
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away
m4n1shev: I have made changes to privacy manager and need to integrate diagnostics too with it. IIRC prior to this, whoopsie package was not present. Now I can find libwhoopsie package and I am not able to figure out how whoopsie-generated.{c/h} is being generated in the current codebase00:31
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slangasekroaksoax: which release is this dist-upgrade happening in?02:53
slangasekroaksoax: ah, n/m, found at the bottom of your pastebin02:53
slangasekroaksoax: so, why are you using a Conflicts: against tftpd-hpa, instead of a Breaks:?02:54
roaksoaxslangasek: cause i thought conflicts would be more rrstrictive02:55
roaksoaxso both services dont run at the same time02:55
roaksoaxslangasek: btw upgrade candidates can be found at ppa:maas-maintainers/stable02:56
slangasekroaksoax: Breaks: is sufficient to ensure that both packages aren't "installed" at the same time; let me refresh my memory (from policy) as to whether Breaks is actually a better choice here02:56
slangasekroaksoax: ok, I can't convince myself that Breaks: tftpd-hpa would be more correct than Conflicts:, so let's set that aside02:59
slangasekroaksoax: however, looking at the package that's in raring, the /other/ Conflicts (on maas (<= ...) and maas-region-controller (<= ...)) should almost certainly be Breaks rather than Conflicts, since they're paired with Replaces03:00
roaksoaxslangasek: yeah i was thinking on changing that03:00
slangasekroaksoax: I don't know if changing those would be sufficient to make apt happy, but it would be an appropriate fix in its own right03:00
roaksoaxslangasek: i tried taht and disnt make apt happy unfortunately03:00
roaksoaxbut i could give it another try03:01
slangasekis the 'cobbler' package installed in this scenario?03:01
slangasekWell, I guess maas-provision is more likely03:02
roaksoaxslangasek: yeah maas-provision03:02
slangasekroaksoax: and maas-provision isn't built from maas source... so the current version of that package still has a Recommends: tftpd-hpa?03:03
slangasekthis may be why apt considers it better to remove maas instead of removing tftpd-hpa03:03
slangaseksorry, dinner03:03
roaksoaxslangasek: yes, so maas-provision is its own source package. And that indeed Recommends tftpd-hpa. I have tried conflict/replace and break/replace maas-provision in both 'maas' binary and 'maas-cluster-controller' binary, with no luck whatsoever03:06
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hyperairhas anyone here used valgrind's memcheck tool successfully on any glib/gtk app?04:04
hyperairit always seems to have a ridiculous amount of rubbish from gtk/glib's internals04:04
RAOFThere's a suppression file for that IIRC04:05
codebrainzonly one I found was from really old wxWidgets wiki04:05
hyperairRAOF: iirc that was last updated in 2009.04:05
codebrainzhyperair, ask in #gtk on gimpnet :)04:05
pittiGodo morning06:08
RAOFpitti: Godot morning!06:13
pittiRAOF: hohow are yohoow?06:14
pittislangasek: hey Steve, still here?06:16
pittislangasek: do you have an opinion about mounting /sys/fs/cgroup in /lib/init/fstab? it would eliminiate race conditions and avoid modifying udev's and logind's udev rules (and even there it's a race condition)06:16
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dholbachgood morning07:48
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zygautlemming: hey09:07
Whoopiearges: Hi, regarding iptables, why haven't also fixed the debian-changes things as described by me in the bug report? Just curious.09:23
xnoxmdeslaur: I am sorry  about that =) i did think "i bet mdeslaur thinks openssl is his package only by now ;-)"09:29
vibhavhyperair: yes, I remember seeing a memory leak via a glib routine09:35
Mirvarges: could you accept/evaluate/sync systemtap 2.1 from Debian? bug #1130626 now has pbuilder log as well09:35
ubottubug 1130626 in systemtap (Ubuntu) "Update Ringtail SystemTap to 2.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113062609:35
hyperairvibhav: did you use a suppresion file or anything? valgrind's output is typically pretty polluted when used on a glib program09:36
vibhavhyperair: I will try one right now09:36
vibhavThere are some glib routines which were leaking memory09:37
vibhavhyperair: Is there a specific suppresion file?09:38
hyperairvibhav: nah, i was wondering if there was a suppresion file around, because the last time i used it on a glib application it was full of internal glib stuff09:38
hyperairoh interestingly it seems pretty clean now09:41
hyperairjust some warninsgs from cairo09:42
xnoxmdeslaur: you are free to upload your fix for openssl on top of my work and do -v'*2.2' to have all the bug references together.09:46
xnoxmdeslaur: I was thinking of preparing precise upload for my two bugs as well.09:46
infinityxnox: Please do upload your openssl changes to precise as well, yes.10:08
xnoxinfinity: yeah, testing.10:08
infinityxnox: I won't be accepting the arm assembly thing until Rob gets me some solid evidece that it doesn't blow up the world, but he's promised me this. :P10:08
* infinity goes back downstairs to ingest more beer.10:09
xnoxinfinity: for quantal, yesterday I did run full testsuite & benchmarks on nexus7, all was fine.10:09
xnoxinfinity: repeating for precise now.10:09
xnoxinfinity: it's armv4 assembly from way back when ;-)10:09
infinityxnox: Can you do some realworld things like a local apache2 w/SSL and abuse it a bit to see if it DTRT?10:09
xnoxinfinity: i do wonder if the elliptic curves optimisations will work on arm64 as well =)))))10:10
infinityxnox: But yeah, I have no reason to believe the assembly doesn't work.  Just that it's not been tested in Debian/Ubuntu ever.10:10
xnoxinfinity: well it was tested in raring =))))10:10
infinityxnox: FSVO "tested".10:10
infinityxnox: We don't have that many people abusing openssl on ARM in raring, I suspect.10:10
xnoxapart from hrw =)10:10
pittixnox: for the list in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-1303-consolekit-logind-migration, did you grep the Ubuntu or only the Debian archive?10:15
pittixnox: i. e. indicator-session is missing10:15
pitti(adding it now)10:15
xnoxpitti: I did not finish the debian grep, jdstrand did launch ubuntu grep. Will take some time to get the results back.10:15
pittiah, it seems indicator-session tries the org.gnome.SessionManager first, and then fall back to CK10:16
pittiso fixing gnome-session ought to help actually; doing that now10:16
LaneyI have a canonistack instance set up to try and get codesearch working for Ubuntu10:18
Laneybut I haven't figured out how to work it yet; documentation is quite lacking10:18
pitti ah bummer, our gnome-session needs logind >= 18310:18
seb128Laney, it's easier to just do that from the datacenter10:18
Laneyjust do what?10:18
seb128Laney, grep the archive10:19
LaneyI'm talking about setting up http://codesearch.debian.net/ for Ubuntu10:19
seb128oh, ok10:19
* pitti used http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/scripts/for-srcarchive on lillypilly before (that has a local mirror)10:19
seb128Laney, I though you wanted to do a one time grep, not to set up a service for those ;-)10:19
seb128Laney, good luck10:19
Laneynot so detailed ;-)10:20
DavieyLaney: ISTR jodh was a fan of this aswell10:20
Laneyexcellent, it's a great service10:20
LaneyI will get around to asking the developer for better instructions10:21
Laneyactually I'll do it now while I'm thinking about it10:22
mitya57tumbleweed: will you upload pyxdg? :)10:22
jodhDaviey/laney: I'm certainly a fan of such a facility but was originally looking at opengrok (which has a bunch of cool features); if the indexing can be partitioned, we could use juju to scale horizontally.10:25
Davieyjodh: You just sold it to me :)10:26
Laneyyeah I'm not sure debiancodesearch has anything like that10:26
jodhDaviey: one of the advantages being that opengrok could not only index all the branches on lp, but it could also index the archives and extract meta-data out of the built packages themselves (with a few tweaks).10:28
DavieyWhilst we are talking of developer resource tools, xnox - how is your snapshot equivalent thing going? :)10:29
xnoxDaviey: submerged in the todo list =)10:30
xnoxDaviey: I dunno, I should fix up my access to lcy02 (for some reason only lcy01 works for me at the moment) and I should really tinker with that. But you know lvm2 SRUs to verify.... =) I'm up for trading ;-)10:31
Davieyxnox: lcy01 and lcy02 run different versions of openstack.... what tooling are you using to converse with them.. maybe there is a bug?10:32
xnoxDaviey: interesting. I'm using juju
xnoxwith openstack providers I believe.10:33
Davieyxnox: check in with hazmat, he might know the situation10:34
xnoxDaviey: thanks.10:34
Laneywhat's the idea there? exposing the librarian somehow or running an actual snapshot equivalent?10:38
xnoxLaney: something that does rsync of dists/, indexes the various archives by time. something else that will fetch and serve them. something third (nginx reverse proxy) that will in order try: local cache, archive.ubuntu.com, old-releases.ubuntu.com, launchpadlibrarian to actually serve the requested .dsc, *.tar.*, *.deb10:41
DavieyLaney: librarian... store valid Packages.gz as time snapshots, but proxy through to librarian AIUI10:41
Laneythen write a deb-bisect? :)10:43
xnoxLaney: the interested parties can do that then, yes ;-)10:46
* Daviey fains disinterest 10:47
Laneyi suppose it would be apt-bisect10:48
xnoxinfinity: apache bench stress tests?! =)10:52
pittislangasek: done, https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6201611:01
ubottuFreedesktop bug 62016 in daemon "pkexec does not apply PAM's environment" [Normal,New]11:01
sonneso will 13.04 have still amazon search enabled by default?11:08
xnoxsonne: yeah. also see smart search blog post from Allen Bell about the improvements that are planned there.11:10
xnoxsonne: this is more of a #ubuntu-desktop question though ;-)11:10
sonnexnox, alan?11:10
sonnei can't seem to be able to find the blog post you're mentioning *shrug*11:11
sonnethanks for answering my question though :)11:11
xnoxsonne: http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2013/01/ubuntu-smart-scopes/11:12
davidcallexnox, sonne, this won't be in 13.04 though11:12
davidcallexnox, sonne, this has been discussed during the UDS session about it two days ago.11:13
sonnethat's too bad11:13
davidcallesonne, I know :)11:13
xnoxdavidcalle: hehe =) i missed that session. Oh well. Or see latest UDS where things got redefined then ;-)11:14
sonnewould have been a nice improvement for the search problem11:14
sonnei haven't really followed the discussions in the last months, but i know there has been a lot of drama about the search feature11:15
davidcallesonne, indeed. I'm actually implementing most of the new search engines and I'm looking forward to being able to disable/enable them per theme and per data source.11:17
sonnedavidcalle, personally i'd rather have the user decide whether or not to have searches on the internet on installation11:18
sonneor some kind of other solution that would not have the user go and google how to disable the searches11:19
sonnebut then, i have no clue on how the whole thing is being handled :)11:19
davidcallesonne, I don't know, I think that the settings > privacy > on/off switch is a good design.11:21
davidcallesonne, in that regard, the Dash now advertises the fact that it's searching online "Search your computer and online sources" is in the search field default text (when the switch is ON)11:23
sonnemaybe adding a "<Click here for options>" right there would be the best to try and protect the most inexperienced (or laziest :) users11:24
davidcallesonne, there is a discoverability issue of that setting, that's true. Hopefully, it will evolve into something most users are happy with :)11:28
sonnelet's hope it... the whole thing has raised way many concerns, it would be a shame to lose userbase on a wonderful product as ubuntu for such a trifle11:30
sonnedavidcalle, reading the lens source code for ringtail, i see that the https handling is delegated to the vala libraries... i'm wondering how strict is their certificate authenticity check11:34
davidcallesonne, I actually have no idea about the Vala ones. I guess you could ask that to pstolowski in #ubuntu-unity.11:35
sonnethanks for the pointer :)11:36
davidcallesonne, np :)11:36
zygautlemming: around?11:38
zygapitti: last night we've updated virtualbox to 4.2, breaking vagrant 1.0.3 that does not support it, we're in feature freeze now, upstream vagrant 1.0.6 works okay, what can I do to get 1.0.6 into raring? I'm trying to package 1.0.6 based on the current package but my git-buildpackage foo is low11:39
pittizyga: ah, you want to update it in collab-maint?11:42
zygapitti: yes but I don't know how11:42
zygapitti: I got the upstream git tree, I've exported 1.0.6 from the tag11:42
zygapitti: I've got the debian collab-maint tree as well11:43
pittioh, debian's git-buildpackage trees are not based on upstream git11:43
pittiyou usually just run git-import-orig to import a new tarball11:43
zygayeah, but I needed both to get the pristine tarball, apparently upstream builds none11:43
pittiah, sure11:43
zygalet me build and check this11:44
zygaso what happens if it works?11:44
zygacan you help me push 1.0.6 to debian git and sync that to ubuntu somehow?11:44
Laneyhttps://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant/tags ?11:44
pittizyga: yes, I can11:45
pittizyga: NB that vagrant currently has some ubuntu modifications11:45
pittizyga: if they are applicable to Debian they should be committed there; or are they obsolete?11:45
zygaI saw two patches11:45
zygaone seems to change the location of common files, it just places /usr/share/vagrant there, seems okay11:46
zygathe other patch was for dns config that was affecting us ever since we've started to use the internal dns but I cannot see that patch in debian/patches anymore11:46
zygabut that was integrated upstream earlier11:47
zygaso perhaps it's no longer in the debian git tree11:47
zygacreating pbuilder base image11:49
* zyga needs to grok all the packaging stuff better11:49
rmannibucauHi guys, how do i ask for the creation of a package + addition in repo for ubuntu?12:05
zygarmannibucau: perhaps yuo are interested in #ubuntu-app-devel and developer.ubuntu.com?12:07
rmannibucauzyga, i'll conect, thanks12:08
zygapitti: I cannot build a base image for git pbuilder, it stops on cowdancer being missing: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5595765/ should I be doing this?12:09
pittizyga: hm, I'm afraid I never did that; for raring I just build on my normal system, and use schroot for everything else12:09
pittizyga: perhaps there's a way to disable cowdancer and just use classic tarballs and temp dirs?12:09
zygaah, I can just try building the package12:10
zygaso that worked12:15
zygawoot, cool, let me check if the package works12:16
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zygapitti: assuming this works, what should I do next?12:17
pittiI guess pristine-tar etc. doens't work well with format-patch, so I suggest you push your git someplace, or tar it up and put it on people?12:25
pittizyga: ^12:25
Laney~/public_git on git.d.o is nice12:25
zygaLaney: I don't have access to git.debian.org most likely, yet12:27
zygapitti: ok, let me try that12:27
Laneywell you can sign up, but github/gitorious/whatever also works12:28
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zygamy ssh key does not work with people.ubuntu.com, I'll try people.canonical.com12:29
Laneyapparently lillypilly has git installed too, so perhaps you can actually push there!12:29
zygapushed to http://people.canonical.com/~zyga/vagrant.git/12:32
mdeslaurxnox: you do know I was just kidding, right? :)12:32
mdeslaurxnox: I'll wait a week, no rush12:32
zygaI gave the new vagrant a run here12:34
zygawith fresh cloud images from cdimage.ubuntu.com12:34
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zygalet's see how that goes12:34
zygafailed to up vms?12:39
* zyga goes for lunch12:50
xnoxmdeslaur: i'd rather you not wait a week though =) as your bug is high priority and mine are not.13:01
mdeslaurxnox: ok, way a few minutes, and I'll upload it to quantal. I'll give you my precise debdiff too if you're preparing that.13:03
xnoxmdeslaur: yeap. Finished amd64 test, only armhf test left before uploading precise debdiff.13:04
mdeslaurxnox: could you please add this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5595873/13:05
xnoxmdeslaur: since quantal's sru was not accepted yet, you can use same version number. Or like give me debdiff for quantal. as well.13:05
xnoxmdeslaur: looks ok to me.13:06
mdeslaurxnox: here's my quantal debdiff: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5595877/13:06
xnoxawesome, let me work those in ;-)13:06
mdeslaurxnox: thanks!13:06
mdeslaurxnox: sorry for colliding with you :)13:06
xnoxmdeslaur: your bug report does not follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#SRU_Bug_Template though13:07
mdeslauroh! right, I didn't update it yet...wait a sec13:07
xnoxcan you apply your awesome editorial skills to bug 1066032, please?13:07
ubottubug 1066032 in openssl (Ubuntu Quantal) "Deadlock when reading a public key" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106603213:07
xnoxok. cool.13:08
mdeslaurxnox: done, thanks13:13
xnoxcool =)13:14
OdyXtkamppeter: despite my wrong changelog entry in foo2zjs, the code is correct and cares about Ubuntu for mscompress; hence there was no need for a merge; you could have simply synced...13:46
jdstrandxnox: http://people.canonical.com/~jamie/consolekit/13:49
seb128pitti, ^13:50
seb128jdstrand, hey, thanks for the grepping ;-)13:50
mdeslaurinfinity: do you have an apache2 merge planned soon?13:57
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seb128ev: hey, sorry to ping you but I'm not sure who to ask ... who is maintaining ubuntu-geonames? Is that #is? do they look at launchpad bugs?14:06
xnoxseb128: I am the TIL on ubuntu-geonames.14:06
xnoxseb128: what's up?14:06
seb128xnox, pgraner reported https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-geonames/+bug/115010914:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1150109 in Ubuntu Geonames "Ubuntu's geonames only knows about Hong Kong in Guyana, not in China" [Undecided,New]14:07
xnoxseb128: we take straight database from http://www.geonames.org/14:07
seb128xnox, not sure how much of an issue that is (well, he reported that against the indicator but it turns out it's a db issue)14:07
seb128xnox, but geonames.org lists Hong Kong China14:07
seb128it's even the first entry14:08
seb128xnox, http://geoname-lookup.ubuntu.com/?query=hong%20kong doesn't14:08
xnoxseb128: they have full db, we have only free/small db.14:08
xnoxseb128: but it is weird in deed.14:08
seb128xnox, well, Hong Kong is not really small ;-)14:08
seb128we should have it in our db14:08
xnoxseb128: yeah, I'll debug it here locally, assign that bug to me plese.14:09
seb128xnox, thanks14:09
smosercjwatson, around ? i'm wondering if you've done before, or would have thoughts on how i could prototype eatmydata use of d-i14:19
Davieysmoser: Don't you just need to LD_PRELOAD it?14:23
cjwatsonMy suggestion to psusi was to put it in in-target, in debian-installer-utils14:23
cjwatsonFor prototyping, just edit stuff on the fly in the running installer14:23
cjwatsonGrr, where oh where did I put my secondary backup disk14:25
smoserDaviey, yes, you just LD_PRELOAD it, but i didn't know if there was a clear path to injecting that into the installer then that would immediately affect the majority of the install process.14:25
xnoxev: Daviey: my lcy02 troubles ended up being a combination of old sshebang, old novarc, old default-image-id and a wrong ssh key =)14:25
cjwatsonin-target won't affect debootstrap but will handle the bulk of everything else.14:26
* xnox really had no chances =))))14:26
xnoxworks fine now.14:26
smosermaybe i'll just patch the initramfs launch of the installer.14:26
cjwatsonPlease don't.  Use in-target14:26
xnoxsmoser: I've had stuff spuriously failing with eatmydata, due to things not being present when there were expected to be already.14:27
cjwatsonIndeed, I do not want this to e.g. interfere with partitioning in some way14:27
cjwatsonIt should be constrained to operations on the target system14:27
xnoxsmoser: it's best to start with in-target and then slowly move up until required performance / speed is gained. E.g. in-target will be the majority gain.14:28
cjwatsonYou'll have to do it in a couple of places but that's no big deal14:28
zygahey, perhaps someone can hint me with a package I'm trying to make, it's actually a straightforward package but it's nested in a directory, without that I could do all on dh, is there a way to somehow "cheat" that?14:33
xnoxzyga: man debhelper, see common buildsystem options to specify "src" directory.14:44
zygaxnox: thanks!14:45
xnoxzyga: so you'd need to override_dh_auto_[build|configure|install|test]: with dh_auto_build --sourcedirectory=subdir1/component/plugin/14:46
tumbleweedno, you can pass options to dh14:46
xnoxzyga: I had a hack somewhere to auto strip override_ prefix, to have all four targets.14:46
xnoxzyga: dh --sourcedirectory=foobar shoudl work, but it didn't in the past.14:46
zygaI was just looking at that and wondering if there's DH_OPTIONS that could get that somehow, let me keep trying14:47
tumbleweedI think that happens through DH_OPTIONS magic14:47
tumbleweedah, DH_INTERNAL_OPTIONS14:48
psusiI'm planning on patching in-target as cjwatson suggested14:50
xnoxsmoser: ^14:50
psusijust need to build a custom preseeded install cd to benchmark before slipping in the patched debootstrap, then the patched d-i/in-target and measuring the difference14:50
smoserpsusi, you know that you can easily patch an initramfs by just appending a gzipped cpio to it, right?14:56
smoseri'm sure you're aware, but thats probably the fastest way to hijack (and you can insert a preseed that way too)14:56
cjwatsonFor experimentation it's way easier to just edit on the fly14:56
psusihave to patch the cd to include eatmydata anyhow14:57
cjwatsonAlso not that hard to build modified udebs, slap them in build/localudebs/ in the debian-installer source, and build a modified initramfs from there14:57
smoserpsusi, you can just shove it insto the initramfs, no?14:57
cjwatsonsmoser: no, needs deb14:57
cjwatsonwell, maybe14:57
cjwatsonI guess a udeb wouldn't be a terrible idea14:58
psusismoser: no, it needs installed into the target system ;)14:58
psusiudeb shouldn't be needed since it isn't intented for the installer to use right?  just the target14:58
cjwatsondepends on whether it's easier to invoke it in the chroot or not14:59
psusiso I've patched debootstrap to force install it during the stage 1 bootstrap, then set the LD_PRELOAD to use it during the second phase... so just need to have in-target also set the LD_PRELOAD so it continues to be used during the rest of the in-target install process14:59
cjwatsonBTW building CDs for this is a mug's game - use netboot for testing, it's way faster14:59
cjwatsonwith a local mirror anyway14:59
psusihrm... have to set up a local mirror then...14:59
smoserpsusi, squid proxy is simpler there i think.15:00
psusifigured it would be easier to just download and modify the cd than to download and setup a local mirror...15:00
smoseranyway, psusi i'm interested in your progress there.15:01
smoserthats my "overlay-initramfs" if you're interested. it just makes patching an initramfs (possibly) simpler.15:02
tkamppeterslangasek, system-config-printer 1.3.12+20130308-0ubuntu1 uploaded.15:05
OdyXtkamppeter: I'm uploading latest foo2zjs to experimental, you can sync without merge as far as I can see; just ask if there's something left to accomodate.15:10
tkamppeterOdyX, only Ubuntu-specific which I have in foo2zjs is that printer-driver-foo2zjs depends on mscompress.15:16
OdyXtkamppeter: I have handled that difference specifically in my uploads to Debian experimental.15:18
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OdyXtkamppeter: granted, my changelog entry was backwards (now corrected), but I made my possible to reduce your work. :)15:19
tkamppeterOdyX, great, thank you.15:41
OdyXtkamppeter: my pleasure.15:41
slangasekroaksoax: if adding a Conflicts: maas-provision to maas, in addition to the Conflicts: on tftpd-hpa, didn't do it, the only other thing I can think of would be to convert maas-provision into a dummy package for upgrade.15:42
roaksoaxslangasek: i think that would be the only option15:43
dsathehello all , i am not sure if this is the right place to ask but i couldn't find a better place15:51
dsathehello , could someone help me understand cgroup cpuacct15:51
dsathei had a few specific queries15:51
dsathethe cpuacct.usage displays the number of nano seconds used by the cgroup15:52
dsatheand the stat shows nett and user usages15:52
dsathehow are these 2 related , and say i wanted to compute the net cpu utilization of a cgroup how would i do that ?15:53
roaksoaxslangasek: so basically, make maas-provision binary not depend on anything and not install anything either?15:57
tkamppeterslangasek, hi15:59
OdyXtkamppeter: can you prepare a cups-filter 1.0.30-1 upload to Debian experimental ?16:00
tkamppeterOdyX, I will do it, I am currently only putting in the last packages for Ubuntu FF.16:02
tkamppeterslangasek, can you sync QPDF 4.0.1 from Debian experimental to Raring for me? It fixes bug 923955, printing filled PDF forms.16:03
ubottubug 923955 in qpdf (Ubuntu) "pdftopdf filter fails to output form field values" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92395516:03
tkamppeterslangasek, can you also sync foo2zjs_20130306dfsg0-1 from debian/experimental? OdyX has uploaded it now and it contains important bug fixes.16:05
pittijdstrand, seb128: archive grep> thanks!16:08
slangasektkamppeter: if you don't have access to sync these yourself, it's probably best if you use the normal sponsorship process (or ping someone who usually sponsors these things for you) - I'm not free just at the moment :)16:10
slangasektkamppeter: btw, on system-config-printer you sent an email asking if it was ok to update it, then you uploaded it - you understand that there is no frozen queue in the archive right now, so that upload has gone in directly?  (i.e., there's no way for me to say 'no' now anyway)16:11
tkamppeterslangasek, thanks.16:15
jdstrandpitti: sure thing :)16:15
tkamppeterpitti, can you sync qpdf from experimental for me?16:15
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tkamppeterslangasek, foo2zjs I will sync by myself then, it only needs to arrive in the Debian archives.16:16
pittitkamppeter: done16:16
xnoxtkamppeter: fire off `syncrequest -d experimental qpdf` to file a bug, then it will get into the sponsorship queue =) http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/16:16
pittitoo late :)16:16
xnoxtkamppeter: snap. pitti is quick =)16:16
tkamppeterOdyX, how long does it take until your foo2zjs from today gets syncable for Ubuntu.16:17
tkamppeterxnox, thanks anyway.16:17
tkamppeterpitti, thanks for syncing.16:17
Laneytkamppeter should apply for upload rights to printing stuff16:17
OdyXtkamppeter: I got the "UPLOADED" mail minutes ago, I suspect something in the range of hours, at most.16:17
tkamppeterLaney, I am already per-package uploader for printing stuff, only QPDF seems to be missing (neds to get added by the TB).16:18
OdyXtkamppeter: I'm not clear with what status the Debian packages must be in for a sync to succeed, so I don't really know.16:18
tkamppeterOdyX, the Ubuntu syncpackage still found only 20130303dfsg0-1 and not 20130306dfsg0-116:19
xnoxtkamppeter: check http://pad.lv/d/$packagename that's Debian mirror in launchpad. Once launchpad's mirror has the package, one can sync it.16:19
xnox(look for latest upload, if stuff is in experimental)16:19
OdyXtkamppeter: it's currently being built on the buildds so I guess it's "soon" now ;)16:20
tkamppeterxnox, thanks.16:20
OdyXtkamppeter: it might be useful for Ubuntu to sync foomatic-db 20130301 too16:23
tkamppeterOdyX, I have already updated to 20130308.16:23
OdyXtkamppeter: while there was no new change since then ? I'm surprised, as I thought it'd take less time to sync than to upload; apparently I'm wrong. ;)16:25
infinitymdeslaur: I can do one.16:26
mdeslaurinfinity: ok, thanks16:26
roaksoaxslangasek: yeah the dummy package seems to do the trick! Thanks :) I would have never thought about that :)16:27
roaksoaxslangasek: but i think the other option would simply be to remove tftpd-hpa as a recommends of maas-provision16:31
roaksoaxthat would introduce less change16:31
DooMMasteRhi there…16:45
DooMMasteRI have a "little" problem16:45
DooMMasteRrunning ubuntu on a PC with a radeon HD4850 and the OSS radeon driver (not catalyst) result in a 80% certain reboot for me when using one of the fancy unity features16:46
DooMMasteRAlt+Tab, Windowskey or so on16:46
DooMMasteRonce it works… it runs solid16:46
DooMMasteRand no logentries whatsoever16:49
xnoxstokachu: bug 578536 is being removed from lucid-proposed. because it has not been verified in a timely fashion.17:07
ubottubug 578536 in autofs5 (Ubuntu Lucid) "when stopped, automount orphans some mounts" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57853617:07
xnoxstokachu: i'd think we care about it ^17:07
stokachuxnox: yep already spoke to bdmurray about it17:07
xnoxstokachu: is that ok or not?17:07
stokachui personally care but the ones affected by it have since migrated to precise17:08
xnoxstokachu: oh, nice fair enough =)17:08
stokachuthanks for the heads up :P17:08
xnoxstokachu: I wish you'd idle on #ubuntu-release =) this is were I noticed it.17:09
tkamppeterOdyX, foo2zjs 20130306 did not yet arrive on https://launchpad.net/debian/+source/foo2zjs, are you sure it built properly on the Debian buildds?17:10
OdyXtkamppeter: https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=foo2zjs&suite=experimental says that it was indeed, unless you need mipsel (don't know why i386 isn't built yet)17:11
slangasekroaksoax: as long as that's a reasonable change, and has the intended effect, sure17:15
bdmurrayseb128: I'm not sure if you saw my lightning talk but https://errors.ubuntu.com/?user=desktop-packages17:17
seb128bdmurray, no, I didn't, that's nice!17:18
ogra_he was to distracted by the comics :)17:18
bdmurrayseb128: so those are all the packages that that launchpad team is subscribed to17:18
seb128ogra_, I was rather giving a chance to my laptop to cool down in the middle of a day of running hangouts :p17:18
* ogra_ never runs hangouts on his laptops ... 17:19
ogra_but thats just googles fault ... not providing it for arm :)17:19
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zygaogra_: with what's going on you may not need a plugin soon17:29
* zyga wonders how to use two buildystems listed by dh --list at the same time17:30
zygaI want python3 and sphinxdocs17:30
mitya57these are not buildsystems, but plugins — you can use "dh --with python3,sphinxdoc"17:33
zygathe man page was confusing17:35
zygahmm, it seems that dh --sourcedirectory is ignored by dh_sphinxdoc17:41
zygaor I'm doing it wrong, passing --sourcedirectory to dh17:41
geofftIs that an option to dh_sphinxdoc or to dh?17:41
mitya57to dh17:42
mitya57how is dh_sphinxdoc ignoring it?17:42
zygageofft: to dh17:42
tumbleweeddoes the source directory matter to dh_sphinxdoc?17:42
zygamitya57: it's not finiding any docs, this is a perfectly standard python3 + setup.py + sphinx package17:42
tumbleweeddh_sphinxdoc cleans up things that have been dh_installed17:43
zyga_or_ I may misunderstand what I need to do17:43
zygalike build docs explicitly17:43
zygabut that's not specified so I don't know17:43
mitya57dh_sphinxdoc doesn't build docs17:43
zygathat's confusing then, ok, let me see if I can build docs explicitly17:44
tumbleweedzyga: there's nothing in dh_sphinxdoc's manpage that makes me believe it would build docs17:45
zygatumbleweed: apart from the obvious name that suggest otherwise17:45
tumbleweedno dh_programs build anything17:46
tumbleweeddh_auto_programs do building etc17:46
zygaI wasn't aware of that17:46
zygabut if there's only dh_auto_build does that mean ther dh-* programs can plug into that to tell it how to build something?17:47
mitya57dh_auto_build calls the relevant buildsystem17:48
tumbleweeddh_auto_* use buildsystems /usr/share/perl5/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/17:48
tumbleweeddh_* do little jobs related to preparing a package, totally independant of build systems.17:48
zygaso all the logic is in python3 buildsystem then, right?17:48
tumbleweedthere isn't a python3 buildsystem17:49
mitya57there are distutils and pybuild :)17:49
tumbleweedyou are thinking of dh_python3, which just handles .pyc generation, dependencies etc.17:49
zygaI'm trying to figure out if sphinx docs should build automatically and where to find the code that pokes setup.py17:49
tumbleweedzyga: nothing builds sphinx automatically, you do it by hand - it takes one command...17:50
zygaand I guess I should be using pybuild?17:50
mitya57the code is in the relevant buildsystem, in the directory tumbleweed mentioned17:50
zygatumbleweed: ah, with all the automation I was expecting that to be called too, thanks17:50
tumbleweedpybuild is still brand new, but, yeah17:50
* zyga looks at that now17:50
* tumbleweed hasn't used it for anything yet17:51
mitya57brand new = available only in raring/experimental17:51
zygaso no way for it to target precise for example?17:51
tumbleweedzyga: while we are talking about this, --with adds things to dh's sequences - see /usr/share/perl5/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/17:51
tumbleweedzyga: correct, if you care about precise, do it by hand17:51
zygaok, let me try to get the basics first17:51
zygathanks btw!17:51
* zyga would wish for the buildsystem glue parts to be backported/SRUd to LTS to allow developers to target that while benefiting from the advancements17:52
mitya57but if your package is python3-only then python_distutils won't help you17:53
zygait is17:53
zygaso I can only use pybuild?17:53
tumbleweedor by hand17:53
tumbleweedlike we all do17:53
micahgany reason why we can't backport pybuild to precise?17:53
zygaso by hand I'd have to define overide_dh_auto_{build,clean,install}17:54
* tumbleweed hasn't investigated17:54
* mitya57 thinks we can17:54
zygaand basically run the relevant command there17:54
zygalet me try stuff first17:54
tumbleweedzyga: yes. http://wiki.debian.org/Python/LibraryStyleGuide17:54
micahgoh, hrm, is it part of the python sourcE?17:54
tumbleweedmicahg: that's the complication...17:55
mitya57micahg: it's part of python3-defaults source17:55
tumbleweedbut unlike dh_python2, it doesn't depend on pythonX.Y patches17:55
mitya57but there was a plan to move that out17:55
micahgif it was its own source,it would be easy to backport17:55
zygatumbleweed: that's very very helpful, thanks17:56
tumbleweedmicahg: chat to piotr17:56
tumbleweedzyga: barry wrote that - it's not the style I use, but it should be helpful, yes17:56
xnoxzyga: but we don't have nearly as many python packages available with python3 support in precise as we do in quantal. we did massive push for python3- packages at the start of quantal.17:56
micahgtumbleweed: someone else chat and I'll volunteer to twiddle the bits to make the backport happen once it's tested :)17:56
zygaI'm starting the package from scratch based on the docs tumbleweed linked to18:05
zygado you know of the top of your head if using --sourcedir will allow me to keep using . as the source directory or do I need to mirror everything in each rule18:05
tumbleweed. is the default source directory18:07
zygaright but I cannot use that, sadly18:08
dobeyzyga: you need to package something that's using both python2 and 3 on precise?18:08
tumbleweedoh, ISWYM. options passed to dh will still apply thansk to the magic of environment variables18:08
zygadobey: no, only python3, but I wanted to use the fancier/better build system18:09
zyga(this is a pure python3 package)18:09
zygawe have an unusual layout where three projects share a repository as they are coupled but need to release on separate schedule, I'm building the daily-ppa recipe+packaging18:12
dobeyzyga: all the u1 stuff is python2 (or 2 and 3), but this one might be helpful for you: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-control-tower/dirspec/packaging-dailies/files18:13
zygathanks, looking18:13
dobeyzyga: you don't also need to build on lucid do you? just precise and newer?18:13
zygawhat are dirspec files?18:14
zygajust precise-quantal-raring18:14
dobeydirspec is a python module that implements the XDG base directory specification18:14
zygawhy is that in the package? I'm probably missing something18:15
dobeythat's the branch with the dailies packaging info18:15
* zyga was dumb18:15
zygaI thought somehow debian packaging had something to do with XDG dirs, it's just the package name here18:16
dobeyi think you can use that and just remove the python2-specific bits (and change the auto_test override and such if needed) to build for python3 only18:16
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dobeyzyga: yeah, sorry. that's just the project/package name. we have all the daily build branches as lp:$project/packaging-dailies for ubuntuone stuff :)18:17
* zyga has to somehow drop the linaro cloak18:18
zygahmm, it's not right18:26
zygahttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5596705/ line 148 makes me think that I need to somehow quote -D (aka --sourcedir) when I pass it to dh, it gets glued on top of other options the line after that18:27
zygatumbleweed: sorry to bother you with that but apparently --sourcedirectory= does nothing in practice, all of other make target still run start running in the top-level package directory. Do you know if that's correct / expected or is it just some other mistake on my sinde?18:38
tumbleweedzyga: sourcedir should only affect dh_auto_...18:39
zygaso in pratice I need to pass it to dh _and_ actually use it on all the commands I add on top18:40
xnoxzyga: if you override dh_auto_configure, then yes you will have to add --sourcedir there.18:40
zygagrepping for that I find very little references, all in Dh_Buildsystem.pm (opt_sourcedir)18:40
xnoxzyga: note that dh_install has no idea about sourcedir, only dh_auto_configure|build|install|test do.18:40
tumbleweedxnox: practically, I don't think so, thanks to environment variable magic18:40
zygalet me try something\18:41
xnoxtumbleweed: hmm.. interesting. I should experiment more with it then.18:41
tumbleweedzyga: if yu are doing a pure-python3 package you have to override dh_auto_* anyway, so --sourcedir is moot18:42
xnoxzyga: what are you packaging? do you have a tiny example. It's easier to prototype / tinker with stuff.18:42
zygaxnox: sure, I'm packaging plainbox, it's a rewrite of checkbox, the code is in lp:checkbox (in the plainbox directory there), the package is still on my disk but it's vanilla example as copied from http://wiki.debian.org/Python/LibraryStyleGuide18:43
xnoxzyga: and you will still be building the rest of checkbox at the same time? or separate source package?18:45
zygaa simple echo + pwd shows that --sourcedirectory does not do any magic to redirect where all the commands from debian/rules are started in18:45
zygaxnox: no, checkbox is separate and will stay that way18:45
zygaxnox: plainbox is a fresh start so to speak18:45
zygaxnox: checkbox is actually a native package so it's even worse than that18:46
xnoxzyga: sure, so why doen't it release fresh tarballs as top level =) or are you shipping duplicate source code in two packages?18:46
zygaxnox: plainbox is normally published on pypi, only the part that builds the daily deb has to worry about the layout18:46
xnoxzyga: ah, for daily build we can do ugly hacks and tricks then!18:47
xnoxawesome, gotcha.18:47
zygathe normal package should be far saner18:47
zygaok, let me add ( cd plainbox && ..) to all the places that matter then18:48
xnoxzyga: I would do "normal" packaging in plainbox/debian (such that it can be later reused for archive uploads) and in the top level ./debian/rules change it to be a wrapper script, and symlink the copyright & control.18:48
zygalet me think about that because I'm not sure I understand18:49
xnoxthe wrapper script simply does ( cd plainbox && ./debian/rules $@)18:49
zygayeah, that might work18:49
zygaI need to see if it will work with the way the recipe is expressed18:49
zygait uses nest-part and stuff like that18:49
xnoxbut you will need to symlink control & changelog, as those two things are looked up by e.g. debuild and etc.18:50
zygaand starts with the _packaging_ branch, not lp:checkbox, because it's impossible to nest-part of the root recipe repository18:50
zygaright, I get that18:50
zygaxnox: neat idea, let's see18:50
xnoxzyga: if you use a recipe, you can nest the _other_ way around. and it should work.18:50
zygaxnox: other?18:50
xnoxstarting recipe from packaging branch is good in this case.18:50
xnox(that's what I meant)18:51
zygathat's what I do18:51
xnoxwait my hacks might not work then. Or can you commit /plainbox/debian to lp:checkbox?18:52
zygaxnox: we _could_ but I think we don't want to18:53
xnoxzyga: fair enough.18:53
zygaxnox: we had debian in checkbox forever and that's a pain to keep18:53
zygaxnox: all the changelog updates conflict on merges18:53
xnox_very good_18:54
zygaxnox: with plainbox I always wanted to do packaging with git and build debian/changelog from the git log18:54
zyga(but that's hard to do since I was asked to use bzr)18:54
zygaalmost done with that wrapper layout18:54
xnoxunless you maintain a mirror, but yeah, still a pain.18:54
xnoxzyga: yeah, i fear it might fail to build though.18:54
xnoxzyga: how far back do you need support? precise?18:55
zygaI'm fine with doing a different build for precise18:55
zygaeven from manual releases18:55
zygathough I _may_ be wrong still18:55
zygawe do some magic in which version is used18:56
zygaas in: for ubuntu we have stuff in lp:ubuntu/checkbox18:56
zygafor development, we have a ppa18:56
zygafor everyone else (lots of uses) we have a second ppa18:56
xnoxzyga: so using this: http://wiki.debian.org/Python/AppStyleGuide18:56
zyga(so the recipe does not work as both have 'plainbox' directory, boo, let's see if I can make that work somehow18:56
xnoxzyga: python2 only or both python2 and python3 supported with plainbox?18:57
zygathe full code is in python3.2+, no support for 2.* at all18:57
zygaI think I know how to solve that19:00
zygaI'll do even crazier redirect19:00
zygathe top level will redirect to nest-ed checkbox/plainbox19:00
zygaso no conflicts on debian/ from lp:checkbox19:00
zygaxnox: that worked :D19:05
zygathat has to be the most tricky package I ever did19:06
xnoxzyga: and build the source package -> that can build binary package?19:06
zygathanks a _lot_ xnox, tumbleweed, dobey19:06
zygaand run the test suite19:06
zygaand has autopkgtests19:06
zygaand docs19:06
xnoxzyga: for reference this works for me - http://paste.ubuntu.com/5596825/19:09
xnoxobviously needs additional overrides for test/clean.19:10
zygaoh, translations19:10
zygaI need to look at that19:10
zygathe package is not done yet, it still builds phony/broken python2 layout, I just added --without python219:10
zygabut I'm on the right track19:10
xnoxzyga: yeah, checkbox is on the livecd so it intergrates with language packs.19:10
zygaand that's what --with translations does?19:10
xnoxzyga: better echo 9 > debian/compat19:11
xnoxzyga: that prevents running python-support, and no need to do "--without".19:11
xnoxzyga: debhelper 9 is in precise.19:11
zygaah, cool19:11
xnox(and it's --without python-support19:11
xnoxzyga: or wherever debian/compat is located in your case =))))))19:12
zygaI guess I spoke too soon, some of the symlink magic is wrong, let me read the full log19:13
zygaheh, yes19:13
zygaat the end, dh expects debian/ to have stuff that's really in checkbox/plainbox/debian19:14
xnoxzyga: yeah, hence my paste above as to making it work "normally"19:16
zygalooking again19:16
zygaok, let's see19:17
xnoxzyga: here is slighltly better version http://paste.ubuntu.com/5596840/ , doesn't run any tests, and works with just normal subdir.19:22
zygalet me pastebin mine, it's based on the previous one from you19:23
zygaactually, since I snapshot everything: lp:~zkrynicki/+junk/plainbox-daily-pkg19:24
zygamine is still broken, give me a sec19:24
xnoxI prefer make functions over embedding shell lines \19:24
xnoxwith continuation lines19:24
zygayeah, I just copied the example from barry19:24
xnox*whoops forgot \ *19:24
barrywhu? huh?19:25
xnoxzyga: yeah, but it does stuff that you don't need e.g. python2 as well as python3.19:25
xnoxbarry: your wiki page on debian.org. go back to idling =)19:25
barryxnox: o/19:25
xnoxbarry: w.d.o/py3/LibraryStyleGuide that is in above reference19:26
* barry nods19:26
zygaah, typo and it should really work19:31
jbichamicahg: I didn't realize gimp was still in main so it'll need a sponsor19:33
zygathe -docs package is empty, everything is in the main, let's see19:33
micahgjbicha: I can do that (though maybe not until Sunday), where's the debdiff19:33
zygabarry: "You will not need an .install file for the documentation (TBD: explain why this works automatically)"19:34
zygabarry: quoting http://wiki.debian.org/Python/LibraryStyleGuide19:34
zygabarry: my package has no python2 support so I named the main docs package python3-plainbox-docs19:34
zygabarry: does that not count under the 'this works automatically'?19:34
jbichamicahg: bug 113276719:35
ubottubug 1132767 in gimp (Ubuntu) "Update GIMP to version 2.8.4" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113276719:35
barryzyga: sorry, my stack is too deep atm ;)19:35
zygabarry: ok, np :)19:35
zygaxnox: ^^ do you know why -docs packages don't need '.install' file?19:36
dobey"If upstream has documentation that's built by Sphinx, these next few lines will build and install them for the separate python-foo-docs package mentioned above."19:38
dobeyzyga: ^^ perhaps that section is why?19:38
zygadobey: thanks, I was looking at that now, the problem here is that it assumes hybrid 2k-3k packages and for packages that don't support python2 it makes no sense for python-foo-doc package19:40
zygadobey: I've just added an install file for -doc to see if that's all I nee19:40
dobeyzyga: well, it's easy enough to test and correct if it fails, i guess :)19:40
zygahmm, should the package have -docs (as in the wiki) or -doc as most do?19:41
zygais that a bug in the wiki19:42
captainlinuxGuys, is there any way to give a Qt application direct root privileges without making a jump from one application which will ask user to authenticate and then launch the main app with root privileges?19:42
dobeyzyga: i think -doc is preferred. both are used according to apt-cache, but for python, most all the ones with -docs say (transitional package)19:43
zygashall I edit the wiki then?19:44
xnoxcaptainlinux: you can use policy kit to write a policy and package it to allow limited specific privileged actions.19:44
dobeyzyga: i don't know. i'd let barry answer that.19:44
xnoxcaptainlinux: or use pkexec.19:44
captainlinuxxnox: My application should be able to edit files in /etc/ and I was already thinking about trying PAM-Api but I'm totally new in the native Linux development so before I will go on and hit my head against the wall I better ask for any alternatives or tricks...19:46
xnoxcaptainlinux: scary. one should not programmatically be editing files in /etc/19:47
xnoxcaptainlinux: note on ubuntu phone /etc/ will be read only anyway =)19:47
micahgjbicha: gimp looks like a merge more than a sync since we still have changes, maybe keep the changelogs so that the reasons for the changes are clear?19:48
captainlinuxxnox: Okay, and what if I want to edit...Let's say... /etc/default/grub would it still be a bad Idea to try editing it?19:48
zygacaptainlinux: the problem with everything in /etc is that 1) historically they use different formats 2) most are pretty much mini-programs that have control flow 3) most are designed to be read by humans19:55
zygacaptainlinux: it's virtually impossible to have any generic too to edit all of that without starting from scratch,19:56
zygacaptainlinux: for a particular problem, sure it might be doable19:56
zygacaptainlinux: but getting write access is the least difficult problem19:56
captainlinuxzyga: Okay, thanks, I understand.19:58
xnoxcaptainlinux: yes. we had in the past an "editor" that was editing /etc/default/grub apart from it was inserting invalid characters, thus kernels were failing to upgrade and machines were failing to boot.19:58
xnoxcaptainlinux: we have literarly thousands of bugs from users in launchpad, all of who we had to help out.19:59
xnoxcaptainlinux: look for many tweak tools in the past19:59
xnoxcaptainlinux: all of them eventually are broken, when config move on.19:59
* zyga would love to see "linux" userspace to adopt plists en-masse19:59
xnoxcaptainlinux: there is no guarantee config files will stay compatible for third party applications to modify.20:00
zygaparsable, stronger than json, 3 encodings, including one very efficient for really large things20:00
captainlinuxzyga: I agree on the plist thingy...20:01
xnoxcaptainlinux: you could help implement https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StartupSettings20:02
xnoxcaptainlinux: we have designs done, but nobody so far started to implement grub boot options as shown there.20:02
zygaxnox: I had to move building sphinx from override_dh_installdocs to override_dh_auto_install as otherwise the explicit -doc.install file would break the build20:02
xnoxcaptainlinux: we want this as part of the ubuntu control center.20:02
zygaxnox: cool stuff, I didn't knew about that20:03
captainlinuxxnox: Looks nice!20:03
zygaxnox: I guess it'd be possible to patch all the grub config tools to use a strict, plist/json like format and build a library that manages that, including schema changes, reverting broken configs etc20:04
zygastill an enormous project20:05
zygaand grub is quite tricky as mistake == boot gone20:05
lifelessbooting is overrated.20:05
* captainlinux laughs at "mistake == boot gone".20:05
captainlinuxBut still, it's true. :)20:06
dobeymakes it super easy to brick your phone :)20:07
zygalifeless: to the meme "I don't always boot but when I do I do it right" ;)20:07
lifelesszyga: brilliant!20:08
dobey"I don't always boot, but when I do the framebuffer is full of fuzzy green stuff."20:09
psusilol... the most interesting computer in the world? ;)20:11
captainlinuxxnox: I'll definately look at this one. Seriously.20:11
dobeyi wish i could give someone a dos equis to fix my kernel bug, at least20:12
xnoxcaptainlinux: mpt did the design he hangs out here and #ubuntu-design and #ubuntu-installer. And this needs to be a plugin/page in gnome-control-center. You are more than welcome to start implementing it. And a few folks here can help with implementation (e.g. me)20:13
* zyga would start with the low level parsing/validation/testing code20:14
zygathe GUI is at the far end of that story20:14
roadmrhey folks, I asked a user to run apport-collect on a raring system and he says he got "this functionallity is not avaible.20:14
zygaor plain patches to grub config to have no need for parsing20:14
roadmrLaunchpadlib is not installed." Is this correct? are additional packages needed for him to use apport-collect?20:15
zygaroadmr: the functionality of answering questions is not available ;-)20:15
roadmrzyga: apt-get install python-force-zyga-to-answer :D20:15
zygaroadmr: python3-launchpadlib maybe?20:15
zygaroadmr: you forgot sudo20:15
zygaroadmr: is launchpadlib not python2 only?20:15
zygaroadmr: maybe it's a bug where apport is python3 and launchpadlib isnt?20:15
roadmrzyga: yes I know, my question is, is an additional package required to use apport-collect? if so it seems like a sucky user experience :/20:16
captainlinuxxnox: Are there any restrictions to the language which should be used to implement that thingy?20:16
roadmrzyga: oh good point, let me check on my recently-installed raring test box20:16
zygacaptainlinux: if you include python3, go and Qt in the list then you are good to go probably20:17
roadmrzyga: btw: http://xkcd.com/149/20:17
zygacaptainlinux: I would not touch C++ for that, python3 is probably safest for ensuring quality vs effort needed20:17
dobeyzyga: i don't think you can write gnome-control-center plug-ins in those20:17
TheLordOfTimeroadmr, apport-collect *shouldn't* need a separate package, last I checked, at least.20:17
zygaroadmr: I knew that, I was expecting it to happen :D20:17
zygadobey: the backend is important20:17
zygadobey: the plugin can talk to that over dbus maybe?20:17
zygadobey: and be written in vala for all we care20:18
zygaif that backend was there and robust I would write the gui :D20:18
roadmrTheLordOfTime: hmm thanks... well the user reported a problem with checkbox which I can't reproduce, so I guess his system has something weird, which *may* include apport-collect being broken :/20:18
xnoxcaptainlinux: at the moment gnome-control-center is Gtk+3, if you implement this in QML / Qt+5 we should be able to integrate it as well at one point in the future.20:18
zygaroadmr: I remember some apport bugs when python3 transition happened20:18
zygaroadmr: specifically with some stuff that was 2.0 only20:19
roadmroh interesting, I got "you need to run sudo apt-get install python-apport". That's very disconcerting :/20:19
zygaroadmr: but it's lated and I'm checking why dh is not installing docs at all :)20:19
dobeyxnox: how much of the gnome bits are going to remain on the phone/tablet/converged ubuntu though?20:19
roadmrzyga: hehe never mind this, I can always ask the user to just attach a log file.20:19
zygaroadmr: "dear user, send me your hard drive"20:19
roadmrbetter yet, the whole laptop! I can reinstall it and leave it like new %)20:20
captainlinuxxnox: Yeah, I started to work with Qt two days ago. Immediately liked it, lol. Used to work with C# and Java on Windows and dropped C# after switching to Linux.20:20
dobeyroadmr: please file a bug against apport about apport-collect not working20:20
roadmrdobey: phew, at least ubuntu-bug *does* work :D20:20
zygadobey: I suspect that bug is reported if I'm correct, roadmr make sure to look for dupes first20:20
dobeyroadmr: the "you need to install python-apport" thing is a bug20:21
dobeyi just looked at the code to verify20:21
dobeyand it's definitely doing the wrong thing20:21
TheLordOfTimeah, that bug... i heard about that one...20:21
zygabut you know20:21
TheLordOfTimeforgot about it for a moment there :P20:21
zygaif launchpadlib is 2.x only20:21
roadmrdobey: ok, thanks for checking! filing now...20:22
zygathis might be hard to solve20:22
dobeyzy it's not20:22
zygasorry, I was recently coding something against bzrlib20:22
zyga(I was using both obviously)20:22
dobeyzyga: or well, i don't think apport uses launchpadlib any more. i think python-launchpadlib is python2 only20:22
dobeyzyga: something saying to install launchpadlib is probably wrong20:23
hallyn(fwiw, apologies, i won't be able to patch-pilot today.  will cathcup sometime next week)20:23
zygadobey: ah, so launchpadlib _is_ 2.x only?20:24
dobeyzyga: according to apt-cache search at least, yes20:24
zygaright, then I remembered correctly20:25
zygait's one of the few things that prevented me from using python3 then20:25
captainlinuxxnox: And after I saw the latest news about rewritten Unity and better Qt integration I was like, okay probably it's good to stick with Qt...20:26
* zyga wonders how soon desktop will start replacing gnome stack with some new qt stuff20:27
dobeyzyga: kenvandine already rewrote gwibber in qml20:28
zygadobey: I heard, and there's Friends announced recently20:28
roadmrdobey: filed bug 1152750, though launchpad found another that might be the same problem; I linked that in my bug20:28
ubottubug 1152750 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport-collect doesn't work, asks to install python-apport" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115275020:28
captainlinuxdobey: Yeah, I was really glad to see that one finally being rewritten!20:28
xnoxcaptainlinux: so at the moment gnome-control-center cannot have plugins written in qt, so it will need to be integrated as a separate app/process but that's ok.20:29
* zyga wonders about that elementaryos stack for config20:30
zygabut that's all vala20:30
zygaso if we're going to stick to qt it might make sense to ignore that20:30
captainlinuxxnox: I'll think about that. Since I will have to learn some Python for my final exam anyway I can't really deny the fact that I could also try to do it in Python.20:31
dobeyoh, apport does still use launchpadlib20:31
dobeyit's just completely ignorant of the fact that it's not ported to python320:31
dobeysomeone jumped the gun on that one20:31
zygaI knew I was right20:31
zygaI remember bugs about side effects of that bug20:31
jbichamicahg: yes it's the tradeoff between simplifying the diff with Ubuntu or simplifying the diff with Debian20:31
dobeyso even my fixing the u1 apport hook to work in py3 doesn't help because the launchpad craschdb_impl doesn't work in py320:32
zygadobey: how hard would it be to port launchpadlib and lazr to py3k?20:32
zygadobey: I kind of would like that anyway20:32
dobeyzyga: difficulty quotient greater than 0 :)20:33
* zyga things someone mis-scheduled porting stuff to py3k without doing those two first20:33
xnoxzyga: barry gave up on porting launchpadlib and the whole mess of dependencies.20:33
xnoxit was a forest of problems.20:33
zygabarry: is porting launchpadlib hopeless?20:33
xnoxlaunchpadlib is ok, all the deps are not.20:33
dobeythere's a reason u1 isn't on py3 yet too :)20:33
zygait's ironic that people can write py3k github.py file with requests and a few classes and launchpadlib is impossible to tackle20:34
xnoxdobey: what do you mean fixing u1 apport hook to work in py3 doesn't help? why not?20:34
zygadobey: deps include lazr, keyring, oauth, wadlib20:34
* xnox thought it worked fine when i was testing my patch locally (which got redone differntly upstream)20:34
jtaylorthis seems to be needing fixes for our python m-a: http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive/ax_python_devel.html20:34
dobeyxnox: because the crashdb is launchpad. so it can't actually upload anything to a bug?20:34
xnoxzyga: wadlib was problematic.20:35
jtaylorsomeone already submotted a patch?20:35
xnoxdobey: sure it can. apport is fully python3 only and it uploads to launchpad just fine.20:35
zygaxnox: depends on lazr, I assume it's from canonical then20:35
dobeyxnox: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apport/crashdb_impl/launchpad.py:    from launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad20:35
dobeyxnox: ^^ that says otherwise :)20:35
zygaxnox: but python3-wadllib is in the archive :D20:35
zygaxnox: so it's cannot be hard20:35
xnoxdobey: right, but apport does execute the hooks with python3.20:36
xnoxdobey: so they must be in python3.20:36
dobeyxnox: which is horribly unfortunate, but eh20:36
xnoxdobey: regardless of what is used elsewhere.20:36
xnoxdobey: sure but I submitted a patch and it should be sru'ed into quantal.20:36
zygaI hope nothing ends up importing bzrlib, good luck porting that to py3k in one go20:36
xnoxdobey: (but note that my patch was redone)20:36
dobeylike i said. someone totally jumped the gun on porting apport to py320:36
dobeyxnox: yes, i re-did it :)20:37
zygadobey: I recall that was done for some other reason -- porting apport20:37
zygadobey: perhaps that's was a tradeoff they took20:37
xnoxdobey: no, they didn't. it's easy to write bilingual py2/3 and there shouldn't be anything complex required in the hooks.20:37
xnoxzyga: push to have none or as little as possible of python2 on the cd.20:37
dobeyxnox: i think you're confusing multiple issues20:38
xnoxmaybe =)20:38
xnoxit's late here ;-)20:38
xnoxand it was a full week here.20:38
dobeyand forcing python2 apps to have to depend on python3 stuff just because apport is in py3 is silly. it means it's impossible to import something from the app itself (like say, a constants module with some information), to get more information20:39
dobeyi'm over that20:39
xnoxi see your point.20:39
xnoxit was not my call to do apport in python3 in quantal =)20:40
micahgjbicha: personally, I don't mind changelogs as it means I don't have to hunt through the package history on launchpad20:41
barryzyga, xnox, dobey i'd love to see a py3 launchpadlib, and right, wadllib is done.  port to built-in json, and you can drop pytho-simplejson. lazr.restfulclient and its deps are the pita. :(20:48
barryactually, it's deps aren't bad20:49
barrymodulo json for simplejson, and oauthlib for oauth20:49
barryeven lazr.uri is py320:49
dobeyit's too bad that the python3-twisted* doesn't work though20:50
barrydobey: even after our funding?  is it incomplete or is what's there just not working?20:51
barrydobey: (i'd like to be able to informatively harass glyph when i see him next week ;)20:51
zygabarry: so what is the biggest problem lazr.restfulclient?20:52
dobeybarry: i don't remember exactly what doesn't work. i tried to run ubuntuone-dev-tools tests with it once and it was a landslide of fail though20:53
dobeybarry: i think it's mostly trivial stuff ad tedium, though20:53
* zyga thinks that dh_installdocs is borked20:54
barrydobey: so maybe just incompatibilities, but details uncertain atm?20:54
zygawhy is it installing stuff to $PACKAGE rather than to tmp? it breaks everything as it picks the first package from debian/control20:54
dobeybarry: yeah. and fixing one thing leads to another, and so on, and on and on and on :)20:54
barryzyga: it's been quite a while since i took at crack at l.rc for py3.  what work i did do is checkpointed in lp:~barry/lazr.restfulclient/py320:55
dobeyzyga: do you only have one package in debian/control?20:55
barrydobey: sounds familiar ;)20:55
zygadobey: no, three20:55
barry(as a side project i've been trying to port restish, and have hit a point where if a core data structure, which is a str in py2, cannot be either a str or bytes in py3 without failures somewhere)20:56
dobeybarry: that also sounds familiar :)20:57
hallynanyone know of a wait option or wait-like call to detect if task is zombie (without parsing /proc/$$/stat{,us}) ?20:57
* barry thinks we need a lemmecheatstr for py320:58
zygabarry: would that be bytes | str magic wrapper?20:59
barryzyga: exactly, but you'd only be able to use it after 3 days of non-stop porting pain20:59
zygabarry: we can also wait for economy to win21:00
zygabarry: stuff that's too hard to port or not maintained will be replaced21:00
* zyga mumbles something about our new ruby on rails overlords21:00
* slangasek points out that the last typewriter factory closed this decade21:01
barryzyga: is that like, "wait long enough and nothing matters"21:01
slangasekthe long tail is a ribbon covered in ink21:01
zygaok, the package seems to work21:02
zygathe rest are upstream bugs on sdist that I'll fix tomorrow21:03
* zyga pushed new plainbox packaging to launchpad21:11
zygaand updated the recipe21:15
zygaroadmr: still working?21:17
zygaroadmr: I'd like to crate a vagrant environment for running SRUs from the daily ppa21:17
zygaroadmr: a vanilla image that adds the ppa and installs/updates the package21:18
roadmrzyga: yes, it's only 4:20 PM here :)21:18
zygaroadmr: + some testing on what we get from that21:18
zygaroadmr: would you like helping me on monday?21:18
zygaroadmr: oh21:18
roadmrzyga: sure, I can help!21:18
zygaroadmr: basically, a new directory with Vagrantfile21:18
zygaroadmr: that just deploys plainbox from the ppa and gives us ssh21:18
roadmrzyga: so we'd be using a cloud image as the base still?21:18
zygaroadmr: yes21:18
zygaroadmr: let's start with precise for simplicity21:19
zygaroadmr: we'll have some churn over the next few days to add 'plainbox sru' command21:19
zygaroadmr: and that's the test target21:19
roadmrzyga: ok21:19
zygaroadmr: thanks21:19
zygaroadmr: I should really be going21:19
zygaroadmr: if you want plainbox debs built locally21:19
zygaroadmr: I can give you a quick recipe21:19
roadmrzyga: sure, I usually use sbuild for that but if this is quicker it's ok21:20
zygaroadmr: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5597142/21:20
zygaroadmr: that's crude, just branch checkbox and plainbox-packaging and update those paths21:20
roadmroh neat!21:21
zygaroadmr: then build.sh builds subsequent attempts21:21
zygaroadmr: if you need to change anything in packaging, commit, otherwise it gets ignored21:21
zyga(in the packaging)21:21
zygaroadmr: try getting vanilla precise and installing that package21:21
zygaroadmr: if you get an MP for that vagrantfile I'll gladly review that21:21
roadmrok sounds fun21:21
zygaroadmr: I rewrote all packaging and it should work now21:22
roadmrzyga: does the packaging branch still live in github?21:22
roadmrit lives!!21:22
zygawe moved it to lp:~checkbox-dev/checkbox/plainbox-packaging21:22
roadmroh awesome :)21:22
zygaI pushed rev321:23
zyga(that was squashed with git, I had ~70 revisions like "snapshot" before I got this right)21:23
roadmrhaha snapshots ftw21:23
zygaroadmr: https://code.launchpad.net/~checkbox-dev/+recipe/plainbox-daily21:24
zygaroadmr: I've queued builds to see what I got wrong21:25
zygaroadmr: but it builds for me21:25
zygaroadmr: though, not in pbuilder, I was too lazy21:25
zygaroadmr: if you can check it in sbuild that'd be great too21:25
roadmrzyga: hahah :) use sbuild! it's 3 commands to set up21:25
zygaroadmr: I need to take a break21:25
zygaroadmr: thanks for the help21:25
* zyga EODs at 22:2521:25
roadmrzyga: good night :)21:26
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zygabarry: is it sane for python3 only package to build-dep on python2-minial to get pyversions which it is _not_ using as needed by python_distutils.pm, see: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5597227/ at line 85121:57
ScottKzyga: No21:57
zygaScottK: is that a build system bug?21:58
ScottKIt's a lack of python3 support in debhelper.21:58
zygaScottK: shouldn't debhelper then depend on python2-minimal?21:59
barrypybuild perhaps21:59
ScottKYou only need it if you are building something for python.21:59
ScottKI think you're solving the wrong problem.21:59
zygabarry: you mean switch to --buildsystem=pybuild?21:59
zygaScottK: well, as the pastbin shows: it fails to build, and I'm building a python3 only app22:00
barryzyga: that's probably the way to go in the long run, yes22:00
barryzyga: sorry, i am just slammed right now, with only a day and an hour of work time before pycon :/22:00
zygabarry: thanks, sorry22:00
* roadmr pops up his ears22:00
ScottKzyga: build system distutils doesn't know about python3.22:01
zygaScottK: I'm not sure how that works, where does --with=python3 come from? I'm trying to see what's missing the dependency - our package or part of the build system22:01
ScottKzyga: Where's the package?22:01
ScottK(or pastebin your debian/rules)22:02
zygaScottK: the code is in lp:~checkbox-dev/checkbox/plainbox-packaging22:02
zygaroadmr: could you pastebin that please?22:02
* zyga is on a tiny netbook where any browser hurts22:02
zyga(which is ironic given the name)22:02
zygaScottK: that's only the debain package mind you, the code is in lp:checkbox (in the plainbox directory)22:02
roadmrzyga, ScottK : http://paste.ubuntu.com/5597238/22:02
ScottKzyga: Here's one that works - http://paste.ubuntu.com/5597241/22:04
zygaScottK: sorry, what does that mean?22:05
ScottKDon't use dh_auto_build/install22:05
ScottKSince DH doesn't konw about python3, auto_* will not DTRT.22:05
zygawould adding --without=python2 be appropriate?22:05
* zyga is very confused about how that all works but that's fine 22:05
zygaroadmr: ^^22:05
zygaroadmr: so I guess we can drop dh_auto_{build,install} and do that manually22:06
zygaroadmr: if you can try to solve that and push the packaging branch that'd be a good EOD :)22:06
ScottKNote that there's no need to do per python3 version build/install for pure python3 code.22:07
zygathat's  cool22:07
zygaso we can drop most of the complexity22:07
zygathanks for the tip!22:07
roadmrzyga: ok I can try :)22:09
zygaroadmr: thanks22:09
zygaroadmr: the build script should help you do that quickly, then you can check sbuild for correctness22:09
roadmrzyga: anyway my raring sbuild complained that python2-minimal is not installable ;(22:10
micahgthere's python-minimal and python2.7-minimal22:12
micahgthough in raring, I don't think you'd want either22:13
ScottKCertainly not for a python3 application.22:17
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