
=== chuck_ is now known as zul
=== kentb-out is now known as kentb
Bobby_VJust a quick reminder - the NebOps Admins will be participating in a team outing tomorrow 11:00-18:30.  The CI Engineers have graciously offered to staff the phones so our Huntgroups will be covered.  We will return to normal coverage at 22:00 when 3rd Shift starts.  As always, we will be available should an incident arise needed our attention.16:00
rvbaroaksoax: Hi.  We've fixed the bug.  Code is landed on trunk and 1.2.  allenap will give you a tiny text that we would like to see included in the changelog or someplace else where the user will be able to find it.17:14
roaksoaxrvba: cool thanks17:15
allenaproaksoax: I've emailed it.17:15
roaksoaxallenap: cool. i can include that in the changelog, but tht wouldn't be seen  bypeoplewho just dist-upgrade17:17
roaksoaxwe do need to provide an upgradepath documentation which this should be specified17:17
allenaproaksoax: Right, I wasn't aware of that. Is that text sufficient, or do you need something with more depth to it?17:19
roaksoaxallenap: is there and upstream readme,probablyt that's a better place17:20
roaksoaxallenap: but for the upgrade path documentation should be enouhg,which is something we wil have to take care of in the upcoming days after this gets accepted for SRU17:20
allenaproaksoax: Okay. Let one of us know if you need some more text about this.17:22
allenaprvba: Are we happy now that the 1.2 branch is ready for SRU?17:22
roaksoaxallenap: sure thing. thanks17:22
rvbaallenap: very much so :)17:22
allenaproaksoax: What rvba said :)17:22
roaksoaxallenap: cool thanks guys17:31
roaksoaxpreparing packages now17:31
jderose1so i'm just getting started with MAAS... i'm wonder where the code is that generates the ephemeral images like the ones here: http://maas.ubuntu.com/images/ephemeral/daily/raring/20130307/18:06
jderose1is that found in the maas source tree, or elsewhere?18:07
jderose1smoser: is the code for the fast path installer available publicly?18:20
smoserjderose1, fast path installer is lp:~smoser/+junk/xinstall.maas18:28
smosercode that generates daily images is at https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/maas/maas.ubuntu.com.images-ephemeral18:29
roaksoaxjderose1: https://code.launchpad.net/~andreserl/maas/trunk-fpi18:30
jderose1smoser: okay, thank you very much. so System76 interested in using maas to provision desktop systems, and it making that something useful to others well. and then internally, we plan to use the same foundations for system imaging at our distribution centers18:32
jderose1(also, thanks roaksoax)18:32
roaksoaxjderose1: smoser's branch is what he initially did, my branch is the actual work to get it integrated with maas. However, this is very early support. We have only tested deployments of server not desktop though (for the FPI_18:34
jderose1smoser: you're fast installer work caught our eye... for us, it's important to image a system as quickly as possible :)18:34
jderose1roaksoax: okay, thank you... i'll poor over it. i just jumped into this, so fire hose and all :)18:35
smoserjderose1, well, the fast path installer will really be targetted at putting a root filesystme tar file donw, and thne doing whatever necessary to make it boot.18:36
smoserthe key is in having the tar  root filesystem that you want ready to go18:36
jderose1smoser: right, that's the exact same thing we want to do, just it's going to be a bigger rootfs based on our desktop golden image18:36
jderose1how does the idea of provisioning desktop systems with maas strike everyone? seems like stuff like provisioning a room full of workstations at a button push, enrolling them with landscape would be a good show :D18:40
jderose1right now i'm just trying to figure out where the common ground is, if this makes sense. obviously it would need to be done with zero impact on standard server provisioning18:42
racedohi guys, question: juju deploy --constraints maas-name=node.domain is trying to deploy in a new non-existent machine that gets created19:12
racedoplus i get all the time ProviderError: No matching node is available. from the juju logs19:13
roaksoaxracedo: and I'm guessing that if you don't use the .domain, only node it works?19:42
=== kentb is now known as kentb-out

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