=== Sadin is now known as Sadin56 === Sadin56 is now known as Sadin [11:01] Morning [13:08] Morning peoples, dogs, turkeys and everything else [13:31] Morning [20:48] gobble gobble [21:33] bark [21:55] MutantTurkey: you in apt yet? [21:56] apt-get yet? [22:06] what? [22:07] heh [22:07] yes [22:07] saturday is move in day [22:11] nice [22:33] The first thing I did when I went away to school is buy a tupperware container and fill it with 5lbs of gummi bears and put it in the kitchen because I could. [22:39] lol [23:22] ChinnoDog: and how many of them did you eat before you were sick of them?