
shadeslayerhi, I'm trying to switch cards using vga_switcheroo and this script : http://paste.ubuntu.com/5587116/05:36
shadeslayerbut as soon as I tell it to switch to the IGD, and I restart X, the screen gets blanked05:37
shadeslayers/blanked/turned off/05:37
shadeslayerdmesg : http://paste.ubuntu.com/5587114/ and Xorg.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/5587115/ 05:37
shadeslayerany ideas?\05:37
shadeslayerswitching from intel to radeon seems to work05:38
mlankhorstshadeslayer: macbook?06:40
shadeslayerI finally have efi + radeon working, just don't know why switching doesn't work06:41
shadeslayermlankhorst: is the script fine? that's my first concern06:44
mlankhorsthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MvQyHYKq8Q there :)06:45
mlankhorstoops wrong channel :PP06:45
mlankhorstshadeslayer: let me check06:46
shadeslayermlankhorst: okay06:46
mlankhorstscript looks fine06:46
mlankhorstshadeslayer: you could try recent kernel + http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~mlankhorst/linux/commit/?id=ae7b687c2a57ec50a9d3dde7b0a80a262fdc8c8906:47
shadeslayerI'll give it a try, but I'm stepping out for an hour, so will get back to you on this06:48
shadeslayermlankhorst: works for me, except my dmesg is full of backtraces12:12
mlankhorstno surprises there12:13
shadeslayeroh, why so?12:16
mlankhorstwas getting the same, it's probably harmless12:19
shadeslayerI see12:20
shadeslayerwell, there's just one small issue left then, something about efivars which I don't remember12:21
shadeslayerprobably because I didn't compile the kernel properly12:21
shadeslayermlankhorst: so any chances this will land in the ubuntu kernel at some point this cycle?12:25
mlankhorstdno, not a kernel dev and it's a ugly hack, i got it from sforshee12:25
shadeslayerah :)12:26
=== jono is now known as Guest21624
tjaaltonwth, built xserver 1.14 with old video abi + whot's input fix branch, but lightdm refuses to start it. runs fine standalone14:05
mlankhorstanything suspicious?14:05
tjaaltonnot really14:06
mlankhorstnothing in xorg log?14:06
* mlankhorst has had fun today fixing a vblank regression14:06
tjaaltonxorg log looks normal14:08
tjaaltonthe greeter isn't running, that would explain it14:09
tjaaltonactually, the xorg log is refreshed/created only when I _stop_ lightdm14:10
tjaaltonoh well, I don't need it14:10
tjaaltonfor testing this stuff14:11
tjaaltonyeah, touch bug fixed14:13
tjaaltonor not :/14:13
mlankhorst /o\14:14
ogra_stop teasing !14:16
tjaaltonwell, it took quite a bit of beating to actually get stuck, and it could be different this time14:17
tjaaltonogra_: should an external mouse still work perfectly?14:17
tjaaltonwhen touch is hung14:17
tjaaltonI kinda forgot14:17
tjaaltonanyway, this time it doesn't14:18
ogra_even onboard works if you use the floating button14:18
tjaaltonbut, if it's (just) a hung client this time, it should be recoverable14:18
tjaalton*** Error in `X': corrupted double-linked list: 0x43bed1a8 ***14:19
ogra_you should be ablet to still workj in apps and so on, usually just the taps arent recognized by compiz bits14:19
tjaaltondrawing the desktop background is somehow broken with 1.14, dunno why14:21
tjaaltonwindows leave a trace there14:21
tjaaltonlet's see if it's just the client (unity) that gets hung..14:21
tjaaltonI also get errors from grail about "touch N failed to be rejected"14:26
tjaaltongnome-terminal crashes the server/driver14:28
tjaaltonhum, actually starting it shuts the xserver down cleanly, wth14:30
tjaaltonoh well, don't need that either14:30
tjaaltonsame thing with xterm14:31
tjaaltonk, works better as the user :)14:40
tjaaltonlightdm started to work after a vt change, but it's still easy to crash the server14:40

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