
skellatknome: It is probably best that we watch this blueprint and session very carefully as it makes the RR matter less of a done deal it seems https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-1303-rolling-release03:34
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein
knomeskellat, i wouldn't count on anything. but it's good to know what's happening11:33
Unit193From what I've read, mir has less of a chance than rolling.11:35
bluesabre_mr_pouit, micahg, since FF is just around the corner, maybe one of you should go ahead and try to get catfish 0.6 in the repos.  Not sure if I'll have time, sadly13:31
bluesabre_It might need to be packaged differently though since I've restructured it a bit.  I know Liviu has had trouble with packaging it into his ppa, I need to look into that tonight13:33
skellatknome: *PING* And the whiteboard for the rolling release discussion is changed again after this morning's keynote saying now that it is "early discussion phase": https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-1303-rolling-release 15:34
micahgbluesabre_: did you make an official release of the tarball?20:24
bluesabre_hey micahg, release and tarball are here: https://launchpad.net/catfish-search/0.6/0.6.121:30
micahgbluesabre_: excellent, thanks, will see if I can update it a bit later21:32
bluesabre_thanks micahg!21:34

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