
henkjmorning Squirm 05:29
Kilos-morning superfly and others05:33
* Squirm goes back to sleep05:40
superflymorning Kilos-, Squirm, henkj06:05
henkjhey superfly 06:05
nuvolario/ lo oom Kilos-, superfly, Squirm, henkj 06:05
superflyoh no, it's nuvolari!06:05
Kilos-hi henkj nuvolari06:06
Kilos-wake up Squirm its a lovely day06:06
Kilos-hi Tonberry06:21
* Squirm[Web] looks around06:26
Squirm[Web]so I somehow broke my lts server. it was all working nicely, now it's booting as a fat client :/06:26
Squirm[Web]so it was fine, then I dunno what I did06:35
Squirm[Web]adding that fixed it06:35
Squirm[Web]lts server is coming along :)06:52
inetprogood morning Squirm[Web], henkj, superfly, nuvolari and everyone else07:37
inetproMaaz: tell Kilos good morning sir07:37
Maazinetpro: Okay, I'll tell Kilos on freenode07:37
henkjmorning inetpro 07:38
superflyhi inetpro07:58
Squirmhi inetpro 08:15
magespawngood day08:19
inetprogood morning and wb magespawn08:20
magespawnhey inetpro08:21
magespawnyou doing Kilos duty?08:21
nuvolario/ howdy magespawn 08:22
nuvolarihi inetpro 08:22
magespawnhey nuvolari08:22
inetproI guess somebody has to do it08:25
* inetpro wonders where he is today08:25
magespawnhe was here this morning08:30
magespawnprobable reinstalling again08:31
magespawnsomething did not work or stopped working08:31
tonberry352_what is it with the constant reinstalling?08:31
magespawnhe likes it when things work08:32
magespawnhis logic is it used to work so something in an upgrade killed08:33
tonberry352_i see08:33
magespawnand he does some fairly insane things with his hardware08:34
magespawnwe think he should  be a tester for ubuntu08:36
tonberry352_define insane08:37
magespawnunplugging a  internal hard drive in between finish of install and reboot08:38
tonberry352_should be fine if its sata08:38
tonberry352_but why?08:39
magespawnhe said that was the only way it would workd08:42
magespawni never found ou if the power was still on that drive08:43
magespawntyping gremlins08:43
ThatGraemeGuymorning all09:17
superflymorning ThatGraemeGuy, magespawn09:29
magespawnhey supefly ThatGraemeGuy10:12
magespawnsuperfly: 10:12
theblazehenhi guys10:34
theblazehenseems webchat.freenode.com is blocked but not irc.freneode.com lol10:35
Kilos-many hours no power today11:35
* Kilos- greets you all11:36
Kilos-w00t inetpro konversation bloep11:44
Vince-0G'day Kilos- nie genoeg kraag nie?11:49
Kilos-nee pts krag speel weer11:49
Vince-0my Telkom line is completely out as of yesterday. Second time in a month11:50
Kilos-soon they will stop replacing it like they didi here and ofter peeps their broadband phones11:52
Kilos-oh you not onna a11:53
Kilos-plot or farm hey11:53
Kilos-ty for the follow up tumbleweed12:06
Kilos-will point neil to it12:06
inetproKilos-: bloep?12:09
Kilos-how come you acting doff? we spent hours trying to make xchat bloep on kde then quassel12:10
Kilos-now i know how here but will still try with quassel12:11
Kilos-i just put bell.ogg in /usr/share/sounds12:12
Kilos-then configured konversation to use it not the feeble plllling12:13
tumbleweedKilos-: np. maiatoday says she may turn that into a blog post, too12:16
Kilos-hiya maiatoday12:17
magespawnhey Kilos12:38
magespawnsome more info on the Free State Website http://www.itweb.co.za/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=62225:Backlash-over-Free-State-Web-site&catid=11812:38
Kilos-hi magespawn12:44
magespawnwe were wondering if you did more installs?12:44
magespawnwhoops wrong program12:44
Kilos-will try get unity working some time again13:00
ThatGraemeGuyhi Kilos- :)13:06
Kilos-hi ThatGraemeGuy13:06
SquirmIs there a way, with something like diff, to only display the modified lines?13:18
Squirmor at least split the modified lines from the new lines, so I can see which are new and which have changed13:18
Squirmdiff or grep will tell me what all the differences are. but I want to know what's new and what has just been modified13:18
ThatGraemeGuymaybe diff's output to diffstat?13:22
ThatGraemeGuys/maybe/maybe pipe/13:22
ThatGraemeGuyi don't think diff understands "modified", it just knows about "removed" and "added" as far as lines go13:22
Squirmit knows what's been modified13:52
Squirmbut it ouputs it exactly the same as added lines13:52
inetproKilos-: you look funny with your tail14:08
inetproand even sound funny14:08
inetproSquirm: diff -u oldFile newFile14:09
inetproSquirm: if you use kde you can also use kompare14:10
inetproa very nice gui to show you the differences14:11
maiatodayhi Kilos14:11
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
Kiloshaha i just got the morning message from maaz14:15
Kiloshe is also getting old14:15
Kilosor was it a skelm trick ??14:16
magespawnmight be going for a job interview soon14:17
Kilosdoing what magespawn?14:18
Kilosian is at one now14:18
Kiloshope he gets it, 4 times his current salary14:18
magespawnSafari Manager at a local hotel14:19
Kilosah that sounds nice14:19
Kilosyou sure they dont want a free IT guy14:19
magespawnSafari's Manager14:19
magespawnmaybe, funny thing is I do it work for them now anyway14:20
Kilossame hotel where you fix pc's hey?14:20
Kilosjust tell them IT work is over and above14:20
Kilosand get it in writing14:20
Kilosthe message was from the ai! guy14:21
Kilosguess who14:21
magespawnlol no need14:22
Kiloslearned a new apt-get command today14:22
Kilosapt-get --purge remove package14:23
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Kilosalways tried it as apt-get purge package14:23
Kiloshi Trixar_za14:24
Trixar_zaHey Kilos14:24
Kiloswhat is happening with the sakis3g site Trixar_za?14:26
Kilosthey been down forever14:26
Trixar_zaNo clue, but I'm pretty sure it's disappeared into the ether like it's forums14:26
Trixar_zaLike it's author too14:26
Trixar_zaHe disappeared 3 years ago too14:27
Kilosso open your own site14:27
Kiloslotsa sites refer to sakis3g when nm dont see modem 14:28
Kilosoh my . i wonder if he is still alive14:28
Kilosand make your site the same so its installable from there14:29
Kilosthe wget way14:29
Squirminetpro: diff -u is close14:29
Squirmand it has to be cli14:29
* Trixar_za is lazy :P14:30
Kiloslol i battled to install it coupla days ago14:33
Kilosended up extracting on desktop and right clicking a choosing run in terminal14:33
Kilosbut only gave that option on kde not unity14:35
Kiloshaai Banlam bakuman julle baie still ne14:36
Trixar_zaIt needs several updates and the one terminal interface is broken14:37
SymmetriaYay! Demo arbor unit getting plugged in tonight <314:37
Kilosand some mods so you dont have to APN_PASS etc14:37
Kilosoh thats for peeps that use username and password on modem hey14:40
Trixar_zaActually you don't. Also just setting APN= in /etc/sakis3g.conf removes the asking14:41
Trixar_zaIt just asks to make sure the one in the internal conf is still correct14:42
Trixar_zaIf you force it, it doesn't ask14:42
Kilosoh lekker ty ill do that for next time i need it14:42
Kilosyou should have  a file with your tips and tricks for doff peeps like me14:46
=== henkj_ is now known as henkj
Kiloswb henkj15:21
henkjty Kilos 15:21
inetproBTW, if you have the available bandwidth you should watch the vUDS in session at http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21677/community-1303-roundtable/15:21
tumbleweedor any other sessions you are interested in15:22
* tumbleweed finds community sessions can be rather un-productive15:22
inetprotumbleweed: which on eare you watching?15:22
inetproor rather taking part in?15:22
Kilostumbleweed: maiatoday well done to your group at the jam15:23
tumbleweedinetpro: foundations-1, right now15:23
tumbleweedbut my ADSL sucks atm15:23
* inetpro is about to go home and unfortunately won't be able to listen in15:24
Kilosblame Symmetria too much slacking15:24
Kilosgo safe inetpro15:24
inetproour bandwidth is still way to restrictive 15:25
Symmetriaheh I gave up trying to fix .za bandwidth ;p now Im trying to fix african bandwidth instead15:26
inetprodankie Kilos15:28
Symmetriaheh gonna start playing with a device called and arbor peakflow in the next few hours15:28
Symmetriaits the most awesome piece of kit from everything Ive seen15:28
Symmetrianetflow analyzer on steroids15:28
Kiloshmm sound still dont work in xchat15:43
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
theblazehenhi all16:20
theblazehenhi Kilos 16:22
Kilos-ohi theblazehen16:23
theblazehenwhats up? didn't see you earlier- 3g problems?16:23
Kilos-time you start using kubuntu16:23
Kilos-guess who needs help16:24
theblazehenKilos, on my hardware? 16:24
theblazehenKilos, whats your problem this time?16:24
Kilos-what hardware?16:24
theblazehennon-working gpu, 2gb ram, 1.6 GHz dual core with hyperthreading. Makes it act like 800 Mhz quad-core16:24
Kilos-everything works in kde now except i prefer xchat to konversation and quassel 16:25
theblazehenKilos, Good :)16:25
theblazehenliking KDE?16:25
Kilos-in unity i can show hidden files in home but dunno how to do that on kde16:25
Kilos-yeah its lekker16:25
theblazehenapt-get install thunar.16:26
Kilos-bit slower than unity but faster with installs16:26
theblazehengives you the xfce file man. More features than nautilus16:26
theblazehenKilos, good to know. might try a live cd on school pc's16:26
Kilos-i have a single core 3g cpu and 2g ram here16:27
theblazehenLekker :)16:27
Kilos-no hyperthreading16:27
theblazehenstill good16:27
Kilos-yours is faster so kde should be fine by you16:27
theblazehenbet you also have onboard graphics?16:28
Kilos-dual cores are faster hey?16:28
Kilos-nope got a nvidia fx something16:28
Kilos-old one16:28
theblazehen1 2Ghz dual core = 1 4Ghz single core16:28
SquirmKilos: I have xubuntu on my netbook, it runs quite well16:28
Kilos-needs nvidia-173 drivers installed16:28
theblazehenKilos, all my rendering is done in software.16:29
Squirmwhich is a 1.6GHz Intel Atom and 2Gb RAM16:29
Squirm16mb of dedicated graphics(not sure about it though)16:29
theblazehenSquirm, which model atom?16:29
Kilos-so getting a dualcore cpu here is a waste16:29
theblazehenSquirm, nvm.16:29
Squirmtheblazehen: N45016:29
theblazehenSquirm, was wondering which drivers you used16:30
theblazehenSquirm, Mine is N260016:30
SquirmI think my netbook is turning 3 in a few months16:30
theblazehenSquirm, Lasts long :) acer aspire one by any chance?16:31
Squirmthe one and the same16:31
theblazehenAwesome :)16:31
Squirmin Red16:31
Squirmwell, maroony red16:32
theblazehenMine is black. The red doesen't look too bad either(saw someone using one)16:32
SquirmI've even accidentally pulled it off my desk16:32
Squirmwhile running16:32
theblazehenplugged in?16:32
Squirmand it's lasted another 2 years with no issues16:32
Squirmsame hdd16:33
superflyI have a Toshiba nb50516:33
theblazehenmy brother dropped it off his bed while playing a game16:33
superflyawesome piece of hardware16:33
Squirmand netbooks are damn easy to open compared to a laptop16:33
theblazehenSquirm, really? my old acer laptop was a lot easier 16:34
SquirmI find laptop manufacturers put screws in funny places16:34
Squirmyou can't do that with a netbook16:34
Squirmminimal screws anyway16:34
Kilos-hi superfly how do i get to see hidden files in /home16:35
SquirmKilos: I know in Gnome it's ctrl+h16:35
Kilos-i installed thunar but home still opens same way16:35
superflyKilos-: Ctrl+.16:35
theblazehenKilos, in the tools menu16:35
superfly(in Dolphin)16:35
Kilos-ty superfly16:35
Squirmthought it may be different in KDE16:35
Squirmls -a always works :)16:36
superflylemme just double-check that, I don't normally use Dolphin16:36
SquirmI'll bbl. going to go have a few games of squash16:36
Squirmthen maybe a swim16:36
Kilos-na it made it bigger16:36
superflyKilos-: it's Alt+.16:36
Kilos-ty sir16:36
Kilos-nope dont work16:37
Kilos-what do you use in place of dolphin16:37
theblazehenI use nautilus atm16:38
Kilos-sorry didint see the .16:38
theblazehenunity file manager16:38
superflyKilos-: did it work now?16:44
superflyKilos-: I use Krusader16:44
Kilos-yes ty superfly16:44
Kilos-alt+. works fine16:45
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
Kilosstupid xchat alerts , must need gnome stuff installed16:48
Kiloswill stay on konversation16:48
Kilosty theblazehen thunar is much like nautilus methinks. easy to conf17:19
Kilosand i dont have to remember alt+. too17:20
theblazehenYea:) shouldn't it keep the setting though?17:20
theblazehenthunar does17:20
Kilosno had to do it again17:21
theblazehenthat really sucks.17:21
Kilosthe one on unity doesnt remember either17:24
Kiloson 10.10 it did17:24
Kilosbut with the option edit show hidden its not too bad17:24
theblazehenI heard that ubuntu is removing features and that mint forked it and put the features back17:25
Kilosor view17:25
Kilosi forget now17:25
Kilosmaybe i must use my night surfer data to get the new kubuntu17:26
Kilosif i can stay awake17:26
theblazehenEish.. Forgot you using 3G. that stuff is expensive17:26
theblazehensleep $seconds && wget $kubuntu_url17:27
Kiloseek lotsa seconds till 11pm17:28
theblazehenlol put in a big number then17:29
nlsthznso how about that mir then?18:18
Kiloshi grantw18:18
Kilosohi nlsthzn18:19
Kilosyou see in mail there is a report for you18:19
nlsthznNot seen ... I suspect gmail is spamminating mail again :/18:20
superflyohi grantw, great to see you back in IRC after the Global Jam18:21
nlsthznah, I see about the global jam uncle Kilos ... k got it18:21
Kilosah good18:21
Kilosthey worked hard that group18:24
inetproKilos: how hard?18:25
Kiloshard enough to double up my headache18:25
nlsthznwell everyone is going to have to work much harder as it seems Ubuntu is doing everything anew now :)18:26
Kiloswill be easier if they just do lts releases methinks18:27
Kilosi like their new idea18:27
Kilosthe 6 monthly bit is heavy and lotsa work18:27
nlsthznhave you heard of mir uncle Kilos ?18:28
Kilosnope nlsthzn what is it18:28
nlsthznCanonical is working on their own display server to replace X ...18:29
nlsthznditched wayland18:29
Kilosx has been driving me mad here18:30
Tonberry_x drives everyone mad18:32
Kilosif i do apt-get dist-upgrade i cant boot to gui anymore18:32
nlsthznWell, all the geeks are at each others throats on IRC and the new place to flame G+ ... I guess it was time for the next holy war, it has been ages since unity...18:33
Kilosthen aptitude removes some packages with quantel in the package name but still no gui boot18:33
Kiloswhere on irc nlsthzn18:34
nlsthznnope, there was  a big debate on the wayland channel... basically canonical said wayland can't do XYZ and the devs there is a bit miffed at this and have basically pointed out they can do that and more... just reading the news headlines myself... I am sure by next week nobody will know or care (so much)18:36
Kilosas long as ubuntu keeps working im happy18:36
Kilosgeeks seem to be highly strung peeps with short tempers18:37
Kilosexcept for the fly18:37
Kiloshe has the patience of jobe18:37
Kiloswb Squirm18:38
grantwHi superfly18:39
grantwhi Kilos18:39
superflyKilos: I think you're thinking of the wrong person, I'm most impatient18:39
Kilosnope superfly you have helped me when i woulda said go back to school18:40
Kilosand that guy that needed help and kept threatening to go back to ms you were such a gentleman18:40
Kilosi woulda vloeked him18:41
Squirmsays the man who allows no bad language ;)18:41
grantwi remember when i was starting out with Linux, i had to pay people for help :'(18:41
Kiloslol i woulda vloeked him in nice language18:41
KilosMaaz: diplomat18:42
MaazA diplomat is a person who can tell others to go to hell in such a nice way that they look forward to the trip18:42
Squirmgrantw: I figured a lot out myself, with the basic workings of linux(gui etc.), then I found this place18:42
Squirmand the Surrey LUG(UK)18:42
Kilosaw grantwthat sucks18:43
grantwyes, this is the best place, but back 10 yrs ago, I had little access to Internet18:43
Kilosi tried #ubuntu and couldnt keep up then used the lists for help and the fly told me how to install xchat and come here18:43
* nlsthzn is the guy that went back to windows... well on the desktop at least... lappy still happy with the buntu18:43
Kilosno nlsthznthere was an aggressive twit came here once18:44
Kilosarrogant little dropping18:44
Squirmnlsthzn: I also switched back18:44
Kilosgave the fly many ugly words18:44
Squirmmaybe twice18:44
grantwI've been using Linux on off for years, but recently switched a year ago to using it as my main desktop18:44
superflynlsthzn: I've been enjoying Steam on Linux :-)18:45
grantwafter seeing what the future of computing will be like, i.e. Apple and Windows 8, i think Linux is the only hope18:45
Squirmgrantw: I think I may have switched over maybe 4 years ago now18:46
Squirmmaybe 318:46
nlsthznsuperfly, it is awesome it came out ... I have purchased several games specifically to support... but it just makes me want to break things when Unity and my graphics driver and games decide to go all ape and leave me having to restart... but oh well... all things will become better in time I guess18:47
inetproKilos: konversation is still better than xchat18:47
inetproyou're just used to xchat18:47
* Kilos has doubts about that18:47
Squirminetpro: that can't be true though. KDE is terrible in general18:48
Kilosbut it can bloep now so im happy18:48
* Squirm hides18:48
inetprokonversation is actually the best irc client I ever used, in many ways18:48
Kiloskde rocks Squirm18:48
inetproquassel just trumps it in one way only, client <-> server mode18:48
SquirmI may look at quassel18:48
SquirmI have AndroIRC on my cell, it's quite nice18:49
Kilosif it was a bit more resource hungry i wouldnt even look at unity18:49
Squirmfound I don't really use it though18:49
Kilosquassel is ok but got feeble sounds i cant hear from the kitchen18:49
* nlsthzn is thinking of trying 12.3 when it drops (openSUSE) ... there KDE implementation looks amazing... new theme and branding etc... very slick18:49
inetpronlsthzn: 12.3 ?18:50
nlsthzninetpro, ... releasing in 7 days18:51
inetpronlsthzn: why 12.3 ?18:51
inetproit's 201318:51
Squirmor you could just use Mint MATE18:51
Squirmlinux has so many distros and gui that the arguments could go on forever18:52
nlsthzninetpro, openSUSE has there own numbering convention... AFAIK there is something like 3 releases in a cycle of 24 months... this is the third and last...18:52
nlsthznthey are on a 8 month release cycle18:53
inetproSquirm: talking about diff, here's some more magic from climagic18:57
inetprodiff <(grep = config.txt) <(grep = config.txt-new)18:57
Squirmthat looks like... and interesting command18:58
nlsthzngood night all... yet another day shift for me coming up \o/18:58
Squirmcheers nlsthzn 18:58
Squirmlemme just log into my work machie and try it quick18:58
Kilosnight nlsthzn18:59
Kilossleep tight18:59
inetproSquirm: it just looks very confusing but isn't really19:00
Squirmand doesn't work19:00
inetprohmm... 19:00
Squirm$ diff <(grep = support.csv.old) <(grep = support.csv)19:00
Squirmreturns no output19:00
Squirmand there is a difference19:01
inetproSquirm: works for me19:02
Squirmlet me create files locally19:02
inetproSquirm: do you have equal signs in the file?19:02
SquirmI doubt it, but it's a excel spreadsheet exported to csv.19:03
inetprothe point is that you want to compare just the assignment lines of two config files that use = for value assignment19:03
inetprolekker confusing :-)19:04
Kilosnight all of you. sleep tight19:04
SquirmI have 2 tezt files19:04
Squirmnight Kilos 19:04
inetproKilos: waar gaan jy nou?19:05
Squirmthey both contain 1-6 on seperate lines19:05
inetprolekker slaap oom19:05
Squirmdiff outputs nothing19:05
Kilosrus was n lang dag sonder krag tot na 1 uur19:05
inetproSquirm: take it a step at a time19:05
inetprodoes 'grep = support.csv.old' report anything?19:05
Kilosif i cant sleep i might try install unity again on other drive19:06
inetproSquirm: exactly19:06
Squirminetpro: ok?19:06
inetproSquirm: does 'grep = config.txt-new' output anything?19:06
inetproso what are you even comparing?19:07
SquirmI have two csv files19:08
inetproyou want to compare just the lines containing the '=' character19:08
Squirmwhen one csv file gets updated, I want it to display the differences between the two19:08
inetprowell you can grep for anything else for that matter19:08
Squirmthis is easy and done with diff19:08
Squirmwhat I now want to do19:08
Squirmis work out whether a new line has been added to the document, or an exisitng line has been changed19:09
inetproSquirm: well with diff -u you can see either a - or a + 19:10
Squirma changed line has a - and a +19:10
inetproif a line was changed you will see a - and a +19:10
inetproif a line was added you will just see a +19:10
Squirmso maybe I'll have to check if it's just a +, or if it has a - pair19:10
inetproif a line was just removed you will just see a -19:11
magespawnevening all19:11
inetprogood morning magespawn19:11
magespawnjust reading the conversation19:12
inetproSquirm: you can specify number of lines of context with -U19:12
inetproman diff19:12
magespawnSquirm: do you have a droid phone?19:13
Squirmmagespawn: yep19:13
magespawnthere is also quasseldroid19:14
Squirm[20:48:58] .:Squirm:. I may look at quassel19:14
Squirmthat's what I was getting at with that19:14
inetproSquirm: diff -U0 support.csv.old support.csv   ### display just the differences with no context19:15
Squirminetpro: an addition is still a difference 19:15
SquirmI want to know what is an addition and what is a modification19:16
Squirmwith the content19:16
Squirmso I may have to programatically make it work, make it figure out the + and -19:16
magespawnahh just saw the AndroIrc comment 19:16
Squirmmagespawn: yeah, I never quite finished my thought with that one19:17
Symmetrialol man this tv show has everything needed to make a successful show, sadly19:19
Symmetriagratitious violence = check19:19
Symmetriasoft porn = check19:19
Symmetriavague story line = check 19:19
Squirmand what tv show might this be?19:19
Squirmlooks interesting Symmetria 19:21
Squirmwill see the first 3 ep's19:23
Squirmomg, I forgot I downloaded the new Californication last night19:23
magespawnhttp://www.humblebundle.com/ new one out19:23
Squirmwhat is it?19:24
Symmetriawtf is with mweb's crappy bandwidth tonight19:24
Symmetriacant get more than like, 120k/second international 19:25
* Symmetria reroutes19:25
SquirmDRM-free games19:25
Symmetriaset routing-options static route next-hop; delete routing-options static route next-hop; commit 19:26
Symmetriaignore that19:26
Symmetrialol stupid puppy wants to play, she keeps bringing her chew toys and dropping them on my feet then barking at me19:28
Symmetriaso I ignore her so she goes and gets the next toy19:28
Squirm10 for effor19:37
Squirm10 for ingenuity19:38
Symmetrialol this banshee show is amusing, the violence is so over the top 20:09
Squirmepic episode of californication20:12
magespawngood night all21:02

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