[16:13] OK, this is weird. I have an upstart job that starts a SSH tunnel to a host. But I can't stop it! [16:14] it was running, and when I "stop JOBNAME" it, the ssh process is still running. [16:14] ebel: probably tracking wrong pid. [16:14] ebel: compare ps output with `status yourjobname`. Do the pids match? [16:15] http://pastebin.com/9XghsZFu FYI this is the /etc/init/JOBNAME.conf [16:16] xnox: ah, yeah, different pids... [16:16] I should use "expect" here [16:16] I read that part of manual, but I thought ssh would stay in foreground.... [16:17] after I 'stop JOBNAME' it, the process is still running. But if I kill the PID, then a new one starts up again [16:34] ebel: you should not need expect [16:34] ebel: you don't need to use sudo [16:35] ebel: setuid svn_ssh is all you need there [16:36] ebel: a whole raft of things wrong with that upstart job. [16:36] ebel: 1: start on startup means you will start before networking, before filesystems are mounted, before EVERYTHING [16:36] ebel: you want 'start on runlevel [2345]' [16:36] this is my first attempt at an upstart job... [16:36] ebel: oh and two start ons means 'start on startup' isn't actually going to be used, so 'started network-services' will be used [16:37] ebel: I have almost the exact same thing... I use keep-one-running to keep mine up though, because upstart is too eager to give up with respawn [16:39] gah, i've stopped the upstart job, and the ssh process is still there. i keep trying to kill it but something is respawning it.... [16:40] http://paste.ubuntu.com/5596412/ [16:40] ebel: thats what I use to keep a tunnel up (changed to use some of your values ;) [16:40] ebel: note that I have vmstat 30 doing my alive interval ;) [16:41] hm, I guess -TN would have been better :) [16:41] ebel: anyway, I've been using that job for a couple of years now [16:42] thanks [16:44] gah, now it says "unknown job" when I try to start it... [16:45] anyway to do a syntax check or something? [16:46] ebel: init-checkconf [16:47] don't have that command [16:48] ubuntu 10.04 server [17:09] ebel: oohhh [17:09] ebel: then you do need sudo :-P [17:09] ebel: you know.. 12.04 released almost a year ago.. :) [17:09] ;) [17:33] is there anyway to see if it's upstart that's restarting/respawning this ssh process? is there logs or something? [17:44] ebel: initctl log-priority info [17:44] ebel: though I think default logging priority would show upstart messages on respawn [17:46] where are the logs? [17:46] restarting the server is maybe an option, but don't want to have to [17:47] ah syslog [17:50] feck it, rebooting server [17:50] hit it with a big hammer