dholbachawesome :)18:53
bob_is it possible for me to join the google hangout ?18:53
dholbachSid_Payton, if you drop me an email I'll let you know about my plans next wednesday18:53
Sid_Paytondholbach: which adress? you got so many18:53
dholbachSid_Payton, dholbach at ubuntu.c18:53
Sid_Paytondholbach: will do18:54
YoBoYlot of things in the actual documentation in the uak are (or should be) in the loco team portal directly18:54
czajkowskiYoBoY: yup18:55
YoBoYdo we plan to add them soon ?18:55
dholbachYoBoY, yes, I noted down an action item18:55
YoBoYok, :p18:55
dholbachI'll reach out to the folks, they can probably reuse some bits from what we do with the packaging guide18:55
YoBoYsorry, I need more screens and eyes18:55
YoBoYthanks everyone19:00
BillynkidShould it link in ubuntu-tour and ubuntu-advert even though those teams are kinda quiet19:00
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Track: Community | LoCo Community - what's next? | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21640/community-1303-loco-community/
=== kentb-afk is now known as kentb
jono_rrnwexec, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/9ed4c7672878100c61fc46b147522b5e19b4d0a8?authuser=0&hl=en19:05
philipballewjono_, If there is room, id like to join this hangout19:05
philipballewdid not see the link to join pop up in summit and i marker essential19:06
skellatAnd I've merely got static saying we're not started yet19:06
philipballewskellat, were gonna start in just a few19:07
jonobaconcan you folks see us?19:07
jonobaconphilipballew: you are invited19:07
skellatYou're up Jono19:07
BobtheBoberare we referencing Loco member community growth specifically, or growth in the community as a whole?19:11
jonobaconBobtheBober: primarily LoCo team member growth19:12
skellatInterstate LoCo cooperation is not necessarily an issue.  I have a hard enough time working to string people together across The State of Ohio since we are so spread apart.19:12
* YoBoY waves :D19:13
YoBoY(and we also have "failures" in france for our events :p no global jam for example)19:14
skellatOur last virtual statewide event for Ubuntu Ohio: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/IRC2013012819:14
BobtheBoberisn't every ubuntu user a type of "loco" member, as they are using, and ultimately a part of the process to help improve Ubuntu as a whole?19:15
BobtheBoberits more so a question of how do we engage the users to help..19:15
weddlewhat about loco type teams that are not purely geographically based?  user based communities around interest rather than just geography?19:15
YoBoYit's hard to be enthousiast when we have so many good and bad surprises provided by canonical and have to explain and defend them with people19:19
skellatProbably quite a bit is change management.  Within the past seven days there has been an awfully large amount of changes to digest in one fell swoop.  A glide path to transition into these changes would be nice.19:19
skellatConvergence is great but we needed to ease into it a bit more.19:20
skellatA community is made up of many people and turns like an overloaded warship which is to say it does not make turns on a moment's notice.  Ohio got caught by this with people unable to make schedule changes to be able to participate.19:23
YoBoYan example, the shopping lens was a great privacy problem, we work in france with lot of groups defending the internet neutrality, the privacy, etc… and it was hard to explain this new direction19:24
BobtheBoberCanonical cant express every change in advance due to leaked information.19:25
YoBoY(and we still can't explain where we are going with that)19:25
BobtheBoberit wouldn't be news19:25
epsI perceive a growing lack of transparency, and that's a fundamental paradigm shift.19:26
weddleEXACTLY - re posting to locos19:26
BobtheBobermaybe there is a bigger question there. If canonical cant pre-inform supporters and Loco members, how can loco members and supporters support those changes that they dont know about.19:26
skellatBobtheBober: We can't hit everybody with Non-Disclosure Agreements19:27
weddleif we could give the locos "sales collateral" it would be great19:27
YoBoYtransparency it's not a problem for me, lake of information when the news is released is the problem. We only have blogs, twits,… no roadmap on where canonical is going with the feature announced19:27
BobtheBoberunderstood, but loco members can support or help build products they have no option to assist with.19:28
YoBoYwhere are those links ?19:28
winael@yoboy in fact after chatting with David Callé I understood that there were more privacy issues with third apps before the shopping lens19:29
YoBoYwinael, yes, but not on the home dash19:30
skellatHorse burgers!19:31
weddlelike android ;)19:31
winaelfor ex lens utility sent privacy info to weather website or other third services without any proxy server19:32
winaeland was access directly in the home lens19:33
BobtheBoberwe should evaluate our incentives for users to join the loco community and contribute. Maybe why they are interested19:33
skellatParadigm shifting without a clutch19:33
skellatI blogged about that on planet19:33
epsWhat if, two years from now, phones and tablets have ended up as relevant as netbooks are today? Desktops are still relevant, particularly for content creators.19:33
BobtheBoberfair summary19:35
jasnowQuestion: How do you know that a LoCo has fallen apart?19:35
skellatAGAIN...change management was needed19:39
YoBoY+1 the uds change is difficult to explain, my point of view is we are loosing lot of fun19:39
commandoline_YoBoY: but the upside is more community members can attend. I've never been to a physical UDS, and wouldn't be there this time if it was still physical.19:40
queshlaura +119:40
BobtheBoberwhat is the reasons, the incentives for someone looking to join the loco team. if we understand this, maybe we can grow those reasons, or re-evaluate what isn't working19:40
YoBoYcommandoline_, not really… it was already online for people who can't attend physically, we just added video hangouts, and a better summit website for that19:41
queshczajkowski: +1 once a month19:41
skellatMaybe we could revitalize the Team Reports at a glance facility on the Wiki19:42
BobtheBobera meeting, that the loco leaders must attend?19:43
czajkowskiBobtheBober: never going to happen due to timezones19:43
czajkowskiand work commitments19:43
queshReports + meeting is a good idea19:43
BobtheBoberquestion? the point of moving UDS online was that people wanting to attend couldnt due to the physical world. It was a benefit to move it online so that everyone can attend. Why dont we take this same approach with loco teams?19:45
queshczajkowski: it may be necessary to have two different times19:45
commandoline_YoBoY: and that's a real improvement. I've followed an audio stream at an earlier UDS, but it's completely different.19:46
snap-lI think the biggest reason to join a loco team is just to know you're not alone in your geographic regioin19:46
snap-ljono_: you're just not a joiner. ;)19:46
philipballewgood point snap-l19:46
YoBoYcommandoline_, seeing the people is great yes, but I assure you, it's not the same with a real face to face ;) last uds we had hangouts too, it was great too, not like the ones now19:47
YoBoYbut this discussion on the uds online, is for another day ;)19:47
commandoline_YoBoY: agreed :)19:48
skellatBobtheBober: Doing LoCo events virtually is interesting.  We've been experimenting with it in Ubuntu Ohio and had some push back against using Google Hangouts.  We haven't had an alternative to it located yet but use IRC & the mailing list heavily.19:48
snap-l*cough* team reports.19:48
snap-ljono_: ++19:50
snap-lHow does this affect reapprovals, then?19:51
skellatWell, there goes a few months work for Ubuntu Ohio relative to reapproval work then19:52
BobtheBoberyou couldnt strip all approvals, you would have to grant some form of unity19:52
snap-ljono_: amen19:52
theDoctorwhat if we ditch the approvals but keep the notion of "unnapproved"19:53
YoBoYwhat's the point to be "observed" by the loco council if there is no more a small distinction ?19:53
BobtheBoberI cant wait to join that unnapproved loco team. life on the WiLd side !!19:53
YoBoYunnaproved is worse than approved ^^19:53
snap-lI've had several thoughts of "what would we lose if we bacame unapproved"19:53
theDoctorThat way there aren't approved teams, but dysfunctional teams can be disapproved19:54
snap-land honestly, outside of prestige, not a lot19:54
YoBoYjust live cds…19:54
* commandoline_ doesn't see the difference between the loco team I'm in before and after the approval, either.19:54
system76chickWhat if the approved, unapproved was completely removed and the Loco council was in place to recognize LoCo groups and the more work each group is doing, the more they get recognized19:54
snap-lrecognition is awesome. We should do more of that19:54
snap-lbut the approved / unapproved process is overhead19:55
system76chickIf we're doing this to advance the Ubuntu project, why does approval matter? Labels do more harm than good19:55
BobtheBoberredefine loco teams and members, rebrand. Loco isnt what it used to be.19:55
snap-lLcoo is still an important word, though19:55
YoBoYsystem76chick, it's why we are looking for another term19:55
snap-lbut approved / unapproved lost meaning19:56
system76chickNomination/ Recognition remove the negativity all together. The last thing a Loco group wants to hear is that the work they did wasn't good enough19:57
snap-lsystem76chick: ++19:57
BobtheBoberi dont personally get the importance of distinguishing loco teams by location19:57
weddle+1 it would be great to see teams form around communities of interest and not just geographies19:57
BobtheBoberhere here weddle19:57
weddlee.g....  people using ubuntu in corporate contexts19:58
system76chickHow about a point system for Loco Groups and the loco council was in charge of assigning the points? "U Points"19:58
weddlepeople using ubuntu to do XYZ19:58
BobtheBoberloco > projects, ideas, work19:58
YoBoYin my country, if someone want's to create a local group, we help to create it, because it's important for people to fill they have a real group, where they can meet others. Each country is different for that19:58
weddle@Bob totally agree that location is less relevant...  we are on a virtual UDS here19:58
BobtheBoberbullet points on pad19:58
snap-lIf I never have to fill out a team report ever again, I'll be a happy man. :)19:59
weddlecould totally have virtual locos19:59
JoseeAntonioRdid you guys get to discuss the LoCo name thing?19:59
theDoctor<-- this guy agrees with Jono20:00
system76chickTakes away from the focus of what Loco teams are here for20:00
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BobtheBobertouch on weddles point20:01
BobtheBoberlocal is not what local is anymore20:01
philipballewgood thoughts system76chick20:01
BobtheBoberhere we are on a virtual UDS, talking about Loco20:01
system76chickThank you20:01
BobtheBoberThanks everyone20:01
theDoctorgood sessio guys!20:01
YoBoYthanks everyone20:01
* YoBoY is starving ^^"20:02
airurandothanks all20:02
queshutc time20:02
philipballewthanks for the good input!20:02
BobtheBoberare the google hangouts recoreded20:02
snap-lThank you, everyone!20:02
BobtheBoberand watchable later?20:02
JoseeAntonioRBobtheBober: they are20:02
BobtheBoberany links?20:02
YoBoYBobtheBober, yes20:02
YoBoYjust refresh the page in a couple of minutes20:02
BobtheBoberalright sweet20:02
BobtheBoberno other events for today right?20:03
system76chickShort and sweet20:03
system76chickTime for lunch! Have a great day everyone!20:03
YoBoYI'm going to make some crepes for my dinner :)20:03
thamanexcept for 12.1020:04
queshYoBoY: \o/20:05
YoBoYquesh, avoue que t'en veux :D20:05
queshYoBoY: oui20:05
YoBoYhi melodie21:01
melodiehe YoBoY !21:47
melodiethis is a web chan so we are not notified, right ? :)21:48
YoBoYdon't really know how the web irc client works21:48
YoBoYI use xchat21:48
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=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away

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