
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-2 to: Track: Community | Community Roundtable | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21677/community-1303-roundta
jono_hey all14:59
SergioMenesesjono_, \o15:00
cprofitthello jono_15:00
jono_can anyone see us?15:00
jono_reload the page15:00
trinikronoi see youuu15:01
philipballewhello world!15:01
airurando_udsi see you also15:01
YoBoYworking for me too15:01
trinikronoyo YoBoY!15:01
ptlhello solar system!15:01
* wrst sees it now!15:01
YoBoYhi trinikrono :)15:01
ptlnow I can see...15:02
SergioMenesesphilipballew, \o15:02
rrnwexeci'll join15:02
trinikronoyo SergioMeneses!15:02
rickspencer3o/ all15:03
cprofitthello rickspencer315:03
jasnowetherpad does not work for me15:04
rickspencer3jono_, I can join the hangout if you want me to chat about rolling release and stuff15:05
SergioMeneseshi trinikrono15:05
* rickspencer3 looks at the first idea for discussion15:05
ptlonly ideas? I cannot ask questions on the etherpad?15:05
rickspencer3ptl, I am sure you can add a question15:05
jono_rickspencer3, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/d30e9d2c89778bc98b821f05c483b6ec2f61d868?authuser=0&hl=en15:06
YoBoYcut the music please15:06
fisch246jono_: how do i get access to the etherpad?15:06
YoBoY+1 rickspencer315:07
JoseeAntonioRfisch246: join https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-etherpad15:07
jono_fisch246, it is embedded in the page15:07
jasnowYes, I joined but waiting approval - "awaiting approval from one of this team's administrators."15:07
SergioMenesescprofitt, but i think we have to re-edit that wikipage15:07
SergioMenesescprofitt, that is the reason why I put it there15:08
fisch246awaiting approval15:08
jono_jasnow, approval for what?15:08
jono_for the etherpad?15:08
cprofittSergioMeneses: gotcha15:09
jasnowFound this at bottom of Blueprint page: "If you receive a permissions error when trying to login to the etherpad, please join the Ubuntu Etherpad Users Team."15:10
fisch246rickspencer3: i personally support this, as long as it's VERY clear of the ENTIRE situation before upgrades15:10
dmj_novaWhat kinds of users will be able to use the rolling release?15:10
dmj_nova*as in it will be suitable for them15:11
cprofittrickspencer3: it would be nice to have locos have a 'choice' of marketing materials that best fit what they need15:11
nperryUbuntu needs to still do cd/dvds... Alan Bell needs them for his chickens.15:11
YoBoYusb keys are expensives15:11
cprofittlike a limited pick list -- so that the 'expense' is the same, but the value to the team is maximized based on what they need15:12
tonysShould't this have started 1500 UTC?15:13
txwikinger_We used all releases.. but the problem with CDs is always the issue with customs and brokerage15:13
JoseeAntonioRtonys: it's 15:13 UTC15:13
YoBoYubuntu-fr locoteam produced 10000 live CDs and we are about to produce more 12.04.215:13
cprofittI think different teams have different needs15:14
SergioMenesesYoBoY, sure! and they will be a big problem if you have in count the taxes15:14
TribaalFrom personal experience I tend to give a lot of stickers and pens, but pretty much no CDs anymore15:14
dmj_novaSometimes branded media does help Ubuntu feel more legitimate for some users15:14
czajkowskiYes but some people said they weren't going to be able to download due to country bandwith15:14
ptlI don't realize why people care so much for a rolling release, doesn't seem a big deal for me...15:14
cprofittbeing able to choose stickers, hats or other things I would think would be better than just being CDs15:14
czajkowskialso the point of marketing material would mean it would be harder to keep up to date but also translated15:14
dmj_novaI still treasure my hoary hedgehog disc15:15
airurando_udsI do think LTS media is useful15:15
YoBoYpeople like also official cd because it feels more real, more professionnal15:15
jono_czajkowski, cprofitt want to join?15:15
cprofittthough giving out official CDs helps with people who may not trust a 'home made' CD15:15
czajkowskicant sorry15:15
YoBoYit's a real product, with the brand15:15
jasnowNow have approval for etherpad - Thanks15:15
jono_czajkowski, np15:15
cprofittjono_: I could get called away at any time... so it would not be a good idea15:15
txwikinger_Official CDs gives more authority that there is only official stuff on it.. We can burn them ourselves but they do not look official15:15
dmj_novaburned media can look "not legit"15:15
SergioMenesesrickspencer3, you're right!15:15
jono_cprofitt np15:15
ElderDryasCan we get nicks as well as names on the hangout?15:15
airurando_udsI think the interim release media is less useful (people likely to use interim releases are geeky enough to download)15:15
cprofitt+1 rrnwexec15:16
SergioMenesespeople think it is not an official software or good software15:16
czajkowskibut creating multiple types of marketing material stuff will make it more expensive15:16
czajkowskialso businesses tend to deal with partners or directly via canonical15:16
SergioMenesesczajkowski, that's right15:16
cprofitt+1 czajkowski15:16
txwikinger_I had a lot of uptake because of distributing CDs... cannot they if I would have the same without them15:17
YoBoYdistribution channel online, do you mean canonical "english only" shop ?15:17
czajkowskipeople prefer to take a cd rather than reading a leaflet15:17
czajkowskiit's better to see it and demo it rather than go away and read about it attimes15:17
czajkowski*at times15:17
sebsebsebfree CD's are nice :d15:17
snwhwell CDs are more useful in places with lower bandwidth, for users who can't download the image15:18
czajkowskisnwh: yes we get a that a lot of the time to the Loco council tbh15:18
YoBoY( quesh__ you are late)15:20
mainerrorThat's great!15:20
commandoline_SDK is still C++/QML only, while quickly supports a lot of different templates nowadays.15:21
rickspencer3commandoline_, yeah, that's a good point15:21
tsimpson_Qt support command-line too15:22
txwikinger_Or python/ruby etc bundings15:22
tsimpson_non-C++ stuff, yeah15:22
txwikinger_yes it is true15:24
tsimpson_the Qt libs are split into Core/Gui/Widgets/QML/Networking/etc15:24
rickspencer3that makes sense15:24
rickspencer3because a lot of Qt is platform support15:24
czajkowskiSergioMeneses: jono_ http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/5342/translations-foreign-language-support-for-ask-ubuntu15:28
czajkowskiSergioMeneses: jono_ http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/533/are-there-any-plans-for-localized-ask-ubuntu-instances15:28
SergioMenesesczajkowski, I've worked with a project similar http://ubuntu.shapado.com/15:28
txwikinger_there is a localized ask-ubuntu at shapado15:30
commandoline_loco's are experimenting too, e.g. an Ubuntu NL example: http://communityserver.ubuntu-nl.org/vraag-en-antwoord/15:30
smartboyhwCommunity roundtable?15:30
mainerrortxwikinger_: But that's some kind of SE clone, right?15:30
s-foxOn the ubuntu forums we have different sections for different languages.15:31
YoBoYyes smartboyhw15:31
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, yes15:31
commandoline_s-fox: and some LoCo's have their own forums too15:31
s-foxyeop commandoline_15:31
commandoline_mainerror: it is a clone, right.15:31
mainerrorRR SE is mobile friendly.15:31
txwikinger_please not another launchpad Q&A!15:31
SergioMenesess-fox, \o15:32
mainerrorThey've got a separate mobile design.15:32
txwikinger_it is not about archiving.. it is about support that is current15:32
berdarioI'm writing this from the summit.ubuntu.com iframe... the bottom iframe, the pad.ubuntu.com is supposed to be an etherpad instance, right?15:33
s-foxfrench forum15:33
quesh__> ubuntu-fr.org15:33
YoBoY(in france they use the french forum ^^")15:33
berdarioit seems that I'm unable to access the etherpad, any idea?15:33
s-foxyes YoBoY15:33
cprofittif Android can have an app for stack exchange we could make an app, cross platform, that works on Ubuntu (mobile and desktop)15:33
SergioMenesesjono_, JoseeAntonioR  can we add spanish language like launchpad questions does?15:33
JoseeAntonioRSergioMeneses: not yet, stackexchange is working on that15:33
quesh__but it's not the same for all the languages15:33
YoBoYwe planned to put a ask like on our servers, but time is missing… :(15:34
SergioMenesesYoBoY, =/15:34
txwikinger_loco teams can use http://ubuntu.shapado.com15:34
YoBoYwe miss you rickspencer3 here :)15:35
cprofitt+1 rickspencer315:35
rickspencer3hi YoBoY15:35
SergioMenesestxwikinger_, but it only works for the Spanish language15:35
rickspencer3je vous marque aussie ;)15:35
commandoline_jono_: there are others. See: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QandALocalization15:35
mainerrorjono_: It's a clone, yea. :)15:36
SergioMenesescommandoline_, thanks for the link15:36
TadeasParikI would say that national forums are much more better solution for this...15:37
txwikinger-udsYou have as many languages as you have locos that speak their native language15:37
mainerrorGood example. :D15:37
SergioMenesesjono_, shapado needs a better design but it could work :D15:38
udsbotuuds-community-2: 5 minutes left in this session!15:39
YoBoYJoseeAntonioR, do you mean a custom shapado provided by canonical in various langage ?15:39
JoseeAntonioRYoBoY: yep, basically that15:39
cprofittif we get shapdo working it would be nice to develop a client app for mobile15:39
cprofittshapdo looks really nice.15:39
udsbotuuds-community-2: 4 minutes left in this session!15:40
cprofittsorry that I missed part of the conversation -- got called away15:40
udsbotuuds-community-2: 3 minutes left in this session!15:41
ptlgot my question answered, thanks15:41
udsbotuuds-community-2: 2 minutes left in this session!15:42
SergioMenesescprofitt, shapado works pretty well for us ( colombian team )15:42
YoBoYtranscripts are also usefull for deaf people15:42
ptlit this were facebook, I would [like] it15:43
ptl*in facebook15:43
YoBoYnumber of loco teams growing ? like more country envolved ?15:43
jasnowI would check that all of the current team are current (active) - need backup people.15:44
udsbotuuds-community-2: This session has ended.15:44
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-2 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/community-2/ - http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-community-2.log
* mainerror waves15:45
SergioMenesessee you guys!15:46
balloonshey everyone15:46
balloonsanyone who wishes to be in this session hangout, please ping15:48
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-2 to: Track: Community | Ensuring quality for ubuntu touch | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21682/community-1303-quality
balloonsWe'll try and stay nice and short this session to let people drift back to the rolling release discussion15:54
smartboyhwall of them went15:58
balloonssmartboyhw, lol15:58
balloonsconflicts, conflicts15:58
mmrazikballoons: feel free to add me to the hangout15:59
Saviq|UDSat least we get videos from the other sessions :)15:59
elopiosorry, I'm late.16:04
balloonshey elopio16:04
elopiohi balloons. I missed the previous session. I'm catching up.16:05
balloonswant to hop in to the hangout?16:05
elopioballoons: I'm just listening for the moment.16:11
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-2 to: Track: Community | Ensuring quality for ubuntu touch | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21682/community-1303-quality-ubuntuphone/
jasnow_main web site; http://cukes.info/16:13
jasnow_for cucumber16:14
jcollado_There are a few similar libraries for python16:14
jcollado_behave http://packages.python.org/behave/16:14
jcollado_freshen https://github.com/rlisagor/freshen16:15
jcollado_lettuce http://packages.python.org/lettuce/16:15
jasnow_Examples: https://www.relishapp.com/explore16:15
mzanettiI guess the main point is to have the user aspect in autopilot tests16:16
jasnow_think of the english as macros for the code16:16
mzanettiproblem with tests is that mostly geeks write them and only test geek stuff16:16
mzanettibut we need to test user workflows16:16
jasnow_cucumber can be headless too16:16
vrruiz_jcollado_: Have you used them? (python libs)16:17
balloonsthanks everyone!16:18
=== JackYu_ is now known as JackYu
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-2 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/community-2/ - http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-community-2.log
=== FunnyLookinHat_ is now known as FunnyLookinHat
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-2 to: Track: Community | Ubuntu Summer of Code planning meeting | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21691/community-1303-summer-of-code/
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-2 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/community-2/ - http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-community-2.log
wendarIt sounds like the messaging around a 1-month cadence is very important to get right. That it's both "stable" and "supported".18:24
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-2 to: Track: Community | Ubuntu on Air discussion | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21687/community-1303-ubuntu-on-air/
dholbachJoseeAntonioR, got the link?19:05
JoseeAntonioRdholbach: yep!19:05
dholbachwho's here on IRC and following the discussion?19:06
JoseeAntonioRhe just went live19:06
dholbachlet us know if you want to join the hangout19:08
dholbachdoes anyone have feedback about the ubuntu on air sessions?19:09
jsjgruber-udsAre there limitations to the people who can watch hangouts due to bandwidth in their part of the world?19:13
dholbachjsjgruber-uds, good question -I'll ask19:16
tiagoscdhey guys19:18
dholbachhey tiagoscd - want to join the discussion as well?19:19
tiagoscdour team would like to have a space on Ubuntu on Air to teach Ubuntu for Brazilian users. so I think should be a good idea open it for LoCos19:19
tiagoscddholbach: I'm at work right now :/19:20
dholbachtiagoscd, don'T worry19:20
jsjgruber-udsHave you looked into http://www.bigbluebutton.org/ as an alternative to hangouts just as an alternative?19:23
jsjgruber-udsA mailing list might be a good idea.19:26
jsjgruber-udsdholbach:  as someone who has done both irc and onair sessions, how do you compare the two?19:28
tiagoscdhere on brazil we have a weekly hangout that we call "papo de boteco". it's an informal talk where we talk about the themes that people are asking on youtube and irc. how about it for the ubuntu on air future?19:43
jsjgruber-udsThanks dholbach and JoseeAntonioR19:46
tiagoscdhere are the last conversation we have: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=MzFzNHr0k2g#t=1128s19:48
tiagoscdnice :)19:48
dholbachnice :)19:49
tiagoscdthanks guys19:49
* dholbach hugs you all19:50
dholbachJoseeAntonioR, hasta la proxima19:53
JoseeAntonioRdholbach: nos vemos!19:53
dholbachsi, claro!19:53
fredbuntunobody left in this session!19:57
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-2 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/community-2/ - http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-community-2.log

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