
=== jta_afk is now known as jta
len_1304zequence, some of MIR's targets seem mutually exclusive.01:37
len_1304in particular the Test-Driven and Versatile & Flexible sections.01:38
len_1304MIR seems as if it would start from phone/pad usability and expand to fit desktop needs... with desktop needs being "dumbed down" if needed to fit.01:40
len_1304It certainly fits a consumer oriented user base.01:40
len_1304The MIR based system would have no VTs and would take over from startup.01:42
len_1304In other words the first thing the user would see Is MIR based. No Plymouth or lightdm and in the long term no grub as we know it... or at least the ability to boot without grub if there are no other OS on the system... for OEM use.01:47
len_1304This is something I would be very happy with if I was developing a smart phone or tablet. Or even thinking of preloading a desktop with.01:49
len_1304With respect to the time line, I suspect the 13.10 schedule will be relatively close and that the 14.04 is much underestimated.01:58
len_1304The wayland page (wiki) made a whole lot more sense, but that may be because there has been development for a number of years already.02:08
len_1304zequence, ya, I know, it's 2am for you :)02:09
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=== saidinesh is now known as saidinesh5
micahgLen-nb: zequence  -settings uploaded, will have to look at the ISO failure in the morning, also I filed Bug #1151310 since it's too late at night for me to worry about udev rules, we should fix it for raring though05:16
ubottubug 1151310 in ubuntustudio-default-settings (Ubuntu Raring) "udev rule in /etc" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115131005:16
micahgLen-nb: I was wondering why those desktop files didn't exist in their own packages (or do they and you're overriding)?05:17
* micahg goes to sleep05:17
Len-nbI guess I won't be able to answer...05:17
Len-nbThe desktop files are because the originals have "no show" in them05:18
micahgyou can leave me a message :)05:18
micahgLen-nb: umm..for hdspmixer, the only difference is the Icon05:21
Len-nbmicahg, There is a real icon, I don't know why alsa uses another05:21
micahgget alsa fixed?05:22
Len-nbLong term yes05:22
micahg(not now obviously)05:22
Len-nbhexter had no desktop file05:23
Len-nb(or it was broken)05:23
micahgif it's broke, let's fix?05:23
micahghexter is uploaded by quadrispro (alessio), so it should be no problem to fix05:24
Len-nbI have redone the icon for that one as it was a pixmap with no alpha channel05:25
micahglet's push to Debian at least, hopefully all the way upstream05:25
Len-nbhexter is welcome to my "artwork"05:25
micahghttp://dssi.sourceforge.net/hexter.html introduction section has contact info05:27
Len-nbI will work on a patch and send it to them.05:27
* micahg prefers not bikeshedding where possible05:28
Len-nbThis stuff is still somewhat new to me. 05:28
micahgLen-nb: you're doing great!05:29
micahgLen-nb: I didn't have to fix a thing with the -settings upload other than the timestamp on the import from 0.4005:30
Len-nbI try to pick up loose ends05:30
micahgI'm sorry for taking so long with that05:30
Len-nbI'll test it when next we have an ISO05:30
micahgwell, if I have time before 18:00 UTC, I'll try to fix it, I need to get catfish uploaded and maybe gmusicbrowser as well05:32
Len-nbcatfish is on our need list too05:32
Len-nbThe new one looks really nice05:32
micahgwell, it's seeded now, so once it's uploaded, you'll pick it up05:33
Len-nbThat was the idea :)05:33
zequencelen_1304: Did you have a look at the bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntustudio-default-settings/+bug/115131007:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1151310 in ubuntustudio-default-settings (Ubuntu Raring) "udev rule in /etc" [High,Triaged]07:19
zequenceI think actually there was a change in policy for this a couple of years ago07:20
zequenceAnyway, easy enough to fix07:20
zequencelen_1304: I'd like to reorganize the blueprints for next cycle - however that will look like10:50
zequencelen_1304: Anything you feel could be done better?10:50
zequencelen_1304: This is what I got right now https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Blueprints/DevelopmentReleaseTemplate10:51
zequencePut up a page on building our dvd locally https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/SetupLocalIsoBuildServer13:08
zequenceWe should take advantage of that and do testing locally now and then13:09
smartboyhwzequence: XD I want one13:09
zequenceRight now raring is not building, and I did this to be able to debug13:09
zequence..in case you try to build and find that it's not working, I mean13:10
* smartboyhw will try it tmr13:10
zequenceDon't try to build in an encrypted folder13:11
zequenceThere are a few things that work badly from encrypted folders/partitions13:11
zequenceLike Virtualbox drives13:11
* smartboyhw never uses it.13:12
smartboyhwStill on mobile, can't do KDE packaging....13:13
zequenceAll right. cjwatson fixed our ISO problem. Should hopefully build now13:29
smartboyhwYAY zequence13:30
zequenceSeems to be working a lot better now13:48
smartboyhwzequence \o/13:51
len_1304zequence, I will fix the settings tonight.14:10
zequencelen_1304: To get the settings manager in?14:13
len_1304no to fix the bug above14:13
smartboyhwlen_1304 what bug?14:13
len_1304bug 115131014:14
ubottubug 1151310 in ubuntustudio-default-settings (Ubuntu Raring) "udev rule in /etc" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115131014:14
smartboyhwzequence, len_1304: I thought it strange that ~ubuntustudio-dev isn't in ~ubuntu-dev. Other flavours do it, and you get upload rights.14:17
zequencesmartboyhw: It's not strange. And we will need to earn upload rights14:18
zequenceCould be we need to reorganize that team when we get there14:19
smartboyhwzequence it's strange that it hasn't been done for YEARS14:19
zequencePerhaps that was never an ambition14:20
zequenceStudio is a bit different from the others14:20
zequenceIn some way you could say we are more users than hackers usually14:21
zequenceI started doing this to solve problems with my Ubuntu Studio install14:21
zequenceThat's how things go14:21
smartboyhwOk. But we should now. We can't solely depend on micahg....14:21
smartboyhwHe has Xubuntu to work on14:22
zequenceThat is something I've been saying for a while now14:22
zequenceAnd that is why I'm suggesting we start rolling our own packages from now on14:22
smartboyhwzequence +114:22
zequenceThat is why I'm setting up my own build system14:22
zequenceThat is why I'm working so hard on the wiki14:22
smartboyhwAh..... 14:23
len_1304zequence, smartboyhw I have asigned myself to the bug above.14:24
smartboyhwlen_1304 please work on it;-)14:24
len_1304Time for work... Bye all14:25
smartboyhwbye bye14:25
zequencelen_1304: I don't think it's a good idea to add readmes in the udev dir. Better put comments in the udev file instead14:40
smartboyhwzequence: What's the process of getting the dev team -> upload rights?14:45
zequencesmartboyhw: That is not easily done. First of all, not everyone in the dev team should have upload rights. Then, if we have a team for handling upload rights, someone trustworthy needs to be admin of that team, and it's not sure that would be anyone in our dev team.14:48
smartboyhwzequence: Admin = Ubuntu DMB I think14:48
zequenceThe primiary problem right now is not the dev team, but for someone to get upload rights14:48
smartboyhwzequence I would rather apply for upload rights for Kubuntu...14:49
zequenceMakes sense, since you are packaging for Ubuntu, not us14:49
zequenceI mean Kubuntu14:49
smartboyhwzequence: Well I can but you guys don't want me to mess it up so....14:50
zequencesmartboyhw: It's not about that14:51
smartboyhwzequence: About what then?14:51
zequenceIt's better someone handles something that they are interested in working on. Not just administering/maintaining14:51
zequenceWe aren't merely maintaining our packages. We are developing the source14:52
smartboyhwzequence: I would rather pick the seeds +metas :-P14:52
zequenceWhen we develop the source, it is based on something we want to achieve14:52
zequenceAt this point, none of us is qualified to even be a mentor. It is better me and len get there first, and then, we can mentor other packagers/developers14:54
smartboyhwzequence: Yep-ee14:54
zequencesmartboyhw: You aren't suggesting any changes, or having ideas about what we should do, since you are not really into the multimedia bit. You're just interested in working with the packages14:54
zequenceWhich is fine, I guess14:55
zequenceIt'll come14:55
zequenceThe situation for Kubuntu is completely different14:56
zequenceThey are maintaining lots of packages that they more or less just make sure don't break the system14:56
zequenceThey also have qualified people working on them14:57
smartboyhwzequence by multimedia bit what do you mean?14:57
* smartboyhw thought zequence saying "qualified people" it doesn't include smartboyhw14:58
zequencesmartboyhw: You aren't doing any of the workflows that we are developing yourself. Me, I'm a classically educated musician, and have been using computers with music for more than 10 years14:58
zequencesmartboyhw: I wasn't saying you are incompetent14:59
zequenceI was saying we are14:59
zequenceWhich is half true, at this point15:00
zequenceWhile Kubuntu devs are competent. They have more skills and experience there15:00
zequenceTheir team is huge15:00
smartboyhwzequence that's correct15:00
smartboyhwzequence I'm worrying about my laptop.... Doing too many VM ISO testing is killing CPU+RAM15:03
zequenceDon't run them all at the same time. 15:04
zequencesmartboyhw: You should hide a computer in your closet and use ssh to control it ;)15:05
smartboyhwEven one is quite a problem zequence...15:05
zequenceTime to go home. bbl15:05
smartboyhwzequence: BAH impossble15:05
zequenceholstein: len_1304 I'd like to change the default wallpaper19:49
zequenceJust found a wiki page we have with user contributed art19:50
zequenceThere are some really sweet wallpapers there19:50
holsteinwhich one?19:50
zequenceI like the first one a lot19:51
holsteinme too19:52
holsteini think it goes with the splash screen19:52
zequenceIt's really dark, so I don't know how well it works with the panels. Need to check19:52
zequenceBut, dark can be really slick19:52
zequenceI'll try some of them and do some screenshots19:53
holsteini like it too as long as its functional19:53
holsteini wouldnt waste too much time on it til you ask ScottL.. unless you are just going to push it through19:54
holsteinyeah... 576420:04
zequenceI thought both the dark ones worked ok. No problem at all seeing stuff20:04
holsteini like 5765 and tried to use it once.. but its too bright20:05
zequenceI'd like the carbon wallpaper better, if the carbon had a bit more finesse20:05
zequenceSo, dirty is my fave to20:06
zequenceholstein: There are a lot of nice ones out there, if one wants to look for them :) www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&client=ubuntu&hs=w9h&sa=X&channel=fs&biw=1885&bih=922&tbm=isch&tbnid=L2waWAgUckdOZM:&imgrefurl=http://ofdirfska.deviantart.com/art/Ubuntu-Studio-Wallpaper-106246616&docid=45Tz2yv6KeATVM&imgurl=http://www.deviantart.com/download/106246616/Ubuntu_Studio_Wallpaper_by_Ofdirfska.png&w=1280&h=800&ei=eO44Ue_uEqiR4ASby4DICA&zoom=1&ve20:11
zequenceSorry about the long links20:11
zequenceWe should contact the artists of some of those, and see if they'd like to do more stuff for us20:12
zequenceholstein: This is the login screen http://imagepaste.nullnetwork.net/viewimage.php?id=576620:17
holsteinthats nice too!20:18
zequenceholstein: Actually, I think this isn't original art. The background is something else, and then someone just added the icon to it20:27
zequenceAlso, when you look at the icon, it's not very well done20:27
zequenceMakes me less eager to choose it20:27
Len-nbzequence, +1 on new wall paper.21:37
zequenceLen-nb: holstein: How's this one? http://imagepaste.nullnetwork.net/viewimage.php?id=576721:54
Len-nbI'm not very visually oriented :) That looks fine to me, My main thing is that change is good. I says this release is new.21:56
zequenceYes, it would be bad to keep the same one over so much time21:59
zequenceI actually did the last one myself. Inspired by what Cory had done22:02
zequenceFound a pattern, and used it to make the background22:02
zequenceNot the most original though22:03
zequenceAlso, it didn't turn out the way I wanted. I'll do another one, just for the fun of it. I'm not really interested in adding my own stuff. Just that we have something that works, and then we can move on22:05
zequenceI'd rather have some artist do this stuff22:05
zequenceI'm feeling pretty happy with this one now http://imagepaste.nullnetwork.net/viewimage.php?id=576822:17
zequenceAt least on how it turned out. Another issue, if it's the right wallpaper22:17
micahgzequence: is Studio up for beta 1?22:19
Len-nbThat bg is fine by me.22:20
micahgslangasek was wondering who's on board in -release22:20
Len-nbmicahg, Bug #1151310 fix committed22:21
ubottubug 1151310 in ubuntustudio-default-settings (Ubuntu Raring) "udev rule in /etc" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115131022:21
Len-nbI guess you get email anyway.22:21
micahgnot from the branch, but the bug22:21
zequencemicahg: Not yet. I think we'd like to do just a couple of finishing touches22:21
micahgLen-nb: did you link the bug in the changelog?  I don't see a branch connected to the bug22:22
Len-nbmicahg, do we have an iso?22:22
micahgzequence: no, it's next week, they just want a show of hands for participation so they can allocate resources I guess22:22
micahgLen-nb: yes :)22:23
micahgthough i386 is larger which is a bit wird22:23
zequenceIt has wine, while amd64 doesn't22:23
Len-nb32bit has wine22:23
zequencelmms thing22:23
micahgI'm guessing we can't do multiarch ISOs yet...22:24
Len-nbmicahg, not sure what you mean by linked.22:24
zequencemicahg: Oh, sorry. I misunderstood. No, we were not planning to participate in that22:24
micahgLen-nb: close the bug in the changelog and do debcommit or use --fixes lp:XXXXX with bzr commit22:24
zequencemicahg: Is Xubuntu doing Beta1?22:25
micahgzequence: yes, we'd like a few weeks to get feedback before the final beta22:25
Len-nbThe change log has the bug number in it with the change.22:25
zequencemicahg: Well, in that case, I say we should go too. I think we can manage getting things done by then, anyway22:26
Len-nbThe commit message has the bug in it too. I didn't know about the --fixes thing I have never done that before22:26
micahgif you use debcommit, it's automatic22:26
micahgI think it's automatic with bzr commit as well22:26
Len-nbShould I just recommit with that in?22:26
micahgI'm puzzled that it's not linked22:26
micahgno, that's ok, it's just weird22:27
Len-nbI'll be sure to use --fixes next time22:27
* micahg linked it manually22:27
micahgLen-nb: nah, just use debcommit if you've written a changelog22:28
micahgit's a lot easier than fumbling with the fixes syntax22:28
zequenceThat's a screenshot of the desktop with the wallpaper22:29
* Len-nb has to pick son up22:29
zequenceLen-nb: Remember to put him down22:29
micahgLen-nb: as for the README, I don't know if cluttering /etc with READMEs is a good idea, there's already a README with instructions there, if you want package specific instructions, then a package based README that gets installed would be fine22:31
zequenceI think it makes much more sense to document that suff on wikis22:32
micahgwikis you have to hunt for, READMEs get installed with the package22:33
micahgwikis can point to the README as well22:33
micahgREADMEs are also good for offline docs22:33
zequenceI don't know if any udev rules have docs anywhere22:35
zequenceinstalled, I mean22:35
zequenceIt would be good for us to document the few alterations we make22:36
zequenceBut, I'd rather have them easier to find, on our website, or somewhere22:36
zequenceIf someone is smart enough to find a README for a package, they can find the udev rule too22:37
zequenceBetter to put a comment in it to clarify what it does, and why22:37
micahgthat's fine too22:37
Len-nbmicahg, I decided we don't need the README.22:58
Len-nbI was thinking in case someone wanted to deactivate it. But this justs adds a group it is something else sets the max frequency23:00

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