
bluesabremicahg, any luck with catfish 0.6.1?00:06
bluesabremicahg, mr_pouit: just released parole (stable) 0.5.0 :-)00:34
bluesabrenothing makes things happen faster than a feature freeze01:11
micahgbluesabre: sorry, been busy all day, will take a look after I get -settings up for studio01:13
* micahg will try to get gmusicbrowser up from Debian git as well01:15
bluesabrethanks micahg!01:53
MrEAZhello there!!08:00
MrEAZI have a notice about a non-valid website-link in software-center08:01
MrEAZit's the link of Gmount-iso of which the website link should be https://launchpad.net/gmount-iso08:02
zequenceSo, FF, or no FF..10:55
knomePopeJob_, please fix your connection10:57
bluesabrezequence, assume that we will for now I suppose11:43
zequencebluesabre: Sure. We might as well keep working as if all was normal. Just that there will probably not be an official feature freeze today. Not until they've decide whether or not to scrap rolling release this time around11:53
bluesabreWell, it's not reallly a matter of scrapping the rolling release, since the decision to implement that hasn't actually been made yet11:56
bluesabreAs Jono said yesterday, it's still just a proposal, and we might as well trust him because what else can we do?  :-)11:57
zequenceThat's true, but they are discussing it. And until they have decided to scrap the proposal, there will be no feature freeze12:01
knomei agree with bluesabre that the two things are not really connected12:02
knomewhether 13.04 is released is not the same whether we move to RR12:02
knomeit's at most just a trivial detail in the RR discussion12:02
zequenceIf they move towards a rolling release, there's no saying when it will be launched, which means, the current schedule will not be synced with that. Probably would mean we have more time12:04
zequenceI'm also only talking about the official feature freeze12:04
zequenceEither it will happen, or it won't12:04
knomebrb, need to work12:04
zequenceIf a rolling release is announced, we all need to change our planning model. FF in itself may be a minor detail, but that's really what will signify if the change comes or not (unless they do the FF and keep discussing)12:09
zequenceBut from what is said so far, FF will come only after they've come to some sort of conlcusion12:10
zequenceSo, basically, I'm waiting for the answer: FF, or no FF12:10
knomethat would need to be communicated12:22
knomebut that has nothing to do with the decision to move to RR or not12:22
zequenceIf the said they're not announcing FF until they've discussed the topic of rolling release, in which way are you saying it has nothing to do with us moving to RR or not?12:24
knomeit should have nothing to do with it12:24
knomethat's a failure in the communication then12:24
knomeand proves that this RR discussion is happening too late in the release12:25
zequenceActually, rereading, it seems also blocking FF was just a suggestion12:26
zequenceAnyway. We should find out soon enough12:26
knomei thought there was some consensus that there is FF at least a few days ago, but i haven't followed the discussion too closely.12:27
yofelwithout the tech board there really can't be any consensus. Also mark took the diplomatic stance: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/122812:32
* yofel assumes there will be FF today like the schedule says12:33
zequenceI was wondering where Mark was at ;)12:36
zequenceUDS this year was pretty focused on development only though12:37
zequenceGood post. Hope some people take the time to read it12:40
bluesabre_1More from Mark: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/123214:40
=== bluesabre_1 is now known as bluesabre_
user99999how to change mouse dpi?17:21
holsteinuser99999: i would first /join the support channel.. then try asking "how do i change the cursor".. asking about changing the DPI is confusing. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197422717:34
holsteintry Settings Manager -> Mouse -> Theme tab17:36
user99999holstein, not cursor theme :)17:36
user99999mouse resolution17:36
holsteinuser99999: you choose a different theme with a different resolution17:36
holsteinuser99999: otherwise, change the resolution of your screen17:37
user99999heavy the English :D17:39
holsteinuser99999: ?17:40
user99999    Identifier     "Mouse0"17:41
user99999    Option "Resolution" "2000"17:41
user99999Option "Resolution" "2000" = dpi17:41
holsteinuser99999: i dont understand what "heavy the english" means.. also use pastebin17:41
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:42
holsteinuser99999: no worries. also, join the support channel... #xubuntu17:42
user99999okey, join #xubuntu ..17:43
user99999ty :)17:44
pleia2http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/2013/03/07/s06e02-crouching-tiger-hidden-ubuntu/ :)18:52
pleia2(Xubuntu interview in there)18:52
* pleia2 puts on the twitter and stuff18:56
Noskcajcongrats on the podcast interview pleia2, very interesting19:29
pleia2it was recorded last Wednesday, so before storm of all-the-things ;)19:29
Noskcajok, i only just learned that xubuntu had a testing lead.19:31
bluesabre_indeed, listening to it now19:31
pleia2Noskcaj: well, we *did* have a testing lead...19:31
pleia2he got muy busy with real life this cycle though, we need a new one19:32
* Noskcaj puts hand up19:32
pleia2knome: amagad ^^19:32
pleia2Noskcaj: good, we'll talk to knome, would be great to see testing stuff back on track19:33
Noskcaj:) 19:33
pleia2the lead pretty much makes sure test cases exist, people are doing the tests, and periodically sends mails to the development list to remind us that we should be doing tests :)19:33
* pleia2 hasn't done any this cycle :(19:34
pleia2so you should say "hey pleia2, this thing is important, can you do a test tonight?"19:34
pleia2and I will be "gosh, I forgot all about testing, yes sir!"19:34
bluesabre_I'll keep that in mind :)19:34
Noskcajok, lol. one thing, can someone get bug 1110158 fixed19:34
ubottubug 1110158 in xfwm4 (Ubuntu) "Tiling a window + resizeing sends it out of screen" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111015819:34
micahgthat's a bug, it can be addressed after feature freeze19:37
Noskcajmicahg, my issue is it affects 12.1019:38
micahgoh, well, it needs to be fixed in raring first, but it's not even addressed upstream yet according to the linked bug19:40
Noskcajyeah, knome and i reported and confirmed it, then it was forgotten19:41
micahgwell, poke me next week and maybe I can take a look19:41
Noskcajok, ty19:42
bluesabre_micahg, have you gotten a chance to check out catfish or parole (sorry to keep bugging you)19:42
micahgbluesabre: was about to look at catfish again, you need me to upload parole as well?19:42
bluesabre_yeah, just released a new parole this morning19:42
bluesabre_it's packaging should be largely the same, so it shouldn't be too annoying19:43
bluesabre_Eventually, I'll move out of "developer-in-training" and into "developer" and won't have to bother you as much :)19:44
micahgyeah, we can work on PPU for you at some point once we've seen some packaging experience19:45
pleia2bluesabre_: and yes, I can test things for you too :) just know that I need very specific instructions about how to do it (what version xubuntu to test on, which ppa, what features to test)19:45
bluesabre_micahg, sure thing.  I was going to do the sponsored uploads, but FF snuck up on me19:46
bluesabre_sure thing pleia2, I sent an email to knome to share about things to test, not sure if he ever forwarded it to where he was going to19:47
* micahg tries parole quickly20:03
knomebluesabre_, i didn't, we should get the testcases done20:03
micahgbluesabre: any reason why you're not using xz tarballs yet20:04
bluesabre_micahg, didn't know I was supposed to (and didn't know if the xfce release manager supported it)20:08
bluesabre_... and, make distcheck just makes bz2 and gz20:08
bluesabre_knome, I thought I had finished them, maybe not20:08
micahgbluesabre: oh, not necessarily supposed to, was just wondering if there's a reason as xz is smaller and decompresses faster20:08
knomebluesabre_, they probably are finished. if they are and we don't have any more tests, we should move them to the iso tracker20:09
micahgbluesabre: parole uploaded20:13
bluesabre_knome, I'll review them tonight to make sure20:13
micahgI'd like to revamp the catfish packaging, but I have limited time20:14
bluesabre_micahg, you're awesome!  thanks20:14
knomebluesabre_, thanks!20:14
bluesabre_micahg, we could probably fix the packaging later, we'll probably have a 0.6.2 before release20:15
micahgbluesabre: major packaging revamps require an FFe20:15
knomemicahg, is the FF officially taking place?20:16
micahgAFAIK, yes20:16
knomemicahg, and does it mean that we will release, or are we picking on the developers for fun?20:16
micahgAFAIK, we're releasing 13.0420:16
micahgI still need to write up my proposal to -devel, but I have a lot of things in the air right now20:17
knomei'm pretty sure we all do20:17
micahg13.04 may or may not have 18  months support20:17
knomethat's fine as long as it is even slightly more than 6mth.20:17
micahgoh, right, not just packaging revamp with catfish, but lintian errors/warnings galore :(20:23
micahgoh, it's not so bad, just scrolly20:26
micahgbluesabre: in case you're curious: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5594169/20:26
bluesabre_I'm assuming you had to change some things from the old packaging, right?  I know Liviu was trying to package it for his ppa and his generated debs were missing a bunch of files20:29
micahgbluesabre: no, not much actually, just needed intltool20:29
bluesabre_oh cool20:30
micahgbluesabre: am I missing stuff? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5594177/20:30
=== Noskcaj is now known as Noskcaj_AFK
knomeNoskcaj_AFK, can you please not use awaynicks20:31
=== Noskcaj_AFK is now known as Noskcaj
bluesabre_micahg, the depends are different now20:31
knomeNoskcaj, thanks. if you want to tell people are away, use /away :)20:32
bluesabre_Depends: python-gi, gksu, findutils20:32
Noskcajknome, ok, ty20:32
bluesabre_Suggests: python-zeitgeist | zeitgeist20:32
micahgbluesabre: umm, I don't want to be depending on gksu20:32
micahgfindutils is essential20:33
bluesabre_The update-index dialog uses the system command "gksudo"20:33
micahgso, you don't need python-xdg anymore?20:33
bluesabre_yeah, got rid of that dependency finally20:33
micahgwhy do you need sudo at all?20:33
bluesabre_gksudo updatedb to update the locate database20:33
micahghrm, we still have it seeded so I guess that's ok for the moment20:34
micahgall the other suggests are useless now?20:35
micahgok, am I missing any files though?20:36
bluesabre_looks like its missing the catfish.py|catfish.pyc20:36
bluesabre_I can forward you a working deb so you can see the structure if you'd like?20:36
micahgooh, that's important :)20:37
bluesabre_actually, it looks like its missing all the python files20:37
micahglet me check the build logs20:37
bluesabre_You can update the description too, if you want?20:39
bluesabre_Description: A file searching tool which is configurable via the command line.  Catfish is a handy file searching tool for Linux and UNIX. The interface is intentionally lightweight and simple, using only Gtk+3. You can configure it to your needs by using several command line options.  .  http://software.twotoasts.de/?page=catfish20:39
micahgbluesabre: oh, is it still hosted on twotoasts?  I thought it moved to LP20:40
bluesabre_yeah, its on LP now20:40
micahgNo module named gi.repository20:41
micahg...Error: The required module gi.repository is missing.20:41
bluesabre_didn't know if homepage was for project home or sourcecode home20:41
micahghome page is for project home, but twotoasts is out of date20:41
knomemr_pouit, is the bug 775117 reportedly fixed in R?20:41
ubottubug 775117 in gvfs (Ubuntu) "Thunar hangs on first launch of each session" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77511720:41
micahgnot in build depends :)20:41
bluesabre_the lp page is probably better anyway20:41
* micahg adds and tries again20:41
bluesabre_Depends: python-gi, gksu, findutils :)20:42
micahgthat was from the build log20:42
micahghrm, I think dh_python2 isn't happy since the path isn't the same as the package name20:54
bluesabre_does that mean its not going to work?20:59
bluesabre_bbiab, meeting time20:59
micahgno, it means I have to tweak it20:59
micahghrm, still failed21:04
micahgpython's not my specialty... I'll have to dig deeper21:06
* micahg tries a bit of napalm21:13
micahgnothing yet21:27
micahgknome: are we doing beta 1? (I'd like to say yes)21:27
micahghrm, I can't seem to get dh_python2 to install anything21:28
micahgI'll have to get help with this later21:28
bluesabre_sorry for the time sink21:32
bluesabre_knome, we should definitely do beta 121:32
bluesabre_then our new png-icon-theme could really get a workout21:33
bluesabre_not to mention parole and (possibly) catfish21:33
knomemicahg, yes.21:36
bluesabre_micahg, this is what quickly used when I was using it's build stuff: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~catfish-search/catfish-search/0.5/revision/38#debian/rules but that's probably not too helpful21:37
bluesabre_heading out, bbl21:57
bluesabre_micahg, good luck!21:57
micahgbluesabre: it fails for me on the configure call with the straight dh7 short form22:13
micahgknome: so, someone should review the default languages on the ISO and make sure they're what's wanted22:21
Unit193http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/xubuntu.raring/view/head:/desktop#L168 So we're still shipping alacarte rather than menulibre?  (I know, things could change.)23:04
AndChat-114816Yeah, menulibre still can't edit menu structure 23:06
Len-nbmenulibre didn't run for me on 13.0423:06
=== AndChat-114816 is now known as bluesabre_mobile
bluesabre_mobileYeah, that's a minor bug I need to release a fix for 23:07
Unit193bluesabre_mobile: Bummer, but thanks.23:08
bluesabre_mobileYeah, hopefully next release. Feature freeze snuck up in me 23:09
* Len-nb would rather have none than alacarte23:10
Len-nbbluesabre_mobile, how much do you know about display detection?23:12
bluesabre_mobileLen-nb, not much. Check out the xfce4-settings code23:13
Len-nbThat would tell me how to find what is there, xrandr does too, I want to detect when a second screen is plugged, unplugged23:15
Len-nbThanks, though.23:16
* Len-nb wanders off23:16
Unit193Not that I was the one asked, or know much when it comes to language packs, but I would have guessed de and fr would be used rather than xh, but I guess you learn new things.23:16
Unit193micahg: Sorry for being a pain, I was looking at "ship", not "live".  Only other seemingly highly used one is ru.23:30
bluesabre_mobilemicahg, Liviu thinks he may have figured it out, doesn't look like his build has happened yet (catfish) 23:33
* bluesabre_mobile is excited for some raring builds 23:35
micahgUnit193: we have the room, I don't mind adding it23:44
Unit193micahg: I'm going off of slightly untrustworthy popcon for Ubuntu.23:44

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