
thafreakderp...wrong window03:04
thafreakSo...ubunteros...been thinking of giving kde another go...03:27
Cheri703kde is too shiny for me03:27
thafreakwhat's a good distro to try, with preference for anything debian based03:27
Cheri703I am liking xubuntu :)03:27
thafreakyeah yeah...i usually can't get past the live image...03:28
Cheri703what do you mean?03:28
thafreakoh, i boot the live image, and click around and go...nope not going to install03:28
Cheri703ah, xubuntu is SUPER customizable03:28
Cheri703and 12.10 has xfce 4.10 (though I'm running 4.12)03:28
thafreakyeah, but I use xubuntu and lubuntu alot...I've not really given kde a chance since...like 2.x03:29
Cheri703ah, fair enough03:30
Cheri703I tried kubuntu a few rounds ago, and after VARIOUS attempts to fix it, I could still not get it to allow me to download ANY packages. the update manager, software center, etc would all fail or freeze or just be utterly ridiculous03:31
Cheri703so I gave up03:31
thafreaki usually have similar issues with all the gui software manager things03:32
thafreakso I only use apt-get/aptitude anymore03:32
Cheri703iirc I couldn't even use that properly03:38
Cheri703it was just super weird and re-downloading iso and whatever else I tried...nothing worked03:39
Cheri703so I said screw kubuntu and went back to vanilla03:39
skellatAnybody coming to virtual UDS tomorrow morning?03:52
Unit193Pretty sure everything is basically decided, I'll find out what later in the day without wasteing time.03:53
skellatUnit193: Did you see what I pinged knome with over in #xubuntu-devel?  A new blueprint appeared out of nothingness where it seems somebody finally realized the RR proposal wasn't fully thought out.03:54
Unit193Yep, but I've yet to check it out (will now)03:55
skellatThe threat by the Kubuntu folks to pull out and go KDE + Wheezy in light of the announcement of Mir probably pushed this into being scheduled04:01
Unit193Oh?  I didn't see that, and hopefully they wouldn't go with Wheezy.04:01
skellatSee: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2013-March/036779.html04:03
* skellat wanders off yet again04:40
=== Cheri703_ is now known as Cheri703
* thafreak decided to try kubuntu and also install kubuntu-backports ppa...17:08
thafreakmmm...bleeding edge kde....17:09
Unit193canthus13: Hey, so if you wouldn't mind, last I knew DOCSIS 3.0 had a requirement on IPv6, but http://mydeviceinfo.comcast.net/mydev.php has some that aren't checked with it, am I wrong?  (TWC user here, that's a nicer table)20:42
canthus13IPv6 isn't required.20:50
canthus13It's optional.20:51
canthus13those gateways support IPv6, though, despite what the thing says.20:52
Unit193(We've got a DPC2203 MTA)20:53
canthus13the Arris 862 supports IPv6.20:53

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