
zulcan someone tell me why python-oslo-config isnt in raring yet, it built fine for raring-proposed 4 hours ago?00:34
jbichazul: it adds a new binary package which has to be manually approved first https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring/+queue?queue_state=000:38
zulk thanks00:38
jbichazul: since you're here, how do you want to handle the final comment of bug 1140613?00:40
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1140613 in python-warlock (Ubuntu) "Merge python-warlock 0.8.1-1 (main) from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/114061300:40
zuljbicha: Its already been taking care of00:40
jbichazul: oh I see, thanks00:42
zulcan someone please approve python-oslo-config plrease?00:49
infinitycjwatson: Woo!01:48
infinityzul: What's the rationale for the oslo-config package rename?01:50
zulinfinity: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/oslo-config/+bug/113019601:51
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1130196 in oslo-config "[MIR] oslo-config" [High,Fix released]01:51
infinityzul: Hrm.  I was going to check if there was some sort of python naming policy, but I guess there's precedence for the dot-notation in zope.* and z3c.*, etc.01:51
zulinfinity:  cool thanks01:54
xnoxinfinity: cheers for the shibroken.02:47
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arahello! is a freeze happening today?09:37
seb128ara, hey, I guess so09:39
seb128ara, it would be logical to stick to the schedule until a decision on the next steps is taken09:39
seb128ara, it doesn't mean we will not change the freeze or other things in a week if a different path is decided09:40
seb128ara, well, that's my view on the situation, don't take it as an official statement ;-)09:41
cjwatsonthat's my understanding too09:41
didrocksFYI I warned the PS team this morning about it09:41
Laneywe should be sure to announce it today09:41
didrocksso normally, we should be safe on their side09:41
seb128didrocks, good, I wonder if lars & charles had planned to land any indicator work this cycle, they didn't yet09:42
seb128didrocks, but let's take that to their channel09:42
didrocksseb128: I think this is aborted by now, I don't see them landing that today ;)09:42
didrocksbut yeah, let's talk with him once they are around (I sent the email to their manager about the freeze)09:43
araseb128, thanks!09:48
brendandseb128, exactly what time is it at? we want to upload a package today so it would be good to know09:48
Laneynormally 2100 UTC09:48
aranormally it is at 21:00 UTC09:49
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tumbleweedoops, themuso and I both sponsored the nvidia-cuda-toolkit SRU to quantal. queue reject -Q unapproved -s quantal-proposed 5297155 , please13:35
infinityI'm going to reject the one that didn't run update-maintainer.13:37
tumbleweedeven better :)13:37
tumbleweed(and I'm impressed you diffed it that quickly)13:37
ogra_hmm, regarding the livefs buld logs it looks like we have a dead armhf builder again13:42
ScottKqscintilla2 is finally done.14:29
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infinityScottK: I see you gave up on the symbols file of doom.14:44
ScottKI know how to fix it, I just didn't quit get it to work right.14:45
ScottKMeh.  I give.14:45
infinityYeah, I gave it a short stab before I left for Hong Kong and threw my hands in the air cursing C++ symbols.14:45
infinityThe answer would have been to hand-write it, in my case.14:46
infinityBasically, take a few examples from varying arches, see how it plays out, and then hand-craft a file that makes sense, since pkgkdesymbolsthingee wasn't doing me any favours.14:47
infinityIt's probably high time someone broke that out of the KDE packaging tools.14:47
infinityAnd then made it less crap.14:47
nigelb(grr, sorry)14:49
infinityapw: Didn't you write a quick and dirty symbols parser/generator when you were grumping over some C++ symbols files?14:49
ScottKinfinity: The actual problem is using not using the pkgkde-symbolshelper during the actual build (using it to generate the symbols file isn't - in this case - enough).14:52
ScottKThe fact that the C++ stuff isn't included in dpkg-gensymbols (or whichever one it is) is unfortunate.14:53
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dobeyso are we in feature freeze?15:07
Laney2100 UTC15:08
dobeyso 13.04 is still on then?15:08
Laneyyes, until we hear otherwise15:08
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ScottKIt's on until it's not.15:13
shadeslayerI have a new upstream release for KDE Telepathy that I15:14
shadeslayer*That I'm packaging at the moment, and will probably upload in a day or two15:15
shadeslayerdo I have to file a FFe?15:15
shadeslayerRiddell: ScottK ^15:15
ScottKshadeslayer: Yes.15:24
shadeslayerbah :(15:24
ScottKinfinity: Is sagari stuck?  If I read the build log right, the "in progress" build finished a long time ago ...15:25
xnoxScottK: is that arm?15:40
ScottKxnox: powerpc15:40
Laneylooks like it's shifted now15:41
ScottKSo it did.15:41
infinityScottK: It appears "stuck" sometimes because its bandwidth sucks, and the final uploading stage can take a while on large packages.15:51
ScottKOK.  Thanks.15:51
infinityScottK: It's the only buildd in Boston, and there are some network hiccups there that need solving. :P15:51
ScottKOh. I had no idea.15:51
infinityThat sounds like the sort of response you'd give to "my mother just died", not "there's a computer in Boston", but okay. ;)15:52
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* xnox ponders if stuff in -proposed at freeze will be let through or not ;-)18:41
cjwatsonIt will18:42
xnoxok good.18:42
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ScottKinfinity: qscintilla2 and friends just migrated, so that's off the list.20:22
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ScottKslangasek, cjwatson, other release team members: Someone should announce feature freeze.20:38
slangasekScottK: yes, I'm going to send out a mail20:39
ScottKslangasek: Great.20:39
* micahg is wrestling with the last few uploads, should be done in ~1.5 hours20:43
micahgif that's ok with the release team20:43
ScottKDepends on how fast slangasek writes his mail.20:44
* micahg goes and uploads the thing he's least likely to get an exception for before 21:0020:45
ogra_ubuntu-armhf-nexus7 on celbalrai.buildd starting at 2013-03-07 21:03:4721:04
ogra_lockfile: Try praying, giving up on "/home/buildd/buildLiveCD.lock"21:04
ogra_infinity, ^^^ mind giving it a kick ?21:04
stgraberslangasek: just spotted a small problem with the packaging of upstart, I think I fixed it now but it'll take me an extra 5-10min to wait for the test build and post-build tests21:10
slangasekstgraber: ok.  I'll consider that "close enough" and worthy of an implicit FFe21:13
slangasekno need to incentivize people to upload broken things to avoid the FFe paperwork21:14
stgraberslangasek: uploaded. Now to hope it'll build on powerpc (only arch I couldn't testbuild)21:17
xnoxHmm... my ubiquity did not go as well =)21:19
xnoxwe have uninstalability in raring-release?21:19
slangasekpackages are built against -proposed, not just against release (for reasons that are obvious if you think about it)21:21
xnoxyeah, but there is no libsoup in proposed.21:22
xnoxah, but something else, can be broken because of it. I see.21:22
slangasekbut apt also doesn't bother telling you the real source of the uninstallability in such cases :)21:22
* xnox will wait for ubiquity to be published in -proposed, and then i'll troubleshoot.21:25
xnox(src that is)21:25
Laneyit's just skew with glib-networking21:25
slangasekwhich flavors are doing Beta1 next week?21:26
xnoxLaney: oh, ok. Is it in progress? i see that my i386 built fine =)21:27
Laneysounds even more like skew then ;-)21:27
slangasekScottK: you commented earlier about qscintilla2... I currently see it in components-mismatches, is that a phantom or were you referring to something else?22:04
ScottKslangasek: I was referring to getting it out of proposed.22:06
ScottKIt's been stuck there for quite some time.22:06
ScottKslangasek: libqsinctilla2-8 is NBS.  That's why it hit CM.22:11
ScottKAnd it looks like 2-9 needs to be put in Main.22:12
micahgslangasek: Xubuntu is on board for beta 122:19
micahgI have 2 more uploads to do before we're ready though22:19
jbichamicahg: I have the gimp 2.8.4 update ready, would you prefer that now or after Beta 1?23:08
micahgjbicha: now's fine if it's bug fix23:10
micahgactually, now's fine either way, just request FFe if you need it23:10
jbichaok, Release Team, it builds, installs and runs here, can I get an IRC FFe for gimp 2.8.2>2.8.4?23:13
robert_ancellAs per slangasek's email. I'm here to beg to get lightdm 1.5.1 into raring as it's just missed feature freeze (lp:~robert-ancell/lightdm/ubuntu-1.5.1)23:15
robert_ancellWhile technically it's a major version bump over 1.4.x the changes are bugfixes, patches from Ubuntu upstreamed and new support for Qt523:17
xnoxinfinity: doko will buy you beer if you accept https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=openssl23:18
* xnox whoops didn't notice that doko is in the room.23:19
ogra_robert_ancell, you should upload in any case ... it will sit in the queue  for acceptance then23:30
robert_ancellogra_, ok23:30
ogra_(so it doesnt get delayed even more)23:30
ScottKogra_: No.  It won't.23:31
ScottKrobert_ancell: ^^^23:32
ScottKThe archive isn't frozen.23:32
robert_ancellScottK, um, I just uploaded it - can you put a block on it?23:32
ogra_hmm, why isnt it frozen if we are in a freeze23:33
ScottKYeah.  We can block the transition to the release pocket.23:33
robert_ancellScottK, ta23:33
ScottKogra_: We have never, ever, ever frozen the archive at feature freeze.  Why would you think we were now?23:33
ScottKrobert_ancell: lightdm, right?23:33
robert_ancellScottK, yes23:33
ogra_ScottK, we froze the queue in the past23:34
cjwatsonNever for feature freeze.  ScottK is correct23:34
ScottKogra_: Yes.  For final pre-release freeze and for Beta freezes.23:34
ogra_sorry for the misinfo then23:34
Davieyogra_: As penance, maybe you could clarify this on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeatureFreeze :)23:36
* ScottK departs.23:36
ogra_Daviey, added a note23:39
* ogra_ better goes to bed before causing more havoc23:44

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