
zygaslangasek: hey12:42
zygaslangasek: just confirming, you are the track lead for foundations, correct?12:42
slangasekzyga: yes13:52
zygaslangasek: thanks13:53
zygaslangasek: how do I as a session lead, "join" the hangout?14:35
zygaslangasek: do I use the same page as everyone else?14:35
slangasekzyga: the track lead should create the on-air hangout for you; if you're a session lead you should have been marked 'required' on the session, and then when you load the meeting page in summit you'll automatically get the onair hangout link instead of the view-only youtube link14:36
zygaslangasek: thanks14:37
zygaslangasek: "on the session" is in the blueprint? participation required in the blueprint, right?14:37
slangasekzyga: summit has its own definition of who's required or not, because attendees can't be trusted to use the 'participation essential' field accurately and it used to gum up the scheduler.14:38
slangasekzyga: if you're bolded on the meeting in summit, you're required14:38
zygaslangasek: meeting in the summit, which page is that?14:39
zygaslangasek: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21607/client-1303-new-checkbox-core-plainbox/ this one?14:39
slangasekzyga: yes14:39
zygaslangasek: the 'attendee list' does not have anyone in bold14:40
zygaslangasek: only 'attending' vs 'interested'14:40
zygaslangasek: is that it?14:40
cjohnstonzyga: do you have a 'review attendees' in the subnav?14:41
cjohnstonclick that14:41
slangasekzyga: the bottom of the page you were already on has your name in bold under 'Attendees', and no one else14:41
zygaok I see14:41
zygaslangasek: thanks I understand now14:41
cjohnstonzyga: you can only do that when you are the drafter14:41
cjohnstonso on a meeting where you aren't the drafter, you would have to ask the drafter or lead14:41
zygacjohnston: I'm the drafter14:41
zygacjohnston: so being one, I can mark other people as automagically attending from that page?14:42
cjohnstonright.. thats why you can.. I was explaining that on others, you may not be able to14:42
cjohnstonyou can't create an attendee from that page, but you can make an attendee require14:42
cjohnstonif someone should be attending but isnt on the list, subscribe them to the BP14:42
zygaok, I got this now14:43
zygathanks a lot14:43
xnoxhangout url! =)14:55
xnoxplease =)14:55
* pitti_uds waves hello14:56
* slangasek waves14:56
pitti_udswhat's wrong? it's UDS and there are no cookies in my hallway!14:56
* gema_uds waves14:56
zygapitti_uds: haha14:56
xnoxpitti_uds: there are cookies in bluefin kitchen =)14:56
slangasekxnox: we can't put everyone in the hangout... :)  I'll post the broadcast URL soon14:57
slangasekif there are people who specifically want to be in the hangout (fishbowl), let me know and I'll pull you in14:57
xnoxslangasek: ok. I'm on duty to put it up on the projector for myself, ev, mpt.14:57
slangasekxnox: hmm, do you guys want to be in the fishbowl collectively?14:58
* mainerror takes seat14:58
xnoxslangasek: ev run away.15:01
evI merely went to the kitchen for scone preparation materials15:02
ev#36 in the list of things I can't do at a physical UDS15:02
* skellat gets ready to flip page on his legal pad for more note-taking15:02
evdamn, Colin won the beard competition15:03
kamalcjwatson: now that's a very fine UNIX beard my  friend!15:04
cjwatsonslangasek: Ironically I only just loaded https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PlusOneMaintenanceTeam and remembered that I'm supposed to be on +1 this month *cough*15:04
pitti_udsif the RR is consistent, how would the monthly not be?15:06
cjwatsonIf it's being changed independently by security updates then it's not a given15:06
pitti_udsah, only for that, ok15:06
cyphermoxI'll check with my manager, but I'll be happy to help out for some future month15:07
barry_for people on RR, will they have a separate security pocket or will they get all their security fixes via the release pocket?15:09
pitti_udshow would britney help if we removed a package from RR which a previous security update was depending on?15:09
pitti_udsi. e. we would we run britney before doing the removal, I itake it?15:10
pitti_udsjust as we do now with check-rdepends before removal?15:10
xnoxcjwatson: slangasek: ^^^^^^ note comments.15:10
pitti_udseven now there are hundreds of things on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html15:11
pitti_udsso some more manpower could certainly not hurt15:11
Laneymy god all that haskell-*15:12
tumbleweedpitti_uds: yeah, that seems to have been growing continually15:12
slangasekxnox: ack, will circle around in a minute15:12
slangasekyou guys could short circuit this process by volunteering to step into the hangout ;)15:12
pitti_udsslangasek: sure, as long as there's room15:13
xnoxLaney: can you block haskell?15:13
cjwatsonbarry_: TBD15:13
xnoxas in, do it manually only, such that it's never broken....15:13
Laneydon't understand15:13
cjwatsonpitti_uds: my loose thought is that IWBNI proposed-migration took more control of removals15:13
cjwatsonThe LP integration there is currently unimplemented because I'm a coward15:14
xnoxLaney: blacklist haskell-* from autosyncing, and sync it manually, in stages and wait for it to build properly.15:14
Laneyautosyncing isn't relevant here15:14
xnoxpotentially even doing in a non-virt ppa, such that we can copy it into the archive in one bulk.15:14
Laneywell, for this one, it might be in general15:14
Laney(this one comes from experimental)15:14
pitti_udscjwatson, slangasek: I guess that's a matter for checkrdepends, not britney?15:14
cjwatsonwell, britney does have removal handling, but tomayto tomahto15:16
Laneycan you invite me in?15:17
Laneyperhaps there is something to say about haskell15:17
Laneyor transitions in general with RR15:17
xnoxpitti_uds: wins the best backdrop of this hangout =)15:18
slangasekpitti_uds, cjwatson: reminder to enable Lower Third in the Hangout Toolbox :)15:18
* tumbleweed can provide mountain and sea backgdrops on demand (it's a lovely sunny day here - slightly too warm for comfort)15:19
cjwatsonOh, I thought that was for track leads15:19
pgranercjwatson, its so folks watching the stream know who you are15:19
kamalcjwatson: I did not recognize you until you spoke!  ALL participants should use lower-third with name and irc nick!  ... just like on our UDS name badges.15:19
xnoxLaney: is that flipcharts in the background?15:19
pitti_udsslangasek: figured it out15:20
xnoxLaney: add a subtitle =)15:20
cjwatsonkamal: I thought it was track leads only from the plenary15:20
Laneyi don't know how15:20
cjwatsonI think I've enabled it now15:20
apwLaney, toolbox "lower third"15:21
cjwatson(IOW I thought that track leads were supposed to enable it for the whole hangout)15:21
pgranerLaney, click on the toolbox and use lower third15:21
slangasekcjwatson: ah, I don't believe we have that capability :)15:21
argesi think my mic is broken. How does one recruit volunteers, or tell them who to get in contact with?15:21
pgranercjohnston, they can't do that, has to be done on an individual basis15:21
slangasekI think you have to add it yourself15:21
pgranerarges, have them get in touch with me15:21
argespgraner: cool.15:21
cjwatson(Does my lower-third look mirrored left to right for anyone else, or is that just what happens for one's own?)15:23
Laneythe latter15:23
pgranercjohnston, it will be mirrored just for you15:23
pgranercjohnston, we see yours just fine15:23
xnoxcjwatson: it looks good. just like everyone else.15:23
stgrabercjwatson: IIRC there's an option you can tick to have it un-mirrored for you, but yeah, looks fine for everyone else anyway15:23
cjwatsonok, good15:24
kamalbigger icepicks15:24
argesIs there a link to the new rolling release schedules showing freeze dates etc? Or is this something being worked on this week15:25
cjwatsonNot set yet15:25
* xnox likes +1 as well15:26
barryit's been a while since i did a +1, so i'd be up for doing another stint15:27
xnoxslangasek: ^^ two more15:27
stgraberslangasek: I'd also be interested in finally doing some +1 work (been meaning to for a while but got busy with 12.04.1 and other things ;))15:27
argesI volunteer 50% of me for another month.15:27
argespending mgr approval : )15:27
* mitya57|uds didn't see any schedule, but hopes there won't be freeze in two days ;)15:27
pgranerarges, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DraftReleaseSchedule15:28
argespgraner: cool15:28
mitya57|udspgraner: so there *will* be freeze? :(15:29
pgranermitya57|uds, prior to the LTS15:29
pgranermitya57|uds, and any point releases15:30
cjwatsonthe freezes on the left are from the unmodified raring schedule15:30
mitya57|udsthe draft schedule you linked says "March 7th"15:30
pitti_udscjwatson: FYI, I muted you as your typing was quite loud15:30
argessteve froze15:30
mitya57|udscjwatson: ah, nice then15:30
Laneyoh noes15:30
argesyup works now15:31
slangasekam I still frozen?15:31
geofftI'm distinctly not volunteering, but I'm curious what the requirements are15:31
pitti_udsoops, my hangout crashed15:31
cjwatsonpitti_uds: ah, sorry, new laptop and I'm not used to it yet15:31
xnoxslangasek: yeah you are fine.15:31
geofftboth in terms of whether you need to have upload rights to things15:31
jsjgruber-udsyou are ok now, steve15:31
skellatAnd you all are back15:31
apwslangasek, i can hear you15:31
pgranermitya57|uds, thats the part of the original sechedule so people can see the contrast15:31
geofftand time commitment15:31
xnoxpitti_uds: rejoin =)15:31
xnoxslangasek: yes, we can.15:31
pgranermitya57|uds, columns are labeled :)15:31
apwslangasek, we had a like a netsplit, three of you wen't pop15:31
=== sammy is now known as Guest87724
argesthanks again : )15:32
geofftyeah, it sounded to me like Debian RC-bug squashing, which you can do unprivileged if you have a friendly sponsor15:33
geofftwould be good to mention on the wiki page15:33
xnoxslangasek: cjwatson: sorry what?15:35
xnoxah ok.15:36
xnoxslangasek: but jenkins QA is quicker.15:36
xnoxcjwatson: jenkins notices quicker than people wakeup, and QA are pinging about those.....15:37
slangasekxnox: proposed-migration notices even quicker from jenkins, and I think infinity pulls from that report15:38
cjwatsonproposed-migration does not notice component mismatcehs15:38
cjwatsonBut component-mismatches does :-)15:38
slangasekI mean component-mismatches15:38
cjwatsonjenkins notices after there's an image build15:38
xnoxcan we autofix them =) or block building images? (sounds like a too big of a hammer)15:38
psivaa__Do you expect any change in the way we, QA communicate to you regarding the daily smoke test failures? :)15:39
rbasakI'm good15:40
rbasakFor April15:40
xnoxpsivaa__: I'm yet to reply to your email, btw. mostly you are right and do the right thing.15:40
rbasakpgraner: ^^15:40
cjwatsonIt's basically fine, it's just you shouldn't need to do so much work15:40
xnoxpsivaa__: the blocker is fixing things quicker on our side and/or communicating that the next image should be fine.15:40
slangasekxnox: the right answer is to not lose the overrides that were already present in -proposed when pocket-copying15:40
cjwatsonWhich is 90% addressed by my action to ... what slangasek said15:40
psivaa__xnox: fine then :-)15:40
xnoxpsivaa__: ;-)15:40
argescool thanks15:41
kamalthanks +1 Maintenance Team... keep up the good work!15:41
xnoxstgraber: are you by any chance going to drop by http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21606/client-1303-ubuntu-touch-porting/15:48
xnoxit's about porting ubuntu-touch quantal patches to raring which includes interesting things like resolvconf, mountall, telepathy stacks...15:49
stgraberxnox: when is that?15:49
xnoxstgraber: it's next in parallel with "should we switch to rolling release"15:50
xnoxLaney: that session above is also questioning maliit.15:50
Laneyyeah, stupid scheduling there15:50
* Laney grumps15:50
seb128everybody is going to go to the rolling release one, right?15:50
* seb128 feels like the rebase on raring will be empty15:51
xnoxstgraber: there is ophono questions on that etherpad as well.15:51
tumbleweedLaney: I just got that one moved to suit me, stop grumping15:52
Laneyyah boo15:52
Laneyseb128: The rebase one was interesting because I expect to be doing some of the work there15:52
stgraberxnox: well, kinda hard for me to attend two sessions at once...15:53
Laneybut the rolling one is also obviously quite important15:53
zyga-udsseb128: hey, how can the session lead get a link to the hangout?15:55
diwicstream hasn't started yet15:59
diwicor has it?15:59
doanac_diwic: i don't think it has15:59
sfeoleoffline for me here16:00
zyga-udsare we on?16:00
sfeolei dont think so16:00
brendand_no video yet16:00
smagoun+1, no video for the plainbox session yet16:01
smagouni see video now16:01
roadmrsmagoun: it should be working now16:01
diwicokay, it's on16:01
roadmrit has tests - which checkbox lacked for a large portion of the core16:10
roadmrit has documentation - which checkbox sorely lacked (high bus factor)16:10
smagounara_: what is the plan to add manual tests to plainbox?16:16
brendand_cwayne - it has a cli at the moment16:16
ara_smagoun, they are there, but we don't have a UI connected yet to plainbox16:16
ara_they work, but just with cli16:16
smagounara_: Will checkbox + plainbox be maintained in parallel until plainbox can run manual tests?16:16
brendand_cwayne - so you can run manual tests but you will get just a text prompt16:16
roadmrsmagoun: did what zyga just say solve your question?16:16
ara_smagoun, of course16:16
ara_this is going to be an incremental development16:16
brendand_cwayne - a bit like checkbox-cli at the moment16:17
cwaynewhats the difference between this and utah?16:18
roadmrcwayne: why don't you ask zyga directly in the hangout :)16:18
cwaynedidnt want to interrupt :)16:19
sfeolehe just answered my question16:20
sfeolepkg depends16:21
roadmrsfeole: ftw!16:21
nuclearbobthey're tailored to different workflows based on the needs of the teams developing them :)16:23
smagounis there a comparison of plainbox/utah someplace?16:23
roadmrnuclearbob: exactly :)16:23
roadmrsmagoun: no, but it'd be good to have16:23
smagounroadmr: +1, are you volunteering? :)16:24
roadmrnuclearbob: for instance I'm sure a lot of stuff that's done in checkbox had to be reimplemented in utah, since it's something that better fit your needs16:24
nuclearbobutah has pilfered some good stuff from checkbox, I'm hoping maybe I can help with gaps in plainbox if they match things I've already done16:24
roadmrnuclearbob: part of the goal in plainbox is to make those things more easily reusable so the next project that needs to do testing can leverage this16:24
ara_smagoun, I will create a work item16:25
nuclearbobroadmr: that was the initial goal of utah as well16:25
smagounroadmr: nuclearbob: Are the tests themselves interchangeable between checkbox/plainbox/utah?16:25
nuclearbobsmagoun: I don't think they are right now, that's an area where work is ongoing16:25
roadmrsmagoun: not at the moment16:25
brendand_utah doesn't support manual tests does it?16:26
nuclearbobbrendand_ that's correct16:26
smagounI/my team want that (convergence in test case format) so that test cases can be shared across checkbox/plainbox/utah16:27
cwaynethat was weird16:27
nuclearbobsmagoun: I think that would be useful for a lot of teams16:27
brendand_smagoun - checkbox and plainbox are synonymous here16:27
cwaynesfeole: what did i miss?16:27
smagoun+1 for separation of the test runner and the test cases16:30
nuclearbob+1 from me as well16:31
roadmrsmagoun, nuclearbob : that was an obvious improvement, tbh not sure why we didn't do it before :/ hehe16:31
nuclearbobroadmr: a lot of things seem obvious after they're already done :)16:32
ara_you guys are just trying to avoid C++ :)16:39
roadmrara_: hey, at least it's not Java %)16:39
sfeolelong live CLI :P16:40
brendand_ara - no not avoiding c++, avoiding horrible uneccesary glue code :)16:41
brendand_ara - the other option would be to write plainbox in c++. how about it!?16:42
roadmrcan we leverage the new qml goodies? it'd be cool to have a phone-friendly plainbox ui :D16:42
brendand_roadmr - it would definitely be worth thinking about if we do a full remastering of the ui16:43
brendand_roadmr - cr3's initial reservation about qml that there is no good widget library is made redundant by the phone SDK16:44
roadmrbrendand_: yep16:44
nuclearbobI can be on the utah half of the comparison16:45
roadmrnuclearbob: thanks, signing you up :)16:45
spineauAFAIK there's no qt5 python bindings available yet16:45
roadmrplainbox.js FTW?16:46
roadmryay, the plainbox components can be leveraged to do stuff like syntax checking, fetching lists of available jobs, quick-running a single job to test it, etc ;)16:50
cwaynei just liked being able to see the tree of test cases and be able to quickly add one roadmr :)16:52
roadmrcwayne: plainbox provides a good set of foundations to make that happen16:52
cwayneroadmr: ++16:53
brendand_cwayne - try and write down what checkbox editor does that you really use16:53
cwaynebrendand_: yep, already started :)16:53
brendand_cwayne - we'll want to ask about it later on16:53
roadmrok, where to now?16:55
zyga-udssmagoun: checkbox and plainbox use the same test case definition format16:55
slangasekzyga-uds: and broadcast ended :)16:55
roadmrslangasek: thanks for manning the a/v controls :D16:56
slangaseksure thing16:56
zyga-udssmagoun: we are talking about about a new format for 'plainbox' that has minimal changes and is totally backwards compatible (can be migrated automatically) that addresses some issues with checkbox jobs16:56
zyga-udssmagoun: if you want to know more about that have a look at http://jobbox.readthedocs.org/en/latest/jobspec.html#jobbox-job-definition16:56
zyga-udssmagoun: it's just a proposal that we're discussing and there's no support for that, in the end checkbox will keep supporting checkbox jobs, even with plainbox core, so nobody has to worry about it16:57
smagounzyga-uds: thanks for the link. My concerns are 1) leveraging existing checkbox test cases 2) machine-readable test cases that they can be analyzed/transformed (I believe we have this already) and 3) expanding the pool of test cases available to a test runner like checkbox/utah17:02
plarsis this one happening?18:22
plarsah, I see it just fell off the schedule18:22
slangasekhmm, why don't we have channel topics18:48
loolcjohnston: can you give powers to slangasek to set channel topic?  e.g. op him18:52
loollooks like udsbot isn't here18:52
loolcjohnston: Might just be missing udsbotu18:52
cjohnstonlool: appears so18:52
loolcjohnston: is it in your powers to fix udsbotu or would you know who to ping?18:53
cjohnstonim trying to ping18:53
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-foundations-1 to: Track: Foundations | HWE Stacks for the 12.04.x | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21598/foundations-1303-hwe-stack/
cjohnstonlool: its here18:59
loolcjohnston: thanks, you rock18:59
loolslangasek: topic(s) fixed19:00
slangaseklool: cheers19:00
slangasekogasawara: hangout url is up19:00
slangasekalthough firefox is trying to kill my machine with swap19:03
xnox"This live event will begin in a few moments"19:03
ogasawaraslangasek: you're a bit jittery on this end19:03
apwmust ... fit ... entire ... google ... search ... db ... into slangasek swap19:03
smagounxnox: +1, waiting on youtube too19:04
cjwatsonsolution: more swap19:04
arawaiting as well19:04
slangasekcjwatson: hehno19:04
* xnox pondered to put thunderbird into a cgroup such that it can learn to cope with having limitted RAM19:04
smagounslangasek: you could put your swap partition/file into a tmpfs. Should be much faster!19:04
argesand its live!19:04
mlankhorstwhere's the hangout?19:04
slangasekcjwatson: you do know that firefox scales its cache according to how much system memory it sees?19:04
xnoxand we are live!19:05
xnoxslangasek: leanne is not here.19:05
slangasekxnox: where?19:05
* mlankhorst should probably be pulled into speakers19:05
xnoxslangasek: never mind, tab complete fail.19:05
slangasekmlankhorst: you are marked for it, do you not see the link for the google hangout?19:05
xnoxogasawara: heya =)19:05
cjwatsonslangasek: where the scaling factor is 100%?19:05
slangasekcjwatson: roughly ;)19:05
cjwatsonI'm not seeing the hangout link either; dunno if I'm supposed to19:06
cjwatsonwhere would it be?19:06
apwcjwatson, more refreshing19:06
=== blitzkrieg3 is now known as jmleddy
apwogasawara, we seem to be missing 'two people' on the right19:06
cjwatsonI mean hangout not youtube :)19:06
cjwatsonah, got it from Steve now19:06
tjaaltonmlankhorst: so you get to install it anyway ;)19:07
slangasekyeah, I don't know where the link shows up on the page19:07
xnoxPeople on hangout please add your subtitles =) "third from the bottom in the toolbox" or something like that.19:07
apwogasawara, i think we should be taking whaever the current linus kernel at the time of the point release, if there are monthly 'freezes' perhaps from the previous one of those19:08
apwcjwatson, we were told we would keep people on the one you installed until 14.04, post 14.04 you might be forced forward19:09
slangasekxnox: "lower third" is the name of the tool, not its position in the menu :)19:10
smagounapw: +1 that is my recollection19:10
xnoxslangasek: =) Kylin ;-)19:10
slangasekxnox: duì19:10
apwcjwatson, i think we wanted to offer both options, for the period up to 14.0419:11
apwcjwatson, so either have -quantal installed to stay, and -hwe to roll19:11
pgranerogasawara, we felt they were flexible due on the availability of the HWE package19:13
smagounogasawara: Can we put in writing that we're not going to stop the point releases? That seems better than saying we haven't heard they're going to change19:13
pgranersmagoun, the point releases wouldn't change19:13
pgranersmagoun, the only thing that was up in the air was the release frequency19:14
CarlRichellIntel haswell is expected to be released around June. Are haswell chipsets and graphics support expected in 12.04.X?19:14
cjwatsonI'll forward that to Rick; might as well include it in whatever we eventually document regarding rolling etc.19:14
smagounpgraner: right, is that written someplace (besides here?). My group's partners would appreciate the confirmation19:14
apwslangasek, 'whos' upstream releases ?19:14
cjwatsonsmagoun: ^-19:14
jmleddywell except for i915_hsw19:14
smagouncjwatson: thanks!19:15
cjwatsonsmagoun: Nothing has actually been formally announced yet anyway :)19:15
slangasekapw: well, I was referring to hardware vendors' support landing upstream19:15
pgranersmagoun, you won't get ANYTHING WRITTEN until decisions are made, we are still talking at this point19:15
apwslangasek, right but ... they arn't really all sync'd was my only point19:15
slangasekapw: primarily wrt the platforms themselves19:15
bryycefor X package naming, will we use something different than -lts-raring?19:16
tjaaltonCarlRichell: is in 12.04.2 already19:16
xnoxbryyce: -lts-raring.1 ? =)19:16
CarlRichelltjaalton: thanks!19:16
apwbryyce, yeah the nameing is an issue, using -quantal and -raring was probabally a mistake anyhow19:16
apw-12.04.3 ?19:16
apwslangasek, can we not follow the same basic plan, push something into -proposed 3m before the point release19:17
cjwatsonyou can upgrade to 12.04.3 without switching to the new stack, so that would be confusing19:17
bryyceapw: although to be honest I can't think of any better suggestions19:17
apwcjwatson, fair pint19:17
mlankhorstbryyce: I was thinking of adding version, mesa-9.1 and xserver-1.14 or something19:18
xnoxbecause we were taking a non-lts stack19:18
xnoxStabilise in precise-proposed?19:18
xnoxtoo late?19:18
mlankhorstit should be stable before then19:18
jmleddyare we going to be basing it off of one of the monthly snapshots?19:18
* apw concurs with xnox ... stabalise for some time in precise-proposed and release later19:18
xnoxmlankhorst: but we can't stabilise in rolling. it should keep on going.19:19
cjwatsonThere's the problem that relatively few people use precise-proposed, even compared to the number who use non-LTS releases19:19
cjwatsonSo I guess it depends how much you're dependent on organic reports from random users as opposed to organised smoke-testing19:19
mlankhorstxnox: the thing is that for xorg / mesa we usually do big bumps, rest is stabilization19:19
apwcjwatson, yes there is that, but at least its not dumped into -updates without any testing that way19:19
jmleddywhat about a 12.04.3 beta?19:19
bryyceat least for the X stack, stabilizing in RR would probably work out fine19:19
apwcjwatson, and presumably we use the normal plan of doing point release qa against -proposed19:20
mlankhorstso for mesa/xserver it's more stable by following and just postponing version bumsp until after a point release19:20
xnoxcjwatson: sure, for -lts-raring we did dailies from proposed and call for testing.....19:20
cjwatsonWe could do a beta based on image builds from -proposed, I suppose, yes19:20
tjaaltonwell, the x stack will be stabilized on the rolling release already, since the upstream six month release cadence sits between our point-release cadence, and we're not aggressively pushing prerelease versions to the archive anyway19:20
cjwatsonMight be necessary given reduced feedback from later series19:20
bryycetjaalton: right19:20
xnoxcjwatson: can we land it in -updates, but not flip the switch to upgrade people / not build images?19:20
cjwatsonEasier to build images off -proposed, I think19:20
cjwatsonOnce we land it in -updates, at least some people are going to upgrade19:20
apwogasawara, i think the unaggreed part there is whether the -next is in archive or in a PPA19:20
apwogasawara, yes he is19:21
xnoxslangasek: just type, you are breaking apart.19:21
smagounslangasek: you're breakaing up19:21
bryyceslangasek: type it in irc19:21
xnoxslangasek: reconnect, please.19:21
tjaaltonthe problem graphics-wise is more in the kernel drm drivers, so for our point of view, the newer the better (most of the time :)19:21
bryycetjaalton: yeah19:21
mlankhorsttjaalton: the second newest the better19:21
cjwatson(I mean, given that we build images off -proposed for some period of time between point releases anyway)19:21
mlankhorstnewest always has fallout19:21
* xnox welcomes slangasek to swap death =)19:21
tjaaltonmlankhorst: maybe, depends. also if someone else is using a release as a stable release..19:21
tjaalton*kernel release19:22
* mlankhorst always finds 1 or 2 bugs in pre-release kernels19:22
geofftTangentially, how (if at all) does the rolling linux-next proposal interact with e.g. xorg-edgers?19:22
jmleddyI think we should use 3.919:22
apwbjf, we should consider taking whatever will give us a couple of months of stabilisation19:22
jmleddyfor the new Haswell support19:22
apw(if we arn't releasing 13.04)19:22
apwcjwatson, i think the normal plan was to try and ride 'all' of upstream stable for the kernel before relasing it into the point release19:24
kamalslangasek: session video is locked on ogasawara -- can you fix that?19:24
argesoh noes19:24
xnoxhangout crashed19:24
smbkamal, jinx19:24
smagoundoh, lost the hangout entirely on youtube19:24
smbnow it is gone completly19:24
pgranerhangout died19:25
jsalisburyhangout gone19:25
bryycegeofft: edgers will just follow upstream.  I haven't reviewed the linux-next proposal but if it's following upstream as well I'd think they'd be compatible.19:25
jmleddywhat happened?19:25
cjwatsonapw: I guess I'm mostly trying to establish dates19:25
xnoxI think slangasek hit the reset button, taking the hangout down.19:25
cjwatsonSome of us are still on G+19:25
xnoxas he was "hosting" the show.19:25
geofftbryyce: Right, so does "compatible" mean "they'll just turn into the same thing"?19:25
xnoxcjwatson: but it's not transmitted to the "public"19:25
* xnox We'll be right back.19:26
xnoxslangasek: it should take 8second to boot into desktop right?! =)19:26
* smb is glad there is no elevator music19:26
tjaaltonfrom a backporting point of view (and getting fixes from upstream), stabilizing on the kernel that is released ~2mo before the point release would be the best19:26
cjwatsonI am greatly enjoying the irony of my G+ video actually working better than >0 other people's19:26
cjwatsonOK, so what's the schedule for 3.9, ish?19:26
utlemmingthe hangout seems to have died. There is "We'll be right back" message19:26
* mlankhorst has been trying very hard not to close his laptop19:27
utlemmingat least the Youtube broadcast is dead19:27
bjfthe merge window just closed19:27
apwcjwatson, we just hit 3.9-rc1, so 7-8 weeks19:27
bryycegeofft: the X stack and kernel are not tightly coupled, you can mix and match to a large degree.19:27
cjwatsonso that's early May19:27
diwictjaalton, for audio, I tend to agree19:27
apwbjf, when was .3 ?19:27
tjaaltonbecause then when we're stabilizing the stack, upstream is still working on the next kernel and can't use the excuse of "upgrade your kernel" :)19:27
tjaaltonalso, less things have changed19:28
bjfapw, aug. 1519:28
diwictjaalton, three months is a bit much, maybe 1 - 2 months would be better19:28
diwicthe 3.9 kernel is going to be fun for audio though19:28
apwbjf, so we would expect 3.10 to drop before the point release, but not by much19:28
xnoxcan we start a new hangout while slangasek reconnects?19:28
diwicbut that's another story19:28
apwxnox, i think he is the one who knows how the stream clicks work19:28
xnoxapw: =) special training I take it.19:29
geofftbryyce: Yup. But xorg-edgers does ship an upstream-ish kernel, and also I thought HWE has as much to do with X etc. despite people just talking about the kernel for convenience19:29
apwxnox, very special, with pints of beer no doubt19:29
xnoxapw: a fly-in physical sprint at google campus? =)))))19:29
tjaaltondiwic: yeah, hard to find a balance.. it does take some time to shake out the worst bugs19:29
apwgeofft, there are two components, for some things the kernel is enough, obviously for graphics you need both19:29
xnoxdelay point release, if not stable as a contingency?!19:29
apwgeofft, so nominally you can have half of it if the half you want is hte kernel19:30
cjwatsonengaged in SMS conversation with Steve19:30
* apw would hope the lack of a 13.04 would allow us to take a view on 3.9 against 3.10 for the point release based on the h/w it supported and apparent stability19:30
diwic"The live recording you're trying to play is still being processed and will be available soon."19:30
xnoxdiwic: yeah, it went into archiving mode.19:31
apwbut that would necessitate what ogasawara alluded to, keeping the 'next' kernel separate till we were sure we were happy with it, either in PPA or as linux-unstable19:31
xnoxsuch that a new session / url will need to be started.19:31
cjwatsondiwic: Steve's laptop has gone into swap death and apparently the stream is inextricably linked to that, so he'll need to reboot to fix it19:31
smbHappened before. Someone has to post the link to part19:31
cjwatsonSoftware is great19:31
* cjwatson goes to take up sheep-farming19:31
mlankhorstcjwatson: well this uds is making me want to do that!19:32
gQuigsmaybe WebRT will be ready by the next UDS19:32
kamalvideo is back up19:32
xnoxcjwatson: well the skills are transferable, no why not?19:32
jmleddyis there a youtube link where they are broadcasting ?19:32
kamaloh, no my mistake19:32
cjwatsonjmleddy: I think you probably won't get one until Steve gets sorted19:33
xnoxlive is not up, just the recording of the first 25minuts.19:33
xnoxjmleddy: hangout is down at the moment.19:33
jmleddyso it isn't like the hangout is going on without us19:33
diwicthe question is; if we package both linux-rc and linux-stable how many will follow/test each one19:34
apwright they anr't talking at all,19:34
xnoxdiwic: one will find out from errors.ubuntu.com and submitted bug reports.19:34
apwdiwic, well right now we test the -rc's early on out of the archive anyhow, so we might be doing so a little longer in this scenario19:34
xnoxdiwic: at least thre relative split and stability comparison.19:34
jmleddywe can also get testing help from partners if there are new enablement pieces19:35
diwicwhat about QA/cert work for testing the kernels today?19:35
apwdiwic, i would almost prefer a PPA for -unstable (and not calling it that) because that way you can use that PPA as a depandant PPA for testing dkms package such as tseliot worried about19:35
apwdiwic, the QA testing i have seen can cope with the use of overlay package at least i think19:35
ara_apw, is the youtube stream back up? what's the url?19:36
apwnot that i have heard19:36
diwicapw, right, but I mean, they currently test non-lts releases somehow, over different hardware? Will that testing just disappear, or being transferred to do before a point release?19:36
apwdiwic, it would seem logical they would continue to test 'development' and the point releases as they do now19:37
pgranerdiwic, that won't change19:37
pgranerdiwic, we will test as usual19:37
ara_slangasek, have you restarted the streaming? in the page we only get the recorded video for the first 25 minutes19:37
diwicpgraner, could you refresh my memory about what testing is being done today?19:37
slangasekI've just launched a new hangout19:37
slangasekcjwatson, ogasawara, apw, bjf, mlankhorst : if you refresh you should have the new link now19:38
plarswe currently test the new development kernels, as well as the kernel updates to supported releases (ex. 3.2 kernel updates on 12.04.1, 3.5 kernels on 12.04.2, raring kernels...)19:39
kamalslangasek: thanks -- up now:  http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21598/foundations-1303-hwe-stack/19:39
cjwatsonslangasek: refresh what, summit?19:39
kamalit is working19:39
slangasekcjwatson: yes19:39
cjwatsonsummit doesn't give me a hangout link19:39
jmleddyit is working for me19:39
cjwatson(hangout != youtube)19:39
diwicplars, how wide is that testing?19:39
plarsdiwic: "wide"?19:40
diwicplars, like, 5 or 50 different machines?19:40
pgranerdiwic, it does not include audio if thats what your getting at19:40
smbcjwatson, that was more for apw19:40
slangasekcjwatson: sorry... I haven't seen the link in summit myself, but I've been assured it's somewhere19:40
xnoxhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXTfcl4kee4&feature=plcp for public viewing =)19:41
plarsdiwic: if your asking whether we test on every piece of possible hardware, clearly the answer is no. At the least though, we do test on both amd/intel, ati/nvidia, etc19:41
plarsdiwic: ...and kvm/xen as well19:41
ppisatidead again19:41
jjohansenppisati: not for me19:41
xnoxppisati: not here. are you using the new url or the archive url?19:41
ppisatirefresh did it19:42
xnoxppisati: that will not help, you want new url. If you are part of hangout19:42
xnoxcheck summit for new hangout invite.19:42
ppisatixnox: no, i'm not part19:42
xnoxppisati: for public viewing see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXTfcl4kee4&feature=plcp19:42
diwicplars, so just a few machines and not a complete hardware go-through (since it doesn't include audio), correct?19:43
xnoxslangasek: what about steam and games? mir will work for them?19:44
plarsdiwic: that's just for the bits that I touch, cert may have some additional hw they test on as well, ara_?19:44
bryycewish I could chime in on the hangout19:45
ara_diwic, so for certification we test point release with a range of hardware, depending on enablement19:45
jmleddyit would be nice to know that nvidia and fglrx is still working in tip19:46
bryyceslangasek: there's a lot of factors we account for when deciding about updating the xserver stack19:46
bryyceslangasek: certainly we'll take into account if we don't need anything from a newer X and are focusing on mir19:47
bryyceno, X and mesa can usually be updated independently (and we often do)19:47
xnoxslangasek: can you add bryyce to the hangout?19:47
tjaaltonX and mesa releases tend to have the same cadence19:47
mlankhorstbryyce: yeah but they usuall get released around the same time, so we usually ship both together :)19:48
bryycetjaalton: yeah but not due to tight coupling, just that the maintainers often are on the same schedule19:48
tjaaltonbryyce: right19:48
xnoxapw: why can't one build dkms modules against linux-next and linux-general?19:48
apwxnox, you could but you are changing the pacacking potentially19:48
xnoxapw: true. point taken.19:49
xnox(well dkms config file....)19:49
ara_certification will also be more difficult, we would basically need to recertify everything in every point release19:50
argescould we just have two?  a base LTS version 3.2 and then the rolling version?19:50
ara_but we could probably do a recertification in a subset of systems covering a set of components19:50
xnoxcjwatson: well not the .1 (that didn't have hwe?!)19:51
jjohansenogasawara: we reduce support burden in that its only a select set of packages for HWE, of course nothing for kernel19:51
jjohansenyeah that is how I remember it as well19:52
cjwatsonxnox: I couldn't remember :)19:52
diwicIf we support things for 6 months only, that's not an unusual time for pre-load machines to be in the store...19:52
xnoxcjwatson: me neither to be honest, all I recall is d-i and lvm....19:53
cjwatsondiwic: Right, I don't think we can withdraw support without having automatic upgrade to something that is supported19:53
xnoxwho is typing so loud?19:53
cjwatsonOh, sorry, might've been me19:53
cjwatsonKeep forgetting to mute19:53
bryycework items?19:54
argesogasawara: am i missing something. are we keeping for example the precise 3.2.x kernel as a supported kernel19:54
bjfarges, the support for precise is not changing19:55
xnoxwe could stay longer as this is the last session for the day.19:55
superm1slangasek: yes i agree with that.19:55
tjaaltonfewer point-releases would mean trouble hwe-wise19:56
ara_.4 is the last one19:56
argesbjf: ok ok19:56
jmleddy12.04.2 came out in feb, and 13.04 would have been 2 months later19:56
jmleddyso it's just the same thing one year later19:56
slangasekxnox: bryyce should be on the invite already, dunno why he's not in here. :)19:56
jmleddythat's probably a bad idea19:57
jmleddy based on the hardware schedules19:57
CarlRichellthat's the case for system76 as well19:57
xnoxslangasek: ogasawara: should the .3 moved then?! and hence less work then.19:57
diwicfrom time to time I add dkms packages to the pre-load image to enable audio. It might be difficult for me to get things into the next point-release's distro kernel, not rolling forward would give me 12 - 18 months instead of 0 - 6 months19:57
cjwatsonWell, .3 isn't *just* for hwe :)  We could skip hwe in it without skipping the whole pr19:58
cjwatson(General roll-up of updates and such)19:58
tjaaltonso, are we talking about point-releases as always having a backport stack?19:58
cjwatsonhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/ChangeSummary/12.04.2 - all changes from .1 to .219:59
diwicjmleddy, do we have haswell in .2?19:59
jmleddydiwic: not ULT19:59
cjwatsonWell, roughly all, depending on the vagaries of my half-arsed script19:59
diwicjmleddy, ULT = ?19:59
tjaaltonmaybe have .3 but just with an improved .2 stack19:59
xnoxand maintain for updates and security.19:59
CarlRichellexception being if optimus support could make .3 release19:59
jmleddydiwic: I was going to ask you about that actually, the ULT has a new audio chipset19:59
mlankhorstCarlRichell: not going to happen19:59
CarlRichellone can wish, right?19:59
jmleddydiwic: ULT is a new chip19:59
danjaredskipping 12.04.3 definitely needs to be reviewed from the server perspective20:00
jmleddythe big thing is a new audio DSP20:00
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-foundations-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/foundations-1/ - http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-foundations-1.log
jmleddythat just went to the linux mailing lists20:00
danjaredwe (Dell) can talk with Canonical about this, though20:00
narinderguptamost of OEM supports only LTS and point releases only.20:00
jmleddyclient OEMs are not going to use .320:01
cjwatsonnarindergupta: In case the audio wasn't clear, I was talking about LTS - asking about whether the delay in .2 was troublesome for anyone20:01
cjwatsondanjared: Can you elaborate?20:01
cjwatsonI know there are bugs outside hardware enablement that need to be addressed20:02
slangasekxnox: "what about steam and games? mir will work for them?" - in theory, running GL games on top of mir will work much better than running them on top of current unity :)20:02
xnoxslangasek: ok. sounds like a good enough promise to me.20:02
narinderguptacjwatson: As more new servers are on the way and OEM expect to have those enabled in 12.04.3 with NIC options and storage controllers20:02
rtgdanjared, that was my point about possibly needing a HWE kerenl in the point release, e.g., to support new boot essential devices.20:03
superm1i should clarify, when speaking for dell on i'm speaking from the client perspective, danjared has a server perspective, so he might have some different views on need for HWE in the point release20:03
danjaredright, what superm1 said20:03
narinderguptai am talking about server prospective20:03
danjaredcjwatson: -> private20:05
xnoxcjwatson: slangasek  could be backport the unity-quantal for .320:08
slangasekxnox: hmm, that'd be a tricky proposition... I'm open to us discussing, but it clearly doesn't fit our existing SRU process20:17
cjwatsonIt doesn't, indeed.  The net outcome might be better for 12.04 users though20:28
cjwatson(System76 brought up how much better 13.04's unity was in the rolling release session earlier)20:28
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