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zequencek, now they're discussing whether or not have a feature freeze :P10:43
astraljavaWhat, is the non-UDS going now?10:55
zequenceNo feature freeze before Thursday anyway11:29
zequenceWell, that's the pre decided date11:29
zequenceSo, no change really11:30
zequenceJust the uncertainty that it may never happen11:30
astraljavaThat's the best ever.11:36
zequenceastraljava: the non-UDS begins at 14.00 UTC today11:36
zequenceWhat will happen next? Ubuntu changes its name to Ubuntulene and starts wearing dresses?11:38
zequence..only that it would be surprising, nothing else11:40
zequencemicahg: I did a test build of the meta, and it works. The auto build recipy did not(but that seems to have been because of an old BZR version)11:52
zequencehmm, actually11:53
zequenceI've changed the seeds since then, only slightly11:53
zequenceBut, I'm pretty sure that change does not do anything for the meta11:53
zequenceRather a question of why the build failed, and what other changes to the seed may come11:54
zequenceanyway, the metas are doing what they are supposed to now11:54
zequenceastraljava: Len-nb holstein: UDS introduction will be at #ubuntu-uds-plenary 14.00 UTC, so I guess in one hour12:55
zequenceAnd the link to the video is http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21601/introduction/12:56
astraljavazequence: *smirk* Always expect the unexpected. Murphy's law, evil will prevail yadda yadda. :) I'll see if I can make it, but I could only stay for less than half an hour, gotta go play badminton.13:03
astraljavaThough I'd like to see sadbfl present Ubuntu on Toasters in a pretty dress. That would rock.13:04
zequenceThat would be almost expected13:04
zequence..considering how many surprises we are getting now13:05
zequenceAt 18.15 UTC, they discuss whether or not keep rolling release http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1303/meeting/21683/community-1303-rolling-release/13:06
zequencesmartboyhw: Hi13:08
zequenceWell on time for the UDS introduction, I see13:08
smartboyhwI''m on mobile13:09
smartboyhwI am supposed to be revising for tests.13:09
smartboyhwzequence: ^13:17
zequencesmartboyhw: Well, there are probably more important sessions to attend anyway13:24
zequenceIt's just nice to be there from the start, I think13:24
smartboyhwzequence: Just update us along the way. I'm off my computer for 3 days because of tests.13:25
zequencesmartboyhw: School tests, you mean?13:25
zequenceThat's too bad. The videos will be available aftwerwards, so you won't miss anything13:26
smartboyhwUDS time!!!!14:05
smartboyhwzequence: Good post.16:14
zequencesmartboyhw: Thanks16:16
zequenceFunny that my website ISP went down just as I'm actually using it16:41
micahgzequence: ok, let me try to update based on your branch then20:24
zequencemicahg: Thanks20:45
zequencemicahg: I think that might be the best. Since the meta seems good, I can just work with the seeds. I might need some help debugging them. Who should I ask about that? I noticed cjwatson been helping us some on that20:51
zequenceI'm thinking people are rather busy right now20:51
micahgI'll take a look at the logs a bit later20:52
zequenceThe logs just end with "building dependencies..". No clue to what went wrong there, from where I stand20:53
micahghrm, might be the metas20:55
micahghrm, dvd logs look good, weird20:56
micahgah, it's 2 days old :)20:56
zequenceSo, all the packages are rebuilt for each DVD build?20:58
micahgno, but the dependency tree has to make sense20:59
zequencehmm, ok20:59
micahgzequence: FTW, fiddling with the seeds won't help if what it's pulling from the archive doesn't install together21:01
zequencemicahg: Ok. I was doing that a bit, but since you mentioned the upload, my latest commit should be ok for the metas21:11

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