
marruslmagicrobotmonkey, if you want to restart it without rebooting, you can rename the job file and start that job name.00:19
=== marrusl is now known as marrusl_afk
=== Md_ is now known as Md
=== phroddon_ is now known as phroddon
=== marrusl_afk is now known as marrusl
magicrobotmonkeylets say you've got this daemon that, according to strace, forks 5 times17:22
SpamapSmagicrobotmonkey: "this daemon" is doing it wrong17:23
magicrobotmonkeyi know17:23
SpamapSmagicrobotmonkey: do you have any control over the daemon?17:25
SpamapSmagicrobotmonkey: like, can you change its code or pass options to run it in the foreground?17:25
magicrobotmonkeyyea i can probably get in there and hack around a bit17:25
magicrobotmonkeyim also not sure that it actually is forking 5 times17:26
SpamapSits a shell script?17:27
SpamapSunless the shell script uses 'exec', thats one fork17:27
magicrobotmonkeyno its a shell script that calls a python script that does it's own daemonizing17:29
SpamapSgraphite is made by pretty sane people, I bet it can run in the foreground17:29
magicrobotmonkeyyea i agree, i'll keep hacking around, thanks17:30
magicrobotmonkeyhey what happens if your script has a prestart but no script/exec, like this: https://github.com/gosquared/graphite-cookbook/blob/master/templates/default/carbon-cache.upstart.erb20:29
jYis there anyway to fix the hang on start/stop without a reboot or rename the conf in /etc/init20:33
SpamapSjY: yes, you can loop the pid space to re-create the dead pid20:37
jYSpamapS: but i need to do that for all services20:37
jYor just run it once?20:37
SpamapSjY: you have one stuck job right?20:38
SpamapSjY: just once20:38
jYwhats a command to do that20:38
SpamapSjY: there's a ruby script that does it linked in the bug20:38
magicrobotmonkeythere's a bash script on it too20:40
jYok i'll try to find the bug20:40
jYi take it i use the ruby script to hit the pid of the hung start/stop?20:44
jYthanks guys20:47

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