
vibhavphilipballew: ping13:50
philipballewvibhav, ping13:51
vibhavphilipballew: Your'e below 18, right?13:51
philipballewnope, JoseeAntonioR is13:52
vibhavah fine, I think a fake acount should do13:52
* philipballew hears nothing13:52
jpickettUDS day 2 in 5 minutes13:54
* vibhav gears up13:54
philipballewjpickett, what time is this for you?13:58
jpickettcoming on 1am13:58
philipballewjpickett, the things we do for Ubuntu...13:59
jpickettyep, I'll only stick around for the first session, then watch a few in the morning after they're recorded14:00
philipballewSergioMeneses, hello!14:33
SergioMenesesphilipballew, morning!14:33
philipballewcan I ask you a question?14:34
SergioMenesesphilipballew, of course, fell free to do it14:34
coolbhaviSergioMeneses, hello here too :)14:34
SergioMenesescoolbhavi, hey \o\14:34
philipballewInstead of spending so much time on translating things from English to another language, what about teaching people English as well?14:34
philipballewgood idea, or horrible idea SergioMeneses ?14:35
SergioMenesesphilipballew, and from where does this question come?14:35
SergioMeneseswhat project ?14:35
SergioMenesesor do what?14:36
philipballewSergioMeneses, your someone born in a non English country and was thinking of ways to make reporting bugs easier for people in the long run.14:36
jpickettnothing like a hot chocolate and vegemite sandwich at 1:30am14:36
coolbhaviphilipballew, same here :-)14:36
philipballewjpickett, stay up all night!14:37
SergioMenesesphilipballew, I think is easier work on documentation in Spanish than teach English to people14:37
jpickettnah, have a thing called a 9-514:37
SergioMenesescoolbhavi, philipballew maybe something easy like videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRER_Uj7h_I14:38
SergioMenesesimho is the best way to get more people involve14:38
coolbhavisuperb :)14:39
philipballewSergioMeneses, figures, just thought it would be good to ask14:40
SergioMenesesphilipballew, sure! dont worry but I think if we have a lot of people from all world, why not make material like this (video) or something like that14:41
SergioMenesesfrom my side, videos are better than a wiki page if you dont understand another language completely14:42
SergioMenesesand we must have something more in mind: people should have a basic english level and this fact is invariable14:43
philipballewSergioMeneses, thats where locos can teach people "basic skills" if needed14:45
SergioMenesesbasic skills about English or Technical things ( packing, testing, tranlations, ) ?14:47
SergioMenesesphilipballew, ↑↑↑14:47
philipballewbasic english skills14:47
SergioMenesesphilipballew, I think that would be really hard14:48
philipballewSergioMeneses, good point14:48
SergioMenesesphilipballew, imho: is easier teach packing than the English language14:49
SergioMenesesphilipballew, if I can help you with something, please let me know :)14:59
philipballewSergioMeneses, Im kinda thirsty actually...14:59
SergioMenesesphilipballew, if this were uds-inperson I would give you a beer :P15:00
philipballewSergioMeneses, one day we will meet in person15:01
SergioMenesesphilipballew, next cycle jejeje15:01
philipballewSergioMeneses, did you have a good session?15:47
SergioMeneseswhich session? this one?15:48
SergioMenesesI'm working =/ but i read the pads and watch the videos when I have the chance15:48
philipballewwhat do you do for a job?15:48
SergioMenesesphilipballew, I'm working in investigation but I want to get something more15:49
SergioMenesesmaybe back to be sysadmin15:49
philipballewI work in the art of sleeping on couches and dumpster diving.15:50
SergioMenesesor infrastructure engineer15:50
SergioMenesesphilipballew, jajaja that is a really good job15:50
SergioMeneseswhere do I have to send my CV to?15:51
philipballewif you mean money, then my house.15:51
SergioMenesescv = curriculum vitale15:53
philipballewSergioMeneses, are you going to ubuconla?15:59
SergioMenesesphilipballew, I hope so!16:01
SergioMenesesIm working to get sponsorship but I have the hope :)16:01
philipballewhow do you get sponsored SergioMeneses ?16:02
philipballewIf it was in Mexico I would go.16:02
SergioMenesesphilipballew, with universities, but I have to work for them16:03
philipballewSergioMeneses, I see.16:04
philipballewit would be like 1000 rt for me16:04
philipballewand I am poor16:04
SergioMenesesphilipballew, 2014 will be in Colombia!16:04
philipballewround trip16:04
SergioMeneseswhere -> Colombia16:04
philipballewwhat city?16:05
SergioMenesesphilipballew, we are thinking on Bogota or Cartagena16:05
philipballewI see now!16:06
philipballewlet me know when you have a spare 800 I can have alright?16:07
philipballewSergioMeneses, what pixel size do you think the country flags are in the hangouts?17:08
SergioMenesessorry philipballew I was having lunch, which flag?17:32
SergioMeneseswhere can i see it?17:33
philipballewin the hangout videos where people put their lower third option. they have a country flag next to it17:34
philipballewHope lunch was good17:34
SergioMenesesjcastro flag looks like cuba flag17:34
SergioMenesesor something17:34
philipballewPuerto Rico17:34
SergioMenesesphilipballew, aaah kk17:34
philipballewSince they dont have state flags I was gonna find a California flag of the same size17:35
SergioMenesesphilipballew, and did you find it?17:35
philipballewI wonder i I can find where the flags are located on my computer, or if there even on my computer at all. However I think they are not.17:35
SergioMenesesbut that is not so important - imho17:38
philipballewI know its not!17:38
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=== Ciblia is now known as Mkaysi

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