[03:37] well...been running kubuntu on my old laptop all day today, and don't hate it yet. [03:38] i say the same thing about every distro I try though :) [03:42] thafreak: Well, at least there is no weeping & gnashing of teeth then... [04:19] not yet [15:39] Good morning Ohio! [15:41] moin moin [16:13] Howdy. [16:13] skellat: How'd your vUDS go? [16:14] paultag: Got a response, he didn't CC you. [16:14] Unit193: what's up [16:15] paultag: He's... Got some interesting ideas. [16:15] ugh [16:15] don't like the sound of that [16:15] what's up Unit193 [16:15] let's hear this [16:16] http://paste.ukikie.tk/?04ee22fabdc62f68#KS+AUEvVrdtRBslFRiGuYtJKwU/7pjzs2Ep7S+eMD1g= After taking a look at my source, he did a merge of them, basically. Some things I've noticed I forgot, but others.... [16:17] [16:17] um [16:17] does that exist? [16:17] +Vcs-Git: git://github.com/mati75/inxi.git [16:17] In 72 hours. [16:17] yikes. [16:17] +ftp://ftp.archlinux.org/other/community/inxi/inxi-(.*)\.tar\.gz debian uupdate [16:17] Yeah, well that'd change to alioth. [16:17] that's wrong for many reasons [16:17] uupdate sucks [16:18] and it's not upstream [16:18] Unit193: ok, looks like he needs a review ;) [16:18] Unit193: mind sending me a pointer to the package? I can get on that tonight [16:18] this kinda became time-critical [16:19] paultag: Hopefully I didn't sound like a jerk: http://paste.ukikie.tk/?3a5d1f5afd6dd79d#NKfKHxFeTKoY2TgdxxNCJTZuEKDFTZBqs6QIrYDCiM0= I have my updated one .45, and upstream is great with a freeze there. I ship a basic default config to disable update. [16:21] Unit193: no, solid review. [16:21] Unit193: I'm stoked you caught the same stuff I did when I glanced over it. [16:21] Unit193: solid work. [16:22] paultag: Thanks, I had already asked you about hosting with something else, so knew that one. [16:22] still [16:22] :) [16:23] Unit193: nice work. Let's get this done with. You've done great work so far. [16:23] paultag: I'm with you there, and thanks. I sent the message at 7:42 local time, haven't heard back yet. [16:24] ack [16:41] Unit193: The session isn't until 1:15 PM local time -- http://identi.ca/notice/99952068 [16:42] skellat: Only doing the one? [16:42] paultag: Got mine up with the fixes, at least. :/ [16:42] That's the only one I'm leading [16:42] The other sessions have been interesting [16:42] Unit193: word. [16:43] Been an awfully large amount of pushback on RR [16:43] The proposals still aren't as fully fleshed out as they need to be [16:43] canonical will ignore the community as usual. [16:44] paultag: So far, they've been listening because they've been getting yelled at quite a bit by those who have shown up [16:44] The ubuntu-devel mailing list has been a bit of a circus too [16:44] Funny bit? Web Upd8, and even Phoronix announced that 13.04 will go as planned. [16:44] I'm glad I've fucked off [16:45] Unit193: Riddell secured that commitment yesterday [16:45] skellat: Yes, they were clearly not happy. Just look at the blog post. :P [16:46] Unit193: It isn't pretty but for the moment Feature Freeze should still be happening tomorrow. Apparently there has been an incredible amount of freak-out over abandoning the 13.04 cycle. [16:46] Canonical is a disapointment. [16:46] as is my spelling; disappointment [16:47] paultag: The worst case contingency is that Debian winds up with high-powered Xfce and KDE strike teams that ensure it is rather in sync with upstream if everything goes haywire, I suppose. :-) [16:47] skellat: Debian welcomes ex-Ubuntu contributors with open arms. [16:48] skellat: I even set up #ubuntu-expats for everyone. [16:48] on oftc. [16:49] paultag: Well, Martin Owens already stood down today as an Ubuntu Member. We've lost four of that group over the past week which is still a small number but it is still indicative of bad "change management" within the community. [16:49] I love MO. [16:49] yes. [16:50] Hobbsee, charlie-tca, and a couple more that I know of. [16:50] During the community session yesterday with Jono Bacon and Laura Czajkowski I ended up raising the change management point several times. Jono at least stated that there should be another string of things back-to-back coming down the pipe that he's aware of. [16:52] My own view was that this should not have happened at all. 13.04 should have played out followed by UDS but then no 13.10 cycle while things were re-tooled deliberately during that period. [16:54] I got testy with Colin Watson yesterday over the proposed hobbling of 13.04's support period saying that instead of cutting it to the bare minimum to merely get by it should just be finished off instead of being left an almost-cripple. [16:55] At least that was not resolved at all [16:55] That's been the key thing with vUDS...there has been plenty of discussion and no resolution of **anything** [16:58] And to totally change the subject, last night's TV ratings overall were apparently horrible: http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2013/03/06/tv-ratings-tuesday-american-idol-down-but-wins-night-ncis-dips-smash-and-the-taste-hit-lows/172210/ [17:02] gilbert: thanks dude :) [19:28] paultag: thx 4 wut? [19:29] oh, the dput email probably :) [19:29] gilbert: that thread that was starting to get h0lger to beat us up about up dput-ng [19:29] yeah, all i could think was, rediculuous.. [19:30] paultag: getting close to releasy time :) [19:30] aye :D [19:30] saw that openjdk nonsense, gilbert [19:30] omg [19:30] ya really [19:31] i've been thinking about starting a jessie release goal to get all java packages using gcj...so openjdk can be completely dropped...crazy, i know [19:31] that'd be nuts [19:31] or someone can hijack :) [19:31] gilbert: oh, gcj has the same maintainer. [19:31] double fail [19:32] well, security isn't really the maintainers fault [19:32] it is when they close RC bugs on a fork that's similar enough [19:32] but his lack of responsiveness makes the security issues dangerous [19:34] but anyway... [19:34] ya [19:34] so what's new there gilbert [19:34] not a whole lot...u? [19:35] gilbert: not much. Doing some work on OpenStates. [19:35] been listening to the cure a lot lately [19:35] i'm in a weird retro phase, late 70s/80s music [19:35] oh dude [19:35] gilbert: http://rd.io/x/QX3EPTN63T4 [19:35] this has been my day [19:37] * gilbert is in the middle of working on a dsa for sudo === paultag is now known as asheeshtag === asheeshtag is now known as paultag