[00:00] * JoseeAntonioR uploads [00:04] http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/8540920476/ [00:06] philipballew, hey [00:06] sorry I missed you ping earlier [00:06] I am actually laughing, ah :) [00:06] happy to hop on another call [00:07] pleia2, lol, I just saw your tweet [00:07] blame jcastro [00:07] hehe [00:08] jono, I am happy to hop onto one as well. When works best for you? [00:08] JoseeAntonioR, I still laugh at the 28 individual stamps I put on that package when I mailed it to you. [00:09] hi guys! [00:09] philipballew: that was weird! [00:09] pleia2, omg that shirt is awesome!!! [00:09] yeah, that is an attention grabbing shirt pleia2 [00:09] JoseeAntonioR, I had a box of stamps and I figured why not use them. [00:09] philipballew, next week is better if that is ok [00:10] that would be perfect for me. Let shoot for next Friday? [00:12] I am pretty flexible with a schedule though jono [00:12] philipballew, cool, maybe I can just grab you next week one afternoon? [00:12] philipballew, next fri works [00:13] how about 2pm? [00:13] jono, Yeah, next friday at 2pm works great! [00:13] Ill add it to my calender [00:14] my school friends always say it's 'huhu' (as per the spanish pronunciation) and laugh at the code :P [00:14] philipballew, cool [00:15] jono: I told her she should wear the shirt backwards [00:15] normally ???? comes before $profit [00:15] bug patched ^ [00:16] jono: this bbqpad looks good... Totally going to use it next week when I grill [00:16] :D [00:16] added a cook already [00:16] bkerensa: did you get my review [00:16] bkerensa, awesome! [00:16] cjohnston: yeah I will re-propose later tonight.... I'm done for the remainder of the day :) need to go find some good beer and food [00:16] bkerensa, gonna organize a chicken cook off in a few weeks :-) [00:17] oh [00:17] after the week I need some beer [00:17] * AlanBell locks up the chickens [00:17] maybe I will wait then... chicken is my fav the grill [00:17] night all o/ [00:17] fav to grill* [00:17] jono: I have only seen your pork so it would be interesting to see your chick food porn [00:17] chicken* [00:17] fml... my typing is getting worse... time to go [00:17] :D [00:18] * bkerensa vanishes [00:18] * philipballew has worse typing then anyone here [00:19] bkerensa, :-) [02:11] Good morning community [02:11] Hello vibhav [02:11] hey smartboyhw [02:40] smartboyhw, vibhav hey hey === jono is now known as Guest6102 [11:53] Morning [11:53] popey: o/ [11:53] popey: people showed! [11:53] lots of discussions happening :D [11:53] o/ [11:54] popey, czajkowski showed what? [11:54] smartboyhw: hackntalk [11:54] czajkowski, :) [11:54] Huzzah! [11:55] * popey is having some family time [11:56] aqwww nice [11:56] I need a me day [11:57] spent an hour laying on the bed listening to an audio book with sam [11:57] * popey makes lunch [11:58] awww nice === smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw [14:59] popey: can you dm me lauras email address I dont seem t have it [14:59] please [15:00] Happy birthday mhall119 ! [15:03] * mhall119 hugs popey [15:03] :) [15:04] mhall119, happy birthday to you;P [15:08] thanks smartboyhw [15:13] flashing a phablet :) [15:13] yay for xnox :D [15:14] czajkowski, :D [15:38] pleia2: lol, I can get you another one for "display" reasons, hahah [16:19] mhall119: May your worst enemy suffer today [16:19] Happy Birthday! [16:22] vibhav: mhall119's first enemy is render.py XD [16:28] :D [17:20] daker: All our worst enemies are render.py. [17:20] *is [17:21] The last enemy to be conquered is not death, it's render.py [20:00] mhall119: happy birthday! [21:48] pleia2: http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Mark-Shuttleworth-on-Ubuntu-releases-the-sky-is-not-falling-1818478.html [22:06] I'm glad that one didn't pit mark and I as some kind of enemies :) [22:06] there were others that did ? [22:06] the slashdot felt a bit weird [22:08] ah not seen that [22:08] http://news.slashdot.org/story/13/03/08/1413200/shuttleworth-on-ubuntu-community-drama [22:10] ahh [22:10] heh [22:10] interesting [22:12] (also, getting slashdotted isn't what it once was, my webserver did fine, so disappointed! ;)) [22:13] lol [22:13] Ive had a nice drama free day [22:13] was rather nice tbh after the week of it [22:13] I went to the pool, weather is amazing today [22:13] had the first ever hackntalk event [22:14] oh yes! how did that go? [22:14] yeah weather less amazing :) [22:14] congrats :) [22:14] had 32 people arrive [22:14] and had 9 talks [22:14] :D [22:14] and only one was ubuntu related and that was flashing the phablet :D [22:14] so means there is a market for an open source quarterly event here :D [22:14] yay! [22:16] aye, needed it tbh after the week, nver have I felt so demotivaed after the comments on blogs/social media [22:16] never have I felt like giving up so much [22:16] the work I do on the LC and the CC felt so underapreciated and worthless [22:19] yeah :( [22:20] I think that's something we all forget (myself included); there's people at the other end of those decisions [22:21] snap-l: yeah, it's easy to paint canonical as the big bad, but they are people (and friends!) [22:21] It's easy to target a group. [22:22] ok, time to put away the IRC and enjoy the sunshine [22:23] Have fun! [22:23] * snap-l is moving in to a new /home (drive) [22:23] 1TB Western Digital spinny Caviar Black