
=== valorie_ is now known as valorie
=== valorie_ is now known as valorie
bkerensavalorie: do you know how GSoC money is handled?17:09
bkerensaUbuntu is going to apply this year17:10
bkerensabut we need to sort out who gets money 17:10
bkerensaand who signs contract17:10
bkerensasince Canonical is not Ubuntu17:10
valorieit's up to the org how they handle the money23:09
valoriesome allow it to go directly from Google to mentors23:09
valoriethat is the only money we're talking about afaik23:10
valoriein the case of KDE, the money goes to the e.V. (foundation)23:10
valorieand then KDE sends mentors to the mentor summit with that money23:10
valorieso if there isn't a community foundation of some sort, Canonical may be willing to handle it instead23:11
valorieoften mentors *can't* be paid directly because of tax laws23:11
valorieI suggest talking to someone such as Lydia "Nightrose" or someone from the GNOME foundation for more specific info23:12
valoriethe Google folks in #gsoc are excellent as well23:13

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