
paulproteusThis channel has grown since I last took a look, as I recall.00:35
kalenjohnsonI'm new!00:36
paulproteusCool! Welcome!00:37
bkerensapleia2: \o/ Registered for OpenStack01:07
pleia2bkerensa: woohoo!01:07
pleia2I am being totally lame and flying in the morning of and out the evening it ends01:07
bkerensapleia2: yeah I got free pass for being contributor :D I had been procrastinating because I thought I was going to have to pony $40001:08
pleia2but I am getting married less than 10 days after it ends, so I have an excuse to be running off ;)01:08
pleia2bkerensa: when did you get the invite?01:09
pleia2apparently I was in the first wave, so I stopped paying attention :\01:09
bkerensapleia2: I just got it 10 minutes ago.... They had asked for links to recent merges and then shortly after it came01:10
bkerensapleia2: is it me or is there no schedule?01:11
pleia2sessions have been proposed, then people vote on them01:12
pleia2then a schedule comes together01:12
pleia2(I think the voting bit has ended )01:12
pleia2but I'm seriously a n00b at all this :)01:13
pleia2it's also interesting that unlike UDS with dev sessions vs plenaries at specific times, there are dev sessions and more presentation-style things happening at the same time01:14
pleia2should be interesting, UDS was really the only other developer summit type thing I've been to and that was one step up from an unconference schedule-wise01:15
bkerensaIt will be cool because there are a few people from the Ubuntu Community going01:26
bkerensaplus some people I know at Dell and other companies :D01:26
pleia2heh, more than a few from Ubuntu :)01:27
bkerensapleia2: who do you know of? I know Clint Byrums and some of the Juju DevOps people are going01:28
bkerensaI think Adam Gandelmen01:28
pleia2bkerensa: lifeless, SpamapS, Ng, cody-somerville, imbrandon01:38
bkerensaoh wow01:39
pleia2and yeah, jcastro is going01:39
bkerensaoh cool01:40
pleia2all but imbrandon work at HP now01:41
bkerensaand jcastro01:42
pleia2well no, not jcastro01:42
bkerensaI sort of surprised you all joined HP01:42
pleia2it makes for a familiar work environment :D01:43
pleia2either I already know people I'm working with, or I know someone they know01:43
* pleia2 goes to meet YokoZar for burritos :d01:50
* grantbow waves from noisebridge.net Linux Discussion02:14
MorganI'm looking for help editing a set of delimiters for "Terminal"02:39
MorganWhen I hover my mouse over an email address in "Terminal" the address is highlighted with an underscore.02:40
MorganThe pointer changes to a hand, and a right-click gives a menu with a handy optin of "Copy E-mail Address"02:41
MorganUnfortunately, the underscore character is listed as a delimiter.02:42
MorganIn other words, if the address is John_Smith@gmail.com, only Smith@gmail.com is highlighted and copied.02:43
MorganHow can we edit this set of delimters so that Terminal recognises the whole address?02:44
MorganOr is the funtion defined by a list of acceptable address characters?  So that I need to add underscore to the list.02:49
=== jono is now known as Guest19637
pleia2greg-g: my blog post is ending differently than I thought06:24
pleia2good chat with YokoZar tonight06:25
philipballewpleia2, pm?06:32
pleia2philipballew: sure06:32
philipballewhey kalen_johnson06:42
kalen_johnsonhey philipballew, what's up06:43
kalen_johnsongood nap?06:43
philipballewkalen_johnson, yeah, i am awake now. Probably gonna be up for a while!06:43
kalen_johnsonhaha, sounds good06:43
kalen_johnsonSo what'd everyone think of the Summit?06:55
kalen_johnsonI missed all of yesterday.. didn't realize it said UTC...06:55
philipballewpleia2, good thoughts that I hope spark even more needed discussion.07:15
bkerensaWell written blog post pleia2!08:18
philipballewstill waiting for the hard copy to buy on Amazon pleia2 !08:20
bkerensapleia2: I am adding Phillip to the Linkedin Mods so he can help me manage the queue of people seeking to join the member group10:03
greg-gpleia2: good!16:36
greg-gpleia2: just read it, thank you for that16:50
pleia2thanks everyone :)18:17
kalenjohnsonDon't feel bad about voicing your concerns pleia2, especially when you do it calmly and professionaly like your blog post18:19
pleia2kalenjohnson: thank you, it still stressful to do so :)18:19
kalenjohnsonyeah, I can imagine18:20
kalenjohnsonpleia2, you're definitely not the only one who has been thinking about it :)18:21
pleia2that's why I felt it was important to have some community council voices out there18:21
m_anishgrantbow, hello from Rocketship, SF :-)18:35
=== mikestewart is now known as ms|afk
troyreadyAnyone else really enjoy Mark's blog post (I think it's one posted today)? I know things seem pretty negative right now, but I really enjoy the vision he lays out18:45
pleia2troyready: yeah, it was great18:53
philipballewpleia2, Hope you are feeling better with your head cold?18:56
kalenjohnsonactually, Mark posted 3 times today18:57
kalenjohnsonlot's of replies to make...18:57
pleia2philipballew: much, thanks :) just have the cough (coughs always linger for me)18:59
philipballewpleia2, those linger for me as well. No matter how "healthy" I am, I still have an annoying needless cough.18:59
=== Darkwing_ is now known as Darkwing
kalenjohnsontransitioning from photoshop to gimp is hurd19:23
akkTransitioning from any complex program you've learned well is hard.19:28
kalenjohnsonlesson learned: don't learn any program really well19:33
philipballewakk, How is gimp doing these days?20:06
akk2.9 is looking promising. Gegl conversion and several interesting new tools.20:07
akkAnd better use of multiple CPUs, I think, but I haven't been keeping up on that.20:07
philipballewthats really cool. From what people tell me, its hard to program with many cpu's in mind20:08
kalenjohnsontake it one thread at a time...20:17
=== ms|afk is now known as mikestewart

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