
magic_silver_boxubuntustudio 12.4 currently installing02:28
magic_silver_boxmy first linux experience02:29
magic_silver_boxpeeing a little02:29
SunStarubuntu studio is the best desktop linux EVER  :P02:31
SunStari've never actually enjoyed linux untill i started using Ubuntu Studio02:32
SunStarthough i gotta say debian is much better than the old microsoft products (prior to 2012 product line)02:34
magic_silver_box::[] ::[] ::[] ::[]02:55
magic_silver_boxuhhhhh so how do i install a driver and stuff03:29
magic_silver_boxi should take time to read about installing hardware, but i'm busy cleaning my haus03:29
magic_silver_boxi have a 15-year-old midi interface to get going, emagic unitor 8 mk103:29
jiri__cabas .Nějakej čech?12:29
holsteinmagic_silver_box: let us know.. midi hardware should just work out of the box15:25
laperrwill jackd run on a acer aspier 8930g19:08
laperrusing ubuntustudio19:09
holsteinsure... might not like the performances though19:09
zequencejack runs on anything19:10
zequenceMore or less all onboard devices are supported by ALSA (I haven't heard of anyone having a device that wasn't supported)19:10
laperrruns on a quad core out of the box19:11
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studio-user102may i have some help plz19:15
SunStarwhat do you need help with?19:16
studio-user102the installation19:16
studio-user102my lap top is doing strange things19:16
studio-user102i was have WIN 7 eterprise then i replaced it with UBUNTU STUDIO 12.19:17
studio-user102when the installation tells me that is is successfully finished19:17
studio-user102the lap top reboot to tell me that there is no boot  device19:17
SunStarsounds like grub installed to the wrong place.19:18
SunStartry boot-repair19:18
studio-user102yeah yeah some thing called grub appeared on my screan last time , where is the best place to let it work ? the system patetion ?19:19
SunStarcheck out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair19:20
SunStarcopy and paste the code listed in the second install option into Terminal19:21
SunStarctrl + shift + v to paste into the terminal19:21
Guest82343anybody have advice for me - already running 13.04 - should i hazard upgrading to ubuntu studio or make a new partition and triple-boot with mac osx? also i have /home in its own partition ~ 4gb - will studio demand more home, is it easy to move /home given my drive can spare another partition? thanks for any expertise anyone has19:31
zequenceGuest82343: I'd just add whatever applications you want from Ubuntu Studio19:33
SunStaryour going to run into problems if your planning on sharing a /home dir between 2 OSs. you can just install the studio apps onto 13.0419:33
zequenceGuest82343: There are a bunch of meta packages. In a terminal, do: apt-cache search ubuntustudio19:34
zequenceGuest82343: Then install the ones you want (-generation and -recording don't actually contain anything bu makes you install the all inclusive -audio19:34
zequenceGuest82343: If you're into audio, you'll need to add yourself to audio group19:34
zequenceGuest82343: And, if you need low latency, install linux-lowlatency19:35
zequenceThat's about it19:35
zequence(the changes in metas just happened in raring, so different on previous releases)19:35
Guest82343i have over 20gb in / so i could do the whole hog - but does studio fill up /home (which is filling faster than i expected - i guess if 13.04 is seemingly stable will studio crush that? - i been reading about the audio groups there's a good wiki for that19:36
zequencehome is only for user files and settings. Not applications19:36
Guest82343i thought so - oh yeah i just downloaded ubuntu studio dvd thats what its full of - just realized sorry19:37
zequenceGuest82343: Just don't install ubuntustudio-desktop. You'll have no need for that19:37
zequenceunless you want to of course19:37
zequenceJust that there may be some conflicts in user files, especially if you do customization19:38
Guest82343so 13.04 should be stable in studio? anybody else running that?19:38
zequenceI am19:38
zequenceIt's quite stable19:38
Guest82343great it seems fine for me in plain ubuntu19:38
Guest82343upgrade i will19:39
laperrusing ubuntustudio19:52
laperrdigit trouble19:54
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