
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away
efesHello ( :00:46
efesI'd like to create my local repository from read only branch. At the same time I'd like to create an another branch to keep my sources in different branch than project's main. Do I need "bind new branch to parent location" option?00:47
vilajelmer: I'm using bzr-gtk trunk (where bzr-notify has been removed). Yet, I get notifications (good) and those weird progress bars hanging around (bad).08:45
vilajelmer: It puzzles me that I still get notifications but can't find what I did to retain them across their removal from bzr-gtk trunk.... Any idea ?08:45
vilajelmer: wtf... 'bzr-notify is /usr/bin/bzr-notify' on raring ?08:46
vilaooohh, bzr installed system-wide relying on bzr-gtk installed system-wide, no wonder I couldn't find anything relevant when running bzr from sources, ok, thanks for the help :-D08:48
vilajelmer: and bzr-dbus getting in the middle of the mess right ?08:49
Pegasus_RPGHello. I'm trying to create a new branch that is _not_ stacked on trunk. how can I do that?09:07
Pegasus_RPG(It contains a totally separate set of files but they're related to the main project)09:07
Pegasus_RPGJust doing bzr push lp:~me/project/newbranch keeps stacking it on lp:~me/project09:09
vilaPegasus_RPG: it's lp deciding to stack but that should be harmless for you, are you planning to stack on *another* branch at some point ?09:11
vilaPegasus_RPG: harmless as in: "since you're pushing revisions that are unrelated to the trunk ones, you don't use the trunk ones"09:12
Pegasus_RPGI'm not09:13
Pegasus_RPGokay, so nothing to worry about?09:14
Pegasus_RPG(bzr reconfigure --unstacked doesnt' seem to have any effect, BTW)09:14
vilaPegasus_RPG: if you *really* want to get rid of the stacking on your newly pushed branch you can (once it's created) do: <interrupt> no, nothing to worry </interrupt>09:14
vilabzr config -d lp:<new branch> --remove stacked_on_location09:14
vilabzr config -d lp:new branch> before and after the command above to ensure you get it right09:15
Pegasus_RPGok thank you09:19
jelmervila:yeah, there are a fair number of open issues with bzr-notify :-(09:27
jelmervila: we discussed removing it altogether, did that not happen?09:28
jelmervila: ah, r79409:28
jelmerprobably hasn't made it into the debian/ubuntu package yet09:29
vilajelmer: I breifly tried to debug but couldn't find how to get a pdb prompt to understand who is spawning the progress bar. I have a vague feeling the fix is probably one line to tell the offending code to use a silent pb...09:29
vilajelmer: yup, that's my feeling as well, but since I'm stubborn sometimes I still like to be able to toy around with it ;)09:29
vilajelmer: so there are really two things: how to properly remove bzr-notify for everybody and how to make it available locally to me so I can fix it ;)09:30
vilajelmer: I'm of course a teeny bit more interested by the later but I won't mind helping for the former ;-D09:31
jelmervila: for the first, get one of the debian packagers to merge a new upstream snapshot :)09:31
jelmervila: for the second, I guess you can just reverse merge r794 ?09:31
vilajelmer: and uninstall the system-wide versions ?09:32
vilajelmer: and... I miss the step to activate it locally for my dbus session (instead of the system one)09:32
jelmervila: using the local dbus session requires James Henstridge's bzr-dbus branch09:35
vilajelmer: lp:~jamesh/bzr-dbus/kill-broadcast-daemon ??09:36
jelmervila: yeah, that'sit I think09:38
vilajelmer: ok, thanks, I know what/where to look next09:39
jelmervila: I think there were conflicts if you try to merge it into lp:bzr-dbus trunk nowadays though09:39
vilajelmer: yup, I saw your review, thanks09:40
vilajelmer: I understand I new a bit more fluency with dbus and that may just be the right exercise09:40
fullermdSomehow, this puts me in mind of "I've been wanting to learn a bit more about conducting open-heart surgery, and these chest pains I've been having all week seem like the perfect opportunity!"09:51
jelmerfullermd: I'm not sure if a broken bzr-dbus is quite as life-threatening.09:53
fullermdBut it's not as cool to dig into either.09:54
* vila feels warmer reading fullermd writing about me and his heart ;)10:02
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jelmervila: Does bzr-dbus actually still work ?14:36
vilajelmer: err, I get notifications with the versions installed system-wide in raring, not sure that answers your question though ;)14:37
jelmervila: I guess that is a yes.14:37
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=== wedgwood_away is now known as wedgwood
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=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|eod

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