
hectorlopezbuenas noches00:48
bizarthelo... im from Slovakia... ubuntu studio is the best OS!! i made for BizArt Production, new little graphics and design comunity.. i start use ubuntu studio for me work and i will made slovakian translate... can i help?03:15
len_1304Always looking for help03:15
bizarti will start now ...03:16
len_1304Translations normally happen at the application level03:16
len_1304Each application has it's own translation part.... I am not explaining this very well03:18
bizartand web side?03:18
len_1304The only part we do translations on is menu items we add... I am not sure about web site.03:19
len_1304There is a website that explains more about helping though.03:20
len_1304http://ubuntustudio.org/contribute/ Hmm not as much as I had hoped :)03:22
len_1304It tells you our irc channels and mail list. The guy to talk to about translations is smartboyhw when he is on.03:23
len_1304He is involved in the translation team03:24
len_1304But we reall would be happy to have more people with art (graphics) experience as most of us are from the audio end of things.03:25
len_1304zequence, do you have a better answer for bizart?03:27
bizartthanx for info... see you03:31
Len-nbOK, many of us leave irc on and read the backlog03:34
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein
=== h4x0riz3d is now known as antto
whooI am looking for a smple interface between my sure mic with the 1/4" plug and the mini line in on the back of the desktop computer21:34
whooI was here a few weeks ago and there was discussion along those lines but I forget the names that were tossed around in discussion21:35
zequencewhoo: Well, all you need really is a mic amp in between and the right cables21:51
zequenceshure mic?21:52
zequence1/4 is not a mic plug21:52
zequenceOr, you only see that with consumer products21:52
zequencemic -- xlr->xlr -- mic-amp -- 1/4->mini -- computer21:53
len_1304whoo, Are you the one with the teac/tascam recorder?22:53
* len_1304 is going out for an hour or two23:06

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