bkerensa | jcastro: are you or Robbie flying in for OpenStack Summit? | 01:33 |
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jcastro | I am | 03:07 |
Tm_T | good morning | 05:07 |
czajkowski | morning | 06:07 |
philipballew | morning czajkowski | 06:42 |
dholbach | good morning | 07:44 |
czajkowski | normal is restored dholbach is back online :) | 09:23 |
czajkowski | *normality | 09:24 |
dholbach | speak for yourself - can't speak of restored normality here :-P | 10:00 |
jussi | precisely what is "normality" online...? :P | 10:29 |
* popey hugs pleia2 | 10:52 | |
czajkowski | ah yay mark blogged :D | 11:51 |
czajkowski | good | 11:51 |
jussi | yeah, its a good post | 11:51 |
czajkowski | we asked him to talk about how he felt about the RR idea and to be fair he hasn't be sold either way | 11:53 |
czajkowski | so it's good to see it's not a done deal | 11:53 |
jussi | yeah | 11:54 |
jussi | He pretty specifically says there that he doesnt like a rolling release | 11:54 |
czajkowski | yup | 11:55 |
jussi | I mean, this is a pretty nice clear statement: | 11:55 |
jussi | It’s nonsense to portray Rick’s position as a final position for Ubuntu. The TB have not weighed in, the CC (who were briefed that the assessment was being made and that a straw man would be proposed) are still considering their perspective, and I’m not convinced either. So, for those inclined to melodrama, you may want to calm down and join the conversation. | 11:55 |
czajkowski | It does seem to feel a bit like sky is falling lately | 11:55 |
czajkowski | can be disheartening as well seeing all the posts | 11:56 |
jussi | yeah, just a bit | 11:56 |
vibhav | phew | 11:59 |
vibhav | I am not feeling quite nice about so many people leaving :( | 11:59 |
AlanBell | well it is a pretty big direction change | 12:05 |
AlanBell | there is going to be a loss of some people, and perhaps a gain of others | 12:05 |
daker | not really some :) | 12:05 |
AlanBell | it used to be about replacing windows XP on the corporate desktop, now it is all about individual consumer purchases and the app store | 12:07 |
AlanBell | I can see that the latter is hugely more interesting to some people | 12:07 |
vibhav | AlanBell: Turbulance is always temporary | 12:08 |
vibhav | (From my experience) | 12:08 |
dholbach | I'll write a blog post later on as well and tried to respond some of them in comments | 12:13 |
dholbach | but now it's lunch time - maybe walking the dog will help me put my thoughts in order :) | 12:13 |
popey | \o/ lunch | 12:25 |
smartboyhw | I am wondering: Had there been projects before that new Ubuntu members get interviewed? | 14:05 |
daker | smartboyhw: what are you talking about ? | 14:06 |
smartboyhw | daker: Sort of like this: After a new Ubuntu contributor became a member some people interview them and post them onto blogs so people can have a better reference to contribute to Ubuntu | 14:10 |
Pici | If they've already become an Ubuntu member then they really should already know about contributing to Ubuntu. | 14:11 |
popey | usually people just introduce themselves to the planet when they get membership | 14:11 |
popey | thats how it used to work anyway | 14:11 |
smartboyhw | Pici no the interviews will provide experiences to NEW contributors | 14:12 |
smartboyhw | popey: How about if they don't | 14:12 |
smartboyhw | ? | 14:12 |
Pici | smartboyhw: maybe I misunderstood the question. | 14:12 |
Pici | popey: thats what I did. | 14:12 |
jussi | smartboyhw: the forums has interviews sometimes | 15:07 |
smartboyhw | jussi hmm I never saw it (I am an active member of it) | 15:08 |
balloons | smartboyhw, some members like to interview.. but you've got a blogroll on planet -- post an interview of yourself if you wish :-) | 15:16 |
smartboyhw | balloons no.............. It would be ridiculous for me to do so | 15:17 |
balloons | smartboyhw, I'd be happy to do it for you if you wish :-) | 15:17 |
smartboyhw | balloons: Maybe we should start interviewing QA people!!!!!!!!! | 15:18 |
smartboyhw | PR...:-P | 15:18 |
balloons | smartboyhw, it's on the table certainly.. not everyone likes the idea.. but if you do, I'd be happy to help | 15:18 |
smartboyhw | balloons: Let's roll!!! | 15:21 |
SergioMeneses | hi all! | 15:23 |
smartboyhw | Hey SergioMeneses | 15:26 |
balloons | smartboyhw, we miss you on #ubuntu-quality | 15:29 |
smartboyhw | balloons coming | 15:30 |
jono | dpm, will be there in a min | 16:00 |
dpm | jono, ok, we're there already | 16:01 |
dpm | mhall119, joining the app showdown call? | 16:01 |
jono | balloons, can you join a hangout now? | 16:26 |
balloons | jono, sure thing | 16:27 |
balloons | give me a min | 16:27 |
jono | balloons, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/3810dbf8c1724ec547677323909eba667007e583 | 16:28 |
balloons | dpm, let me know who your SDK contact is and I'll work with them to get docs going. Popey, if you could send me the link to the ppa and meta-package, I'll get rolling | 16:59 |
dpm | balloons, sure, I'll do that after this meeting | 17:03 |
popey | dpm: metapackage doesn't currently exist | 17:12 |
popey | dpm: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/+archive/daily is the ppa | 17:12 |
daker | someone is importing nemo stuff into the filemanager app https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-filemanager-dev/ubuntu-filemanager-app/trunk/revision/3 | 17:23 |
* pleia2 hugs popey | 18:17 | |
popey | podcast went out today btw | 18:24 |
popey | sound quality was really good | 18:24 |
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balloons | rrnwexec, http://randall.executiv.es/ubuntu-stage-next +1 | 20:44 |
rrnwexec | thanks balloons. | 20:44 |
jono | rrnwexec, ditto, nice post | 20:46 |
rrnwexec | thanks jono. | 20:46 |
Daviey | rrnwexec: Don't know if you agree it's relevant, but I found this analyse of project growth interesting - http://okdork.com/2012/09/29/why-i-got-fired-from-facebook-a-100-million-dollar-lesson/ | 20:54 |
Daviey | What i find sad, is that Rick raised a discussion point on ubuntu-devel.. and people quit over it.. He'll no doubt be afraid to raise discussion points in the future.. which is not the community i want. | 20:55 |
AlanBell | why did nobody believe it was a discussion point? | 20:57 |
rrnwexec | thanks Daviey. very interesting read. it's relevant. | 21:00 |
jono | anyone mind redditing http://www.jonobacon.org/2013/03/08/thoughts-on-recent-community-concerns/ ? | 23:37 |
bkerensa | jono: http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/19vm71/jono_bacon_thoughts_on_recent_community_concerns/ | 23:46 |
jono | thanks bkerensa | 23:48 |
snap-l | jono: http://decafbad.net/2013/03/07/the-ubuntu-community-collaborator-or-contributor/ | 23:56 |
snap-l | I think this is where the crux of the issue lies. | 23:56 |
bkerensa | snap-l: indeed... It seems the community wants to be a stakeholder and not just a contributor of works | 23:58 |
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