
ntzrmtthihu777Jordan_U: it seems it did not work because the bin and cue did not have the same name, but i have 2 bin and I can't have both be the same name, right?00:00
Untitled1I guess I'll come back when Ubuntu has actual UEFI support then.00:00
RokkrossPlastikSpork: Certain filesystems do allow for full restore images.00:00
RokkrossI think ZFS does.00:00
Untitled1nilfs2 allows for arbitrary checkpoints.00:00
Untitled1I <3 nilfs200:00
icerootUntitled1: http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Booting-Linux-using-UEFI-can-brick-Samsung-laptops-1793958.html00:01
RokkrossI honestly don't know that much about filesystems. I'll learn eventually.00:01
icerootUntitled1: ubuntu jas uefi support00:01
OerHeksUbuntu comes with a data backup solution, so you can backup your system too.00:01
Untitled1iceroot: Great! Assuming I'm OK with the weird hardware bricking risk, how do I boot the Ubuntu installer on an UEFI-only box?00:01
icerootUntitled1: ask your maufactor how to boot from usb00:02
mJaykUntitled1 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFIBooting00:02
nikitisI suggest returning it to manufacturer00:02
mJaykUntitled1: everything you need should be there00:02
Untitled1mJayk: If you scroll back, you see that I read that link. That link requires you to create a MBR boot stick to install for UEFI.00:02
Untitled1That only works if your laptop can boot from MBR.00:02
Untitled1I need to be all-UEFI, all the time.00:02
Untitled1So, there exists no UEFI-only install media for Ubuntu?00:03
nikitisuse windows then00:03
PlastikSporkRokkross:  whats your suggestion to get this laptop up and running again?00:03
mJaykUntitled1: sadly I wont because I wasnt in the channel then :)00:03
Untitled1nikitis: All helpful today I see.00:03
icerootUntitled1: sure, the normal ubuntu iso00:03
RokkrossPlastikSpork: Did you type in the command I told you to?00:03
icerootUntitled1: its not ubuntu fault if your hardware can not boot from usb00:03
nikitisManufacturers aren't going to get the hint unless people start returning their hardware00:03
Untitled1iceroot: Where are the UEFI boot files for that iso? Can I put those on my UEFI boot partition?00:03
Untitled1iceroot: My hardware can boot from USB just fine. If it has UEFI system partitions.00:04
mJaykUntitled1:  it doesnt work like that00:04
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI00:04
PlastikSporkI didn't see what you typed..00:04
Rokkrosscat /var/log/dpkg.log | grep "\ install\ "00:04
Untitled1I understand.00:04
RokkrossThat should show your most recently installed packages. Find one related to your video driver00:04
Rokkrossit should say "ati" somewhere00:04
ntzrmtthihu777Jordan_U: seems to be working00:04
PlastikSporkgotcha hold on00:05
nikitisSo does anyone know if mounting usb hdd's can still be mounted anywhere besides /media?00:05
RokkrossIf the output is too long and you don't see any package related to it, try typing the same thing but like this: cat /var/log/dpkg.log | grep "\ install\ " | less00:05
maki_hi, how can I pass options to the time command?00:05
maki_when i try time -v it tries to run "-v"00:05
Untitled1When I trick the bios into trying to boot from a regular syslinux (for example) prepared USB stick, it looks at the stick, then decides there's no UEFI firmware on that stick, and moves on to the firmware on the built-in disk.00:05
celsopeople, curently i am using vgaswitcheroo to shutdown my ati hd5470 card to use the intel hd3000 but for a unknown reason, when i setup the stuff in rc.local file, it disables my sound card. it simply doesn't detect it. I think its because of the "sleep 6" comand that i had there. i can remove it but i will make my system freeze on boot.  but if i remove it, it detects my sound card. What to do?00:05
Untitled1If I can put UEFI firmware for Ubuntu onto a UEFI partition on a USB stick, then I can boot Ubuntu from that USB stick. <-- this is my assertion00:06
icerootUntitled1: the link says that only the amd64  version supports uefi00:06
Untitled1Yes, and that's the version I'm using.00:06
Untitled1I can read. I've followed the page.00:06
Untitled1The page requires using a MBR-capable BIOS to boot the installer.00:06
PlastikSporkRokkross how do you display that page by page... a whole bunch just flew by the screen00:06
Untitled1After which you can install on UEFI media.00:06
RokkrossI just said00:06
Rokkrosscat /var/log/dpkg.log | grep "\ install\ " | less00:07
Rokkrossnotice the change at the end00:07
FuZi0NUntitled1: i just re-logged in but it still says permission denied00:07
maki_hi, when i try "time -v program" it tries to run "-v", how can I pass an option to time?00:07
Untitled1Did you set the permissions of the file and directory to 664/775?00:07
Untitled1By default, group is not given write permission.00:07
nikitisSo no one knows about USB HDD's?00:07
FuZi0Ni cant even access the directory00:08
ntzrmtthihu777nikitis: what are you trying to do00:08
Untitled1FuZi0N: Is the group able to read every directly from root to that location?00:08
Untitled1Once you're there, is the group set for the directory?00:08
nikitisntzrmtthihu777: i'm trying to have fstab mount a usb hdd on boot to /home/user/Backup dir.  But it's not happening.  If I manually mount it afterwards, it's fine.00:08
Untitled1And is the permission on the directory 775? (rwxrwxr-x)00:08
anewhttpd command not found on ubuntu 10.0... what do i do ?00:08
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Untitled1nikitis: You probably are suffering from a late-appearing mount.00:09
ntzrmtthihu777nikitis: pastebin your fstab and lemme have a look at it00:09
Untitled1Use an udev rule to trigger the mount command. Or switch to systemd ;-)00:09
icerootanew: sounds like you want to start apache200:09
anewstart apache2 ?00:10
icerootanew: what is your real question?00:10
FuZi0NUntitled1 how do i set the group for a specific directory?00:10
anewthat is my question... how do i use httpd if it says command not found00:10
icerootanew: what you want to do with httpd (httpd is apache 2 the http webserver)00:10
nikitisntzrmtthihu777: http://pastebin.com/iLYBGYQk00:11
anewi need to use httpd -X00:11
mJaykDoes anyone here run Gnome with ubuntu00:11
mJaykive been force to fedora and started to fall in love iwht gnome00:11
icerootanew: for what reason? again, what is the real question? what you want zo do?00:11
ntzrmtthihu777mJayk: I have gnome00:11
anewi have a 500 error and need to figure out why00:11
ntzrmtthihu777nikitis: I meant the whole thing00:11
mJaykntzrmtthihu777: did you install the desktop or did you install the ubuntu gnome remix thing00:11
icerootanew: you have a 500 error on your own webserver?00:12
ntzrmtthihu777mJayk: I am using pinguy os 12.0400:12
icerootanew: less /var/log/apache2/error.log00:12
anewobviously already tried that...00:12
icerootanew: could you please post usefull details?00:12
mJaykntzrmtthihu777:  ah ok00:12
icerootanew: so we dont have to guess everything00:12
mJaykntzrmtthihu777: cheers :)00:12
nikitisntzrmtthihu777: http://pastebin.com/Nzr5pXBd00:13
ntzrmtthihu777mJayk: pinguy os is ubuntu, its just pre-customized (very nicely I might add)00:13
anewmy details are : when i type in httpd i get command not found.  the binary was renamed so how do i figure out what it was renamed to00:13
icerootanew: who renamed the binary?00:13
icerootanew: and the binary is called "apache2"00:13
anewi have no idea !!00:14
icerootanew: that is the default webserver on ubuntu00:14
MoPacSo I'm having trouble getting gDevilspie scripts to automatically move a window to a certain viewport/workspace. Has anyone here succeeded with that?  It's annoying to have a jumble of Devilspie and Compiz settins00:14
ntzrmtthihu777nikitis: you should use default options and pass 000:14
PlastikSporkRokkross how do you search that. dpkg.log00:14
nikitisshoudn't it be 0 2?  cause it should mount after /dev/sda1?00:15
nikitisntzrmtthihu777: so just defaults 0 000:15
ntzrmtthihu777that only matters if its the same physical device, if its a separate device you can do it at the same time00:15
nikitisntzrmtthihu777: ah didn't know that00:16
ntzrmtthihu777nikitis: man fstab will tell you more, if you wanna learn00:16
nikitisntzrmtthihu777: Back, that didn't work  Same result00:19
ntzrmtthihu777man is, imho, one of the most useful commands you can learn.00:19
ntzrmtthihu777nikitis: are you sure you got the right uuid?00:19
nikitisntzrmtthihu777: possitive, checked twice, but I will check a 3rd00:19
nikitisntzrmtthihu777: /dev/sdb1: LABEL="The Bible" UUID="c8280782-d76f-4f3b-bcdf-6dd7cdef3882" TYPE="ext4"00:20
nikitisthat's the one00:20
nikitisfrom blkid00:21
SiegeLordMy X11 crashed... where should I report the bug?00:21
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.00:22
dr_willisof course you need to determine if it was X11 bug.. or a video driver bug..00:22
SiegeLordI have a backtrace... the actual crash is inside libpixman00:22
ntzrmtthihu777nikitis: well it that does not do it there is a gui tool for doing it, storage device manager00:23
dr_willisid search the bug reports for allready reported similer bugs first00:23
nikitisntzrmtthihu777: when mounting after the fact using sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb1/ /home/nikitis/Backup00:23
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nikitisntzrmtthihu777: it works fine. but just can't get it to automount.  I was reading somewhere that possibly udisk2 prevents mounting in /home dir's anymore and it has to be in /media/username.  that had better not be true.00:24
dr_willisnikitis:  not using an encrypted home are you?00:24
ntzrmtthihu777dr_willis: well he did have crypt swap, so maybe00:25
nikitisdr_willis: don't think so, but i'm not entirely sure00:25
dr_willisnikitis:  you could mount it  to /media/whatever and have a link in your users home to it..00:25
nikitisdr_willis: how can i check00:25
dr_willisno idea. I dont use encrypted stuff. ;)00:25
nikitisdr_willis: i don't usually either, but it's possible i forgot to uncheck during install00:25
SiegeLordHmm... now I'm using Mint KDE... should I send it along to Mint or Ubuntu?00:26
dr_willisif you login to rescue/recovery mode and look in your home and see no real files/ :) is how people normally discover it00:26
memandCould someone help me determine which of the cips specified on page 4 of this doc http://www.lenovo.com/shop/emea/content/pdf/notebooks/thinkpad/x-series/X121e_AMD/en/X121e_DS_AMD_EN.pdf is the GPU?00:26
SiegeLordIt's probably the same underlying package00:26
dr_willisSiegeLord: if you are using mint.. send it to the mint guys00:26
dr_willisif you can repeate the same bug on ubuntu.. then send it to the ubuntu guys00:27
fluvvellAnybody here know much about GPT and grub setup?00:27
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fluvvellI've setup a new drive with GPT and copied my system to it. It doesnt really boot without some assistance from a boot disk.00:28
memandntzrmtthihu777: I was a bit away (helping my friend transition from wondoze to ubuntu) but did you get the guy with the screen of death sorted?00:28
nikitisdr_willis: i don't think it is encrypted, cause wouldn't I have had to set a passphrase?  I never did such a thing.00:31
spasonThanks all for your help today- I'm all systems go, and couldn't have done it without you!00:31
spasonspason out00:31
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=== coldblade is now known as msx
servvsis there a way to have a default where all traffic goes through a VPN and then specify some traffic to not go through the vpn?00:34
ntzrmtthihu777later all, gotta reboot00:34
joe_onerebRecently I put together a new pc and loaded Ubuntu 12.10 for the most part everything went great but now I can't see other computers on my home network. Normally it's a piece of cake, also I have set up my Canon Pixma MX882 several different times on other computers but now it just won't set up. Is there anyone that can help me out? Thanks for any help.00:35
selena2013i love ubuntu00:37
memandselena2013: And ubuntu loves you!00:37
selena2013awww lol00:37
Hateyofacesup guys00:38
Nach0zhey guys, I'm trying to get my ubuntu to recognize my screen size (1366x76800:38
Nach0zbut having no luck with it at all00:38
Nach0zand I think the problem is that it's using the vesa drivers, but I can't get it to use anything else. even uninstalled vesa, and that just made it not able to start X at all00:39
drleviathanjoe_onereb, when you say you can't see other computers on your "home network" you're talking about a samba ("windows workgroup" or "NetBios") network?00:39
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Boohbahhey guys, did you hear about the new display server?00:42
nikitisIs there some kind of delay you can set on mounting from fstab to automount a usbhdd?00:42
nikitisI think my drive may not be mounting properly due to it not being ready00:42
kostkonBoohbah, the usual red hat bashing against canonical. ignore it00:43
TaevIm setting up a RAID partition in Ubuntu, under manual, I've got RAID0 Device #127 28.6gb Linux Software RAID Array, #1 F ext4 mount as /00:45
Taevand SCSI3 SDA5 logical 14.3gb f ext4  , and SCSI5 SDB2 14.3gb f ext400:45
Boohbahkostkon: Kristian Høgsberg works at Intel and Daniel Stone works at Collabora Ltd.00:45
drleviathannikitis, one idea would be to add the mount of that drive to the init scripts, probably to /etc/rc.local whose purpose is for custom config stuff that happens at the end if the init process00:45
Taevwhen i go to finish partitioning it says i didnt select a mount point for /sda500:46
Taeveven though i selected them combined into the root partition as /00:46
Boohbahkostkon: it sounds to me like canonical is having another case of NIH-syndrome00:46
kostkonBoohbah, eh whatever :P that belongs to #ubuntu-offtopic00:46
kostkonBoohbah, yeah, possibly. but we can't discuss it here :(00:47
TaevNo mount point is assigned for the ext4 file system in partition #4 of SCSI3, If you do not go back to the partitioning menu and assign a mount point from there, this partition will not be used at all00:47
Boohbahkostkon: isn't this the ubuntu channel?00:47
mJaykBoohbah: NIH ?00:47
Taevbut the "RAID" partition those 2 created is mounted as /00:47
Taevshould I go forward?00:47
kostkonBoohbah, this channel is only for support.00:47
mJaykkostkon: friendly banter isnt bad :)00:48
kostkonBoohbah, for general discussion, there is #ubuntu-offtopic00:48
Taevshould i leave the mount points blank for /dev/sda5 and /dev/sdb2 since they are being combined into "RAID0 Device that is mounted as /00:49
Taevplease anyone? im stuck until i get an answer00:50
n-iCehello, how do I control all the desktop effects?00:52
MoPacSo I'm having trouble getting gDevilspie scripts to automatically move a window to a certain viewport/workspace. Has anyone here succeeded with that?  It's annoying to have a jumble of Devilspie and Compiz settins00:52
mJaykn-iCe:  what desktop effects / what desktop are you running00:53
n-iCeI'm installing Ubuntu 12.10 right now, I see a sidebar with kind of effects00:54
n-iCeHow can I disable them?00:54
n-iCemJayk: thanks for the answer.00:54
Taevi wish ubuntu still covered RAID installation in its standard install discs00:54
Taevand i didnt have to use this alternative disc00:55
mJaykn-iCe: haven't given an answer yet - cant decide if sarcasm :). anyway sounds liek you are using unity00:55
mJaykif you go and click the launcher button (top right) and type system00:55
escottTaev, the alternate cd does raid installation00:56
Taevim saying that i wish the regular one did00:56
Taevlike i did in the older distros00:56
mJaykn-iCe:  if you go and click the launcher button (top right) and type system youll get your system settings - through there you have desktop settings00:56
Degruanybody know why I can't send anything on #linux?00:57
mJaykn-iCe: sorry top left I dont know my right from left :P00:57
anewwhen you ftp you can see when the files were edited correct? is this reliable ?00:57
mJaykDegru: u reged?00:57
DegruDegru: Oh, no. How do I register?00:57
DegrumJayk: ^^00:58
mJaykDegru: type /msg nickserver PASSWORD EMAIL00:58
mJaykgo to ur email and verify00:58
DegrumJayk: OK, thanks00:58
n-iCemJayk: let's see00:58
BoohbahmJayk: Not Invented Here00:58
escottTaev, the raw disks should not be given mountpoints00:58
n-iCemJayk: I'm on settings00:59
n-iCesystem settings00:59
Taevi know but now its giving me errors creating a ext4 file system on the RAID partition00:59
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BoohbahmJayk: rather than contributing to wayland, canonical starts their own competing project implementing the same functionality which nobody else will use and thus history repeats itself01:00
Taevdo i have to use another kind of file system on RAID 0?01:00
escottTaev, no01:00
Taevthen why does it keep failing01:00
mJaykBoohbah: That a reply to my forum post ?01:00
n-iCemJayk: can't see any thing about effects on there01:00
ubottuThe GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.01:00
Taevi have a RAID0 set up, my previous install died01:00
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic01:00
mJaykn-iCe: 2 seconds01:00
BoohbahmJayk: what forum post?01:00
escottTaev, how did the previous install die?01:00
mJaykBoohbah: I dont see what that reply to me was about :P01:01
BoohbahmJayk: oh, you asked about NIH01:01
mJaykthankyou ;)01:01
n-iCenot sure why people hate unity, I'm reading about Ubuntu, but people really say a lot of shit about unity I find it quite friendly01:01
mJaykn-iCe: it was new people hate new, i hated GNOME-3 now I bloody love it01:02
Nach0zlxde > * :P01:02
n-iCeGNOME-3 is the one I'm using? which quantal uses by default?01:02
n-iCeyeah, GNOME 3.6.001:03
mJaykn-iCe:  default quantal is unity ?01:03
mJaykn-iCe: Quantal Quetzal - 12.10 - unity01:03
n-iCeI'm moving from Debian to Ubuntu, mJayk yeah but GNOME3 as desktop environment, I think unity es just the sidebar01:03
mJaykn-iCe: I thought Unity was the actuall desktop enviroment ? or is it just like a gnome skin ?01:04
n-iCemJayk: gnome skin, since system monitor says GNOME 3+01:04
n-iCeCan't find that effect thing01:04
mJaykn-iCe: Mby u need CCSM ?  to configure unity01:05
mJaykn-iCe compizConfig Settings Manager01:06
selena2013unity is the in-house GUI01:06
mJaykn-iCe: http://askubuntu.com/questions/29553/how-can-i-configure-unity/224775#22477501:07
n-iCeoh so unity is using compiz?!01:07
azizLIGHTSim on ubuntu livecd 12.04, im trying to change my windows 7 password, but i cant find chntpw in software center. please help01:07
selena2013iam not sure01:07
mJaykn-iCe:  looks that way from what I can see on askubuntu01:07
n-iCeUbuntu installation finished, I need to reboot.01:07
n-iCePlease save me that link mJayk brb01:07
mJaykn-1 will do01:07
n-iCethanks! brb01:07
mJaykn-iCe: will di *01:07
lauratikahow do i change the icon of home folder in unity bar, now is a cabinet i want the old home folder icon.01:10
selena2013change the thems i believe01:11
mJayklauratika: gedit nautilus-home.desktop01:11
azizLIGHTSim on ubuntu livecd 12.04, i cant find the chntpw program in software center. can somebody advise01:11
lauratikano my theme is the same old i like and want, but the icon change suddenly to cabinet type of, want the home folder icon.01:11
mJayklauratika: change the icon by editing nautilus-home.desktop you can change the folder icon no ~?01:12
lauratikamJayk it shows an empty doc01:13
lauratikawhen i go to gedit nautilus-home.desktop01:13
mJayklauratika: ok first cd /usr/share/applications01:14
mJayklauratika: then sudo gedit nautilus-home.desktop01:14
mJayklauratika: then edit the line icon=<pathtoicon.png>01:14
mJayklauratika: and save01:14
lauratikato what path now?01:14
mJaykto the path of the image of the icon01:15
n-iCemJayk: I'm back01:15
mJaykn-iCe: http://askubuntu.com/questions/29553/how-can-i-configure-unity/224775#22477501:15
n-iCeFeel really smooth, I have the thought will work even faster if I disable all those effects01:15
mJayklauratika: i THINK the default icons are in /usr/share/icons01:16
n-iCemJayk: what do you use as desktop?01:16
lauratikamJayk maybe i didnt explain myself well, my blame. the icon in unity of home folder suddenly change to one showing a cabinet i dont like it at all, i want the old icon of home folder where it shows the folder with a home icon inside.01:16
mJayklauratika: yes to change it back find the icon you want in /usr/share/icons/ then edit the file above? I dont know how to "revert to old settings" just how to replace it01:17
mJaykn-iCe: im running fedora 17 atm with the default gnome - on my "main" pc I use ubuntu 12.10 with kde - thinking of switching to default gnome as I like this so much01:18
mJayklauratika: if you look arund in /usr/share/icons u shud find the original home folder icon in there do you get what I mean ? I'm not very good at explantions01:18
lauratikayes thanx, now i know what happens, radiance is missing from the list of icons from the appereance menu, any ideas how to fix this?01:19
uictamaleHello, all - I've recently installed ubuntu 12.04 on an nforce 630a motherboard (geforce 7025), and while my graphics work fine from my live USB stick, I keep getting a black screen (Mode not supported message from my monitor) after rebooting.   I've tried several things, including adding "GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480" to my grub config, but then I simply boot up into low graphics mode every time, with no option to save any settings.  Please h01:20
[Saint]Can anyone assist me in restoring the default list of internet radio stations for rhytmbox, please?01:21
mJayklauratika: Ah yea if you icons are no longer there that wont work :D, im not sure how to get them back tbh apart from redownloading / installing the theme01:21
lauratikahow can i install a theme in ubuntu 12.04?01:22
mJayk[Saint]: Seen that problem before on the forums exit rythbox01:23
mJayk[Saint]: navigate as sudo to .local/share/rhythembox/hythemdb.xml01:23
mJayk[Saint]: navigate as sudo to .local/share/rhythembox/rhythmdb.xml01:23
mJaykand delete the file01:24
[Saint]I have tried to remove ~/.local/share/rhythmbox, and ~/.cache/rhythmbox, follwed by apt-get autoremove -- purge rhythmbox - and re-installation, but to no avail.01:24
mJaykhave you tried sudo touch ~./local/share/rhythembox/rhythmdb.xml i assume u have01:24
* [Saint] nods01:24
n-iCemJayk: ccsm right?01:25
[Saint]I don't even use any of them - it just bugs me that they suddenly disappeared.01:25
n-iCeis the most common tool to configurate compiz/unity01:25
mJaykn-iCe:  yea thas right that site gives u a nice walkthrough actually01:25
[Saint]n-iCe: Yeppers. I can't give ccsm enough praise.01:25
n-iCeCan gnome 2 be installed, instead of unity/gnome3?01:26
* [Saint] likes the 'magic lamp" animation - and applied it to just about everything01:26
mJaykn-ice: shud be allready installed01:26
mJaykn-iCe: logout - look at the white ubuntu logo thing by ur username thing - click it and you can choose from a few different types of desktop enviro's01:26
uictamaleMaybe this would help ?   udev-fallback-graphics main process (1748) terminated with status 101:27
mJaykn-iCe:  should have a lightweight version of unity there unity 2-d or something01:27
uictamaleFrom dmesg01:27
n-iCeAnd if I choose gnome2 will that stop launching all the effects and big sizes stuff loading at boot?01:27
mJaykn-iCe: if you chooes gnome2  (if its there) then yes itll just launch g201:27
[Saint]n-iCe: for that boot only, yes.01:27
mJaykn-iCe: I think it should be there if its not its simple to install01:27
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[Saint]Sounds like unity-2d is pretty much what you want.01:28
mJayk[Saint]: out of interest u 64 bit?01:28
n-iCemkander: I did a apt-get upgrade one minute and will be finished, so I will wait and try that.01:28
[Saint]mJayk: Yes, I am.01:28
n-iCethanks so much, mJayk *01:28
mJaykn-iCe: anytime01:28
mJayk[Saint]: seams a few ppl have that problem on 8.1001:29
[Saint]I didn't think 32 vs. 64 bit would make a lick of difference for internet radio station defaults - but, I'm willing to be surprised.01:29
[Saint]s/8.10/12.10/ btw01:29
mJayk[Saint]: me too :D always surprised01:30
mJaykn-iCe: lemme know what desktop you go for01:30
n-iCeIf I like gnome2 better, is there a way to keep it as default? maybe even remove the others environments?01:31
n-iCeI'm going to reboot on that gnome2 too see if is the one I used.01:31
hero100I installed vmware. Now my disc is nearly full. How can I do?01:31
n-iCeI'm sure I can get used to this one anyway.01:31
mJayk[Saint]: got 1 idea that might work VERY long winded and could be VERY pointless01:31
[Saint]mJayk: I have considered adding them by hand, if that's what you're thinking.01:32
anewhow can i run strace ?01:32
[Saint]I'm /hoping/ to avoid that, though ;)01:32
n-iCeI'm a chrome browser user, but this firefox seems ok, what do you guys use for surfing the web?01:32
mJayk[Saint]: I was thinkinking booting live usb persistant mode and merging the databases :P01:32
sheazeHi guys, I'm running CHroot ubuntu 12.04 and have been trying to fix my locale settings (cannot set LC_ALL to default locale) but no avail with all the fixes online.01:32
mJaykn-iCe: sudo apt-get chromium-browser :D01:32
n-iCeja! I found a missing thing on this Ubuntu, where is the SHOW DESKTOP icon?!01:33
mJayk[Saint]: or copying ur mates database01:33
n-iCemJayk: yeah :p01:33
[Saint]mJayk: Hmmmmmm.....that's actually a pretty decent idea, thanks.01:33
mJaykn-iCe: sudo apt-get install chromium-browser :D**01:33
=== SaMOOrai is now known as Samoorai
mJayk[Saint]: Glad u thought so, I pulled a face when I thought of it oO -- lemme know if u try it01:33
[Saint]Ewwwwww...Chromium? <insert_sad_face_here>01:34
* [Saint] much prefers Chrome over Chromium01:34
n-iCeneed to restart browser01:34
mJayk[Saint]: can you get Chrome in ubuntu / linux ? -- always ran Chromium because I didn't think you could get chrome01:35
MeiMeigood morning01:35
n-iCemJayk: you can, go to google.com/chrome01:35
[Saint]Sure you can.01:35
n-iCeis the one I use01:35
joe_onerebsorry I stepped away for a min.01:35
* [Saint] has used chrome-dev on debian/Ubuntu for years01:35
mJayk[Saint]: n-iCe: thanks ill try it when I get home01:36
* Degru likes chrome-stable because it's more stable01:36
[Saint]chrome-dev is fine here.01:36
joe_onerebI have windoz and other linux computers that are on my home network that I can't currently find on the new pc01:36
anewbad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}01:36
anewhow to fix this error ?01:37
[Saint]Plus, you get all the new tasty bits like a month prior to it hitting stable01:37
mJaykI would have sworn blind you couldn't get chrome for fedora - and there it is .rpm01:37
lauratikais it ok to clean the old kernel shown on ubuntu tewak application?01:37
[Saint]I _think_ stable is still on 25.*, is it not?01:37
[Saint]dev is at 27.0.1425.0 dev01:38
escottlauratika, if the newer kernel works for you sure01:38
sheazeanyone know how to fix locale settings?01:38
anewbad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}01:38
anewcan anyone help me with this error ?01:38
mJaykjoe_onereb: what os you running01:38
escott!locale | sheaze01:38
ubottusheaze: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale/01:38
joe_onerebUbuntu 12.1001:38
[Saint]Ubuntu - one hopes01:38
mJaykjoe_onereb: can you see your new computer from the old ones?01:39
joe_onerebI haven't looked that direction yet let me go see?01:39
maxibytehey guys, im trying to burn a bootable usb for windows via startup disk creator, and when i select my disk image it just doesnt add it to the list thing, and wont let me burn the disk01:40
[Saint]joe_onereb: If you want to clean all unused kernel images and headers, you can just do "dpkg -l 'linux-*' | sed '/^ii/!d;/'"$(uname -r | sed "s/\(.*\)-\([^0-9]\+\)/\1/")"'/d;s/^[^ ]* [^ ]* \([^ ]*\).*/\1/;/[0-9]/!d' | xargs sudo apt-get -y purge"01:40
maxibytesweet mother of regex01:40
[Saint]it looks intimidating, I know, but I've had that as an alias for years now.01:40
[Saint]maxibyte: it is a little intimidating, yes. :)01:41
maxibytewhat kind of package names does that regex recognize?01:41
mJayk[Saint]: just responded and scared off the wrong person :D01:41
joe_onerebI checked from the laptop and no luck01:41
=== Karbowiak is now known as zz_Karbowiak
[Saint]maxibyte: unused kernel images and headers01:41
maxibytecant you just call apt-get autoremove01:42
joe_onerebit's NEVER been a problem to do any networking with my linux pc's01:42
mJaykjoe_onereb: have you installed samba, imo I would try to get samba to setup a share file on you "NEW" pc and the view that folder from your "OLD" pc's01:42
mJaykjoe_onereb: I wont be much help on this though :D01:42
[Saint]maxibyte: sure, but that's no fun :)01:42
lauratikathanx escott is over 1.5 gb!01:42
maxibyteany ideas as to what my issue is? :I01:42
n-iCemJayk: OK, I'm installing all my stuff01:47
mJaykn-iCe: cool what desktop you go for was g2 or ubuntu - 2d there?01:47
n-iCeI have not rebooted yet, give me 5 minutes and I will, and tell you what it is01:48
dumonthow does software ubuntu FDE affect other partitions on the disk? is it per partition or per disk? what if I want to dual boot to windows on another partition of the disk that has software FDE via ubuntu01:48
mJaykn-iCe: ah still doing your updates :) kk im of for a coffee :)01:48
ero-jijievening all01:50
[Saint]Hahahaha...turns out I hadn't run said frightening regex arg in a while01:51
mJaykero-jiji: hi ho01:51
[Saint]"8243MB will be freed" ...lol01:51
mJaykfair bit there01:51
ntzrmtthihu777anyone with experience using ginn with the dell inspiron one?01:52
* [Saint] nods01:52
* mJayk has Gin experience01:52
persona24Is the copy directory command cpdir?01:52
ero-jijithats as bad as me not emptying trash for a year, 30 some gb lol01:52
somsippersona24: cp -R01:52
ntzrmtthihu777persona24: like somsip01:52
ntzrmtthihu777persona24: like somsip said01:52
n-iCetime to reboot mJayk then I select where it ask me the login password, right?01:52
mJaykn-iCe: yea01:53
n-iCeok brb01:53
mJaykn-iCe: the white ubuntu logo is a button01:53
mJaykhe didnt see that @ all01:53
ntzrmtthihu777is he using lightdm or gdm?01:53
Degrupersona24: To copy a directory, type "cp -R /path/to/directoryname /path/to/destination/directoryname"01:54
ntzrmtthihu777if its gdm it will be a drop-down menu01:54
persona24cp -R did nothing01:54
mJaykpersona24: cp -r /from/here /to/here ?01:55
somsippersona24: copy the full ocmmand you used01:55
Degrupersona24: You have to put the directory name on the end, or it will only copy the contents to the destination without the directory.01:55
Degrupersona24: these questions would be better asked in #bash01:55
ntzrmtthihu777true, these are not ubuntu-specific01:56
ntzrmtthihu777on that note, does the ginn multitouch program have its own channel?01:56
n-iCemJayk: nothing, I cannot select a thing, just guest login, remote login, etc01:56
mJaykn-iCe: ubuntu 12.109 ?01:57
mJayk12.10 *01:57
Degruntzrmtthihu777: there's a #ginn channel but it's empty.01:57
ero-jijiman, im kicking myself for letting the backup server get so full >< now that we are finally moving everything to a larger server, its taking forever01:58
ntzrmtthihu777Degru: if you try to join a non-existant channel you create one. I bet you or another accidentally made it01:58
n-iCeis that for me?01:58
Degruntzrmtthihu777: yeah, probably.01:58
mJaykthat is what i ment01:58
mJaykyes tis01:58
mJaykscreen shot01:58
n-iCelet me try again01:58
ero-jiji3.8TB at 100mbit = ouch01:59
ntzrmtthihu777dangit, lol. I wanna get multitouch working on this machine01:59
mJaykntzrmtthihu777: what machine :D01:59
mJaykwin 901:59
ntzrmtthihu777mJayk: dear god no.02:00
=== LarrySteeze|Away is now known as LarrySteeze
mJayki missed the /02:00
ntzrmtthihu777mJayk: dell inspirone one2205 all-in-one02:00
CapprenticeHi there, Somehow Partition table is  messed up. Cant see any partition using Gparted, though everything works? What should I do ? Any help please.02:00
mJayk./win 902:00
ntzrmtthihu777mJayk: what are you trying to do?02:01
mJayki was changing channels in irc02:01
ntzrmtthihu777Capprentice: refresh device list?02:01
mJaykand i missed the / off the /win 9 command02:01
CapprenticeNot working. It shows nothing is partitioned02:01
Capprenticehere's a screenshot of what gparted is showing -http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s471/curious_apprentice/Ubuntu/AppShots/Partition20table20messed20up.png02:02
Taevgreat my aborted attempted to install ubuntu has damaged my grub02:03
Taevi get "grub rescue"02:03
=== boze is now known as boze_afk
Capprenticenthrmtthihu77: can you help me ?02:04
dcenterhello.  is anyone familiar with hdmi output for dell studio 1535 running ubuntu 12.10?02:06
kepipoHi all. I am using remastersys to make custom iso and it worked, but the iso have no Install Option. I am using ubuntu 12.04. There is no error during making the iso. Can someone help me?02:06
* Samoorai rebooting entire virtual network aka host reboot.. bbiab (3 vms, 1 host all GRRRR!)02:06
ntzrmtthihu777Capprentice: maybe, maybe not.02:06
ntzrmtthihu777kepipo: you need ubiquity02:07
kepipontzrmtthihu777, should I install it before making the iso?02:08
ntzrmtthihu777ubiquity is the gui installer ubuntu uses, it is uninstalled after installation. if you run apt-get ubiquity and then remastersys your system you should be able to do it02:08
invitingfaithmanim haveing trouble can anyone help please and thank you02:08
kepipooh, I see.02:08
kepipothanks ntzrmtthihu77702:08
ntzrmtthihu777!anyone | invitingfaithman02:08
ubottuinvitingfaithman: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.02:08
alex____Hi everyone!02:08
thierryHELLO GUYS02:09
alex____How are you, Thierry?02:09
invitingfaithmanhow to i download the new ubuntu to a usb disk02:09
thierryI'M FINE02:09
michael_phi all just installed lubuntu02:10
alex____What do you mean invitingfaithman?02:10
Taevis there a way to restore the MBR from a Live CD02:10
kepipoerrr, ntzrmtthihu777 ? I just run sudo apt-get install ubiquity but it is said it is already the newest version.02:10
thierryTRY THE CD MAN02:10
alex____I use unetbootin to install to a usb02:10
xangua!caps | thierry02:10
invitingfaithmani mean how do i download ubuntu onto a usb drive02:10
ubottuthierry: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:10
roastedQuestion - If one would install Gnome Shell on 12.04, would that be some sort of crazy dependency headache? I was quite disappointed with installing Kubuntu-Desktop on Ubuntu, but I wonder if Gnome Shell would be smoother... Thoughts?02:10
xanguainvitingfaithman: you can use unetbootin as you were told or follow the instructions you are given at ubuntu.com02:11
CapprenticeUsing "remastersys" how much data can be backed up ? I read somewhere there is a 4gb limit, is it true ?02:11
alex____Shouldn't be, I got gnome shell running once02:11
Degruinvitingfaithman: you can use unetbootin, or YUMI to install it to a usbdrive. Both can be looked up on Google and are really easy to use.02:11
alex____I hate gnome shell though02:11
xanguaroasted: gnome-shell is just a shell for gnome....you are already using gnome02:11
roastedCapprentice: is it possible that the 4GB limitation was referring to some sort of DVD usage?02:11
kepipoCapprentice, it is not the remastrsys limit I believe. It is because fat filesystem can't handle file larger than that02:11
roastedxangua: that was my thought process too. Figured I'd ask in case anybody had a "Whoa don't do that!" story.02:12
Degruinvitingfaithman: they basically have an installer where you select your downloaded ISO file, the drive you want to put it on, and it does the rest.02:12
thierry16BG IS BETTER02:12
invitingfaithmangetting it now thanks so much02:12
CapprenticeOk so If I use multiple DVDs, can I backup a 50 GB hdd ?02:12
alex____thierry is your caps lock key broken? And np invitingfaith! Glad to help the community :-)02:12
thierryI DON'T THINK SO02:12
xanguaroasted: well you downloaded the full kde dektop....a desktop is not just a panel and window borders02:12
ntzrmtthihu777!caps | thierry02:12
ubottuthierry: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:13
thierrySORRY GUYS02:13
thierryI'M NOT SHOUTING02:13
thierryIT'S MY WAY TO WRITE02:14
alex____How would one install the awesome WM? The guide I found gave me a 404 error when I tried to wget the .deb installer02:14
xangua!ops | thierry02:14
ubottuthierry: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!02:14
mJaykthierry: change it02:14
kepipoI've just check the live iso and type ubiquity in terminal. It is exist, but it cannot load.02:14
kepipowhat happen with ubuntu nowadays uhh...02:14
patrickkaydoes God use all caps? Hmmmmm...02:15
Capprenticekepipo: Does that implies there is no way we can creare multiple dvds containing the whole OS with all user settings and allthat ? Acronis Home is able to backup the whole windows Partition. Can remastersys be used to do so ?"02:15
alex____How would one install the awesome WM? The guide I found gave me a 404 error when I tried to wget the .deb installer02:15
mJaykCapprentice: Cant you just make an image of the hdd ?02:16
CapprenticemJayk: how can I do that ?02:17
invitingfaithmando i have to download ubuntu first?02:17
xangua!info awesome | alex____02:17
ubottualex____: awesome (source: awesome): highly configurable X window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.13-1 (quantal), package size 830 kB, installed size 2138 kB02:17
kepipoCapprentice you can use dd. :D02:17
mJaykCapprentice: there are lots of programs that allow you to create bootable images (.iso's) of ur hdd02:18
mJaykCapprentice: http://disk-imaging-software-review.toptenreviews.com/02:18
alex____ubottu: I read somewhere that using the verison in the repositories is out-dated02:18
ubottualex____: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:18
alex____Will it still work without major dependency hell?02:19
Capprenticekepipo: I need serious help.  Google god did not gave a suitable answer how can I fix the partition table. The other way to is backiing up whole hdd and then resinstall.02:19
dumontanyone use FDE?02:19
dumontanyone use FDE and dualboot to windows on the same disk?02:19
dumontis it possible? wouldn't FDE not work for windows partition02:19
alex____dumont: Not sure what FDE is but I'm currently running Ubuntu with W7 as a second partition02:20
kepipoCapprentice, you can make image of your hdd using dd commands.02:20
kepipoyou can dd your_harddisk to another_harddisk with the same size or perhaps bigger.02:21
CapprenticeOh ! sorry. I did not knew there were dd commands. Can Acronis True image be used to backup the Ubuntu partition too ? I have windows in other partition. I can use that.02:21
kepipoI never tried that Capprentice, but if acronis can backup your entire hdd then of course it can. :D02:22
ntzrmtthihu777is there a terminal command I can run to get the current strength of the network I am connected to?02:22
CapprenticemJayk: none of the product shows support for ext4 file system . Only Ext 2/3 FS is supported.02:23
selena2013advice on ubuntu 12.10 hp 2000 64 bits amd ... freezing02:24
alex____selena2013: Check your additional drivers dialog and make sure you have everything installed there02:24
bluedogntzrmtthihu777: for wireless you can look into the iwconfig command02:25
selena2013where is drivers dialog02:25
CapprenticemjayK: If i backup the whole HDD using acronis, can I recreate partitions and install the backedup data in any parition I choose ?02:25
selena2013currently using xorg. am/ati02:25
mJaykntzrmtthihu777:  use watch -n1 iwconfig02:25
alex____Dash home --> search additional drivers02:25
selena2013no such thing in dash02:25
selena2013i have that in Software Sources02:26
[Saint]selena2013: Software Sources02:26
mJaykCapprentice: I honestly don't know, I believe you can but I wouldn't feel confident doing it myself if I had important data02:26
selena2013I there it says ...02:26
selena2013under Additional Drivers TAb ...02:26
selena2013using X.org X server02:26
selena2013AMD/ Ati display wrapper from xserver-xorg02:27
Degruntzrmtthihu777: ntzrmtthihu777 for signal strength, "cat /proc/net/wireless" and look at "link" under "quality"02:27
CapprenticemJayk: Okay.02:27
alex____selena2013: You're going to want to enable your ati driver02:27
bluedogntzrmtthihu777: or if you want to combine the answers "watch -n1 cat /proc/net/wireless"02:27
selena2013should i switch to AMD graphics accelerators fglrx ?????02:27
=== zz_megabitdragon is now known as megabitdragon
alex____Its what I'm using02:28
selena2013i think thats what iam using02:28
selena2013it froze today two times02:29
xixow/Xen or KVM can I run FreeBSD?02:29
invitingfaithmani need help agian please02:29
mJaykinvitingfaithman: whats up02:31
invitingfaithmanok so i download unetbootin and download source from ubuntu.com and it is downloading to the owner file on the pc will it go to my usb or the pc??02:31
kepipourgh... no satisfying answer from google about this ubiquity-remastersys problem.02:32
mJaykinvitingfaithman: it will go to whereever you internet downloads normally go or where ever you told it to go to02:32
dr_williswhat do you mean by download source .. invitingfaithman02:32
invitingfaithmani ment downloaded the source from ubuntu.com02:33
dr_willisyou mean the ISO file?02:33
dr_willissome of the usb-disk maker tools at the pendrivelinux site can autobdownload the needed iso files.  not sure if unetbootin can do that02:36
invitingfaithmandr_willis will i have a chance to pull the download from the destanation before i copy to usb02:37
dr_willisi download the iso via a browser.. to my downloads directory.02:38
dr_willismost of the tools look there for the right named iso files02:38
fluvvellSteen; hi!02:39
SteenHello to you fluvvell02:39
burflevening folks, i am having trouble connecting to my Ubuntu samba share from my Windoze machine.. any advice/assistance?02:40
fluvvellSteen, ping02:40
burflufw is disabled, checked that02:40
fluvvell I've setup a new drive with GPT and copied my system to it. It doesnt really boot without some assistance from a boot disk. Does anyone have a good grub/gpt help page?02:42
burflno samba experts here, eh?02:42
fluvvellburfl, users and config'ers but few like to call themselves experts02:43
burflfluvvell, fair enough.. knowledgeable enough to offer advice as to what culprits may be likely?02:43
mJaykburfl: I dispise samba its never worked properly for me :(02:44
root0I AM ROOT02:45
fluvvellburfl, culprits for what symptoms02:45
ubottuIt's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.02:45
MeiMeiroot0: hi02:45
root0no possible w00t02:45
burflfluvvell the symptom is that I can't see the samba share from windows02:45
root0mega haxx02:46
burflthere is no active firewall on the linux box and they both seem to be on the same workgroup... at least they both have the same workgroup name set02:46
burflin honesty, I'm not sure how to be sure they're *actually* on the same workgroup beyond that02:46
fluvvellburfl, did you configure your /etc/samba/smb.conf file yourself or just share from nautilus?02:46
root0ob3y y0ur ma5t3r02:46
burflfluvvell, shared from nautilus and when that failed I fired up the Samba GUI and created a share with the "add share" button02:47
dr_williscan the linux box ping  ghe windows box!02:48
dr_willis?  :-P02:48
ntzrmtthihu777can someone get rid of this "1337" doofus?02:48
burfldr_willis, I don't know.  It would be a huge stretch to call myself a networking novice even02:48
dr_willisping windows.box.ip.number02:49
dr_willisand see if tthe windows box can ping the linux boxs ip number02:50
fluvvellburfl, there are plenty of good help pages in t' interwebs, but I've always edited the file myself. Which gui did you use for samba?02:51
burflfluvvell, the one that is had by doing 'sudo apt-get install system-config-samba'02:51
burfldr_willis, the ping from the linux box seems to have worked02:51
burflit was saying "64 bytes received from..."02:52
n-iCemJayk: still here?02:53
=== Tiktalik is now known as Tiktalikat
n-iCeI don't think so, anyway, why would my installation of 12.10 did not install gnome2?02:54
mJaykhi n-iCe no luck ?02:56
n-iCemJayk: no luck, I don't have that tools/configuration icons on my username at login02:56
mJaykyou can always download it02:57
n-iCeThen I should download and install Ubuntu server, don't you think so?02:57
mJaykn-iCe:  no - :) might have found what ur after02:58
mJaykn-iCe: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/gnome-classic-in-ubuntu-12-04-its-like-nothing-ever-changed02:59
n-iCelet's read that02:59
nydeli need some help. i messed up whatever bootloader is installed by wubi, and had to use a windows bootable usb to be able to boot back into windows. now i do not have that menu that usually has the options of windows 7, ubuntu -- i am currently booted into ubuntu via a usb stick & i can mount the wubi root.disk -- how can i get the old boot menu back?02:59
n-iCeby the way, can you remind me the compiz configuration package? cssm?02:59
mJayknydel: can you boot into windows at all ?03:00
nydelmJayk: i can now, yes. windows is fine. but i am not asked / given the option to boot into ubuntu.03:00
fluvvellburfl, are you viewing yet, sorry I popped away and installed system-config-samba on my test vm,03:00
mJayknydel: ok so we need to repair grub from windows03:00
nydelmJayk: mind you this is a wubi installation, is it still grub that needs to be repaired?03:01
chicognuwhat is the pendrive device in linux ?03:01
mJayknydel: yus03:01
chicognu/dev/ what ?03:01
nydelmJayk: lovely, i'll boot into windows and come back okay?03:01
burflfluvvell, sorry I don't know what you mean by "are you viewing yet"?  I'm not able to see the share if that's what you mean.  I was trying to read up on the smb.conf file, but the docs are extensive :\03:01
mJayknydel: sure03:01
nydelmJayk: thank you so much. brb03:01
chicognuwhat is the pendrive device in linux ? /dev/what ?03:01
fluvvellburfl,  yes. Yes they are.  So did you set viewable by everybody?03:02
p014kI recently updated from 10.04 to 12.10. I'm running classic mode, because I prefer it. I'm having a problem with the workspaces. I have a 3x3 grid set up, however in the workspace preview matrix in the lower right panel, the previews of what windows are in which workspaces don't show up (only the upper right workspace is populated). Also, all the windows I have open are displayed in the bottom panel. I would like it to be like it was before where only wi03:02
p014kndows open in the current workspace are displayed in the bottom panel.03:02
MoPacI would really appreciate it if someone could help me get devilspie to actually open windows in a different workspace/viewport03:02
n-iCeok, mJayk gnome-panel installed, I'm going to log out03:02
burflfluvvell, the two checkboxes? Yes03:02
fluvvellburfl, in a terminal, type smbtree03:04
icesword!ubuntu cn03:04
n-iCePerfect!!!! mJayk !!!03:04
mJaykn-iCe:  any luck03:04
burflfluvvell, k gimme one sec I'm running back and forth between the two machines03:04
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw03:04
n-iCeyeah, is awesome now, just like I remember :))) and RAM is about 400MB and not 1GB+03:04
mJaykn-iCe: good :D ive installed so many desktops I thought they came by default with ubuntu 2-d03:04
n-iCeDamn gnome3 and unity03:04
mJaykn-iCe: happy happy time03:05
burflfluvvell, that's very interesting... the linux box seems to see the Windows box03:05
n-iCesomehow system monitor still says 3.0+ gnome03:05
burflit's listed after that "smbtree" command03:05
mJaykn-iCe: sometimes u still get that when you install a new desktop that doesnt replace the enviroment03:05
mJayki.e. i think it would fix that if u booted and installed the kde desktop03:06
mJaykbut u dont want to do that03:06
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n-iCeCan't add new itmes to the bars03:06
nydelhello i'm back03:08
nydel& booted into windows703:08
mJaykn-iCe: which bars03:08
mJayknydel: haya03:08
xanguan-iCe: hold shift or alt, it was one of those03:08
p014kAlso, when I click the workspace switcher in the lower right to change workspaces, it goes to a desktop with no panels and lags for a long time,.03:08
patrickkaynydel: check out this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair03:08
xanguaalt+right clic it says http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/gnome-classic-in-ubuntu-12-04-its-like-nothing-ever-changed n-iCe03:09
nydelpatrickkay, i'm headed there now, thank you verily03:09
patrickkaynydel, i've used it before but not with a wubi installation03:09
n-iCexangua: awesome, you are right!03:10
mJayknydel: patrickkay i dont think its the same03:10
fluvvellburfl, have you rebooted the windows box, and are they on the same workgroup?03:10
nydelpatrickkay, at this point i'm not very scared of anything ... how i got here is,03:10
fluvvellburfl, and has the windows box got a firewall running?03:10
patrickkaymJayk: may not be, true03:10
mJayknydel: in wubi i think u need to replace the wubildr in c:\wubi03:10
mJaykpatrickkay: im not 100% sure if its the same or not i just dont think it is :)03:11
nydelpatrickkay, mJayk, perhaps an upgrade was interrupted, the end result being i had either no working kernel or broken symbolic links in my root directory (of wubi loop) .. dpkg was messed up, initramfs was where it would hang, trying to generate the initrd files in /boot03:11
burflfluvvell, I have rebooted it multiple times.  I *think* they are on the same workgroup.  I mean they both have the same workgroup name listed.  I never had to enter any passwords or anything.  Honestly, I'm not sure if there's a firewall on the Windows machine because it's blasted W8 and I don't know where to find it haha03:12
patrickkaymJayk: well I'll defer, I'm not that experienced with this03:12
n-iCenow all is awesome!03:12
n-iCethank you guys03:12
nydelmJayk, where can i findn the correct wubildr?03:12
mJayknydel: if that was the case wudnt grub still show up and crash after you select an option03:12
fluvvellburfl, with w8, you need to turn off homegroups03:12
n-iCemJayk: xangua http://img826.imageshack.us/img826/4305/screenshotfrom201303042.png03:13
mJayknydel: depends on what version of ubuntu you had03:13
n-iCeNow looks neat, clean and smooth03:13
burflfluvvell, I have homegroups disabled03:13
burfland I just disabled the firewall.03:13
mJayknydel: usually a few repos around with them if u tell me I can have a look03:13
mJaykn-iCe: nice :)03:13
burflfluvvell, should I reboot after that?03:13
nydelmJayk, you would think, but instead the bootloader would show up but ubuntu option would stick. one day i booted into windows, it updated & rebooted, somehow auto it booted into ubuntu running kernel -- i noticed that there was no in /boot though03:13
fluvvellburfl, yup03:14
mJayknydel: but now grub doesnt show up atall ?03:14
nydelmJayk, i moved so many things and did so many operations trying to get a working kernel & link thereto that by the time i had the balls to reboot, i had installed grub2 which i now realize was a mistake03:14
nydelnow it boots directly into windows with no menu03:14
nightdemon666hmm, quite. well just FYI, im here ot help, so anyone asking a question, im here to "attempt" to help as best i can :)03:15
nydelthe menu i had was the white on black two-item list with Ubuntu on top -- i remember that it was from windows that i changed the boot order03:15
mJayknydel: so point 1 u may have buuggered up ur linux install via kernal buggering03:15
burflfluvvell, okay then I'll be back, I'm actually speaking to you on the windows box.03:15
mJayknydel: but i still think that the first thing to do is get grub back which I dont think was caused by the kernal buggering03:15
nydelmJayk, yes but there is a good kernel on the loop somewhere, i think that the initrd ln -s is pointing to it at the moment too03:16
nightdemon666um. i dontknow where you are on your troubleshooting mjayk, but have you issued the sudo update-grub2 command to fix grub menu not showing before boot?03:16
p014kAnyone on my issue?03:16
nydelso how, from windows7 perhaps, can i get that good old boot menu back?03:17
mJayknightdemon666: will that work with a wubi install ? I was going to suggest replacing the wubildr03:17
nightdemon666p014k, what is your issue, i just got here...03:17
nydeli want to avoid moving c:\ubuntu, installing wubi, then moving c:\ubuntu-copy back03:17
nydelthough i believe that would be a possible solution03:18
burflfluvvell, back, not working :(03:18
mJayknydel: yea u dont want to do that afaik  -- the wubibldr file is basically just the grub cfg file but for wubi03:18
p014kI recently updated from 10.04 to 12.10. I'm running classic mode, because I prefer it. I'm having a problem with the workspaces. I have a 3x3 grid set up, however in the workspace preview matrix in the lower right panel, the previews of what windows are in which workspaces don't show up (only the upper right workspace is populated). Also, all the windows I have open are displayed in the bottom panel. I would like it to be like it was before where only wi03:18
p014kndows open in the current workspace are displayed in the bottom panel.03:18
p014kAlso, when I click the workspace switcher in the lower right to change workspaces, it goes to a desktop with no panels and lags for a long time,.03:18
fluvvellburfl, w8 really sux I'm sorry, brb03:19
mJayknydel: if u install grub 2 or grub over the top it overwrites the "wubi grub" but doent see any other os's because ubuntu is inside windows so just boots straight to windows03:19
victoverok this is really weird. I'm running ubuntu 12.04 and I was tryying to drag and drop xbmc into my unity bar and now I have a space inbetween apps. please03:19
burflfluvvell, take your time, I appreciate any help you can offer.  I'll brb as well03:19
mJaykburfl: i emphasise with your samba problems :)03:20
mJaykepmathise ?03:21
mJaykcant even spell it >(03:21
PlastikSporkI am looking for suggestions on ways to back up and restore my entire ubuntu installation.03:21
nightdemon666gosh p014k, from the sounds of it, you are still operating in the gnome 2.X GUI, is this correct?03:21
mJaykPlastikSpork: .iso ur hdd03:22
DegruPlastikSpork: You could make a disk image03:22
DegruPlastikSpork: Also, if reinstalling make a separate partition for your /home and another for /.03:22
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning03:22
PlastikSporkYes I would like to make a disk image and back it up on a network drive and then if I mess up my ubuntu installation I can restore that image03:22
dr_willisclonezilla can do that03:23
DegruPlastikSpork: you can go on a livecd and run "dd if=/dev/sda of=/path/to/server.img"03:24
PlastikSporkSince all of my data (pictures, movies, etc) will be stored on a server an entire disc image would work the best...  dr_willis I am downloading clonezilla now03:24
nydelmJayk, i have a copy of the wubildr file that i made before i started all this. where does it go?03:24
nydelmJayk, or is placement of that not enough03:24
DegruPlastikSpork: that will clone the entire disk and will only work for that specific disk03:24
PlastikSporkDegru:  dd sounds to complicated03:24
p014knightdemon666: I don't think I am. I know GNOME classic in 12.10 tries to make it appear like the old-style, but I have Unity too, so it's 3.0, no?03:24
mJayknydel: i think a replacement is enough03:24
mJayknydel: are you in windows ? if so go to C:\wubi03:24
PlastikSporkDegru I am downloading clonezilla... what are your thoughts on this program?03:25
DegruPlastikSpork: It's actually pretty simple. if is the in-file, or the device/file you're copying from. /dev/sda is your first internal drive. of is out-file, or the device or file you're copying to.03:25
DegruPlastikSpork: I haven't used it03:25
mJayknydel: and find the wubildr file in there and replace it03:25
DegruPlastikSpork: but it seems like a good program according to most people03:25
nydelin c:\ubuntu\winboot there is a wubildr03:25
PlastikSporkDegru:  dd comes on the ubuntu live cd?03:26
mJayknydel: I would rename that WUBILDR.BADMAN03:26
DegruPlastikSpork: dd comes with any decent linux livecd.03:26
nydelbut where should i copy it? i mean, windows isn't going to read c:\ubuntu at all during bootup03:26
mJayknydel: and then put the otherone in there03:26
PlastikSporkDegru:  how do you use dd?  all terminal commands?03:26
DegruPlastikSpork: yes. "sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/path/to/server/file.img"03:27
victovernevermind I fixed it. We are good03:27
nightdemon666yeah it wqould be, im just kinda confiused that your workspace switcher is on the botom right hand screen, isnt that what you said p014k?03:27
DegruPlastikSpork: simplest way imo03:27
mJaykDegru: will that work completley from start to finish ?03:27
nydelok i renamed it to wubildr.badman.lol & copied a known-working one in its place03:27
mJayknydel: REBOOT -> CHEER -> WIN!03:28
mJayknydel: hopfully03:28
nydelbut mJayk why would the windows boot know to look in c:\ubuntu\winboot at all?03:28
nydeli haven't told anything to do that yet03:28
PlastikSporkDegru if=/dev/sda is the hard drive that ubuntu is installed onto?03:28
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DegrumJayk: It won't show progress, but if you leave it to run it will make an exact clone of the entire drive into the out-file. It will only work with that specific HDD, though.03:28
burflfluvvell, I'm back fyi03:28
DegruPlastikSpork: Is Ubuntu taking up the whole harddrive or is it dual-boot?03:28
mJaykDegru: thanks for that so much simpler than my previous methods03:29
PlastikSporkUbuntu is only OS no dual boot03:29
mJayknydel: I dont fully understand how wubi is able to work the way it does tbh03:29
nightdemon666oh yeah, degru, so it turns out in order for me to perform secure user switching it requires me to lock screen frm the keyboard short cut made for /usr/bin/xscreensaver-command 0-lock. then i can switch users securely.. like win 7. but now im on the quest to removing the switch user option from the unity menu :)03:29
=== Tabstar is now known as Tabmow
PlastikSporkDegru: Ubuntu is only OS no dual boot03:30
DegruPlastikSpork: THen it should work fine. Remember it will only work on that specific HDD. You can restore it with "dd if=/path/to/server/file.img of=/dev/sda"03:30
mJayknightdemon666: why would you want to remove it ?03:30
DegruPlastikSpork: It doesn't show progress, though.03:30
nightdemon666because of the insecurity of both an admin, and standard user being logged in doest require a password from unity's "switch user" option.03:31
p014knightdemon666: Ya. That's where it usually always was in classic.03:31
PlastikSporkDegru:  how can you tell its done then if it doesnt show progress?03:31
DegruPlastikSpork: look in your disk manager to see which /dev/sdX device is your mUbuntu HDD.03:31
DegruPlastikSpork: THe command should show how much it's copied once finished and give you the terminal prompt.03:31
mJayknightdemon666: so if me (admin) logs in switch user to Wife (obviously not an admin) she can access admin privs ?03:31
xiox_anyone know if a MicroATX mobo will fit in an ATX case?03:32
PlastikSporkDegru:  yes my hard drive is /dev/sda03:32
patrickkayxiox_, yes, normally03:32
xiox_i scoped out a new PC for $18003:32
mJaykxiox_:  = mr burns ?03:33
DegruPlastikSpork: This is not the safest method, though, because when restoring if you type the wrong device it will overwrite any data on the drive.03:33
nightdemon666seems so mjayk... but it seems only if you have removed gnome-screensaver, and replaced with xscreensaver, unless i changed somehting that i no longer know how that affected "switch user"03:33
xiox_no mr burns is a cartoon03:33
xiox_i am a person03:33
DontGotNoProxythis is a little of topic, but does anyone know any ways of overlaying black semi-transparent on a screen (want it darker than my backlight permits, eyes are burning)? - linux03:33
xiox_of high caliber mind you03:33
mJaykxiox_: good to hear it03:33
mJayknightdemon666: ah never knew that03:33
PlastikSporkDegru:  So if I plug in an external USB HDD and copy image to it with DD I can restore from that external HDD... being careful not to overwrite my external HDD03:34
devxdevDontGotNoProxy, Redshift or f.lux03:34
DegruDontGotNoProxy: Try f.lux. stereopsis.com/flux03:34
nightdemon666i do all the time. i log in as standard user, then when i need to, i log in to admin user... well thing is, if im logged in as a standard user, then select "swicth user" from unity menue, i go straight to admin user if admin user is already logged in. no pasword needed! :(03:34
nydelmJayk, this guide seems apropos http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/20340/how-to-restore-the-wubi-ubuntu-bootloader/03:34
DontGotNoProxy"But, at 9PM, 10PM, or 3AM, you probably shouldn't be looking at the sun. " haha03:35
DegruPlastikSpork: yes. Just switch around the stuff for if and of03:35
nydelmJayk, however the software, EasyBCD is not free, are you aware of an equivalent thing? i tried installing lilo using chroot from a ubuntu boot-thumb but had no luck03:35
nightdemon666so, its convenient to be able to do that sometimes, but from a security stand point, bad ju ju. so im thinking i should get rid of the swich user option all together unless called out when screen is locked in xscreensaver03:35
PlastikSporkDegru:  There is no way of doing this natively in ubuntu without booting form live cd?03:35
mJayknydel: that should work but u can bugger alot of stuff up because you wont be fixing the problem just creating a new mbr03:36
DegruPlastikSpork: It's cloning your entire drive, so it might break something if it's mounted and the system is running from it.03:36
mJayknightdemon666: sounds to me like an xscreensaver problem tbh03:36
DegruPlastikSpork: clonezilla is probably better if you don't want to screw stuff up03:36
mJaykDegru: no1 wants to screw stuff up03:37
nydelmJayk, do you think if i move my c:\ubuntu, reinstall wubi, then replace the root.disk in the new c:\ubuntu that i will get the old bootmenu back? (assume for a moment that my root.disk works)03:37
PlastikSporkDegru:  Gotcha... I'm just used to using Windows backup... it backs everything up and makes a disk image weekly automatically... I m going to miss that :-(03:37
DegrumJayk: of course. just saying that if you type something wrong for dd it'll screw stuff up.03:37
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mJayknydel: id cautiously say yes03:38
mJaykDegru: just pulling you leg :)03:38
DontGotNoProxydont thin f.lux worked properly03:40
mJaykNighty Night all 341 am here03:41
nydelmJayk, hopefully the next time you hear from me i'll be booted into wubi. after that i'm partitioning & doing a proper install03:41
nydelthanks for all the help03:41
nydeloh and goodnight then03:41
mJayk:) ill wait03:41
nydellol gogoing03:42
PlastikSporkDoes anyone know if it is possible to install Clonezilla natively without burning it to a live cd?03:42
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rypervenchePlastikSpork: Give Linux a chance, you will wonder how you ever lived without it.03:42
rypervenchePlastikSpork: Most people I know use Filezilla for FTP.03:43
PlastikSporkrypervenche:  I've been trying to use linux for going on 12 years now....  I just keep going back to windows... 12 years a go it was a night mare... its getting muuuuuuuuch better though03:43
mJaykrypervenche: I dont think hes ftping03:43
nightdemon666agreed mjayk. ubuntu developers didnt accomodate for xscreensaver.. i did however write a shell script and thought that gnome-screensaver-command coud be symlinked to the shell script command, but no worky. the symlink worked fine when executed, but i cant seem to find the connection between "lock screen" on unity menu and a file associated with the function :/03:43
n-iCePlastikSpork: I have not used Windows in about 6 years03:44
n-iCeI remember my laptop using Windows Vista I did not even boot it up, used a cd to install linux.03:44
nightdemon666p014k, i guess i never really could help you with your problem. it sounds like you are having issues with your desktop environment. it also sounds like an distro upgrade problem. i never perform a distro up grade if i can help it :P03:44
n-iCeno regrets03:44
mJayknightdemon666: thats bloody strange ...there are no obvious links03:44
PlastikSporkrypervenche:  Clonezilla... not filezilla03:44
nightdemon666but i would have to trouble shoot the issue if i was you03:44
ivotklI have not used Windows in almost 4 and I'm proud as hell of my decision. =)03:44
rypervenchen-iCe: No regrets indeed. *highfive*03:44
mJaykn-iCe: 6 years and still the same DE ? :D03:45
nightdemon666no htere isnt mjayk. i looked in gconf-editor and dconf-editor and i didnt see any obvious links.03:45
robert45hi guys, is it possible to trim down a running Ubuntu 12.04 to a minimal version? I see I have ubuntu-standard and ubuntu-mininal packages, not sure if its related03:45
PlastikSporkn-iCe:  I'm just used to Windows and when I try to do the same advance things with Linux there is so a difference and learning curve that I get frustrated.03:45
nightdemon666lol, agreed to that ivotkl03:45
mJayknightdemon666: I assumed you had looked it is strange though going tokeep me up03:46
rypervenchePlastikSpork: Ah. Well on Linux, you don't make a CD of your backup. You can use sftp, rdiff-backup, or rsnapshot to do the job. I keep 30 backups of my laptop on two external hard drives, all of which are encrypted.03:46
nightdemon666it kept me up till 1 am last night mjayk03:46
burfl_fluvvell, sorry if you were trying to talk to me, I had to relog my win account and didn't realize it killed the IRC03:47
PlastikSporkrypervenche:  I don't want to make a cd of backup I want to store it on my server03:47
usr13PlastikSpork: man rsync03:47
fluvvellburfl, no problem03:47
mJaykPlastikSpork: i think by cd he ment .iso03:47
p014knightdemon666: Ya. I'm in the same mindset, but I really didn't want to do a clean install this time. I may just be annoyed for a week or two and then do it.03:47
nightdemon666just an anouncement, i have been using linux based distributions since 2009, and i am so glad i did. not a windows hater, but i always wanted a fully customizable system with such enormous flexability. thank you richard stallman and linus torvalds!!!03:47
usr13PlastikSpork: Do you want to make an ISO image?03:48
dr_willisclonezilla  has some neat features..that i neveruse. ;-)03:48
rypervenchePlastikSpork: Exactly. You don't need that. You can use any of the three programs that I mentioned.03:48
ivotklcheers for that nightdemon666!!!03:48
fluvvellburfl, It seems samba is well equipped for dealing with w8 according to their website, but specifics on setup may differ depending on your network.03:48
fluvvellburfl_, can you ping the linux box by name from the w8 box?03:48
mJayknightdemon666:  do you remember your first linux distro?03:48
usr13PlastikSpork: I think rsync is what you are looking for. (If you want to do the backup from the running system to another on your LAN).03:48
burfl_fluvvell, how do I check it's name/ip?03:49
PlastikSporkrypervenche:  excellent... pretty easy to use?03:49
fluvvellburfl_, what did you call the linux box?03:49
rypervenchePlastikSpork: rsync is awesome! If you want to have many incremental backups, you can use rdiff-backup or rsnapshot.03:49
burfl_fluvvell, it took a default name based on the CPU model... I would have to look it up03:49
burfl_how do i check that03:49
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rypervenchePlastikSpork: Yes, once you gen used to the syntax. If you'd like help with an exact command, send me a PM and I'll help you.03:50
PlastikSporkrypervenche:  seems like rsync is installed already whoohoo03:50
fluvvellburfl_, at a terminal prompt, it will tell you its name ie:   yourlogin@pc_name:03:50
nightdemon666sure. fedora 11. never frget it. i wanted to bang my head against the wall and reinstalled 8ntimes before i finally said, ok, i know what to mess with and what not too. of course we are talking about fedora after all. and i was tryingot operat it on a acer aspire one at the time, gosh what a mess. but it taught me sooooo much. i didnt do what a lot of people havedone and go ubuntu first. but i went to ubuntu for the st03:50
=== Zero is now known as Guest8751
usr13PlastikSpork: http://www.linux.com/news/enterprise/storage/8200-back-up-like-an-expert-with-rsync03:50
burfl_fluvell, hmmm is it case sensitive?03:51
mJayksuse 9.0 free CD with some bad PC magazine from the doctors waiting room :D03:51
burfl_fluvvell, sorry I misspelled your name above, is it case sensitive?03:51
mJaykbloody hated it03:51
nightdemon666now, sicne i have been operatingin that enviromnent so much for so long, i can pretty much do any linux distro. just need ot know what the package manager is, and i'll figure the rest out if its a little different. though about going BSD too, just to give it a spin.03:51
PlastikSporkusr13 thanks for the link03:52
DegrumJayk: i used to have suse, but then the package manager broke.03:52
fluvvellburfl_, yes - have you got irc on the linux box? This would be easier with xchat installed03:52
mJaykDegru: lol ... and then the packagemanager broke03:52
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic03:52
burfl_fluvvell i can get it... is that simply 'apt-get install xchat'?03:52
fluvvellburfl_, yup03:53
burfl_ok brb03:53
Degrufluvvell: i like irssi; it's a console program03:53
mJaykDegru: I bloody hated it 14 years old with a white box and no internet line it was so useless03:53
nightdemon666i tried suse, actually i liked it, but i was both a little inexperienced and the hardware didnt cooperate well with it, which made it worse. now i probably could make it work more easily. i know a lot more commands via terminal.03:53
DegrumJayk: well that package manager must've been pretty useless03:53
=== Degru is now known as Degru_away
usr13fluvvell: I agree with Degru, irssi is a good IRC client.03:54
mJaykDegru: the Cd's that came with the mag's used to have 3 cds03:54
fluvvellDegru, good for you. I might try it too then. I've just used xchat for, oh about a decade, and forget to look for new ones.03:54
mJaykDegru_away: 1 for the OS and 2 Repos CD's :)03:54
nightdemon666gosh, i just use pidgin for irc chat :/03:54
scottyfluvvell, this is burfl on the linux box03:54
=== scotty is now known as Guest51988
mJaykirssi ftw nightdemon66603:55
Guest51988ugh, now i'm Guest5198803:55
Degru_awayI'm away. Please don't chat with me until I change my nick back to Degru.03:55
fluvvellscotty, excellent.  Whats the name of the box then? from the command prompt?03:55
mJayklolololol Guest5198803:56
=== mJayk is now known as mJ[away]k
usr13fluvvell: irssi is (relatively) old. (1999)03:56
Guest51988how do i change my nick?03:57
n-iCeuse /nick newnick03:57
usr13Guest51988: /nick03:57
nightdemon666i guess xchat is too.. ive used it once i think. comes preinstalled on damnsmall linux i think...03:57
caldronishow dose one register with services?03:58
=== Guest51988 is now known as burfl
p014kthere you go03:58
p014kcaldronis: /msg nickserv help03:58
burflfluvvell, sorry what did you want now? I was switched to a guest03:58
usr13nightdemon666: xchat initial release June 199903:58
p014kxchat is awesome03:59
usr13nightdemon666: irssi, January 199903:59
nightdemon666yeah i thought it was that old lol03:59
burflfluvvell, the box name is 'scotty-bunch-of-letters'03:59
=== Degru_away is now known as Degru
dbrowni have a major issue04:00
fluvvellburfl, so can you ping "scotty-bunch-of-letters" from a command line on the w8 box04:00
burflfluvvell, no it failed04:00
Degruirssi has tab key autocomplete for nicks04:00
nightdemon666i used mIRC back in the 90's lol, but then i was on windows 9504:00
fluvvellburfl, so if you go ifconfig on the linux box, and get your inet address for eth0, then ping the ip number from the w8 box, does that work?04:01
fluvvellburfl, I think you need a simpler name04:01
fluvvellburfl, for the linux box04:01
burflfluvvell, command to change it?04:01
nightdemon666had i known better i would have used linu then though. dont know how that would have workewd out. i would imagine it was touch to get things working back in the 90's on junk gateway computer hardware :P04:01
fluvvellburfl, and did you turn off home group?04:01
burflfluvvell yes04:01
burfl_fluvvell, btw pinging by ip works04:02
burfl_4 packets sent, 4 received04:02
fluvvellburfl, try editing /etc/hostname and then rebooting04:04
nightdemon666p014k, do you have compiz config setting manager installed?? just a suggestion that might help you troubleshoot, that it may be a compiz thing...04:04
xxiaoburfl_: no need to reboot04:04
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xxiaohostname newname && hostname -f && echo newname > /etc/hostname && relogin04:05
burfl_fluvvell, okay i'll try that one sec04:05
nightdemon666hey, xxiao, what does using the & with another & mean. i know & means run in background, but how about two "&&" what does htat do???04:05
p014knightdemon666: Ya, it's installed. It may be that. I'll just do a clean install soon.04:05
p014kOr is there a way to reset the settings to default04:06
nightdemon666p014k, it would be easier probably :P04:06
nightdemon666on compiz yes04:06
xxiaonightdemon666: it means the commands must exit 0, i.e succeeds , otherwise the following cmds will not run04:06
dbrowncan someone point me to the ubuntu devoloper channel?04:06
xxiaodbrown: ubuntu-devel04:06
xxiaofrankly, after all those wayland/compiz/whatever/now-mir i'm thinking about debian again04:07
nightdemon666oh, means, first command must run before the next one in the line xxiao?04:07
burfl_fluvvell, I'll take this opportunity (while the nix box reboots) to thank you for donating your time to my cause.  it is appreciated.  you guys are unsung heroes04:07
xxiaonightdemon666: only if the previous command runs and has no issue, then the next one will run04:08
p014kcrap. I hit restore to defaults and instead it unchecked everything.04:09
p014kNow I don't know what I had...04:09
p014krather, what should be checked04:09
nightdemon666lol, xxiao, you know i thought very hard about going to just debian before i went ubuntu 12.04, but im actually ok with unity. im ok with it going the tablet direction, and thats ok. it isnt that bad. somethings just plain dont make sicne, like why they got rid of the desktop launcher, but very close ot just installing debian. i would have installed compiz anyway :D LOVE THEM EFFECTS! even if my netbook struggles with 04:09
burfl_fluvvell, pinging from w8 to nix now works as expected using both the ip and the box name04:10
burfl_but the box does not appear in file explorer04:10
fluvvellburfl_, thats good news04:10
ghost562Hello Guvnah!04:10
nightdemon666i have a good idea to that p014k, if you pull up a live cd, it shows all the defaults... may take a bit but there arent oo many04:10
fluvvellburfl_, but what happens if you use \\box-name\  in the address bar of the file explorer04:10
nightdemon666thats what i do when i muck stuff up... just run a live image and clone settings.04:10
ghost562How Would I Go Upon Closing A Non Responsive App?04:11
burfl_fluvvell, you're genius...04:11
nightdemon666you can break a live image all day long lol04:11
alenI want to change permission of one of my root folder in such a way so that Current login user can write the file in that folder ,Not All(like Guest).Which command i should try?04:11
giikeris it normal in Ubuntu to need to be root to create folders in an encrypted (with Truecrypt) external HDD ?04:11
nightdemon666yopu ned to put thatuser in the correct group alen04:11
fluvvellburfl_, its been suggested before... ;-)04:12
burfl_fluvvell, I cannot understand why network discovery didn't work on it's own, but I just created two folders remotely, so I think we might be good04:12
fluvvellthe genius bit lol04:12
nightdemon666yes giiker, you are performing admin task. root "should" be required for admin tasks like drive encryption04:12
burfl_fluvvell, rightly earned, thanks again for your time04:12
fluvvellburfl_, yeah the search stuff- not so good.  the name based should be fine04:12
fluvvellburfl_, no prob04:13
dbrownis ubuntu seriously moving away from compiz?04:13
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alennightdemon666:Folder only root can change.please describe more.04:14
nightdemon666alen, try sudo chown root:currentusername /path/to/file and then perform a chmod u=rwx,g=rwx,o-rwx /path/to/file04:15
ghost562How Would I Go Upon Closing A Non Responsive App?04:15
ghost562Right-Clicking And Selecting Quit, Not Working.04:16
nightdemon666ghost562, perform a sudo kill (pid)04:16
ghost562nightdemon666, will try.04:16
dbrownis alen pope in here?04:16
nightdemon666or sudo kill -9 (pid) run top to see program name thats being a butt :P04:16
nightdemon666which program is it ghost?04:17
ghost562video player.04:17
ghost562movie player, sorry04:17
nightdemon666which one. vlc?04:17
nightdemon666or totem?04:17
ghost562the default ubuntu one04:17
nightdemon666yeah, you can do a killall totem in your user name in the command line\04:17
ghost562ok, so04:18
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ghost562sudo killall totem(addusernamehere)?04:18
nightdemon666you dont need root if you ran the program. i advise root user to NOT be used when you can get away with it.04:18
thoonaihow do I list ejabberd registered users?04:18
nightdemon666no ghost, just killall totem, your user account ran the program04:18
selena2013thank you Ubuntu i love you04:19
nightdemon666let me know if that did the trick ghost562 :)04:19
ghost562nightdemon666, just typed it killall totem, that closed it, thanks :D04:20
nightdemon666you only need leading sudo command if root owns that program. you can see that in top when you type it. you can see who is running that app.04:21
nightdemon666you can also type top | grep totem, and it will show onlt that line as well :)04:21
ajx1999i need major help04:21
ajx1999anyone here04:21
nightdemon666ajx, whats up?04:22
ajx1999do you know how to solve the gnu grub screen04:22
ajx1999i starded it up04:22
nightdemon666it depends onwhat you want out of it04:22
ajx1999im using dual boot04:22
ajx1999i says i cant load kernal04:22
ajx1999i looked up like 10 tutorials04:22
ajx1999i have very valuable documents on that side04:23
ghost562nightdemon666, awesome thanks for the help04:23
Jeremy3Danyone set up a wireless hp printer before with ubuntu 12.04 ?04:23
Jeremy3Dcause i could use some help on how04:23
ajx1999can anyone helop me04:23
ajx1999no one04:23
giikernightdemon666: even with truecrypt?04:23
Jeremy3Dwirelessly that is04:23
nightdemon666i would imagine so giiker, you are doing something to a harddrive.. ususally calls out for root to do that.04:24
giikernightdemon666: makes sense to me, thanks for the explanation04:24
nightdemon666thats a new one on me ajx199904:25
nightdemon666let me think...04:25
nightdemon666does it take you to busybox ajx199904:26
nightdemon666and, you have a link to one of those tutorials?04:26
ghost562ajx1999, just post your question, and if someone has the answer, they will help04:27
elisa87I want to ssh to my computer at my lab I have this info jalal@dfyhs5l1:~/cuda/rodinia_2.2/cuda/nw$ hpcstruct ./needle ( is jalal@dfyhs5l1 my username?)04:27
ghost562jeremy3d, post away.04:27
nightdemon666you might be able to fix running sudo fsck /dev/(sda1 or sda2 or sda3 or what ever it is you have linux installed on)04:28
Jeremy3Dghost562, i'm researching now to see where to begin.  i was able to run disc that came with printer and set up computer with win7 easily. mac air was a bit trickier cause i just had to hook up usb and then download drivers from hp site.04:28
nightdemon666i think the user name is jalal elisa04:28
Jeremy3Di'm supposing i have to do the same thing as the mac for ubuntu, via usb cable. printer is on other side of room and hoping to get it to talk via wifi04:28
dumontanyone use FDE and dualboot to windows on the same disk?04:29
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dumontis it possible? wouldn't FDE not work for windows partition, ps FDE is full disk encryption04:29
nightdemon666um, you should be able ot do both dumont04:29
ghost562jeremy3d, printer offers wireless capabilities?04:29
Jeremy3Dprinter has built in wifi yes04:29
xanguaJeremy3D: is your printer already sync with your wifi¿04:29
dumontnightdemon666 won't ubuntu software FDE encrypt the whole disk, not just a whole partition?04:29
nightdemon666jeremy3d, did you look to see if there were wireless drivers on hp site???04:30
Jeremy3Dyea win7 comp and osx comp are both working right now04:30
nightdemon666linux drivers, sorry not wireless04:30
Jeremy3Dnightdemon666, getting directed here - http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/index.html? reading up on it now04:30
dumontand since the disk contains windows partition, and windows cannot decrypt ubuntu software FDE, then windows won't dualboot04:30
Jeremy3DHPLIP Toolbox in software center. that might be all i need04:31
nightdemon666ok, so... the scoop is, GRUB should be calling out the boot sequence. soooo, you should be able to boot windows or linux via grub with both disk encrypted04:31
nightdemon666jeremy3d, does the linux generic drivers not work on yur HP printer???04:32
giikerelisa87: your username should be jalal04:32
Jeremy3Dnightdemon666, i guess what i'm looking for is the hp utility to find and print wirelessly. havent hooked up usb yet cause printer on other side of the room04:32
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giikerelisa87: whatever is after @ is the server followed by the path to a folder to that server04:33
nightdemon666screw usb jeremy, go wireless... thats hwat you baught it for. i have a brother printer works great and wireless :)04:33
nightdemon666i second what giiker says again. i run ssh all day long :)04:33
Jeremy3Dright nightdemon666 but i think i gotta go usb temporarily to get it installed correctly. then i can go wifi. this tool i got off software center seems to know whats up04:34
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ghost562jeremy3d, i think thats all you need, once you install the utitilty, hook up via usb, it install driver, then you can remove usb, and hook up via wifi04:34
nightdemon666i see, if it work, it works, and thats half the battle.. GI JOE!04:34
ghost562nice one demon :D04:35
giikerhas anyone ever used Irssi and CenterIM, which is one is better, customization wise?04:35
john38can someone recommend a good way to connect to a https server with login and password?04:35
john38on ubuntu04:35
Ben64john38: firefox04:35
nightdemon666http://(https ip addrss)04:35
Jeremy3Dghost562, i think you're correct. will know shortly. thanks for the help, you too nightdemon66604:35
john38stupid me04:36
giikerI would only use HTTPS john38 :-)04:36
ghost562jeremy3d, no problem, thats what we are here for.04:36
dumontnightdemon666 so who's doing the disk decryption... when booting into windows??04:36
silv3r_m00nI am using kde, whenever I shutdown, the gnome desktop comes up for 1-2 seconds, does the gnome desktop keep running behind kde ?04:36
Ben64silv3r_m00n: how do you know it's gnome04:37
nightdemon666whats the secret dumont?04:37
giikernightdemon666: yeaah?04:37
dumontsilv3r_m00n why not install kubuntu?04:37
nightdemon666i think dumont has some info for you gikker04:37
giikerdumont: kernel is04:37
nightdemon666me spell bad lol04:38
silv3r_m00nBen64: the gnome icons and all come up, it's the same thing that comes up when logging in to a gnome session04:38
dumontgiiker.... IN WINDOWS!04:38
john38Ben64, well the problem is that this is a finance institution site with login and pass thats usually uses a program to connect04:38
john38giiker, well the problem is that this is a finance institution site with login and pass thats usually uses a program to connect04:38
giikerdumont: same thing04:38
silv3r_m00ndumont: i installed ubuntu long back and then installed kubuntu from synaptic too, its continuing since then04:38
john38nightdemon666, well the problem is that this is a finance institution site with login and pass thats usually uses a program to connect04:38
john38under windows04:39
dumontgiiker how is ubunut's kernel decrypting the disk when booting and physically running windows?04:39
john38anybody help me?04:40
nightdemon666john38, i could see problems with that on ubuntu... if that software isnt supoported on linux, you may have problems :( however, it may be possible to run wine, there may be a linux evrsion of the software, or you can run windows form a VM04:40
john38nightdemon666, oh04:40
spencerWhere is the best place to get help with bash script04:40
nightdemon666that program is likely a browser plugin of somesort right? john3804:41
ivotklHave to go guys. See you later. =)04:41
giikerdumont: can you elaborate again pls?04:41
john38nightdemon666, well its a small client that you install on windows with login pass prompt04:41
giikerdumont: can you ask your question again, I dont want to Pageup to find it04:41
Ben64john38: can't you just go to the website04:42
john38nightdemon666, i thought i could do that with remote desktop04:42
john38Ben64, i tried wont go in04:42
holsteinjohn38: you can try wine, or ask them for a linux application...04:42
Ben64what kind of silly bank need to run a program to do online banking04:42
nightdemon666yeah, seen that before with a home camera set up too... no linux support with that. if you absolutely HAD to access that site from linux you need ot run a vm with windos on it, if you have the resources04:43
cfhowlettlots of banks use browser specific plug ins ..04:43
Ben64john38: what bank/website is it?04:43
john38Ben64, the client is called Encompass36004:43
holsteinjohn38: how did it work in wine?04:44
john38holstein, havent tried yet04:44
giikerjohn38: I owuld suggest nightdemon666's, run it in a VM if you have good amount of RAM and good CPU, just suspend it when you don't need to run it.04:45
nightdemon666screw wine.. my opinion04:45
dumontgiiker, the disk contains a windows and an ubuntu system. I want to use software full disk encryption. is it possible or not?04:45
holsteinnightdemon666: i agree, but they are likely not going to give john38 a naitive client.. though it should be requested04:45
dumont2 problems: 1. windows doesn't know how to decrypt data encrypted via ubuntu FDE. 2. does FDE encrypt the disk or partition?04:46
nightdemon666agreed, maybe prmote more linux support :)04:46
giikerwhy run wine, which  sometimes is very good really, when you can have everything in a VM?04:46
Ben64wine doesn't require a windows license04:47
giikerdumont: do you have separate paritions on Ubuntu?04:47
dumontwhy does that matter?04:47
nightdemon666soo, i would imagin that the disk encryption needs to stay on the separate partitions and invoked per OS. truecrypt for windows run from windows to ecrypt the partition, (might cause issues) then truecrypt for linux run in ubuntu04:48
john38is there any ubuntu software that enables login pass entry to https04:48
Ben64john38: i don't think you're going to get what you want here04:49
giikerdumont: ok, let see what I get from your question, You have a disk with an NTFS and an EXT3/4 parition, right? and you want to encrypt both paritions?04:49
Ben64john38: and the answer to that is "firefox"04:49
john38Ben64, ok04:49
onehow do I display dmesg | tail at regular update intervals ?04:49
nightdemon666john38, i think its really due to browse plugin. if its not supported for linux i'd use a VM for now, but do ask for a linux app to see if its supoported. dont be down on your luck if its not04:49
john38nightdemon666, cool04:50
nightdemon666thats a good question one04:50
oneUbuntu: How do I display dmesg | tail at regular update intervals ?04:50
Ben64!patience | one04:50
ubottuone: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:50
giikerBen64: good reason, but I still have my XP disc laying around in the dust, since I switched ti  Linux completley :-)04:50
nightdemon666you may need ot run another output program one04:50
nightdemon666dmesg | tail | (someother program)04:51
dumontgiiker I guess that depends if FDE can encrypt only 1 partition.04:51
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giikerjohn38: if you are using ann app from a finance institution, they might have some real reasons for you to only use that program also04:51
nightdemon666giiker, i think truecrypt can encrypt partition or disk :) but i would nOT encrypt a whole disk if you have another OS on it04:51
nightdemon666especially if windows didnt see it coming. i would run encryption software per OS04:52
Nimblenightdemon666, is it possible to set up encryption per disk and have another disk on the machine without it?04:53
nightdemon666startuing with windows of course, it case it screws something up. probablyt best to have started out with gparted to allocate the space for ubuntu ahead of time. run partition encryption from windows, make sure its working, then uinstall ubuntu, and run partition encryption on the ubuntu side. that should have both partitions encrypted and both os geared to decrypt :)04:54
nightdemon666oh i bet nimble... probably the easier way actually04:55
NimbleI have a computer where I might put windows and ubuntu on separate disks04:55
Nimbleso I'm thinking about it04:55
nightdemon666do it04:55
nightdemon666id say encrypt them both though, but do understand that you have to ask your self, what you are encrypting it for...04:56
giikernightdemon666: nope at all, after so many tries, encryptions, keys, pssphrases I have decided to keep windows partitions alone, even though I can use Truecrypt on it, encrypt my /home in linux and have 3 full force encrypted redundant backups-1. local (external drive) 2. my parent's house 3. cloud? I haven't decied yet on the cloud option yet04:56
giikernightdemon666: I make backups of my encrypted /home to the other redundant ones :-;04:57
nightdemon666safe choice giiker, screwing with windows partition can f it all up\04:57
nightdemon666all encrypted giiker? even the back ups?04:57
giikernightdemon666: yeap, that's how i learned...04:57
Nimblenightdemon666, I don't feel like using truecrypt for it04:58
dumontthe situation is even more complicated when doing it on SSD04:58
NimbleI could do it with bitlocker though04:58
dumontbecause SSD automatically reallocates blocks during cleaning04:58
Alakullihalhay all... are 13.04 support until 18 mounth only?04:58
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cfhowlettAlakullihal, correct04:59
giikernightdemon666: yeap, I keep only very often used files unencrypted on my system and that's it, but try to do incremental backups not to have too much date unencrypted04:59
nightdemon666so honestly i havent gone in and performed disk encryptin except for my admin home folder in ubutnu 12.04. i realize now i should though. all too late.. i can choose ot encrypt when ever i want to right???04:59
Alakullihalwhy? it LTS?05:00
cfhowlettAlakullihal, LTS support is 36 months ...05:00
nightdemon666Long Term Support05:00
ubottuAlakullihal,: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)05:00
Alakullihalso for 13.04 why 18 mounth only?05:01
giikernightdemon666: yeap, you can encrypt later on, but I think it ś safer to do everything from the beginning, since when you change to encrypted partitions, you might run into some problems, at least that's what I heard05:01
cfhowlettAlakullihal, ALL non-LTS releases are 18 month support.  this is business as usual.05:02
nightdemon666giiker, i can choose to encrypt when ever i want, even if i installed ubuntu with out encryption right? and truecrypt is best option? ive been reading up on this lately05:02
cfhowlettAlakullihal, 13.04 will NOT be an LTS release.05:02
xanguaAlakullihal: normal releases are, 13.04 is not LTS, for more /join #ubuntu+105:02
burfl_my Ubuntu box went to sleep while xferring large files... any way to stop this from happening?05:02
Alakullihaloh. 13.04 non-LTS...05:02
nightdemon666i was afraid of that giiker :/ they should really have that option in the installer05:02
giikernightdemon666: yes you can encrypt later05:02
nightdemon666truecrypt is what you use too right giiker?05:03
burfl_a clarification: i was transferring files *to* the Ubuntu box05:03
giikernightdemon666: I have been using truecrypt for the last 8 years I think, and as long as you keep you keys and passphrases in safe places you are good to go05:03
giikernightdemon666: I use TC, yeap05:03
nightdemon666oh ok, so truecrypt is badass software.. cool. i will keep that in mind :)05:03
nightdemon666it does take up some additional space thoug doesnt it giiker05:04
giikernightdemon666: Truecrypt is so good, that I read a benchmark of a guy that after encrypting his hard drive, windows run much fater on it, I don know if the same was on Linux though05:04
giikernightdemon666: what do you mean extra space?05:05
Tex_NickAlakullihal:  you might find some useful info here ... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases05:05
AlakullihalI think it would be nice if ubuntu by rolling release05:05
burfl_this box is intended to be a home server, how can i stop it from going to sleep?05:06
nightdemon666i mean causes there ito ultimately be more space comsumed on hard drive because data is encrypted.. true giiker?05:07
giikernightdemon666: I never read or heard that. where did you get this?05:07
nightdemon666an article i happened to brush by on my phone. dont recall exact artical.. so you are saying that x amount of datat encrypted or not is still the same x amount of data. it doesnt cause file size ot get larger or anything?05:09
BlackWebI have a 3TB WD Internal Hard Drive, That I'm running into problems with, I've tried parted, & Gparted and I keep running into the same Error, "Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while creating root dir" Any Ideas? Its a brand New Hard Drive, I've tried replacing the SATA Cable, Changing the Position of the Cable & all, The Motherboard is Brand New05:10
nightdemon666burfl, so i think i remember this being an issue.. i suppose you didnt replace gnome screensaver with xscreensaver, so default screen saver (blank) is set up, and you went in the power setings and turned the sleep off correct?05:11
nightdemon666blackweb, have you formatted it?05:12
oneHow bout that dmesg | tail question?05:12
giikernightdemon666: I might have to say here I don know as a matter of fact, but I ḿ going to check my disk to see how much space is left, jejeje!05:12
BlackWebya trying to format it now, & it keeps erroring out,05:12
nightdemon666it would be nice ot know giiker :)05:12
nightdemon666let me now what you find05:12
BlackWebInput Or Output error05:12
BlackWebsince its over 2Tb I'm using parted & gpt as the Partition table05:13
nightdemon666ok... i can probably help with this one... had same issue with seagate...05:13
nightdemon666blackweb, do you have access to a windows runnign comoputer and admid right?05:14
BlackWebBut ya everytime I try to make a partition on it then it gives me a error, Input / Output Error if I use parted or "Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while creating root dir" If I use mkfs.ext3,    Right now then I'm gonna try installing Windows 7 on it now05:14
BlackWebLast time I tried it gave me a error also, Which I googled and someone said to try & replace SATA Cable so trying that now,05:15
burfl_Does anybody know?  This seems like it should be simple.  I need to stop my ubuntu machine from going to sleep due to inactivity05:16
crizisburfl_: system settings > power ?05:16
BlackWebburfl, if you search Power05:16
crizissuspend when inactive for <don't suspend>05:16
burfl_crizis Yea I set those05:16
burfl_no change05:17
burfl_do I need to reboot to take effect?05:17
nightdemon666yeah blackweb, i suggest insatll to windows. reformat in windows, and format to RAW05:17
crizisnot afaik.. could at least try logout/login but dno05:17
nightdemon666then install to ubutnu, and run gparted and format to what ever you want05:17
nightdemon666still looking one...05:18
jstrong1Would anyone happen to know why adding the following line to my sources.list is not working for Ubuntu 10.04? deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ lucid main05:18
BlackWebalright, ya the crazy thing is i built another server, Same MOBD, & Hard Drive & No problems, But this ones been giving me hell05:18
giikernightdemon666: ok, I just copied a file of 200 MB to my truecrypt partition and there is no takeup of space05:19
jstrong1According to the postgres docs that's what it should look like, but I get: W: Failed to fetch http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/dists/lucid/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404  Not Found [IP: 2001:4800:7903:1::133 80]05:19
nightdemon666so, file size doesnt grow.. good to know giiker. thanks :)05:19
nightdemon666means that server is down jstrong05:20
jstrong1what happens is that the url is: http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/dists/lucid-pgdg/05:21
jstrong1so they're using a non-standard format.05:21
giikernightdemon666: not so fast, though there is some take up of space at the start of the encryption05:22
burfl_crizis, thanks.. I think the problem was actually faulty wiring.  It just powered off very suddenly while I was watching it.  When powered back up there were "lines" scanning down the monitor.  I plugged both into a different outlet and it seems to be okay atm05:24
burfl_maybe a bad breaker.. who knows05:24
nightdemon666so, ONE i found a way to kinda do it, and you may tweak you your liking... run cmmand    watch --differences dmesg | tail05:25
giikernightdemon666: I see about 187 MB used before adding/creating any files or folders, they must be related to keys or parts of truecrypt for the encryption to take place05:25
giikernightdemon666: after that i did not see any increase :-)05:26
tuxnguyendlkSELinux is preventing wine-preloader from mmap_zero access on the memprotect .05:26
tuxnguyendlk*****  Plugin mmap_zero (53.1 confidence) suggests  **************************05:26
tuxnguyendlkIf you do not think wine-preloader should need to mmap low memory in the kernel.05:26
tuxnguyendlkThen you may be under attack by a hacker, this is a very dangerous access.05:26
FloodBot1tuxnguyendlk: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:26
tuxnguyendlkcontact your security administrator and report this issue.05:26
nightdemon666i have a t4b drive so more consumption was a concern. thank you giiker. it was bad enough it took over 200GB away just to format it ext4! :(05:26
maxkollideHi everyone. So... I have an intermittent problem where my laptop freezes up randomly. I haven't filed a bug report because I wouldn't know what to put, but... This time, it locked up and I can still ssh into the box! This doesn't usually happen (usually networking goes down with the system too) so I was windering if there was anything I might be able to do to check out what's causing the hangs.05:27
nightdemon666um run dmesg when ytou ssh into the box05:27
giikernightdemon666: you must have either huge video files or you have much more data than me, I haven't reached the 4 TB size yet :-)05:28
nightdemon666first guess was good :]05:28
giikernightdemon666: you know you can access your video files ( i don't know if encrypted though) if you change your bs?05:29
giikernightdemon666:  I menat, you know you can access your video files faster ( i don't know if encrypted though) if you change your bs?05:29
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nightdemon666i chopped it up into two back up drives too. 2tb for videos, 1.5 for photoback up for my wifes photography and .5 for other back up :)05:29
nightdemon666sorry, dont know what bs means please explaine05:30
maxkollide*sigh* never mind I guess. Networking just went down and I didn't have time to run anything.05:30
maxkollideI really would like to find out what's causing the crashing though.05:30
giikernightdemon666: byte size05:30
nightdemon666maxkollide, couldnt you also ctrl+alt+F1 into vurtual terminal?05:30
maxkollideNope, whole systems down.05:31
nightdemon666hmm, not sure about that one giiker05:31
maxkollideScreen freezes, mouse and keyboard unresponsive05:31
nightdemon666that may take some troble shooting during formating correct?05:31
nightdemon666ok, maxkollide, do you hard shutdown or other???05:32
maxkollideI usually just hard shutdown. I pull the battery on it.05:32
nightdemon666sadface :(05:32
maxkollideThere's like no other way to get it to close.05:32
nightdemon666you really should perform alt+print screen key, then press while holding the other two REISUB05:33
nightdemon666thats safer on hard drive and OS IMO05:33
maxkollideWait, what?05:33
maxkollideGo over that again?05:33
nightdemon666i almost NEVER hard shut down if i dont have to05:33
maxkollideAlt and print screen?05:34
manoloshi. how can i see in which partion grub2 is installed?05:34
nightdemon666hold down alt+prt scr keys at the same time... while holding those two, press REISUB one second apart form each other... i wan tot see if the kernal is still alive05:34
manolosno. my mistake. in which hard drive i mean05:34
maxkollideWhat's REISUB?05:35
nightdemon666the kesy on your keyboard. R E I S U B05:35
maxkollideOr do you mean the letters REISUB?05:35
nightdemon666alt+prt scr05:36
nightdemon666R E I S U B05:36
nightdemon666one after the other one second part :)05:36
FloodBot1nightdemon666: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:36
maxkollideI'll try that next time... I can probably get it to crash again soon lol05:36
nightdemon666you learne d anew trick ;)05:36
giikernightdemon666: when you format your drives, i did this on Winblows though, You can choose the zise of your cluster, since video files are larger in size, the larger the cluster will allowed for faster access to the video file, instead of accessing different cluster all over the HD05:36
giikernightdemon666: if it is just for archiving though, default size it is ok05:36
maxkollideSo if I might ask, what does this magic REISUB thing do?05:37
nightdemon666that may be benefical giiker.. i have it set up as sftp access and smb access to read only for all but my admin user. may improve access speed :) i think i read about that on the webs using gparted to adjust the byte size or somehting like that05:38
nightdemon666each letter stands for a command invoked by the kernal (if its still alive after crash) and soft reboots your computer forcefully and clean. better than hard shut down maxkollide05:39
nightdemon666maxkollide, if you are able to perform that command ten the kernal is still running and thats good news! at least for your hard drive and your OS. now, the next thing to do is when you reboot back in, go through your dmesg logs05:41
giikernightdemon666: yeah you can find more info about cluster size increase in video forums...05:41
duckx0rCan anyone tell me if there's anything wrong with this query? http://pastebin.com/ZT1CurRL I'm getting "Unknown column 'changes.conf_num' in 'on clause'" even though this column does exist.05:41
nightdemon666ls /var/log/ | grep dmesg05:41
nightdemon666then you can all your dmesg logs and go through them one by one. cat /var/log/dmesg.005:42
nightdemon666you can also look up specifics like key words "error" or "fail" these words hopefully giving you the clue on whats causing the fail.. which coud be a bazillion things. try cat /var/log/dmesg.0 | grep fail or error or Fail or Error... caps to matter ot grep program05:43
nightdemon666giiker, the video forums would guld me to a relative number, or tell me how to figure that on my own? too bad i already exeeced my disk space beyond flushing back to other drives to format the 4tb again :P05:45
giikernightdemon666: thats where i got this info from, some of those guys are into HDD optimization. look it up05:46
giikernight night everyone05:46
nightdemon666laterz giiker05:47
maxkollideOkay so... My dmesg.0 doesn't look like it has anything interesting in it.05:47
maxkollideClosest I've even got to anything "interesting" is a message that days "init: failsafe main process (897) killed by TERM signal"05:48
ninja-hattorihello any solution for partitions shown twice in thunar on xubuntu quantal?05:49
maxkollideI don't know what it means but it was the most interesting message matched by Fail or fail05:49
nightdemon666anything pertaining to the fail "should" be captured in that file... suckage.. thought that might lead you to the root cause...05:49
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nightdemon666you can ssh from another machine see if you can run watch --differences dmesg | tail. this way you may catch it in the act05:52
AndChat-732081Maybe I can still track it down if I can ssh into the system after it goes down again. It's only a matter of time before it crashes again.05:53
GnomeNostalgiais there an uubuntu remix that uses the MATE desktop (I don't want Mint or the like, I want someting that look more like 10.04)05:53
nightdemon666ah! your name changed!05:53
nightdemon666AndChat, what kind of machine is this?05:54
panorainTex_Nick hi05:54
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xanguaGnomeNostalgia: http://wiki.mate-desktop.org/download05:57
GnomeNostalgia[16:53] <GnomeNostalgia> is there an uubuntu remix that uses the MATE desktop (I don't want Mint or the like, I want someting that look more like 10.04)05:57
GnomeNostalgiaive tried this and the problem is that the unity apps and conf files gets mixed up with the mate ones05:57
xanguafor anything else, you are on your own and of course mate is nor supported here ;)05:57
xanguaGnomeNostalgia: then you should ask help for the ones who maintain that ppa /mate , tried mint channel¿05:58
Taevhow do I get out of Unity and into KDE or gnome05:59
xanguaTaev: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop  , to install kde05:59
Taevhow do i get a terminal in this mess?06:00
GnomeNostalgiaxaguna:I hate mint and i hate gnome-fallback as well06:00
xanguaGnomeNostalgia: you can hate all and everyone and what will change nothing ;)06:00
uiuiui32Hi. I am trying to configure Ubuntu 12.10 as a VM host using kvm. But when I do a virsh qemu://system list, I get a cacert.pem not found error.06:01
uiuiui32How can I resolve this? Can someone please help?06:01
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GnomeNostalgiaim going to the #mate channel06:04
LordBidoofDamn you UEFI!!06:06
panorainI am a noob06:06
LordBidoofpanorain:me too06:07
LordBidoofwhat is worse noob's can't get UEFI working06:07
panorainI have Slitaz with psk wireless to the left06:07
panorainLordBidoof I don't know UEFI I will be quiet06:08
LordBidoofpanorain: UEFI makes installing ubuntu/other linux difficult on new computers06:10
panorainLordBidoof is UEFI a filesyatem partition?06:11
SwedeMikepanorain: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uefi06:11
panorainSwedeMike thank you06:11
lewowpardhi my thunar on xubuntu 12.10 is showing partitions twice, how can i hide them? tanhk you.06:14
snodohi, my ssh works from anywhere except when using my university Internet any ideas why this might be?06:19
SwedeMikesnodo: try using tcptraceroute <host> 22 when it doesn't work and see where it stops.06:20
ttotiFirewall for schools usually block the port. Happens to me as well06:20
snodoswedemike: sure ill will try that, tmrw not at uni at the moment, they have solaris servers, i guess its some kinds of firewall.06:21
oneUbuntu: What is the command line argument to update dmesg | tail at regular intervals?06:22
Nimblewatch "dmesg | tail"06:23
SwedeMikeone: or "sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog" (or whatever log you want to look at)06:23
lewowpardseems no ones using xubuntu here. very well then i wont ask anything evar06:29
cfhowlettlewowpard, i'm on xubuntu.  ask06:29
panorainlewowpard what is your question06:29
lewowpardokay. my thunar on xubuntu 12.10 is showing partitions twice, how can i hide them? thank you.06:30
cfhowlettlewowpard, settings > desktop > icons ...06:31
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lewowpardi already unchecked removable devices but partition duplicates keep showing up.06:33
onethanks guys06:33
cfhowlettlewowpard, unclick all expect home and trash ?06:35
subcoolhisto, you around?06:38
lewowpardcfhowlett: thanks, did that too but still didn't help06:39
oneUbuntu: How do I download source as unprivldg user? Using apt-get source "pkg" tries to unpack it and asks for dpkg-dev.06:45
cfhowlettlewowpard, sorry, IDK what to say.  works fine for me ...06:45
SuperLagAny of you guys use Nvidia Quadro cards in your Ubuntu boxen?06:46
lewowpardcfhowlett: screenshot: http://www.datafilehost.com/download-dd3c2e07.html again thank you.06:52
cfhowlettlewowpard, suggest you use the ubuntu screenshot tool ... the one you sent wants me to download an .exe file.  I think not ...06:54
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:54
alainusi find that ubuntu runs rather slow on an intel i7-3770k + 4gb ram, even crashing often... is this normal or could it be some configuration problem? i'm thinking about switching to lubuntu but i want to rule that out first06:54
alainuscrashes are not regular though06:54
aeon-ltdalainus: got the right drivers for gpus/pci cards/other peripherals?06:57
lewowpardcfhowlett: sorry. http://imagebin.org/24902406:58
cfhowlettlewowpard, try killing all icon desktop display options ...07:01
cfhowlettlewowpard, also, is this a wubi/windows installation or ... ?07:03
cfhowlettlewowpard, disregard the icon settings .. bad advice from me ...07:03
Syriacould someone please tell me how can I completly remove phpmyadmin and SQL ! after deleting the users from phpmyadmin by accedent I cannot log in anymore!07:04
cctestjoin #matlab07:04
lewowpardcfhowlett: never mind you've been very helpful. thank you sir. gtg bye.07:05
thoonaiSyria: normally apt-get purge07:06
thoonaiand then the packet name07:07
cfhowlettSyria, apt-get remove --purge07:07
Syriathoonai:  cfhowlett  I am getting a message telling a lot of stuff starts with "ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)   " I have deleted all the users by accedent and this is why I want to remove it and re-installl it from the scratch.07:09
thoonaicfhowlett: not apt-get purge?07:09
cfhowlettthoonai, same outcome, different command sequence ... should kill the program and remove all config files07:09
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cfhowlettSyria, sorry, beyond that kind of error is over my head.07:10
c|onemanheh, my buddy's at it again... left himself a backdoor to login as root07:10
jonyI need the best IP scanner software, please help07:13
ubottujony: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.07:14
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kalenjohnsonJust wiped my main drive tonight. Windows is officially gone. SSD is 100% Ubuntu07:18
kalenjohnsonfeels oh so good07:18
subcoolwhats the command view all partitions, lvm and regular07:20
cfhowlettkalenjohnson, nothing like a squeaky clean install07:20
IzzoDizzowish i could do the same on my mbp :)07:20
tjbenatorI just bought an SSD for my laptop. No windows now :D07:20
jonyI need an IP scanner software, please help07:20
IzzoDizzocan' t run ubuntu on my mbp :X07:20
IzzoDizzojony, nmap07:20
kalenjohnsonIzzoDizzo, why not?07:21
jonyIzzoDizzo, it has GUI?07:21
kalenjohnsontjbenator, SSD's are awesome, one of the best upgrades I've made on a computer07:21
IzzoDizzowell i can, but the nouveau drivers randomly freeze xwindows, and nvidia drivers just give a black screen07:21
IzzoDizzojony, no07:21
jonyIzzoDizzo, I need something with GUI07:21
kalenjohnsonIzzoDizzo, that sucks. Do you have one with the Retina display?07:21
kalenjohnsonI hate saying Retina display...07:21
IzzoDizzonope. not a retina07:22
IzzoDizzo2010 model, with a geforce 330m07:22
IzzoDizzothink it might be because of EFI07:22
ArioHello. I am trying to get Ubunto, and was wondering if I will lose all my Programs and Documents switching from Win 707:22
tjbenatorkalenjohnson, totally agree, makes a world of difference07:22
kalenjohnsonhuh, kind of strange07:22
IzzoDizzobut i can't do a normal bios install, as i removed the superdrive to put in an extra hd07:22
IzzoDizzoand apple doesnt like installing from usb07:23
IzzoDizzowithout EFI07:23
kalenjohnsonIzzoDizzo, I assume you installed the 64-bit version07:23
IzzoDizzotried a few now07:23
kalenjohnsonthat's too bad07:23
IzzoDizzoas soon as i install nvidia-current, experimental or bumblebee and reboot, screen goes black07:23
kalenjohnsonI dunno, maybe if you can get a hold of an external DVD drive07:23
IzzoDizzobacklight stays on tho07:23
IzzoDizzothis guy has the same problems07:24
ArioI guess I must be in the wrong channel07:24
IzzoDizzoario ?07:24
IzzoDizzoario, you can do a dual boot setup07:24
kalenjohnsonArio, how do you know someone isn't writing a response right now?07:25
IzzoDizzokalenjohnson, rocking ubuntu on my desktop tho :)07:25
kalenjohnsonIzzoDizzo, You'd have to be to be hanging out in here ;)07:25
Guest56745how to change color on irssi?07:25
IzzoDizzokalenjohnson, not without errors tho :) but i'll manage to fix them later07:26
ArioI have not done IRC since early 90's. sorry for being slow,07:26
IzzoDizzoArio, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot07:26
foo357Hello, I've installed a particular software library / tool from source due to licensing issues. The thing is that I now need to rebuild and reinstall this software. It depends on some libraries (which will not be changed in any way) and some higher-level software depends on this library which I'm goign to reinstall.07:26
kalenjohnsonIzzoDizzo, Guess I should feel lucky, I can install Ubuntu 12.10 without a hitch on my work laptop. nvidia 560m07:27
IzzoDizzoyeah, i'm bothered my boss for a windows based laptop :) as this is 3 years old anyway07:27
ArioSo when I reboot using the memory stick, just do Duel Boot?07:27
foo357So my question is what do I need to do to ensure that this reinstallation is correctly carried out?07:27
kalenjohnsonArio, when you go to install it, you can have the option to set up your partitions, or you can have Ubuntu install it alongside Windows07:28
IzzoDizzoario, read that page please, you'll have to resize harddisks etc, unless you are just booting a live usb and not intend on installing it to hd07:28
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IzzoDizzofoo357, just do a ./configure or we the tool needs07:28
IzzoDizzoand it'll tell you :)07:28
cfhowlettArio, read, research then choose.  sounds like you want to keep windows.  Dual boot is my recommendation.07:28
foo357IzzoDizzo: yes it's a conventional ./confidure && make && make install && (ldconfig ?)07:29
IzzoDizzoif it fails on dependencies it'll tell you07:29
ArioAfter the last security Update from Windows, my Computer is super Lagging, takes 30 Minutes to Start-up. I am wanting to tell Bill Gates what I think of Windows and leave it behind for good. Just afraid of Major Imcompatability Issues.07:30
IzzoDizzoArio, depends on what software you use/need07:30
ArioI was just wondering if I do Duel Boot, can I use my current installed Programs to see if they are Compatable?07:30
IzzoDizzoyou can't ario07:31
cfhowlettArio, such as ???07:31
kalenjohnsonI don't now what that means07:31
IzzoDizzoArio, some might work with wine, but you'll have to install them again07:31
kalenjohnsonI know Firefox, Thunderbird, and Chrome work :)07:31
ArioI have Office 2010, Firefox, Sims 2 and 3 and World of Warcraft  :)07:31
cfhowlettario libreoffice is the linux equivalent to MS Office ...07:32
IzzoDizzooffice 2010 works on wine, but yuo can try openoffice of libreoffice07:32
cfhowlett!wine|ario FF: yes, sims and WOW?  see wine07:32
ubottuario FF: yes, sims and WOW?  see wine: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu07:32
rahul01Hi, how can i set ubuntu when i start computer, so it will not ask for password on login07:32
ArioI do have Open Office as well.  I keep forgetting I downloaded it07:32
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IzzoDizzoNeutron01, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutoLogin07:33
Neutron01IzzoDizzo thank you07:33
ArioOne last question, once I install Ubuntu. Will I be able to Copy files from the Windows Side to the Ubunto Side for re-Installing on Ubuntu, or will I have to save them on Disk/USB first?07:35
IzzoDizzodepends if you replace windows or not07:35
SuperLagArio: WinSCP.07:35
IzzoDizzoSuperLag, he's doing it on the same machine :)07:35
IzzoDizzoario: have you ever tried ubuntu ?07:35
cfhowlettArio, yes you can copy/paste from windows to ubuntu07:35
SuperLagIzzoDizzo: if he sets up a dual boot, it'll work07:35
ArioSame Machine,  1 HD a 1TB HD07:35
SuperLagoh... duh07:35
SuperLagnever mind07:35
SuperLagwell... no07:36
SuperLagit'll work07:36
NimbleArio: yes, but windows applications don't run natively on ubuntu07:36
SuperLaghe can mount the Windows partition07:36
Nimbleyou'll have to reinstall them using wine07:36
Nimblewhich is a compatibility layer for linux07:36
ArioI just put Ubuntu on a Memory Stick and about to Restart and Install07:36
SuperLagwine makes me whinme07:36
SuperLagI can't type07:36
SuperLagwine makes me whine!!07:36
IzzoDizzoario, might be better to try ubuntu in like virtualbox first07:36
kalenjohnsonSuperLag, want some cheese with your whine?07:37
SuperLaggood advice07:37
oneArio: Anything is possible, but it is a good idea to make backups07:37
SuperLagkalenjohnson: ;)07:37
ArioThat is beyond my knowledge  :(07:37
kalenjohnsonor he can try it off the USB/DVD07:37
kalenjohnsonLiveCD! That's the word07:37
SuperLagNvidia Quadro. Do you guys have any Quadro cards working with Ubuntu? I see very old posts about it not working, but these are from 5+ years ago07:37
SuperLagArio: then learn, my friend07:38
ArioI think I will Test drive the 64Bit from the USB, if I like, then install Duel Boot. if I can transfer. then Overwrite Windows. Dose this sound too Crazy?07:38
SuperLagArio: Linux is hard, first starting out... but it's so nice when you get comfortable with it07:38
Nimblethat sounds like a good plan Ario07:38
cfhowlettArio, stop07:38
kalenjohnsonSuperLag, I don't have a Quadro card, but I would think they would work if the Nvidia drivers say the card is supported07:38
Nimbletry it using the live USB07:38
cfhowlettArio, if you are only testing, use Virtualbox.07:38
Nimblehe has a usb, why can't he try live usb?07:39
cfhowlettArio, then proceed as you described07:39
ArioI have no Idea what Virtual Box is  :)07:39
cfhowlettArio, "fake" computer.  you install it to windows.  then you install ubuntu inside of that.07:39
plastiksporkArio:  only the best program EVER!07:39
kalenjohnsonit really is...07:39
SuperLagvirtualization is awesome07:40
tekgeekmy thumb drive has 16 different versions of linux and  a bunch of antivirus programs07:40
plastiksporksuper awesome!07:40
* SuperLag isn't a vbox fan though07:40
cfhowlettArio, https://www.virtualbox.org/07:40
ArioI have several Virtual Drives using Daemon Tools. is that what you mean?07:40
tata_I change video-card, do I must reinstall OS  Ubuntu for better work?07:40
moondoggyAnyone know how to tell if anacron is running?07:40
SuperLagtata_: no, you don't have to reinstall07:40
kalenjohnsonArio, sort of, except instead of virtualizing a DVD, you virtualize an entire operating system07:40
cfhowletttata_, no but you do need to install and configure the new card07:40
SuperLagcfhowlett: only if modules don't load from the kernel, right?07:41
tata_ok, what is 1. step?07:41
ArioOK.Looking into it now.  Thank You for your Help.  I think I may be a New "Regular" here  :)07:41
cfhowlettario suggest you look at some youtube videos regarding: ubuntu virtualbox07:41
cfhowlettSuperLag, yes07:41
SuperLagcfhowlett: depeding on what card he put in the kernel may already have drivers for it07:41
cfhowlettArio, best of luck07:41
ArioThank you all very much07:42
oneUbuntu: How do I download source as unprivldg user? Using apt-get  source "pkg" tries to unpack it and asks for dpkg-dev.07:42
oneUbuntu: How do I download source as unprivldg user? Using apt-get  source "pkg" tries to unpack it and asks for dpkg-dev.07:42
SuperLagtata_: not trying to interrupt... but I'd just reboot first, and see how it works with the new video card in it07:42
oneUbuntu: How do I download source as unprivldg user? Using apt-get  source "pkg" tries to unpack it and asks for dpkg-dev.07:42
cfhowlettSuperLag, agreed.  I prefer to do an actual installation and confiiguration to avoid the "default" kernel settings07:42
SuperLaguh oh :)07:42
SuperLagcfhowlett: what's wrong with the kernel defaults?07:42
tata_new card work with low quality letter07:43
passionkehi, how can I install sun-java6-jdk on ubuntu 11.10 server07:43
cfhowlettSuperLag, didn't say "wrong" but I've found that full performance can best be gained from actually configuring the new hardware.  YMMV07:43
ubottupassionke,: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.07:44
moondoggyOr... can someone tell me if I need to call anacron using the crontab?07:44
rsparksSo, I have no idea what I'm doing really, but I have a switch I need to connect to with a serial cable. I have a little ARM based thing with a serial connector hooked up to it now, but I have no idea what I'm doing. I have no idea how to even try to establish a connection07:46
IzzoDizzorsparks,what little arm based thing07:46
rsparksEfika MX07:47
rsparksit's the jtag/serial board that ships with it that I'm using it to connect to my Baystack 450-24T07:47
Nimblersparks, what do you need to do with it?07:48
Nimbleyou can send raw data with python pretty easily07:48
Nimbleif you know what you need to send07:48
IzzoDizzowhat is installed on the efika rsparks07:48
rsparksNimble, I'm not entirely sure what I need to do. All I know is for whatever reason I can't get more than about 80kb/s to go over its 100mbit/s ports.07:48
rsparksI want to see if it has any error messages or anything at all07:49
Nimbleyou need to check what baud rate you have the device set to07:49
Nimbleit's pretty device-dependent07:49
Nimblelet me read up on the efika mx real quick07:49
rsparksI'm looking at its documenation, but it kind of assumes one is using windows to access the switch07:50
Nimbledo you have a link?07:51
rsparksum, on another computer. lemme see if I can get it to this machine07:51
rsparksand it's an Efika MX, not an Efika, IzzoDizzo (I didn't open the link but I can guess it's reference the old PPC Efika instead of the ARM Efika MX)07:52
Nimblersparks, is the device that IzzoDizzo linked the right one?07:52
Nimblenope, the one he linked is ARM07:52
rsparksThat is the right one07:52
Jordan_Ursparks: Is this a CISCO switch?07:53
rsparksIt's a Nortel Baystack 450-24T07:53
Jordan_Ursparks: Have you tried anything (like running minicom) yet to connect?07:55
rsparksJordan_U, the problem is... I know 0 about serial connection. I don't know what minicom is.07:57
rsparksAlso, are the 10.10 repos down? the Efika MX is stuck on 10.10, and I can't seem to get any packages on it07:58
IzzoDizzotry typing minicom :)07:58
rsparksminicom gave a command not found07:58
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Jordan_Ursparks: sudo apt-get install minicom08:00
rsparksJordan_U, and here I find another problem, I guess the repos to 10.10's arm port are gone. can't install any software08:02
Jordan_Ursparks: Ubuntu 10.10 has been EOL for a while.08:02
ArioOK, I'm back. I was wondering if anyone knows if Ubuntu works on a Triple Monitor System?08:02
Jordan_Ursparks: Do you not have any other computer that you can connect to the switch from?08:02
Taevunder Configuring Apt-build its asking for my Architecture08:02
rsparksGenesi never fixed 11.x or 12.x on it, so 10.10 is the latest version of ubuntu supported. I never got the community made debian arm-hf images to work for some reason08:02
TaevI have a AMD 64 bit CPU08:02
IzzoDizzoario, eyefinity?08:03
Taevwhat should I put?08:03
Tex_NickArio : yes it does08:03
ArioI have that.08:03
ArioThank Ou Tex-Nick08:04
rsparksJordan_U, I have I believe 2 computers with serial, an old x86 that doesn't have PAE, and a Sun Ultra 5. I don't actually have a serial cable, the efika's serial port just happens to be the opposite gender of the switch so just fits in08:04
Arioyou even08:04
Tex_NickArio: you're welcome :)08:05
TaevI Have an AMD Athlon X2, what architecture should i select for configuring apt-build?08:06
nearstsup. hi ppl08:06
Jordan_Ursparks: If you have screen installed you can also use "screen /dev/ttyS#", but since you're using an unnofficial derivative based on an EOL release of Ubuntu it's doubly offtopic here. Please join ##linux to continue there.08:06
rsparksHmmm, but, I have a spare jtag/serial board for the efika MX, and I think another female connector that doesn't go to anything lying around, and I'm handy with a soldering iron08:06
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ArioThis is scary and exciting all at one time, who knew that a 53 yo former Marine can have so much fun  :)08:08
Tex_NickArio : i'm a 66 year old Ranger ... i'll forgive you for that though ;-) Semper Fidelis Man08:10
ArioLOL. 53 YO Recon Marine  :)  Worked with many a Ranger in my Day08:11
PlastikSporkI am trying to make my mounted network drives show up under "Network" in the left pane in Nautilus.08:16
PlastikSporkcurrently they show up under "Computer"08:16
zetheroohow does one start up cron? I did '/etc/init.d/crond start' but just get a 'No such file or directory' result08:17
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PlastikSporkzetheroo did you try it with sudo?08:18
zetherooPlastikSpork: I am logged in as root08:18
PlastikSporkwell that answers that question08:19
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PlastikSporkzetheroo try cron instead of crond08:21
Tex_Nickzetheroo:  hope you understand the dangers of that ?08:21
_irenicus09 hi anyone knows how to make my drives get recognised & automount in any filemanager? I'm on openbox08:22
PlastikSpork_irenicus09:  network drives or local drives?08:23
zetherooTex_Nick: well we have always accessed all our Debian servers directly as root ... so having a few Ubuntu servers where we have to constantly be doing 'sudo' to get anything done is just too much of a pain. ;)08:23
zetheroook, if I do 'service cron start' I get 'start: Job is already running: cron'08:24
zetheroobut if I do 'ps -A | grep cron' I get '1457 ?        00:00:02 cron' with 'cron' being in red08:24
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IzzoDizzowhat are you trying to do zetheroo08:25
zetherooIzzoDizzo: I setup a number of cronjobs with crontab -e ... these jobs were supposed to run over the weekend and they did not08:26
Tex_Nickzetheroo:  ahhh ok i understand ... just like to warn people who are new to the X world ... sounds like you know what you're doing though ;-)08:26
IzzoDizzozetheroo: are you seeing cron entries in the log?08:26
zetherooTex_Nick: well, always learning ... but just so you know all my home machines run Ubuntu and none of them are used by root access ;)08:26
_irenicus09PlastikSpork: local drives08:27
zetherooIzzoDizzo: I cannot see any cron log in /var/log/08:27
IzzoDizzotry syslog08:27
PlastikSpork_irenicus09 this is a VM?08:28
Art1<--- has had his head in the sand untill last night, finally installed ubuntu and is now having trouble... need some help please :)08:28
zetheroo IzzoDizzo: this is what syslog looks like ...   http://paste.ubuntu.com/5587306/08:29
IzzoDizzolooks like its running cron08:31
IzzoDizzozetheroo, can i see your cronjobs?08:31
zetheroo IzzoDizzo: ok08:31
Jordan_UArt1: The first step toward getting help is to ask a question :)08:31
_irenicus09PlastikSpork: No its not a VM08:31
Art1waiting my turn is all :)08:31
IzzoDizzoart1, just ask :)08:32
MasshuuI want to get the contents from either a running screen or tmux. Issue is both require a pty to attach to them and theres not one avalable programicly. Any tips?08:32
Jordan_UArt1: There is no line. People just ask question and if someone can answer it they do. There are sometimes 20 conversations going on at the same time here :)08:32
Art1installed 12.04 last night, let it update when I went to work this afternoon.  when it restarted, it freezes on a black screen with a cursor at the top...08:33
PlastikSpork_irenicus09 dual boot?08:33
zetherooIzzoDizzo: can I PM you the pastebin of the cronjobs ?08:33
Art1fresh pure, pure install08:33
Jordan_UArt1: Do you see anything between the BIOS screens and the blinking cursor?08:33
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter08:34
IzzoDizzozetheroo: sure08:34
Art1yeah... the splash screen comes up for a sec and a bunch of lines flash... then nothing08:34
_irenicus09PlastikSpork: why does it matter if I dual boot lol.08:35
_irenicus09PlastikSpork: the problem is I need 2 automount external/removable drives and none of them show up in my filemanager08:36
_irenicus09PlastikSpork: but I can see that they're there when I use fdisk -l08:36
IzzoDizzoart1, are you able to boot into recovery mode?08:36
_irenicus09and I don't wanna mount them manually which is a chore -.-"08:37
Art1nope... only way that I hav ebeen able to start up is by booting from the cd08:37
PlastikSpork_irenicus09 ahh ic... got confused usually local drives should show up automatically08:37
_irenicus09PlastikSpork: ya but its my fresh openbox install :|08:37
dr_willisopenbox dosent have the automounter stuff..08:38
dr_willisits part of the gnome services i think.08:38
dr_willisso use some automounter service. if you arre making your own desktop.. or use fstab08:38
Art1I am able to get to the grub menu though... well timed key presses :)08:40
dr_willistried the nomodeset option yet Art1 ?08:40
Art1not yet... reading up on it now though :)08:41
Tex_NickArt1 : just for my personal knowledge ... what graphics are you running ?08:42
Art1ATI Radeon HD 6xxx08:43
Tex_NickArt1 : ok thanks man ... i'm keeping a list ;-)08:44
Art1no prob :)08:44
Art1it's always good to keep a list of problem children :)08:44
Tex_NickArt1: is that an APU or descrete card ?08:45
Art1umm...   ???08:45
_irenicus09dr_willis: do you know which gnomeservice can do automounting for me?08:45
dr_willis_irenicus09:  not really. it would pull iin quite a bit of gnome i imagine08:45
dr_willisinstall nautilus perhaps and it might pull it in.'08:46
Tex_NickArt1 : a seperate graphics card ... or an AMD APU processor instead of a CPU ?08:46
Art1oh... seperate card08:46
_irenicus09dr_willis: actually I have nautilus installed atm :|08:46
xubuntu925What is the easiest way to set a python script to run on startup?08:46
xubuntu925Also, I run this (http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=E7x8bczb) command to change screen resolution, but it changes back after reboot.08:47
KevinLiwhois drussell08:47
* ero-jiji dances a bit to entertain all the frustrated people08:48
ero-jijimorning all08:48
drussellKevinLi: Hi Kevin!08:48
Art1k, I"m going to go try this... I'll be back one way or the other to let ya'll know if it works or not :)08:52
jonascjIs it possible to adjust the blocksize / inode count during installation of ubuntu?08:52
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dr_willisyou can parrtion/format befor you start theinstaller. and just tell it the mountpoints08:57
dr_willisjonascj:  so thats a yes. ;)08:57
jonascjyes of course. I'll figure out if my vps provider will let me do that.08:58
dr_willishmmm i dont think with a vps you really need to worry about it.. but ive only used one vps08:58
jonascjthe problem with web apps are they huge amount of small files. One cakephp installation take up 5% of my inodes on my current filesystem setup08:59
MadisonI just installed ubuntu, then updated and reboot the computer. Now the left bar is bright grey, the top bar is blank, and none of the icons are responding to clicks. Image: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r49wgi9j6k2vjxo/20130305_022820.jpg08:59
fiz-i can see that syslog is generating 7 backups of data for each day, how can i extend it? im not familliar which service might  be resposiblefor that09:00
Mojojojoi have a problem with ubuntu 12.10, after an update today when the comp restarted unity and entire gui system has disappeared, i have only the desktop wallpaper09:00
fiz-nothing found in logrotate09:00
Mojojojohere is a pastebin: paste.ubuntu.com/5587330/09:00
dr_willisMojojojo:  as a test. make a new user. see  if the desktop works for them.  If it does work. then theres some user settings causing the issue.. it it dosent work for all users/new users.. theres a deeper issue going on.09:01
Mojojojook will try that09:01
fiz-ok found it in logrotate.d09:02
Mojojojohow do i create new user in terminal? i have no gui09:02
dr_willissudo adduser billgates09:02
Mojojojohaha ok thanks09:03
Tex_Nickdr_willis ... NO MAN ... lol   ờᴗớ09:04
Mojojojook bill gates has the same issue... no GUI09:05
Kowalczykofc bill gates had the same issue. he is not working with linux09:05
dr_willisnormal fix would be to reinstall your video card drivers.09:05
Mojojojohow do i restore the system to earlier state?09:05
dr_willissince they could be whats confused.09:06
Mojojojook how do i install nvidia drivers in terminal?09:06
oneWatch out for Tyler Durdens video card drivers.09:06
dr_willisfor me -   sudo apt-get install nvidia-current09:06
Mojojojoit says nvidia-current is already the newest version09:08
MadisonShould I just try reinstalling, or?09:08
Mojojojohow do i restore the system to earlier state?09:08
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dr_willistheres not really a way to restore to an earlier state09:09
dr_willisyou could test with an older kernel.. see if it works there09:09
Mojojojooh unlike windows then, cool09:09
Mojojojoso what next09:09
Ben64sudo apt-get install linux-headers`uname -r | sed s/^.*[0-9]\-/-/g`09:09
dr_willistry reinstalling the nvidia drivers....09:09
spacemonkeyI'm here for Nvidia drivers too...09:09
Ben64Mojojojo: btw is it a laptop09:09
Mojojojoit says nvidia-current is already the newest version when i try sudo apt-get install nvidia-current09:10
Ben64Mojojojo: sudo apt-get install linux-headers`uname -r | sed s/^.*[0-9]\-/-/g`09:10
Mojojojono its a pc amd-6409:10
Ben64what video card09:10
TakeItEZlinux-headers-$(uname -r)09:10
spacemonkeyI tried to install Bumblebee to run my Optimus Nvidia card, but that didn't work09:10
IzzoDizzomojojojo, what happens if you remove the nvidia drivers?09:10
Ben64TakeItEZ: no, mine is better!09:10
Mojojojonvidia geforce 9800gt09:11
spacemonkeyGeForce GT640M LE09:11
Mojojojohow do i remove the drivers?09:11
Ben64Mojojojo: removing the drivers won't get you the drivers :|09:11
zAo^2_Mojojojo: sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-current09:11
spacemonkeyare the x-swat drivers more stable?09:12
Ben64spacemonkey: you need some bumblebee stuff or something09:12
dr_willisthey are newer.. ;)09:13
spacemonkeyBen64: Yeah, I installed Bumblebee, but it didn't work09:13
Ben64spacemonkey: ok09:13
hemangpatelI go this error "libapache2-mod-php-5.3-zend-server : Depends: libc6 (>= 2.15) but 2.13-20ubuntu5.3 is to be installed"09:13
zetheroosooo .... why is it that when I do "ps -A | grep cron" that the output is "18451 ?        00:00:00 cron" with "cron" being in red!?09:14
Ben64cause you grepped it09:14
dr_willisgrep is seeing itself. ;)09:14
Art1grr... can someone send me that nomodeset website again?09:14
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter09:15
Art1want to make sure I'm doing it correctly :)09:15
TakeItEZzetheroo: because *buntu sets some weird alias. grep --color=auto"09:15
spacemonkeyBen64: I got the error "change connectedmonitor setting in /etc/bumblebee/xorg.conf.nvidia"09:15
Art1thank you09:15
TakeItEZzetheroo: "alias" in a terminal to check09:15
apelleshello. can someone help me please? what channel would i go to get help set up email server and irc server09:15
Ben64spacemonkey: you should see if theres any bumblebee support available09:15
Mojojojo i tried sudo apt-get install linux-headers`uname -r | sed s/^.*[0-9]\-/-/g`09:15
Mojojojoand it gives me errors09:15
Ben64...which errors09:15
spacemonkeyBen64: Oh, I'm looking at the file now... "UseDisplayDevice" is set to none... that doesn't seem right09:16
Mojojojounable to locate package errors, unable to locate package name  uname -r blah blah blah, couldn't find any package by regex 'uname -r blah blah09:16
Ben64then you typed it wrong09:16
noxomHi all. how to move a local Web site localhost in its external ip?09:16
Mojojojois uname supposed to be my real username?09:17
noxomi installed lamp09:17
zetherooTakeItEZ: does red mean there is something wrong with the process?09:17
Tex_Nickapelles : if you don't get an answer here, you might try #ubuntu-server09:17
TakeItEZzetheroo: no it highlight the pattern you grepped for09:17
apellesthank you09:17
Ben64Mojojojo: notice the backticks aren't single quotes09:17
Mojojojoi'll try again09:17
Ben64`uname -r, not 'uname -r09:17
ubuntu206How do i run a python script on background after the startup?09:18
TakeItEZbackticks are evil09:18
Mojojojowhat are backticks? O.O09:18
Ben64on top of the "Tab" key on US keyboards09:19
Mojojojooh i see09:19
Tex_NickMojojojo:  the key to the left of the 1 key09:19
TakeItEZ$() is far better readable09:19
Ben64but less cool09:19
TakeItEZi'm too old to be cool :)09:19
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methus<noxom>configure your  web server listen on localip:port.09:20
noxommethus where?09:20
Mojojojook i tried that and i now get this error: command line option'g'[from -generic] is not known09:21
Ben64still typing it wrong lol09:21
TakeItEZlinux-headers-$(uname -r)09:21
Ben64TakeItEZ: no!09:21
Ben64Mojojojo: sudo apt-get install linux-headers$(uname -r | sed s/^.*[0-9]\-/-/g)09:21
TakeItEZBen64: then let him type "linux-headers-generic"09:22
TakeItEZyou see it just confuses him09:22
Ben64but its not always generic09:22
Art1don't know if this will help, but the last line that shows when it freezes is "[    12.067829] sd 9:0:0:0: [sdd] assuming drive cache: write through"09:22
TakeItEZBen64: in this case it is09:22
methusnoxom. what webserver are you using?09:22
Ben64my command works on every incarnation09:22
TakeItEZBen64: if the one read/types it correct, yes09:23
TakeItEZobviously he doesn't09:23
Ben64the straight $(uname -r) is what causes these problems09:23
TakeItEZBen64: then let him type "linux-headers-generic"09:23
Ben64because the headers don't get updated and then nvidia breaks09:23
Mojojojoi already tried linux-headers-generic still errors09:24
Mojojojook i tried that and i now get this error: command line option'g'[from -generic] is not known09:24
Ben64what error09:24
noxomI installed the lamp. I just went into var /www and there is a file index. html A: When I write localhost it gives me the page09:24
TakeItEZMojojojo: no space before -generic09:24
Ben64ok fine, "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic"09:24
Mojojojook installing now09:26
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Mojojojook i tried that and i now get this error: command line option'g'[from -generic] is not known09:29
Ben64you're doing something wrong, pastebin the contents of the terminal09:29
Mojojojoi already installed linux headers09:29
yarinsehello, as I can extract the serial number of the volume of dvd from a terminal, what is the instruction?09:31
DJonesyarinse: Do you mean the md5sum?09:32
Ben64Mojojojo: well you already did linux-headers-generic, so that was the whole point of that...09:32
Mojojojoso what do i do next?09:32
Ben64sudo apt-get install dkms09:33
Numline1Hello guys, I was recently wondering, if there's any all in one and easy to configure solution for mail server09:34
ikoniaNumline1: postfix, exim ?09:34
Numline1I was using google apps, but as amount of domains on my server rises, it's no longer an option09:34
Mojojojodkms is already the newest version it says dkms set to manually installed09:34
Numline1ikonia: I currently use Exim for outgoing mails, but it's quite hard to manage09:34
yarinseDJones: ehhh ??09:34
Numline1I was looking for something that already includes antispam, antivirus and possibly web UI for management09:35
ikoniaNumline1: its very easy - it's clear text config files09:35
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ikoniaNumline1: if you struggle to manage exim, you're going to struggle to run anything09:35
ikoniaNumline1: the features you want are nothing to do with a mail server - you'll need to bolt them on to anything you run09:35
Ben64Mojojojo: sudo dpkg-reconfigure dkms09:35
DJonesyarinse: What serial number are you trying to get from the dvd09:35
Ben64any errors? did you see it build nvidia?09:36
Numline1ikonia: I know, that's why I was looking for all in one solution without putting packages together and configuring them09:36
Mojojojono errors, it was done in a flash09:36
Ben64hmm : /09:36
Numline1ikonia: to be more clear, it doesnt have to be on my server, it can be standalone solution09:36
Mojojojodidn't see it reconfigure anything09:37
Numline1Something like exchange, but free09:37
yarinseDJones: Not did you. As I can extract the serial number of the volume of dvd from a terminal,09:37
Mojojojocan i do something to show you what was updated last then maybe you can see what caused this all?09:37
Mojojojothe system was perfect before today's update09:38
Ben64Mojojojo: whats in /var/lib/dkms ?09:39
Mojojojohow do i check that in terminal?09:39
yarinseDJones: F:\ to >dir the volume of unit F is 100222 the serial number of the volume: 335D-E47AF: \ to >dir the volume of unit F is 100222 the serial number of the volume: 335D-E47A09:39
Ben64Mojojojo: ls /var/lib/dkms09:39
Mojojojoit says: dkms_dbversion  nvidia_current09:40
evelyettedoes anybody know how to solve this: http://dpaste.com/1012831/09:41
Mojojojoearlier it also told me that compiz had crashed or something like that09:41
Ben64Mojojojo: then could you pastebin "find /var/lib/dkms/nvidia_current"09:41
evelyettedbus-deamon is running, I'm not sure why it's not picking it up09:41
yarinseDJones: is volume serial number of DVD p.e.:335D-E47AF. As is bar code09:42
DJonesyarinse: I'm not sure how to get that09:42
foo357Should I have to uninstall ('make uninstall') a conventional ./configure && make && make install && (ldconfig ?) software before reinstalling?09:42
Numline1ikonia: anyway, I'll look into building this up on exim, thanks for help09:43
zAo^2_evelyette: are you member of the netdev group?09:43
Numline1It will be painful but hopefuly it will work :)09:43
Mojojojono such file or directory09:43
evelyettezAo^: no09:44
yarinseIn windows : command : promt:> dir /f09:44
Ben64Mojojojo: you typed stuff wrong again09:45
zAo^2_evelyette: Add yourself to the group and login again09:45
Mojojojook let me try again09:45
evelyettezAo^: how09:45
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yarinseDJones: in command windows promt:> tree /f09:45
Mojojojois there a space between find and /var09:46
Mojojojook then i typed it perfectly09:47
zAo^2_evelyette: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130141409:47
Mojojojohmmmm does it mean i need to reinstall ubuntu?09:48
Ben64Mojojojo: sudo apt-get install --reinstall dkms09:51
Ben64that should have built the driver09:52
Mojojojodo i need to restart?09:52
Ben64did you see it build stuff09:52
Mojojojoyes it did something in terminal09:53
Ben64well if it built it then yeah, you can reboot and gui would work09:53
Mojojojolet me try09:53
Mojojojook that worked, everything is back :)09:55
Mojojojothanks a bunch ben64 that saves me a lot of reinstalling09:55
Mojojojohow do i backup the system so that i can restore in the fiture?09:55
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:55
oneMojojojo: disks has an imager now09:56
Mojojojook will try those links09:56
Mojojojothanks a lot guys :)09:57
oneMojojojo: boot from a liveCD and run disks and image it09:57
Mojojojooh ok, cool09:57
kuurukuso this channel is logged09:58
DJones!logs | kuuruku09:59
ubottukuuruku: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/09:59
mark__i'm stuck with apt-get10:00
mark__i cannot instal / update / remove /anything10:00
mark__apt-get prompts me to reinstall exim4-base10:00
mark__but this returns with an error from post-removal10:01
evelyettezAo^: it is in netdev group10:01
mark__did anyone have this problem or knows what should i do with it? :-)10:03
mark__any help will be much appreciated!10:03
zAo^evelyette, ok, it still doesnt work?10:04
Tex_Nickout of curosity ... will glxgears run on a non-3d graphics system ... i'm just wondering if that is fast sure check for 3d enabled graphics ?10:04
vISaTO4Does anyone know how to do 6.3, pricing with Black-Scholes formula ? http://imageshack.us/f/38/problem2222.png/10:06
dr_willisit will run.. slowly10:06
Ben64vISaTO4: uh, this isn't a homework help channel10:07
vISaTO4Where is one, then? :/10:07
evelyettezAo^: no it doesn't10:07
Ben64vISaTO4: no idea10:07
DJones!alis | vISaTO410:07
ubottuvISaTO4: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*10:07
TakeItEZvISaTO4: ask your teacher10:07
zAo^evelyette, still the same messages? Did you relogin?10:09
nearsthi ppl10:09
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nearstany idea why my flash mount with read-only option? try with mount -o rw /dev /mnt but not work10:14
dr_willisthats not a correct mount command line...10:14
zAo^nearst, what filesystem?10:14
zAo^and that ^^10:14
dr_willisntfs.vfat may need uid/gid/umask options also10:14
linuxistneast, don't you need to do a "-o rw,remount" ?10:14
linuxistif it's already mounted10:15
zAo^sudo mount -o remount,rw /partition/identifier /mount/point10:15
evelyette_zAo^: any other ideas ?10:15
kuurukuwhat idea10:15
nearstzAo^, mount -o remount,rw /dev/sdc1 /mnt/ -t vfat .. mount: cannot remount block device /dev/sdc1 read-write, is write-protected10:18
dr_willisnow thats nteresting...10:18
nearstzAo^, /dev/sdc1 on /mnt type vfat (ro)10:18
dr_willisive seen flash drives go 'bad' in such a way they become read only10:18
Ben64could have a physical switch for write protection10:18
TakeItEZnearst: hardware ro-switch?10:18
nearstthat flash is naked atm. no ro-switch im guess10:19
nearstsec, double check10:19
belgianguyis there a way to have different terminal instances have different backgrounds?10:20
hero100after update from 12.04 to 12.10, will all software be removed?10:20
belgianguyas to be able to discern them better (different systems I'm ssh'ed into)10:20
belgianguyhero100: no, it should still all be there10:20
Tex_Nickbelgianguy:  yes ... set up different profiles, then choose profile for each terminal10:21
belgianguyTex_Nick: thanks, I'll look into it :)10:21
nearsthmm. no ro-switch . this is fun10:22
Tex_Nickbelgianguy:  after saying that ... i'm not sure about backgrounds (as in image) however you can set profiles for background & foregroung colors10:23
belgianguyTex_Nick: could you point me in a general direction, my Google searches aren't really yielding much result10:24
belgianguyI have edited the .bashrc to color the text, is there such an option to color the bg?10:25
belgianguyIIRC that was export PS1=...10:25
Tex_Nickbelgianguy:  in terminal "edit/profiles"10:26
dr_willisthat would make some ugly prromts at times10:26
dr_willis ;)10:26
dr_willisgood old days.tricks of spending hours messing with the bash prompt. Check out the bash prompt howto at tldp.org10:26
belgianguydr_willis: I have good taste ;) but when swithing terminals in Unity, it sometimes confuses me10:26
TakeItEZbelgianguy: create some new profiles in gnome-terminal, then run "gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=host1-profile -e "whatever""10:28
belgianguyTakeItEZ: and will it remember that? or does one have to do this each time (or create a script of some sort?)10:29
TakeItEZbelgianguy: the profiles are permanent, but it won't remember what profile you used last time10:30
belgianguyTakeItEZ: could I make a bash script that I feed an IP and make it base its scheme on that?10:31
TakeItEZbelgianguy: sure10:31
belgianguyTakeItEZ: ah, then I have a new pet project :) thanks!10:32
belgianguywell, I wouldn't really need a script, I could also just use an alias, right?10:33
TakeItEZbelgianguy: i'd use hostnames = profilnames, then something like: gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=$1 -e "ssh $1"10:33
belgianguyTakeItEZ: smart that, that would eliminate bughunts if IPs change10:33
elixirHi everyone. I installed wubi on 45 gb partition and the free space(as I see from windows) is 5 gb. But inside ubunu I see it to be full :( What shall I be missing?10:33
Tex_Nickdr_willis : the "bash prompt howto at tldp.org" you provided looks like the definitive resousce ... :-)10:34
TakeItEZbelgianguy: use ~/.ssh/config (man ssh_config, see Host and HostName) for easy to remember aliases for the hosts10:35
elixirSOmeone known to the query, plz help !10:35
dmitry29Hi gals10:35
dr_willisTex_Nick:  and its like 5+ yrs old.. :) if not more10:36
dr_williselixir:  wubi instralls into a FILE on the windows drive.. you made that HD file to be 45gb in size10:36
dmitry29dr_willis: Hi10:36
franks2anyone know if its a debian package for this? http://pear.php.net/package/HTML_Template_PHPLIB/redirected im unable to locate it10:37
elixirdr_willis: yes10:37
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Tex_Nickdr_willis : yeah , some of that stuff goes back to the old tty days ? lol10:37
dmitry29Anyone knows a good chatroom on coolquies?10:38
elixirdr_willis: I made a seperate partition, dedicated for installing wubi, of size 45 gb. But althigh 15 gb is still free as seen from winows, Inside ubuntu, it only shows me all "30" gb consumed [as seen from disk analyzer from ubuntu]10:39
oneelixir: did you have an appointment to see the doctor?10:41
usr13elixir: How long ago did you install?10:43
elixirusr13: around 1 month10:43
usr13elixir: Did you install any extra applications?  Like maybe recordmydesktop?10:43
elixirusr13: No. have only codes [source codes], git, etc stuff10:44
oneelixir: its those game genie codes stuck in the cube10:45
elixirone: everyONE is not born brilliant ! Please think before you utter !10:45
dr_williswubi insrtalls to a file on the windows partition.. as far as i know elixir..10:45
dr_willisthere are resize wubi instgall guides out there.10:46
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dr_willisI dont use wubi.  so dont mess with it much10:46
elixirdr_willis: okay. I'll go through them.10:46
usr13elixir: All I can tell you is to search for large files.  ls -ltrS    <will list by file sizes, largest last>  du |sort -n   <will show directories sorted by size>10:46
oneelixir: what I am just giving hints10:46
belgianguyisn't wubi tying the fate of your Ubuntu install to that of your luck with Windows?10:47
elixirone: Again: see what I wrote above10:47
usr13elixir: fdisk -l | pastebinit  #And send us resulting URL.  We'10:48
usr13ll have a look.10:48
usr13elixir: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit  #And send us resulting URL.  We'll look and see.10:48
usr13elixir: How big is your hard drive?10:49
usr13elixir: It is possible that you made a separate partition but you did not use it.10:50
elixirusr13: I think I got answer from your point that wubi is installed in 15 gb file inside that hard drive. It is the max that wubi allows while installation. I think I shoud go with proper ubuntu installation. :)10:51
histousr13: lsblk doesn't require sudo10:52
elixirusr13:  * 30 gb not 15 gb10:52
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elixirusr13: Thanks a lot for 'concerned' replies. ! [unlike some- one ]10:53
usr13histo: Thanks info.10:53
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onealways a show10:57
uttergleegood morning UGT, folks10:58
M1DLG_I've managed to install nvidia drivers using this guide http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/ubuntu-quetzal-nvidia.html but steam starts then errors saying my version isn't high enough. how do I fix this?10:58
uttergleeI am trying to get this functionality in Ubuntu: drupal.org/project/maillog10:59
uttergleeit stops all email from going out10:59
uttergleethen maintains detailed logs about the email that was attemted to send out10:59
uttergleeI am testing a little application and mails are part of it, and I can't use gmail beause that's slow11:00
M1DLG_I've spent 2 days on my video problem, only asking for help when I hit an issue Ican't find solutions for on forums. but I am trying myself where I can.11:00
uttergleeI tried setting up an iptable to block traffic11:00
uttergleebut /var/log/mail.log is not informative enough11:00
usr13utterglee: Let's see the rule you used.11:02
uttergleeusr13, iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset11:03
uttergleewhen I execute the php file with a call to mail() it hangs11:04
kgkgjhfjdI installed ubuntu 12.04in my laptop(MSI x460dx) and ubuntu uses my battery so much. also i disable my graphic device but i doesn't correct11:06
TakeItEZutterglee: you reject outgoing smtp and wonder why its not being sent?11:06
uttergleesorry... I guess I will delete that rule and see what happens11:07
gofsNew hack tools Cryptography, Encryption,Hack,windows,linux,games,cs,psybnc,mirc,scan,ssh , etc.. feel free to visit www.team3d.3xforum.ro11:08
=== PrincessDaybreak is now known as Dawn_
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usr13utterglee: What about "/reports/maillog"?11:10
dr_willismirc is a hack tool? ;)11:10
onewhere are you at Ubuntu that you always see dawn before here?11:11
uttergleeusr13, there appears to be no such directory/file11:11
usr13utterglee: Well, it's www.example.com/admin/reports/maillog11:12
uttergleeoh wait, sorry, I forgot what maillog was11:12
oneIf you are not sick there is no reason to see a doctor I am just here to warn you on the way in.11:13
uttergleeusr13, I am not using drupal, I just wanted to show an example for the fine folks here11:13
uttergleeof what I am after11:13
DJonesone: Sto pwith the offtopic comments11:13
usr13utterglee: Oh.11:13
uttergleeokay, so `ufw status` does not show existing iptables rules11:14
uttergleeonly "Status: active"11:14
usr13utterglee: Maybe just run tcpdump ?11:15
maveasutterglee: ufw status verbose?11:15
usr13utterglee: ... although, with the iptables rule, you may not see much.  I dono.11:16
uttergleewhat on earth... are all these server names...11:16
usr13utterglee: I dono.  You tell us.11:16
oneutterglee: ufw is a frontend that just issues commands but other things may manipulate iptables which will not show11:16
uttergleemaveas, ufw status verbose does not show any rules, just stuff like "deny(incoming) allow(outgoing)"11:16
maveasutterglee: okay, sorry, not used to use ufw11:17
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uttergleetcpdump shows a bunch of weird servers trying to connect ... ns3.net4india.com : I know that nameserver... question is why is it reaching for my virtualbox?? :/11:18
maveasutterglee: Your VM use ns3.net4...?11:18
oneutterglee: could be anything really11:19
uttergleethe others are just crazy : mana.skafari.com barricade.rack911.com ... never heard of these things heh11:19
utterglee11:15:29.165998 IP > barricade.rack911.com.ntp: NTPv4, Client, length 4811:19
oneutterglee: that is what the public internet is all about11:20
BangwhistleHi.  Does anyone know, when you create a .forward in /root, will it send what you already have in /var/mail/root?11:20
uttergleethere's even blah.com in there: http://pastebin.com/EBWu6chn11:20
Bangwhistleand if so, when will it do it?11:21
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oneutterglee: if you master ufw then you can start with iptables11:21
oneconcept is the same but syntax is different11:22
oneutterglee: if you are really conscerned about it block everything and manually open up each route that you need11:23
uttergleeone, do you mean these are just public internet packets richocheting off my computer on their way elsewhere?11:23
uttergleeI read about this stuff but I never saw it before, how packets are routed thru all the computers on the internet... it is beautiful11:24
maveasRegarding iptables/netfilter on the desktop. Have anyone else experienced that '-m conntrack --ctstate established,related' on INPUT(DROP) doesn't work but '-m state --state' does?11:25
TakeItEZBangwhistle: no it won#t11:25
uttergleehttp://www.rack911.com/ these appear to be some linux management gurus, I suspect it has something to do with my aptitude sources settings11:25
oneutterglee: I am getting scanned for SSH right now11:25
BangwhistleThanks TakeItEZ, is there a way to trigger it to do that?11:25
TakeItEZBangwhistle: no, you'll have to resent/forward those mails11:26
usr13utterglee: You should check out wireshark11:26
oneutterglee: it is probably coming from the other side of the matrix11:26
uttergleethe matrix..?11:26
Bangwhistlehmm I suppose I can install mail and manually forward them11:27
uttergleeyou mean... neo, elrond, that matrix :) ?11:27
oneutterglee: you are inside of a cube look up down left right forward and backward11:28
=== Limratana is now known as Bangwhistle
oneutterglee: what what do you want to know, master ufw then move to iptables and manually open up each route that you will use11:30
uttergleeone, first thing, I just want to get rid of the iptables rule I added on someone else's advice11:30
oneutterglee: man iptables11:31
uttergleebut I don't know iptables and it is intimidating right now11:31
uttergleeso I looked for iptables wrappers and found ufw11:31
usr13utterglee: iptables -D OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset11:31
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oneufw isnt going to show it11:31
uttergleebut it won't show everything inside the iptables :/11:31
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maveasutterglee: iptables -L -nv11:32
WelCZahey guys11:32
maveasutterglee: You can flush a chain of all rules or delete one rule at a time..11:33
usr13utterglee: sudo iptables -D OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset11:33
maveasutterglee: It's all in man iptables ;)11:33
oneplease pray for me, I pray for you11:33
usr13(To delete the rule you added earlier.)11:33
uttergleeusr13, thank you... it says "no such chain/rule"11:34
usr13utterglee: Then you must have missquoted it.  iptables -L11:34
PraashHello everyone ^^11:34
PraashCould I possibly get some help about getting SSH right on Ubuntu Server 12.04?11:35
oneWhat hapened?11:35
PraashI'm attempting to connect into my server through PuTTY11:35
usr13utterglee: You can just flush.  sudo iptables -F11:35
Praashbut whatever i try, it says "connection refused"11:35
uttergleeusr13, I have a bunch of ufw rules in there I want to remove11:36
uttergleeI tried the flush command but it still shows a lot of ufw things in there11:36
uttergleeshould I try to reinstall?11:36
maveasPraash: Using keys?11:36
dr_willisiptables --list shows current rules...11:37
maveasutterglee: No need to reinstall11:37
usr13utterglee: Look at history for the exact rule.  history |grep iptables11:37
oneWhat happened11:37
onedid i get kicked?11:37
usr13Praash: Are you sure sshd is running on the server?11:37
DJonesone: Yes for continuing with offtopic comments11:37
utterglee"sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset"11:37
onewell I was making an exit statment11:38
usr13Praash: ... and you have the correct IP address11:38
PraashI do have correct IP11:38
usr13utterglee: sudo iptables -D OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset11:38
PraashThe SSHD is running, I tried to connect to itself @ localhost and no trouble at all11:38
maveasPraash: are you using the correct username?11:39
usr13utterglee: Oh, I bet you got an error when you tried to use that rule. Right?  Try it again and see.11:39
utterglee"iptables: No chain/target/match by that name."11:39
uttergleeI messed up my iptables11:39
maveasutterglee: Lol11:39
uttergleeand removing it messes with dependencies11:39
usr13utterglee: No you didn't.  Try setting it again.11:39
usr13utterglee: Try issuing the command to set the rule again, see if you get an error.11:40
usr13utterglee: sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset  #What does it say in retrun.  Antying?11:41
Praashwhat I have is the correct IP, port, username and i also tried to open port 22 from UFW and from my main win7 desktop11:41
usr13utterglee: If it said that the rule does not exist, then it does not exist.  You probably tried to do it without sudo.11:42
Praashit's either that putty doesn't work correctly or i'm doing something wrong11:42
maveasPraash: Putty should work ;)11:42
uttergleeokay... thanks so much for helping usr13; I have to go out very urgent at the moment, I will be back shortly and try those out again11:42
uttergleeif you are not here, farewell in advance :)11:43
usr13Praash: If you were on a Linux computer I'd tell you to do  nmap -p22 ###.###.##.#   But.....11:43
usr13Praash: What command are you using?11:44
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Praashusr13: In what context? I use Windows as my main desktop and try to use Putty with my server11:45
usr13Praash: But if you have another Linux computer, try scanning port 22 with nmap11:45
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PraashI dont have any usable ones right now... I first tried to use an old laptop as an Ubuntu machine, but it no more boots up11:45
usr13Praash: I don't have much advise for MS Windows commands.11:46
ivotklHello everyone. Good morning (at least for me, 8.45 a.m. here hehe), afternoon or evening!11:46
Praashusr13: What does nmap do? I can try to replicate that with my PC11:46
usr13Praash: http://nmap.org/book/inst-windows.html11:47
belgianguyPraash: nmap is often used to check open ports at a given IP11:47
usr13Praash: I was wrong.  There's nmap for MS Windows, (I guess).  nmap is a port scaning tool.11:47
usr13Praash: So just use nmap to scan port 2211:48
PraashOkay, I will try that now11:49
janisozaurhow can i use git svn to checkout specific svn revision?11:49
PraashThanks for your advice ;)11:49
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fmauroHi all. I'm trying to make a package, that uses an older version of a library that is no longer in the precise repos (the required version isn't) how would I go about that? Can I include it directly, or do I have to link it statically? What's the procedure here.11:51
aaa801How would i copy a remote folder via ssh/scp to a local folder (one way server move)11:53
janisozauraaa801, scp -r user@remote:/path/to/folder /path/to/local11:54
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ubunoobtuhey guys, if i only had a command line, how would i figure out what my wireless card11:55
Ben64lspci or lsusb depending11:56
Praashusr13: I scanned the ports and turns out that 22 is not opened11:56
janisozaurubunoobtu, lspci? lsusb? maybe wuith -v options. or go directly fo hwinfo11:56
Ben64Praash: is it "closed" or "filtered"11:56
janisozaur!hwinfo | ubunoobtu11:56
ubunoobtuokay thanks guys, ill try it out and be back11:56
Praashusr13: The nmap Windows version complained about not being able to load some libraries, so i used another program11:57
ubunoobtualright thanks a lot guys, it worked11:57
ubunoobtulater all11:57
aaa801janisozaur, any way to speed this up?, most of the transver is files that are like 10kb each11:58
uttergleeusr13, that -A command returns nothing11:58
uttergleebut there is no failing message either11:58
PraashBen64: The program I used only shows that it's closed11:59
uttergleeokay, now: sudo iptables -L | grep tcp-reset11:59
uttergleeREJECT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:smtp reject-with tcp-reset11:59
uttergleenow doing -D works11:59
uttergleemail is not the most n00b friendly place in Linux :)12:00
uttergleeI suspect... in any OS12:00
Ben64Praash: on the computer running ssh server, do this - "netstat -ln | grep 22"12:01
ubunoobalright guys im back, i now know i have an AR928X, how do i find out what chip set is on my card12:01
PraashBen64: Tried that now12:02
cabpajoin #opensuse12:02
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ubunoobor if any one has xp in the matter, i need drivers that will support injection12:02
Ben64cabpa: /join12:02
Ben64ubunoob: you should just get a card that is supported in linux12:03
cabpathanks Ben64 : )12:03
ubunoobit is12:03
Ben64not really12:03
ubunoobim useing it right now12:03
ubunoobthats how im in this irc12:03
Ben64then whats the problem12:04
ubunoobi need the other drivers that support injection12:04
PraashBen64: The dump shows "tcp6 :::22 :::* LISTEN"12:04
Ben64Praash: is that it?12:04
PraashBen64: It also shows other matches12:05
PraashBen64: That's the line that seems relevant12:05
ubunoobi did some research is it madwifi drivers?12:05
Ben64Praash: thats for ipv612:05
PraashBen64: :0 I see12:05
Ben64is there one that just starts with "tcp"12:06
PraashBen64: There's "tcp"12:06
ubunoobthe quad zero..12:07
Ben64Praash: then that means it's listening on all addresses, so you still have a firewall problem or something12:07
ubunoobssh problems?12:08
PraashBen64: Ok, I try to screw with windows firewall12:08
Ben64Praash: windows firewall?12:08
Ben64you're running sshd on linux, right>12:08
PraashBen64: yup, the server is on linux12:09
ubunoobwell thanks for the help guys, i guess im going to go figure this one out on my own12:09
Ben64then... probably linux firewall12:09
PraashBen64: The client i'll be using is windows12:09
nibbler_my fresh 12.10 install drops me to grub while booting. then after loading kernel and initramfs it drops me to busybox, where i have to decrypt and lvm-activate my boot partition.... great :-)12:09
nibbler_...and i'm pretty sure i did *not* tick that lvm box during install12:13
nibbler_which is in-line with ubutu-installers config of /etc/crypttab, which is also not lvm >:-(12:16
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Guest22870sa va12:19
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w3bg33kI'm running Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS, and I installed the ubuntu desktop...how can I get to the network configuration for eth0 if the options button is grayed out?12:36
styler2goHello. Can someone tell me how i can automatically execute some commands at, for example, 2 o'clock everyday?12:40
styler2goI am using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS12:40
llutzstyler2go: create a crontab, read "man 5 crontab"12:42
styler2gothank you :)12:42
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iceroot!cron | styler2go12:46
ubottustyler2go: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto12:46
AppleJuicehello Alpha12312:49
Alpha123Since 7 hours, i am trying to access a EXT3 disk using UBUNTU Live CD.. but it dont work.  Do you guys know if Ubuntu supports lenovo 8811 satacontroller12:49
Alpha123becouse it works when using SATA -> USB 2.012:50
Alpha123please help? ;D12:51
hxmi want to let an user to execute an application but i wont it can do anything else, is that possible?12:52
hxmalso that app can send exec commands to shell so i could avoid hack attempts, is that possible?12:52
hxmor this is too magic12:52
styler2gonormally i can exit a command with Strg+C, right?12:52
hxmif the program you are executing let that signal yes, styler2go12:52
styler2goand if not? i typed in crontab -e and i cant leave this screen12:53
hxmwhen you execute crontab -e it ask you what editor you want to use12:53
hxmwhich one did you select?12:53
styler2goit did not asked me, it just oped this one: http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/4690/climsyclipboardur.png12:53
hxmah, those view-insert editors based12:54
hxmdid you change something?12:54
hxmwith typing :q it will ask you to exit12:54
styler2goyes, this was empty, the one line is what i wrote12:54
hxmyou can use first :w to save12:55
hxmand :q to exit12:55
hxm:wq will work, i guess12:55
styler2gouhm, thank you :)12:55
styler2goi dont like this editor :D12:56
hxmindeed, i guess you pressed "i" for add the line, then when you end editin, you press Esc12:56
BluesKajHowdy all12:56
hxmso you are in view mode, and now you are able to send the :wq command12:56
hxmi either dont like those editors, nano is so cool12:56
styler2goyes i am using nano too12:56
hxmalso if you type select-editor12:57
hxmit will ask you what default editor you want to use for contrab12:57
styler2gothanks :)12:57
verysoftoiletpprhelp, trouble reinstalling a package http://paste.ubuntu.com/5587729/12:57
Nul0 Hello. I'm considering formatting my external drive as ZFS and using it as a backup storage system (mainly for its inbuilt deduplication). I'm running Ubuntu 12.04. Does this sound like a good idea? Any words of caution I should bear in mind?13:02
BluesKajNul0, any particular reason why you're using ZFS ?13:04
[Saint]"(mainly for its inbuilt deduplication)"13:04
Nul0BluesKaj, inbuilt deduplication (storage space)13:05
BluesKajsorry , never heard that word before , is that dedicated duplication or some other meaning , Nul0 ?13:06
* [Saint] suggests building a cheap NAS out of spares that pretty much everybody has lying around instead13:06
[Saint]BluesKaj: no.13:07
Nul0BluesKaj, https://blogs.oracle.com/bonwick/entry/zfs_dedup13:07
[Saint]deduplication == "to not needlessly duplicate"13:07
[Saint]Nul0: I'd seriously look into building a NAS, though13:07
Nul0[Saint], never tried that before. I'll look into it. What are its advantages over ZFS?13:08
hdd1hello, im trying to enable into my kernel the directive net.inet.tcp.nolocaltimewait, but i get is an unknown key. I need an extra kernelmod or something? im using ubuntu 12.04 kernel 3.5.0-23 thanks13:09
[Saint]You could use a NAS, *with* ZFS, if you wanted ;)13:09
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DR01D-Engineeranyone know the xchat command to delay connecting? so it can autojoin rooms that require registration13:10
DR01D-Engineerright now chat autojoins rooms before logging me in13:10
hxmthere is a xchat channel13:10
Nul0[Saint], faster data access does sound attractive (esp. if used for frequent backups)13:10
DR01D-Engineerok ill ask in xchat channel. thanks13:11
[Saint]DR01D-Engineer: can't you do "wait XXX" in the autorun?13:11
[Saint]join #foo; wait 10; join #bar13:11
[Saint]Nul0: you probably want to look at FreeNAS13:12
kernelpanic_Hello! I want to replace e.g. cmake with a newer version not available in ubuntu. So I install it locally to /usr/local/. How can I tell ubuntu (on the commandline) that ubuntu-cmake should be removed, but still, cmake should be considered installed (so it doesn't re-install ubuntucmake when apackage depends on it)13:14
kernelpanic_In gentoo, I believe its done using /etc/portage/package.provided13:14
DR01D-Engineersaint. autorun? i dont see that in settings... all i can see is in network list, edit, connect command. i have msg nickserv identify user pass, so i guess after that command i put the join commands13:14
Nul0[Saint], I'll give it a shot. Seems to fit the bill perfectly.13:15
* [Saint] does the "I knew something useful" dance13:16
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nydelfor some reason my HDMI out won't seem to work as a secondary suddenly.. if i boot with it plugged in, it's the primary. if i boot with it unplugged, the laptop monitor is primary & the hdmi does nothing.13:17
nydelany help greatly appreciated13:17
[Saint]DR01D-Engineer: I thought xchat had autorun, my mistake - anyway - here: http://www.beamartyr.net/projects/autorun.html13:17
[Saint]but, this is wildly off-topic.13:17
nmittalhello ppl.. i just installed Ubuntu 12.10 and Nvidia drivers.. I have a 2 monitor setup.. however when I maximize a window it only fills one monitor.. how can i make it fill both monitors.. i am able to drag windows back and forth the 2 monitors so i know i have one x-screen13:18
[Saint]You should probably go poke the guys at #xchat13:18
nmittalis there another channel for unity13:19
benkaiserdoes uds start in 40 minutes or am I way off?13:20
[Saint]nmittal: #ubuntu-unity13:22
nmittal[Saint], thanks.. do you happen to know the answer to my question by any chance?13:22
nmittal[Saint], ok thanks13:23
nydelwhat command will show me all video devices13:23
oryadessudo lshw -C video13:24
benkaiserdoes uds start in 35 minutes or am I way off?13:24
[Saint]benkaiser: 2PM UTC - do the math for your locale13:25
ivotklbenkaiser, I apologise, but I do not know what UDS means.13:25
[Saint]Ubuntu Developer Summit, I assume13:25
ivotklWhat is that? Sorry. =$13:25
benkaiser[Saint], yes that is correct... and okay, think it should be 1am here in Eastern Australia13:26
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nydelif the output of "lshw" is only "PCI (sysfs)" does that point to a problem i can resolve?13:26
[Saint]it means you probably didn't use sudo13:26
nydeli did13:27
[Saint]On slow systems, it can take some time.13:27
nydelthere is some sort of problem, i am trying to use my HDMI out as a secondary display - until today it's always just worked.13:27
[Saint]I wouldn;t expect it to ever take longer than 60 seconds, though.13:27
nydelbut now if i boot up with hdmi unplugged, it doesn't do anything when i plug it in. if i boot with it plugged in, the hdmi is the only display (laptop screen is blank)13:28
ivotklMy netbook's screen goes blank when connecting HDMI. Perhaps that's how it works, unless both screen worked before.13:29
nydelboth screens have always worked13:29
ivotklI currently do not know how to make dual screens displaying at the same time. Any help?13:29
nydeland right now if i boot from a usb stick both screens work13:29
nydel[Saint]: could you look at the output of lshw for me? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5587778/13:30
[Saint]I could...but, I'm not entirely sure why I'd want to.13:30
nydel[Saint]: i thought maybe you'd help me because i'm desperate and asking graciously?13:31
ivotklThat seems to be your integrated graphics working while on HDMI screen is  plugged in, right?13:31
ivotklnydel, what are you trying to achieve? Dual screening?13:31
nydelivotkl: well, the main screen is blank, and the HDMI is low-res13:31
nydelyes ivotkl, usually i can do this:13:31
nydelxrandr --output HDMI1 --mode 1920x1080 --pos 1280x25 --rotate normal --output LVDS1 --mode 1280x800 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal --output DP1 --off --output VGA1 --off13:31
nydeland that sets me up with a dual display13:32
nydelbut right now that gives me a lot of errors like none of those devices exist13:32
ivotklWhat if you check how video config settings are when booting from USB and try to apply them to current system?13:32
nydeli'm not sure what i've done but perhaps i've uninstalled something or f'd up a xwindows config file?13:32
nmittalhello ppl.. i just installed Ubuntu 12.10 and Nvidia drivers.. I have a 2 monitor setup.. however when I maximize a window it only fills one monitor.. how can i make it fill both monitors.. i am able to drag windows back and forth the 2 monitors so i know i have one x-screen13:33
ivotklCould be, anything's possible when we put our hands on a highly tweak-able system, hehe13:33
DelphiWorldHi Ubuntuficators:)13:33
nydelivotkl: that's great idea, thank you. what files would i look at?13:33
DelphiWorldguys can someone pastebin me a valid sources.list file?13:34
ivotklNo idea, I'm not very knowledgeable about this stuff. I was just giving you an idea. =$13:34
DelphiWorldus.archive.ubuntu.com is not resolving13:34
patrycjuszhi all I get this error "No route found for "GET o/hello" " when i want to access "http://symfony.dev:8080/app_dev.php/demo/hello"  --  why i cutting demo/hello to o/hello ?13:34
ivotklI can post you mine with those servers. I haven't modified it.13:34
patrycjuszsorry wrong room13:34
nydelivotkl: thanks a lot that's very helpful13:34
DelphiWorldivotkl: please bro, and send me the url in a pm...13:34
[Saint]nmittal: as far as your lshw output - your system seems to think it only has one display output.13:34
DelphiWorldivotkl: also if you can give me the PPA archive13:35
[Saint]This, one assumes, is the root of the problem.13:35
[Saint]Even if you're not using both outputs, all available outputs should be listed there.13:35
nydel[Saint]: right - and thank you kindly - do you have any idea what i may have done to cause this?13:36
rsvpNice overview on Mir + Unity QML + Unity APIs = Unity -- from Olli, http://www.olli-ries.com/mir-unity-qml-unity-apis-unity/13:36
nydeli kind of feel like there is some stupid config file i could just delete somewhere if i only knew what it was, or something?13:36
[Saint]No idea what would cause this, sorry.13:36
[Saint]it also seems kinda odd that it lists the display as unclaimed.13:37
[Saint]I would think it should be in use and hence "claimed", if you have any form of visible display at all.13:38
* [Saint] shrugs13:38
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nydel[Saint]: perhaps if i uninstall and reinstall the xorg intel video.. i guess i'll have to play around. thanks a lot for pointing me in a direction, i appreciate it13:41
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[Saint]here you can see mine listing both the VGA and DVI outputs, for instance: http://pastebin.com/a8UM3VfB13:42
TechnikalMindhi. I'm getting the error message "/etc/cron.daily/apt: Cache has broken packages, exiting" in my logs. what do?13:42
[Saint]If I unplug the DVI input, line 15 simply changes to "  *-display:1 UNCLAIMED"13:42
[Saint]TechnikalMind: "sudo apt-get clean"; then try again13:44
TechnikalMind[Saint]: how do I know which ones are the broken ones that I have to fix?13:45
[Saint]You don't need to.13:45
[Saint]apt-get clean should "just work".13:45
TechnikalMind*waves magic wand* :D13:45
elijahHow do I get rid of these "Galaxy Nexus Networks" that were made when I hooked my phone up to my computer. They keep increasing => http://ubuntuone.com/7BHnlOPMejEhnlN0x3NCWa13:46
elijahI don't see any way to delete them, they are not with the other connections13:47
savagecrocok i've got an ubuntu image running in vmware13:49
savagecrocand i'm having problems trying to network with it. it's got an ipaddress and i can ping it and i have openssh running on port 5244413:49
savagecrocbut i am unable to connect to the port.. (note: previously when i was plugged into my office network i had no problem)13:50
savagecroci've tried restarting the ssh service. but still can't connect13:50
savagecrocany ideas on how to debug?13:50
savagecrocafter all that13:51
savagecrocgot the port number wrong13:51
savagecroc </stupid>13:51
baswazzi just installed Ubuntu 10.10 i386 on my ESXI server but the add-apt-repostitory cmd does not work. I already have installed python-software-properties13:51
theadminbaswazz: 10.10 is not supported.13:51
Wiz_KeeDis there any way to undo deleted files via ftp on a ubuntu server 12.04?13:52
baswazztheadmin: not supported? on esxi?13:52
savagecrocWiz_KeeD: use some file-based recovery program13:52
theadminbaswazz: No, it's not supported at all. It's reached end-of-life.13:52
baswazztheadmin: i have a VM running 10.10 amd64 it does work13:52
lollie_lolsa va13:53
savagecrocWiz-Keed: afiak it deletes the info from the file allocation table.. so you have to use something that scans each sector to get the files back13:53
theadminbaswazz: It might work... But the repos have been brought down, and it's not supported on IRC.13:53
baswazztheadmin: what doe you advice?13:53
savagecroctheadmin: 10.04 is not even that old13:53
srhbHi! I seem to have accidentally uninstalled my sound driver's module. Which package do I need to reinstall it? It's called snd_hda_intel13:53
lollie_lolWhat are you doing?13:53
theadminsavagecroc: 10.04 was an LTS and so it's supported longer, 10.10 is EOL now.13:53
baswazztheadmin: i made a type i am pointing to 12.04 and 12.1013:54
savagecrocahhh right13:54
theadminbaswazz: I suggest installing a more recent version, such as 12.04 or 12.1013:54
savagecrocis there any point in bothering with the .10 version then?13:54
baswazztheadmin: i made a type error i have 12.04 installed13:54
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theadminsavagecroc: Well, there are regular releases every 6 months -- they have shiny new stuff, but the LTS releases (every 2 years) are more stable and have longer support.13:55
srhbWhat's the current kernel version on 12.10?13:55
theadminbaswazz: Ah, okay then. Hm. That I can help with. Are you running add-apt-repository as root? (you need sudo before that command, generally)13:55
theadmin!info linux-image-generic quantal | srhb13:55
ubottusrhb: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (quantal), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB13:55
srhbtheadmin: Thanks.13:55
baswazztheadmin: yes i use sudo before the command13:55
theadminbaswazz: Hm, what's the output then?13:56
Picibaswazz: Does the ppa that you are adding actually provide a package for your release?13:56
srhbAre the kernel modules normally included with the linux-image-version-generic packages?13:56
om26eris there a way i could disable nvidia and only use Intel GPU on my laptop13:57
[Saint]Is there a way to limit bash history to N entries?13:57
savagecroci need to install a package on a machine with no internet connection what can i do?13:57
baswazzPici: i installed 12.04 and i saw a erro compiling for i386 so it isnt thats why i installed 12.1013:57
theadmin[Saint]: None that I know of.13:57
[Saint]Right, thanks.13:58
Picibaswazz: Can you provide the exact command that you entered?13:58
baswazztheadmin: Pici http://paste.ubuntu.com/558782813:58
baswazzPici: sudo apt-get install python-software-properties13:59
theadminsrhb: Well, according to dpkg -L linux-image-3.2.0-38-generic (my current kernel), a whole bunch of stuff was installed in /lib/modules by that package. So, yes, modules are included with the image.13:59
Picibaswazz: It says that it is already installed.13:59
baswazzPici: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:oscam/ppa13:59
srhbtheadmin: Right. Odd that the module went missing after the last upgrade.13:59
theadminsrhb: What module is it? If it's some third-party one you may need to rebuild it.14:00
Picibaswazz: And what happened after you typed that?14:00
baswazzPici: sudo: add-apt-repository: command not found14:00
elijahWhat is the name of the network manager in Ubuntu?14:00
elijahnetwork-manager doesn't seem to be it14:00
theadminelijah: NetworkManager.14:00
srhbtheadmin: No, it always just worked up until now. It's a pretty common module, snd-hda-intel14:00
YatharthROCK_What're the diff.s bet. pre-released (proposed) and unsupported (backports) updates?14:00
theadminYatharthROCK_: proposed are going to make it in the main repos after a bunch of testing. Backports are the newer versions of packages from next releases.14:01
elijahtheadmin: Thanks! I tried that without ProperCase, I never would have thought to try that!14:01
theadminelijah: Yeah, odd name :/14:01
Art1noob question... how can I get to a terminal window before Ubuntu loads... without going to the grub window?  12.0414:02
YatharthROCK_theadmin, Thanks. How could I upgrade from QQ to Ubuntu 13?14:02
ivotklIt's been a pleasure everyone. See you later.14:02
baswazzPici: you have any idea?14:02
YatharthROCK_Art1, Use recovery mode, maybe?14:02
Picibaswazz: Ithink add-apt-repository has moved to the software-properties-common package in 12.1014:02
apwbdjpArt1, you need the system to load, to get a terminal. Using recovery mode is also through grub14:03
theadminYatharthROCK_: No 13.x versions are released yet, and so you can't.14:03
YatharthROCK_Art1, Or use xdotool to hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 right after boot...14:03
baswazzPici: ok ill try that14:03
theadminYatharthROCK_: Once it's released, you'll get a notification.14:03
YatharthROCK_theadmin, So i have to install it separately? No upgrades?14:03
Art1need to uninstall catalyst... even recovery freezes to a black screen14:03
theadminYatharthROCK_: Nah, you can upgrade, but once it's released. If you're looking to upgrade to the development version, though, please consult #ubuntu-1 on how to do that.14:03
theadminArt1: Do you have a LiveCD?14:04
Art1yes... that is the only way I can use my computer atm :(14:04
Art1and reinstalling everything after a reboot is getting old14:05
theadminArt1: Perfect! Mount your / drive and then issue the following command: sudo chroot /media/whatever (where /media/whatever is where it's mounted).14:05
theadminArt1: Then, use "sudo apt-get remove ..." as you normally would14:05
Art1hehe... just "mount c" ?14:06
theadminThe heck is "c"? That doesn't seem like a device node to me.14:06
theadminArt1: It's more likely to be something along the lines of "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt"14:06
Art1some background... I'm completely new to ubuntu as of 2 days ago... had my head in the sand with windows14:06
theadminArt1: You can use the filemanager to mount it for you, then hit Ctrl+L to find the address it mounted it to.14:06
baswazzPici: thanks for the fast support that did the trick14:07
apwbdjpArt1, or use the palimpsest (Ubuntu Disk Utility) to mount it14:07
elijahWhat would be the best way to upgrade NetworkManager (precise stable) to
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Art1seperate download from the live cd?14:09
theadminArt1: Never mind that... Go to the file manager and hit something like "100500GB Storage", then hit Ctrl-L and you'll find the path to chroot to.14:09
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Art1grrr... giveing me permission denied14:14
theadminArt1: What exactly is?14:14
[Saint]YatharthROCK_: "update-manager -d"14:15
Art1theadmin: I used "sudo apt-get remove --purge xorg-driver-fglrx fglrx*"14:15
[Saint]YatharthROCK_: assuming you're on 12.10, this will prompt to install 13.0414:15
YatharthROCK_[Saint], Tried that, but it didn't prompt me to install RR :(14:16
xxiaoanyone used lftp14:17
[Saint]YatharthROCK_: works for me.14:17
xxiaoit worked for me well, however now after i download stuff and quit lftp, the downloaded image is gone i14:17
jpmhxxiao: I use it all the time - what do you mean "the download image is gone"?14:18
jmevbekks: I've tried all of the vbox instructions on mounting a windows share in an ubuntu guest, but nothing's working. I keep getting the same error, "mounting failed with the error: No such device"14:18
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xxiaojpmh: on 10.04, i pget -n 5 ftp://my.iso, then issue "bye", and the image is not there14:19
xxiaojpmh: while downloading, i saw that image is increasing in size14:19
xxiaoit worked for me in the past14:20
ubottubrucelee1: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:20
escottxxiao, what folder are you downloading to14:20
xxiaoescott: ~/downloads14:20
jmevI've searched google and checked pages marked "solved", but they all seem to give similar advice that doesn't work. I'm mounting per the instructions, and even tried installing "build-essential linux headers", per one page, but no change14:20
jpmhxxiao: so basically you are getting the file to your current working directory, and then it goes away?14:20
xxiaojpmh: yes14:20
jpmhxxiao:  what happens if instead of pget you just use get?14:21
xxiaojpmh: whenever i quit lftp, if i stay in, the file is there14:21
xxiaojpmh: did not test, the download is too slow single threaded14:21
xxiaolike 40+ mins14:21
jpmhtry the single thread - I think that what is happening is that the transfer is not really completing - I am also not familiar with "bye", do you mean quit?14:22
jmevany thoughts as to why it's such a pain mounting a drive in ubuntu running on vbox?14:22
escottxxiao, how exactly is parallel download supposed to be faster?14:22
jpmhxxiao: typically multi-threaded is rarely faster when you are getting one file from one source since usually the limiting factor is the link or the sending server and this is not helped by going multi-threaded14:23
xxiaoescott: depends on the server side i assume14:23
xxiaosome server limits speed on one request14:23
jpmhxxiao: escott I think escott is saying the same as I am14:24
xxiaoif you issue, say 5 requests, you get 5x faster speed, per my testing14:24
xxiaosome other servers are smart to avoid that though, so it depends, but does not hurt to try parallel14:24
escottxxiao, thats really rude of you to try and evade that then14:24
jpmhxxiao: for the purpose of this debug try a regutal single threaded get - it may not be as fast as you want but it is faster than failing, which is what is happening14:24
jpmhescott: xxiao I also agree with escott that if someone has set a limit it is inappropriate to try and evade it14:25
xxiaojpmh: i rarely do that, only once a while i need something quick14:25
jpmhxxiao:  your comment that five connections is five time faster certainly should not be the case for one file unless as you say the sender has implimented a per-connection limit - in which case you should honor it14:26
jpmhxxiao:  is this a public site you are connecting to?14:27
jpmhxxiao:  then, care to share the ftp address and I will try - I have a VERY fast link14:27
escottxxiao, if you are using ftp you my try disabling the control/data port and running over the same TCP connection. one could be throttling the other14:28
jpmhescott:  can you explain that to me - what do you mean?14:29
escottjpmh, active vs passive14:29
selena2013today is ubuntu developer summit14:30
jpmhescott:  ty - makes sense - I personally have never seen a problem with lftp - but good thinking14:30
kuukuuuhow much is a domain14:31
jpmhescott:  since you seem to know more about lftp than me, is there any way that I can have it use my ssh-keygen key when I am doing an sftp connection?14:31
escottxxiao, ie try "PASV" mode (assuming you are currently in active mode)14:31
escottjpmh, sftp is not ftp so it doesnt have that stuff14:31
ero-jijimornin all14:31
jpmhescott:  you mean the ssh-keygen key when you say "that stuff"14:32
escottjpmh, but if you are using sftp then any normal ssh-keygen; ssh-copy-id will work as expected14:32
escottjpmh, sorry "that stuff"="active/passive"14:32
jpmhescott:  I thought it should but I have a server where I have my public key in the authorized keys and sure enough when I ssh there I connect without needing futher authentication but when I connect with lftp sftp://user@domain I do still need to enter the password14:33
Ajx1999is anyone here good with ubuntu14:33
Ajx1999hey new world14:33
Ajx1999can u help me with a problem'14:34
oldude67Ajx1999, nope we just like the way it sounds.14:34
jpmhescott: on the active v passive, yes, I realize that - ty - that's why I did not think of the active v passive - I rarely use an insecure connection anywhere - other than to freenode of course14:34
Ajx1999no but seriusly14:34
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:34
ero-jijino we just hate windows14:34
Ajx1999im trying to acsess ubuntu and it vomes up with a screen saying gnu grub14:34
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Ajx1999im trying to acsess ubuntu and it vomes up with a screen saying gnu grub14:34
Ajx1999say how to i get past it14:35
Ajx1999i type in boot but it says i have no loded kernal14:35
Ajx1999i will do anything to get it fixed14:35
Ajx1999i have all my files on my duel boot syatem14:36
jpmhAjx1999: I doubt you would do ANYTHING?14:36
Ajx1999what is that supposed to mean]14:36
Ajx1999i looked up like 50 tutoirals14:36
Ajx1999im extreamly good at computers14:36
jpmhescott: so, is there some way I can use that ssh authentication with lftp?  I do not seem to find it14:36
akishi. suddenly i cannot delete any file because i take the message "the trash has reach its maximum size". but my trash is empty!!!14:36
SaalkoHello all, I just installed Ubuntu 12.04 (32bit version i368). I've got a nvidia Laptop with a Geforce GT 555m. And for this I need bumblebee. But I have troubles to install the program. I tried to install it per "Synaptic" the package: "bumblebee-nvidia".  But for this I need to install "nvidia-current" (grafic driver for nvidia cards) But when i try to install this I have to install "xorg-video-abi-11" But this package isn't availab14:36
Ajx1999ok so is NO ONE going to help me14:37
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:37
escottjpmh, i dont know anything about lftp, but it probably uses its own sftp client implementation that must not support the ~/.ssh directory14:37
Ajx1999its a ubuntu 12.05 lts rror14:37
ero-jijii can think of a few things involving small animals, a rubber hose, a car door, and others that you probably wouldnt do ^^14:37
Ajx1999it says i cznt load kernal14:37
akisok, forget it. i fixed it.14:38
ero-jiji@akis enable hidden files in the properties14:38
Ajx1999is amyone here a ubuntu expert14:38
jpmhescott:  ty so much - I suspect that you are exactly right - and it is not a big deal because of the sripting capability of lftp - it would have just been nice14:38
Ajx1999or atleast knows how to transfer files from my ubuntu side to my windows site without using ubuntu14:38
Ajx1999like a program14:39
jali_fhello in 12.10 is there a performance mode/powersave mode setting14:39
jpmhAjx1999 have you EVER booted that ubuntu?14:40
ero-jiji@saalko http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2012370&page=214:40
ero-jiji@saalko theres a workaround on page 2 - 314:42
Saalko@ero thanks a lot.14:42
ero-jiji@saalko but read the whole thread so you know whats going on ^^14:42
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Saalkoyes. but need a restart now. Thanks for the tip.14:43
MalinuxI have the following issue with igal2: I can't make it use UTF-814:47
objectlogici have the following issue with igal7.14:49
ero-jijisigh, one more day of waiting for rsync ><14:49
ero-jijitransfering 3.8TB from old dedi to new one14:49
newbie-14th-dayany way to open the webcam ,take a photo .. by using the terminal?14:50
ero-jijioutgrew the existing backup server14:50
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theadminnewbie-14th-day: See the webcamd package.14:53
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nsahooeverytime I boot ubuntu 12.04, the Xorg takes 100% cpu and screen stays blank. It's a new installation. Any help?14:56
nsahoothe last line on Xorg.0.log reads: [    59.745] (EE) NVIDIA(GPU-0): WAIT: (E, 0, 0x857d)14:56
jonyplease give me someone a good desktop notes tool14:59
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=== gatox is now known as YatharthROCK
nsahooeverytime I boot ubuntu 12.04, the Xorg takes 100% cpu and screen stays blank. It's a new installation. Any help?15:00
nsahoothe last line on Xorg.0.log reads: [    59.745] (EE) NVIDIA(GPU-0): WAIT: (E, 0, 0x857d)15:00
nsahooNot sure if I was on the channel last time15:00
PiciYou were15:09
nsahooPici: thanks. Still the same problem.15:09
drewloverHey guys.. been a while since I've ran Ubuntu, but doesn't the installer set up dual boot natively? I found this page (http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/10/dual-booting-windows-7-and-ubuntu-12-10-quantal-quetzal/) but he's going at it quite strangely IMO....15:11
nsahooIt seems like several other people have seen this problem but no solution yet15:11
theadmindrewlover: Yeah, you can just use "Install near current OS" or whatever this option appears as.15:12
Otto141alguien que hable español??15:12
drewlovertheadmin: that's what I thought... wonder why the guy is doing a manual install :S15:12
Pici!es | Otto14115:12
ubottuOtto141: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:12
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onesit down and eat a sandwich in front of an abortion clinic15:14
oneyou make me want to puke15:14
oneyou make me sick to my stomach15:15
zAo^one, ?15:15
onezAo^: speaking to chanserv15:16
onequite me in every other channel15:16
onethey need to point those red light cameras at the entrance to the abortion clinic and the rear door to get the doctors15:18
onethese bunchof morons15:18
onelets get them at the red lights but let them butcher the childs15:18
onefather take my anger15:19
oneHoly one True one15:19
onedo you want to see his fire?15:19
somsip!ops | one is trolling15:19
ubottuone is trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!15:19
oneKing of ANything!15:19
supNowHello, I'd like to connect to my ubuntu server from another ubuntu desktop within the same network. I want a GUI and have ubuntu-desktop installed on server... all help I find online is for SSH. I don't wish to SSH I want a remote desktop like ability.15:22
jreaYou're looking for VNC: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC15:23
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mJaykAnyone here run Ubuntu 12.10 with a gnome 3 remixy style ?15:35
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selena2013anybody got the irc channel for the summit15:37
jmmmmmmmmmgood day all15:37
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Piciselena2013: #ubuntu-uds15:42
selena2013well  thanks15:42
b2whow to run shell programs in android?15:44
Picib2w: not really on-topic for #ubuntu, try #android15:45
b2wjoin #android15:46
b2whow to go to #android?15:46
Picib2w: /join #android15:46
srhbFor some reason I have almost no drivers installed in /lib/modules/kernelversion15:47
srhbWhere might I rebuild them/redownload them?15:47
fnusersrhb: apt15:47
srhbFor instance, my USB mouse no longer works.15:47
KolakCCsrhb: you mean the linux headers? install linux-headers-$(uname -r)15:48
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srhbI don't think I mean headers (since I have those installed)15:48
fnuserKolakCC: i think he is asking for touchpad drivers , audi drivers and such15:48
srhbI mean whatever I need to install to be able to use these devices that worked before I upgraded the kernel. :)15:49
fnusersrhb: is it a new usb mouse?15:49
fnusersrhb: ahh15:49
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srhbI also had to manually get some dkms driver to get my intel sound card to work again.15:49
srhbProbably not using the right terminology here, I'm confused at how this works.15:49
fnusersrhb: compiled the kernel? or used the update manager?15:49
srhbapt-get install'ed it15:50
srhbI've also lost my wireless card and other fun stuff. :P15:50
fnusersrhb: download a fresh image and install. and restore home folder15:51
srhbThe issue is most definitely not my home folder, it's that the modules either a) are not there b) aren't loaded15:52
srhbBut I believe they aren't there since modprobe fails to find them15:52
srhbI'll try installing another kernel, but I've done that several times now.15:52
fnusersrhb: try reinstalling the os.15:52
lantiziaHey if I want someone (a non-privileged user) to save a script somewhere that'll be in his path... where can it go?  (I thought ~/bin was in the path - but it isn't now :S)15:53
srhbThat's the last resort, yeah. I hope it doesn't come to that.15:53
srhbIt would be lovely if only I understood what determines which modules are placed in /lib/modules and by which package. Maybe then I could understand why I'm missing some or they aren't loaded.15:53
nagchampaok guys, i'm having serious problems with sound. Doing very minor things (scrolling a page, moving my cursor over the icons in the unity launcher) causes my sound to start crackling and eventually stop altogether. If I have something playing in rythmbox the playback pauses (without rythmbox itself pausing), if I kill pulseaudio sound starts working again when it restarts15:54
fnuserlantizia: /usr/local/bin15:54
nagchampahowever i've tried running pulseaudio with -vvvvv and when the sound stops working, pulseaudio is still running and doesn't seem to notice the sound has crashed15:54
lantiziafnuser, I said non-privileged user15:55
nagchampai've tried adding tsched=0 to the line "load-module module-udev-detect" in /etc/pulse/default.pa but this seems to make it worse15:55
jhutchins_wknagchampa: Getting rid of pulseaudio usually solves those problems.15:55
nagchampajhutchins_wk: yes, but that introduces problems of its own, so i was hoping to be able to try to get pulseaudio working15:56
fnuserlantizia: create a /home directory or in /mnt and set the permissions and update the $PATH variable15:56
lantiziafnuser, yeah your not getting it at all - nevermind15:57
layer3[troy] l access15:57
layer3[linux] Access for troy (troy@alphachat/staff/troy) is Bot Owner.15:57
layer3[troy] l voice layer315:57
layer3[troy] l op troy15:57
FloodBot1layer3: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:57
fnuserlantizia: run echo $PATH and paste the output15:58
lantizia$HOME/bin seems to be the answer as I thought... but .profile only adds it to your $PATH if the directory existed whenever .profile is executed15:58
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lantiziaif I open a terminal... mkdir ~/bin ... close the terminal and re-open it then $PATH still doesn't show it15:59
lantiziaSo I'm guessing .profile is ran right at the beginning of me logging in?15:59
Picilantizia: correct.15:59
fnuserlantizia: yes, put it in .bashrc15:59
lantiziafnuser, that's not needed15:59
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lantiziaPici, anyway to re-load .profile whilst still in the same session?16:00
Picilantizia: source ~/.profile16:00
lantiziaPici, yes but that doesn't make the changes .profile does persistent... if I close and re-open the terminal then the path is back to the way it was16:01
fnuseri wonder how bad it is to help16:01
guest-R3nkk4please let know how ubuntu works16:01
Picilantizia: If you're in a graphical session, you'd need to log out completely and log back in for .profile to take effect.16:01
lantiziaPici, no way around that?16:02
fnuseryou are doomed lantizia16:02
Picilantizia: I *think* you might be able to put it in your .bashrc and have it run when you open the terminal.16:02
guest-R3nkk4i have never used ubuntu before  How do i start?16:02
lantiziaPici, meh didn't really want to meddle with whats already there16:03
fnuserdon't say that to her, Pici . she doesn't need that16:03
fnuserok HE*16:03
guest-R3nkk4no body WANTS TO HELP ME?16:03
lantizialook it's not bad to help - but you didn't understand the original context of what I was asking16:03
lantiziaI don't need a 101 tutorial on paths, exports, bash, etc - as I know that... I was after what the *protocol* was for putting user made non-privileged scripts some place16:04
fnuserhaha.. really?16:04
lantiziaand it was ~/bin as I remembered anyway - but it needs a login/out after mkdir ~/bin to be effective :S16:04
fnuserlantizia: how about you open your terminal and run "echo $PATH" and prove your point16:05
ikonialantizia: putting ~/bin in someones path is dangerous so it's not done by default16:05
hapsterWhat happens now that Mir is on the way? Will the upgrade be seemless? Or are we expecting apps to break?16:05
ikoniahapster: what upgrade ?16:06
lantiziaikonia, well... it is... it's in .profile - but it's only done if ~/bin exists16:06
ikonialantizia: there you go then,16:06
lantizialol  - so what you just said isn't quite true lol16:06
ikonialantizia: no...it's not16:06
ikonialantizia: please re-read what I said16:06
lantiziai'd just like a way of enabling ~/bin without having to login/out16:06
ikonialantizia: source the .profile16:06
hapsterikonia: for example, let's say Mir is ready for 13.04 and I'm currently in 12.10. Will upgrading be as easy as upgrading from the update manager? Even if it uses a different compositor?16:07
lantiziaikonia, which only works for that terminal - been over this before16:07
ikoniahapster: it's not in 13.04, check the roadmap16:07
ikonialantizia: so re-start, it's one restart of the X11 enviornment16:07
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llutzthere is nothing dangerous with ~/bin at all and you cannot prevent someone to set it, even if you (whyever) dislike it. differnt thing is "."16:07
srhbFor anyone wondering, the trick was to install linux-image-extra. Go figure16:07
hapsterikonia: I know. But just for example, transitioning between an XOrg version and a Mir version. Will it be simple?16:08
lantiziaikonia, which is a pain if someone is trying to follow these instructions and is in the middle of a million other things and doesn't WANT to logout16:08
lantiziallutz, i completely agree16:08
ikonialantizia: then they just need to wait16:08
fnuserround round and round goes lantizia16:08
lantiziafnuser, further than you got16:08
hapsterikonia: I'm also concerned about some apps I've developed and some apps I'm currently using. Dunno if it will break or something. Do I have to do a rewrite and study how Mir works or will the API have some compatibility layer.16:08
Picifnuser: Can you please drop the useless comments.16:09
fnuserPici: no16:09
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lantiziaPici, ok a little out my comfort zone with this question... but since .profile is set when you very first log in  -  isn't that essentially on the first tty or something?  can .profile be re-run as that tty to make it global for everything?16:11
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jhutchins_wk.profile runs in each new shell you open, and you can also run it manually to activate changes you've made.16:18
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ikoniahapster: you're going to have to wait until more information is known I think16:21
hero100problem of ATI with 12.10. Does anyone tried the 12.6-legacy-x86.x86_64? http://www.unixmen.com/ubuntu-12-10-and-amd-catalyst-problem-solved/16:21
hapsterikonia: ok thanks. mixed feelings about Mir right now. I just hope Ubuntu will still stay open.16:22
ikoniahapster: hard to have any feelings with so little known16:22
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hapsterikonia: yeah but in essence, it's basically doing things on your own. Or at least you have Ubuntu doing things on their own without the help of the Linux community in general.16:23
hapsterikonia: and that's what worries me. Ubuntu is becoming more Ubuntu than a linux distro. If that made any sense. haha16:23
ikoniahapster: if you read the documentation references to linux have been removed for a long time, eg: The Ubuntu Kernel, rather than the Linux kernel16:24
K350howto add a new user and make sure hell have a homedir in /hom ewith the same name as th user?16:25
jribK350: use "adduser USERNAME"16:25
hapsterikonia: yeah. But I still want Ubuntu to be a Linux option rather than being in a world where it's Mac vs Windows vs Linux vs BSD vs Ubuntu16:26
ikonianullby7e: question16:26
nullby7ecan I run geforce gtx 650ti with latest ubuntu?16:26
nullby7edoes package is updated for new cards16:27
nullby7egraphic nouveau package?16:27
nullby7eor how to run it16:27
hapsterikonia: anyway, we'll see how it goes. trying to follow the UDS and waiting for some more info.16:27
ikonia!nvidia | nullby7e16:27
ubottunullby7e: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto16:27
rethustry to install simon (speech recognize) on ubuntu, but got the error: Could not find Qwt 6.x16:27
rethusbut i have installed libqwt616:28
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rethusah, found it, need the libqwt-dev package16:29
* [Saint] is somewhat disturbed by how usable Ringtail is...16:31
davis776hello any way to set desktop icons to grid (keep aligned seems to not work properly) and why Nautilus does not remember last position?16:31
zomgorHey. How can I look up the bug reports sent by my system any time some app crashes?16:31
holsteindavis776: in unity? ubuntu 12.10?16:31
davis776holstein, yes16:31
davis776holstein, or if there are any plans implementing this in 13.0416:33
Yud_ZrocIf im collaberating with java with another person to develop, can we use openjdk and the normal java(i beleive the other person is using windows)16:35
Costeelationregards people16:36
zomgorYud_Zroc, sure, the jdk used is interchangeable unless you're dealing with jvm specific runtime options (the -X namespace)16:36
Costeelationanyone know how to solve the problem of the black screen in Precise?16:37
zomgorYud_Zroc, and even then at least openjdk and the oracle jvm (which I assume you mean with 'normal') are very similar there too16:37
niri will, thanks guys . i'm really impressed from the help16:37
Yud_Zroczomgor: so its possible to develop a game using both openjdk and oricals java for windows using jmonkey3?16:38
Yud_ZrocThats one less heartattack i need :D16:38
zomgorYud_Zroc, the code you write has nothing to do with the jvm it runs on16:38
zomgorzomgor, if it does, that's a bug in one of the jvms by definition16:39
zomgorerm, Yud_Zroc ^16:39
Yud_Zroczomgor: ok, thanks I assume its just the compiling phazes would be the difference lol16:39
zomgorYud_Zroc, no differences in the byte code either16:39
zomgoryou can compile on ubuntu using openjdk and the resulting class files will execute just fine on windows using the oracle vm16:40
Yud_Zrochm i guess we will start doing our thing thanks zomgor16:40
zomgorhave fun coding :)16:40
Yud_ZrocI will, starting is the worth part though lol16:41
CaptainQuirkHi there : I'm having an issue related to a samba share mounted on my ubuntu machine16:41
CaptainQuirkIs it the right place ?16:41
Yud_ZrocCaptainQuirk: what is the issue?16:41
CaptainQuirkThe samba share is actually serving files of a unix server16:42
CaptainQuirkThat's a disk every one uses in the company to work on website projects16:42
CaptainQuirksome project are versioned with git, which a mess with samba but that's how it is conceived for now16:42
CaptainQuirkI needed to install some nmp (node.js) module for my project. If failed from my machine for permission issues16:43
CaptainQuirkI installed them as root connecting through ssh to the server16:43
CaptainQuirkI don't know how, but, despite the fact that this particular directory was ignored, Some files ended up being tracked by git16:44
CaptainQuirkTo the point where I couldn't perform simple checkout/merge operation16:44
CaptainQuirkI think git is trying to delete some files internally for which he doesn't have permissions to16:45
CaptainQuirkI'm kind of stuck here ...16:45
Yud_Zrochm, this is way out of my level of expertise, anyone else available to help CaptainQuirk16:45
Yud_ZrocI only know th basics of samba16:46
=== DeviantSOP is now known as Killeroid
tyrogHello. Does anybody have the following issue in Ubuntu 12.10? The performance of desktop and apps becomes sluggish after I leave the computer in idle for some time. When I return everything is slow, laggy, sluggish. I don't know if this is Unity or Graphics driver-related. Anybody with something similar? Thanks16:48
lisandrop05hello, any one knows why when a folder si compressed using 7z it stop and putput something like:16:48
lisandrop05./BackupGeneration.sh: line 6: 20026 Killed                  7z a -mx9 /tmp/BackUP/www.7z /srv/www/ > nul 2>&116:48
lisandrop05./BackupGeneration.sh: line 6: 20026 Killed                  7z a -mx9 /tmp/BackUP/www.7z /srv/www/ > nul 2>&116:48
FloodBot1lisandrop05: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:48
tyrogHello. Does anybody have the following issue in Ubuntu 12.10? The performance of desktop and apps becomes sluggish after I leave the computer in idle for some time. When I return everything is slow, laggy, sluggish. I don't know if this is Unity or Graphics driver-related. Anybody with something similar? Thank16:49
lisandrop05tyrog: I use to have a problem like that after some iddle time my computer appear frozzon16:50
Yud_Zroctyrog: out of curiosity what does your system moniter say?16:50
holsteintyrog: you can install xfce4 and test, and see if its unity.. and force the vesa driver and see if its the graphics driver16:50
lisandrop05tyrog: my problem where firefox, it can increase the memory usage to the infinite16:50
tyrogYud_Zroc: Didn't check it :( . I always reboot directly after that.16:51
lisandrop05and don't leave any free memory16:51
tyroglisandrop05: In my case I close Firefox when idle, so thats not a problem here.16:51
lisandrop05tyrog: you shuld at least check using the top command16:52
Yud_Zroctyrog: keep an eye on your resorce monitor to keep an eye out for programs going haywire, or bottelnecks in your system. sometimes It could be a simple program eating up your resorces16:53
tyroglisandrop05: I just left transmission. But if I use my computer like I'm doing it now, the problem doesn't come. Its just in idle.16:54
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CaptainQuirkAnyone for my samba-git disaster16:59
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dendazenDoes anyone know that in 12.04 in sudoers i put for my account NOPASSWD : ALL17:04
dendazenbut when sudo -i it still prompts me for a password17:05
dendazenis this something new?17:05
jpdsdendazen: No, you have something misconfigured.17:05
dendazennot really17:06
dendazenmyusername         ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL17:06
dendazenThat is my line17:06
lisandrop05dendazen: lisandrop05 ALL=(ALL)NOPASSWD: ALL17:13
lisandrop05works perfect to me17:14
nawafwhy is /proc/cpuinfo non-editable?17:14
Myrttinawaf: why should it be editable?17:14
cordovalbash: cannot create temp file for here-document: Read-only file system17:15
nawafMyritti i want to modify my i3 processor to i7. to show off17:15
elisa87my friend wants to help me regarding installing a toolkit. "Mona will you be able to give me an account to remotely access your machine?" I don't know how to create an account for him so he can remotely access to my machine17:16
=== Wug[Hyperspace] is now known as Wug
nawafMyrtti i want to modify my i3 processor to i7. to show off17:16
cordovalafter dealing with skype17:16
cordovalbash: cannot create temp file for here-document: Read-only file system17:16
cordovalit locked my disk17:16
cordovalubuntu crashed17:16
cordovalplease hel[17:16
FloodBot1cordoval: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:16
Myrttinawaf: that's not going to happen, the file is only a way of the kernel to tell you what you have, not to actually edit.17:16
lisandrop05elisa87: i gess you need a vnc server installed on your computer17:19
lisandrop05to allow remote access17:19
lisandrop05or you can give an ssh access17:19
elisa87do you have a good guide on how to install a vnc server? can I use teamviewer? lisandrop0517:19
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lisandrop05elisa87: teamviewer solve the problem17:20
lisandrop05it dosn't need additional installation17:20
lisandrop05another option is logmein, but it's only for PC and MAC17:20
cornfeedhoboelisa87: teamviewer works17:21
cornfeedhoboelisa87: but in general, what you ore sooking for is a "reverse vnc"17:22
PlatzIf i have some numbers in a text file, after reading a slice into a buffer, do I have to convert the buffer slice to a string and then parseInt that string, or is there a way to get the int from the buffer directly?17:22
cornfeedhoboare looking*17:22
Platzsorry, ignore17:22
elisa87cornfeedhobo:  can you talk a little more about reverse vnc? why should I prefer it to teamviewer?17:23
lisandrop05Platz: regularr expressions17:23
hector /join #hackerspaces17:23
cornfeedhoboelisa87: well whats your goal?17:23
lisandrop05elisa87: teamviewer is a reverce vnc17:23
cornfeedhoboi use teamviewer to support client remotely all the time17:23
elisa87should i use "su useradd" lisandrop0517:23
Platzlisandrop05: ;) regex too slow I had believed17:23
cornfeedhoboelisa87: i also use logmein through linux all the time17:24
lisandrop05if you will use teamviewer you don't need it17:24
cornfeedhoboelisa87: yeah teamviewer is a r-vnc17:24
cornfeedhoboInjigo: hi17:24
lisandrop05Killed                  7z a -mx9 /tmp/BackUP/www.7z /srv/www/ it happens to me every time I try to compress a folder that contains a lot of files and folders17:25
lisandrop05any idea of how to solve it17:25
Injigocornfeedhobo: how goes it?17:25
lisandrop05cornfeedhobo: logmein for linux??17:25
lisandrop05cornfeedhobo: where I can get it?17:26
kalenjohnsonlisandrop05, is your CPU/RAM being used up?17:26
cornfeedhobolisandrop05: through your browser17:26
cornfeedhoboi use it through chrome17:26
lisandrop05I work on ubuntu servers17:26
cornfeedhobowas like an hour ago17:26
lisandrop05and debian servers17:26
cornfeedhobowell then17:26
lisandrop05but my opperating system is MAC OS17:26
cornfeedhobossh + xvnc17:26
cornfeedhoboone sec17:27
fidelhi - i am running ubuntu 12.04 - 64 bit. i just added 2x2GB ram to the existing setup of 2x2gb. In theory that makes 8GB -lshw reports 4 dimms as well - each with 2gb. here comes the problem: 'free' only reports 4GB. any idea?17:27
elisa87why the following doesn't work? jalal@dfyhs5l1:~$ sudo adduser milind sudo17:28
elisa87[sudo] password for jalal:17:28
elisa87adduser: The user `milind' does not exist.17:28
cornfeedhobolisandrop05: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers#x11vnc17:28
cornfeedhoboelisa87: do not post in here. ose dpaste.org or something17:28
elisa87anyway do you know the answer? cornfeedhobo17:29
Injigoanyone know anything about making shares visible to windows machines?17:29
Costeelationi have a problem with my brightness.. in the lightdm the screen is black :( only i can listen the sound for type my password login.. some idea?17:29
cornfeedhoboelisa87: no...the way you pasted it i thnk broke things up17:30
lisandrop05elisa87: just to ask do you type exactly "sudo adduser milind sudo"?17:30
holstein!tty | Costeelation you can try tty access to shutdown or whatever, and i would look at the graphics driver support17:30
ubottuCosteelation you can try tty access to shutdown or whatever, and i would look at the graphics driver support: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution17:30
cornfeedhoboelisa87: please paste on dpaste and i will be able to help17:30
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cornfeedhoboelisa87: the sudo at the end of a adduser??? you just added the user 'sudo'    hahaha17:31
elisa87that's no fun!17:31
cornfeedhobolisandrop05: i use x11vnc alot too17:31
cornfeedhobolisandrop05: its super handy when i work on ubuntu servers17:32
cornfeedhoboInjigo: are they samba shares?17:32
cornfeedhoboelisa87: sry17:32
Injigocornfeedhobo: yes17:32
cornfeedhoboInjigo: well from the windows box did you try the ip and not the wins name?17:33
Injigocornfeedhobo: i've configured samba and share the folders but cant get windows to see them17:33
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cornfeedhoboInjigo: run box = \\<ip>\sharename17:34
cornfeedhoboInjigo: try that out17:34
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Injigocornfeedhobo: i tried "\\\(sharename)17:36
Injigocornfeedhobo: as well as "\\"17:36
Injigono response17:36
cornfeedhoboInjigo: hmmm17:37
elisa87I am not able to save my item in visudo! It's not like vi . How can I save it?17:37
cornfeedhoboone sec i have a support call... brb17:37
Injigocornfeedhobo: alrighty17:37
Injigoelisa87: are you trying to make x11vnc server start up before login takes place?17:39
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CatKillerHi! I've got a silly question, and I can't seem to answer it: Where are the default exported ENV variables set on Ubuntu? I looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables and could not figure out where for instance LANG and TERM were set17:40
CatKillerEven after checking ~/.bashrc, /etc/bash.bashrc, /etc/profile, etc17:40
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enapupeHi.. My VMware Player is asking for kernel-headers but I already have them.. Don't know what to do..17:48
cornfeedhoboInjigo: um, can you post your samba config?  dpaste.org17:49
Injigocornfeedhobo: will do17:49
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Injigocornfeedhobo: if i can find the bloody file17:51
cornfeedhoboshould be /etc/samba/smb.conf17:52
Injigoah got it17:53
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lisandrop05hello any one17:56
lisandrop057z not compressing17:56
lisandrop05large files17:56
lisandrop05showing message:  killed17:57
lisandrop05any way to fix it?17:57
llutzlisandrop05: you ran out of memory?17:57
Injigocornfeedhobo: http://dpaste.org/EqZLF/17:57
kalenjohnsonlisandrop05, I asked you the same question as llutz17:58
shevyHi, canonical will develop Mir, anyone happens to know if Mir will be closed source or open source?17:58
cornfeedhobolisandrop05: watch top while you do it17:58
cornfeedhoboor htop if you have it17:58
lisandrop05I'm on it17:59
icerootshevy: maybe it will hit 14.04 so its offtopic here17:59
icerootshevy: but it should be FOSS17:59
cornfeedhoboInjigo: coll. what tool did you use to make the config?18:00
nameless`hi there18:00
lisandrop05cornfeedhobo: llutz kalenjohnson yes that's the problem18:00
nameless`maverick seems to have disapeared from archive, is that normal ?18:00
icerootnameless`: no18:00
Injigocornfeedhobo: just the samba configurator that was already installed18:01
llutzlisandrop05: add some more temporary swap18:01
cornfeedhobolisandrop05: you can create a large blank file, format it as swap, and mount it temporarily18:01
lisandrop05the memory of the PC is completly consumed by the 7z18:01
DJonesnameless`: Yes, it eol'd in April 201218:01
cornfeedhoboInjigo: k. brb18:01
icerootnameless`: but if i am correct the mirrors for EOL releases was not "archive"18:01
DJones!eol | nameless`18:01
ubottunameless`: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades18:01
iceroot!eol | nameless`18:01
verysoftoiletpprI need to reinstall libc6 but apt-get gives me some errors A copy of the C library was found in an unexpected directory:  '/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.15.so'18:01
nameless`thanks iceroot DJones18:01
icerootnameless`: the last link will have an info about the repo name18:01
lisandrop05cornfeedhobo: no, I can't do i, I'm on VPS and the provider don't allow to user any swap area18:01
lisandrop05or swap file18:01
cornfeedhobolisandrop05: hahaha i would leave them then!18:02
cornfeedhoboshitty vps provider18:02
lisandrop05when you try to mount it on fstab it retuns error18:02
iceroot!language | cornfeedhobo18:02
ubottucornfeedhobo: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.18:02
cornfeedhobosorry :-)18:02
alainusi find that ubuntu runs rather slow in an i7-3770k + 4gb ram. even crashing sometimes (erratic, not regularly). I'm even considering switching to Lubuntu, is this normal ? or can it be a misconfiguration? I want to rule that out first.18:02
lisandrop05cornfeedhobo: you're rigth18:02
cornfeedhoboalainus: not at all normal18:02
kalenjohnsonalainus, what's slow?18:03
icerootalainus: without usefull infos we cant help, have a look at /var/log/syslog for example18:03
cornfeedhobolisandrop05: linode, hostduplex, hostvirtual, digitalocean18:03
lisandrop05no cornfeedhobo I'm using myhosting18:03
cornfeedhobono, those are my reccomendations18:04
cornfeedhobodigitalocean is known to have slooooww cpus though18:04
alainuscornfeedhobo, kalenjohnson, iceroot: at this moment i don't have any logs, and i haven't had crashes today, but i can come back with more info later if you think that's necessary18:04
kalenjohnsoncornfeedhobo, but SSD's!18:04
PlatzThere are some projects which are trying to embed node in executables but are still in development i believe18:04
cornfeedhobokalenjohnson: lol. yeah but cpu!18:05
cornfeedhobophp eats more cpu than io but i know what you mean18:05
kalenjohnsonalainus, but what feels slow? I also have an i7, although more RAM than you. But Ubuntu is supah quick18:05
shevyiceroot I see, cool18:05
cornfeedhobohostduplex has the best balance from my experience18:05
kalenjohnsoncornfeedhobo, that's true18:05
cornfeedhobogood io and good compile times18:05
kalenjohnsoncornfeedhobo, i'll have to check them out. I haven't tested a lot of VPS 's. Actually I just started using EC2 for the first time this month18:06
kalenjohnsonI'm new to all the virtual hosting, it's very exciting :)18:06
cornfeedhobooh what do you think? i have wanted to try them18:06
kalenjohnsoncornfeedhobo, it's pretty interesting to be able to spin up servers at will. Just have to remember to stop them when you're not using them, or you pay more18:07
cornfeedhoboInjigo: first change name resolve order... wins should be in front18:07
icerootalainus: if we should support you we need that kind of information18:07
cornfeedhobokalenjohnson: haha interesting18:07
cornfeedhoboyeah i dont really need that yet so i have stuck with traditional vps18:07
alainuskalenjohnson, well launching simple applications like chrome sometimes takes a little longer than expected. I also get pretty frequent "freezes" on whatever application i'm working on (even on xchat here). the launcher icon from unity in the left (i don't know the exact name) takes a few seconds to show up... overall just a little clogged.. it's not the end of the world but it strikes me as strange being a pretty fair cpu18:07
ophukI have a cron job, used crontab -e, to run every week on Tuesday and i noticed it didn't seem to be running. I changed it to run today at 12:30 and it wasn't running. How would I go about figuring out why it's not running18:08
verysoftoiletpprI need to reinstall libc6 but apt-get gives me some errors "A copy of the C library was found in an unexpected directory:  '/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.15.so'" ...18:08
cornfeedhoboInjigo: you are at home or something? what router are you using? whats the computing environment?18:09
kalenjohnsonalainus, I have gotten that once in a while... but usually it's the program acting up, not necessarily Ubuntu, afaik. But if you try another desktop, that could help answer your question if it's Unity or not :)18:09
cornfeedhoboverysoftoiletppr: purge it first?18:09
verysoftoiletpprcornfeedhobo http://paste.ubuntu.com/5588389/18:09
verysoftoiletpprcornfeedhobo than I can't do anything, almost every app relies on libc618:10
alainuskalenjohnson, i'm trying lubuntu-desktop just today. it flies so far. but of course that's a pretty big overkill. i know lxde is designed for 90's computers18:10
kalenjohnsoncornfeedhobo, hoo, hostduplex is a little pricey for a VPS, I guess that's why they have the best CPU's eh?18:10
AlphaPinkywhat is the best gamer laptop for running ubuntu?18:10
Injigocornfeedhobo: i dont see anything about resolvers in the config file. and yeah i'm at home using an actiontec router from my ISP18:10
cornfeedhobokalenjohnson: pretty much18:10
kalenjohnsonalainus, that's true. But if it works for you, it works. You could always try stock Gnome, or KDE... or Cinnamon... or Mate :)18:11
* AlphaPinky got a Dell XPS but it over heats when running Ubuntu.18:11
kalenjohnsonAlphaPinky, I would check out Clevo resellers like Malibal, XoticPC, etc. Clevo make nice laptops with customizable parts and high-end video cards18:11
KingPixelAlphaPinky, define overheat? Does it shut down? clean your PC :)18:11
cornfeedhobokalenjohnson: and all the hypervisors are dells with e5s i think18:11
alainuskalenjohnson, a question: Gnome/Openbox shows up in my log in menu now that i installed lubuntu-desktop, is that Gnome or is it something else?18:11
kalenjohnsonalainus, I'm not quite sure18:12
cornfeedhoboInjigo: k... i will post a response so you can just paste it :-)18:12
hellhammerI'm running ubuntu 10.04 on a laptop and i need a way for the ubuntu machine to share its wireless internet connection via a wired connection to a windows machine how do i do that?18:12
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cornfeedhoboverysoftoiletppr: please remove that copy of the C library or get it out of18:12
cornfeedhoboverysoftoiletppr: are you sure apt-get and dpkg use it?18:13
verysoftoiletpprcornfeedhobo you don't know what your are talking about do you?18:13
Injigocornfeedhobo: thanks :)18:13
KingPixelhellhammer, you're hurting my head. Why doesn't the Windows machine just get a WiFi adapter? They're cheap.18:13
AlphaPinkyKingPixel, it heats for real, and gets so hot that starts burning my me. the issue the graphic card. it seems NVidia didnt do a good job with Linux. I´ve googled it and the issue seems to be related to a new technology ¨Optimus¨. this technology isnt well implemented for this laptop I have. it seems Dell´s BIOS doesnt handle it well. It just heats and dries the battery.18:13
hellhammerthats not an option right now18:13
cornfeedhoboverysoftoiletppr: frankly i use gentoo and not ubunt all that often, so i could be off18:13
KingPixelnvidia cards are the best with linux, better than radeon cards. if a PC over heats, it will shut itself off, laptops can get 'hot' but not necessarily be over heating where it causes damage to the CPU18:14
KingPixelmonitor CPU temp, make sure it's not over 75 celsius18:14
cornfeedhoboverysoftoiletppr: but it would seem silly for opt to recommend that if it was _so_ obvious18:14
AlphaPinkyKingPixel, it does heat. Until a point that the notebook is not usable. but only happens in Linux.18:15
verysoftoiletpprcornfeedhobo well sudo doesn't work without libc18:15
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cornfeedhoboso? sudo it su first :-P18:15
KingPixelhellhammer, you need some sort of software to turn the laptop into a switch and use your ethernet port as a client-end connection, i don't know of such a thing18:15
cornfeedhoboverysoftoiletppr: so? sudo it su first :-P18:15
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KingPixelhellhammer, you can probably do that through server 2008 routing18:15
hellhammerok how do i do that18:16
KingPixelServer 2008 R2 RRAS role18:16
verysoftoiletpprcornfeedhobo only to find out that apt-get doesn't work and I need to boot my machine with a livecd to restore libc6?18:17
KingPixelthen configure your adapters so that your wifi is your internet and your NIC is your client-end18:17
cornfeedhoboInjigo: could you paste the output of "sudo netstat -tuap" ?18:17
killinginthenamehi im pulling my last hair out over the trouble with wifi on samsung np-n310. running 12.10. tried both wicd and network-manager-gnome. it can see the networks, asks for wifi key and then nothing.18:18
cornfeedhoboverysoftoiletppr: um maybe debian would be a better place for you. sorry for bothering you18:18
killinginthenamethe module is ath5k18:18
verysoftoiletpprcornfeedhobo in #debian they only help people who use debian18:18
verysoftoiletpprnot buntu18:18
cornfeedhoboverysoftoiletppr: well then maybe you should not have been snipy18:19
cornfeedhoboclandestine: hi18:20
killinginthenamei tried different params (all_channels, no_hw_rfkill_switch, nohwcrypt, fastchannelswitch) and different combinations.18:20
killinginthenamethen i tried a usb dongle (ath9k_htc)18:21
killinginthenamesame story18:21
_dreamerHi, I am quite new to ubuntu and I am wondering how to (in a proper way) make an application of my choice run on startup as a service. I need the "terminal" way of doing this. Thank you :)18:24
selena2013well somebody here will help you18:25
_dreamerThat is what I am counting on while I continue googleing my problem18:26
newbie|2Just passing through... New to Ubuntu. Anything I should know? Lifetime Windows user before discovering this...18:26
Nach0znewbie|2: exe's don't install stuff. windows programs don't work on ubuntu by default. ubuntu is WAY FASTER and uses less hard disk space. And finally, get used to using the terminal, because you'll need it fairly often.18:27
garota_ariscatem algum brasileiro aqui18:27
cornfeedhoboInjigo: all the way at the bottom...in your download share....'browsable' is commented out.... you might also want to run samba as a wins server, but i am not sure if your router can tell dhcp clients where the wins server is, you would have to explore that18:27
Nach0zyou CAN get windows apps to work in ubuntu using wine, or possibly mono depending on the exe...18:27
DJones!br | garota_arisca18:27
ubottugarota_arisca: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:27
_dreamerTo be more straight forward I want to make noip2 run on startup and as a service on my machine, how?18:27
Nach0znewbie|2: terminal is like command prompt18:27
cornfeedhoboInjigo: seriously though, just uncomment that and restart samba  (sudo service samba restart)18:28
Nach0zyou'll end up using it a lot18:28
newbie|2Ah okay, thanks. I remember reading about such things, so I'll get busy familiarizing myself18:28
cornfeedhobowork calls have a good day guys!18:28
iceroot12. B�hse Onkelz - Heilige Lieder.flac (ungültige Kodierung)  - means incorrect codepage. what is generating that filename with the ()? samba? or nautilus?18:31
Izzo_dreamer, edit /etc/rc.local and put it in18:31
icerootnautilus shows that this is the filename (with the ())18:31
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Izzoiceroot what does ls give?18:33
icerootIzzo: the broken filename without the ()18:33
icerootIzzo: so i guess nautilus is doing strange things here18:33
icerootIzzo: and i bet for the developers its not a bug but a feature18:34
verysoftoiletpprcornfeedhobo yeah… once again… I made the mistake of moving libc618:34
verysoftoiletpprapt-get doesn't work18:34
Izzoiceroot:is your ubuntu set to english18:34
ikoniaverysoftoiletppr: why do you keep removing the core library ?18:34
cornfeedhoboverysoftoiletppr: is a live cd that bad? and ya how does it move?18:35
icerootIzzo: no18:35
verysoftoiletpprcornfeedhobo very bad18:35
verysoftoiletpprikonia I'm trying to reinstall libc618:35
icerootverysoftoiletppr: you have a backup?18:35
ikoniaverysoftoiletppr: why ?18:35
icerootverysoftoiletppr: moving libc6 is the most stupid thing you can do on GNU/Linux18:36
verysoftoiletpprikonia because I wiped pkg/info18:36
cornfeedhoboverysoftoiletppr: why not try a symlink18:36
ikoniaverysoftoiletppr: the package info does nothing to the actual files18:36
verysoftoiletppriceroot I know, but cornfeedhobo recommended it twice18:36
ikoniaverysoftoiletppr: the libc library should still be in place if you just wiped the package info18:36
verysoftoiletpprikonia I wiped info18:37
cornfeedhoboverysoftoiletppr: again. you moved it right? not delete it?18:37
verysoftoiletpprthen moved libc618:37
cornfeedhobomone it back?18:37
ikoniaverysoftoiletppr: what did you wipe / how and why18:37
ikoniaverysoftoiletppr: why did you move it ? where did you move it to ?18:37
cornfeedhoboikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5588389/18:37
ikoniacornfeedhobo: why are you doing re-install libc ?18:38
cornfeedhobonot m18:38
cornfeedhoboikonia: thats verysoftoiletppr,s paste18:39
ikoniaok, so he needs to answer then18:39
cornfeedhobosorry yor the bad typing... new dvorak layout18:39
verysoftoiletpprikonia I accidentally rm -rf /var/lib/dpkg/info; then I tried to recover by reinstalling every package except a few packages which give an error, one of them is libc6: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5588389/ ; then I moved libc6 as suggested by apt-get and other users18:39
ikoniaverysoftoiletppr: that's just crazy18:39
bnasonI'm trying to recompile a package from its source but gcc is erroring out and I believe its because i don't have enough memory, is there a way to fix that?18:39
verysoftoiletpprikonia which part?18:40
ikoniaverysoftoiletppr: I'd suggest you do a total re-instlal now to get to a sane install point18:40
ikoniaverysoftoiletppr: all of it18:40
verysoftoiletpprikonia that would be a hugepita18:40
ikoniabnason: doubtful you've not got enough memory18:40
verysoftoiletpprhuge pita18:40
cornfeedhobobnason: swap18:40
ikoniaverysoftoiletppr: fixing this will be a bigger one18:40
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verysoftoiletpprikonia not sure of that18:40
ikoniaverysoftoiletppr: I am18:40
bnason512MB is what I have18:40
cornfeedhobobnason: but agreed. doubtful18:40
ikoniabnason: what are you trying to build18:40
bnasonthis is the error im getting, g++-4.6.real: internal compiler error: Killed (program cc1plus)18:40
icerootverysoftoiletppr: there is a backup of the package-database18:41
bnasoni have some custom modifications to znc's logging that I need18:41
cornfeedhobobnason: znc is rather small18:41
ikoniabnason: I think there is znc in the ubuntu repos18:41
ikoniayou will certainly have enough memory to build it18:41
verysoftoiletppriceroot of the info dir?18:41
bnasonhrm, well im getting "g++-4.6.real: internal compiler error: Killed (program cc1plus)" heh18:41
icerootverysoftoiletppr: ah18:41
bnasonlet me monitor memory consumption when its going18:42
ikoniabnason: what is cc1plus ?18:42
icerootverysoftoiletppr: you removed all the postrm, postins files and so on18:42
ikoniabnason: there is no reason to suggest that is a memory problem at all18:42
bnasonikonia, c++ compiler18:42
ikoniabnason: where did you get it ?18:42
verysoftoiletppriceroot the info dir and it's contents18:42
bnasonits aprt of gcc18:42
icerootverysoftoiletppr: reinstall18:42
icerootverysoftoiletppr: and dont use sudo rm when you dont know what you are doing18:42
ikoniabnason: not showing up on my systems gcc pckage list18:42
verysoftoiletppriceroot it was a typo ok18:43
verysoftoiletpprreinstalling will be a huge pain, because I have non-trivial programs and configurations in place18:43
verysoftoiletpprisn't there a way of reinstalling libc6?18:43
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bnasonits up to 79.8% memory and cache is at like 100% lol18:44
icerootverysoftoiletppr: your complete postins/preinst/postrms/prerms are missing18:44
icerootverysoftoiletppr: you removed everything18:44
icerootverysoftoiletppr: and the package-database is lost18:44
ikoniabnason: tht's fine, it should use all of the memory it can18:44
verysoftoiletppriceroot I've reinstalled almost every package I had installed18:45
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icerootverysoftoiletppr: how you know what was installed when the package-database is lost?18:45
icerootverysoftoiletppr: make a backup of your config, reinstall and in the future make a backup of important configs18:45
icerootverysoftoiletppr: and dont use sudo rm (normally you will never need sudo rm and specially with -rf)18:46
verysoftoiletppriceroot *normally*18:46
verysoftoiletpprit wasn't a normal case obviously18:47
icerootverysoftoiletppr: i dont know a single useful usecase where you need sudo rm18:47
ikoniaverysoftoiletppr: what was the case then /18:47
ikoniaverysoftoiletppr: why did you need to do sudo rm -rf18:47
verysoftoiletppriceroot how do you delete files owned by root?18:47
bnasonikonia, in dmesg, "Out of memory: Kill process 11024 (cc1plus) score 617 or sacrifice child"18:47
ikoniabnason: that's interesting18:47
ikoniaverysoftoiletppr: files shouldn't be owned by root18:47
ikoniaverysoftoiletppr: that's why the root user is locked18:47
verysoftoiletpprikonia iceroot I installed a program from source18:47
icerootverysoftoiletppr: because you will never use the root account for normal work there are no root files you have to delete18:47
ikoniaverysoftoiletppr: so ?18:47
ikoniaverysoftoiletppr: you again should not be creating files as root18:48
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verysoftoiletpprikonia I followed the build instructions18:48
ikoniabnason: looks like you where right18:48
ikoniaverysoftoiletppr: then you followed very bad instructions18:48
verysoftoiletpprikonia http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/Installing/Source18:48
verysoftoiletpprikonia sorry http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/Installing/Source#BuildingandInstalling18:48
icerootdeluge - bittorrent client written in Python/PyGTK18:48
ikoniaverysoftoiletppr: no-where in there does it say use root18:49
icerootthat package is in the repos18:49
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verysoftoiletpprikonia sudo python setup.py install_data18:49
icerootverysoftoiletppr: that package is in the repos18:49
bnasonok added more swap, lets see if that helps18:49
verysoftoiletppriceroot there is a reason I was installing from source18:49
ikoniaverysoftoiletppr: bad18:49
verysoftoiletpprikonia what?18:50
ikoniaverysoftoiletppr: bad instructions18:50
DogLoverHi all!18:50
ikoniaverysoftoiletppr: bottom line is - you need a sane system, re-install and be more careful18:50
verysoftoiletppr[18:49:03] <ikonia> verysoftoiletppr: no-where in there does it say use root <--- but it says there18:50
icerootverysoftoiletppr: i would never use a software which will interacte with 1000 of tcp connections directly with my system from source because i will not get security updates18:51
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verysoftoiletppriceroot I wasn't using, just testing18:51
verysoftoiletpprbut thanks for the tip18:51
DogLoverI have a Compaq NC6220 with Ubuntu 12.10 32-bit installed. Audio plays through both the laptops speakers and the headphones at the same time. How can I fix this?18:52
selena2013take out headphone plug half way18:53
SadlymistakenHello everybody. I have a weird problem, my ethernet conexion is named eth0, but my wifi conection is called eth1 instead of wlan0, why is this happening?18:54
skatei had the same problem Dog18:54
skatei installed GNOME ALAS mixxer18:55
skatei was able to turn the speakers off and leave mater volume up18:55
skatemaster volume up to work the ear phones only18:56
stiltzkinHi folks, I have a very specific question I'm hoping someone might be able to answer - particularly if you have an older Radeon video card. Does anyone know if this patch allows OpenCL to work as well as the fglrx driver? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/99342718:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 993427 in fglrx-installer (Ubuntu Quantal) "fglrx 2:8.960-0ubuntu1: fglrx kernel module failed to build [error: ‘cpu_possible_map’ undeclared (first use in this function)]" [High,Fix released]18:56
stiltzkinOr for that matter, does anyone have OpenCL working on their Ubuntu install with the legacy Catalyst drivers, and if so, what is your kernel version?18:58
SadlymistakenYou must go to ALSa an tick: Headphone Jack Sense18:58
SadlymistakenDoglover Headphone Jack Sense had to be checked18:59
DogLoverI will check Alsa out18:59
SadlymistakenDogLover: ok, tell me if it works19:00
DogLoverDoes Alsa remember its settings when you shutdown and reboot?19:00
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verysoftoiletppr[18:45:20] <iceroot> verysoftoiletppr: how you know what was installed when the package-database is lost? <--- dpkg -l | grep ii19:00
tama_Hello all. I have two computers, and one modem. one of the computers have 2 lan cards. one is hooked to modem ( and the other one is hooked to the 2nd computer ( The 2 lan card computer now is a router. I've installed samba, but each computer can't see each other's shared folder. What I'm missing?19:02
nmittalhello ppl.. so I just install 12.10 and unlucky enough to hit the xorg bug mentioned here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/1068920 .. there is a patch suggested there.. question is how do i apply the patch..19:03
ikoniatama_: they are on different networks19:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1068920 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Quantal) "Pointer screen crossings broken in Xorg server 1.13.0 (regression)" [High,Triaged]19:03
tama_ikonia what should I do? plug out one of the cable?19:04
ikoniatama_: how is unplugging a cable going to put them on the same network ?19:04
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tama_ikonia dunno. I just have no idea how. I want they can share internet connection but at the same time can use samba.19:05
ikoniatama_: they need to be in the same network subnet19:05
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tama_ikonia what is subnet? netmask?19:06
ikoniatama_: 4 network parts to an ip address19:06
nkosisHi there, i need some help and i know is something easy but i am a noob19:06
ikoniatama_: each one is a segment19:06
nkosiswhat is the command to update an Online game in Ubuntu using the program Wine19:07
ikoniatama_: each segment that is different will need to be routed, (basic way of explaining it)19:07
ikoniatama_: so you need to have them on the same network - with only the last segment different19:07
nkosiscould someone help? i do not know the command19:08
nkosisi have to update an online game that i run thru Wine but i do not know the command!19:08
tama_ikonia but one of the ip adress of this 2 lan card computer have the same 3 first part of IP with the other computer.19:08
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stiltzkinnkosis, I'm pretty sure it depends on the game, there isn't one universal WINE command to run an update19:09
ikoniatama_: they don't19:09
tama_ikonia doesn't that means they are on the same subnet?19:09
ikoniatama_: re-read what you pasted19:09
DogLoverok that works now! Thanks a lot!!!!19:09
nkosisThe game is Eve Online, and i run it thru wine, but now when opening the game, needs to be updated manually how do i do it?19:09
tama_ikonia so I should stop using the 2 lan card computer as a router?19:10
nkosisi tried "sudo apt-get update eve.exe"19:10
nkosisdidnt work19:10
ikoniankosis: that will not work19:10
stiltzkinnkosis, check the WineHQ page on Eve to see how other people have updated: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=2582319:10
ikoniankosis: apt-get is nothing to do with wine19:10
ikoniatama_: just approach it logcially19:10
tama_but then is there another way I can share the internet between the computers?19:10
ikoniatama_: you need computer a and b to be on the same network - if another computer needs another interface, that's fine and not a problem, but it must not be the routable interface for the other computer19:11
nkosisstiltzkin thanks for your help, let me have a look at it19:11
=== prayas is now known as yash
stiltzkinnkosis, protip though: don't ask for wine support here, this channel is just for Ubuntu. Try asking in #winehq if your problem isn't solved by the posts on the HQ site.19:13
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nkosiswill do, and sorry for bothering you guys19:14
tama_ikonia I am sorry I still can't understand that. Care to explain it a bit more?19:14
nkosisnow i know where to go.19:14
nkosismany thanks19:14
stiltzkinnkosis, no bother :)19:14
=== Wug is now known as Wug[Hyperspace]
nexusILHi, I've updated mint and now It hangs on blinkin cursor with black screen. I've accessed in safe mode and tried to remove AMD driver. it remains the same and suggestion please.19:15
JugglerLKRhello! are there gnu "screen" gurus?19:15
jbroomeJugglerLKR: I dabble19:15
stiltzkinSo no AMDbros in here with older cards? Anyone with a 3xxx/4xxx series card running OpenCL? I'm planning on installing 12.04 now, to be on the safe side.19:16
JugglerLKRI can't resume screen session with proper encoding19:16
PicinexusIL: we do not support mint here.19:16
Pici!mintsupport | nexusIL19:16
ubottunexusIL: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org19:16
nexusILK thanks19:16
yashhow can i add themes to my 12.04 ????19:16
JugglerLKRwhile in "do-release-upgrade"19:16
yashheloo can anyone hear me?19:17
holsteinyash: i just search the package manager and install them, and go apply them19:18
jbroomeJugglerLKR: what is the 'proper encoding', utf8?19:18
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jali_fjbroome: http://nedbatchelder.com/text/unipain.html19:19
JugglerLKRjbroome: session was in utf819:19
Edmondim a newbie on ubuntu19:20
JugglerLKRjbroome: now when I try to resume it I can't input non-latin chars19:20
jbroomeJugglerLKR: and your original session was opened with screen -U ?19:20
jali_fjbroome: oops wrong channel19:20
EdmondpinguyOS dont need update like windows?19:20
JugglerLKRjbroome: it was opened by "do-release-upgrade"19:20
JugglerLKRjbroome: don't know with -U or not19:20
jbroomeJugglerLKR: ah, i have no idea what that uses19:21
llutzhrm, is it correct that 12.10s grub-menu is hidden by default (on a single boot installation) but will be shown and is not hideable anymore if you dual-boot?19:21
fidelEdmond: this is the ubuntu channel - other distributionsarent supported here19:21
JugglerLKRjbroome: now it shows "?????????? [??]  ??????????? [?]"19:21
JugglerLKRjbroome : and I can't input answer19:21
Novushey I need some advice from a serious computer guru19:22
NovusI have a question that's really hard to answer19:22
JugglerLKRjbroome: There is a screen on:19:23
JugglerLKR1998.ubuntu-release-upgrade-screen-window       (05.03.2013 15:21:44)  (Attached)19:23
JugglerLKR1 Socket in /var/run/screen/S-root.19:23
fidel!ask | Novus19:23
ubottuNovus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:23
holsteinNovus: just ask, and maybe a volunteer can help you19:23
EdmondFidel:  pinguy is based on ubuntu, i cant ask about pinguy OS19:23
k1l_Edmond: please see pinguyOS support. it is listed on their page where to find19:24
holsteinEdmond: they should have their own support.. maybe even on freenode irc19:24
NovusI am looking for a prototype PCI serial card that can monitor inputs and outputs and the data can be altered by code before it's gone back out and also would support a GUI operation to adjust variables in the code on the fly19:25
Novusinputs would be voltage levels19:25
holsteinNovus: i would go to a hardware channel19:25
holsteinNovus: room, channel.. whatever you want to refer to them as19:26
Edmondokk thanks, can you guys tell me the difference between ubuntu and pinguy...19:26
Edmondwhy do you guys like ubuntu better19:26
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:26
holsteinEdmond: there is no "better".. this is the official ubuntu support channel, and we dont (cant) support all the spin-offs here19:27
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Edmondholstein: thanks..19:30
Edmondis there someone that can tell me the difference between ubuntu and pinguyOS19:31
elisa87how can I install matplot? (I tried the gitclone method and then python ... it didn't work) "ImportError: No module named matplotlib"19:31
holsteinEdmond: the creators of pinguyOS can19:32
Taevmy Ubuntu boot up keeps halting at "the disk drive for /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 is not ready yet or not present"19:32
Taevno matter what i do, nothing happens and it hangs19:32
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Edmondim new to linux so i want to know what OS i better for newbies19:32
Taevi really don't want to have to format and reinstall19:33
sickoIs arch linux hard to install if you´re a noob? i like the interface..19:33
theprogrammerin my system ubuntu has suddenly stopped detecting the custom key shortcuts19:33
holsteinEdmond: "better" is a matter of opinion.. most linux os distros provide a live CD where you can easily check them out first beore installing.. try ubuntu live and xubuntu.. lubuntu.. etc19:33
theprogrammeras well as the volume keys are notworking19:34
k1l_sicko: ask the arch support.19:34
Taevi also keep getting fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed, under the recovery mode19:34
holsteintheprogrammer: i would just logout and backin and test.. try as another user and go from there19:34
penthFor the second time in a week, all my menus are appearing behind windows (global, right-click, chrome bookmarks et al.). Has anyone else seen this in 12.04? I didn't find a bug listing yet19:35
Edmondholstein: thanks that was the info i needed.19:35
jbroomeJugglerLKR: i wonder if you can specify -U / utf8 in the /etc/screenrc file for do-release-upgrade to pickup?19:36
theprogrammer@holstein : i havetried loggin out, from another user, changing them in config files19:36
theprogrammerbut nothing works19:36
BluesKajsicko, arch uses a command line interface to install and there are approximatley 25or so steps , for a new linux user it can be duanting altho there are several tutorials you follow if you research19:37
holsteintheprogrammer: it doesnt work as expected as another user?19:37
Taevwell i guess ill format and reinstall19:37
Taevfun fun19:37
theprogrammerthey dont work at all19:37
holsteintheprogrammer: they, being the shortcuts and hotkeys? dont work in a newly created user account?19:38
JugglerLKRjbroome: thanx - trying now19:38
theprogrammeri open the keyboard shortcuts, select the voulme up, select the key on keyboard, it is assigned successfully, but the event is not triggered later at all19:38
theprogrammerholstein: nope19:38
JugglerLKRjbroome: -U didn't help19:39
jbroomeJugglerLKR: i'm not sure if sticking a -U in the screenrc file is the correct syntax for that file19:39
holsteintheprogrammer: then, i would try looking at what recently got upgraded..19:40
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theprogrammerholstein: the problem persists since long time..19:40
penththeprogrammer, do you have a Logitech G-series keyboard?19:41
theprogrammerit seems that my system is raeading keyboard keys in wrong way, as in it should say XF86VoulmeUp bu it just says VolumeUp19:41
theprogrammerpenth: nope, it is laptop integrated keyboard19:42
penthHas anyone else had problems with Unity displaying menus behind the windows?19:43
theprogrammerholstein: the play, pause, next prev keys work absolutely fine19:43
JugglerLKRjbroome: defutf8 on in screenrc didn't help either19:43
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ntzrmtthihu777is there a way, on a multi-boot linux system, to hide the / partitions of the other os's from each other, so nautilus ect is not cluttered?19:47
levo"at" command doesn't work properly. why is that? (precise LTS)19:48
penthecho "foo" |at 145019:49
PlastikSporkI am looking for a WiFi scanner/analyzer. I was using inSSIDer for Windows, but their version of for Linux is in beta. Could anyone give me some suggestions of what they use?19:49
ntzrmtthihu777PlastikSpork: for what purpose?19:49
maveasPlastikSpork: kismet, aircrack-ng etc.19:49
PlastikSporkI want a graphical user interface.. I've used aircrack before but its all text19:50
ntzrmtthihu777PlastikSpork: if that is what you are looking into, just install backtrack. why try to remake it from ubuntu? backtrack is based on ubuntu19:50
ntzrmtthihu777PlastikSpork: backtrack 5 r3 has various graphical front-tnds for its tools19:50
ntzrmtthihu777PlastikSpork: but in all honestly if you can't do it from terminal you have little business fiddling with it19:51
PlastikSporkntzrmtthihu777 I've used backtrack before but my purpose is not to hack wifi networks... I want a tool to scan to see which channel to use best19:52
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ntzrmtthihu777PlastikSpork: bt5 has stuff for that. hell use wicd if you gotta19:52
PlastikSporkntzrmtthihu777:  thanks for the suggestions.19:54
ntzrmtthihu777PlastikSpork: no prob19:55
bnasonIve added my /6 ip6 to my eth0, but I can't seem to bind to any specific address. What am i doing wrong?19:57
bnasonor how do I add just a single address out of that?19:57
alainushow do i resize my ubuntu partition ?  i'm getting the "Resize/Move" option in gparted as disabled .. this is my setup http://screencloud.net/v/gKwk19:59
alainuscan i just unmount it ?20:00
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ntzrmtthihu777alainus: you cannot use gparted on the booted system, you will have to boot a live cd/usb20:00
elisa87how can I save the document in visudo ??20:00
DJonesalainus: Obvious question, but are you using a livecd/usb, you can't change mounted partitions20:00
alainusah. but i plan to install ubuntu again from the minimal cd... can i choose to enlarge the main partition then ?20:01
ntzrmtthihu777alainus: I usually go for a 16gb /, as much swap as I feel is needed, and the rest as /home20:02
leshasteI get this error a lot20:03
leshasteFailed to open VDPAU backend libvdpau_r600.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:03
leshastebut I have no idea where it is coming from20:03
leshasteany ideas?20:03
tech1_where does the error come up?20:03
leshastein a terminal20:03
lnxslckleshaste, i think it has to do with graphic card20:03
ntzrmtthihu777leshaste: it cannot find the right librarry, you should likely install libvdpau* somethin or another20:04
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leshastentzrmtthihu777, ok.. silly it doesn't name the applicaiton in the error message20:04
leshastethat would seem a no brainer to me20:04
elisa87"Gtk couldn't be initialized" matplotlib20:05
ntzrmtthihu777leshaste: yeah, just gotta follow the breadcrumbs20:05
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ntzrmtthihu777warning to all ubuntu users: never let your machine shutdown during an update. I got mine running again, but it removed 300+ packages in the process20:06
ntzrmtthihu777LaserShark: lucky for me it was a new install20:07
ntzrmtthihu777so I can just re-install, as I have a separate /home20:07
ntzrmtthihu777gotta head home, brb in an hour or so20:08
elixirHello eveyone. I am copying a folder of around 26gb from d: to /home and getting a file transfer speed of aroung 600 kbps (started with around 8 mbps). is it usual or can i increase it somways out?20:08
ntzrmtthihu777elixir: at times fast is not good, errors can occur20:09
ntzrmtthihu777elixir: sometimes things are slow for the sake of safety, "being careful"20:09
elixirntzrmtthihu777: agreed :) but right now 600kbps only :(20:09
elixirntzrmtthihu777: thats quite convincing. :)20:10
icerootelixir: samba? local mount? different hdds? what load? (top)?20:10
icerootelixir: we need more useful infos20:10
ntzrmtthihu777elixir: I use dd alot for copying, and I always set it for a slower speed on important things20:10
bebojhow to stop firefox from upgrading ?20:11
icerootbeboj: firefox itself (from the repos) will not update itself20:11
icerootbeboj: that is part of the software-center20:11
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
elixiriceroot: Yes local mount. Copying from D:/ (mounted) to my home folder. What is load(top) and samba?20:12
icerootelixir: top will show you all your processes and the cpu load20:12
icerootelixir: its a terminal command20:12
elixirntzrmtthihu777: possible that i am getting such low speed for the first time, so was pretty shocked.20:12
icerootelixir: is your home-folder encrypted?20:12
ntzrmtthihu777wow, lost software center in that fiasco20:12
icerootelixir: there can be so many reasons why it is that slow20:13
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Jordan_Uelixir: We don't use "Drive letters" in GNU/linux. What is "D:/"? Is it a partition on a flash drive? What type of media is your /home/ on? What filesystem?20:13
demonoid_comhello world20:14
bebojiceroot so you say I can fix it via aptitude?20:14
elixiriceroot: http://pastebin.com/xxDkG677. hope it helps.20:14
icerootbeboj: you dont want to disable updates for your browser20:15
icerootbeboj: because these updates are security updates20:15
elisa87Doesn't anyone know how I can save visudo if I have opened it using gksudo visudo??20:15
ntzrmtthihu777iceroot: can you hide a filesystem from a certain boot? say I have precise and mint on two separate / partitions, can I hide mint's / from precise and vice versa?20:15
icerootntzrmtthihu777: only with encryption20:15
icerootntzrmtthihu777: everything else can be mounted20:16
ntzrmtthihu777elisa87: I dont think you shoulda used gksudo for visudo20:16
elixirJordan_U: Ok, i'll take care of it in future, yes it is a seperate partition. (I've installed my ubuntu in a seperate dedicated partition). I am on /home20:16
demonoid_comi have 1 TB HDD  i5-3570k 8GB 1600Mhz with ubuntu 12.04 server and if somebody wanna account or testing somthing msg me20:16
elisa87ntzrmtthihu777: so what should I use for editing visudo?20:16
elixirJordan_U: how do i check filesyaytem ? Its a frequent question I come across.20:16
icerootelixir: you have an ntfs mount and reading files from the hdd and also you want to write data to the hdd, that will make is slower20:17
ntzrmtthihu777iceroot: I just don't want said partitions to show up in my file managers, etc20:17
Jordan_Uelisa87: What text editor did visudo start? (The default in Ubuntu is nano)20:17
icerootelixir: i would say 600KByte/s is slow but i dont think that it is worth to debug it further20:17
icerootntzrmtthihu777: dont mount them20:17
icerootntzrmtthihu777: then they are not shown20:17
elisa87Jordan_U: I don't know!20:18
ntzrmtthihu777iceroot: I dont mount them20:18
elixiriceroot: ohh ! ok. not an issue then !20:18
icerootntzrmtthihu777: have a look at /etc/fstab if they are mounted there, if not have a look at the gnome automounter and tell it to not mount them automaticly20:18
Jordan_Uelisa87: Two possible ways are to run "mount" which lists all mounted filesystems with information about each, and "sudo blkid" which lists information about all filesystems that can be detected (mounted or not).20:18
Jordan_Uelixir: ^20:18
Jordan_Uelisa87: Sorry, my last comment wasn't meant for you :)20:18
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ntzrmtthihu777iceroot: I know what's in fstab, I set it myself. how do I check gnome-automounter?20:19
Jordan_Uelisa87: Did you run "gksudo visudo" in a terminal or from a run dialog or similar?20:19
elixirJordan_U: what type of filesystem is fuseblk?20:20
FleuvHello, how can i check if my ubuntu 12.04 lts server it's network is correctly configured?20:20
ntzrmtthihu777elisa87: hit escape, then type :w enter20:20
elisa87from terminal20:21
demonoid_comèìà ëè áúëãàðè òóêà :Ä20:21
ntzrmtthihu777elisa87: from inside of visudo, it says insert at the bottom, righty?20:21
elisa87is there any other way for editing visudo rather than gksudo?20:21
ntzrmtthihu777elisa87: use sudo visudo20:22
llutzelixir:  fuse, like ntfs-3g etc.20:22
ntzrmtthihu777then press ctrl+x20:22
elisa87ntzrmtthihu777:  sudo visudo20:22
elisa87visudo: /etc/sudoers busy, try again later20:22
elixirllutz: thanks, heard of it for the first tim. :)20:22
Jordan_Uelisa87: First of all, you're not "editing visudo" you're editing /etc/sudoers using the utility "visudo". And frankly, from your questions you probably shouldn't be editing /etc/sudoers at all. What is your end goal?20:22
Fleuvhello, where can i find a beginners guide?20:23
stiltzkinHi folks - is anyone here good with GRUB and willing to help me with a reinstall? I've just installed Ubuntu alongside an existing Linux system and I believe I need to chainload another instance of GRUB20:23
elisa87it's not working20:23
guideXI have an ubuntu virtualbox vm serving an apache2 virtual host, so when I'm in the vm, I can type dev.mysite.com in the browser and hit it that way, any idea how I can hit the site outside the vm in the windows host?20:23
jjoreIs there a preference for disabling the "Overlay" scrollbars? The widget always seems to pop-up over the end of a window when I want to resize it or when I want to click into the trough like in Eclipse.20:23
elisa87I want to create a user!20:23
ntzrmtthihu777elisa87: damn, do you have another editor open?20:23
OerHeksFleuv, http://ubuntu-manual.org/  and http://fullcirclemagazine.org/ is a good start20:23
elisa87it's ok20:23
stiltzkinThis is due to the fact that the existing Linux install is encrypted and resides inside an LVM group.20:23
ntzrmtthihu777jjore: sudo apt-get remove overlay<tab>20:23
Jordan_Ustiltzkin: What is the other GNU/Linux system? Is it listed if you run "sudo os-prober"?20:23
elisa87but ctrl+x didn't work using sudo visudo20:24
ntzrmtthihu777elisa87: what do you see at the bottob of the vsudo screen?20:24
Jordan_Ustiltzkin: Presumably it has an unencrypted /boot/ though, correct?20:24
stiltzkinJordan_U, It's a Fedora system. I'm running into problems because it's inside a LVM group. It has a separate /boot partition on /dev/sda320:24
ntzrmtthihu777jjore: I frakken hate those things20:24
stiltzkinJordan_U, correct20:24
elixir Also on my terminal, it is by default written: "elixir@elixir" : Is there a way to change it (username and computername) ?20:24
ntzrmtthihu777elixir: yes, not sure how. you have to edit the hosts files to change the pc name, google it a bit20:25
cat_fivehi, i have an ubuntu lamp server that's crashing and was hoping someone could help me diagnose why20:25
KI4ROFleuv, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners/FAQ but why can't you use google like I just did20:25
ntzrmtthihu777!ubuntu-server > ntzrmtthihu77720:25
ubottuntzrmtthihu777, please see my private message20:25
leshasteis there something that tags mp3s based on the audio contents?20:26
elixirntzrmtthihu777: okay !20:26
elisa87[ESC ^X unbound] ntzrmtthihu77720:26
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ntzrmtthihu777hit escape, what now?20:26
ntzrmtthihu777leshaste: yeah, but I find that most linux audio taggers wreck them.20:27
elixirntzrmtthihu777: thanks :) otherwise if anyone sure of it, please guide.20:27
ntzrmtthihu777leshaste: I use Mp3tag under wine20:27
dendazenuseradd -m -s /bin/bash {user1,user2,user3} Will this work?20:27
FleuvKI4RO sorry my i didn't explain my question correctly: Where can I find a good CLI-only! ubuntu 12.04 lts server beginner guide20:27
stiltzkinJordan_U, I've tried doing "mount /dev/mapper/blah blah blah /mnt", then "mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/boot" and then "grub-install --recheck --root-directory /mnt /dev/sda," but that has not worked. It installs but then when I reboot I just get a plain GRUB prompt, no menu20:27
demonoid_comPls help when i type lsb_realese i have a problem20:27
demonoid_comNo LSB modules are available.20:27
ntzrmtthihu777lehmae: I thinks so20:28
Picidemonoid_com: Thats normal. type lsb_release -a20:28
demonoid_comPici ohhh yes 10x20:28
Jordan_Ustiltzkin: Create a file /boot/grub/custom.cfg with the contents: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5588698/20:29
g_byersif any of you care you can see my initial impressions of ubuntu on the Nexus 4: http://www.geordienorman.com/initial-impressions-of-ubuntu-on-nexus-4/20:29
ntzrmtthihu777leshaste: I keep all my music arranged as ~/Artist/Album (year)/01. track.mp3, and mp3tag can tag based on the dir structure, so it works very well20:29
leshastentzrmtthihu777, does it do content based tagging?20:30
stiltzkinJordan_U, okay, that sounds good...but how can I install GRUB to detect only Ubuntu again? I'm assuming I do a grub-install with the root directory of /, where I installed Ubuntu?20:30
ntzrmtthihu777leshaste: as in based on how the music sounds?20:30
Jordan_Ustiltzkin: That's because Fedora modifies grub to use "/boot/grub2/" rather than "/boot/grub/" so when you install grub from Ubuntu it won't find and use the /boot/grub2/grub.cfg that Fedora produced.20:30
stiltzkinJordan_U, ahhhhhhhhh OK20:30
leshastentzrmtthihu777, no.. picard does it :)20:30
leshasteaudio fingerprinting20:30
leshasteit looks up the track basically20:31
Jordan_Ustiltzkin: Correct (though --root-directory is deprecated in favor of --boot-directory in newer versions of grub).20:31
stiltzkinJordan_U, so the commands I issued were correct? I'm just confused why I get no menu entries then, I would expect to get Ubuntu only, and no Fedora20:31
ntzrmtthihu777Jordan_U: so would makeing a /boot/grub/ dir with a symlink to the grub2/grub.cfg would do it?20:31
stiltzkinJordan_U, instead I get no menu at all20:31
elisa87how can I add a user without editing visudo?? it's taking forever to learn how to save sth in visudo and apparently no one knows here!20:31
ntzrmtthihu777when I did visudo it brought up nano20:31
stiltzkinJordan_U, nevermind, that was a dumb question. I get what you're saying.20:32
Jordan_Untzrmtthihu777: Yes, but I'd consider it an ugly work around that would likely lead to confusion in the future.20:32
ntzrmtthihu777nano saves with ctrl+x20:32
lnxslckelisa87, visudo is for adding users special permissions20:32
elisa87is there any other way?20:32
ntzrmtthihu777later all20:32
Jordan_Uelisa87: Just use gnome-control-center's user creation and modification tool.20:33
elixirntzrmtthihu777, Jordan_U, iceroot: the speed decreased till 400 kbps and is going on decreasing, should I just let it do its own way?20:34
elisa87how can I go to "Go into gnome-control-center user accounts"?20:34
Jordan_Uelisa87: If you're using Unity, then in the search entry in the dash type "add user". Then click on "User Accounts".20:35
buffymcmuffyI have somehow removed the workspace switcher from the unity bar. How do I put it back?20:36
Jordan_Uelisa87: Please pastebin the output of "sudo blkid" and "mount".20:36
stiltzkinJordan_U, what's the easiest way to find the UUID of my fedora install? If I do fdisk -l it shows "/dev/mapper/udisk-luks-uuid-xxxxxxxxxx-uid999," is that what I want?20:36
Jordan_Ustiltzkin: No, that's the LUKS UUID of your encrypted root filesystem. "sudo blkid" should show you the filesystem UUID of your /boot/ partition.20:37
elisa87Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5588717/20:37
stiltzkinJordan_U, thanks :)20:37
Jordan_Ustiltzkin: You're welcome.20:37
Jordan_Uelisa87: The reason that copying is so slow is that your home directory is being mounted via a network filesystem.20:39
Jordan_Uelisa87: Any copy to your home directory will only be as fast as your internet connection.20:39
levoafter I send a process to the background like "gedit &" and when after executing I close the terminal window , gedit will close either. how to prevent it?20:39
jriblevo: use "gedit & disown", or use "nohup gedit", or use screen or tmux20:40
levojrib: thanks20:41
=== essomba84_ is now known as essomba84
Jordan_Uelisa87: Do you understand?20:41
buffymcmuffyI have somehow removed the workspace switcher from the unity bar. How do I put it back?20:42
Jordan_Uelisa87: The reason that it appeared to be going faster initially is that the writes were being cached in RAM, so until the cache filled up the copy appeared to be going as fast as you could read from the source, even though you weren't writing to the destination that fast.20:42
=== puff` is now known as puff
elisa87Jordan_U: is there any fix to that?20:43
Jordan_Uelisa87: Do you undestand what I'm saying about your home directory being a networked filesystem?20:44
stiltzkinJordan_U, one more question - where am I adding this menu entry - directly to my grub.cfg? It says not to edit the file directly but I assume this is fine.20:46
Trudkoguys i tried to install rvm on ubuntu 12.10 but i am getting error( sudo apt-get install ruby-rvm )Unable to locate package ruby-rvm20:47
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stiltzkinJordan_U, nevermind, rebooting. Keeping my fingers crossed :)20:50
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Ice_StrikeDoes Ubunu use GRUB  or Lilo?20:52
llutzIce_Strike: grub2 by default20:53
nearstsup ppl20:53
havokwhen I'm looking to install wine, The closest i can find in the software center is Microsoft windows Compat. Layer (meta pack) Is this wine?20:54
oberthello, how to upgrade to 12.10 please?20:54
stiltzkinJordan_U, worked perfectly, thanks very much for your help :)20:55
Jordan_Ustiltzkin: You're welcome :)20:55
stiltzkinthat was much easier than expected haha20:55
obertsudo apt-get dist-upgrade wont show me any updates20:55
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obertnearst: if i launch that command my pc will explode?20:57
oberti am scared to try to do anything20:57
havokwhen I'm looking to install wine, The closest i can find in the software center is Microsoft windows Compat. Layer (meta pack) Is this wine?20:57
nearstobert, nope. it will handle release upgrade with very nice20:57
oberthmm i hope then20:57
oberthehe sorry eh ;)20:57
obert'no release found'20:58
Dennis_sup players20:58
nearstobert, try look at /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades20:58
obertnearst: i do lsb_release -idrc and i see Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS20:59
uisbubsod how to set up conky to execute at startup?21:00
uisbubsod how to set up conky to execute at startup?21:00
uisbubsod how to set up conky to execute at startup?21:00
FloodBot1uisbubsod: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:00
nearstobert, if u wanna upgrade to 12.10, change lts to normal21:00
Dennis_damn son, they really don't want no flooding21:00
=== terry-lunch is now known as terryh
obertnearst: its == ?21:01
nearstobert, if u wanna handle normal release instead lts, then do normal release upgrade 0,021:01
auronandaceobert: lts = long term support21:01
art_ok... so I broke something again... tried turning off the admin PW so I didn't have to put it in everytime I install something... now it's still asking for the pw but won't accept a blank field... grrr21:01
nearstlts = likely to support21:02
nearst!sudo | art_21:02
ubottuart_: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo21:02
obertno idea what i have to do sorry, i never had done things like this. be patience please21:02
nearstobert, nvm. precise is run well tbh. unless ure looking for bleeding edge bug hunter or eye candy21:04
art_what if grub has been somehow uninstalled too :(21:04
art_so no recovery21:04
oberti am lost already then, sorry.21:04
ruudart_, live cd?21:04
nearst!lts | obert21:05
art_ruud yes21:05
ubottuobert: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)21:05
ruudart_:got into the conversation a bit late, whats the problem?21:05
suoreHello, anyone know how to run google-chrome in other locate/language(OSD) without relogin with other language?21:06
auronandaceart_: disabling the password for sudo is a very very bad idea21:07
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oberthehe too many things to know.21:08
art_hehe... I know this now... :(21:08
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oberti will retry tomorrow i assume, thanks for now21:09
art_it's my home computer, no one else touches.... except all the hackers on the planet that want to mess with it... :(21:09
art_<--- doesn't think things through very well21:10
obertbetter to documenting a bit more21:10
ModusPwnenscan someone explain to me how to make application shortcuts actually work and not get eaten up by the ubuntu OS?21:11
ModusPwnenspressing F5 never refreshes anything and instead does some system thing with the keyboard21:11
jbroomeJugglerLKR: I'm sorry, i'm tapped out.21:11
ModusPwnenssimilarly, F2 never renames any files/folders. Instead, it just changes screen brightness21:11
ruudModusPwnens, mac ?21:12
nsahoowhat is the most stable version of nvidia driver to install on ubuntu 12.04.2? I had repeated problem with 304 and 310, so I am using noveau now21:12
ModusPwnensno, this is on PC21:12
jbroomeJugglerLKR: what if you take screen out of .bash_whatever so it doesn't auto start?  Admittedly, i haven't touched a new ubuntu in a while21:12
ModusPwnensubuntu version 12.0421:12
jacklkIs Ubuntu just for computer geeks or do any normal people use it too?21:13
ModusPwnensits as if there is some FN key perpetually pushed down21:13
auronandacensahoo: why not just stick with nouveau?21:13
auronandacejacklk: define normal21:13
nearstim use ubuntu bcoz i dont know how to use windows21:13
nsahooauronandace: though, i like it for stability, on a dual monitor setup some part of the maximized windows are drawing slowly when I quickly switch from one tab to another. Particularly in mysql workbench21:14
ModusPwnensi notice that its just this particular keyboard that is causing this problem. Ive i use a different keyboard, application shortcuts actually work21:16
jacklkauronandace: 18 year old who likes watching videos, and works in a shop for example but uses it for home use21:16
auronandacejacklk: then yes, "normal people" use ubuntu21:17
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John12109as the ubuntu mobile out yet for android?21:22
auronandace!phone | John1210921:23
ubottuJohn12109: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch21:23
JugglerLKRjbroome: actually i want to resume do-release-upgrade21:23
Guest61087I've got a problem, in that, I have a openvz server on the web and I can't seem to 'su' to any user, with the error 'su: Authentication failure'. I have changed the password several times, for root and the other users that I have tried 'su'ing to, but not luck21:23
John12109i need to find a software to intall it21:24
Ice_StrikeWill Ubunto work if I downgrade kernal 3.4.26 ?21:26
bean|workIce_Strike: ubuntu should work no matter what kernel you're on21:27
Ice_Strikebean|work How do I downgrade it? Currently on 3.5.x now21:28
bean|workIce_Strike: do you have an old one installed21:28
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tortikhi all21:29
tortikis any software for renaming mp3 files by info exctracted from id3 tag?21:29
Guest88630Guest88630 here. Someday I will learn.21:29
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Ice_Strikebean|work No21:29
Ice_StrikeThis is fresh Ubunto install21:29
bean|workIce_Strike: the name is Ubuntu...21:30
Ice_StrikeOop :P21:30
verysoftoiletpprhow can I reinstall libc6?21:30
bean|workIce_Strike: and why do you need an old kernel.21:30
Jordan_Uverysoftoiletppr: Why do you ask?21:30
verysoftoiletpprJeepbeats I deleted /var/lib/dpkg/info21:31
verysoftoiletpprJordan_U I deleted /var/lib/dpkg/info21:31
verysoftoiletpprI need to restore it21:31
jacklk                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            21:31
verysoftoiletpprthe only package missing information now is libc621:31
Piciverysoftoiletppr: We told you to reinstall last time you were here.21:32
verysoftoiletpprPici I know21:32
verysoftoiletpprthat is not good enough21:32
verysoftoiletpprPici what I really want it to reinstall libc621:33
jacklkverysoftoiletppr: install libc721:33
verysoftoiletpprjacklk can that be used as replacement for libc6?21:33
nearstverysoftoiletppr, sudo apt-get install --reinstall libc621:33
jacklkverysoftoiletppr: yes it is just newer21:34
ubottuYou might think your joke is funny, but you may confuse new users who follow your advice or irritate people who attempt to answer your question.21:34
verysoftoiletpprnearst that doesn't work21:34
jacklkverysoftoiletppr: what do you need it for anyway?21:34
verysoftoiletpprjacklk you are right, I will just delete it..21:34
nearstverysoftoiletppr, try remove purge then install it back21:34
verysoftoiletpprI don't need it anyway21:34
jacklkverysoftoiletppr: exactly21:35
jacklkI never have to worry about packages like that..21:35
verysoftoiletpprnearst can't remove it21:35
jacklkverysoftoiletppr: purge?21:35
verysoftoiletpprif I remove it nothing will work21:35
nearstverysoftoiletppr, why cant remove ? compile from binary ? dpkg -l | grep libc621:36
jacklkwell keep it installed then :)21:36
John12109so i upload this to my phone, and boot in bootloader?21:36
verysoftoiletpprnearst http://paste.ubuntu.com/5588837/21:37
verysoftoiletpprnearst if I remove, won't the files which are installed be removed?21:37
nearstverysoftoiletppr, indeed :)21:40
Ice_StrikeThere is no problem if I do wget http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v3.0/linux-3.4.11.tar.bz221:40
Ice_Strikeand use that?21:40
verysoftoiletpprnearst the problem is: dpkg: warning: files list file for package `libc6' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed.21:40
nearstIce_Strike, i think there is like 3.8 kernel from ppa. just try to google it then. unless ure ready to exploring the kernel panic21:40
M1DLGWhen I try to run ndiswrapper I get this error - "Failed to run /usr/sbin/ndisgtk as user root. unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file." This error came about the same time as I had a a couple of boot ups that tried to force a disk repair.21:41
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verysoftoiletpprnearst and then "A copy of the C library was found in an unexpected directory: '/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.15.so'"21:41
verysoftoiletpprIt is not safe to upgrade the C library in this situation;21:41
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elisa87Why am I receiving this error?  source ~/.bashrc ? H: command not found21:43
nearstverysoftoiletppr, try look at ls -al /lib/libc.so.6 the symlink21:45
levois it possible to have controls over windows through terminal? (minimzing, maximizing or . . )21:46
auronandaceverysoftoiletppr: its rather simple: if you are at the point where you need to reinstall libc6 then your system is broken, you really should reinstall ubuntu21:47
auronandaceas you have been told21:47
elisa87do you know why?21:47
elisa87source ~/.bashrc21:47
elisa87H: command not found21:47
icerootelisa87: you have "H:" in your bashrc21:48
verysoftoiletpprauronandace  what you mean with "is broken"21:48
icerootverysoftoiletppr: the most important package is libc6, if that is broken you are lost21:48
icerootverysoftoiletppr: as we told you since hours21:48
John12109is there a software were i can install it from?21:49
TynachHi, I'm trying to install the Humble Bundle with Android 5 games on Ubuntu, and I wanted to do it through the software center for one of them (all but one are supported on Steam for Linux). However, when I follow the link, Ubuntu's website gives me this error: "Sorry we could not find this key. If you have already purchased the bundle, please double check the link you followed and try again."21:49
TynachWhat's going on?21:49
icerootJohn12109: install what?21:49
verysoftoiletppriceroot that must not be true http://people.adams.edu/~cdmiller/posts/Ubuntu-dpkg-recovery/21:49
John12109ubuntu mobile21:49
icerootverysoftoiletppr: you destroyed libc621:50
John12109for andorid21:50
icerootverysoftoiletppr: we are not talking about dpkg anymore21:50
verysoftoiletppriceroot I didn't destroy it21:50
verysoftoiletppriceroot it's still there21:50
icerootverysoftoiletppr: you modified it (if i get you correct) you moved it21:50
verysoftoiletppriceroot no I did not21:50
verysoftoiletpprI've recovered from that21:50
verysoftoiletpprI just need to fix the files from /var/lib/dpkg/info21:51
icerootverysoftoiletppr: take another ubuntu installation (same architecture, same packages) and copy the removed file from there to your system21:51
verysoftoiletppriceroot that would be a very useful suggestion21:52
icerootverysoftoiletppr: or just reinstall21:52
verysoftoiletppr^ not useful21:52
icerootverysoftoiletppr: not useful is to use sudo rm :)21:53
verysoftoiletpprnow I have another problem21:53
brun0sorry by the dummy question.. but somebody know where can i find gcov source code ?21:53
brun0my friend google couldn't help me :(21:53
icerootbrun0: is that a package from the repo?21:54
brun0i think no21:54
icerootbrun0: ggcov - Graphical tool for displaying gcov test coverage data21:54
icerootbrun0: that?21:54
verysoftoiletpprI've downgraded libc6-dev21:54
icerootverysoftoiletppr: reinstall please21:54
verysoftoiletppriceroot how can I upgrade?21:54
icerootverysoftoiletppr: just reinstall21:54
TynachI guess nobody knows what's going on with Ubuntu's website in regards to the Humble Bundle?21:54
brun0only gcov21:54
icerootverysoftoiletppr: way to many issues on your strange system21:54
brun0without graphical frontend21:54
osirisx11hi all21:54
verysoftoiletppriceroot noooo21:55
verysoftoiletpprway to many configuration in to reinstall everything21:55
icerootverysoftoiletppr: you removed the postinst files, the package-definitions, you messed up libc6 and you downgraded libc6-dev21:55
osirisx11simple question for you, on the graphical ubuntu installer, when installing alongside windows, a splitter representing hard drive space is shown. problem is the two sides are unlabeled, which side is which?21:55
brun0iceroot, do you know ?21:55
icerootverysoftoiletppr: just create a usefull backup of your config and reinstall21:55
Taevhow do i add acpi=off to my boot options in grub?21:55
verysoftoiletppriceroot it's not as simple as that21:55
icerootverysoftoiletppr: for me it is21:56
icerootverysoftoiletppr: who knows what else you missonfigured with your "repair"21:56
brun0iceroot, sorry i can install the package from repo, but i couldn't find the source code :(21:56
verysoftoiletppriceroot nothing else21:56
icerootdonwgraded libc6-dev and missconfigured libc6 is very evil21:56
icerootbrun0: apt-get source packagename21:57
trismbrun0: it is included in the gcc source21:57
brun0iceroot, thanks ;)21:58
osirisx11help! on the graphical ubuntu installer, when installing alongside windows, a splitter representing hard drive space is shown. problem is the two sides are unlabeled, which side is which?21:58
antonio_does anyone in here use handbrake?21:58
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brun0trism, but can i generate a lib from it ?21:59
John12109is any one here?21:59
p3rrorplease I'm configuring the wireless22:00
p3rrorand I dont have wireless network name in my network manager22:00
p3rrorplease can you help22:00
trismbrun0: I don't understand the question, the source is gcc/gcov.c in the gcc source22:01
verysoftoiletppriceroot I have a LVM volume how do I set that back after reinstalling22:03
pr0ph3tlooking for help regarding ffmpeg22:04
verysoftoiletpprLVM volume made up from partitions from 2 disks22:04
wNverysoftoiletppr: sup?22:04
icerootverysoftoiletppr: the lvm info is stored on the partition itself22:04
icerootverysoftoiletppr: like raid22:04
verysoftoiletppriceroot but how do I mount it?22:04
verysoftoiletpprI mean, which partition?22:05
k1l_!ask | pr0ph3t22:05
verysoftoiletpprit's stored in which partition?22:05
ubottupr0ph3t: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:05
iceroot!lvm | verysoftoiletppr22:05
ubottuverysoftoiletppr: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto22:05
antonio_does anyone in here use handbrake?  or have gotten it to work?22:07
KionI am trying to update my system and the apt-get program gives me this error  "Invalid Signature from Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key" Has anybody experienced the same?22:09
M1DLGAnyone able to talk me through updating my nvidia drivers to play steam games. (I get an error when steam starts then it closes)22:14
KionM1DLG: have you installed the Nvidia drivers?22:15
=== linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish`
M1DLGI have22:15
ev0lveM1DLG: apt-get install nvidia-common -y22:15
verysoftoiletppriceroot solved the dependency problems22:16
M1DLGBut I get out of date errors and my PC seems less stable since22:16
verysoftoiletppriceroot are you running precise?22:16
KionM1DLG: for me I actually had to download the driver from Nvidia and install it manually22:16
verysoftoiletpprcan you send me the files you have which match '/var/lib/dpkg/info/libc6*'  ?22:17
M1DLGKion, I did, I ended up worse off I think, I tried 3 times through the additional drivers icon and stuffed up ever time and had to reformate each time.22:17
M1DLG apt-get install nvidia-common -y22:18
KionM1DLG:  here is the procedure 1.- download the Driver and set execution permits.  2.- ctrl + alt +f1 to open a tty terminal   3.- sudo /etc/init.d/ligthdm stop 4.-sudo sh NVIDIA.name.of.your.driver    5.- sudo reboot22:18
M1DLGI got this error, W: Not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock22:18
M1DLGok kion, let me try22:18
KionM1DLG: if you follow my procedure, you will not be able to use IRC chat while on the terminal22:19
KionM1DLG: until you reboot22:19
M1DLGwill move that over to the other PC. unfortunatly i'm slow typest22:19
verysoftoiletpprjackyyll you there22:20
m1dlgALTok, rady22:22
=== mhall119|afk is now known as mhall119
wachpwnskihey guys when you do a run command like smb://computer_name it fails22:25
wachpwnskiBut if you do like nautilis smb://computer_name it work22:25
wachpwnskiIs there a way to set it to default to nautalis or nemo when you run smb:// ?22:25
s0neewachpwnski: because smb:// is not a command, its a protocol22:26
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wachpwnskis0nee: can i set up an alias or something?22:27
s0neewachpwnski: just like http:// can be opened in a browser only22:27
Piciwachpwnski: you should be able to run something like nautilus smb://computer_name22:27
wachpwnskiyah i can, but is there a way I can set an alias?22:28
s0neewachpwnski: so you want to automatically open nautilus whenever you type smb://something ?22:28
miebster_atworkWhen I sudo my command it can't find it, and if I don't sudo it, it can, what is going on? http://www.bpaste.net/show/FRkqBCykJui5W3Fsfc0S/22:29
wachpwnskis0nee:  yes22:29
wachpwnskitechnically nemo, but maybe ask in bash22:29
pvdehi, i have a webserver running on ubuntu 12.04 with nginx, and im following a tutorial. In the tutorial i have to make modifications to iptables, but i never used it before and im not sure if i have them.22:30
elisa87how can I include two files in a makefile using include ?22:31
s0neewachpwnski: i don't think you can type smb://something in a shell because the part "//" is not permitted in a command/file name anyway22:32
wachpwnskithere has to be a regex or something when you type smb://*anything* it runs nemo smb://*anything*22:33
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verysoftoiletppriceroot everything is fixed now22:37
Anoniman86Hi all. I have big fps drops on Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit and 12.10 64bit with Ati Radeon HD 5670 eith the latest fglrx drivers. How to fix this?22:37
m1dlgALTmy pc is in a worse condition than i thought. i need to check the hdd for errors but dont know how.22:38
verysoftoiletpprjust had to copy /var/lib/dpkg/info/libc6:amd64.list from another system and reinstall libc622:38
verysoftoiletppriceroot next time someone has a similar problem...22:38
Kionm1dlgALT: what happened?22:38
m1dlgALTive been freezing up and it will reboot no warning, since i first installed the drivers for my video card. and teh last coupe of times it tries to check the drve but it just reboots then gets to the desktop. as it does i get loads of errors refering to corrupt files and that it's unable to access/find /tmp22:41
Anoniman86When i restart system, and enter in Steam game, game works fine, but when I exit the game and enter again in game, i have big fps drops22:41
elisa87http://paste.ubuntu.com/5588985/ I have these two files but I receive the following error: make    -->  /home/jalal/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/C/common/inc/cutil.h:1: *** missing separator.  Stop.22:41
Anoniman86How to fix this?22:41
m1dlgALTlast time i tried ubuntu it was gnome and it just worked, nothing was a problem. this time i have't enjoyed it.22:42
Kionm1dlgALT: I don't understand... Did the Nvidia drivers got installed?22:44
Kionm1dlgALT: Are you using a laptop?22:44
=== nbdy is now known as nobotty
__dan__hi all, hope you're having a good evening or whatever it is for you22:45
ryebread761A PC could mean a laptop22:45
__dan__i have a question regarding hdparm22:45
__dan__with regard to the --write-sector flag - is there any way of telling hdparm to do that for every sector on the drive?22:45
Taevhow do i tell grub to do no apci at boot?22:46
m1dlgALTI installed the nvidia drivers yesterday, I started stam and it tells me he version i installed was not high enough and steam closes. so I wanted to upgrade them, but I have mor serious issues of corrupt files on the drive22:46
__dan__Taev: add noacpi boot flag i think22:46
m1dlgALTOK PC = desktop22:46
pznI got an old computer with Pentium-M 1.2Ghz and 768Mram, which ubuntu is "suitable" for this obsolete hardware?22:46
__dan__there are a few others too like nolapic etc22:46
WRStoneGot a question:  Ubuntu 12.10, updated about five minutes ago.  The longer I leave my Ubuntu boxes running, the more IPv6 addresses they accumulate.  Any notion why this might be?  And yes, my ISP is IPv6, and I'm getting the addresses from them, apparently through my Belkin firewall/router/AP.22:47
ryebread761In your terms it might, but in most people's it does not22:47
__dan__pzn: i would try xubuntu22:47
__dan__pzn: kubuntu also has low-fat-settings if you're a kde fan but lack of memory would be troublesome i think22:47
__dan__pzn: i would try xubuntu or lubuntu22:48
__dan__anyone help with my hdparm question?22:53
__dan__i really want to set this drive on fire22:53
__dan__its gonna be funny22:53
pzn__dan__, thanks, I'll try xubuntu22:53
__dan__good luck :)22:53
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pzn__dan__, take a look in what I got :-) an old panasonic cf-29 toughbook :-)22:54
__dan__haha i've seen a few of those22:54
__dan__be careful you don't hurt yourself picking it up ;)22:55
JudgenHmm my install CD for 12.4 says the CD was built 2010. Can this be correct?22:55
__dan__no, Judgen22:56
JudgenThis is an installation system for Ubuntu 12.04. It was built on 20101020ubuntu136.22:56
JudgenIs the first line even22:56
__dan__but if you're doing a fresh install it might be worth downloading the 12.04.2 iso as you will get a newer kernel22:56
JudgenI do not have another empty CD and all those new isos seems to have EFI stuff on them, and wont boot after installation.22:57
Judgenonly the efi-free isos boot after the install for me22:57
__dan__how odd, i have never had that problem22:58
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JudgenIt writes ubuntu in the device boot option permanently though.. i have no idea how to get rid of it from there.22:59
JudgenI wish EFI was never invented22:59
ryebread761I do because then my Macbook would not work :(23:00
Kionryebread761:  that is why macs suck, I will never ever buy anything mac again23:00
=== tonywin is now known as milesmaverick
ryebread761Eh, neither will I likely, but it's what I have now and besides it not working with Linux well, I like it :)23:01
Ice_StrikeHow to boot to new kernal when restarting ubuntu?23:02
maxibytehey guys, im n a bit of a pickle, i was trying to uinstall ubuntu on my main desktop so being the genius i am i just re-formatted, but apparently grub is still here, attempting to login to my windows disk results in grub telling me that it is an unkown filesystem, and opening the grub rescue promp23:03
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jribmaxibyte: ask ##windows how to restore your mbr23:04
maxibytei tried using a bootable usb to format the rest, however gparted says the partition is still in use and has a key icon next to it23:04
jribmaxibyte: you don't want ubuntu anymore right?23:04
maxibytejrib: i know how to restore my MBR but that requires me to boot into my install cd, which is currently impossible due to grub23:04
maxibytenot right now, perhaps i will dual boot later, but ive been wrestling with my computer all day trying to fix it23:05
penthFor the second time in a week, all my menus are appearing behind windows (global, right-click, chrome bookmarks et al.). Has anyone else seen this in 12.04? I didn't find a bug listing yet23:05
jribmaxibyte: that shouldn't be the case.  Your computer should boot from the cd before trying grub.  You need to configure your bios to do so23:05
maxibytei tell it to boot from the cd.23:05
maxibyteand then it tells me "unknown filesystem"23:05
jribmaxibyte: did it boot from the cd?23:05
maxibytemaybe its my boot order23:05
jribmaxibyte: yes, check that23:05
maxibytei dont know jrib, because it says unknown filesystem23:05
penthThat sounds more like a bad cd23:05
maxibytethe cd worked fine23:06
FloodBot1maxibyte: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:06
jribmaxibyte: what cd by the way?23:06
maxibyteuntil i formatted my main partition23:06
maxibytewindows 723:06
maxibyteits just an install disk23:06
maxibyteanyays, brb23:06
zimzum77so here is one, ubuntu can get irus's right??23:08
AbhiKi suppose, Wrong!23:08
__dan__generally you dont have to worry about viruses23:08
zimzum77so what about  jave, flash, ect?23:09
zimzum77no need to worry23:09
n-iCeif I install ubuntu-server, how can I install gnome2?23:09
Nach0zzimzum77: ubuntu's much more resilient to attacks than windows, but that doesn't give you an excuse to be dumbarse with it. just be careful with what you do23:09
__dan__haha words to live by23:10
Kionryebread761: I will install linux on my Macbook via Virtualbox23:10
zimzum77Oh i am, i just got a funky lag happening, tring to figure it out23:10
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__dan__there are tools like rkhunter23:10
__dan__check for rootkits23:11
zimzum77now the 1,000,000$  Ques.  how to find rootkit?23:11
__dan__[23:10] <__dan__> there are tools like rkhunter23:12
zimzum77sudo apt-get install rkhunter??23:12
__dan__should be, yeah23:13
__dan__been a while since i used it myself23:13
__dan__it's a command line tool but i think you just run it23:13
zimzum77ok, ima learning so , i need to figure out to read it all lol23:14
__dan__sure :)23:14
Zer000I installed ubuntu with UK English keyboard by accident, I changed it from preferences and its fine in Gnome, but not in command line mode (| key is ~)23:15
Zer000how can I change this?23:15
Zer000(i need US english)23:16
__dan__if you're just experiencing slowdown / teh lagg etc, first place i would look is system monitor / top command23:16
Taevim on the ubuntu install, at the select and install software menu and its been stuck at 97% "cleaning up" for awhile, is there a way i can check to see if the install is hung?23:17
zimzum77__dan__, usually firefox is top23:18
zimzum77when this happens23:18
donsdAfter fresh install, want to restore crontab from backup. What file should I look for?23:18
__dan__donsd: /etc/crontab23:18
__dan__donsd: you may also want to check the cron.* directories23:19
__dan__Taev: try CTRL-ALT-F1, F2 .. etc23:19
__dan__Taev: you can switch text consoles, i think it's F3 or F4 that's the install log23:19
Taevi did that, and its working23:19
Taevbut thanks23:19
__dan__last few lines of the log not show anything useful?23:20
tirengarfiohi, i have to change my harddisk (with ubuntu 12.04 installed) to another computer, what should i have to do to get sound, microphone,.. working?23:20
__dan__tirengarfio: usually ubuntu is much more understanding in such circumstances, you should just be able to switch the hard drive over and boot it up23:21
__dan__tirengarfio: use common sense though - make a working verifiable backup, dont listen to anything anyone tells you on the internet, etc etc ;)23:21
duncan_bayneHi, I'm trying to connect to a VPN using Ubuntu.  I have a VPN config exported from OSX ( https://gist.github.com/duncan-bayne/5095315 ) but can't figure out what settings I need in NetworkManager.23:22
donsd__dan__ thanks, /etc/crontab is not it. I'm looking for the one that has all my entries.23:22
tirengarfio__dan__:  so do you think everything will work without installing anything?23:22
__dan__tirengarfio: i would certainly try it23:22
__dan__donsd: try looking in /etc/cron.d/23:23
Aliveswhere does the display system settings get its screen names?  my primary screen shows up as something wrong and i wanted to look into it to make sure its not something of a bigger issue23:23
donsd__dan__ thanks. I will look in the directories.23:24
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tirengarfioOne more: i am thinking about buying this mother board: http://www.evga.com/Products/Product.aspx?pn=111-IB-E692-KR Im wondering if i will have any problem of compatibility with the latest ubuntu versions..23:25
tirengarfiowhat about the ubuntu's compatibility in general with hardware?23:27
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection23:27
__dan__tirengarfio: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=intel_z77_chipset&num=123:28
Ice_StrikeHmm why this wont work23:28
Ice_Strikesudo cp -r /path/root/* /root23:28
Ice_Strikecopy all files/dirs from /path/root/ to /root23:28
OerHeksIce_Strike, maybe -R case sensitive23:30
tirengarfio__dan__ thank you!23:31
voxadamI'm setting up automatic updates on one of my home servers and I'm having difficulty deciding if I should only enable the security repository or the if I should include updates as well. What is the difference between the two?23:31
__dan__no problem tirengarfio :)23:32
Ice_StrikeI am getting cp: cannot stats `/path/root/*`: no such file or dir..23:32
Ice_Strikebut it is deffo in /path/root/ exist23:32
AlivesIce_Strike: permissions?23:33
AlivesIce_Strike: deffo permissions...23:33
Ice_Strikebut i did sudo23:34
Aliveswhere is /path/root?23:34
Ice_StrikeAlives No, on same disk23:39
Alivescan you see and access the files?23:39
__dan__could try a slash after the second /root23:40
__dan__think u got bigger problems but i always do it that way23:40
__dan__if i remember correctly23:40
* __dan__ has been spoiled by dolphin23:40
Ice_Strikecp -R /path/root/ /root23:41
Ice_Strikethis work though23:41
__dan__cp -R /path/root/* /root/23:41
Ice_Strikebut not with *23:41
Ice_Strikeyes i tried that23:41
__dan__you're in as root? or u have sudo in front of that command?23:43
__dan__i just did that and it worked for me23:44
p0si run kubuntu12.10 amd64 on a thinkpad t61p. powertop shows that not all possible tunables are tuned by default. what is the recommened way of making ubuntu tune those automatically at startup?23:45
n0sqwhy does my display dim on occassion even during use? i have to wait until it un-dims before i can do anything else - happens on all my pc's - some using 12.04 and some using 12.10 and one using lubuntu23:46
__dan__Ice_Strike: sudo cp -R /home/danmac/.scummvm/* /root/23:46
__dan__Ice_Strike: dumps all files and directories from that directory into /root23:46
__dan__Ice_Strike: on my machine ... ur doing something wrong ;)23:46
Dataoriginalwhat is the next newq project?23:47
__dan__p0s: there is a guide somewhere i saw a while back that will help you with that, have a google23:47
p0s__dan__: remember any suitable keywords i could use?23:47
__dan__just having a look for you now23:47
__dan__"To help you make the changes permanent, PowerTOP displays the exact command it runs to perform this optimization. Add the command to your /etc/rc.local file with your preferred text editor so that it takes effect every time that the computer starts."23:48
p0s__dan__: mmh ok nice thank you. however i would prefer to install a package which has the job of doing this. in other words: i can't imagine that there is no standard way of doing this automatically via a daemon/package with startup scripts23:51
__dan__p0s: when you write one, let me know I will install it too ;)23:51
p0s__dan__:  :|23:51
zimzum77so i did, sudo apt-get instll rkhunter, now it says "postfix config"  please select mail server config type, <ok>  but i can't do anything at this point. I hit enter but nothing23:52
__dan__zimzum77: lol i think you installed postfix23:52
__dan__zimzum77: maybe the package recommends a mail server23:52
zimzum77sudo apt get purge  rkhunter23:53
MoPacI would like to mount some encfs folders with a script and THEN be able to manage them with Cryptkeeper during a session. Could someone help me (a) give commands to Cryptkeeper, rather than encfs, with a script; or (b) issue mount commands with encfs in a way that Cryptkeeper will recognize?23:53
zimzum77actually, what kind of mail??23:53
__dan__zimzum77: rkhunter can be configured to send emails when the checks are scheduled23:54
__dan__zimzum77: i just looked at the package and if you install with recommends it will probably install default mail transport agent which in your case seems to be postfix23:55
MoPac(in case above was not clear): At the moment, if I encfs mount a folder in terminal, even if the source and mountpoint are in Cryptkeeper's directory, Cryptkeeper does not seem to know that it's mounted (no check mark appears, for example)23:55
__dan__MoPac: not familiar with cryptkeeper sorry23:55
zimzum77ok, now question is, when i ran the line , is that bit of info put in to my pc, or does it just stop and retain itself23:56
__dan__zimzum77: dont understand your last line sorry23:56
zimzum77i'm saying,did it delete the info that download or do i have bits of the program sitting somewhare23:57
zimzum77haha can't type23:57
zimzum77: )23:57
__dan__you could always try apt-cache policy rkhunter23:57
zimzum77and that;ll do??23:58
__dan__if it comes back with "Installed: (none)" then it isnt installed23:58
__dan__i would also check to see if postfix is installed in the same way23:58
zimzum77cool i try that23:58
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__dan__and in future please look at the list of packages you are about to install :)23:58
zimzum77right on thx for tip23:59
__dan__consider using aptitude - that makes things a little easier to understand23:59
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__dan__sure, anytime :)23:59

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