
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away
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JamesTaitGood morning all! :-D09:20
DoctorD90Hello! I have some issue with u1ftp headless server09:22
DoctorD90Can someone helps me?09:23
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karnidoctord90: try reaching out to aquarius13:26
aquariushey doctord9013:28
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DoctorD90Hello ^^14:41
DoctorD90Thx karni!14:41
DoctorD90aquarius, :)14:41
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DoctorD90Are you there?14:50
DoctorD90I try u1ftp, but when i run curlftpfs it asks me password for oauth keyring.14:51
aquariusDoctorD90, hrm14:51
DoctorD90When i add it, it replies me error in openig/mounting of volume.....14:51
DoctorD90Im trying to backing up data of my znc service :)14:52
aquariusDoctorD90, can you pastebin the terminal session? (Obviously, obscure any visible passwords in it)14:52
DoctorD90...im from phone xP i need some minutes :P Thx...14:53
DoctorD90This is guide i follow: http://kryogenix.org/days/2012/09/11/accessing-ubuntu-one-file-storage-via-ftp-from-any-os14:55
DoctorD90I run u1ftp...zip and ok. I run new terminal session, and runs curlftpfs, andok. On first terminal ask "password".14:57
DoctorD90Now copy error ;)14:57
DoctorD90Please input your password for the keyring15:07
DoctorD90In first window15:08
DoctorD90I insert, and in second:15:08
DoctorD90fuse: device not found, try 'modprobe fuse' first15:09
DoctorD90This is problems :)15:09
DoctorD901.unable to make a script that runs 2 terminal and insert data in each15:10
DoctorD902.error about fuse :)15:10
DoctorD90I just need of autobackup some files in an other place15:12
DoctorD90Like dropbox, ubuntuone, or similar :)15:13
aquariusDoctorD90, hey, sorry, I got caught up15:20
aquariusDoctorD90, OK, so the main problem is that you don't have fuse.15:20
DoctorD90^^ nope ^^15:21
aquariusDoctorD90, asking for the keyring password is normal.15:21
aquariusdobey, I thought Ubuntu came with fuse as a module in the kernel by default these days?15:21
dobeyi don't think so15:21
aquariushow does one get it, then?15:21
DoctorD90If you have an alternative to ubuntu one15:22
DoctorD90I hear it :D15:22
DoctorD90I just want run a remote backup15:22
aquariusDoctorD90, u1ftp is one way of doing that. Another way is to run actual Ubuntu One as aheadless service, if you'd prefer to do that. Another another way is to use Deja Dup, if your server has graphical access.15:23
aquariusrye, do you know how to install fuse on a server?15:23
DoctorD90No gui.15:24
DoctorD90I tried to install u1 as headless, but i get infunitive error xD15:24
dobeythere's a 'cuse.ko' module in the linux-image-extra-3.8.0-10-generic package here15:24
dobeybut it's not loaded by default afaik. though i guess if it's needed it'd get loaded15:24
aquariusdobey, that's what I don't understand: stuff like that is supposed to get run automatical.y/15:24
aquariusDoctorD90, what does "sudo modprobe fuse" say?15:25
DoctorD90Some warn about fuse.conf15:25
DoctorD90I cat it15:25
DoctorD90And it is rmpty15:25
dobeyDoctorD90: if you install the fuse-zip package, can you mount a zip file on fuse? (or fuse-iso, or fuse-somethingelseentirely)?15:26
aquariusDoctorD90, it's empty for me too (well, it has content, but all the content is comments.)15:26
DoctorD90...dobey i try to install fuse, but it doesnt find pkg15:27
DoctorD90Maybe it has a different name15:27
dobeyi don't think there is a plain 'fuse' package15:28
DoctorD90(i'd like install just the necessary things. Not too many things :P if possible)15:28
dobeythere's fuse-zip, fuseiso, zfs-fuse, and other similar packages15:28
DoctorD90Dobey, but with15:29
DoctorD90U1ftp, i dont know if is possible runs in a bash script to make that remote backup15:29
dobeyi don't know anythinga bout u1ftp15:30
dobeythat's all aquarius15:30
aquariusDoctorD90, what u1ftp does is this: you run u1ftp, and then it provides an ftp server which is *actually* Ubuntu One. So you then use your normal backup tool to back up to the ftp server.15:31
DoctorD90Ah lol15:31
DoctorD90But i have15:32
DoctorD90To run15:32
DoctorD902terminal window15:32
DoctorD90For this :)15:32
DoctorD90I understand that u1ftp runs a "local" ftp server that is linked to my ubuntu one account :)15:32
DoctorD90It is like a proxy15:33
mterryaquarius, point me!15:33
DoctorD90Aquarius wanted xP15:33
aquariusDoctorD90, indeed. The better alternative is to use duplicity (Deja Dup's back end) to back up to U1 direct from the command lne. The expert on this is mterry, who is now here :)15:33
aquariusDoctorD90, be nice to him, he is a genius ;)15:34
aquariusmterry, DoctorD90 is trying to back up stuff on a headless server to U1 :)15:34
mterryDoctorD90, hello!  What version of Ubuntu (the command line changed a bit recently)?15:34
DoctorD90My problem: i want upload somewhere some data (eggdrop and znc backups)15:35
mterryDoctorD90, oh are they already in backup format and you just want to throw the files to U1?  Or are you looking for a program like duplicity to do the backup itself?15:35
DoctorD90In some server, so if it crashes, i get backup. I think to send data to my altervista account. But i think to u1 because i find u1 a good service.now. My ubuntu:15:36
DoctorD9012.04 if i remember well15:36
DoctorD90I get yet tar file :)15:36
DoctorD90I just send files to a server....15:37
mterryDoctorD90, OK.  You have tar files that you want to upload into U1?15:37
DoctorD90Myserver choice: 1)u1    2)dropbox     3)altervista(an easy ftp)15:37
DoctorD90[15:53] (DoctorD90) This is guide i follow: http://kryogenix.org/days/2012/09/11/accessing-ubuntu-one-file-storage-via-ftp-from-any-os15:39
mterryDoctorD90, ah, perfect.  So is there a problem using that?15:40
DoctorD90...yes, but if you know an EASY way to only send a file, i like15:41
DoctorD90Like ftp server.com user:pass15:41
DoctorD90Send file15:41
mterryDoctorD90, ah.  I don't have a simple command, I have some python snippets.  aquarius, I thought there was a script like "u1put" or something that was floating around?15:42
DoctorD90With u1 i prefer......i dont want see files in u1...it is useless for me :)15:42
aquariusmterry, there isn't, really, although producing one shouldn't be too hard.15:42
aquariusdobey, is u1oauthrequest packaged?15:43
aquariusDoctorD90, there may be an easy way to do what you want.15:43
dobeyit's a random script that rye wrote15:43
aquariusdobey, it *used* to be part of ubuntuone-couch.15:43
DoctorD90As a said: i just need to send 1 file to u1 :)15:43
aquariusdobey, I know you (correctly) tore that package apart15:43
dobeyaquarius: then it's still a part of it15:44
dobeyi didn't know it was in there15:44
DoctorD90Yea yea! Is not a problem! 1 cmd, 1script, us the same. I just do not like install too many service that make much hackable my server :)15:44
aquariusrye, ping: do you have a simple "upload this one file to U1" script somewhere? If not, I can probably build one :)15:45
DoctorD90Guys, you are my heaven xD15:45
DoctorD90I will idle here for time in time xD15:46
mterryaquarius, the u1backend.py file in the duplicity package may be a good starting point15:46
mterryaquarius, if you're on raring15:46
aquariusdobey, and it still is. Sweet. I thought that package had gone away :)15:46
aquariusmterry, ah, cheers.15:46
dobeyaquarius: it needs to15:46
aquariusdobey, that's why I was asking -- I thought it had :)15:46
dobeyaquarius: problem is that it has one very useful function in the code which we haven't moved anywhere else yet15:47
aquariusdobey, bash question. u1oauthrequest takes --body="here is the http body". Is it possible to somehow, bash-ily, cat a file onto the command line there, without quoting or something screwing it up? Or would it require collusion from u1oauthrequest?15:47
mterrydobey, btw, duplicity no longer needs ubuntuone-couch  (we were a reason it was around for a while)15:47
dobeyaquarius: not sure15:48
dobeymterry: oh? then i guess we can probably burn it out of the archive now15:48
DoctorD90A function that im looking for from many months: ./script.sh file path/in/u1/15:48
dobeymterry: hurry and kill it before 2100 UTC! :)15:48
DoctorD90Maybe this is a good script ^^15:49
aquariusdobey, i would like u1oauthrequest to not go away. I don't care *where* it ends up, just as long as it doesn't die :)15:49
dobeyaquarius: it lives forever, in bzr15:49
DoctorD90Guys, but you are developer of u1?15:49
aquariusdobey, you know what I mean. :)15:49
mterrydobey, I poked didrocks to demote it15:52
dobeymterry: cool15:52
DoctorD90Guys, you are member of u1 developers?15:53
DoctorD90*.* can i just suggest1function?15:53
* aquarius PUTs a file to U1 with one line.15:53
dobeyDoctorD90: that's what bug reports are for. file a bug like "i can't do X" or "X is not possible" or such :)15:54
aquariusDoctorD90, are you a Python programmer?15:55
DoctorD90In android: on ubuntu, program has function to AUTO sync thefolder. To auto upload files once edit/saved. Is possible improve this in android device too?15:56
aquariusDoctorD90, we're working on that for Android.15:56
aquariusDoctorD90, it's already on the list of things that we want to improve.15:56
DoctorD90Aquarius: msdos(batch), tcl, and in bash script. I'd like learn python :)15:57
dobeyindeed, there is some work already happening on that. and plenty of bugs filed, so no need for another one :)15:57
DoctorD90Ah good ^^15:57
DoctorD90It is there a similar function for PHOTO. So i trougth it may be easy. But i cant programming in c++/java15:58
aquariusDoctorD90, OK. I can give you some pointers to putting together your own solution. I haven't quite got time right now to put it together for you, but if you're willing to do a little bit of the work yourself, what you want is doable.15:58
DoctorD90As i say= python 015:59
DoctorD90But go easy ^^ i wait many months! I understand that you have too many other things to do ^^15:59
DoctorD90So i say THANKS to help me, i can wait all time you need ^^16:00
aquariusdobey, we could make this solveable pretty easily by just adding a --body-from-file=filename option to u1oauthrequest, which I'm happy to do.16:00
DoctorD90If you need 'ways' to evade, i can mind to it. But DO them....is not in my knowledge UNFORTUNATLY16:00
dobeyaquarius: i don't even know what u1oauthrequest does16:02
aquariusdobey, it's basically a low-budget curl which oauth-signs the request for you with your u1 token from the keyring or with a provided token16:03
aquariusdobey, means you can do: u1oauthrequest https://one.ubuntu.com/api/account/ to dump the output of that API.16:03
aquarius*incredibly* useful for debugging or for poking any U1 API at a low level.16:04
aquariusit's my fallback tool all the time.16:04
DoctorD90Is not possible save "oauth" in some where?16:04
aquariusDoctorD90, I don't understand that question16:05
aquariusdobey, that's why I don't want it to disappear. I have no problem at all if it moves to another package, whether an existing package or a new one.16:05
aquariusdobey, but it's a very useful tool indeed, and you can ask other people to us it to confirm many things.16:05
DoctorD90I understand that is required user/pass, and oauth data too. Is not possible save oauth in some file?16:06
aquarius(which is why i don't want a "download this script")16:06
aquariusDoctorD90, on a standard Ubuntu desktop, that oauth data is saved in the keyring. You're running headless, which we officially don't support, which is why it's a little more awkward.16:06
DoctorD90Yeayea! Fot this! :D16:07
DoctorD90Sorry, i was pointing to keyring, not to oauth :) is my bad english.16:07
DoctorD90Is not possible something like:16:07
DoctorD90Hash oauth in a file (md5)16:07
DoctorD90And point to it on headless server?16:08
DoctorD90Use that encrypted file like a keyring database16:08
aquariusDoctorD90, yes. That's exactly what u1ftp does.16:09
aquariusDoctorD90, I don't understand why you don't have fuse, though.16:10
aquariusDoctorD90, OK, let's try this without fuse.16:10
aquariusDoctorD90, in one terminal, run u1ftp, as per the instructions on my website :)16:11
aquarius$ python u1ftp-0.1.zip16:11
aquariusin a second terminal, type: ftp localhost 212116:11
aquariusyou should be asked, in that ftp session, for a username and password. Use your Ubuntu One username and password.16:12
aquariusyou *may* be asked, in the first terminal, to create a keyring password. If you are, then make up a keyring password and enter it.16:12
aquariusonce you're logged into ftp, type "ls". It should list the contents of your U1 storage.16:12
aquariusif that works, then you're good. To back up your stuff, run u1ftp in one terminal, and then use whatever ftp tool you like to copy your files to the ftp server running on port 2121.16:13
DoctorD90I have yet tried16:14
DoctorD90But nope16:14
DoctorD90But i tried localhist:212116:14
DoctorD90Not with space16:14
DoctorD90No i try16:14
dobeyaquarius: does u1ftp run a "fuse" command or something?16:15
aquariusdobey, no, that's why I gave the above instructions. The instructions on my site suggest that, after you've run u1ftp, you mount the ftp service on a folder with curlftpfs, and *that* uses fuse, but you don't need to : you can just use an ftp client.16:16
aquariusDoctorD90, OK, when you say "nope", what isn't working?16:16
dobeythen i don't understand what you mean about "not having fuse"16:17
dobeyoh, "fuse" (the package) 'is installed by default16:18
aquariusdobey, right. when DoctorD90 tries to run curlftpfs, he gets an error about fuse, which I do not understand. So I am suggesting that DoctorD90 tries the most simple stripped-down version, where you run u1ftp and then interact with it via an ftp client; no fuse required.16:19
aquariusThe website instructions suggest using curlftpfs (and thus fuse) because ftp clients are a pain in the arse :)16:19
dobeyprobably because he's not running curlftpfs as root?16:21
dobeyor his fuse.conf is broken16:21
DoctorD90It allow connection,16:24
DoctorD90Ask user, ask pass16:24
DoctorD90Login failed16:24
aquariusOK. Your username is an email address, right?16:24
DoctorD90530 Sorry, Authentication failed. Login failed.16:25
DoctorD90On ........my stupid brain -.-"16:25
DoctorD90Wait xD16:25
DoctorD90This morning i use localhost:212116:27
DoctorD90Not localhosr 212116:27
DoctorD90So it works16:27
DoctorD90But now:16:28
DoctorD90How make a script that run 2 terminal and insert 2 thing in each terminal? :/16:28
DoctorD901)run python u1ftp16:29
DoctorD902)ftp localhost 2121 (in #2)16:29
DoctorD903)type mail and pass (in #2)16:29
DoctorD904)Type keyring password (in #1)16:30
DoctorD905)access in ftp (in #2)16:30
DoctorD90Is too hard.....16:30
aquariusDoctorD90, you'll want to investigate other ftp clients -- lftp, for example, will let you push files to ftp with a command line, non-interactively.16:31
aquariusDoctorD90, if you set the keyring password to blank, then u1ftp won't ask you for it every time you start up.16:31
DoctorD90*-* really?16:31
aquariusbut tying this stuff all together is basically a job for bash and a script now, rater than U1 stuff specifically :)16:31
DoctorD90How change keyring? XD16:31
DoctorD90I set my keyring password. How can i change it?16:32
aquariusthis is a good question that I do not know the answer to :)16:33
DoctorD90(to blank)16:33
DoctorD90Lol ok! I google it16:33
aquariusDoctorD90, it's using the python "keyring" module. I'd suggest just deleting the keyring and redoign it, but I'm not totally sure where the python keyring module stores it ;)16:35
DoctorD90XD you read future xD16:35
DoctorD90My question: where is stored keyring? XD16:36
DoctorD90Im googling...but ppl want let me download app, halfinstall them....im not sure xP16:36
aquariusDoctorD90, does ~/.local/share/python_keyring exist?16:37
aquariusDoctorD90, if that does exist, then I think it's the keyring and you can delete it ;)16:39
DoctorD90Doesnt exist .local16:40
DoctorD90Im noob -.-"16:41
DoctorD90Ls in folder:16:41
DoctorD90Cat it16:41
DoctorD90[ubuntu one ......]16:41
DoctorD90-.-" .... XD16:42
aquariusDoctorD90, ah!16:42
aquariusDoctorD90, where is that Crypted_pass.cfg file?16:42
DoctorD90In root folder (im rununing this as root)16:42
aquariusyou're running this as root.16:43
aquariusthen I am not sure.16:43
aquariusyou're not supposed to run stuff asroot :)16:44
DoctorD90Yea yea ^^ noob, but not too much xD ...i run this just to takes file from all folders :)16:45
aquariusWell, if you were running u1ftp as a user, I would expect that the keyring would be $HOME/.local/share/python_keyring.16:46
aquariusI have no idea where it goes if you're root, I'm afraid. :(16:46
DoctorD90Dont worry! You know yet too many things! :)16:48
DoctorD90I ask: is not possible edit u1ftp, do not runs keyring, just make a temp file. Use ftp client, send file. Close connection, erase temp file16:50
DoctorD90Is not posdible? :)16:50
DoctorD90So is not necessary run 2 istance in 2 terminal16:50
DoctorD90Error: blank password are not allowed.16:53
aquariusDoctorD90, it's possible to do that, if you want to edit u1ftp, sure16:54
aquariusDoctorD90, we didn't do it because it's horribly insecure :)16:54
aquariusDoctorD90, ah, it requires a password? heh.16:54
aquariusDoctorD90, maybe run u1ftp all the time on your server? just run it once and then leave it running.16:54
aquariusin a screen session or something16:54
DoctorD90But each time that log, it requires keyring xP16:56
DoctorD90Im trying to edit cfg file16:56
DoctorD90Bad editing xP17:00
DoctorD90With what kind of encryption has make keyring pass?17:00
DoctorD90(i encrypt blank pass and insert in it xP)17:01
aquariusI don't know, I'm afraid17:08
aquariusthe python-keyring module does it for you :)17:08
DoctorD90I hope that someone of you, let's edit a day u1ftp, ib u1put to send 1 file in u1account :)17:10
DoctorD90(to uninstall curlftpfs what i have to run? XD)17:10
DoctorD90remove --purge17:10
DoctorD90Lol Sorry xD17:10
DoctorD90Thx for all guys! :)17:22
DoctorD90You are awesome! ^^17:22
=== DoctorD90 is now known as doctord90
JuestHello my systen is popping ABRT messages18:03
Juestand Ubuntu one is crashing18:03
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Brewsterhey I would like to set up sync on a computer that doesn't have gnome or any sort of gui and a google search lead me to this page http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1330155 which didn't give me an answer but said that I may have luck asking in here for a solution19:40
* Brewster loiters19:40
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away
=== wedgwood_away is now known as wedgwood
Brewsternevermind I found it19:54

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