
=== ma___ is now known as mathor
=== SmilyBorg_w is now known as SmilyBorg
* Sweetshark looks around for other desktop guys, finds qengho, gives him a nod and takes a seat in the same corner of the room.12:32
fisch246so i'm on the session page... i assume i'll have to refresh when the keynote starts?12:46
SergioMenesesfisch246, I think so12:49
SergioMenesesYoBoY, \o12:49
YoBoYgood morning (or what is fine for you :p)12:49
SergioMenesesYoBoY, morning!12:49
YoBoYhum… need to find my headphones12:51
* xnox has nexus7 sideways on a stand ready for G+, plus joined all channels on IRC, just need to fiddle with bluprints and etherpads when needed.12:51
=== dayangkun_ is now known as dayangkun
zyga-udsdoes anyone know if the video stream will start automatically?13:41
zyga-udsdo we need to reload the page?13:41
zebaszpwe need to refresh, yes13:41
* cprofitt waves to everyone13:48
zyga-udscprofitt: hello13:48
=== medberry is now known as med_
CheeseheadWe need an IRC comedian to warm up the crowd13:49
* SergioMeneses says hi cprofitt 13:50
bbj_zamiskien is dit kaaskoppie se beurt13:50
SergioMenesesCheesehead, o013:50
thomiThree geeks walk into a bar...13:51
thomithat's it.13:51
* nxvl is wondering how is jono doing his clasical "are you excited?" over irc/stream13:51
ogra_nxvl, and the "hold up your hands if you have never been to a UDS before" thing :)13:52
smbogra_, lots of \o or o/13:52
ogra_(hi btw, great to see you ... i knew we would meet at a UDS again :) )13:52
TheMusothomi: Nice to see someone else from this neck of the woods online atm. Its more of a killer for you then for me in some ways I guess...13:52
SergioMenesesthomi, lol13:53
nxvlogra_: yeah that too13:53
SergioMenesesnxvl, hey hey! nice to see you here bro!13:53
nxvlogra_: actually i was saving money to travel this time, and to drink the whole week13:53
nxvlogra_: but canonical changed my plans :(13:54
zebaszpthomi, they probably went there to check if the bar's games run on linux13:54
ivoksi won't see nxvl :(13:54
ogra_nxvl, we need to implement a pisco pipe protocol in IRC13:54
nxvlivoks: we will, at some point, don't worry, the world is still small enough13:54
SergioMenesesogra_, lol13:54
nxvli promise to make a canonical visiting friends tour trough europe when my son grows up13:55
thomiTheMuso: I'm barely online13:55
* ogra_ is convinced tere will still be physical UDSes in the future ... 13:56
nxvlogra_: ogra_ smugglin for the win13:56
zuli guess i better go put clothes on13:56
TheMusothomi: Yeah I can understand.13:56
SergioMenesesogra_, sure! i will hope so13:56
ogra_zul, yes please !13:56
melmothis the video feed supposed to be on already ?13:56
rickspencer3hello all13:56
nxvlogra_: the only question i have is how is this different from a normal day13:56
SergioMeneseszul, jajaja13:56
rickspencer3melmoth, the video wil be up in a minute or two13:57
SergioMenesesrickspencer3, \o13:57
sladenso, how do we watch this jolly?  There's nothing in the /topic13:57
ogra_nxvl, i showered and got dressed for example :) (j/k)13:57
rickspencer3hi SergioMeneses13:57
apwrickspencer3, do we have to refresh to get it or will it just 'happen'13:57
YoBoYhi rickspencer313:57
nxvlogra_: yeah, you haven't13:57
rickspencer3Bonjour YoBoY13:57
nxvlogra_: i'm still in my pjs13:57
YoBoYcomment ça va ? :)13:57
cjohnstonapw: it should just happen13:57
* cprofitt waves to rickspencer3 13:57
rickspencer3so ... I'll be very interested in the feedback from the next couple of days13:57
cprofittwonders where 1 and 2 are13:57
rickspencer3hi cprofitt13:57
mainerrorHello everyone.13:57
* SergioMeneses is wearing his viking helmet13:58
melmothsladen, http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21601/introduction/13:58
tiagoscdhi folks :)13:58
med_rickspencer3, jono: don't forget to take it on air13:58
SergioMenesestiagoscd, hi!13:58
pitti_udsoh, do we need to reload the page?13:58
benkaisersladen, http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21601/introduction/13:58
rickspencer3thanks med_ noted13:58
ogra_pitti_uds, i think so13:58
pgranerpitti_uds, no it will just happen13:58
* med_ hits reload and hasn't seen a stream yet13:58
* TheMuso likewise.13:58
smartboyhwrickspencer3, wouldn't it make sense to pua13:58
tiagoscdSergioMeneses: :D13:58
smartboyhwpush out 13.0413:59
rickspencer3smartboyhw, pua?13:59
smartboyhwDelete 13.1013:59
mainerrorLike, there's no way to hide the web-irc frame?13:59
sladenbenkaiser: mmm, http://summit.ubuntu.com/media/images/youtube_placeholder.png  is fasincating13:59
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, \o\13:59
* niemeyer waves13:59
brendandhi everyone13:59
med_and please throw the tiny youtube url in here as well13:59
smartboyhwAnd try if deleting 13.10 and release till LTS works?13:59
=== alecura is now known as alecu`
med_Etherpad seems to be choking.14:00
niemeyerPlease find your sits..14:00
smartboyhwrickspencer3 you got the message?14:00
rickspencer3hey everyone, jono is making it go live right now14:00
med_there we go14:00
ogra_there we go !14:00
med_it's live14:00
jcastrolooking good!14:01
jcastrosounding good!14:01
pitti_udsjono_: WFM14:01
lynxmanNice room jono_ o/14:01
* ivoks o/14:01
diwicyes we can14:01
* melmoth wave14:01
* skellat_ waves at jono14:01
pitti_udsa bit dark14:01
mmrazikjono_: yes14:01
SergioMenesesjono_, is here!14:01
evilpopeyNeeds more babies crying14:01
phqubuntuonair.com is still the old one14:01
rickspencer3forgot people can see me14:01
smartboyhwo/ jono_14:01
SergioMenesesevilpopey, lol14:01
rickspencer3no coffee for me14:01
mfischThis new UDS format requires about 3 monitors for me14:01
alecu`o/ hola!14:01
jcastromfisch: hah yeah me too14:01
highvoltagewow I joined just in time14:01
sladencan somebody with l33t privs  /topic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0gRyS2qniM - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/plenary/ - http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-plenary.log14:01
mainerrorNo more jono_? :(14:01
jpickettso far so good14:01
SergioMenesesmfisch, jaja14:01
Riddellah, you have to actively press Play14:02
cjwatsonArgh, "your browser does not currently recognise any of the video formats available"14:02
med_cjwatson, switch to your phone.14:02
cjwatson... no14:02
mhall119|udscjwatson: lynx?14:02
cjwatsonfirefox on a fresh install14:03
pgranerAn error occurred please try again later14:03
YoBoYstupid question, is there an audio only stream ?14:03
mhall119|udspgraner: on what?14:03
sladencjwatson: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0gRyS2qniM ?14:03
mhall119|udsYoBoY: no14:03
pgranermhall119, the youtube window after pressing play14:03
mhall119|udsah, not something we could fix then :(14:03
sladenjono_: do you have your script?  It would stutter less14:03
jcastropgraner: hard refrsh (ctrl-f5)14:04
cjwatsonsladen: believe so14:04
=== mrod is now known as airurando_uds
* pedro_ waves14:06
* tumbleweed really hates the term "client". (but I do understand...)14:06
mhall119|udstumbleweed: it sounded better than "not cloud"14:07
tumbleweedmhall119|uds: only just :)14:07
rickspencer3tumbleweed, "Devices"?14:07
ogra_rickspencer3, ++14:07
tumbleweedit's basically "not server but I'm coalescing TCP server with a physical server"14:07
SpamapSjust call it shiny14:08
JainAmberIs this virtual UDS channel where keynote is supposed to happen? Isn't it 14:00 UTC already?14:08
lynxmanSpamapS: people like shiny14:08
rickspencer3JainAmber, yes14:08
jcastroJainAmber: yep!14:08
mfischJainAmber: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21601/introduction/14:08
JainAmberbecause /topic says: "no events are active"14:08
balloonsJainAmber, http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21601/introduction/14:08
SpamapSUbuntu Cloud, and Ubuntu Shiny14:08
ogra_SpamapS, blingbox :)14:08
smartboyhwHey balloons14:08
thomia little early!??14:08
bschaeferthomi, haha, 3-4 am?14:08
SpamapSogra_: bzling for my ubizzle fo shizzle14:08
thomibschaefer: yup14:09
BigWhaleGreetings everyone.14:09
bschaeferyeah its 6am here as well, then I though of you guys and felt better14:09
benkaiserI like the today view, easier to see http://summit.ubuntu.com/today/uds-1303/14:09
negronjl_6am here ... still waking up14:09
mfischI need a note from Jono that explains to my wife that I need to drink a couple beers tonight to make this authentic14:09
mainerrorI kinda miss the hugs ...14:10
zulnegronjl_:  9am still waking up ;)14:10
sladenEtherpad is AWOL (two crashes so far)14:10
med_mfisch, you can have them at noon.  It will be late then somewhere14:10
med_yep, etherpad is horked badly14:10
SergioMenesesmainerror, ++14:10
nxvlzul: still snoring?14:10
niemeyer155 users on etherpad.. no wonder it's crashed14:10
mfischmed_: it's working  for me14:10
adam_gcoffee sponsor wanted14:10
zulnxvl:  yep14:10
med_mfisch, just wait.14:11
* ogra_ hands adam_g a fresh virtual cofeee14:11
mainerrorI mean wasn't the UDS all about free beer and hugs? :D14:11
sladenand crashed again14:11
sladenjono_: it's crashed14:11
* med_ closed the plenary etherpad just to help out those who need it.14:11
cgregan_mfisch: I decided to book a hotel and bring a bunch of european style powerstrips to get me in the right frame of mind14:11
mhall119|udsI've already let IS know the etherpad isn't working14:11
fisch246stable for me14:11
niemeyerIt's working fine for me too.. surprisingly14:11
mhall119|udsit's getting really heavy use from the plenary, that won't be the case for individual sessions14:11
zebaszpI can't see the etherpad D:14:12
sil-unwellwill the summit pages also link to irc logs for the right time?14:12
gema__how can we close it?14:12
tsdgeosetherpad is node.js it's really not optimized for 100 people14:12
skellat_Still sitting here with legal pad and pen taking notes14:12
med_jono_, xlnt graphic14:12
mhall119|udssil-unwell: not yet, but that functionality could be added14:12
zebaszp"Either you have not been granted access to this resource or your entitlement has timed out." help anyone?14:12
mhall119|udszebaszp: you need to join ~ubuntu-etherpad on Launchpad14:12
jcastrotsdgeos: normal node etherpad scales fine, we're running the old one though. Java ftw.14:12
* cjwatson installs ubuntu-restricted-addons and now stuff works14:12
sil-unwellmhall119|uds: that might be a cool thing to add -- irc has always been an important part of a session, but likely more-so now14:12
zebaszpoh, I'll check that, thanks14:13
argesand firefox crashes : (14:13
mhall119|udssil-unwell: agreed, do you know python?14:13
cjwatson(Like I say, fresh install ...)14:13
irfan_can somebody watch the live stream???14:13
smoser_zebaszp: you have to be in the etherpad group. https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-etherpad/+members14:13
med_irfan_, yes14:13
stgrabercjohnston: so did they fix your internet on time?14:13
stgrabercjwatson: ^14:13
trinikronogoldfish ftw14:13
cjwatsonstgraber: Yeah, sorted out yesterday afternoon14:13
cjwatsonHopefully it'll hold14:13
cjohnstonstgraber: 1 + 2 + 3 + <tab> ;-)14:14
cjwatsonOtherwise I'll be asking the train to London to go faster14:14
med_jono_, don't forget to tell us where the restrooms are located....   :^)  and not to leave our laptops....14:14
jasnowcan't log into pad.ubuntu.com14:14
cjohnstonmed_: and eat your fruits14:14
roadmrneat drawing14:14
zyga-udsjono_: to invite someone, we must know their google+ ID, correct?14:15
mainerrorAnd not to leave our trash around.14:15
irfan_i can only see the rr proposal befor 3 days on my screen it doesnt uupdate14:15
Sweetsharkdid I miss the vegetable topic?14:15
negronjlnot yet AFAIK14:15
ogra_nope, wasnt up yet14:15
med_I can't wait for the after party tomorrow.... :(14:15
mhall119|udszyga-uds: no, all someone needs is to get the hangout URL in a PM or something14:16
irfan_how can i watch the live stream???14:16
jcastropgraner: is this the appropriate room to snipe at the presenters behind their back?14:16
sladenirfan_: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0gRyS2qniM14:16
sladenjcastro: can you change the topic?  Could you add http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0gRyS2qniM14:16
pgranerjcastro, sure you would still talk shit at a physical UDS14:16
mhall119|udsirfan_: every session has a page on summit that combined chat, video and etherpad14:17
pgranerjcastro, also ether pad is dead for me, can't connect to the server14:17
med_jcastro, and you can do that backstabbing in #ubuntu-uds14:17
jcastropgraner: I think overloaded during the plenary, probably won't be an issue in sessions14:17
jcastrosladen: I have no /topic powers14:17
sil-unwellmhall119|uds: Making the change to show irc log links is trivial. I don't want to do it because I don't know enough summit to know precisely where to make the changes, and if I get you or cjohnston  to talk me through it you'd have been quicker doing it yourselves ;)14:17
SpamapSthese poor stoic track leads... remaining vigilant and trying really hard not to pick their noses14:17
pgranerjcastro, I keep getting a service temporarily unavailable14:17
rickspencer3Thanks for making me laugh SpamapS14:17
UrsinhaSpamapS, lol14:17
sladenjcastro: who does?14:18
jcastrosladen: no clue14:18
evilpopeySpamapS: i would have held up a picture of myself14:18
evilpopeyItalian Job style14:18
med_SpamapS, I really expected them to go to profile pic until they were to speak.14:18
jcastroSpamapS: I think daviey is playing teamfortress actually.14:18
sladenjcastro: okay, who's running this UDS?14:18
ritzetherpad died :(14:18
sladenritz: about 15 minutes ago14:18
SpamapSjcastro: no wonder he keeps furrowing his brow14:18
jcastrosladen: mhall119|uds and cjohnston14:18
AbsintheSyringeare guys tracking how many people are watching this stream right now?14:18
AbsintheSyringejust curious :)14:18
med_about 20 minutes ago and then it dies repeatedly...14:18
jcastrosladen: we probably need the IRC council folks to check all the channels?14:18
evilpopeylooks like Daviey has had a hair cut14:18
mhall119|udsjcastro: we don't have ops in the channels14:18
mhall119|udsirc council does14:18
med_AbsintheSyringe, that's very hard to do.14:18
sladenmhall119|uds: cjohnston: can one of your stick  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0gRyS2qniM  in the /topic14:18
ritzqwebirc needs black border14:19
AbsintheSyringemed_, true14:19
sladenmhall119|uds: okay, who has ops in the channel?14:19
med_there are probably trackers on the actual summit pages but not if you go straight to the stream.14:19
mhall119|udsritz: agreed, can you file a bug against lp:summit so we don't forget?14:19
ritzon it14:19
FunnyLookinHatHow do we find the track or session lead for a specific session?14:19
AbsintheSyringemed_, what about youtube video stats, I see they are "Public statics have been disabled"14:19
mhall119|udsFunnyLookinHat: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/tracks14:20
ogra_rickroll !14:20
FunnyLookinHatmhall119, Thanks Mike14:20
med_AbsintheSyringe, I do g+Hangouts on air as one of my duties and it gives me no stats for LIVE streams.14:20
jcastrojono_: don't forget to eat a vegetable!14:20
med_it's a limitation of livestreams.14:20
med_Morning rickspencer314:20
SergioMenesesrickspencer3, \o/14:20
AbsintheSyringemed_, that sucks14:20
AbsintheSyringeoh well14:20
sil-unwellmhall119|uds, cjohnston, {% if ai.room.irc_channel %}<li><a href="http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/03/05/%23{{ai.room.irc_channel}}.html#t{{ schedule.date|strftime:"%H:%M" }}">Conversation log for this session</a></li>{% endif %} :-)14:20
mhall119|udssil-unwell: in an MP on launchpad please14:21
sil-unwellmhall119|uds: I do not know whether changing meeting.html is enough. This is the problem.14:21
mhall119|udssil-unwell: virtual_meeting.html as well14:22
mhall119|udssil-unwell: but we can discuss in #ubuntu-website14:22
sladencjohnston: filed  https://bugs.launchpad.net/summit/+bug/114698414:22
udsbotuLaunchpad bug 1146984 in Summit "Link directly to Youtube, Etherpad and irc:// in timetable" [Undecided,New]14:22
cjohnstonsil-unwell: it's not quite that simple.. it needs to parse the correct date14:22
sil-unwellcjohnston: right. This is why I'm not writing an MP. I do not know enough. :)14:22
jono_well, that was interesting14:22
jono_never done this before :-)14:23
cjohnstonsladen: what does timetable mean?14:23
ritzdone - https://bugs.launchpad.net/summit/+bug/114698514:23
udsbotuLaunchpad bug 1146985 in Summit "qwebirc needs black border" [Undecided,New]14:23
sil-unwelljono_: good introduction. I am sitting here eating a vegetable in honour of it.14:23
* dbarth cheers rickspencer314:23
evilpopey\o/ vegetables14:23
evilpopeyNot Tomatoes though!14:23
tedgjono_, I was disappointed there was no BBQ involved.14:23
jono_its always with the vegetable :-)14:23
philipballewUbingo is off top a good start!14:23
jono_tedg, there will be14:23
BigWhaleI have some broccoli in the fridge ...14:23
sil-unwellyay unity next!14:23
zebaszpevilpopey, tomatoes rule!14:24
BigWhaleevilpopey, why are you evil?! :'(14:24
sladencjohnston: https://bugs.launchpad.net/summit/+bug/1146984  updated14:24
udsbotuLaunchpad bug 1146984 in Summit "Link directly to Youtube, Etherpad and irc:// in the summit schedule" [Undecided,New]14:24
popeyBigWhale: I'm not, he is14:24
skellat_I enjoyed my toaster strudel before we got started14:24
popeyBigWhale: two machines connected14:25
tedgBigWhale, Don't believe him!  He's not realpopey, evilpopey is trying to trick you!14:25
BigWhaleevil popey is evil!14:25
smartboyhwPoor popey14:25
cjohnstonty sladen14:25
evilpopeyregret is building!14:25
sladenfirst observation: there's a lot more random chatter than at a real UDS14:25
xnoxjono_: you have the best backdrop of all people on the hangout =)14:25
jono_xnox, heh14:25
jono_I am in my living room because there is a screaming baby upstairs14:25
* smartboyhw wonders if evilpopey = popey14:25
zebaszpsladen, because at real UDS chatter is noisy, but IRC isn't14:25
Saviq|UDSsladen: +114:26
smartboyhwjono_ lol14:26
jcastrosladen: I am trying to replicate the real chatter from UDS.14:26
FunnyLookinHatIs there an appropriate place to ask a track lead to be pulled into the hangout?  Or is just if they notice you enough on IRC?  :)14:26
fisch246jono_: lol14:26
mainerrorSo these online summits will take place four times a year? Like in March, June, September and December?14:26
FunnyLookinHatI know that usually you don't ask - but there's also usually a bit of a mulling time beforehand were things get sorted :)14:26
SpamapSheh, I think *money* inflames the passions of most app developers :)14:26
zebaszppoor screaming baby! superdad jono_ is too busy with ubuntu, I guess? :P14:26
fisch246jono_: will there be guitar playing this UDS? lol14:27
jono_zebaszp, lol14:27
xnoxFunnyLookinHat: just highlight a track lead and ask to be pulled in =)14:27
jono_fisch246, unlikely :-)14:27
FunnyLookinHatxnox, Sounds good thx14:27
sladenwill miss mdz singing in the evenings14:27
ogra_sladen, +++++++++++++++14:27
ogra_and +14:27
cjwatsontalking about quality before> once or twice14:27
pitti_udssladen: nuclearbob actually proposed a virtual Karaoke event :)14:27
sladenogra_: I would have had a really good recording if somebody hadn't moved the microphone in Montreal...14:27
tumbleweedmeh, lots of video drop-outs :/14:28
Saviq|UDSjono_: people need the name bars in the videos with their IRC nicks, if at all possible (like in Ubuntu On-Air)14:28
jpicketttumbleweed, fine for me14:28
tumbleweedjpickett: yeah, I assume it's my side14:28
jcastroCloud represent! \o/14:28
mfischSaviq|UDS: I think that's a standard G+ plugin, should be doable14:28
med_Saviq|UDS, they can turn on lower third (via Google Tool addons) individually14:28
mainerrorSaviq|UDS, +14:28
jono_Saviq|UDS, good feedback14:28
med_jono_, those outside of the hangout can't hover to see names.14:29
AbsintheSyringethat's what we were waiting for :)14:29
AbsintheSyringerolling release14:29
Saviq|UDSmfisch: yup, some quick instructions should probably be enough14:29
jono_yeah, I will recommend that we use the name bars14:29
* smartboyhw wants constant updates sunxe 14:29
shirgalljono_: There is a new "lower third" feature that can be used.14:29
smartboyhwsince I'm on mobile14:29
smartboyhwand no bandwidth to support YouTube14:30
josephtetherpad seems back, fwiw14:30
zebaszphey, jono_, do you know anything about the "intermatrix u7" mentioned at OMG Ubuntu! as the "first ubuntu tablet"?14:30
mainerrorrickspencer3! :D14:30
rickspencer3hi mainerror14:30
popeyzebaszp: I wouldn't put my credit card details into that page14:30
sladenHiii David14:30
zebaszpI know, popey, but that's why I'm asking14:31
nxvlWhy isn't David big?14:31
gema__plenary driver, someone click on david!14:31
nxvlas in at full screen14:31
evilpopey*poke* jono_14:31
pitti_udsrickspencer3: any chance to move David to the main video area? we still see you14:31
Ursinhawhoever is running the hangout , unclick rick14:31
smoser_for some reason the g+ has rick large, not auto-selected david14:31
RichardBzebaszp, read here: http://www.webupd8.org/2013/03/intermatrix-u7-first-ubuntu-touch.html14:31
YoBoYjono_, change the main video please ^^14:31
pitti_udsrickspencer3: not that I don't like seeing you, but we should give the honors to the speaker :)14:31
Ursinhajono_, just unclick rickspencer314:31
Ursinhaor, click again :)14:31
alecu`I think the track lead should click on the video of the speaking people14:31
rickspencer3jono_, do you need to click on dpm?14:31
pitti_udsRichardB: ah, seems jono_'s on it, nevermind14:31
smoser_boo... i was enjoying rickspencer3 in full screen.14:31
thomiawwww ;)14:31
Ursinhano, unclick the focused person and then you have autofocus :)14:32
TheMusoI thought that was supposed to auto-detect based on audio. Seems like the hangout is not picking things up clearly enough... I say headssets.14:32
Mirvvoice activated autofocus yep, unless not all are muted in which case it hops around14:32
nxvlfinally something i'll LOVE to work on!14:32
YoBoYautofocus is bad if some don't have deactivated their mics14:32
zebaszpRichardB, I guess that clears that, thanks14:32
jono_sorry that you folks could not stare lovingly in Rick's eyes14:32
mainerrorWould be nice to have the name and the IRC nick on the name bar thingy in the videos.14:32
Ursinhayes, install lower third addon is probably a good idea14:33
YoBoYgood idea mainerror14:33
skellatNot cool that qwebirc crashed on me14:33
sladenmainerror: not sure where to file that as a bug;  I presume the hangout leader can put those in14:33
zebaszpskellat, use xchat :P14:33
sladenslangasek: how did you set your name bar?14:33
YoBoYsladen, it's an app in the hangout14:34
slangaseksladen: "Hangout Toolbox" -> "Lower Third"14:34
=== bbj_za_ is now known as general_
slangaseksladen: we were all asked to do it, apparently I'm the only one following directions ;)14:34
n00bomaticso..anything new from the keynote?14:34
jpickettmorning JoseeAntonioR14:34
* mainerror hugs slangasek 14:34
JoseeAntonioRhey, jpickett :)14:34
smartboyhwhey JoseeAntonioR14:35
JoseeAntonioRhello, smartboyhw :)14:35
zebaszpwow, lots of timeouts14:35
YoBoYyes, irc timeouts :D14:35
general_anyone have a drive for me to read14:35
sladengeneral_: a drive?14:35
UbuPhilluphi very one14:35
* general_ reading drive14:35
sladenpick it up at $link ...14:36
=== general_ is now known as genral_failure
zebaszpwhat's with all the timeouts?14:36
mhall119|uds_http://developer.ubuntu.com/gomobile <-- SDK14:36
popeyfreenode webchat died14:36
* genral_failure reading drive14:36
SpamapSWAAAAYY too much Daviey for 6:36am14:36
mainerrorWhoa! What a powerful intro Daviey! :D14:36
nxvlpopey: plz! use a real irc channel14:36
zebaszpxchat rules :D14:36
tumbleweedsomeone gave Daviey too much coffee14:36
xnoxsladen: is rocking with a caption =)14:36
med_SpamapS, but it could be you in London with Daviey and JETLAG14:36
popeynxvl: I am ☺14:36
xnoxsladen: unping.14:37
nxvlpopey: btw, you are sdk guy?14:37
xnoxslangasek: is rocking with a caption =)14:37
pitti_udsDaviey: nice dressing up for vUDS :)14:37
mhall119|uds_nxvl: you can find SDK guys in #ubuntu-touch channel14:37
popeyhe got a haircut14:37
SpamapSpitti_uds: no, Daviey's just a nerd, he always dresses like that.14:37
med_HINT: When you put your name up in Google hangout, be sure to put your IRC NICK as well.14:37
sladenpopey: specially?14:37
pgranerpopey, you call THAT a haircut?14:37
med_use the 2d line for your IRC Nickname14:37
nxvlmhall119|uds_: awesome14:37
popeypgraner: i haven't had a haircut for months :D14:38
pgranerpopey you're a damn hippy14:38
mhall119|uds_popey looks like a shaggy elvis14:38
ogra_popey, hippie !14:38
med_Just like your UDS badge.14:38
sladenpopey: you have kids to tear it out for you14:38
mainerrorYea, IRC nicks please, that'd be wicked.14:38
Saviq|UDSslangasek: ^^ IRC nick in second line in Lower Third :)14:38
highvoltagemhall119|uds_: the first time I saw popey I was thinking "oh cool! an elvis impersonater at UDS!"14:38
nxvlpgraner: is Daviey, c'mon that's a haircut14:38
hamslaaihow to setup webcam for online conference: http://www.journals.ac.za/images/1/1a/Edtech-webcam.mp414:39
mainerrorOh no! David just dropepd out! :/14:39
n00bomaticwhere can i find some news about the UDS keynote?14:39
BigWhalesladen, having kids means that you get to pull out your own hair!14:39
pgranernxvl, from a blind barber14:39
mhall119|uds_BigWhale: so true14:39
nxvlpgraner: again, is Daviey14:39
slangasekSaviq|UDS: not sure I need to give people more opportunity to highlight me on IRC right now ;)14:39
sil-unwellgood work slangasek for adding a Lower Third to show who you are. Ungoodwork all the other speakers ;-)14:39
popeyis that a word?14:39
sladenslangasek: it's alright, they mostly highlight me14:39
BigWhalepopey, I am sure there's an app for that14:40
diwicn00bomatic, the biggest news so far is that there is no encouragement to eat vegetables...14:40
med_+1 fastpath14:40
mhall119|uds_popey: since when did Daviey limit himself to "words"?14:40
TheMusodiwic: lol!14:40
ptlhiya :D14:40
mainerrorjono_: Lead by example and put your name in the lower third thingy. :D14:40
Chipacai missed which talk the 100scopes was going to be covered in, could somebody repeat?14:40
TheMusoChipaca: The app dev track.14:40
med_jono_, you can do google tools lower third live (while in session)14:40
mhall119|uds_Chipaca: 100 scopes session hasn't happened yet, it's tomorrow IIRC14:40
mhall119|uds_Chipaca: do a search14:41
Chipacaah! missed that it was tomorrow14:41
med_doesn't drop you or anything.14:41
SpamapS0 progress on those... thats my fault.. ;)14:41
Chipacano wonder i couldnt' find it :)14:41
olafuraAm I suppost to be able to log into the pad or is it an error that I cant?14:42
sladen(Metal As A Service)14:42
med_olafura, you need to join a launchpad team14:42
selena2013hello is this for ubuntu summit ?14:42
sladenselena2013: yes, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0gRyS2qniM14:43
selena2013great iam in the right channel14:43
smartboyhwJoin ~ubuntu-etherpad to have access to Pad!!!14:43
pitti_udsDaviey: yay!14:43
mhall119|uds_server/cloud, yay!14:43
arosaleswell done Daviey :-)14:43
jcastro\o/ server/cloud!14:43
SergioMenesesjeje Daviey rocks14:43
dduffey_great start to UDS-in-the-Cloud14:43
SpamapSno package selection and defaults?14:43
tedg"server cloud yeah!" is going to be the meme of this UDS :-)14:43
SergioMenesesselena2013, \o14:44
med_Join ~ubuntu-etherpad to have access to Pad!!!14:44
SergioMenesestedg, o014:44
med_olafura, ^14:44
smartboyhwmed_ no copying:-P14:44
ptl~ubuntu-etherpad or #ubuntu-etherpad ? are you talking about an IRC channel or an URL?14:44
mhall119|uds_ptl: Launchpad team14:44
smartboyhwptl: URL14:44
pitti_udsptl: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-etherpad14:44
mhall119|uds_^^ that one14:44
selena2013i use ubuntu 12.1014:44
ptlah, that's why my launchpad login did not work?14:45
olafuramed_ which lauchpad team?14:45
med_olafura,  see pitti_uds14:45
med_slangasek, is looking very bright and shiny.14:46
olafuramed_ cool14:46
med_and as if he's sitting in front of a photographers backdrop14:46
selena2013so how does rolling release works?14:46
mainerrorThumbs up for David! Beautiful name bar.14:47
ptlI joined the ubuntu-etherpad team and it still is not letting me authenticate with my launchpad login... it says authorization is required to access http://pad.ubuntu.com/uds-1303-introduction14:47
jsjgruber-uds_So is the rolling release a done deal?14:47
rsalvetietherpad is really bad, crashing all the time for me14:47
seepamainerror, I agree. But everyone should have a name bar14:47
smartboyhwptl yes14:47
mhall119|uds_ptl: you have to wait for someone to approve your membership, should only take a few minutes14:47
ptlah, ok. thanks14:47
ptlthought it was instant14:47
Saviq|UDSselena2013, jsjgruber-uds_ http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21683/community-1303-rolling-release/14:47
slangasekmed_: everybody loves my wall14:48
koolhead17hoi all14:48
chrisccoulsonit's bbq jono!14:48
rickspencer3slangasek, I keep waiting for you to paint it green to get green screen effects14:48
popeyI like that slangasek has his head positioned just right for him to be a newsreader with some picture embedded in the top left.. rule of thirds..14:48
* med_ can't wait for the hotdog costume later tomorrow14:48
* koolhead17 waves rickspencer3 popey 14:48
med_not to mention HULK14:48
zebaszpthe BBQ track, maybe?14:49
rickspencer3hi koolhead1714:49
mainerrorpopey: heh innit? :D14:49
mhall119|uds_med_: he gave up the costume14:49
med_koolhead17, daviey already talked cloud sessions.14:49
zyga_slangasek: you didn't mention the checkbox session :'-|14:49
slangasekrickspencer3: greenboard is cheap enough, it's the work to do the actual compositing that's too tedious :-)14:49
=== zyga_ is now known as zyga-uds
Davieykoolhead17: o/14:49
med_mhall119, jono or robbiew?14:49
slangasekzyga_: the checkbox session is on the client track in the foundations room, it's not on the foundations track?14:49
koolhead17med_: ya i was listening to it, joined channel little late though :D14:49
mhall119|uds_med_: jono gave it up14:49
mhall119|uds_I hope robbie still has the hulk suit14:49
mhall119|uds_that was awesome14:49
koolhead17hello Daviey sir14:49
slangasekzyga-uds: so jasoncwarner didn't mention it ;)14:49
ptlI'm in... Cool14:50
n00bomatici just wanted to check on the news from UDS, but dont want to register for lunchpad thingy.... ;-(14:50
zyga-udsslangasek: ah, you're correct14:50
med_mhall119, it probably made his dachsund nervous.14:50
sladenn00bomatic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0gRyS2qniM14:50
jpickettcoffee and cake time14:50
popeymmmm cake14:50
BigWhale10 minute break? Excellent, just enough time to get to school and pick up kids before social services people get there!14:50
TheMusoHrm, maybe a sweet breakfast would be nice. :p14:51
mainerrorjono_: You forgot about David!14:51
sladen(all rise)14:51
pitti_udsthanks everyone!14:51
* josepht claps14:51
diwicclap clap14:51
* tumbleweed goes home14:51
* silbs_ claps14:51
shengyaojono_: thanks14:51
* mainerror claps14:51
jono_slow clap14:51
ptlclap x 314:51
Chipacajono_: i missed your "drink responsibly" talk!14:51
* popey runs to the next session14:51
smartboyhwclap clap14:51
popeyhah "runs"14:51
popeylike that's gonna happen14:51
airurando_udsthanks all!14:51
BigWhalepopey, don't forget your charger!!!14:51
* Sweetshark runs out to grap coke and cookies14:51
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-plenary to: Track: | Introductions and Keynote | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21601/introduction/
faganI miss the sabdfl keynote14:51
zebaszpjono_, is there a BBQ track?14:51
diwicTheMuso, I admire your multitasking capability; listening to the keynote and the IRC channel simultaneosly would be quite confusing for me14:52
Saviq|UDSoh udsbotu is 1hr off?14:52
jono_zebaszp, one day14:52
BigWhalezebaszp, that'll be a separate event!14:52
Saviq|UDSmhall119|uds_: seems udsbotu is in the wrong timezone?14:52
sladenfagan: sabdfl rehearses...14:52
ptl'clap ' * 414:52
ptlok, what now? is there any other segment?14:53
fagansladen: ah yeah but it has a bit more flash and bang which is always fun :)14:53
Saviq|UDSptl: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/14:53
zebaszpjono_, it'd be kinda lame though, we'd all just watch you eat meat in the name of the community...14:53
zebaszpjono_, maybe even some vegetables14:53
udsbotuuds-plenary: 5 minutes left in this session!14:54
sladenfagan: it's about measured delivery, good talking cadence, good lighting, enthusiasm; you get these, and avoid the 'umms' from practising14:54
=== mhall119 is now known as mhall119|afk
fagansladen: yeah my style of delivering things like that is many ums and lots of cursing14:55
fagannot a good style I think14:55
udsbotuuds-plenary: 4 minutes left in this session!14:55
smartboyhwudsbotu: It has finished....14:56
udsbotusmartboyhw: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:56
udsbotuuds-plenary: 3 minutes left in this session!14:56
faganudsbotu: we all know you are jono_ pretending to be a bot14:56
udsbotufagan: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:56
smartboyhwfagan, that's jcastro14:57
fagansmartboyhw: ahhh I knew it was one of the horsemen14:57
JainAmberhttp://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/track/appdev/ lists 2 sessions/events during 1500-1545 hrs (tuesday). Will both of these events happen simultaneously or one after other?14:57
udsbotuuds-plenary: 2 minutes left in this session!14:57
smartboyhwyep simultaneously14:57
JainAmberthanks smartboyhw!14:58
JainAmberThank god... hangouts recordings on youtube, ftw! :S14:58
udsbotuuds-plenary: 1 minute left in this session!14:58
udsbotuuds-plenary: This session has ended.14:59
udsbotuuds-plenary: This session has ended.14:59
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-plenary to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/plenary/ - http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-plenary.log
robbyf-workIs this session complete?15:27
robbyf-workI get the feeling this is a recording.15:27
tumbleweedyes, it's complete15:29
=== andrew is now known as Guest79332
selena2013hello , at wha time the summit starts in the east coast ?15:55
JoseeAntonioRselena2013: it's already started, it's 15:57 UTC right now15:57
selena2013well i cant find it15:59
JoseeAntonioRselena2013: summit.ubuntu.com15:59
selena2013ok then where i go ???16:01
selena2013do i login to launchpad ?16:02
selena2013i don t see anything going on16:03
pmcgowanselena2013: go to the summit url above, and select a session16:12
pmcgowanthere are channels for each trak16:12
=== weddle is now known as weddle__
=== weddle_ is now known as weddle
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-plenary to: Track: | Plenaries | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21671/cloud-keynote-with-robbie-williamson/
thomijcastro: do you guys realise you're live?16:55
robruthomi, sssshhhh, I'm enjoying the candidness ;-)16:55
thomithis will go on the extras DVD16:56
jcastrothomi: yep16:56
SergioMenesesthomi, I dont think so16:56
philipballewNice Red Wings hat. Maybe some people will start to like Hockey one day...16:59
lynxmanjcastro: o/16:59
olafuraIt's cool to hear you chat ;)16:59
Saviq|UDSjcastro: and it's recorded, too16:59
jcastroSaviq|UDS: we know!17:00
mainerrorYAY jcastro! :)17:00
d0odfinally, some jcastro - now it feels like UDS :D17:01
ckingonce there is copious amounts of beer it will feel like UDS17:01
ptlis there any way to virtualize beer?17:02
fisch246_i'd get some beer, but there's currently piles of snow and ice from me and the nearest store17:02
dantalizing_you people arent watching with copious amounts of beer?17:02
Trevinho|UDScould you put the slides fullscreen?17:02
LinuxTugazCan you make the presentation in full screen pls?17:03
theDoctorimport beer17:03
fisch246_sudo apt-get install beer17:03
theDoctoryup ^17:04
LinuxTugazlol ok ty17:05
LinuxTugaznice tyvm17:05
theDoctorthere we go17:05
jcastrostgraber: the invite to you is out, just join when you think it's appropriate17:05
Saviq|UDSlol, was that supposed to be subliminal? ;)17:08
SergioMenesesselena2013, \o17:09
erichammondIs there supposed to be video now?  I'm just seeing black.17:11
ptlthere is a slide showing17:11
mterrythere is video yeah, slides17:11
ptltitle "With support!"17:11
SergioMeneseserichammond, there is a slide17:11
SergioMenesesjcastro, screen is black but the other one no17:12
robruI just lost audio...17:12
dedalusaudio dropout17:12
mfischrobot voice?17:12
zyga-uds_the last 60 seconds are basically useless17:12
slangasekyeah, audio is lagging badly17:12
theDoctorsouldn's almost robotic17:12
SergioMenesesaudio is slow17:12
=== zyga-uds_ is now known as zyga-uds
TheMusoGlad its not just me.17:13
AAndrei_the sound seems to change from rap to electronic music :P17:13
mzanettisame here17:13
robruaudio back17:13
tsimpson_they are finally taking over!17:13
highvoltageSounded almost like Daft Punk :)17:13
jcastrojerdog: you can join the hangout17:13
zebaszpsomeone has a bad internet connection :P17:13
theDoctor^ true story17:13
jerdogjcastro, still looking for the invite :D17:13
jcastroI invited your G+ profile17:13
jcastrojerdog: can you join in there?17:14
jerdoggot it17:14
Wellarkwas I the only one who didn't hear anything from the last slide?17:14
smbWellark, no17:14
Wellarkok :/17:14
zyga-udsWellark: it was about Unity for servers, in text mode, rewritten in ncurses17:15
Wellarkzyga-uds: nice! that's just the thing I've been waiting all these years ;)17:15
erichammondno audio, no video. Just silent blackness.  Same on both chromium and firefox running on Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal.17:15
jerdogmy system has gone all whack one sec17:15
pixelpapstzyga-uds: Time for an AAlib-backend for Mir ? ^^17:15
Saviq|UDSjerdog: awesome background :)17:15
dholbachjerdog, we can hear you typing17:15
TheMusoBreaking news folks. Please test audio before going onto a hangout.17:15
mainerrorjcastro, no. :D17:15
theDoctorthere we go17:15
zebaszpthere we go!17:16
theDoctoruse linux!17:16
dholbachjerdog, go go go! :)17:16
Saviq|UDSjcastro: you can hide in that cup!17:17
jcastrois that better?17:17
Wellarkjcastro: can you paste the link?17:18
jcastrothanks mterry17:18
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away
dholbachthis section is the awesomeness17:20
dholbachalmost all of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices links back to it :)17:20
mitya57TheMuso: it was working in gnome-sound-recorder for me :(17:21
TheMusomitya57: Ah ok.17:21
pixelpapstwow, huge lag between IRC links appearing and them being mentioned on hangout17:24
jcastroany questions from the audience?17:25
Saviq|UDSpixelpapst: yeah, there's some 10s delay for the hangout stream17:26
dholbachrsalveti, high five :)17:26
rsalvetidholbach: o/17:26
pixelpapstno, i think i have more like a minute or two17:26
TheMusoArmv6 can't be done afaik... Our arm archive is v7.17:27
TheMusoI could be wrong about the v6/7 stuff though.17:27
pixelpapstprolly the hangout streaming sucks in goog's IPv6 network :)17:27
med_6sec typically17:27
mainerrorTheMuso, right.17:27
cjwatson12.10 main armel was back-compiled for ARMv5ET, and possibly some other random packages17:27
cjwatsonBut indeed, armhf is v717:27
zyga-udsQUESTION: will we see the SDK supporting desktop systems?17:27
pixelpapstah, it had switched off the "live transmission" button, whatever that is :)17:28
ogra_zyga-uds, not really an XDA question :)17:28
jcastroXDA questions please!17:28
jcastro2min left!17:28
timrcjcastro, we should have a Youtube channel where people can upload videos of their spouses and friends trying Ubuntu Touch17:28
zyga-udsogra_: true17:28
timrcjcastro, to amass some good user testing17:28
ali1234QUESTION: xda is famous for GPL violation drama. do you forsee a culture clash?17:28
loolQUESTION: is there a x86 port?17:28
superm1QUESTION: any advice on porting to non CM supported devices?17:29
ogra_lool, ++17:29
mainerrorsuperm1, easiest path is to port CM to that device.17:30
zebaszpcheers, jerdog17:30
jerdogsuperm1, mainerror is correct17:30
jerdogget CM 10.1 on that device first17:30
jerdogthen go from there17:31
fisch246_holy cow those eyes17:31
greybackwould you look at that good looking head :)17:31
jerdogali1234, maybe expand on your culture clash question?17:31
=== fisch246_ is now known as fisch246
slangasekjerdog: thanks for coming to talk to us, very exciting to have engagement from XDA on this17:31
xnoxjono_: "Present" button, top right.17:31
jono_thanks jerdog17:31
jono_really appreciate it :-)17:32
jcastrostgraber: can you mute your video so it doesn't distract from the speaker?17:32
jerdogslangasek, excited to see where things go17:32
jerdogjono_, glad to do it - excited17:32
pixelpapstit's not transmitting the fullscreen window...17:32
ali1234jerdog: for example, does "anthrax kernels" mean anything to you? i do believe they started on XDA until you banned them? i don't follow it very closely, so apologies if i'm a bit off17:32
rsalvetifullscreen please17:32
stgraberjcastro: sure, done17:32
jono_jerdog, ditto!17:32
Saviq|UDSjcastro: can you let ckpringle know we're still seeing the browser window17:32
ivankajcastro, what Saviq|UDS said - he typed faster17:33
zebaszpwe demand fullscreen! ...please? :)17:33
jerdogali1234, I am well aware of that and I can tell you they are no longer allowed on XDA due to GPL-violations. that will be disputed of course - but I have it on good authority (linus himself) on where that stands - so they will stay off of XDA and I wish Chad Goodman well17:33
Saviq|UDSand the first slide17:33
Saviq|UDSjcastro: ^17:33
zyga-udsthe browser is a different window when presenting17:33
Saviq|UDSjcastro: I think he has the browser window shaed17:33
med_his full screen probably went to a different display17:33
zyga-udswhen presenting you have two windows17:33
jono_jcastro, tell him to go full screen and then share that window17:33
jono_to hit present and share that window17:34
zyga-udsor share your whole screen, not a window17:34
looljcastro: perhaps open the doc yourself17:34
Saviq|UDSjcastro: full screen share - not window share, and it's gonna be fine17:34
looljcastro: and take focus, would allow seeing him talking17:34
Saviq|UDSjcastro: no, but we only see the first slide17:34
med_and jcastro jono_ make his window focused not jcastro's17:34
jcastrohow's that?17:35
zebaszpthat's ok17:35
looljcastro: looks good17:35
pixelpapsta chair ! :)17:35
looljcastro: for next one, you could perhaps be the one sharing the slides, so that we see the speaker talk in the lower bar17:35
=== FunnyLookinHat_ is now known as FunnyLookinHat
noodles775lool: +1 good idea.17:36
jcastrolool: but then the presenter can't forward the slides can they?17:36
jcastrook I'll work that with stgraber17:36
looljcastro: you'd have to hit next, yes17:36
ali1234jerdog: sure. that's just one example though. to me it feels lke xda has a slightly different atmosphere with regards to FOSS, to what i expect from ubuntu communities. making rules is one thing but you can't legislate culture - hence, "culture clash"17:36
sebsebseblool: good idea17:36
zebaszpI like chairs! I'm using one now! :D17:36
* naga a chair17:36
bashrcan Ubuntu chair17:36
ali1234jerdog: so i wondered what you thought about that, is all...17:36
blitzkrieg3chair doesn't even sound like a word anymore17:36
Ursinha-uds_blitzkrieg3: hahaha17:37
jerdogali1234, let's definitely talk about this - because there's a lot of misinformation as well17:37
xnoxjono_: can you make statistics on the hangout settings public?17:37
bashrcthe idea of "affordances"17:37
Wellarkjcastro: is there any possibility to get higher quality (resolution) feeds in the future?17:38
Wellark480p is quite muddy17:38
jcastroWellark: it really depends on the bandwidth of the thing, afaict.17:38
BillynkidCould not use any higher.17:38
Wellarkjcastro: youtube only offers 480p17:39
zebaszpI don't think this is actually 480p, anyways...17:39
=== wedgwood_away is now known as wedgwood
Mirv720p indeed for the streams would be far more useful17:39
loollimitation of hangouts on air right now17:39
Saviq|UDS720p could be too much for peoples' uplink anyway17:40
mainerrorQUESTION: Basically you want to make sure not to make the Android mistake by letting your users complete freedom in terms of application design integration. In other words, you want to ensure quality from day one.17:40
zebaszpmainerror, that doesn't sound like a question :P17:40
jono_xnox, we dont have any stats17:41
mainerrorYea, right, think of the dots as question marks. :D17:41
ali1234jerdog: sure, anytime17:41
me4oslavQUESTION: Will there be design guidelines for desktop apps?17:41
ivankamainerror, zebaszp it is a nice summary though :-)17:41
xnoxjono_: the youtube on air supports them, but when I click them it says it has been disabled to be public.17:41
zebaszp+1 me4oslav17:41
mainerrorOh hello ivanka! :)17:42
xnoxjono_: graph looking icon. Interesting to know how many simultanious viewers we have.17:42
mainerrorNice to see you around.17:42
ivankamainerror, I am always around :-)17:42
=== med_ is now known as med___
ivankamainerror, thank you :-)17:42
=== med__ is now known as medberry
ivankajcastro, can we have a virtual round of applause?17:43
* mainerror applauses17:43
* lool *clap* *clap*17:43
ivankathanks zebaszp17:43
jcastroivanka: I was debating using the g+ sound effects, but I am saving those for the lightning talks. :)17:43
ivankajcastro, :-)17:44
ptl'clap ' * 417:44
christina_ivanka: zebaszp: mainerror : thanks from calum and i!17:44
balloonsjcastro, lol.. you can have effects for pulling people at 5 mins17:44
jcastrofor anyone interested in submitting lightning talks for tomorrow!17:44
xnoxstgraber: HOT!17:44
ivankaso many different ways to do virtual applauses!17:45
zebaszpwhile (ubuntu==awesome) clap()17:46
mainerrorzebaszp, that's an infinite loop ...17:46
Limurxexactly my thoughts ^^17:47
zebaszpmainerror, not like I'd get tired, so fine by me :P17:47
loolQUESTION: are the redundant servers active/active or active/backup?  how do you detect failure?17:48
xnoxstgraber: mpt asks why this is not in the default installer!17:50
jcastro(I'll ask him questions when he finishes his spiel)17:50
ogra_jcastro, stop stealing our german words !17:50
highvoltagepresentation is nicely done, stgraber17:51
ogra_(thats what driving a VW does to you)17:51
ogra_edubuntu as testbed has a looon tradition :)17:52
highvoltageogra_: don't you mean loooong? :p17:52
highvoltage(we're not /that/ crazy)17:52
ogra_no, i meant looooooooong17:52
zyga-uds+1 for resizable web-based UIs17:52
highvoltagethe edubuntu server UI is really nice. it's stolen from the MAAS web interface :)17:53
jcastronice work integrating it though, it looks great17:53
ogra_stgraber, and highvoltage rock :)17:54
highvoltageogra_: stgraber is the hero with all this stuff :)17:55
jcastroI have the same desk as stgraber17:55
ogra_highvoltage, he wouldnt have the time to do all that without you :)17:55
loolbig DELL server box behind stgraber17:55
highvoltagejcastro: that's my old desk in the background17:55
zyga-udsQUESTION: is that something one could comfortably run at home as opposed to a standard desktop?17:55
ogra_zyga-uds, sure17:55
* lool holds breath17:57
* ogra_ watches lool turn green17:57
zyga-udsQUESTION: can it run on arm17:57
SergioMenesesogra_, ++17:57
pitti_udsis my video stuck or is Windows?17:57
jsjgruber-udsQUESTION: How will rolling releases affect the edubuntu project?17:58
ogra_jsjgruber-uds, schools usually pick LTS anyway17:58
zyga-udscool stuff17:58
Saviq|UDSQUESTION: is the same home directory used for all OS's?17:58
jsjgruber-udsthank you17:59
zebaszp"awesome broken stuff" lol17:59
jerdogNOOOOOOOO :)17:59
jcastrook how was that?17:59
slangasekwow, minute+ delay between IRC and video17:59
=== udsbotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-plenary to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/plenary/ - http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-plenary.log
JoseeAntonioRwill Daviey be breaking things like in uds-q?18:00
stgraberif anyone wondered, my Windows 8 box finished logging in just now ;)18:00
SergioMenesesthanks stgraber18:00
balloonsslangasek, try clicking the live button again to resync it18:00
slangasekjcastro: it feels like I'm seeing a peek into the future on IRC, the video is so lagged :-)18:00
* jerdog claps for stgraber 18:00
jcastrosessions start in 15 minutes, smoke if you got em!18:00
balloonsmine is pretty live18:00
noodles775Thanks stgraber ! *claps*18:00
highvoltageyes that was probably the best Edubuntu plenary yet18:00
balloons^^ ++18:00
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pixelpapstbig kudos for edubuntu, lotsa fun stuff happening :)18:01
bdmurrayw/in 3218:08
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llstarksanyone still here from the xda plenary?19:42
zack_first time here19:43
llstarksali1234, i took care of chad goodman. you saw the gpl violations list, right?19:44
ali1234llstarks: i read a few mails from it19:45
ali1234not the whole thing by a long way19:45
llstarksit's a good read19:45
jcastrollstarks: I think you just missed him19:45
ali1234but i get this kind of feeling like... well, ok you can ban violators from xda, that's fine19:45
ali1234but the culture of users is such that they don't really care if source is available or not19:45
llstarksali1234, software freedom conservancy and busybox are going after him and the rest of anthrax19:46
bullgard4A "hangout" is not a shack but rather a Google+ multi video chat?19:54
weddleit would be great to see teams form around communities of interest19:55
weddleand not just geographies19:55
weddlewrong window19:57
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zack_Sound is coming and going. Very hard to follow along22:42
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=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away

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